'The Ingraham Angle' on Biden's press conference, COVID mandates

This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on January 19, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: It was agony. And you know what made it worse for me, is that I had stuff going on with my kids. So I had to keep pushing pause. So it's bad enough when you watch it straight through, but then when you make it even longer by having to pause it. It was a nightmare.

Oh, my God. It was about the worst as I can remember from a president frankly.

HANNITY: I honestly, as an American, and I don't say this with any joy. I felt embarrassed. I felt - it's humiliating and a minor incursion into Ukraine. And yes, like I'm the greatest thing since slice bread. I'm like, ok, reality check. It was embarrassing.

INGRAHAM: You know what I think you should do with Trump, I think you should make a gentle suggestion to him. He should call Biden.

HANNITY: Call Biden, Joey.

INGRAHAM: And have a friendly phone call, and say I'm happy to come in. And since you're collecting new advice from people, he's seeking out new voices.


INGRAHAM: He's happy to come in just to share his thoughts on things like the border, inflation, trade deals with China. Just throw out the offer. You never know what you're going to get back. How's that? Isn't that sunny way of looking at it?

HANNITY: Just bring back the Trump policies and he can sleep all day and I'd be happy. We're done.

INGRAHAM: All right, Hannity. Good to see you tonight.

HANNITY: Have a great show.

INGRAHAM: And I'll pick up where you left off. I am Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight.

A California mother says her seventh grade daughter was preyed upon by her teachers and made to think she was transgender. I kid you not. That mother is here tonight to explain how she's taking on this school district.

And Raymond Arroyo has the moments you might not have picked up from Biden's disastrous presser today. Plus, the breathless media reaction. That's all ahead in Seen and Unseen.

But first, our quicksand president. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

Now, new polling today shows just how far in one year Joe Biden's presidency has sunk in the eyes of the public. Now, a survey conducted by the Muhlenberg Institute of Public Opinion has Biden at an abysmal 36 percent approval rating in the battleground state of Pennsylvania.

And things are just as dismal in the new Gallup numbers too. Biden's at his lowest point of his presidency with Gallup, only 40 percent approve; 56 percent disapprove. Now, independence, they're abandoning Joe in droves with only 33 percent approving now of the job he's doing. How can that even be?

Well, from inflation to empty store shelves to the government's COVID shuffle, the White House has proven utterly out of touch and ineffective on all fronts. We're seeing a level of incompetence in domestic and foreign policy unmatched by anything we've witnessed in modern American politics. Thus, when we heard that Biden was actually going to conduct a press conference today, well, we expected some level of - maybe a little bit of introspection and awareness. But instead, we got this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How do you plan to win back moderates and independents who cast a ballot for you in 2020, but polls indicate are unhappy with the way you're doing your job now?

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I don't believe the polls. Can you think of any other presidents done as much in one year? Anyone for me?


INGRAHAM: OK. This man is completely delusional. The staff who told him to say this, frighteningly stupid. They had to have briefed him on the obvious question of in hindsight, what would you do differently? And apparently, this is what the White House Mensa members came up with.


BIDEN: There is three things I'm going to do differently. Number one, I'm getting out of this place more often. I'm going to go out and talk to the public. I'm going to do public fora. I'm going to interface with them, I'm going to make the case as what we've already done, why it's important and what we'll do. I'm also going to be out there seeking the more advice of experts outside from academia to editorial writers to think tanks. And I'm bringing them in, just like I did early on bringing in presidents and historians to get their perspective.

Third thing that I'm going to be doing a lot more of is being in a situation where I'm able to bring - I'm going to be deeply involved in the - off these of your elections.


INGRAHAM: OK. Well, here are my three things, Joe. Number one, the more people see and hear you, the more strongly they feel buyer's remorse and sheer horror. The people need more Joe, like they need more COVID.

Number two, as far as bringing in more advisors, whoever suggested that is part of the problem. The fact is Ron Klain would never allow anyone to advise Biden who would actually challenge him and question White House priorities. But that is exactly what they need over there.

And hasn't Jon Meacham been writing Biden's dribble for a year now? Isn't he a big historian? And editorial writers, you're going to bring in editorial writers, talk about out of touch, like the ones from Utah who want unvaxxed people rounded up by the National Guard? Yes, let's bring them in.

And number three, as for the idea of putting Biden on the campaign trail? That's great news for Republicans. I can't wait to see the excuses that Democrat candidates make as they politely decline his help. Oh, sorry, sir. Another positive COVID test today in our office, and I wouldn't want to put your health in danger. Oh, we'll take a raincheck.

And speaking of COVID, Biden fumbled another obvious question, when are we done with this?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What type of restrictions do you imagine being on Americans this time next year? And what does the new normal look like?

BIDEN: I hope the new normal will be that we don't have to have 30 some million people not vaccinated. I hope the new normal is people have seen in what their own interest is and have taken advantage of the - of what we have available to us.


INGRAHAM: Now, hardly anyone picked up on this, but understand what you just heard. He's moved the goalpost again on beating the virus. What it looks like, apparently, even if we had 90 percent of all Americans vaccinated, it wouldn't be enough.

Now, this is insidious, especially at a time when the curtain is closing on the COVID theater here and abroad. The coffee giant Starbucks announced that it was ending its employee vaccine mandate. It wasn't just the Supreme Court's ruling either, it was a financial call they made. The mandates were making it harder for Starbucks to retain and hire staff.

In Colorado last weekend, the local Starbucks posted a sign saying it was closing until February 17. OK, I just wanted a latte. It's not sustainable. I expect more companies to follow Starbucks' lead. That means you Carhartt.

And bigger news across the pond that will shake Europe to its foundation. Boris Johnson, who's in his own political drama announced he'll drop most major COVID restrictions immediately. It's going to happen on Thursday.


BORIS JOHNSON, PRIME MINISTER, UNITED KINGDOM: The government will no longer mandate the wearing of face masks anywhere. But we will end the compulsory use of COVID status certification in England. We will trust the judgment of the British people.


INGRAHAM: Should have done that all along. And the new government in the Czech Republic is nixing vaccine mandates for select professions and people over 60 years of age. But, of course, back in Washington, delusional Washington, Biden's caught in a Fauci COVID timewarp. And thus, he's totally clueless about how the Omicron virus evades the vaccines and the boosters. He's like a bad Vegas lounge act, who thinks that anyone wants to hear his greatest hits.


BIDEN: We went from 2 million people being vaccinated at the moment I was sworn in to 210 million Americans being fully vaccinated today. We're going to stick with our vaccination efforts because vaccinations work. So get vaccinated, please, and get your booster. Look, we're also increasing testing.


INGRAHAM: No. Give it up, Joe. You can't sell sand in the desert and you can't sell mRNA vaccines to people who don't want them, don't trust them, or already have natural immunity. But Biden said something else that was very revealing, but which you noticed. Another classic goalpost moving moment.


BIDEN: That's not enough, just to vaccinate 340 million - fully vaccinate 340 million people in the United States. That's not enough. It's not enough to do, even though we have to do it. And we have to do a lot more than we're doing now. And that's why we have continued to keep the commitment of providing vaccines and available cures for the rest of the world as well.


INGRAHAM: You heard it. The world needs to be vaccinated for us to have our lives back. Now, this is precisely what Bill Gates, Anthony Fauci, many others in the global health racket believe. And they got Biden to say it.

Think about it this way, only 27 percent or so of Africa is vaccinated. So that means we'll be in this COVID theater of the absurd for a very, very long time. But he always holds the carrot out. Listen to Biden closely. Just do what you're told and we'll give you a little bit of freedom back maybe, if you behave.


BIDEN: Some people may call what's happening now the new normal, I call it a job not yet finished. It will get better. We're moving toward a time and COVID-19 won't disrupt our daily lives, or COVID-19 won't be a crisis. But something to protect against and a threat.


INGRAHAM: It'll get better when you're out of office. So it was 15 days to flatten the curve, 100 days of masking. It was all a bunch of lies. They need to keep you on the hook. But also they need to cure the - keep the fear machine humming in the background. There's always going to be another variant. I promise you.

Cities and states that follow Biden's lead are going to share his fate and just slowly start to fade away, deteriorating before our eyes. Philly and DC are instituting their new vax mandates for restaurants, gyms, conventions, sporting events, basically anything that requires being near other people. But reality will come crashing in just as it did for Starbucks. Just watch.

But as for the White House, they're in so deep. There's no getting out of this quicksand that they stepped into. Democrats on the Hill should have approached the president and demanded that he replaced his entire top staff and appeal more to the mainstream, begin working with a broad coalition of Republicans on compromises. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton. Senator Cotton, if Biden's speech in Georgia was a disaster, what do we call this depressor?

SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): Totally clueless, Laura. I mean, the President is completely detached from reality and the kitchen table issues that matter to Americans. He's claiming that inflation is under control, that shelves at the grocery stores are restocked, that we're going to get COVID under control soon if you just keep wearing masks, and we keep demanding, people show their vaccine cards.

None of these are what people are experiencing across Arkansas or across the country. I think it's ironic that I'm standing here tonight in the Senate, when the Democrats are trying to make it illegal for a state to require identification to vote, to prove you are who you say you are. Yet if we wanted to walk across the street and get a hamburger to restaurant in Washington, DC, we'd have to show our vaccine card and our identification card just to get a hamburger to eat. That's how detached these Democrats are from reality.

INGRAHAM: Well, I know a lot of people in DC, Senator Cotton, who are refusing to eat in DC, and these are vaxxed people. They just don't want to be part of this new, show me your papers mentality. And a lot of them are hightailing it across the bridge to Virginia to eat. I think they're going to lose a huge amount of business. I don't wish it on any small business owner. They've been hammered. But they've got to just make their voices heard.

By the way on the next election and what Biden is already forecasting about that, he began today to undermine the results of 2022 before they even came in. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and its results will be legitimate?

BIDEN: Well, it all depends on whether or not we're able to make the case to the American people that some of this has been set up to try to alter the outcome of the election.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think that they would in any way be illegitimate?

BIDEN: Oh, yes, I think it's easy to be illegitimate.


INGRAHAM: Oh, Senator Cotton, I thought questioning the integrity of elections was the beginning of encouraging and insurrection. So we're going to have a 119 commission now? What we're going to do here? That's unbelievable.

COTTON: Well, it's amazing that Joe Biden is accusing Republicans, not just here in Washington, but across the country. He want things like voter ID and he don't want ballot harvesting of impeding our elections, and that if we don't give the Democrats their election takeover bill, then the elections won't be legitimate. That is exactly what Joe Biden has been accusing us and accusing the former president of doing 2016 and 2020.

Joe Biden has either lost his mind, or he is lying to the American people. Because what he is saying about elections is completely false. It's the big lie that the Democrats are propagating across the country that somehow states like Georgia, or Iowa, or Texas have adopted laws that are making it harder to vote or suppressing the vote. They're simply making it harder to cheat, and the Democrats apparently don't like that.

INGRAHAM: Well, Senator Cotton, there was a word a couple of days ago that Senator Amy Klobuchar had met with some senior White House officials about just how things were going on the various bills and initiatives. And her staff came away very frustrated with the senior White House staffers.

Have - are you hearing any scuttlebutt among your colleagues on the Hill about Democrat frustration with what is an obviously incompetent senior staff at the White House? I mean, they've got to re staff that whole place.

COTTON: Yes, there's a lot of frustration with the president in the White House, I hear privately from Democrats. And frankly about Chuck Schumer as well. Many Democrats think that he's afraid of a primary about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. That's why he's pushing this radical election takeover bill and hanging so many of his members out to dry.

I also heard that there a lot of members who were astonished that Joe Biden would not only refuse to express any regrets about the impotence and the incompetence he displayed in Afghanistan, which is by the way, emboldened Vladimir Putin to prepare for an invasion of Ukraine. He also basically greenlighted Vladimir Putin to invade Ukraine, when he started speculating about minor incursions.

Many Democrats here in the Senate were astonished. The President had no regrets about the debacle in Afghanistan, and he is basically rolling out the red carpet for Vladimir Putin to go into Kyiv.

INGRAHAM: Senator, it was shocking. If Trump had said any of these things, they would have been - I mean, there would have been pitchforks out. We appreciate it, Senator. We'll be watching tonight and covering this ill- fated effort on the filibuster and all the other nonsense that Chuck Schumer is trying to do.

But while Biden doesn't see an end to COVID, the narrative is crumbling. We explain it in moments. A Texas doctor is suing Houston Methodist after they suspended her for misinformation, but it was something she revealed yesterday about vaccine coercion. That's even more shocking. Dr. Mary Bowden is here next.


INGRAHAM: Now, it was back in June when hospital, the Houston Methodist Hospital became the first in the nation to mandate vaccines for all their employees. Now we warned them at the time that this would only worsen shortages of essential health care workers and of course we were right.

Houston Methodist ended up forcing out more than 150 employees. But they weren't just content with firing the unvaxxed. They also went after a doctor who questioned the medical establishment's COVID narrative.

Houston Methodist Hospital suspended Dr. Mary Bowden last year on charges that she spread COVID misinformation. She is now suing the hospital. Dr. Mary Bowden joins me now. Dr. Boden, good to see you tonight.

Now, it wasn't just your suspension over "misinformation" that was troubling. You also revealed the ways in which the hospital was coercing, or tempting people to get vaccinated. Explain it.

MARY BOWDEN, SUING HOUSTON METHODIST HOSPITAL: Right. And I don't know the strict details on this. But from what I understand and one of their nurses works for me now, they gave all their employees a $500 incentive bonus to get the vaccine after they did an initial rollout and then to try to get more people on board, they gave them - they offered that bonus.

INGRAHAM: And what was the misinformation that you got fired for? Sounds - it sounds positively Soviet, by the way when I hear this, the misinformation against the state.

BOWDEN: Dangerousness misinformation, not just misinformation. Dangerous. And essentially, I wrote ivermectin works and that's based on treating over 2000 patients with ivermectin and keeping them out of the hospital. And then I said, vaccine mandates are wrong. And you know, nothing that crazy, but they went after me.

INGRAHAM: And what did they precisely say? And how did they carry out this ultimate suspension?

BOWDEN: I got a text message from the Houston Chronicle from a reporter saying, Is it true that your privileges have been suspended? And I'm like, no. What are you talking about? And then I checked my email and there was a letter, and then I checked Twitter and they were tweeting about it, which is unheard of. That is - it's probably setting - it's unprecedented. No one - no hospital's ever done that to a doctor that I know of.

INGRAHAM: So what are you posting on social media, or giving media interviews? I know you weren't on this show. But how do they know about your views?

BOWDEN: I probably had less than 1000 followers and I was tweeting it. It wasn't - it wasn't like I was some social media influencer either. I mean, it was very unprofessional. And like I said, unprecedented.

INGRAHAM: Well, Dr. Fauci is deeply troubled, Dr. Bowden, apparently by people like you. Watch.


ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: It's very disturbing, I believe, to all of us as public health officials and scientists, such a degree of pushback against regular, normal, easy to understand public health measures. If we all pull together as a society, we would be much, much better off.


INGRAHAM: Dr. Bowden, your response. So the - mandating investigative drugs, drugs that are in - still an investigative stage. That's normal. And having therapeutics that work, that's not normal. Your response to that.

BOWDEN: Well, any good doctor will change their position based on what they're seeing. And that's what I did. I mean, I was all for the vaccines when they came out. And then I saw the breakthrough cases, I saw all the risk-associated with adverse reactions, and I changed my position. And that's part of the scientific process. That's part of being a doctor is to look at what's happening and perhaps you need to change your approach. And that's not what is happening with these big institutions.

INGRAHAM: Oh, they're dependent on a lot of money from big pharma. That's sure - but that's for sure, Dr. Bowden. And a lot of them are running scared. Thank you so much.

And speaking of these vaccine mandates, Biden's latest one is a masterclass and colossal stupidity. And this time, he's getting help from pretty boy, Justin Trudeau. As of January 22, the Biden administration will require truck drivers returning from Canada to be fully vaxxed.

So just days ago, a similar mandate went into effect in Canada the other way around. And response, Canadian truckers in Manitoba took to the streets in protest. Now, you're thinking, well, why is it such a big deal? Well, until you realize as many as half of American truckers are unvaccinated. Many of them, of course, already recovered from COVID.

So if you think the grocery store shelves are barren now, wait until tens of thousands of truckers are forced off the roads. We already have a trucker shortage. It's going to make it worse. Joining me now is Rick Wall, who organized a protest against the trucker mandate in Manitoba this week.

Rick, truckers who in large parts sit alone in a sealed cab for hours a day, apparently are viral threat to the public?

RICK WALL, ORGANIZED TRUCKER PROTEST: Good evening, Laura. First of all, I really appreciate you having me on. I appreciate the opportunity. And yes, there's absolutely no logic in wanting or needing to enforce vaccination on truck drivers. You're right. They sit in their trucks for approximately 16 hours a day. They may get out two or three times a day, depending on how long their trip is. And it just is no logic.

I can just - I'll just make a real brief. But I'll give you a brief example of one of our drivers. We run a trucking company out of Southern Manitoba. And one of our drivers, the first one that cross after January 15, when the mandate kicked in on the Canadian side. So he came across in Manitoba, and his load is destined for British Columbia, which is west coast, Canada.

So they allow him to go deliver his load to West Coast and British Columbia. He's allowed to reload, come back home, which is probably about a seven or eight-day journey. But then when he gets back home, he's still such a danger to society that now he needs to quarantine before he goes back out on the road.

INGRAHAM: Well, who's going to tolerate this? I mean, this is no way to live. It's no way to treat people who are vital to your economy, our economy, our trading relationship, which is huge. But it looks like Biden and Trudeau are just standing as thick as thieves here for the vax mandate for truckers. And this is what Justin Trudeau said, that the truckers have known for months that the mandate was coming and the U.S. will soon be bringing in an identical one to force and ensure that truckers are vaccinated.

So Rick, you have known this for months. So I guess the message to you from them is shut up and get vaxxed.

WALL: Right. Well, yes. You know what, the initial proposal did come a month ago. But there's been so much flip flop from our federal government. I have made numbers of phone calls throughout the last couple of months to CBSA in Emerson, Manitoba. It's our closest port. And you would get conflicting information. It would really depend on the officer that you would speak to. That's the type of answer you would get.

There was never anything solid until it was two days before the mandate was supposed to be imposed on January 15. So January 13, if I remember correctly, news article came out that CBSA was now - had now reversed the mandates. So Canadian truck drivers would not need to be vaccinated coming into Canada.

So of course, the industry celebrated and we're all excited about, well, finally we had (inaudible) on one of the mandates. And then, of course, the next day they flip flop and said that the message had come out.

INGRAHAM: Yes. The whole thing, Rick--

WALL: Yes, the message came out (inaudible)

INGRAHAM: It's a complete mess and it is a nightmare for the people of Canada, who are - just kind of go along with a lot of this stuff. It's time to resist. It's time to stand up and fight against this, especially with Omicron. And Omicron getting around all the vaccines. It makes no sense at all. Rick, thank you for standing up and keep it up.

All right, Biden's speech wasn't the only disaster for Democrats today. A bigger one is playing out right now and Capitol Hill. Democrats are now plowing full steam ahead on nuking the filibuster to pass their own election takeover bill. FOX News congressional correspondent Chad Pergram is going to give us the latest. Chad?

CHAD PERGRAM, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Good evening, Laura. Democrats voting now to alter Senate filibuster provisions to pass a voting rights bill tonight. Democrats need all 50 Democrats on their side to alter the filibuster. But Democrat Joe Manchin opposes changing the filibuster custom just for voting rights.


SEN. JOE MANCHIN, (D-WV): We're going to break the rules to change the rules, and make up new rules as we go along. Let this change happen in this way and the Senate will be a body without rules.


PERGRAM: Some Democrats are upset at those who invoke Martin Luther King yet opposing voting rights and the filibuster change.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let the message go out, you cannot remember Martin Luther King Jr. and dismember his legacy at the same time. You can argue whatever side you want, but you do not get to argue both sides. I will not sit quietly while some make Dr. King a victim of identity theft.


PERGRAM: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has proposed a one-time change to Senate procedure for voting rights that would actually stretch out debate. It would allow senators to speak on the floor twice as long as they want. Vice President Harris was here earlier to possibly break a tie, but she has left. That means that Democrats can't break a tie to change the filibuster in a 50-50 Senate.

And just in past couple of seconds here, the vote is still open on the floor, but all 100 senators have voted. If you look at the screen here, there are 52 yeas and 48 nays. What Democrats needed to do is have more nays. They needed 51 nays to implement this change to the filibuster. The nays needed to prevail right now. They are losing because Senators Manchin and Sinema voted with the Republicans this time. So the filibuster remains intact, Laura.

INGRAHAM: Chad, high drama but a foregone conclusion. Thank you.

If you thought you saw everything from today's Biden's press conference, think again. Raymond Arroyo reveals the most telling moments, and the press reaction you can't miss, next.


INGRAHAM: It's time for our "Seen and Unseen" segment and for the revealing moments you missed from today's presidential presser. We turn to none other than FOX News contributor Raymond Arroyo. All right, Raymond, what did you see that the viewers may have missed in that tantalizing performance?

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Laura, as you know, much of this was choreographed. The president called on a list of prescreened reporters. And as they asked the questions Biden was busily flipping through his prompt book searching for the answers. He read what was written there, and then he repeated it again and again. On the few times that he decided to freelance, over Ukraine, for instance, he got into a lot of trouble, which the White House is still cleaning up now.

INGRAHAM: Tell me about the way the whole thing looked. The optics of this, was there long-term impact here for the president?

ARROYO: What do I always say, Laura? It's not what you say. It's the impression and the feeling a president leaves on people that's important in politics. Now, at one point, the president was asked by James Rosen about that political poll where 49 percent of respondents questioned his cognitive abilities. Watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why do you suppose such large segments of the American electorate have come to harbor such profound concerns about your cognitive fitness?



ARROYO: I think viewers probably have an idea. Anybody who watched this entire press conference, as we did, it's crystal clear why the American voter might have doubts about the president and his cognitive state. Watch.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I have probably outperformed what everybody thought would happen.

I'm not so sure that he has, he is going to -- I probably shouldn't go any further.

I want to think my communications staff. They've been a great help here.

The voter is becoming much more informed on the motives some of the political players and some of the -- and the political parties.


ARROYO: Laura, these grand mal brain freezes are really concerning. This has gotten worse and worse. His syntax was garbled. He lost his thoughts repeatedly here. And I have to say, if the idea was to change impressions, this cemented Americans' concerns about where this president is.

INGRAHAM: Raymond, at one point I thought that my remote control had gone back on pause.


INGRAHAM: I grabbed it. I'm like, what is happening to my TV? Oh, he is just pausing. He's pausing.

By the way, Yamiche Alcindor, she tweeted, Raymond, that Biden pushed back on critics, made news, longest presidential press conference in history, called out lies, took responsibility for mistake, and he didn't lash out at reporters. Quite the change. She thought it was great.

ARROYO: Please. He lashed out at reporters throughout. But Laura, she is singing from the media hymnal here. The reaction to the president's two- hour endurance test is really interesting. I'll play you a few clips, and we'll react to all of this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There were questions about his stamina. There were questions about will you do a press conference. If he wanted to prove he'd stand there for two hours and take it, mission accomplished.

DAVID AXELROD, CNN SENIOR POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: You cannot jawbone people into feeling better. I didn't think it was very impressive. Listen, I'd probably go back to the drawing board.

JAMES CARVILLE, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: I thought today was a very good day. I think President Biden planted an oak tree. I think he showed an element of toughness today that was encouraging if you're a Democrat.


ARROYO: Laura, with apologies to our pal James Carville, I don't know if he planted an oak tree. Maybe poison ivy, because the party is inching all night long after it. This was a wobbly performance. Axelrod is right. Remember that CNN report from a couple of days ago where focus groups are worried that Biden looks old and he's absent. That is probably true. And I'm sorry. How long can you blame inflation and empty shelves on meat producers, which he did again today?

INGRAHAM: Raymond, I just still can't get over the fact that he is promising to campaign at 36 percent approval rating with all the Democrats who are hanging on by a thread. So that's his big takeaway. And they have to clean up the whole Ukraine thing all night long. Other than that, it was great. Other than that, it was great.

ARROYO: Yes, they better hand out librettos before he speaks because the audience won't know what he's saying. Laura, Biden's voting rights, or the federal election takeover bill that's being debated right now in the Senate, today Congressman Hakeem Jeffries indicated who inspired this voting rights bill. Listen to this.


REP. HAKEEM JEFFRIES, (D-NY) HOUSE DEMOCRATIC CAUCUS CHAIR: We're inspired by Hugo Chavez -- Cesar Chavez. We are inspired by all of these leaders.


INGRAHAM: The Chavez brothers.

ARROYO: I think he was right the first time, Laura. Hugo Chavez, of course, the Venezuelan dictator who changed the constitution, used public funds in his campaign. And that is not unlike with this bill would do. So I think he'd might have been right with old Hugo.

INGRAHAM: Pause, and think, who is that cabinet secretary's name again? He has trouble with cabinet secretaries and numbers. I don't know why, but those two things, they're tough. Raymond, thank you.

And a truly shocking story out of California where the mother of a middle school student says that predatory teachers tried to convince her child that she was transgender. The mother joins us in moments with some news on what she's planning to do in response, so stay there.



JESSICA KONEN, SPRECKELS, CALIFORNIA, SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT: You took away my ability to parent my child even before I had any knowledge. I didn't even get to show support. You asked for support and I didn't get a chance. Your job was to educate my child in math, science, English, et cetera. Do your job and let me do mine.


INGRAHAM: That was Jessica Konen, a mom. So why is she so angry? Ms. Konen entrusted her seventh-grade daughter to the Spreckels. It's a California school district who in turn conspired to change the girl's gender, name, and pronouns. And they did this entirely behind her parents back by telling the seventh grader her mother could not be trusted.

Ms. Konen joins me now exclusively along with her attorney, Harmeet Dhillon, founder of the Center for American Liberty that has taken this case. Jessica, just hours ago you announced that you are pursuing legal action against the school district. Briefly explain what happened.

JESSICA KONEN, SPRECKELS, CALIFORNIA, SCHOOL DISTRICT PARENT: It starts, my daughter, I love her, and she deserves this justice. My family has already gone through so much, and nobody else needs to go through this. No family needs to suffer. Starting at sixth grade, they are 11 years old, they are already vulnerable. You wouldn't expect a teacher to be predatorial towards a child that they are supposed -- the teacher, they are supposed to be trusted, and they stepped out of the line.

In seventh grade you find out that there's secrets, there's lies. Their tactics are disgusting. I feel as a mom disturbed by this, because it is my right to parent her, and they took that right away for me.

INGRAHAM: Specifically, I want people to understand who are watching this, and Harmeet, obviously you are representing her in this litigation. Specifically, what did they do to Jessica's daughter or urge her to do that is so disturbing in this case?

HARMEET DHILLON, CEO, CENTER FOR AMERICAN LIBERTY: Absolutely. So they are two teachers, with the knowledge of the principal. What they were doing is identifying children who they thought belonged in a secret equality club that was for children questioning their sexual identities. And they invited kids, including Jessica's daughter, to be in this club, and then they told these kids do not tell your parents, and specifically Jessica's mom, do not tell them, they cannot be trusted what is going on here. They gave their reading materials about transgenderism. They secretly changed the pronouns, but when in front of the parents referred to their children by their birth pronouns, behind the parents back in the school used their new identity.

And all of this was done secretly. Then suddenly they called Jessica and informed her that going forward her daughter was to be referred to by male pronouns, by a different name. They changed in the school records officially, Laura. And it was presented to the mom as a fait accompli. And of course, as you saw from video in the intro, Jessica was outraged by the usurpation of her right of make this decision jointly with her daughter. Jessica is very supportive of whatever her daughter wants to be and decides. It is not for these teachers to predatorily assume this.

And one more thing, Laura, is that what is interesting about this is that this happened before COVID. So when COVID started and remote learning started, eventually the daughter began to change back into her original identity, because she wasn't under the constant grooming influence of these weird teachers.

And secondly, the teachers were also monitoring, using the software that they use for remote learning, what children were looking up and then using that to try to put more kids into this secret channel.

INGRAHAM: Oh, my gosh, this is a lot of parents' worst nightmare. You send children to school, and you think your kids are going to be taught the basics. Instead, they are being lured into something that parents aren't aware of and don't support.

Jessica, both the teachers accused, that Harmeet just mentioned, of radicalizing your daughter led this workshop, I guess. It was titled "How we can run a GSA in conservative communities." "We keep no records, Buena Vista Middle School teacher and LGBTQ club leader Lori Caldeira, states. Sometimes we don't really want to keep records because if parents get upset that their kids are coming, we're like, yes, I don't know, maybe they came. You know, we would never want to get a kid in trouble for attending if parents are upset." So Jessica, they are admitting they are keeping the real truth in what they are doing from parents. They are admitting it.

KONEN: That is correct. They have not one time denied any allegations towards them. If anything, they keep justifying what they have done. And it's not them that need the justification. It is the children they are hurting. They need to stop messing with our children. It is not their jobs to do that.

DHILLON: Laura --

INGRAHAM: They think it's their job. Harmeet, hold on --

DHILLON: We think this is happening to a lot of kids.

INGRAHAM: They think it's their job, actually, Harmeet. They are on a mission to propagandize to kids, and try to subvert parental authority, especially if you are a parent who has traditional religious or Christian or just tradition views on sexuality and gender. Then you are really a target. And I think this is purposeful.

DHILLON: One-hundred percent.

INGRAHAM: Purposeful. But what would the lawsuit seek to get as far as damages or firing, or specific --

DHILLON: So Laura, today we issued the first step here. When you sue the government, you have to issue a government tort claims notice. We did that today, and we're seeking damages for intentional infliction of emotional distress, conspiracy to violate civil rights, the violation of the civil rights, and negligent infliction of emotional distress. And so we think that there is a lot of this going on, and we are very interested to hear from other children and other parents who believe this may have happened in this school district, Buena Vista, or any other school district.

INGRAHAM: Yes, you've got a class action here, Harmeet. We've got to roll, but there could be a class action. The Center of American Liberty does great work, and you are our Freedom Matters charity for this month as well. So everyone get great care on Freedom Matters, Freedom Matters gear, on LauraIngraham.com. Ladies, good luck.

What happened to Howard Stern? The Last Bite tells you next.


INGRAHAM: Somehow radio host Howard Stern went from questioning authority, the big rebel, to don't you dare question authority.


HOWARD STERN, RADIO HOST: If it was up to me, anyone unvaccinated would not be admitted to a hospital. At this point they have been given plenty of opportunity to get the vaccine. It's time for you to get it now. If you don't get it, in my America, all hospitals would be closed to you. You're going to home and die.


INGRAHAM: What a sad, tall man he has become.

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