
This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on September 29, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is the INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight.

Virginia democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Terry McAuliffe made clear last night that he doesn't think parents should have a say in what their kids are learning in schools. No matter how depraved the content. Well, tonight, his opponent who's surging in the polls, Glenn Youngkin is here to exclusively respond.

And Obama breaks ground at his new presidential library and breaks with his former VP over the border. Raymond Arroyo has that and more, Seen and Unseen. But first, saving Lieutenant Colonel Scheller. That's the focus of tonight's "Angle".


STU SCHELLER SR, LT COL STUART SCHELLER'S FATHER: Our son called for accountability. It's no coincidence, in my opinion, that they put a gag order on him. And they put him in prison the day before they had to appear in front of senators, and tomorrow, in front of congressmen. I think that is fairly an active coward - cowardice.


INGRAHAM: In their appearance on the "Angle" last night, the parents of Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller rattled the public consciousness. 

Justifiably, their emotions run the gamut of theory and disbelief.


KATHY SCHELLER, LT COL STUART SCHELLER'S MOTHER: Can't talk to him. They don't allow him to make phone calls.

S SCHELLER: We talked to him for two minutes on Monday morning, when he asked us to contact his attorney. He got one phone call.

K SCHELLER: We have had no communication with him. He needs our help. His family needs our help. And we're asking the American people to write to their congressmen and say if it's not alright with them, then they want - we need you to say we want them to resign.


INGRAHAM: How can it be that a highly-respected 17-year marine with multiple tours of duty under his belt is sitting in the brig tonight for saying the obvious last month about our withdrawal from Afghanistan.


STUART SCHELLER, MARINE LIEUTENANT COLONEL: People are upset because their senior leaders let them down. And none of them are raising their hands and accepting accountability, or saying we messed this up.

I'm not saying, we've got to be in the - in Afghanistan forever. But I am saying, did any of you throw your rank on the table, and say, 'Hey, it's a bad idea to evacuate Bagram Airfield, a strategic airbase, before we evacuate everyone.'


INGRAHAM: Now, by making those comments publicly and then continuing to post comments on social media, some military law experts are saying that the lieutenant colonel likely, among other things, broke the chain of command.

Well, on Saturday, Scheller posted on his Facebook that his superiors had ordered him to stop posting on social media. He ended the post with 'I'm ready for jail'. Then he was tossed into the brig. Now, if anyone is truly guilty of breaking the chain of command, or disparaging the military, it's General Mark Milley.

Before and after the election, he hopscotched over the commander-in-chief to coordinate with his Chinese counterpart. And when Nancy said, Donald Trump was crazy, Milley said, he agreed. But Milley remains typically dismissive and defiant.


GENERAL MARK MILLEY, CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: At no time was I attempting to change, or influence the process, usurp authority, or insert myself in the chain of command. But I am expected, I am required to give my advice and ensure that the President is fully informed on military matters.


INGRAHAM: Now, who deserves to be held accountable here? A Marine Corps officer with a stellar career, yet still risked his pension and benefits to tell the truth about our competent military leadership, or Milley, the incompetent leader, whose own failure to speak out left 13 Americans dead?

They squawk about an insurrection, a three-hour insurrection on January 6. 

But what do you call a general and other officials trying to usurp the role of our commander-in-chief, because they hated the actual commander-in- chief. Seemed like House GOP members were watching last night, because today they confronted Milley and Defense Secretary Austin and CENTCOM commander McKenzie on the blatant double standard.


REP. MATT GAETZ (R-FL): When people in the military, like Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, stand up and demand accountability, when they say that you all screwed up, he ends up in the brig, and you all end up in front of us.

REP. MIKE JOHNSON (R-LA): The American people want and deserve accountability. And we even have service members, like Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Scheller, being thrown in the brig for suggesting that. The public's faith in our institutions continues to erode precisely, because everyone in the DC bubble appears to have some sort of immunity from the basic standards the rest of America is expected to live by.


INGRAHAM: For not taking accountability, we know that, but we're also never going to know how many hours Milley spent gabbing to the media.


SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN): Did you talk to Bob Woodward or Robert Costa for their book 'Peril'?

MILLEY: Woodward, Yes. Costa, no.

BLACKBURN: Did you talk to Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker for their book, 'I Alone Can Fix It'?


BLACKBURN: Did you talk to Michael Bender for his book, 'Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost'? Yes or no.


BLACKBURN: And were you accurately represented in these books?

Milley: I haven't read any of the books. So I don't know.


INGRAHAM: He was too busy reading Ibram Kendi apparently. But come on, who believes he didn't read any of the books even those pages where he was mentioned. He gave the interviews because he wanted to burnish his own reputation and protect his legacy for posterity.

In these hearings, Milley, Austin, McKenzie, they all look like football coaches on a five game losing streak. Those generals aren't leading anyone to victory.


LLOYD AUSTIN, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE: And I know that members of this committee will have questions on many things, such as, why we turned over Bagram Airfield. But in my view, there was - there is no, was no risk free status quo option.

GENERAL KENNETH MCKENZIE, HEAD OF THE U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND: I did not see any tactical utility to Bagram.


INGRAHAM: Imagine what China thinks of the great American War Machine led by these men? Not being able to secure an airbase long enough to do an orderly evacuation? Forcing our troops to do impossible perimeter security with doing ID checks with crowds crushing toward them?

Well, Milley did admit the obvious that the withdrawal was a strategic failure. You think? But he still doesn't believe anyone should be held accountable for it. And the Pentagon has admitted, they mistakenly killed

10 civilians, including seven kids in that drone attack. Same answer there, no accountability.

They might as well just said, our bad. But, of course, no one resigned. No one was fired. It's simply stunning. By contrast, Scheller and his parents accept that he broke the rules, even if his reasons were noble.


S SCHELLER: While Stuart broke the chain of command, I contend General McKenzie, General Milley, Secretary Austin, they have broken the chain of trust and confidence of the American people. And for that they should be embarrassed.

K SCHELLER: They should drop the rank.

S SCHELLER: They should drop the rank and they should resign for that.


INGRAHAM: The "Angle" was the first to call for those resignations more than a month ago, but today Milley made clear, it's not going to happen.


REP. RONNY JACKSON (R-TX): General Milley, will you now resign?

MILLEY: I serve at the pleasure of the president, Mr. Jackson.


INGRAHAM: Mr. Jackson. Now, for the alleged crime of demanding accountability, Lieutenant Colonel Scheller was stripped of his command and thrown in the brig. His pre-trial hearing is set for tomorrow. Although, he hasn't yet been formally charged. He could face charges of Article 88, contempt toward officials; Article 90, willfully disobeying a superior commissioned officer; Article 92, failure to obey an order; and Article 133, conduct unbecoming an officer and gentlemen.

We'll see what happens. But all this smacks of political payback, doesn't it? An official attempt to silence and intimidate dissidents within the ranks. If you remember your Russian history, if you studied Russian history, you'll recall what the Soviets did to their prisoners of conscience. The goal was to stop all dissent by any means necessary.

But, we the people, we have a say, we can speak out. They can't intimidate, or silence all of us. They'll try, but they can't. We need to stand up for those who are brave enough to speak the hard truth publicly. America has not been betrayed by Lieutenant Colonel Scheller. America was betrayed by our incompetent, arrogant and newly woke military leadership. And that's the "Angle".

Joining me now are two congressmen who served in Afghanistan, Representative Mark Green of Tennessee; and Representative Jim banks of Indiana. Congressman Green, your reaction to Lieutenant Colonel Scheller's imprisonment. Why - while there's zero accountability for the withdrawal for the killing of civilians and children. None whatsoever.

REP. MARK GREEN (R-TN): Thanks, Laura, for bringing this issue to the front. And thank you for the interview you did last night. It was spectacular. What's happened to this marine is unconscionable, to think that he can be in jail just for asking for accountability is crazy. And you think about what Secretary Austin has done. I mean, he refuses to follow the law, which demands there be oversight of the military academies, but they suspended those boards that were written into law by Congress. 

Basically blowing off a co equal branch of government.

They basically gave material aid to a terrorist organization, $85 billion. 

They admitted today that the Taliban is a bunch of terrorists. And here they have given $85 billion to a terrorist organization. That's blatantly against the laws of the United States. And they throw this guy in jail for basically speaking out. It makes no sense whatsoever.

INGRAHAM: Unless they want to intimidate, or send a message across the ranks, which--

GREEN: Of course.

INGRAHAM: They've also basically accused of being filled with a bunch of racists after the insurrection. Well, Congressman Banks, I want to play a revealing exchange between Congressman Mike Gallagher and General McKenzie today. Watch.


REP. MIKE GALLAGHER (R-WI): Do you know which Taliban forces were actually providing security in front of the airport?

MCKENZIE: Yes, we did.

GALLAGHER: Was it Badri 313?

MCKENZIE: There were part of it. There were other elements as well as a hodgepodge of units.

GALLAGHER: But Badri 313 was there?

MCKENZIE: Among others.

GALLAGHER: Among others? A group that specializes in suicide bombing attacks.


INGRAHAM: Congressman Banks, do you believe that the Taliban could have been behind this attack that killed our servicemembers? And they just don't want to admit it since - now we know they gave the Taliban free rein over the Kabul airport and the security perimeter.

REP. JIM BANKS (R-IN): Yes, Laura. I can believe it. Because this is a part of a pattern of lies by the Biden administration, his senior team of military leaders who lied about us every step of the way. The fact that they would have relied on a terrorist group, who specializes suicide bombing attacks, to protect the perimeter of the airport that we were relying on to get Americans and our allies to the airport to get on airplanes is just another concession of the incompetence of this administration.

They should be held accountable for it. We asked tough questions. Mike Gallagher asked those questions. A lot of tough questions today about the idiocy of these military leaders that allowed these activities to happen. 

We now know, because of the testimony yesterday before the Senate, and today before the House, that Joe Biden lied to the American people about what his military advisers advised him to do, and leaving troops in Afghanistan to prevent this catastrophe. But this is another example of a lie by this administration as well. They can't get away with it. We can't let them get away with it.

INGRAHAM: Well, one thing - and I don't understand this as a civilian, but both of you served, so maybe, Congressman Green, you can inform us on this. 

So, they all seem to say, I believe that they thought we should have left more troops in, at least to help with the evacuation, correct? They all thought that.

GREEN: That's right. Yes.

INGRAHAM: Yes. So given the fact that they all thought that and they were - they said they were gaming out a possible collapse of Kabul, they did mention that to Biden, none of them decided, if this is so serious then I got to resign. I can't be part of this. They all let it go forward. Did they not? I mean, was there - they could have been kind of whistleblowers on this, correct?

GREEN: Oh, absolutely. They could have gone in and said, look, 650, which was a number by the way that Joe Biden pulled out of thin air. He gave them as the mandate, you can only have 650. I mean, they basically could have said, 'That's not enough. We're unwilling to enforce this.' And they could have walked away.

I think they were really banking on. And this comes into that flawed intelligence issue. They were banking on the Afghan army to stay there. And that's another failure of this administration. They own the intelligence apparatus of this country. And, yes, maybe it failed. We need to dig into that. But they keep saying, it did. And well, if it did, that's their failure. They own that.

INGRAHAM: Well, they also said the Afghan military was being trained well. 

And they kept reporting all the great advances from the Afghan military. We spent a $90 billion training them and what did we get? I mean, there's been no accountability for all the years of failures in Afghanistan at the hands of the leadership, not the troops.

Now, Congressman Banks, I want to play a response Milley gave to one of your questions about his talking to Bob Woodward. Watch.


MILLEY: I believe that part of my job is to communicate to the media, what we do as a government, what we do as a military to explain to the people. 

And so I do interviews regularly. I've done my best to remain personally apolitical. And I tried to keep the military out of actual domestic politics. I'm trying to stay apolitical, and I believe I a.m.


INGRAHAM: Well, Congressman Banks, Woodward isn't writing a book to help the commander-in-chief. He's writing a book to expose, in his view, the commander-in-chief. So did you buy that response?

BANKS: Not at all. And this is just one book. I mean, there are several more books coming out soon, where General Milley is a key character bashing the former commander-in-chief who gave him his job.

Even when you - I've actually - Laura, don't hold it against me, but I've read 'Peril', the Bob Woodward book. And all through the book, Milley is the key character. And the book recounts how he undermined President Trump, President of the United States of America. Not just the call--

INGRAHAM: Congressman, how many hours did he spend?

BANKS: --with the Chinese counterpart, but in other ways.

INGRAHAM: How many hours - you have a major withdrawal issue going on in Afghanistan. You have all these threats all over the world. In his time, hours upon hours to spend gabbing with journalists, again to try to burnish his own reputation, for posterity's sake. That's what it was about. That's always what it's about in Washington. I've lived here long enough. That's why they talk to these journalists.

BANKS: he spilled his guts to Bob Woodward. I mean, it's all recounted in the book for everyone to hear. He attacked - he tells Speaker Pelosi, who's bashing President Trump because of, he calling President Trump crazy, mental decline. And he says, 'Speaker Pelosi, I agree with everything that you're saying'. And then he tries to tell the Armed Services Committee that he's apolitical.

He's the most political general that we've ever had in American history. I mean, I - prove me wrong. There's no general in American history who's been as political as this guy. That's why he's incapable and not trusted to continue - to fulfill the important position that he fulfills.

INGRAHAM: He mentioned Eisenhower putting up with any of these people. I mean, it just - they'd be gone. All right, gentlemen, thank you. Great to see you tonight.

And at last night's Virginia gubernatorial debate, Democrat Terry McAuliffe made a stunning and [ph] telling declaration, that parents had to stay out of the - what the children are being taught in schools. They don't have any control whatsoever, no matter what. His opponent Glenn Youngkin is here next to respond.



TERRY MCAULIFFE, FORMER GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA: --schools, what they should teach. I get really tired of everybody running down teachers. I love our teachers. And what they have done through COVID, these are real heroes that deserve our respect.


INGRAHAM: That line from democrat Terry McAuliffe was a defining moment of last night's Virginia gubernatorial debate, and sometimes shocking gaffes or Freudian slips can define an entire campaign for better or worse. 

Republican candidate Glenn Youngkin is betting that, it's the latter.


GLENN YOUNGKIN (R), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: We watched parents so upset, because there was such sexually explicit material in the library.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I decided to check the titles at my child's school. 

Both of these books include pedophilia.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Graphically describes engaging in fellatio with male minors.

YOUNGKIN: You vetoed the bill that would have informed parents if they were there.

MCAULIFFE: Yes. I stopped the bill that I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. I don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach.


INGRAHAM: Glenn Youngkin, Virginia Gubernatorial Candidate, joins me now. 

Glenn, thanks so much for being here. Your thoughts, when you heard McAuliffe say that when you were on stage with him last night?

GLENN YOUNGKIN (R), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: What we saw last night on full display with flashing red lights was Terry McAuliffe's heart, that he believes that government and politicians know better for our children than parents. He wants to exclude parents from being involved in educating our children.

Laura, Virginia parents had been standing up for the rights of their kids for the last 20 months, fighting against school boards who've been trying to impose all kinds of things on them. They've been asking for our schools to be open. And what you saw last night was what they all suspected that Terry McAuliffe does not care what they believe. He wants to dictate what they learn. He wants to teach our children how to think. And he wants to excuse parents from all of it.

This is not just Virginia parents, Laura. Every parent in America suspects this is going on in schools. And Terry McAuliffe just told us he's the godfather of the current progressive Democrat Party. And here he just showed his heart. This is what they believe. We're having a campaign in Virginia right now. We're having a campaign in Virginia right now, and it is no longer a campaign. It's a movement, Laura. And I invite everybody to join the movement. Join us at youngkinforgovernor.com and watch Virginia stand up. Not just for Virginia parents, but for America's parents.

INGRAHAM: All right. Townhall.com today is reporting that '"The McAuliffes send their kids to a private school outside of D.C. and his wife is on the board of trustees --- was on the board of trustees for the school while their kids were students there."

Now, I don't begrudge his wife wanting to help shape the kids' education at their schools. I think that's great, as a private school. I have no problem with that. But if his wife can help shape kids education at school, then - and she's a parent of the kids. Why is that wrong for anybody else in Loudoun County where they're fighting the radical transgender stuff happening there, or the critical race theory, or any of these issues?

YOUNGKIN: Well, here's the hypocrisy of Terry McAuliffe, and what he wants to be the ruling class. I mean, his worldview is, 'I know better than you. 

And yet, it doesn't have to apply to me.' And when we saw it just a couple weeks ago, when he's been calling for mask mandates, and then he boards a train and violates federal law, and won't even put a mask on.

I mean, what we saw last night was the full display of his worldview. He wants to force everyone to join a union and get rid of our right to work. 

He absolutely wants employers to fire people who don't get the vaccine. And he wants to shut our parents out of the education of their children. This is Terry McAuliffe. This is my vote (inaudible)


INGRAHAM: Glenn, I got to get into a question really quickly. And I have real quick response. Northern Virginia is where so many of the voters are in this race. Very quickly, how will you try to appeal to minority voters in Northern Virginia, Hispanics, Indian Americans, other Americans? How would you try to appeal to them?

YOUNGKIN: The broad minority voters in Northern Virginia are just as upset at our school system as all the parents have been on display. And what we're doing is listening to them. We're sharing with them a future where we're going to have charter schools, where they can have choice.

And guess what, they are, in fact, part of this movement of parents that are going to march us to victory this fall. And on behalf of all America, Virginians are going to win and make a statement. And we are rejecting the left liberal progressives. This is going to happen, Laura, and it's really, really humbling to be part of it.

INGRAHAM: Glenn, a lot of small businesses in Northern Virginia, they got just hammered during this COVID thing. And they want to just be in business. So, I'll be fascinated to see what happens. Glenn, thank you.

And the other revealing takeaway from last night's Virginia debate. 

McAuliffe mentioned Biden exactly zero times. The closest he came was when he said the price tag for the Democrats, $3.5 trillion boondoggle is too high. Well, in other words, another damn is running as fast as he can to distance himself away from Biden's agenda. And who can blame them? His national standing has taken a beating.

And the outlook in individual states is even more dire. The latest Quinnipiac poll, this is out of Texas, a State Biden lost by 5.5 points, shows his approval there in Texas is underwater by 29 points. And he's sinking big time with Hispanic voters. They disapprove by a shocking 19 points.

Here now is Texas lieutenant governor Dan Patrick. Dan, the Hispanics in Texas could be the bellwether for Hispanics and Northern Virginia, and across this country, given what's happening. Tell us.

DAN PATRICK, LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR OF TEXAS: And we'll be the bellwether for the future of this country. I believe, the future of the country is in their hands. And thank goodness, they agree with Republicans when it comes to the policy.

Hispanic voters don't vote by labels, they vote on policy and people. In the valley, last year, Donald Trump flipped seven counties in the valley that had been Democrat forever. Why? Because this is what Hispanics care about, as your candidate said a moment ago. They are for charter schools, they are for smaller government, they are for less taxes. They are for the Second Amendment. They are for a secure border. They don't like what's happening down on the border. They are for the oil and gas industry. Many in Texas work in that industry, Hispanics.

And number one, they are pro life, Laura. And I know you and I have talked about this for years. This is the siding issue, the defining issue. When I ran in 2014 along with Greg Abbott, we run separately not on the same ticket. We received about 50 percent and according to the exit polls by some networks of the Hispanic vote the most ever. And it's because we had two abortion candidates running against us, two females of the Democrats.

INGRAHAM: Yes. That totally cut through, Dan. That totally cut against.


INGRAHAM: It cut against the narrative.

PATRICK: They will not vote for an abortion candidate. They will not go for abortion candidate.

INGRAHAM: I got to get back to the border.

PATRICK: That's why more Republican has to stay on life. Yes, sure.

INGRAHAM: Absolutely right. But I'm back on the border. We've learned now that as many as 10,000 new migrants and growing have come through that Panama crossing and they're on their way up again. It looks like mostly to Del Rio and some other sectors in Texas. What? They're all getting released in the country, right? Except a small percentage is perhaps being sent back. But most of them are just being released into the United State, Dan.

PATRICK: Yes. I was in Del Rio last week, as you know, and everything I said was true. They were only sending about 2,000 out of the 12,000 back to Haiti -- true. About 20 percent, the estimate, had COVID -- true. Letting them into our country in any city in the country, they are not vaccinated, they are not tested, they're carrying the virus, yet every American is expected to be vaccinated or lose your job or lose your rights. 

One of the things that will crush the Democrats in Texas and elsewhere is their open border policy, Laura. We are doing everything we can as a state, we're spending over $3.5 billion this year of our own taxpayer money with National Guard, put our troopers on the line. But they don't have enough agents there. The agents are doing nothing except being night clerks, checking people into the country. They are not securing the border. And this is why the Democrats on the border, most elected officials on the border are Democrats. They're the ones, the mayor of Del Rio, Laura, called in a panic when he saw 4,000 to 6,000 that were just going to come into his city and take over his entire city.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST:  It's going to get worse. Dan, it's just continuing. 

PATRICK:  And it's going to continue to get worse. 

INGRAHAM:  This will not stop until Biden is out of the White House, or maybe the Democrats get wiped out next year. 

PATRICK: Absolutely.

INGRAHAM:  This is just going to keep going. Millions of people are going to be crossing this border. 

Dan, on a scale of one to 10 -- 

PATRICK:  It will not stop because he will not stop. 

INGRAHAM:  They want this to happen. On a scale of one to 10, 10 be most fearful, one being not fearful at all, how fearful are you of Matthew Dowd, Trump-hater, getting into the race for lieutenant governor? No one even knows who he is, God bless him. But are you afraid, Dan, one to 10? 

PATRICK:  He wants to run against me. I'm not fearful at all. He has an opponent, by the way. He may not get out of his own primary. He's just another mean Democrat who wants open borders, tell people what to do, take all your guns, abort babies, that's what Matthew Dowd and every other Democrat wants. And it won't hold with Hispanic voters, black voters, and white voters. We will win in 22. We will be triumphant all over the country. 

INGRAHAM:  Great to see you, as always. 

And vaccine theater gets a few boosters, and President Obama breaks ground on his presidential center. "Seen and Unseen" has all the details. Raymond Arroyo next.


INGRAHAM:  It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment where we expose the big cultural stories of the day. And for that we turn to FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. Ray, there's a new trend that you've seen moving from politics into pop culture. 

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Laura, you might call it vaccine theater. And it's coming from many quarters. Look, the other day the president got a booster shot for the media at the White House. From the looks of that hairy arm, he didn't need a needle. He needed a razor. But when you pull back, Laura, you quickly realize this isn't even the White House. This is a set in the old executive office building. It's like Mr. 

Biden's neighborhood over there. All he needs is a little neighborhood Amtrak train to take them to the Land of Make Believe. There are already plenty of puppets for him to talk to. 

INGRAHAM:  So they wanted it to look like it was the White House? Or was it just -- 

ARROYO:  I assume. There's a leaf outside the window. You can't see it because it's so far away, but the frame that they've created outside the window, there's a leaf the size of Biden's head. So it's obvious it's not real. But it's the most bizarre thing. But it is a little White House set there. 

But the vaccine advocacy theater didn't end at the White House. Late night hosts from NBC and CBS have mounted their own bizarre vaccine spectacles. 



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Pfizer vaccine in full effect. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The situation is serious. Let's cure it with two shots in the arm.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This information --   

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now some of them did.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is no poison.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: FDA approved it. There is no poison.


CROWD:  Vaccines!


INGRAHAM:  Oh, my God. 

ARROYO:  I want to drink tequila after watching that, Laura. My question is, who thought poor dance routines and terribly constructed rhymes would convince the vaccine hesitant to take the shot? Did they imagine that if the acts were bad enough people would take the shot just to end the pain? 

What's the logic here? I don't quite follow. 

INGRAHAM:  I thought I was watching an old "Soul Train," which I loved. I loved "Soul Train." But it was -- they were kind of cute, but it was like a throwback to the 80s or maybe even the 70s. I don't know what that was. 

ARROYO:  It was kind of rap and hip-hop. I don't know what it was. 

INGRAHAM:  I kind of liked it. But I don't know. 

ARROYO:  I hate to close down all of these vaccine shows in advance, but an actual show, "Aladdin" on Broadway, tonight, Laura, was closed. They had their opening last night. They closed tonight because they had a COVID outbreak. And that's with cast, crew, staff, and audience fully vaccinated.

INGRAHAM:  Fully vaxed.

ARROYO:  Maybe they need to ask that genie for more help. And following the president's booster shot, he canceled an event to push vaccines in Chicago today, which is such a pity, because Biden could have joined his old pals Barack and Michelle Obama, who were digging his political grave. No, they were actually on the south side breaking ground on the Barack Obama Presidential Center. Don't call it a library. 


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT:  It won't just be a collection of camping memorabilia or Michelle's ballgowns, although I know everybody will come see those. It won't just be an exercise in nostalgia or looking backwards. We want to look forward. 


ARROYO:  That's right. This is actually an extension, Laura, another one, of the Obama brand. This $830 million, 19-acre center will not feature a library. All of the documents from his presidency will be digitized. 

INGRAHAM:  So what will it feature then? 

ARROYO:  Funny you should ask. Just like Obama's presidency, it will mostly be a concert and summit venue. Remember all those swinging east room affairs during the Obama years? 

INGRAHAM:  Oh, yes.

ARROYO:  Well, they're going to be back. And I kid you not, to commemorate Michelle, there will be a vegetable and fruit garden, Laura, along with a teaching kitchen. I hope the Park Service continues to plant and harvest the greens as they did at the Obama White House. 

INGRAHAM:  You were involved in kind of exposing the fact that they -- at certain points, they may, may have been planting fully grown vegetables, and then you come out and do a shoot -- oh, these green beans are so beautiful, Mrs. Obama. Poor National Park Service planting them all night, backing up with a beeping sound, the full pumpkins, all of it. 

ARROYO:  Laura, this whole Obama Center on the south side of Chicago, you might call it becoming an Obama shrine. That's what I think we are facing. 

INGRAHAM:  They should just do the whole presidential center in Martha's Vineyard where it really captures the real -- 


ARROYO:  Under a big tent. 

INGRAHAM:  -- the real core of the Obama's. All right, Raymond, thank you. 

ARROYO:  Thank you, my friend.

INGRAHAM:  And a frightening COVID police state has emerged amongst our neighbors of the north. A pastor who flaunted -- or flouted onerous rules to hold services was just arrested after landing back in Canada. The full video, and the pastor, are here next. 


INGRAHAM:  In tonight's edition of the COVID police state, Pastor Artur Pawlowski went viral when he protested Canada's insane COVID mandates. And now authorities there are hounding him and arresting him again. 

FOX's Chief breaking news correspondent Trace Gallagher is live in our west coast newsroom with all the details. Trace? 

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS BREAKING NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  Hey, Laura. Pastor Pawlowski prides himself on being a man of God, love, and tolerance, but his patience with Canadian politicians has run dry. He refers to them as liars, hypocrites, and cheaters, and compares their COVID crackdown tactics to Nazi Germany. 

Earlier this month, Pastor Artur Pawlowski and his brother David, who is running for Calgary city council, were found guilty of deliberately violating COVID-19 health orders. In other words, the pastor held church gatherings that flouted rules on masking and social distancing. 

At his sentencing hearing, the pastor said in part, quote, "Canada has fallen. Sure, you can lock us up and throw the key away, but our political impressment will shout even louder about the hypocrisy." The prosecutor wants jail time, the defense is pushing for a simple fine, and the judge will issue the sentence October 13th. So in between the August hearing in the October sentencing, the pastor decided to use his time to fly south to the U.S. for an anti-vaccination speaking tour where he met with numerous conservatives, including Eric Trump. And when Pastor Pawlowski landed on a charter jet back in Calgary, he was promptly arrested. Not by police, who say he hasn't violated laws, but rather government mandates. He was arrested by Canadian Border Services. Watch this a bit. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Place your hands behind your back, away from your back. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Behind your back. Behind your back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no. Stand up. Stand up. 


GALLAGHER:  Like an armed criminal. He is again charged with failure to wear a mask, which carries a $50 fine. So on October 13th, Artur Pawlowski will appear on new charges and be sentenced on the old charges, though it would be unlikely that a few days in jail would change the pastor's perspective, Laura. 

INGRAHAM:  Trace, thank you. 

And Pastor Artur Pawlowski joins me now. Pastor, wow. They are at it again. 

Your reaction to this most recent arrest, and I guess the threats that you are now getting from your own government? 

PASTOR ARTUR PAWLOWSKI, ARRESTED AGAIN OVER COVID RULES:  It's total insanity. I came to the United States with a simple warning. Look what they are doing to me. If you will not rise up and come to our help, you are next. They came for me. Be sure of it, they are coming for you as well. 

So I was on a speaking tour for four months, and I was told by my attorneys that there are no pending charges, that there is no warrants for my arrest. 

I decided to come back, and of course, I landed in Calgary, Alberta, Canada, only to be greeted by masked gangsters, because I can't even say they are officers of the law. There is no -- there is no law and order anymore in my beloved Canada. I was told I am under arrest on two warrants for my arrest, one for officiating a church service in June, and another one for not wearing a mask. Two criminal charges, and I was taken to police custody. 

The police officers, like bandits, were hiding in a customs building. The vehicles behind, we could not see them. People that came to greet me were not allowed to come. They were kept hundreds of yards away. The Canadian authorities didn't want anyone to film their behavior. Now I'm facing four years prison for my previous charges, and two criminal charges and potentially two more prison years for my horrible crime. 

INGRAHAM:  Pastor, Pastor, I'm half Polish. You're Polish, correct? 


INGRAHAM:  Yes. I'm half Polish, and I have an affinity for just the emotion of your case, because I think of the life of your family in eastern Europe during Soviet times. And there was no freedom. The church was crushed, there was no freedom of expression, freedom to petition the government. And you came to freedom. This is because -- this is feeling very Soviet to me. And I know it sounds like an exaggeration, but it's incremental. And I'm stunned that more people aren't speaking up, speaking out, and saying we're not doing this anymore, you are not going to do this to us anymore, respectfully. It's incrementalism towards socialism. 

PAWLOWSKI:  You are 100 percent right. I grew up behind iron curtain under the boots of the Soviets. What they are doing today is identical to what I remember growing up. You see, when I landed after four months, not being in my own house, I wanted to hug my wife and kiss my children that were waiting for me. That was denied to me. I was handcuffed like a common criminal, like a terrorist, Al Qaeda's most wanted, taken to police, thrown into solitary confinement like a criminal. I was not allowed to see my wife, not allowed to hug my children. That's exactly what the communists did. That's exactly with the Gestapo did before. They wanted to break me, they want to show the whole world, you see what we do with those that dare to speak against our tyranny. If you will follow the footsteps of Pastor Artur Pawlowski, you are next. 

So my message is very simple. They did it to me, and they are still doing this to me. Come to the rescue, rise up, America, rise up, Canadian patriots. It's time to push this great evil away. Or if you will not do it, you are next. 

INGRAHAM:  Pastor, Justin Trudeau, prime minister, says something today about what it will take to get back to normal. Watch. 


JUSTIN TRUDEAU, CANADIAN PRIME MINISTER:  -- vaccination rates up is the way to ensure not only we're keeping our loved ones safe, but we are keeping away from having to do further lockdowns in our communities, and we are allowing our economy and normal life to get back as quickly as possible. 


INGRAHAM:  Do you believe that what he says about vaccinations will lead to freedom, Pastor? 

PAWLOWSKI:  No, he is a liar. He has a corrupted, hypocritical liar. I landed in Calgary. No one was asking about the COVID test. No one cared about social distancing. No one cared about me quarantining. I was expecting to come home at quarantine for two weeks. No, they did not care about that. They locked me up with 20 officers. 

INGRAHAM:  Pastor Pawlowski, we are going to continue to follow your case and promote your case, and we wish you the best, and I think your message has to be heard to all Americans. Thank you.

And Liz Cheney picks a side, and it's kind of predicable. The Last Bite, though, will explain it. Stay there. 


INGRAHAM:  Liz Cheney tone with General Milley shocked the hearing room today. 


REP. LIZ CHENEY, (R-WY): For any member of this committee, for any American, to question your understanding of our Constitution, the recognition and understanding of the civilian chain of command is despicable. I want to apologize for those members of this community who have done so, and I want to thank you for standing in the breach. 


INGRAHAM:  Does Liz not know that the Emmy Awards are already over? She can't get any nominations or wins? 

Gutfeld is next. 

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