
This is a rush transcript of "Ingraham Angle" on October 13, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: OK. Well - ok, so I got you this hoodie because I know you. When you do Krav Maga, you need to like - when you're outside, you like to get warmed up quickly because you don't want to wreck your muscles and all your muscle tone that you--

HANNITY: I usually wear a heavy sweatshirt when I work right. I do.

INGRAHAM: Right. So I got you this. Funny note, all goes to--

HANNITY: I can't see it right now. I have to wait for the delay in the monitor that's down there.

INGRAHAM: It says, freedom matters. It's really cool, but--

HANNITY: Oh, it's orange too. I like that. Very nice.

INGRAHAM: But I understand because - listen, listen, listen for a second. Stop talking. OK, you never stop talking. You're like talking, talking, talking. Stop talking.

HANNITY: Are you done?

INGRAHAM: OK. So I understand your pectoralis muscles are so hulkingly big that the XXL we sent you is not need big enough. So I got to get them to make an XXXL in the freedom matters for Hannity's wide chest muscles - because you did knuckle push ups. I'm hearing all these stories about you in studio. Oh my - it's actually weird. You have some obsession with knuckle push ups in the studio and it's very odd.


INGRAHAM: It's very strange. So, forgive me, it's comparably going to be too tight for you.

HANNITY: Well, I do about 250 a day at least. 250 setups, we hit the heavy bag bare fisted and (inaudible) Would you like more?

INGRAHAM: Well, anyway, and there's a second part of this. But this is for tomorrow, the second part of the prank. And it goes with your salmon colored tie that I see you're wearing. That's - you're very confident in your masculinity with that. That's very confident.

HANNITY: You don't like it?

INGRAHAM: Yes. (inaudible)

HANNITY: By the way, you're making me out. I am actually more fit than I've ever been in any point of my life. If I could just get rid of the stupid injuries occasionally, I'd be a lot better off.

INGRAHAM: All right. More injuries. All right. Hannity, you're the best.

HANNITY: Have a great show.

INGRAHAM: All right. Talk to you tomorrow. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight.

Our interview with the Loudoun County, Virginia, father last night over what he alleged happened to his daughter in a bathroom forced the school system to respond today. We're going to bring you that update. Plus, you'll hear from the parents who were there with unique insight.

And a massive media cover up involving a Supreme Court justice. And why is Kamala twisting history for Native peoples? Of course, it's Raymond Arroyo. He has it in "Seen and Unseen'.

But first, the Biden who stole Christmas. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: And with the holidays coming up, you might be wondering if gifts you plan to buy will arrive on time. Well, let me explain. Supply chains essentially mean how we make things and how the material in parts get delivered to factory, a factory, so we can manufacture things and manufacture them here. How we move things, how a finished product moves from a factory to a store to your home.


INGRAHAM: Oh, hi. Thank the good Lord that we have Joe Biden as president to state the obvious. Doesn't it sound like a seventh grade book report, explaining what a supply chain? And he offered a simple solution by the way, what if we strongly encourage the ports and companies to operate 24/7?


BIDEN: The night hours are critical for increasing the movement of goods because highways, highways are less crowded at evening, at night. So by increasing the number of late night hours of operation and opening up for less crowded hours when the goods can move faster, today's announcement has the potential to be a game changer.


INGRAHAM: Wait a second. Is he saying that the roads are less crowded in the middle of the night? You're kidding me, who knew?

The truth is though, strongly encouraging 24/7 operations, it doesn't help when they don't have the workers to physically move the freight from one container to the other container. Now, one terminal that did allow for overnight working from 3am to 7am reports that it still had zero deliveries, even it did go into the wee hours of the morning.

Well, guess what? You pay people to stay off the job and, shocker, they'll stay off the job. It's funny how that works. Now, combine all this with soaring inflation and you really have a total mess on your hands. Well, couldn't say the ANGLE didn't try to warn you back in May.


INGRAHAM: Last week after that abysmal jobs report, Biden tried to tell us that the economy, remember, was going in the right direction? Well, now that narrative is totally been blown up. Today's inflation number shows us just how wrong Biden was, and we obviously didn't need a stimulus package earlier in the year.

If you don't want to listen to the ANGLE, well, listen to Democrat economist, Larry Summers.

LARRY SUMMERS, FORMER DIRECTOR OF THE NATIONAL ECONOMIC COUNCIL: There is a fiscal theory that looks at the ultimate consequences of deficits, that is flashing a red alarm. If you look at houses, if you look at used cars, if you look at commodities, if you look at labor shortages, if you look at businesses reporting price increases, signs are of inflation starting to break out.


INGRAHAM: Why does Janet Yellen still have her job? And sure enough, Biden's people were wrong. Yellen on down. The inflation that they saw, that they said was transitory, wasn't. And we learned today that year-over- year price inflation in September was the highest it's been since January 1991.

OK, I graduated from law school in 1991. That was a long time ago. Gas is now up 42 percent, steak 22 percent, egg prices rose nearly 13 percent. Don't you wish you kept that old clunker. By the way, used car prices jumped 24 percent.

So the prediction from Biden's own team when seeing all this in its totality is that heating bills will rise 54 percent this winter. And their answer by the way is to double down on climate change programs and government spending that will only drive these prices higher. And even if your grandmother risks, I don't know, dying of hypothermia, Joe says, this is no time to be short sighted.


BIDEN: We need to take a longer view though than invest in building greater resilience to withstand the kinds of shocks we've seen over and over, year- in and year-out, whether it's the pandemic, extreme weather, climate change. It also means companies throughout the supply chain like maritime, air freight and trucking companies, reduce their carbon emissions, and help to meet our climate change goals.


INGRAHAM: Translation. If they pass this massive spendorama, their friends are going to get fat contracts to produce green products in China that ultimately no one really wants here. Even as China will continue to burn coal and ultimately build and grow its economy, get richer.

Meanwhile, what about those Christmas gifts?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is that everything being announced today?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And this administration guaranteed that holiday packages will arrive on time.

PSAKI: They're not the postal service, or UPS, or FedEx. We cannot guarantee.


INGRAHAM: No guarantees in life. The Grinch has nothing on these people. The fact is the Biden administration has broken our economy. And now, they plan to make things worse by ramming through trillions more in spending. And get this, the feds took in record at mounting tax revenues last fiscal year. But now they want to raise your taxes, because the monster always has to be fed. They took in $4 trillion.

Unfortunately, for the rest of us though, the press refuses to report and chooses instead to distort. Today, CNN clung desperately to some polling data that they think shows signs of hope for Biden.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The President standing is a bit stronger than some other recent polling suggests. 50 percent in our brand new poll releasing right now approve, 49 percent disapprove. So an even split in our polarized times, the Biden White House would say, you'd like to be a little better. But that's not so bad.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not so bad, except for this teeny tiny little detail. Only 25 percent, one in four think if the Democrats passed this big bill, it's going to make my life better from day-to-day. Only 25 percent think that, a third say I'd be worse off. 43 percent say about the same.

President has to do a better job selling how this would impact your life.


INGRAHAM: Sell sand in the desert. What a pathetic and lazy analysis of this situation. Biden's problem is in his lame messaging. Biden's problem is his ideas will only make life harder for the average American. It's a substantive problem.

Biden is trying to use the coming Christmas shortage as justification for passing an infrastructure bill. But the truth is exactly the opposite. Because the inflation situation is so severe, we cannot afford to be dumping trillions of dollars in new federal spending into an overstimulated market. Where the worker is going to come from, where the supply is going to come from?

If you start pumping more money into this economy right now, all you're going to create is a demand spike that will cause prices to spiral and shortages will ultimately get worse. By this team of nincompoops have it exactly wrong.

First, you have to get inflation under control. Then and only then could you maybe start thinking about increased spending. For now, inflation, not infrastructure has to be the priority, or we're going to go right off the cliff. Republicans who voted for it, you got to turn around now, all 19 of you.

Now, we saw the same dynamic at play for Biden with the Afghanistan withdrawal. Now, the basic goal getting out of Afghanistan did make sense. But they approached it, of course, in the most idiotic manner. And here, it may make sense to build more infrastructure later on, but trying to spend enormous amounts of new federal money at a time of soaring inflation will be a catastrophe for us.

Biden and the Democrats are going to be stealing our children's future. Just like The Grinch in the middle of the night, slithering around those presents, taking everything in sight.


INGRAHAM: And unlike the cartoon, Biden won't see the folly of his ways, or have a change of heart in the end. And that's the ANGLE.

All right. Joining me now, Larry Kudlow, host of 'Kudlow' on Fox Business, former Trump economic adviser. I know he's a big fan of The Grinch. Larry, let me get this straight here. They're going to address this supply shortage by securing agreements with Walmart, FedEx and others for 24/7 operations. But don't they already have 24/7 operations? What is this?

LARRY KUDLOW, HOST OF THE "KUDLOW": Yes. I think those companies probably do. I'm sure that FedEx and you [ph] guessed who--

INGRAHAM: That's some point at FedEx.

KUDLOW: I mean, I - that's the business they're in, overnight delivery. So, I don't know, the retailers may or may not, I'm not sure. But here's the thing. The government can't get anything right. The problem was the Port of Los Angeles was not open. So you could put all the people you want in there, but you couldn't open the boxes of the containers and try to put them in trucks to drive away in all those deserted roads that the President talked about. You couldn't do that until they stay open.

So that's a government thing. And I guess they're going to change that. Good for them. I just want to say one other thing here. These private companies, they're great companies, ok, FedEx, and UPS, and Walmart, and Target, and so forth. They are lending their hand, they're trying to help out, they'll do 24/7. They are actually sending their own planes with their own pilots. They're sending their own trucks with their own drivers. And Biden is such a snark. In that press conference you showed, he just starts going on if the private sector doesn't do what we want them to do, then they will see what we are going to do to them.

INGRAHAM: Yes, Larry, we have the soundbite. Let's play it. Let's play it, so people know what you're talking about. Roll it.


BIDEN: We need the rest of the private sector chain to step up as well. If federal support is needed, I will direct all appropriate actions. And if the private sector doesn't step up, we're going to call them out and ask them to act.


INGRAHAM: Well, this is what they always do, Larry. Just like with the COVID deal.

KUDLOW: Unbelievable.

INGRAHAM: They want to power on shame and intimidation, shame and intimidation.

KUDLOW: I mean, he can't help himself. He's got a snark, the very private companies that are there to save his keister. OK. And it really is tragic that he does not understand how good American businesses are, and can be. And I don't know if they're going to solve this problem. You don't have enough longshoremen, you don't have enough truck drivers. I'm trying to be optimistic about it. You could open up the container cartons and get it out there.

INGRAHAM: We don't have employees, Larry. Larry, Larry, Larry, they have a shortage of pilots, of health care workers, in some cases, teachers, nurses, and now for a lot of reasons, including sometimes their vaccine issues as well. They're not getting the workers there. OK. So that's just a fact.

KUDLOW: Well, I don't know whether UPS, or FedEx has enough workers. I don't know that. They will surely pay high wages to get workers in the period ahead if they haven't already. I'm just saying, Joe Biden has such dislike for American free enterprise and these private companies.

Remember this, you know this. Donald Trump worked with the private drug companies to develop a vaccine that literally saved America in six months. That was a public-private partnership. He didn't rank them out. He didn't snark them out when he invited them over to the White House, the way Biden does, and he didn't walk - talk behind their back. And they deliver, and they - Biden, he wants to tax these companies to death. He wants to regulate these companies to death. And by the way, he wants $5 trillion in spending, which, - you know, I think you're right, Laura. You're coming along on your economic analysis.

INGRAHAM: Oh, get out. I'm going to (inaudible)

KUDLOW: I don't think $5 trillion in additional spending is going to reduce the inflation rate. I really don't. And I think polls show, most Americans think it's going to raise the inflation rate.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Janet Yellen spoke last night, the treasury secretary, who last heard thought inflation was transitory. Watch.


JANET YELLEN, TREASURY SECRETARY: I believe it's transitory, but I don't mean to suggest that these pressures will disappear in the next month or two. Our supply chains are very stressed. We get the pandemic under control, the global economy comes back, these pressures will mitigate and I believe will go back to normal levels.


INGRAHAM: Larry, how long can she claim that this is transitory? I mean, I take Larry Summers' analysis of the situation over hers any day.

KUDLOW: Yes. I mean - I think summers was right. He was ahead of the curve. I don't know how Janet Yellen with a straight face, who believes that climate change is an existential threat, and who wants to have a $3 trillion tax hike, which will damage, destroy our economy and the Europeans, if they go along with it.

But here's the other piece, the Federal Reserve, Yellen used to run the central bank, they are pumping money in as though we were still in an emergency.


KUDLOW: And we're not in emergency. So, I'm concerned, I'm really concerned that what could be pandemic-related price increases. I may know as these polls get jammed up, ok. But if the fed keeps pouring money in, that is going to cause a major inflation, while the tax hikes throw the economy into recession. Those are the risks here.

INGRAHAM: Larry, Trump's policies that you helped advocate for and push through, worked. People not - didn't like his tweets, they didn't like this or that, his policies worked. We know how to grow the economy and grow wages, keep China back on its heels and shut the border. We know how to do it. He doesn't want to do it. And as a result, he don't want to do it.

KUDLOW: Did you see those revenue numbers today? Unbelievable revenues.

INGRAHAM: $4 trillion.

KUDLOW: Lower taxes produce more revenues.

INGRAHAM: Thank you. $4 trillion. We don't need more money spent. No, it's - fortunately, no record number.

KUDLOW: Corporate tax revenues were not - 75 percent increase in corporate taxes.

INGRAHAM: Yes, Larry. The beast always needs to be fed, though. You got to keep pumping money into the beast. To the money they are always hungry. Larry, great to see you tonight as always.

And with the $3.5 billion behemoth spending bill Larry just talked about, Democrats are trying to increase the cost of everything. And ultimately, it will bankrupt the next generation, steal the next generation.

The following priorities in this legislation include $8 billion bucks for a civilian climate corps. It's going to act basically as a taxpayer funded leftist police force. $4 billion for equity, love that word, in electric vehicle charging and tree planting. What? $643 million will go toward procuring culturally appropriate foods, I kid you not, for school lunches, forget chicken tenders and Friday pizza, I guess. Free community college for illegals, of course. They'll be eligible for child tax credits as well.

My personal favorite, though, and this is a drop in the bucket for the federal government. $15 million for National Resource Centers focused on providing services for older individuals who are underserved due to their sexual orientation, or gender identity. Hmm. Every so often, we're going to show you how the left hopes to waste your tax dollars and that's it.

Last night, I spoke exclusively to a Loudoun County father, who says his daughter was sexually assaulted in a school bathroom by a boy who was wearing a skirt. What followed was his arrest. He was arrested at a school board meeting and a potential cover up by local officials.

In moments, we're going to speak to two parents who know the Smith family well, what they've been through and have some very unique insight about what's happening. Stay there.



SCOTT SMITH, LOUDOUN COUNTY PARENT: This happened in the last week of May, and then school ended. And the school board and the school system just went on summer break and abandoned us. My wife and I had to spend the entire summer rebuilding our daughter. Unfortunately, there was a couple rough nights. It was, it was, it was hell.


INGRAHAM: That was last night during an INGRAHAM ANGLE exclusive. Loudoun County parent Scott Smith recounted his family's pain and suffering after his daughter, he says, was sexually assaulted in a girl's bathroom by a boy who entered wearing a skirt. More shocking, Smith says the school board and the county's Soros funded prosecutor tried to cover it all up.

Of course, after hearing such disturbing allegations, we reached out to both offices. No word yet from Commonwealth attorney Buta Biberaj. But the school board's response was truly despicable. First, they lied about it. "Members were not aware of the specific details of this incident until it was reported in media outlets earlier this week."

Then came the excuses. "LCPS is prohibited from disciplining any student without following the Title IX grievance policies, which include investigating complaints of sexual harassment and sexual assault." They concluded by saying, Scott Smith deserved to be arrested for trying to speak about his daughter.

"We were unable to locate any records that indicate that Scott Smith had registered in advance to speak at the June 22 board meeting." So he didn't register. That's the reason.

Joining me now are two Loudoun County parents, who know the Smiths. Patti Menders and Erin Dunbar. Ladies, thank you for - both of you for coming on tonight.

Patti, now you say the school board's claim that it didn't know about sexual assault allegations until this week is bogus. How do you know that? Why do you know that?

PATTI MENDERS, LOUDOUN COUNTY MOTHER: So I've lived in Loudoun County for 23 years, and I asked a former school board member. She said to us that the school board is very aware of any disciplinary actions, especially violent and sexual in nature.

So the fact that the incident happened at the high school, the principal was obviously alerted, then they went to law enforcement. It is automatically sent to the superintendent and the school board. So the fact that they said that they did not know at the June 22 meeting is wrong.

INGRAHAM: Erin, when I first heard that last night, it took my breath away. I think if you don't know that a girl says, she was raped. We're not going to recount how it happened and what the actual descriptive content of that assault was. It was idiocy, made me want to cry.

If they didn't know about it, they all should tender the resignations, frankly. They should all go.

ERIN DUNBAR, LOUDOUN COUNTY MOTHER: I agree. I agree. I mean, honestly, the superintendent is kind of the last line of defense for our kids as far as the school disciplinary process. And the fact that he's just falling on the excuse that, we didn't know until you all found out is just ridiculous.

INGRAHAM: Now, Petti, last year Democrats passed a bill that would end a requirement for Virginia schools to report all crimes on campus. And here's the bill sponsor delegate Michael Mullen on what crimes would be exempt.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Which misdemeanors are no longer going to be required to be reported to law enforcement. It is sexual battery, stalking, violation of a protective order. And I can't recall the other two off the top of my head.


INGRAHAM: Oh, how convenient, Patti. In other words, the very crimes that Loudoun County tried to cover up, they wouldn't have to report under this new law.

MENDERS: That's correct. House Bill 257 was created by a Democrat. It was passed, and the governor, Northam, who was also a Democrat, he signed off on it. So I blame the Democrats for posing this bill that prevents the superintendent and the principal from telling law enforcement. So look what happened to the poor Smith family.

INGRAHAM: Tell us about that, Patti. What - Mr. Smith came on last night. He's obviously still, you don't blame him, incredibly emotional about this. And it's unimaginable. What are they going through?

MENDERS: So, imagine your daughter being raped and sodomized in a school. You put your children on that bus and you hope and pray that they are safe. They're supposed to be safe in a school environment. And this boy says that he's bisexual and wears a skirt enters the girl's bathroom and does this to their daughter. Can you imagine the rage that any parent would have? And the school did not greet him very well. And he was not allowed in. Then he attended the school board meeting, and you can see how he was treated. It is a disgrace that this poor man and this family was treated like this. They went silent this summer, and then they found out about this same predator went after and did the same exact acts to another girl at another high school. And they said enough being silent.

And I actually had lunch with them on Monday. We set up a GoFundMe account for them, and the community is supporting this family because we blame the superintendent, the school board, and Democrats in Richmond for allowing this bill to give all of this hush-hush cover-up.

INGRAHAM: All the suburban women out there who you know I'll never vote Republican. You want to know why someone like Glenn Youngkin is a candidate you should look at, seriously look at in this gubernatorial race? Because girls are being threatened and hurt, and they are covering it up in these school systems.

Erin, some media are actually pushing this narrative that you as a concerned parent, in general concerned parents at school board meetings, are threats. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How brazen are the calls to violence in and around the school boards?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They are explicit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People convening on our public schools and trying to convert them into some kind of sick, political theatrical battlefield for their cosplay.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have to respond to these folk not by saying that they are just simply marginal voice, but to respond to them as the threats that they represent to our democracy.


INGRAHAM: Erin, so now you guys, essentially, are threats to the democracy and instigating other acts of violence as a girl is being raped and sodomized, two different girls on two different occasions.

ERIN DUNBAR, LOUDOUN COUNTY MOTHER: Right. So I have two different daughters in the public school system, and the fact that this school board would sit there and ban parents from coming to the school board meetings because they don't wear a mask, but they're going to allow a child that was accused of assaulting and raping another children to go back into school system and be there with other children and have access to them, it's a travesty. I can't believe this is what we're dealing with. And they're accusing us of being the threat when really, to me, it's the Loudoun County school board that is the threat to us and to our children.

INGRAHAM: Every school board in commonwealth of Virginia better be looking at itself right now. We've got a big gubernatorial race coming up, all these suburbs, all these women voters, look hard at what is happening we're. Patty and Erin, you're brave and thank you for speaking out. We'll stay in touch with you obviously as this goes on.

Katie Couric admitting to editing a Supreme Court justice for political purposes. And why is "The Squid Game" the most popular streaming series ever. Raymond Arroyo has it, answers. "Seen and Unseen" next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. And for that we turn to FOX News analyst Raymond Arroyo.

All right, Raymond, Netflix just score the biggest series launch ever? It's some Korean show called "Squid Game." Why the heck is it so popular? I probably don't want to know.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: It's certainly not the series itself. I watched the gory proceedings, Laura, so you wouldn't have to, including the subtitles. I was actually bored by it. But it had 101 million downloads in one month, which I have a theory about. "Squid Game" concerns destitute people who compete in lethal games for cash. It's like a bloody "Hunger Games" with really hungry people.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Those who win all six games will receive a handsome cash prize.



ARROYO: Laura, there is more killing in this thing than an O'Reilly book. But there is a reason people are gravitating to "Squid Game," and it isn't the great acting. With the economy faltering, with people struggling and separated, it speaks, I think, to the desperation and anxiety people are feeling. It's also a dystopian allegory for the moment when we are all running for our lives and trying to stay in the game. That said, it's really gross, really bloody. I tuned out after the first episode, and it has all the artistic merit of a "Purge" film.

INGRAHAM: You know what it reminds me of in just looking at those little clips? It reminds me of some of the old disaster movies from the 70s. Obviously there's more, but it's so fake looking.

ARROYO: Yes, it is. It's almost cartoonish.

INGRAHAM: Right, because you have to laugh. But I don't want to put any images in my mind of violence. I can't do it. I just can't do it.

ARROYO: And with the bad overdub, it almost feels like a Godzilla movie at times the way it plays out.

But look, so long as we're talking with bad productions, Katie Couric in her new tell all admits to editing a Yahoo! interview with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She asked RBG about the kneeling protest during football games. Ginsburg told her, quote, "Anthem protests show a contempt for a government that has made it possible for their parents and grandparents to live a decent life, which they probably could not have lived in the places they came from."

Couric didn't like that answer, Laura, so she cut it from her piece to, quote, "protect the justice." She writes in her memoir Ginsburg was 83 at the time, "elderly, and probably didn't fully understand the question." Can you imagine?


ARROYO: So she simply omitted it to fit her political narrative. And that's not the first time Katie Couric has done this kind of thing, Laura.

INGRAHAM: I think you just hit on a great point there, Raymond, is this happens all the time in the media. They edit people all the time, either to distort what they're saying, the people are saying, or to amplify the one thing they agree with them on, or to cut out something like this. But I don't think that's very nice of you, Raymond, to say that.

ARROYO: Let the woman speak. If you honor the interview, let them speak. But Couric in 2016, she was interviewing gun owners. She cut it so it looked they couldn't answer her question. She was called out on it. Thank goodness they had the audio.

Now, Kamala Harris, Laura, following on her staged space video, is continuing to create new side narrative. Yesterday, she didn't talk about the border crisis or rising inflation or the shipping delays. No, she had far bigger seafarers to fry.


KAMALA HARRIS, (D) VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The United States has recognized the voyage of the European explorers who first landed on the shores of the Americas. But that is not the whole story. Those explorers ushered in a wave of devastation for tribal nations, perpetrating violence, stealing land, and spreading disease. We must not shy away from this shameful past, and we must shed light on it.


ARROYO: This was part of her indigenous people's day proclamation, Laura, but it's hard to miss the sleight of hand here. It's a lot easier to talk about past sins than the current ones we're going through now. And let's not forget, if we're going to talk about waves of devastation, much of it has been caused right now by the policies of this administration and the Congress.

She also portrays Columbus and the Native Americans in a completely ahistorical light. They were all warmongers, they were all killers. This is what that age did. To think that all of the tribes were peace loving and letting the corn grow. They were killing each other and moving each other off of property. That's what happened here.

INGRAHAM: Did she talk about how certain native peoples were also incredibly vicious to each other?

ARROYO: Right.

INGRAHAM: Was that mentioned? Or that just got --


INGRAHAM: No, of course not.


INGRAHAM: And before we go, Raymond, there was a big announcement from the archbishop of the military archdiocese about COVID mandates. What happened, quickly?

ARROYO: Yes, Archbishop Timothy Broglio was initially really supportive of the military's vaccine mandate, but this week he clarified his statement. He said no one should be forced to receive a COVID-19 vaccine if it would violate the sanctity of his or her conscience. This is a big deal for Catholic troops seeking a religious exemption, Laura, and a very reasonable approach.

INGRAHAM: My gosh, if we have to celebrate that, of course they should say that. We're kind of at a point now where the Catholic church should have been what they ran on, so to speak. Come on.

ARROYO: The courts look to religious leaders to define whether an exemption is possible is not. The Pope deprived these troops of it. The archbishop is trying to reestablish it, I think.

INGRAHAM: The meeting with Nancy Pelosi was really -- that was also a scam. Raymond, thank you.

ARROYO: Good Christmas card for her.

INGRAHAM: Exactly.

After Texas Governor Greg Abbott banned vax mandates in his state, Texas based corporations just ignored him, instead taking Biden's side. I wonder how that works. How will the lone star state respond now? Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick will tell us next.


INGRAHAM: With the Biden administration's vaccine mandates roiling the workforce and fomenting unnecessary division, Republican governors are stepping into the void. Two days ago, Texas Governor Greg Abbott became the latest to ban vaccine mandates even in private businesses. The reaction from the White House yesterday was predictable.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Governor Abbott knows that federal rules supersede state rules. So why do you think he did this?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Can you elaborate?

PSAKI: Well, I think it's pretty clear when you make a choice that's against all public health information and data out there that it's not based what is in the interests of the people you are governing. It's perhaps in the interest of your own politics.


INGRAHAM: But sadly, when given the choice between freedom and tyranny, corporate America is increasingly opting for the latter as long as they can still make money. Three of the largest companies in Texas, IBM, American Airlines, and Southwest are ignoring Governor Greg Abbott and following Biden on the vaccine mandates, saying they have no choice but to comply.


GARY KELLY, SOUTHWEST CEO: I've never been in favor of corporations imposing that kind of a mandate. I'm not in favor of that, never have been. But the executive order from President Biden mandates that all federal employees and then all federal contractors, which covers all the major airlines, have to have a mandate.


INGRAHAM: So he is not for the mandate, but he's feeling like he has to comply. He's not some raging liberal, it doesn't sound like, at least.

Joining me now, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick. Dan, what is happening here? Are they caught between a rock and a hard place, or was there a way for them to listen to Abbott and not to Biden here?

DAN PATRICK, (R) TEXAS LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR: I think they should listen to their employees. It's not about politics, quite frankly. It's about liberty. We are the most business friendly state in the country for the 10 years. Businesses flock to Texas for many reasons. We believe in businesses having the authority over their employees to run their businesses how they wish.

But we are also a liberty loving state for the individual, Laura. And I have been vaccinated. I believe in vaccinations. Over 70 percent of people over the age of 50 in Texas have been vaccinated. But in the population between 16 and 49, 56 percent of those people have been fully vaccinated. That means almost half. And that's your big segment of your working population, 16 to 49. And if people don't want a vaccine, that's their right. I own a business. I would never tell my employees they have to get a vaccination. And the idea that the president of the United States mandated this, putting these bigger companies in this position, was wrong. He said before he got elected he wouldn't do it. It's none of his damn business, quite frankly, how a person takes care of their health.

INGRAHAM: But the attacks on Texas today --

PATRICK: These employers need to stick with their employees.

INGRAHAM: Their attacks today on some of the other cable networks was basically that Abbott is trying to dictate what businesses do, which is -- the argument doesn't work because, of course, Biden is trying to dictate what businesses do as well. So your point is let freedom ring here? There's no reason to step in here at all.

PATRICK: Yes, stand with the individual, Laura. I have been consistent on this from day one. People have a right to make their own decisions. And the idea that you would take away someone's job, their career, their livelihood to put food on the table for their family because they believe -- and for whatever belief that is. That's up to them. They don't need to explain what their belief is. I don't want to take the show. Again, I encourage it, but if they don't want to take the shot, I am standing with them. Abbott is standing with them. And Texas legislators, I believe, will stand with the people of Texas.

Biden needs to butt out of our business. What he needs to do is focus on securing the border and these 50,000 patients who say they've declared war on us, and they don't care about our National Guard. Biden needs to pay attention to that. They're the risk, they're the danger to America, not that 30 percent or 40 percent of Americans who don't want to take the vaccination, many of which, Laura, have already had COVID, so they don't need the vaccination.

INGRAHAM: They don't believe in natural immunity.

PATRICK: I'll say to these companies, tell the president to stick it in his ear. You're going to stand with your employees. You will win your employees over by doing that.

INGRAHAM: You actually have employees, too.

And FOX's Bill Melugin, a stunning DHS document he released today, details on how many illegals have been released into the country. Since last August 6th, 31,977 were released via what's called parole. It gives them temporary legal status, makes them eligible for work permits. Dan, it's like 10 times that many. Real quick.

PATRICK: We've had more people cross the border illegally than we have unemployment. So in other words, for all these job openings we have that people aren't taking, Biden plans to fill them with illegals from Haiti and elsewhere. He needs to stand on the border. He needs to secure us. Let me tell you what's going to happen, Laura. There's going to be massive violence at some point in the future if Biden continue to let this happen - -

INGRAHAM: Dan, we've got to roll. Thank you.

PATRICK: -- and he'll be responsible.

INGRAHAM: All the Rolling Stones, we have an update about them. Woke? Yes?


INGRAHAM: It turns out the Rolling Stones No Filter tour is false advertising. It turns out they retired their classic song "Brown Sugar" at least temporarily. Mick Hagger says "We've played "Brown Sugar" every night since 1970, so sometimes you think we'll take that one out for now and see how it goes." But for decades, the Stones stood their ground.


MICK JAGGER, SINGER: Because rock music had been banned, it became more important. When you ban something, it becomes more important.


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