'Ingraham Angle' on De Blasio’s vaccine mandate, infrastructure bill

This is a rush transcript from "The Ingraham Angle," August 3, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight.

Now, as THE ANGLE predicted last year, you may remember, Biden would never be strong enough to stand up to the squad. And oh, boy, today, we were proven right again. I have a hint for you. It's bad news if you're a landlord.

Plus, a well-known Canadian immunologist was part of that group and did some of the early research on the mRNA COVID vaccine. He now says that part of it was a mistake. He's going to tell us what it is later tonight.

But first, New York's death wish. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

Now, anyone of a certain age remembers an ad campaign that was used to promote tourism in a beleaguered New York.


INGRAHAM: Well, that was back in the 1980s. And celebrities and the Tourism Board came up together and they worked to try to save New York that was in trouble back then. Hey, but if the chairman of the board were alive today, I bet he'd start spreading a different type of news about New York.

Now, far left Democrats at all levels of government are responsible for cratering a once great American city. And it's about to get a lot worse because of something THE ANGLE warned you about at the very start of the pandemic.


INGRAHAM: As for what could come next, there were proposals for immunity passports that will be required for commercial flights or even to go to work.

Digital certificates that would certify that individuals, American citizens have an immunity to this virus and potentially other viruses going forward to then facilitate travel and work.

WILLIAM BARR, FORMER UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL: I'm very concerned about the slippery slope in terms of continuing encroachments on personal liberty.


INGRAHAM: Can you believe how long ago that was? And in the 14 plus months since those comments, the only group that hasn't had its liberties encroached upon in New York are the looters, the thugs and the gangbangers, who've been free to terrorize a city that's now at its breaking point.

But dimwit de Blasio, he doesn't care. His constituency consists of illegal aliens, Marxist agitators, teachers unions, abortion fanatics, and assorted free riders. Not the proud working people who call New York home.


BILL DE BLASIO, NEW YORK CITY MAYOR: I want you to imagine the notion that because someone's vaccinated, they can do all the amazing things that are available in the city. It will require vaccination for workers and customers in indoor dining, in indoor fitness facilities, indoor entertainment facilities. This is going to be a requirement. The only way to patronize these establishments indoors will be if you're vaccinated. At least--


INGRAHAM: The big bird of bloviation strikes again. Now, think about this, you're a restaurateur, you're one of the brave ones who decided to keep going despite the draconian obscene lockdowns and rules. And now they throw up this barrier to you and your potential customer base.

Now, for most of the past 18 months now, the city has been suffering under COVID shutdowns, mandates, schools were closed, criminals have had a run of the place. But Mayor de Blasio wants to take the city backward like it's still May of 2020, all because of the Delta variant.

Now, it's just the latest excuse for, once again, making life miserable for businesses, students and service industry workers. But I'm here to tell you tonight, what de Blasio is doing has zero to do with the virus.

I want you to look closely at the death chart from COVID in New York state. Does this look like a crisis to you? Then if you look at New York City alone, a city of 8.3 million people, the seven day average of total deaths from COVID right now is five. On April 7, 2020, alone, that number was 815.

We don't have a COVID crisis in New York, we have a leadership crisis in New York. Setting aside what we know is a gross deprivation of liberty, which was going to be challenged in court. This twisted new normal mandate will be another stake in the heart of a city struggling right now to survive.

Now, this is the reality of life in New York City after de Blasio's reign of terror of the last 13 months. Look at it. If there's any silver lining, and his announcement today, it's this. "Vaccine passports will only spur more New Yorkers to pull up stakes."

In Tennessee right now, people are getting ready for college football. They're enjoying restaurants, getting ready to send their kids back to school in-person, maskless. Thank you very much. In other words, they're going on with their lives. Ditto with Texas, Florida. Of course, COVID cases are going up, but putting everything in context, the governors of red state America know that mandates, threats, intimidation, restrictions, they'll eventually kill the patient, meaning their state's economy and their children's futures.

And they also know the government's refusal to recognize the protection that millions and millions of Americans already have from natural immunity, cross reactive immunity, shows that this is not about science. This is about power and about control.

Now, Biden may not understand the dynamics at play, Lord knows that, but the stark contrast between life in a free state and life in a COVID captive state. But Biden's political ventriloquist, they get it. So they sent old Joe out again today to attack DeSantis and Abbott.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mr. President, do you believe that Governor DeSantis and Governor Abbott are personally making decisions that are harming their own citizens?

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I believe the results of their decisions are not good for their constituents. And it's clear to me and to most of medical experts of the decisions being made like not allowing mask mandates in school, like, are bad health policy.


INGRAHAM: The medical experts. Now, as we saw happen in the spring of 2020, in the fall of 2021, the red states will once again begin to leave the blue states that follow New York's path behind.

Why would you start a new business today in New York, when you could live a normal life in Nashville? More and more Americans trapped in blue states will see that they don't have to live this way anymore. Unless - but I guess you're itching to live under these terms, skyrocketing crime, murders and shootings way up from 2019, insane COVID rules and mandates and the huge new entitlements that Democrats want to make permanent.

Back in April 2020, well, the love gov, he kind of let it slip.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D-NY): When do we get back to normal? I don't think we get back to normal. I think we get back or we get to a new normal, right? Like we're seeing so many facets of society right now. So we will be at a different place.


INGRAHAM: What a poltroon. If there's a shred of principle left in the Democratic Party and after seeing that guy, we'll learn more about him later in the show. Not really much of a chance of that. But we know he's certainly going to be in a different place.

We'll have more on that government (inaudible) moment in a little bit later on. Now, until the voters in New York deliver a resounding rebuke to the far left that [ph] berthed de Blasio and Cuomo, they should expect a new normal of constant misery. In any state, in any city, that follows their lead, we'll join them in a slow death via political suicide. And that's THE ANGLE.

All right. Joining us now is Joseph Smith, New York City restaurateur, owner of the great Bobby Van's Steakhouses. Joseph, thank you for joining us tonight. I want you to explain to the viewers who've heard a lot about these vaccine passports and need to show vaccine identification and so forth. What will the practical effects of this beyond already struggling businesses?

JOSEPH SMITH, OWNER OF BOBBY VAN'S STEAKHOUSE NYC: Well, Laura, first let me thank you for having me on, and let you know I'm a big fan. I watch your show every night. I think it's the most truthful show on television.

INGRAHAM: Thank you.

SMITH: And thank you for all you do for restaurants and other such businesses. Right now, this latest thing coming out after 16 months of nonsense between dumb and dumber, as I've called them before, the mayor and the governor. This could be the straw that breaks the camel's back. There could be another 5000 restaurants on top of the 5000 giving back their keys, because people will not come out. It's a fear monger thing there.

This is political. This has nothing to do, as you said, five people died. This has nothing to do with the virus. This is one-upmanship. De Blasio wants the governor's job. He might be able to go after it soon because he might be saying goodbye. De Blasio goes in two months, then we get someone else in office. This could be a total disaster as far as coming in and checking a app on your phone and stuff like that. We don't - we really don't know what they're going to do.

Business right now is running out about 30 percent, offices are occupied about 20, 25 percent.


SMITH: We have midtown Manhattan. We cater to office people. [ph] We're steakhouse. We've been decimated for the last 16 months because our people are in The Hamptons, they are in Florida. And the earliest returning, I've been saying it for a year on your colleague's show will be in mid- September, and only then it'll be 50 percent. Not if they come back up with the mask thing, it'll be down to 20 percent again, like it was in the past and we can't pay our rent and not as much as we have very understanding landlords.

And I say that the truth is very understanding. We got little help from the government with the [ph] PP, but we had employees, to try and keep employed yet there was no business.

INGRAHAM: Hey, Joseph, I have to ask you practically, who's going to be checking this app or passport, or vaccine card? You're going to have to hire a special person to do this, a trained professional who can recognize fakes? I mean - and then the onus is on you, I imagine, to - you could be fined, I believe, severely.

SMITH: This is the same as collecting sales tax. We're going to have to have someone, as you said, a professional that knows a good one from a bad one, going to have to stand at the door, going to have to make sure they're wearing a mask, we're going to have to make sure they have it on their phone, and that's where they're going to put it, or carrying a card. This is going to be an added payroll, which we can't afford. It's turned it through (inaudible)

INGRAHAM: Joseph, Midtown Manhattan, I found to be pretty desolate last week when I was there - a week before last. I couldn't believe it that I hadn't been there in 18 months. I was shocked how many restaurants that I loved, great restaurateurs out of business, gone, never coming back. I hope everybody listened to you, Joseph, tonight about this, because people don't - these are real businesses, never coming back. Joseph, I hope you'll come back on the show though soon. Thank you.

SMITH: Thank you, Laura.

INGRAHAM: So who will be most affected by Blasio's vaccine mandate? If you look at New York City's own statistics, those are the lowest rates of vaccinations or African-Americans, which is 31 percent having gotten both jabs.

So what we hear from Al Sharpton or Dr. Ibram Kendi, or Patrisse Cullors, about - I don't know, blatantly racist policy, targeting people of color, prohibiting entry at restaurants, bars, grocery stores, tenants and concerts. Where's their outrage? Here now is Horace Cooper, Project 21 co- chair.

Horace, the deafening silence coming from the race hustlers when there is going to be a disparate impact on African-Americans. Your reaction?

HORACE COOPER, PROJECT 21 CO-CHAIRMAN: Anytime they can divide us, anytime they can create racial division, these guys and gals come out to do it. Anytime they need to actually stand up to represent and promote the interest of America, and in particular, the black Americans that they regularly say they want to represent, they are silent.

This is a killer disease that you would think they would want to come out into the communities, talk to people, engage them, educate them and alike. It is to me the height of irony that we are hearing nothing when people who won't be able to go to gyms to workout, even though overweight people in the black community are a significant morbidity - comorbidity issue. Even though people who aren't college educated, aren't white-collar professionals often work at the restaurants, and these other kinds of places, are now going to be told you can't have the access to do this.

Oh, but last year, in 2020, if we found six people in a state with more than a million that didn't have an ID card, we swore that that was the end- all and be-all. Real livelihoods are affected. The ability to feed yourself, to provide for your family, to be self sufficient, is literally at stake with these so-called vaccine passports. All they're going to do is exacerbate the existing disparity in the number of people.

And by the way, this is poor people as well as minorities who are going to be less likely to partake in the vaccine if this technique is employed.

INGRAHAM: Yes. We just put up a graphic, Horace, of the fully vaccinated in New York City. And it's staggering. I mean, the African-Americans lowest number and the Biden administration wants to change that dynamic. That's fine. That's their priority and I understand that. But does it have real world impact on individual's life?

COOPER: This isn't how you do it.

INGRAHAM: Yes. I mean, shaming and intimidating and bullying them and finding them. If you're - I mean, we just talked to Joseph, he's a restaurateur, they're going to be hit with massive fines when they can't even afford barely to stay in business. Think about the people that's affecting.

COOPER: Well, and this new professional that's supposed to be in charge of checking, let me see your papers, that person is very likely not going to be a low income, or a minority. This is an amazing set of circumstances. And as I said, I'm not too old to remember 2020 when I was told that, by the way, an ID card that everybody uses to - for all of their activities. If you find one person that can't go vote because they never got their ID card, oh, that's the end of the world and it's evidence of the bigotry and racism.

Now, we're literally saying, you can't keep your job. You can't actually provide for yourself. You're going to have to become a ward of the state. I'll tell you what.

INGRAHAM: It's a scam. It's a sham. We got to roll.

COOPER: People are going to be leaving New York very quickly.

INGRAHAM: They're leaving already. It's going to - the numbers are going to go up. Horace, thank you.

And last night we exposed another sham that is the bipartisan infrastructure bill, so-called. Now it's supported by 17 GOP senators that would change the country in ways just a few short months ago, we think unimaginable. Well, tonight, there is a new reason to oppose this bill. We're going to explain it. Newt Gingrich and Jim Jordan, next.



INGRAHAM: You guys got played on this. You had to vote first or agree first. They still haven't shown the text of their legislation. Make them show their text first. You realize that America is going to be changed for everything.

SEN. BILL CASSIDY (R-LA): Hey, hey, Nancy, will you tell us everything that you have? Hey, Nancy, will you tell us everything? That's not going to happen, Laura.

INGRAHAM: Senator?

CASSIDY: You know that's not going to happen.

INGRAHAM: Senator, I know you're doing this--

CASSIDY: But what we have is $110 billion for roads and bridges, $65 billion for--

INGRAHAM: You could have gotten that without giving away the store. But I know you're talking loudly tonight because you're trying to be really, really persuasive. But it's just not working.

CASSIDY: But because we pass this, they're less likely to get their $3.5 trillion.


INGRAHAM: As I did last night with Senator Cassidy, I intend to hold all 17 Republicans, including Mitch McConnell, all the establishment GOP accountable for the unending entitlement disaster that is about to unfold for all Americans. They're going to further bankrupt our country and diminish our freedom.

And oh, by the way, gender identity is now a protected class under the infrastructure bill. Nice going guys. Glad we have a Republican party.

And tonight there is another reason not to give Biden a lifeline. According to Politico, "During a closed-door lunch last week, House Democrats' campaign chief delivered a blunt warning: If the midterms were held now, they would lose the majority."

Congressman Sean Maloney then "advised the party to course-correct by doing more to promote President Joe Biden's agenda". In other words, gifting him an infrastructure when nominal way of bipartisan would do the Democrats work for them.

Joining me now, Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House, Fox News contributor'; and Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan.

Newt, it's almost as if some GOP members, oh, they almost seem like they don't want to win back Congress next year, given what they're supporting with the so-called infrastructure to track that's going to go to $4 trillion soon.

NEWT GINGRICH, FORMER HOUSE SPEAKER: Well, look, I think some of the Republicans tend to take a short-term win and forget the larger game. So they feel good, they've been bipartisan, they're getting something done. The fact that the thing they're getting done, first of all, as you pointed out, they have no idea what's in the bill. And they have no veto over what's in the bill. And so they're going to get a bill, which is dramatically worse than anything they agreed to. They're going to have no ability to change it. And it's going to be a disaster.

And there's a wing of the Republican Party, which historically, it's the wing that Reagan opposed, frankly, it's the wing we opposed when I was speaker of the house. And it's a wing which says that you've always got to find a way to be responsible. And being responsible means selling out to the left. And that these 17 - many of them are good friends of mine. I have great respect for them. But they got suckered on this. It's the wrong thing to do. They ought to rethink it. There'll be more than enough reason to vote against this bill when they actually see the bill.

Remember, they haven't seen the written language. They don't know what they're for. And therefore, there are plenty of opportunities here for them to decide. You know, that was a mistake. I don't think I can go along with it. That's what they should do.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, that's 2700 pages long the so-called infrastructure bill. Senator Cassidy said he read it. That's got to be a Evelyn Woods speed reader with a staff, I guess.

But Congressman Jordan, some Republicans including Robert - Rob Portman, your fellow Ohioan, what's going on here really? Because it's obvious that this is a twofer. It's not an infrastructure on its own. What's going on here?

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Right. There's only 10 percent of the bills devoted actual infrastructure. And I'll tell you what is in the bill is the word equity is mentioned over 60 times. My guess is, in all the time that Speaker Gingrich was in Congress, he never saw a transportation bill or an infrastructure bill that was focused on equity. So that's the problem with this. It's a bunch of left-wing spending. It's part of what I call the Democrats crazy economic plan, which is lockdown economy, spend like crazy, pay people not to work.

And oh, by the way, for all of you who are working, they're getting ready to raise your taxes. Such a deal. So we know this is bad. What these Republicans were thinking, I don't know, because it's step one of a bigger spending bill that's coming later. And you rightly pointed this out last night, in your interview with Senator Cassidy. So this is bad news. It's part of the crazy Democrats spending and crazy economic plan. And frankly, I think it's why we are going to win. I think if the election were today, we'd win big. It's not today, it's next year, but I think we're going to win next year and take back the House.

INGRAHAM: But, Newt, you do give away some of your principled authority. If the wise men, I put that in quotes in your party, and there's some women in this too. But are the people who give Biden this win on infrastructure and glide right into $3.5 trillion of family medical leave, universal pre-K to indoctrinate our kids, all the rest of the stuff in there and bankrupting a future generation. This is insane what they're doing. I am embarrassed to be called a Republican when they're supporting this.

GINGRICH: Look, this is the kind of behavior which led to the rise of the Tea Party from people who were furious at the failure of Washington leadership. It's the kind of thing, frankly, which led to 63 percent disapproval of Republican leaders in the Congress just before Donald Trump ran for president. And in many ways, people look at this stuff and they think, what's the point? Why do we raise the money? Why do we go out to vote? If all we're going to do is get people who get suckered in.

I don't mind if they can't play chess. But if they can't play tic-tac-toe, there's something really profoundly wrong with - and when they get together for their luncheon, they ought to really look at this. This is something they should bail on. It was a mistake. It will be dramatically worse than they think. And the 2700 pages will be followed by over 50,000 pages of regulations. And there's more than enough reason for those 17 senators to decide that they got suckered and that the time has come to kill it, not to move it forward.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Stop digging in the hole. And Congressman Jordan, I think it's important to see how a former Obama strategist is describing the 17 in the Romney group. Watch.


CHAI KOMANDURI, POLITICAL STRATEGIST: There has been no GOP civil war. It's been a one sided massacre of anti-Trumpists in the GOP. We are beginning to see green shoots emerge beneath the ice of Trump tribalism. You're seeing it in this bipartisan infrastructure deal.


INGRAHAM: Congressman, the anti-Trumpers outing themselves in the GOP?

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): No. We just had a big win here in Ohio in a special. The candidate President Trump endorsed won big. President Trump is the leader of our party. Americans appreciate that he did what he said he would do when he was president.

And that's why we're going to win, because these guys have done so many crazy things, whether it's crime, whether it's inflation, whether it's the crisis on the border. All those reasons are why I think we're going to win. People are frustrated with these guys, and they're going to put Republicans back in charge.

INGRAHAM: I can tell you, Newt Gingrich did not take the House back after 50 years of GOP being locked out of the House because of these types of votes. That's not why Newt Gingrich was able to take that House back. I remember that night very well, Newt. Great to see both of you.

And after today's damning A.G.-report on repeated instances of sexual abuse, Andrew Cuomo's political future seems doomed, but could he face criminal charges? And speaking of blatant disregard for the law, Biden's order extending that moratorium on evictions, it's not just unconstitutional, itself creates another crisis. Stay there.



GOV. ANDREW CUOMO, (D) NEW YORK: I have been making the same gesture in public all my life. I actually learned it from my mother and from my father. It is meant it to convey warmth, nothing more. I do it with everyone, black and white, young and old, straight and LGBTQ, powerful people, friends, strangers, people who I meet on the street.


INGRAHAM: That is like an "SNL" skit. I am speechless, OK. Governor Cuomo one of the more bizarre defenses of accusations of sexual harassment ever assembled -- I am really weird and creepy, but I didn't know do. It was so bad even Biden, I guess, doesn't believe him at this point.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Will you now call on him to resign given the investigator said the 11 women are credible?

JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I stand by that statement.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you now calling on him to resign?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And if he doesn't resign, do you believe he should be impeached and removed from office?

BIDEN: Let's take one thing at a time here. I think he should resign.


INGRAHAM: Joining me now, Harmeet Dhillon, CEO of the Center for American Liberty. Harmeet, he is politically damaged. But we thought Ralph Northam was politically damaged as well in Virginia, and he's still wreaking havoc on the great commonwealth of Virginia. Harmeet and I both went to University of Virginia Law School. He is destroying this state little by little, if you ask me, but he's still in. So what's going to happen?

HARMEET DHILLON, CEO, CENTER FOR AMERICAN LIBERTY: Well, Laura, the difference here is that there are many victims who are within the statute of limitations to sue the governor and sue the state. It's a three-year statute of limitations in New York, and even on the federal statute they could make claims.

But beyond that, there are potential criminal charges that could be brought against the governor if any state prosecutor in the state wants to do that for third degree sexual abuse. Touching somebody on their sexual parts without their consent even through clothing is a crime, and that happened allegedly to many of the women in this report. And so I think the governor can't just brush this off like Ralph Northam did. Impeachment is going to be the proper remedy for him at this point, and I don't think we're going to see a criminal prosecution. But that could happen if they want to get serious about getting him out of office.

INGRAHAM: Harmeet, tonight the "New York Times" is reporting that according to a person familiar with the process, it could take a month to complete the inquiry and draw up the articles of impeachment. Why the heck would it take a month? It didn't take the Democrats that long to impeach the president of the United States?

DHILLON: Great question. The issue about impeachment actually was raised in March of this year when the first articles of impeachment were brought in by a Republican. And so I think Democrats have been slow-rolling this to wait to see what happened with this report. This report is actually, I think, worse than just about everyone expected. But the noises are still out there that they're going to go through their process, and their process could take some time.

Laura, to be very clear, this process is in the hands of the Democrat head of the Judiciary Committee there in the state assembly. And if they wanted to start doing this tomorrow, they can. And I think it's all going to be according to political whim. They can speed this up now. Plenty of evidence is before them and has been for months. And it is conclusive after today's report.

INGRAHAM: And of course, a lot of people believe that the attorney general wants to be the next governor of the state of New York. That's a little curious, Harmeet, isn't it? Isn't that a little bit of an appearance of a conflict of interest. But she has big ambitions, big.

DHILLON: Yes, she would have to run for office, of course. She's not going to be in the chair of automatic ascension to that position. And everybody has their own baggage there. I think there are a lot of long knives out. I don't think anyone should make any assumptions. But Democrats even throughout the country and in the region, the governors around him seem to be all united in calling for him to resign. I think he is going to dragging down the Democrat brand. That's really what they care about, not about these women, not about all the dead grandparents that he caused, but really about whether Andrew Cuomo in office is a political liability. And I think that conclusion has been reached by Democrats, Laura.

INGRAHAM: I guess we're not going to play his singing to his friend on the phone. But that was choice. Harmeet, thank you.

While all this was happening today in New York, Joe Biden was busy caving to the far left in the House of Representatives on the issue of rent forgiveness. The Supreme Court had literally put the White House on notice that the president did not have the constitutional authority to extend what was a COVID moratorium on evictions. But they don't care. Biden is so terrified, apparently, of the, I like to call them the Capitol camping crazies, like Cori Bush, that he is just defying the court.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The bulk of the constitutional scholarship says that it's not likely to pass constitutional muster. But there are several key scholars who think that it may, and it's worth the effort.

At a minimum, by the time it's litigated, it will probably give some additional time while we're getting that $45 billion out to people.


INGRAHAM: OK, so why did Brett Kavanaugh then just not deal with it at court? He threw it back for another month-and-a-half. The court could have settled this and it should have.

Joining us, Victor Davis Hanson, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution. Victor, we don't have a functioning economic system anymore, because if you are a landlord, you are basically providing free housing for as long as the Squad says so, which means forever.

VICTOR DAVIS HANSON, HOOVER INSTITUTE SENIOR FELLOW: Yes, I think if you are a landlord, the only leverage you have over a tenant that either won't pay or damages your property is the threat of eviction. You take that away, and you federalize it, then you have no clout at all. You know what's going to happen, human nature being what it is.

Joe Biden can defy the Supreme Court in probably a fashion that is illegal, but he can't defy the laws of human nature. People just won't rent, or they will jack up the rent so high to cover the damage that people do that they can't evict.

I think what you're seeing is the ultimate expression, Laura, of critical legal theory, that these people do not believe in the law, and they feel that they answer to a higher moral law on the border. They don't enforce federal law. Joe Biden took an oath to faithfully execute the laws. There is no border. He feels he answers to somebody else, I think the deities of Bernie Sanders or AOC. They are above the law. And we saw it with unemployment extension, extension, extension so that the incentives are not there to work. And he feels that there is a new dawn awakening, the rules of capitalism don't quite apply.

And we were warned. Gavin Newsom said that this crisis gave us a chance to discover a new progressive capitalism. Barack Obama said maybe we should look at capitalism and whether paying money back and balanced budgets and all that.

INGRAHAM: The great reset.

HANSON: So I think the theory that was in the university has now been institutionalized by the Biden administration. It has two traits. One, they do not believe in the law as it is written. They feel they can answer to a higher law. Joe Biden basically just said that. And they feel it's not reciprocal. You can have a sanctuary city and violate federal immigration laws, but do not have a sanctuary city and say you can buy a gun without federal laws applying on gun ownership or Endangered Species Act. It's never symmetrical, because they are our moral superiors. So they adjudicate which laws that they can pick and choose laws to follow and which they can't.

INGRAHAM: I think it was in January of 2019, I believe, that AOC, for all intents and purposes, right after she was elected, that she would be the thought leader of the Democrat Party. I was kind of laughed at when I said that because everyone thought she was just so out there. She pretty much is the thought leader of the Democrat Party. That's the just fact.

HANSON: She is.

INGRAHAM: Victor, thank you. Good to see you tonight.

And a Canadian immunologist who was part of a team tasked with researching COVID vaccines now says a big mistake was made. He's here next to tell us what that is and how to respond to his critics. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Byram Bridle is an associate professor of viral immunology at the University of Guelph in Canada. During the course of his work, he has received many grants, including COVID 19 focused funding to develop a novel vaccine platform.

In a recent radio interview, Dr. Bridle brought up a new peer reviewed study showing that the spike produced by the MRNA vaccines does not remain in the should muscle upon injection, but rather gets into the blood, and can, in some cases, lead to clotting, bleeding heart problems, neurological damage, and more.


BYRAM BRIDLE, UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH PROFESSOR: We never knew the spike protein was a toxin and was a pathogenic protein. Was it accumulating in the ovaries, one of my questions is, will we be rendering young people infertile, some of them infertile?


INGRAHAM: Here now is the aforementioned Dr. Byram Bridle. Dr. Bridle, we're going to get to your response to some of the criticism in a minute. But in layman's terms, explain briefly what you came across in your research?

BYRAM BRIDLE, UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH PROFESSOR: Hi, Laura. Yes, thanks for having me.

So this was actually a study, that the data that I cited is actually Pfizer's own data. They had submitted it to the Japanese government. And what's interest is unlike the FDA in the United States and Health Canada, the regulator agency in my country, the Japanese government requires additional data that our health agencies do not require. And included in their data package was results of a biodistribution study. So this is a study that looks at where the vaccine goes in the body.

Now, traditional vaccines technologies, what we know is that when the vaccine is injected, in this case into the shoulder muscle, normally the vaccine would stay in the shoulder muscle. But in this case, the study indicated that as little as 25 percent of the dose remains in the shoulder muscle. The rest of the dose seems to distribute systemically throughout the body, seeding all kinds of tissues.

And so there are a couple of concerns. There was a peer reviewed study that demonstrated that the spike protein that the vaccine causes our bodies to manufacture gets distributed throughout the bloodstream. But probably of even greater concern for me is this evidence that the vaccine itself, which carries the little blueprint for the spike protein from SARS coronavirus, that goes throughout your body and seeds all kinds of tissues, including in quite high concentrations the ovaries.

So for example, in the ovaries, one of the things that I noted is that after 48 hours, if you look at the amount of the vaccine left in the shoulder, we actually end up -- well, females end up with about seven percent of that dose in the ovaries, which is a concern. And of course what happens is if the vaccine is seeding a tissue like the ovaries, this is providing the genetic blueprint to the cells in the ovaries, meaning that those cells will now start manufacturing spike protein.

And we're also starting to learn that the spike protein itself can be toxic to the body. And as we generate antibodies against the spike protein, if we have cells, for example, in the ovaries that are now starting to express the spike protein on their surface, our own antibodies are going to be attacking our own cells.

INGRAHAM: I want to ask, so people understand this. You have been fact checked out the wazoo for what you read and said.

BRIDLE: That's correct.

INGRAHAM: Now, they wrote in the A.P., "Experts say they found nothing of concern from the same study. One expert claimed that the spike became undetectable by 14 days after the first dose of the vaccine. After the second they couldn't detect the spike protein the blood of any of the participants because the participants had all generated anti-spike antibodies." They say you are cherry-picking data. Doctor, your response, quickly.

BRIDLE: So first of all, again, what they are actually highlighting is a secondary concern of mine. My primary concern is that the spike protein that's generated by the vaccine is actually designed to stay anchored to the surface of our cells. But the problem is, if this vaccine is being distributed throughout the body, and it's seeding tissues like our adrenal glands and our lungs and the intestines and the spleen, and all kinds of different tissues, then we're going to cause cells all throughout our body to express essentially this flag on the surface, the spike protein.

And then, indeed, as we start mounting an antibody response, which takes about a week to two weeks and will peaks at about three weeks, yes, that's going to try and clear the spike protein from the body. But the problem is the spike protein is now on our own cells. So it's going to be killing cells in our body. And also just to talk about the spike protein --

INGRAHAM: We have a hard break, Dr. Bridle.

BRIDLE: Oh, sure.

INGRAHAM: But this is so important, we will have you back, and we'll continue to ask tough questions. Thank you.

Cuomo should have heeded his own words. What does that mean? The Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM: Before we go, a walk down memory lane.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO, (D) NEW YORK: You will get knocked on your rear end. You will deal with pain. You will deal with suffering. The question is, how do you get up? First, do you get up? And second, if you get up, how do you get up? Do you get up smarter? Do you get up wiser?


INGRAHAM: You be the judge.

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