'Ingraham Angle' on vaccine mandates

This is a rush transcript of "Ingraham Angle" on October 28, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Hannity, I think the puppy was more popular than either of us for most of those two hours.

HANNITY: I'm not disagreeing with that part. Puppies are - who - how do you not like a puppy? Only Anthony Fauci is the one that I guess doesn't like puppies.

INGRAHAM: Yes. I was going to put her head in a cage just temporarily, just again to show people how dogs were treated.

HANNITY: Don't go there.

INGRAHAM: No, just like a temporary little - not hurting. Just so people see, how would we like to be in a cage?

HANNITY: Good point.


HANNITY: But you got a great show tonight, I know that.

INGRAHAM: All right. We're pumped up, Hannity. We'll take it from you. And you did an awesome job. And we'll see you tomorrow night.

All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. And this is the INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington. We have a lot to get into, so let's dive right in.

Full steam behind. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

Now, before flying off to Europe today, Joe Biden made a personal mission to Capitol Hill to urge Democrats to pass his so-called infrastructure plan. "I don't think it's hyperbole to say that the White House - that the House and Senate majorities and my presidency will be determined by what happens in the next week. I need you to help me," he said. "I need your votes". Probably did that weird whisper thing.

Well, Pelosi echoed his plea telling her members, "Don't embarrass the president by voting down the infrastructure bill". Reportedly, some members actually began breaking out and chance, not let's go Brandon, but vote, vote, vote. But to what end?


REP. PRAMILA JAYAPAL (D-WA): I have signaled for days that we simply did not have the votes for the bipartisan bill without the other bill, the Build Back Better act. Our members have been saying for months that these two bills need to be - need to go together.


INGRAHAM: And that's what they're holding out for. In other words, the grand madam of vote whipping, Nancy Pelosi, was herself whipped by the squad.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The House speaker and the President raised the stakes and it didn't work.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: --said, we want to make sure that when the President lands in Europe, that people know this is a functioning government. Well, that's not going to happen. And so that is a - that is a law.

PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: The President, and I think in this case too, the speaker don't necessarily have the leverage or the juice that maybe they thought they did.


INGRAHAM: Mm, ouch. With Trump, it was the art of the deal. But with Biden and Pelosi, it's the art of the fail. The Democrats, they have the House, the Senate, and the presidency. And yet, they're the gang who can't shoot straight.

Plus, they've been wrong in their predictions on every major issue, and their confidence on that Afghan army and their insistence that inflation will be transitory. And tonight, we'll add to their newest list of failed predictions, that passing these bills even pared down, will somehow be a lifeline to boosting their popularity.

Now, if anything, with the spike in prices coming and the dimming power of the dollar, Biden's numbers are just going to go lower. Today, the GDP numbers were released, and the news was as usual, under Biden, disappointing.

The fact is, even at a reduced price of $1.5 trillion, a staggering amount still, it's still way more than we can afford. We are literally sticking our grandchildren with these bills. It is immoral. But the spinmeisters in the Biden cabinet, oh, they were all a happy talk today. I was howling watching them. And it's like kind of trying to sell sand in the Mojave Desert.


JENNIFER GRANHOLM, ENERGY SECRETARY: The provisions that are in these two bills, oh, my gosh, so fantastic. The things that have been left out are not off. We're not dead on any of them. We're going to live to fight another day. We have never seen this kind of investment in our country. And people should be feeling like, 'Man, this is action'. And real people are going to feel real impacts as a result.


INGRAHAM: Oh, yes, Jennifer. They're going to feel real impacts all right, on their wallets. Any short-term stimulus from this bill will be quickly diluted into supercharged inflation. Supposedly, this is how they're going to pretend to pay for all this.

A 15 percent corporate minimum tax, also applies to foreign income for U.S. based multinationals; 1 percent excise on corporate stock buybacks; 5 percent surtax on incomes above 10 million, additional 3 percent for incomes above 25 million; 3.8 percent tax on active business income for high earners.

And, well, don't think for a second that these punitive new taxes are actually going to pay for the left spending plans. They never do. It's all part of an accounting game to win over the gullible, squishy Republicans and moderate Democrats.

And that's why it's important to look beyond the price tag. Again, it's a steep price tag. These numbers are just easily manipulated, because they game the CBO scoring process. What's actually more important and far more disturbing, is what's in this bill. Here's a rundown if you can read that little font there. It's a massive expansion of welfare programs for universal pre propaganda K to expanded health care subsidies. Even when funding expires, there'll be an enormous resistance to doing away with any of these plans. Government programs never die, remember. They just get fatter, and more permanent.

And $550 billion ends up going to climate change programs? Oh, I'm sure there's no - no graft in there. No payoffs of the (ph) Solyndra nature to FOJs, friends of Joe. This is all just another wealth transfer to left-wing activists. They are going to take your money and give it to their Greeniac friends.

By the way, included in the climate slush fund is $320 billion for something called green energy and electric vehicle subsidies. Though it's not exactly clear that old Joe even knows how those confounded things work.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: We will build out the first ever national network of 500,000 electric vehicle charging stations all across the country. You can go all the way across America in a single tank of gas, figuratively speaking. It's not gas, you plug it in.


INGRAHAM: Sounds like someone forgot to plug him in. There's also $110 billion earmarked for growing supply chains, but just for renewable energy.


BIDEN: Doing in ways to grow the domestic industries, create good paying union jobs, address longstanding environmental injustices as well. We're going to get off the sidelines on manufacturing solar panels and wind farms, and electric vehicles with targeted manufacturing credits. Sourcing the materials from here in the United States.


INGRAHAM: That's interesting, because his own administration just blocked a copper and nickel mining project in Minnesota. A move that Reuters describes as "the latest example of Biden's plan to look abroad for our metal supplies, to shore up support with environmentalists and then counter to his private commitment to miners". Hmm.

American blue-collar workers are going to get shafted once again. Biden's big climate push has zero to do with helping the American people and everything to do with appeasing the globalists at that UN Climate Summit coming up in Glasgow in just a couple of days. It sounds some part of - something this show has been warning about for months. It's the great reset.

Now, back in January, the global elites who gather at Davos every year told us where this was all heading.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't want to go back to the status quo that you had before, simply because it was the status quo that got us here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Capitalism, as we know it, is dead. This obsession that we have had with maximizing profits for shareholders alone has led to incredible inequality and a planetary emergency.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We must rebuild our relationship with nature for the survival of the peoples and our planet.


INGRAHAM: Was that hair pink, or was that part of the green energy project? And that, of course, means sacrificing your standard of living, and sacrificing your freedoms and handing over more power to ecocrats at the UN. Who's going to be the big beneficiary of all this? Well, the CCP will be, and they're going to be part of the socialist one world web of regulations and rules that undermine U.S. sovereignty.

China dominates the renewable energy arena already, including the rare earth raw materials that we need for so many of our products. Those solar panels, those wind turbines that Biden was bragging about, they're all going to be made overseas. And once again, we'll increase our dependence on a murderous, despotic regime. Have we learned nothing from COVID? No wonder the CCP is so adamant now about climate action.


XI JINPING, PRESIDENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: We must be committed to green development. As long as we unite in our purposes and efforts, we will rise above the global climate and environment challenges.


INGRAHAM: Even the translator is creepy sounding. Now, China has repeatedly embarrassed and outmaneuvered the White House. And now, they're doing the same thing on climate. Because to the CCP, it's like taking candy from a Biden. It's easy.

Even if Biden passes his massive bill, all that climate spending will have zero impact on future warming. China's going to make sure that. In the meantime, it will be full throttle backward for the United States. We're going to go from being an independent, energy self-sufficient, first world country, will have a - will had a reliable grid to be almost a third world nation, forced to beg others for help, when wind and sunshine can't sustain us.

Meanwhile, our economy is just going to continue to stagnate or even contract. And Americans are going to see their savings and their income just eroded by the rising tide of inflation. Your dollars not going to go as far. Our debt and deficit will further explode. We're going to be worse off than we are now.

That's why Democrats pinning their reelection hopes on this bill, oh, my gosh, they're in for a big surprise. When Americans go to the polls in a year, do Democrats really believe that voters are going to be pulling a lever for a standard of living that's now lower than it was a year or two earlier? I don't think so. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is Indiana Congressman Jim banks, Republican Study Committee Chair; Stephen Miller, founder of America First Legal and former Trump senior advisor; as well as Mollie Hemingway, Fox News contributor, and author of the new best seller "Rigged".

Congressman Banks, this is turning out to be a - just a lose lose for the Democrats. If they don't pass the bill, it's a failure. But if either of these bills passes, it's an economic disaster.

REP. JIM BANKS (R-IN): Yes, Laura. Just like last month, the Democrats remain in disarray. Today, Joe Biden wanted so badly to go to Europe and brag to his foreign leader buddies that he passed a Green New Deal bill today. But the Democrats didn't give him that victory, and thank God. But it's too premature to declare victory, because at 2 o'clock today, they came out with a framework for the new bill.

And I could tell you, the Republican Study Committee, which I lead, we've been sifting through the bill all afternoon. It's just as socialist as the framework that they had before. But it's not just the price tag, it's what's in the bill. This bill will shut down your kids' daycare, or according to a left leaning think tank, you'll have to pay $13,000 more per year to send your kid to daycare if this bill passes.

It will increase your gas taxes to heat your home. It's going to hire 87,000 new IRS agents to presumably rifle through and spy on your bank account records. It gives amnesty to illegals, child tax credits and tuition assistance to illegals. I could go on and on. But this bill is just as dangerous as it was before. But now we have another month to expose it to the American people. And that's what I intend to do.

INGRAHAM: Now, Mollie, the White House is in total denial, that this legislative failure was even a failure at all.


SUSAN RICE, DIRECTOR OF THE DOMESTIC POLICY COUNCIL: I was with the President, when he was up at the House Democratic Caucus. He got sustained standing ovations, and they chanted loudly and in unison, vote, vote, vote vote. And that's what we're going to do. We're going to vote.


INGRAHAM: Oh, wait, Mollie, they didn't vote, vote vote. OK, he left, he landed. No vote happened. This is hilarious coming from the woman who claimed there was that video in Benghazi.

MOLLIE HEMINGWAY, SENIOR EDITOR, THE FEDERALIST: Chanting for a vote is, in fact, different than voting. And saying otherwise is silly. But the Biden administration keeps putting forth these arbitrary deadlines, or dates, by which they want something passed without dealing with the actual fundamental problem, which is not only was Biden elected not to do this type of spending.

In fact, polls show that people are not looking for increased spending at a time they have such economic concern. But to handle coronavirus, that's the one thing he - COVID, he did - what he promised he would do, has failed to do that. They did not want him to tear down border policy. They did not want him to destroy foreign policy. They did not want all of these things that he's now failing to get done. And there is not momentum there, because this isn't actually what ails the country. And they're just trying to do this as distraction.

INGRAHAM: Now, Stephen, the constituents for this White House aren't really the American people. All right. The constituents are the global elites he's going to meet with in Glasgow.

STEPHEN MILLER, FORMER TRUMP WHITE HOUSE SENIOR ADVISER: Yes, the constituents are globalists, billionaires, and illegal aliens. Those are the three constituencies and the only three constituencies this bill delivers for.

I want to, first of all, salute Congressman Jim banks for breaking down what's in this bill. You can follow the Republican Study Committee on social media and read it for yourself. But just to illustrate your point, Laura, this bill taxes American energy, American energy to make it more expensive, to heat your home, so we can become more reliant on foreign energy.

This bill gives tax credits to illegal aliens that could amount to say, for example, an illegal alien with four young kids, who pays no taxes, who's a low income family. They could get over $14,000 a year in free cash from the IRS under this bill. Plus, amnesty, plus unlimited foreign workers for big tech.

Plus, on the corporate tax side, it takes a sledgehammer to American manufacturers by taxing losses in their competitions with China. And by getting rid of the incredible incentives President Trump passed to bring jobs to America, that now are going to be ripped out if this bill passes. It should be called the 'Made in China' bill.

INGRAHAM: Well, Democrats aren't only at each other's throats, it seems now, Congressman, they don't even trust each other.


REP. CORI BUSH (D-MO): If it's by itself, if it's a standalone, absolutely. I'm 100 percent a no - 100 percent no. And there is no getting me to a Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Senators Manchen and Sinema, you don't trust them?

BUSH: No, absolutely. I don't trust them. And I don't owe that to them, and they don't have to trust me.


INGRAHAM: She wasn't in a great mood today when she was on TV, even though the progressives obviously have an enormous amount of influence. Congressman, shouldn't just Manchen and Sinema just - at this point, throw up their hands and say, this is now a bridge too far. I mean, the Democrats have killed off their own moderates. They're catering to the progressives, and they're too weak to stand up to them. Is this really the party of Sinema and Manchen anymore?

BANKS: No, of course not. Not at all. And it's on full display. And the Democrats should change their name to the Socialist Party, because that's who they are. And they have proven it once again, just like they proved it last month.

I can tell you, Laura, riding up and down in the elevators today at the Capitol was a lot of fun, because the Democrats are very tense. They're mad at each other. And it's pouring over on full display so everybody can see it. Because the socialists won again today. The Socialist wing of the Democrat Party won again today. They blew up the deal.

And the - as some of the more, there's no such thing as a moderate Democrat anymore, but the more traditional Democrats are getting frustrated about it. But they are in the vast majority of the party. This isn't my grandpa's Democrat Party anymore. It's Bernie Sanders party.

INGRAHAM: Yes. San Fran Gran Nan seems to be losing a little bit of her juice there, Mollie. I mean, she - she was the master vote whipper. And they've missed, I think, three deadlines now, under Pelosi's leadership. Maybe octogenarians need to step aside and let the younger people run things.

HEMINGWAY: Except what's also the case is that we have a narrowly divided house. It's about as narrow as it's ever been divided. We have a completely divided Senate. We have a president who won election by 43,000 votes across three states. This is not a mandate for radical change, and shoving through a bill that has extreme provisions that will add so much more problems to the economy when we're already struggling to add jobs, when we already have a high tax burden on small businesses, and businesses that do work overseas.

This is not in any way, what we were told would happen if we voted the way that the media wanted us to vote in the last election. So it's - yes, she's done a bad job whipping, but it's also just because they don't really actually have much of a majority in the House and they're completely tied elsewhere.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Bernie Sanders didn't win the nomination, but it almost looks like he did here. Stephen, real quick. 'The Wall Street Journal' is reporting tonight that "The Biden administration is in talks, I don't know with whom, to offer immigrant families, that means the illegal immigrant families, spreading - that were separating during the Trump administration around $450,000 a person in compensation".

Stephen, can this be accurate?

MILLER: Yes. In fact, it's completely accurate. It's what's called the collusive settlement. Illegal aliens suing the federal government for cash, and the government saying, Oh, well, we'll give you all the cash that you want. It's collusion.

Let's be very clear. This is what happens when you go from an America First to an America last presidency. America first under Trump, now America last under Biden. These individuals were put in jail for breaking federal law. American families who go to jail and are separated get no cash compensation. They want to give half a million dollars to every illegal immigrant who went to jail and was separated. That's insane.

INGRAHAM: Now, panel, great to see all of you tonight. Thank you.

And a shocking Fox poll out of Virginia in that governor's race, Newt Gingrich tells us what's driving it all. Plus, what's the latest in the New Jersey's governor's race? Phil Murphy challenger Jack Ciattarelli closing the gap. And he'll be here in moments.



GLENN YOUNGKIN (R), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Let me tell you what's happening right now, because I just happen to see a new Fox poll. You're ready? Youngkin, 53; McAuliffe, 45.


INGRAHAM: Republican Glenn Youngkin, certainly looking like a winner tonight, reacting to a new Fox News poll that gives him a pretty staggering lead in the Virginia governor's race. And I think it's safe to say, the issue that repelled Youngkin in the polls wasn't the economy, wasn't crime, wasn't immigration. It was education.

Now, this isn't just happening in Virginia. Across the country, parents are speaking out, they're mobilizing, they're standing strong to fight against the left's control and domination in public education.

Here now is Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, Fox News contributor, author of the forthcoming book, "Beyond Biden", which is out this Tuesday.

Newt, I know you believe, as do I, that this shift, which really affects moms, especially moms and dads of all political affiliations, that this could shape the political debate in the country for years to come? Explain it.

NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER: Oh, absolutely. It goes back to the development of the right of school choice, which goes all the way back to Governor Tommy Thompson in Wisconsin, in the 1980s, and has grown and grown and grown. Jeb Bush was a great leader on it in Florida. And when DeSantis ran for governor against an African-American candidate, he got one out of every five African-American women who voted, voted for DeSantis, because they wanted school choice. And they were tired of the government unions. They were tired of the government schools that were failing their children.

And now, in Virginia, you have a vivid case study of this, because at a recent debate, Governor McAuliffe, who you think that he knows better, said that he did not believe parents had a right to be involved in their children's schools. And that went over so badly to their credit.

Glenn Youngkin and his campaign had an ad up the next morning, pounding this home and communicating it to Virginians. There's been a - in the poll that came out today, there's a 25-point shift among parents away from Terry McAuliffe towards Glenn Youngkin. It's also true across the whole state on issues in general.

And the McAuliffe's strategy of trying to make this a national election is over U.S. Senate seat, bringing in Barack Obama, bringing in Biden, bringing in Kamala Harris, bringing in Stacey Abrams, has totally backfired. Ironically, it's the governor who should have known a lot about Virginia, trying to run a national campaign is the business leader, who's a reformer, who is stuck, very disciplined to state issues, repealing the tax on food, cutting the tax on gasoline, creating jobs, working on public safety. You're taking on the left. It's amazing moment.

INGRAHAM: Newt, is this a lesson for other potential Republican candidates in purple states or blue states, zeroing on one issue that crosses party lines and stick with it? Yes?

GINGRICH: I think it's a lesson for Republicans everywhere. People care about children. People care about education. People know that the government employee unions and the government schools are not succeeding. I think if we were prepared to be more bold and more aggressive, we'd be shocked how many Afro - we just did a series of polls at a project I'm doing, called the American Majority project. And we found among African- Americans a deep resentment of this effort by the left to eliminate grades, to eliminate quality, to eliminate programs of excellence. Because they thought it was cheating their children.

So I think this issue could apply everywhere in the country. And I think we'll find out next Tuesday. But right now, at least, if the Fox poll's accurate, and I'm told that it is by some people in the Youngkin campaign. This is going to be a huge shock to the Democratic Party in this country, and to the news media. Because of the margins going to be much bigger than they expect.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, they weren't covering it really all that much until we started covering it. Newt, thank you.

GINGRICH: That's right.

INGRAHAM: It's great to see you.

And the issues animating the New Jersey governor's race aren't too dissimilar from what's happening in Virginia. So it's taxes, jobs, and education are the top issues for voters. So how can a Republican breakthrough there? Here now is a man trying to pull it off, Republican Jack Ciattarelli. Jack, sorry for botching your name several times, and I should know it by now -- Ciattarelli. But thank you for being here. The latest poll has you down eight points, but some have shown you as close as four. Is there enough time for you to make up any gap given what these polls are saying?

JACK CIATTARELLI, (R) NEW JERSEY GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: Laura, don't worry about Ciattarelli. I get it wrong myself sometimes. But when you poll likely voters, when you poll likely voters, this is a dead heat. It is exactly where we knew it would be at this point in time. We're going to continue doing what we're doing over the next four days that we've done for the past 22 months. And I'm confident in the outcome on November 2nd.

INGRAHAM: Bernie Sanders is coming into campaign for your opponent, Phil Murphy. And apparently he is speaking out. Watch.


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS, (D-VT): -- to demand that the wealthy and powerful start paying their fair share of taxes.


SANDERS: The challenge is even deeper than that. And it's a challenge that must be met at the local level, the state level, and the federal level.


INGRAHAM: So do New Jersey residents need another tax spike? Last time I checked, you guys were on the top of the nation for taxes.

CIATTARELLI: Nobody pays more taxes then New Jerseyans, Laura. Listen, they have brought in Jill Biden, they brought in Barack Obama, they brought in Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, now Bernie Sanders. And I'll tell you what, he is trying to recover from the fact that he said the highest taxed people in the nation, Phil Murphy did -- if taxes are your issue, we are probably not your state. It doesn't matter who he brings in. The crowds have been very, very low energy and poor turnouts for every one of those people. We've had great rallies up-and-down the state. I think our message is resonating. Again, we're in position for a win.

INGRAHAM: Your message is pretty commonsense. It's not over-the-top. It is a commonsense message about business, schools, and small businesses especially being able to keep their livelihoods going forward. And I found this interesting, is that a new poll from Monmouth shows Biden's approval underwater in New Jersey by six points. You guys have a 7.1 percent or so unemployment rate in New Jersey. That is the second lowest in the nation. Worst unemployment in the nation. So doesn't this all start to add up in your favor?

CIATTARELLI: It does, Laura. In fact, Biden is severely underwater with that group that really dictates the outcome of statewide elections, and that's the 2.4 million unaffiliated independent voters throughout New Jersey that lean right. So again, we think we're in an excellent position. We're just going to continue to talk about property taxes. Ours are the worst in the nation. And I refuse to a governor of a state that has the highest property tax in the nation, the worst business climate, and according to the IRS census data, number one in our immigration. More people leave New Jersey than any other state. We can turn that all around.

INGRAHAM: Jack, it's a beautiful state. People make jokes about New Jersey, but that means they haven't traveled to New Jersey. They deserve better leadership. Thank you, and good luck.

And ahead, a sitting governor takes aim at the Biden administration. Governor Ron DeSantis is here. In moment he's going to tell us how he intends to take on the feds over these vaccine mandates. Stay there.



GOV. RON DESANTIS, (R) FLORIDA: We are not going to deny people the ability to earn a living based on their decisions about an injection. Sometimes you have got to just in the moment, look back and think, OK, we've gone through 15 days to slow the spread to three jabs to keep your job somehow. Are you kidding me?



INGRAHAM: And it is with that sound reasoning that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced today that his state is going to be suing the Biden administration for imposing a vaccine mandate on all federal contractors. Governor Ron DeSantis joins us now. Governor, thanks for being here tonight. What would you say to those who claim these vaccine requirements are illegal, and further, are necessary to help the country emerge, governor, from the pandemic?

GOV. RON DESANTIS, (R) FLORIDA: I don't think we've ever seen the federal government be this heavy-handed with vaccination mandates before. And so this is definitely uncharted waters. What they are doing with federal contractors, and of course, Laura, as you know, we've got a lot of federal contractors in Florida, people that work in aerospace, in defense. They have thousands and thousands of employees who have been working throughout this entire pandemic in the state of Florida. Now all of the sudden they are basically being put to either lose your job or a do they shot. And some of them have made the decision that that's something that they don't want to do.

So they are trying to rewrite these contracts, and they are using the heavy hand of the federal government. Look, if the federal government says it ain't going to contract with you, ain't going to pay you unless you do what they say, most businesses are going to have to do what they say. That is just the reality.

So we felt that it's going to be detrimental to Florida to see people lose their jobs, and that we really needed to step in and file this lawsuit. So I think we've got a really, really good case. But I will say, the federal contractor is going to be a tougher case than the OSHA mandate, which has not yet come out. That is totally, totally off the rails in terms of any type of legal authority. So we're standing up. This is not the only thing we are doing. We are going to have a special session of the Florida legislature to provide protections for people and will very likely be litigating against the OSHA rule, if that ever actually comes out.

INGRAHAM: Do you expect this case to end up at the Supreme Court eventually? They are going to have to determine whether that old precedent from the 1920s, the Jacobson case, is applicable or whether its core findings should be overturned.

DESANTIS: Look, Laura, I would draw a distinction between a state mandate and a federal mandate. I'm not necessarily -- I don't think the state should require COVID shots either. In fact, I said very clearly today that will not happen with the school children. That's a parent's decision. That is what Florida law says, and we will vigorously enforce that.

But states do have residual powers, and they are able to do certain things that the founders didn't want to entrust in the federal government. The federal government is a limited enumerated power. It's supposed to be. I know in this day and age, it runs roughshod over everything. But I think that it really is important that we stand up for the order.

And I think we'll be successful. I think we'll be successful in the 11th Circuit eventually. I think Texas will be successful, whatever they do in the Fifth Circuit. So yes, the Supreme Court may resolve it, but I think at that point, look, as long as we save the jobs, by the time that decision would come down, I think we'd probably be in pretty good shape no matter what. So let's just save people's jobs. They should not have their livelihood tied to these mandates.

INGRAHAM: Do you have a reaction to what the president said about these mandates? He was very dismissive, and he said, well, look, they are working, 98 percent of blah-di, blah-di, blah-di, got the vaccine, got the jab. And so these are successful in getting our economy moving and getting the workplace humming again. Were you surprised by that?

DESANTIS: So here's what I would say, Laura. Just look at September. The economy underperformed. It was about 194,000 jobs nationwide, way below what you would want. But of those 194,000, Florida created 84,500. And so we are a state that has resisted mandates. We've resisted lockdowns and restrictions, and empowered people to be able to make their own decisions. And we are growing jobs and our GDP much faster than states that have embraced the lockdown mentality or have embraced the mandates and vaccine passports.

So that is just what we are seen so far. So I think if you want to get the economy going, you would want to do policies that are more in line with what Florida is doing, not what some of the states that are using the heavy hand of the government in this regard.


INGRAHAM: Our thanks to Governor DeSantis. Part two of that interview will air tomorrow night on THE ANGLE, and we're going to discuss how he is luring NYPD officers to the sunshine state.

Ahead, in an effort to get kids jobbed, did the CDC just lie about the number of youth fatalities due to COVID? Phil Kerpen and Dr. Peter McCullough are here next.



DR. ROCHELLE WALENSKY, CDC DIRECTOR: The regulatory process is underway to make COVID-19 vaccines available for children ages five to 11. And I would like to step back and take a moment to put some of this into perspective. There have been 745 deaths in children less than 18.


INGRAHAM: As health officials rush to vaccinate kids and shame those who do not want to do so, what about the actual numbers of child deaths? Statistician Emma Woodhouse, she took a look under the hood of the CDC data, and noticed something fishy. So while the CDC claims there have been nearly 750 deaths among the zero to 17 cohort, the National Center for Health Statistics shows just 558. Now, while every single one of these fatalities is tragic, of course, inflating the stats by 37 percent, why are they doing that? It could have major policy consequences.

Here now is Phil Kerpen, president of the Committee to Unleash Prosperity, and Dr. Peter McCullough, internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist based in Dallas. Phil, why is the risk to kids being inflated? What point does this serve?

PHIL KERPEN, PRESIDENT, THE COMMITTEE TO UNLEASH PROSPERITY: I think it does two things. One, it keeps the fear narrative and the control from the government alive a little bit longer. But two, I think, which is much more important at this point, it justifies the otherwise indefensible bad decisions that are politicians and our public health officials have made over the last year-and-a-half, two years. Rather than acknowledge error, they are trying to overstate the risk and the dangers to children to justify the massive disruptions to their lives, the educational harms, the mental health harms, everything else that they've imposed to this point.

And the director of the CDC should know that the verified death certificate-based count from the National Center for Health Statistics is the official count, and that the tracker is just whatever the states have submitted, that it gets revised all the time, that it has frequent errors. So the fact that she would pull that tracker number -- if it wasn't deliberate deception, then she doesn't know her own data really at all, which I think would be even worse.

INGRAHAM: she's one of the least convincing people in an administration chockfull of the least convincing people. Dr. McCullough, what is really disturbing, I think, is that all of the media types and politicians who are celebrating this new vaccination campaign for the young kids.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Vaccines work, COVID vaccine works. The vaccine for kids will work.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Parents could soon be handed a miracle of modern science, a COVID vaccine for kids as young as five.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're going to have the five to 11-year-olds. Thank God that vaccine is coming. That is going to be amazing. That's going to be amazing.


INGRAHAM: This is sick. Doctor, why are they so excited?

DR. PETER MCCULLOUGH, MD, MPH, INTERNIST AND CARDIOLOGIST: It's what I call vaccine hubris. None of the vaccines work well enough or safe enough to be taken up in such a hubris. They are certainly not good enough to be mandated in any way, shape, or form. And parents should be aware that Tracy Hoeg from the University of California at Davis has published that a child is more likely to be hospitalized with myocarditis then be hospitalized with COVID-19 respiratory illness. So taking the vaccine is not a favorable trade-off. And Ron Kostoff has published an analysis, and these have both been presented to the FDA, that a child unfortunately is more likely to die after the vaccine then actually die with COVID-19, the respiratory illness. So it's not a favorable trade-off to have children vaccinated. The American College of Pediatrics has that number you just mentioned. It's actually at 499 in their report.

INGRAHAM: It's even lower.

MCCULLOUGH: And what we know about that is that it's almost always in children who have serious underlying illnesses.

INGRAHAM: And yet they are not really tracking that number and those statistics as clearly as they could be tracked. In other ways, dying with COVID, not necessarily from COVID, correct, Doctor?

MCCULLOUGH: Yes, that is exactly right. What we really need to understand, I think in Marty Makary's analysis, there was only one child in the whole country who die directly of COVID. What I know about these cases is that the children are not adequately treated. And we have great news. We've just had a randomized child come with monoclonal antibody, there was an 85 percent risk reduction in hospitalization and death. This product has been EUA since May, and it could be used in children all the way down to age 12.

INGRAHAM: That is great news. Gentlemen, thank you.

And what am I doing on FOX Nation? The Last Bite will tell you, coming up.


INGRAHAM: My new FOX Nation special, "California on the Edge" dropped today. You are going to see me tackling the problems plaguing the golden state -- out-of-control crime, homelessness, and good moments as well with great leaders who are trying to make a difference on the street. Here's a clip with my ride along with the LAPD.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you talk about spikes in crime, this is our hotspot. And you see those boxes of food back there? So you have people, churches that come here and they give them food, which, I get it. Everybody needs to eat. But the problem is, it encourages them just to stay here. And now you have cold food that's trash with rats, and then they go into these houses right here.

INGRAHAM: Oh, boy.

What percentage of the people who are homeless on drugs? If you had to guess?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I had to guess, 80 percent.

INGRAHAM: San Francisco police told me 90.



INGRAHAM: You can watch the entire thing exclusively on FOX Nation right now.

And remember, Freedom Matters. Check out this tote. This is awesome for Christmas. We have got the pink Freedom Matters hat, the huge camo hat, all for charity. And I love these, cold or hot beverages. Freedom Matters, all made in the U.S., all for charity.

Greg Gutfeld takes it all from here.

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