This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on June 15, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: It is just a gut feeling I have. I don't want America to look bad on a world stage but I'm not confident. All right, but in the meantime, unfortunately, that is all the time we have left we hope you'll set your DVR and never miss an episode. In the meantime, let not your hearts is troubled. Laura Ingram is next. All right, what snippy comment and I guess this hit me with it now?

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Snippy, Sippy do you have a bib? Are you offering a bib as well, like a dribble bib because I have a couple of people who could be wearing them? 

HANNITY: Oh, I know a lot of people that could wear and we could make a list together one day just we could share it with the audience.

INGRAHAM: But I have a question I thought you were - when I saw that he was going to the border. And then I knew you were interviewing the president. I thought wait, Hannity is going to the border with the President.

They're both going to be in - kind of crawling through the brush. And then you're going to do the interview with the level layer mic and then that was going to be something that's going to be exciting, but now it's just like a regular interview. OK. I guess. 

HANNITY: Thanks for pumping up my show. I know. Laura's got a horrible show coming up now on--

INGRAHAM: Let me say this Hannity is like well, there's a good cocky game over on ESPN. Why do you go watch that? I've never heard anyone on television promote another's show.

HANNITY: The game was over--

INGRAHAM: No one knows that. No one knows that. Why do you say well, there's a great movie on HBO? It's just about now. It's just time for THE INGRAHAM ANGLE. OK. There's like a long boat reunion on it TVS go watch it.

HANNITY: Don't miss this hour--

INGRAHAM: You're killing me.

HANNITY: --she's on a roll. Take it away.

INGRAHAM: All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. And this is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington. A truly stunning report from our own Raymond Arroyo at the border tonight we're going to bring you that in moments. But first, who is really terrorizing Americans. That's the focus of tonight's ANGLE.

OK, according to a new report in "The Wall Street Journal", China's President Xi Jinping is unleashing a massive propaganda push across all of Chinese society, including schools, where no effort will be spared to glorify pumping up the CCP.

Mr. Xi has ramped up efforts to forge what he calls a correct outlook on history ahead of the party centenary, a milestone moment in his China dream of national renaissance and a chance to cement his legacy as a great leader alongside Mao and --.

And Xi got a propaganda assist today; you bet he did from Joe Tsai, the Owner of the Brooklyn Nets and the Vice Chair of Alibaba. He was naively asked could a billionaire leading a Chinese company speak out about human rights in Beijing. 


JOSEPH TSAI, ALIBABA EXECUTIVE VICE CHAIRMAN: You have to be specific on what human rights abuse you're talking about. Because the China that I see, the large number of the population, I'm talking about 80, 90 percent of the population is very, very happy with the fact that their lives are improving every year. 

And if you talk to a parent in, you know, in China, and you ask them, are your children going to have a better life than you are? Most of them will say, absolutely, yes, you economy is expanding, right? 


INGRAHAM: At every turn, these rich corporate Titans work to convince you and them, that they're not total frauds. Freedom for working class people it's kind of a nuisance even dangerous. The CCP didn't brutally repress Hong Kong democracy protesters. In fact, for Mr. Tsai, it was just saving the city from the scourge of freedom. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you read the same headlines that I do about some of the human rights issues now?

TSAI: In 2019 when people were protesting on the streets, I was actually afraid to walk onto the street. You know why because I speak Mandarin. And they were targeting every person that spoke Mandarin. I actually felt physically threatened with these protesters, right? So I think now we have more stability. Hong Kong is going to be fine. You know why because it's free market economy.


INGRAHAM: Wait a second. First of all, he was a lacrosse player. Why is he afraid at Yale? OK. Well, sideslip glossing over of Chinese atrocities is disgusting, especially since his Homeland of Taiwan is likely next in line on China's list of conquests. 

Of course, plenty of American CEOs and celebs are just as appalling. Many are shilling for China, which is the single most powerful threat to America's long term survival. But while China is busy stoking patriotic zeal with its historical whitewash and CEOs like Mr. Tsai, the Biden Administration is working to stoke division and resentment by obsessing on Phantom threats, all as a pretext to crackdown on individual freedoms. 


MERRICK GARLAND, ATTORNEY GENERAL: The top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race and will almost certainly continue to be elevated throughout 2021. 


INGRAHAM: To great fanfare from a grateful media Attorney General Merrick Garland issued a 32 page report called "The National Strategy for countering domestic terrorism". Now, it's filled with a lot of bureaucratic jargon. 

But the strategy is just a thinly veiled effort to demonize the Democrats' 

political opponents, and frightened voters before the next election. Now predictably, the administration uses the January 6th Capital Riot to justify proposals that will lead to less power for hardworking Americans, and more for big government and their cronies. 

Now, in order to keep us safe from people like Chief Furball, and his friends who were posing for selfies at the Capitol, Biden's forces will team up with the same crew who helped them win in 2020. Of course, I'm talking about Mark Zuckerberg and the big tech censors. Expect to see armies of fact checkers and fewer independent sources of information that question the status quo.


GARLAND: The technology sector is particularly important to countering terrorist abuse of internet based communication platforms to recruit and cite, plot attacks, and foment hatred, relevant stakeholders, including tech companies, NGOs, and academics, to tackle the online aspects of this threat. 


INGRAHAM: Oh, and of course, even though the Capitol clowns weren't firing off any guns, big brother, oh, they need to curtail your second amendment rights too. According to Biden's strategy this means reducing access to assault weapons and high capacity magazines, and enforcing legal prohibitions that keep firearms out of dangerous hands. 

And while claiming that these recommendations aren't ideologically driven, the document calls for fighting racism by teaching civics education that sounds so benign, only, it's not the civics education of your where they're taught the "Declaration of Independence", the Constitution, and kind of the way the government works. 

Instead, it's one that promotes tolerance and respect for all, all the while acknowledging when racism and bigotry have meant that the country fell short of living up to its founding principles, and other words, we can't protect you from people who want to blow you up, unless you agree to check your white privilege at the door and allow your kids to be indoctrinated via critical race theory.

And of course, no effort to turn American against American would be complete without snitching incentives among our members of the armed forces.


GARLAND: The Department of Defense will train service members on the potential targeting of current and former military members, but by violent extremists in order to help prevent radicalization. 


INGRAHAM: Now I'm sure that's going to do wonders for unit cohesion and trust. And it's never going to lead to reporting abuse as based on personal grudges or disagreements, right? No. Of course, this report totally ignores the massive damage done to American cities last summer by left wing groups and only vaguely mentioned the shooting of Steve Scalise and others at the Republican baseball practice a few years back.

The report leaves out the fact that the Scalise shooter was a Bernie supporting MSNBC watching lunatic who hated the GOP. But don't worry; FBI Director, Deputy Director Andy McCabe was on hand to pretend like the shooters motive was still up in the air. 


ANDREW MCCABE, FORMER FBI DEPUTY DIRECTOR: The FBI still doesn't exactly know what that shooter was up to? They never really uncovered the sort of detailed evidence that laid out a specific plot or an objective, but it is undeniable that he was targeting Republicans. 


INGRAHAM: Undeniable we're talking about Republicans but it's still up in the air. I don't have any words at some point. Real threats to our homeland are growing day by day from cartels exploiting our out wide open border. 

Raymond will talk about that in a moment. 

To Chinese and Russian hackers to violent criminals coast to coast but the threats highlighted by the political opportunist and the Biden Administration are vastly exaggerated. And it's all being done in an effort to ram through an agenda a freedom killing agenda that they cannot pass through Congress. 

They know they can't pass this through Congress. Yet from chilling our First Amendment expression to denying military jobs to undesirables Biden's anti domestic terror guidelines will inevitably drive more Americans to their respective corners at a time after this long year, when we all should be talking more and that's THE ANGLE.

Joining me now is Terry Turchie. He spent 30 years in the FBI, and retired as Deputy Assistant Director of the Agency's Counter Terror Division. 

Terry, you saw many of these domestic operations take a troubling turn. And your response to what we saw announced in the Biden Administration today would be what?

TERRY TURCHIE, FORMER FBI DEPUTY ASSISTANT DIRECTOR: We're watching right now, Laura, as the President, the Attorney General, the Democratic Party, this administration are weaponizing, the machinery of government to silence dissent. 

I never thought I would see that in the United States of America. But that's what's going on. How can we be so sure? Well, after a few months, about 100 days, I think they mentioned of this massive study in which they're able to say all the things they just did about where the problem is. 

And of course, the problem goes to the white supremacist that we really can't find that many of and to religious people who believe in certain principles that we've always believed in. Those are the problem people, and yet they fail to answer the two big questions. They were unable to say, here's what we need. 

We need a material support type of violation to deal with domestic terrorism similar to what we have when we're dealing with international terrorism, providing material support to terrorists. And so we need that for domestic organizations. 

And what about classifying some domestic organizations as domestic terrorist organizations? They left that alone. Now why did they leave that alone? Why did they not really talk about that much except to say that?

Because if they sit down and they did guidelines, they would have to turn around and start looking at BLM and ANTIFA and a dozen other groups as domestic terrorist organizations, they haven't figured out yet how we can slice this up and do one without doing the other and they're not quite ready politically to do that. 

But all this is about is political. It is not about terrorism, or the best way to work terrorism. Why? Because I don't know what Andy McCabe knows about terrorism? But I'll tell you this, we worked so hard for all those years, I was in the FBI, to make sure we did not make terrorism, about religions and people and skin color. 

We tried to stay around facts. And every time we did an operation that got away from facts and following the trail of the evidence, we got in trouble. 

And many times we got in trouble for doing what politicians wanted us to do at the time that our cities were burning. 

I'm talking of course, about Cointelpro during the days of rage, or Ruby Ridge, when we had people murdered up--

INGRAHAM: But Terry, they're killing, they're killing - they're killing their own credibility they're doing to law enforcement, federal law enforcement. What public health Fauci has done to the medical field in government. It's the same politicization that it's just - it devastates their credibility. It's terrible for the country. Forget about the Democrats and Republicans. It is terrible for the country. 

Now I have to play something to you. This is the DHS secretary Mr. 

Mayorkas, who is speaking about these disturbing comments about Garland specifically monitoring internet communications watch. 


ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, HOMELAND SECURITY SECRETARY: We are working with the social media companies to be able to better identify the false narratives, to be able to identify disinformation and misinformation, and really educate the American public. 


INGRAHAM: Terry, who gets to decide what the narrative which narrative is false, and what fact patterns are, what objective metrics are they actually using? 

TURCHIE: They're not using any objective metrics. Now we have had it confirmed that our own government is going to join forces, with the very people in the very industry that has been censoring and prohibiting free speech for the last two years. That's what's getting ready to happen. 

We now have our own version of Baghdad Bob in The Wizard of Oz in the form of Joe Biden and Merrick Garland. It's really a shame. It's alarming. It's sad. And one of the satisfactory here is that no longer have our government institutions liked the FBI, for example, any longer able to stand up to what all of this really is.

When you start talking like they've been talking today about disinformation misinformation, your point of who is going to make these determinations when they start talking about what the threats are, and using terms like white supremacy. 

We're going right back to those very days you and I've talked about this before. All of this is what they do in communist societies. Now this is how they brainwash people. These are the first steps. We are watching this now happen here. 

INGRAHAM: Terry, your voice so important tonight. Thank you and while our government dedicates vast resources to this domestic terror threat of white supremacy, rampant crime wreaks havoc all over the United States. 

In fact, the vast majority of the criminals terrorizing minority communities are themselves minorities. For instance, a Palo Alto gang of young black men and women allegedly ransacked Louis Vuitton luxury store and made off with $100,000 worth of loot. 

Police said a similar case occurred at a Neiman Marcus Store just in the city last month and another instance of black man was caught on tape filling a trash bag was stolen goods at a San Francisco Walgreens. He was on a bike as a security officer stood by took some video with a cell phone basically just watched. 

And just today, a 39 year old black man accused of shooting five people in Alabama and Georgia admitted that his crimes were racially motivated. He told the detective that he targeted white men, because they had "Taken from him his whole life".

Joining me now is Dinesh D'Souza, Conservative Author, Filmmaker, and Host of the Dinesh D'Souza Podcast. Dinesh, a lot of people are uncomfortable talking about this topic. But indeed, it is oftentimes minority victims who are suffering the most with these ongoing crimes committed sadly by other minorities. 

DINESH D'SOUZA, CONSERVATIVE AUTHOR: Yes, its minority perpetrators against minority victims. Sometimes it's blacks, black on black violence, and that is typically motivated by just looting and robbery and gang fights. 

Sometimes it's blacks, against Jews, or against Asian Americans. And the motivation there is complex; it's probably something rooted in envy and historical stereotypes and, of course, some classic anti-Semitism. Anti- Semitism becoming much more legitimate now on the left being promoted even in the halls of Congress. 

So what's kind of amazing is the Biden Administration has created this fictitious bugaboo of white supremacy, based upon an insurgency that wasn't an insurgency based upon a coup that had no armed people going into the Capitol, it terrorism that had no terrorists involved. 

And so this fiction is put forward, almost emperor has no clothes style. 

Meanwhile, we're able to watch with our naked eyes and see stores are being burned, churches are being burned, and things are being looted. But I think for the Biden Administration it's OK, because that's, in a sense, the domestic terrorism and violence that they unleashed.

ANTIFA, BLM, these are their street shock troops. And of course, when they say defund the police in many of these major cities, they demoralize the police, what do you expect, if not an upsurge of crime. And so this is something that they licensed, they know it. 

And it's almost as if they're saying that the violence that's coming from their direction is sort of kosher, whereas the fictitious violence that is not coming from the other side is public priority number one.

INGRAHAM: And you have Biden over there in Europe, he's going to meet with Putin tomorrow Dinesh. And we had the Chinese repeat back to us, the Democrat Party's trashing of America about systemic racism. 

And you know, Putin is smart enough, he's going to do the same thing and his own way, you have your own problems over there. So the Democrats are just giving fodder in fuel to our geopolitical adversaries, to smash back in our faces with it. The same stuff so they're, they're just echoing back the Democrats, unfair criticism of the United States. 

D'SOUZA: You know it would be one thing if the Biden people said, you know, we've got to have some humility and recognize that they are violations of human rights that occur in America as other countries, but the irony is that the Biden Administration is creating this fictitious scenario of a chronically racist America. 

Now, they're not doing that with a view to foreign policy. They're doing that with a view to domestic policy. They're doing that ultimately the push a narrative domestically within the United States. But of course, it's now occurred to them with some dismay, I'm sure that this has international reverberations. What about the U.S. has moral authority to say to other countries --?

INGRAHAM: Exactly.

D'SOUZA: --you can't go after minorities? They'll say, well, you admit that you're doing it in America.

INGRAHAM: Now. Now, I forget puts us in a complete bind. Of course, they don't think. Dinesh thank you. And while the Biden Administration focuses on criminalizing thought of Americans, rank criminality spilling across our southern border, our own Raymond Arroyo in McAllen, Texas again for us tonight, a disturbing report about what he found out today stay there?


INGRAHAM: So if the Biden Administration is really so concerned about violence and domestic terror then why are they standing by while waves of illegals fled the border and they're not just migrant families looking for sanctuary either.

We're talking criminal cartels gang smugglers, human traffickers - traffickers are all capitalizing on Biden's border failures. Fox News Contributor Raymond Arroyo is in McAllen, Texas. He's at the border. He's been embedded with Texas law enforcement there, Raymond.

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura last night, we showed you how these migrants are being used by the cartels not only to make millions but to mask their criminal activity. Tonight we reveal how that activity is spreading into the United States into your community and what the Texas State officials are doing about it? We start with a wider and higher view of the border.


ARROYO (voice over): Flying with the Texas Department of Public Safety, it's easy to see how vast this Rio Grande sector really is? It's a wide open territory both to migrants and the cartels that control the Mexican side of the border. 

From the air the breaks in the border wall and the uncompleted portions are obvious. On the ground Border Patrol is forced to process and care for an unending flood of migrants trafficked by the cartels. Meanwhile, more than

200,000 immigrants have escaped detection by Border Patrol so far this year, and they're not all families. 

Border Patrol reports that they've arrested more border crossers with criminal records in fiscal year 2021, then 2019 and 2020 combined, and that is no mistake. The cartels have taken to social media recruiting drivers in the U.S. to traffic migrants, drugs and more. They promise big bucks in return. 

Now the State of Texas is taking matters into its own hands with "Operation Lone Star". State law enforcement and National Guardsmen are moving against the cartels.

ARROYO (on camera): Just yesterday Border Patrol working with the Texas Department of Public Safety busted up this stash house. More than 100 migrants were hiding within.

ARROYO (voice over): Lieutenant Christopher Olivarez is the Texas Department of Public Safety.

LT CHRISTOPHER OLIVAREZ, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY: Yes, so as you can see here, you can see they've been here probably for numerous days. You see various Coleen water bottles, you know, makeshift mattresses where they sleep on. And you can see the conditions here very poor, unsanitary, there's no air circulation, there's no central air. So especially with the South Texas heat, it can be pretty dangerous in here as far as these migrants. 

ARROYO (on camera): How do they continue to enforce their power over these people in the United States?

OLIVAREZ: They're in control of them. These people cannot move inland, they cannot move anywhere else in the country until the cartel says they're allowed to move to. Allow until they pay their fee whatever they owe the cartels in order to get further in then.

ARROYO (voice over): The cartels are in constant motion. These smugglers trafficking people into the U.S. were pursued by Texas Highway Patrol in a high speed chase. This is just one of more than 370 pursuits since March.

Earlier this week a smuggler smashed into a McAllen home, trying to escape authorities. And these criminals are not only transporting people.

OLIVAREZ: This is just one of many seizures that are that are VPS personnel have seized this particular individual. He wasn't documented. He was in the country illegally. I mean, he was in possession of these firearms which were destined for Mexico. There are no serial markings on there.

ARROYO (on camera): Oh, they don't have serial numbers. Why are these bags up like this in these sealed packages?

OLIVAREZ: So those are broken down so they can be smuggled into Mexico?

ARROYO (on camera): Tell me you all recently made a big drug discovery because it was hidden. Tell me about that.

OLIVAREZ: Other tactic they use, they'll move their drugs across the river, and they'll stash them into the brush area. And they'll have their drivers very strategic. They have their drivers drive up, load up the drugs and then they'll take them to a stash house for drugs for narcotics or special operations group working with U.S. Border Patrol and they were able to discover that large seizure was approximately 400 pounds of marijuana.

ARROYO (voice over): Since March, Texas authorities have seized over 11,000 pounds of weed and nearly 600 pounds of meth and cocaine as well as nearly a million dollars. Having all this happened in the thriving City of McAllen is unsettling to the Mayor Javier Villalobos.

JAVIER VILLALOBOS (R) MAYOR OF MCALLEN, TEXAS: It has caused a strain it has caused some conflict within the community itself and of course, taxpayer money. We have no reason or our municipality has no reason to be expending money on a federal issue. 

OLIVAREZ: We're focused on the criminal element that is a threat to the southern border that is a threat to the country because we cannot lose focus on these cartels. They're exploiting the situation. They know what they're doing. 

They're distracting the American people by you know the surge of migrants that are coming across. But yet, you see stash houses, you see narcotics, you see weapons, you see currency. That is the threat right now. And that's all we need to focus on.


ARROYO: Laura, we focus on the border we focus on Texas, but this is a national problem. It's coming to your community, and it's already there. 

By the way, drug seizures here in Texas are up 56 percent, fentanyl, 800 percent from last year. And these border agents, these law enforcement officials, they are endangered by this policy at the border as well, another underreported part of this story. 

INGRAHAM:  Raymond, thank you for that report, eye-opening and disturbing. 

Here to react is Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, joins me now. Dan, so it looks like former President Trump is going to visit the border before Joe or Kamala. I understand he's going to be there June 30th.

DAN PATRICK, (R) TEXAS LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR:  Yes, two weeks from tomorrow, and Kamala better reserve Air Force Two, otherwise the president will beat her, and Joe, as you said, to the border. And it's because they don't really want to see because they would have to acknowledge what's happening. 

Laura, I was in Dallas earlier today, I am back in Houston now -- and by the way, Raymond did a great story last night and tonight. Thank you for your focus on this. But why are we even kidding ourselves collecting international passports at our airports or checking for COVID? Why are we doing that when we're just letting thousands and thousands every day come into this country, no papers, no passports, no COVID test, nothing. 

Disease, criminal, you name it, just pouring into the country. 

And, Laura, we are on pace -- I heard you say earlier several million people, that may be the number we apprehend if we are at 175,000 a month. 

It's another, million, 2 million, or 3 million coming in that we can't catch. 

And I want to tip my bat to our men and women on the Department of Public Safety, our state troopers. They are doing a tremendous job, and our National Guard. And we are filling all those holes where the Border Patrol no longer can be because they are basically processing. They are like checking in people at the hotel America. It's terrible. 

INGRAHAM:  It's purposeful, as Greg Abbott said. 

PATRICK:  It's purposeful. 

INGRAHAM:  This is a strategy of continuation of illegality into the United States. They want new cheap workers. They want new voters. Whatever it is, this is purposeful. So let's not kid ourselves that she's going to go try to figure out the border. They don't want to figure out the border. They want this to continue. 

Beto O'Rourke is desperate, Dan, to distract Americans from what is actually happening at the border. Watch. 


BETO O'ROURKE, FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE:  I'd love the governor to focus on pandemic preparedness. We saw what it did to Texas, more than

50,000 killed over the last year-and-a-half. So there are urgent priorities that are worthy of taxpayer funds and true leadership in this state. But building a wall that is a solution in search of a problem is not one of them. 


PATRICK:  I would just like to see Beto O'Rourke focus. He's out of focus all of time on every issue. We are -- and we are having a big press conference tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. central time, Laura, in Austin, the governor, myself, and others. And we are going to lay out our plan for building our own wall. 

This is something I actually mentioned to the president, President Trump, back several years ago in McAllen. And I said, look, if you can't get Congress to help you with money, we'll step up and help you. And the president, he was masterful in getting money to build a wall. He built about 450 miles. He had another 300 miles funded, Biden just took that funding away from the other 300 miles, which would have helped Texas. So we are going to do it ourselves. We are going to announce that plan tomorrow. 

We are going to get started. We have to fight for our state, and we have to fight for our country when the federal government won't do it. We'll step up in Texas, and we want America's help along the way to help save America and save Texas from criminals and all those who come across. 

INGRAHAM:  Well, maybe they would actually enforce the border if word broke that there were a lot of white supremacists crossing the border. Then maybe they would show up at the border and start actually enforcing it, but I wouldn't hold my breath. Lieutenant Governor Patrick, thank you. 

PATRICK:  Thanks, Laura. 

INGRAHAM:  And just how badly has Biden undermined U.S. interests abroad? 

And what kind of mess can we expect to come out of his meeting with Vladimir Putin? Congressman Jim Jordan, Mark Meadows have reaction in moments. Stay there. 


INGRAHAM: President Biden's big foreign giveaway tour is even worse than we thought. Not only is he just giving the Europeans everything they want on trade, on climate, and defense -- he is also letting China off the hook on COVID. The joint statement from today's U.S.-E.U. summit calls for "a transparent, evidence-based, and expert-led WHO-convened phase two study on the origins of COVID-19 that is free from interference." 

Joining me now is Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan and former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows. Mark, if they think the WHO is capable of conducting a truly independent investigation, they are either dumb or totally complicit in this Chinese cover up. Which is a? 

MARK MEADOWS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF:  I can tell you Joe Biden is not reading his briefings that he's getting, his intelligence briefings, every morning if he can make a public statement like that. To believe that China is all of a sudden going to miraculously be transparent and say we are going to help you get to the origin of this when they've been on their own propaganda trying to blame the United States military, blame everybody but themselves, it was just a very ignorant statement for the president to make. 

INGRAHAM:  And Congressman Jordan, I thought this was very interesting, because you've been raising questions about John Kerry's true role in the Biden White House. So in a letter to Kerry you write "It is of paramount importance that we conduct oversight over your position as the special presidential envoy for climate and how the position will impact the interests of the U.S., especially where the role appears to intersect with the U.S. or sponsor hostile foreign regimes such as the Chinese Communist Party." 

So what you think old John Kerry's going to say to you for that letter, and what your suspicion here about what Kerry is doing? 

REP. JIM JORDAN, (R-OH) RANKING MEMBER, JUDICIARY COMMITTEE:  He's been to China once already. John Kerry is the same guy who gave us the Iran deal. 

Just what we need is another Iran deal with China, so to speak. So we're nervous about this. 

But the bigger concern for me with John Kerry is he wasn't elected to anything. He wasn't Senate confirmed. This idea that you have unelected people in our government making big decisions -- we've already lived through a year of that with Dr. Fauci and everything he did to our country and to our businesses and to our First Amendment liberties. So I think there's a host of concerns with John Kerry being the climate envoy going to China and negotiating nuclear deals, negotiating climate deals. We saw what happened in the previous at administration when he was involved in these areas. I think Americans are rightly concerned. That's why we wrote this letter. 

INGRAHAM:  And Mark, back to the big Biden giveaway, he's also surrendering in this -- I think it's a 17-year Boeing Airbus dispute. Airbus is the French jetliner manufacturer, they get huge subsidies from France. And Biden agreed to suspend tariffs for five years. CNBC reported last week that the E.U. was pressing the White House to end the trade tariffs imposed during the Trump administration. Mark, Boeing is -- I'm sorry -- screwed here, are they not? 

MEADOWS:  Listen, Joe Biden has been tougher on the American worker than he has been on our European allies. And you have to look no further than saying we are going to do away with any of the tariffs, and yet Airbus continues to enjoy a special privilege that other companies don't enjoy. 

And all of a sudden to go over this on this giveaway tour. That's what it really is. It's a giveaway on tariffs, it's a giveaway on climate, it's a giveaway to the Chinese, and ultimately, it's a giveaway to our European allies that would say we're no longer America first. We're here to make sure that it's European first. And it's a sad commentary. 

INGRAHAM: Tomorrow, the Putin meeting, Congressman Jordan, we're apparently supposed to just be in awe of Joe Biden's foreign policy acumen. 

Sitting across the table from Putin, given everything that's happened -- China got off scot-free, Europeans are in the driver's seat -- what is Putin thinking? 

JORDAN:  I think the big takeaway is -- and this is unfortunate -- but I think our adversaries see, smell and see weakness and smell weakness from the Biden administration. We saw this on display up in Anchorage a few months ago when our Secretary of State Tony Blinken was set across from his Chinese counterpart, and the Chinese counterpart just smacked around and basically lectured him and said all kinds of things, basically reciting with the left says in the Democrat Party today. And our secretary of state, of the United States, did nothing to push back. 

That would never -- that would never happen to Mike Pompeo in a President Trump at administration. We all know it. We see the same thing our adversary see. So I'm nervous about what actually happens in this, but we'll just have to wait and see. 

INGRAHAM:  Nord Stream 2, Mark, was that a big gift to Russia or what? 

MEADOWS:  Yes. We essentially did away with any kind of tariffs on the gas pipeline for the Russians, and yet we are killing the Keystone pipeline here in the United States. Joe Biden continues every single time to pick the wrong side of the equation. And Jim is exactly right. When we start to look at all of this, they can smell the fear, and it's sad. 

INGRAHAM: Gentlemen, thank you. 

Now, there's an effort by the left to not only pretend Critical Race Theory is just kind of a made-up thing by the right, but they want to use their allies in the media to launder their lies as they keep propagandizing in our schools. In moments we are going to reveal how NBC News dropped all objectivity to smear concerned parents. Stay there. 


INGRAHAM:  Parents across America are beginning to fight back against Critical Race Theory, so of course the left is running to the media for cover. Recently this is how NBC News spun the parent-led revolt. "In towns nationwide, well-connected conservative activists and FOX News have ramped up attention in fights over race inequity in schools." 

Joining me now is two of the targets of this smear piece by NBC, Dr. Elana Fishbein, president and founder of No Left Turn in Education, and Chris Rufo, Manhattan Institute senior fellow, contributing editor at "City Journal." 

Chris, you gave NBC a comment, I believe, to include in this hit piece, but the reporter kind of implied she wasn't going to include it because you disagreed with their experts. What? 

CHRIS RUFO, MANHATTAN INSTITUTE SENIOR FELLOW:  Yes, it's actually an astonishing moment right there on social media that anyone can see. The reporter, Brandy Zadrozny deliberately misrepresented my work in the piece. 

I called her out on it. She asked for comment. I provided the comment. But then she said something astonishing. She said that her editors would not print the comment because it, quote, disagrees with their experts and activists. So MSNBC and NBC News admit that they are an activist organization for the left, and they don't print comments that controvert their prepackaged narrative. It's really a damning admission that she flubbed out there in front of everyone. She should be deeply embarrassed. 

INGRAHAM:  Another reporter behind this smear on NBC News said the anti- Critical Race Theory uprising isn't because of concerned parents, but --


BEN COLLINS, NBC NEWS REPORTER:  You might think this is a grassroots movement. You might think that suddenly everyone is rising up against what they all know about -- Critical Race Theory -- and are against -- Critical Race Theory. However, it's not really actually like that. There are a bunch of dark money groups that are pushing new lines of thought. 


INGRAHAM:  Oh, is that what it is, Elana? Are you funded by dark money groups? 

DR. ELANA FISHBEIN, NO LEFT TURN IN EDUCATION PRESIDENT:  It's really embarrassing to see how little money we have. We are actually volunteers across the country in almost half of the states in the country, all working very hard, very committed. There is no dark money. Actually, there is no money. And I hope that with my appearance on your program, we will start getting some money. 

INGRAHAM:  No Left Turn in Education. OK, so this is what I'm amazed by. 

They always claim to be for civic activism. They want community activism. 

But they don't really want that. They want leftwing groups to keep doing leftwing stuff to subvert America. They don't want conservatives to be involved. They want everyone else to be involved. 

By the way, another one of NBC's hit piece authors was actually on MSNBC tonight. Watch. 


BRANDY ZADROZNY, NBC NEWS REPORTER:  Onerous FOIA requests, school board meetings being -- showing up en masse and yelling at school board members, all of this is sort of a tactic. And it's being leapt up on by national organizations, from the Heritage foundation to ALEC to other groups that have popped up after the Trump presidency to sort of push this American first agenda. 


INGRAHAM:  Chris, is this about Trump or saving our kids' education? 

RUFO:  Yes, this is absolutely about saving our kids' education. Look, I'm one reporter. I sparked the Critical Race Theory rebellion, including with stories here on your program. This is a spontaneous and organic uprising from parents who are tired of their schools being turned into indoctrination centers. They found out because COVID had their kids at home exactly what they were learning in schools.

And here's the bottom line -- parents taking control of their local institutions, parents demanding that their education reflects their values is at the heart of democracy. And anyone who opposes it, including these activists masquerading as journalists at places like NBC News, should be ashamed of themselves. It's absolutely disgraceful. I'm not going to stand for it, Elana is not going to stand for it, and millions of Americans who oppose state-sanctioned racism, which is what Critical Race Theory is in practice, are certainly not going to take this lying down. 

INGRAHAM:  Elana, what does the fall look like, very briefly? 

FISHBEIN:  Well, we are really parents, true grassroots movements all over the country that are confronting the people who hijacked the school and took our kids as hostages, and pushed parents out of the involvement in their kids' education. Parents are rising up and understand that they deserted the area, and are reclaiming their responsibility and their role in the education of their children. Please rise up, because they are not going to stop. 

INGRAHAM:  Elana and Chris, all I can say is freedom matters. Freedom Matters. Thank you. 

Up next, the Last Bite.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is the purpose of an education? Is the purpose of an education to help us to understand, to become critical thinkers, to teach us to be able to discern a wide range of ideas? Or is it to indoctrinate us into ideas of nationalism and patriotism and a belief that America is an exceptional nation that could do no wrong? 


INGRAHAM:  See, we don't think it's indoctrination to teach our kids to love their country and love freedom.

Greg Gutfeld next.

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