
This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on September 10, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: I'm Laura Ingraham. And this is the "Ingraham Angle" from Washington tonight.

Welcome to the occupation. That's the focus of tonight's "Angle".

Now, as the "Angle" has told you before, you can't govern a country you essentially hate. You can only occupy it, rule over it. So when Biden announced a federal vaccine mandate yesterday, his intention was not to promote more trust or to appeal to our patriotic spirit. This wasn't about COVID following the science or implementing sound policy.

Heck, the number of infections is already going down as we learned today, and vaccinations are going up. After claiming 70 percent was the threshold for vaccination, after claiming he'd never issue a vaccine mandate, Biden's puppeteers pulled his strings again in the opposite direction.

Now, if they cared about COVID, as we told you long ago, they would have shut the southern border down. They would have refused to resettle more than a million migrants across America. If they cared about COVID, they'd be promoting safe therapeutics that actually work. They wouldn't be banning them. And if they cared about COVID, they'd be talking about natural immunity and how ineffective many of these masks are, especially the cloth ones at slowing viral spread. The entire exercise yesterday was political.

The White House fight is not against COVID, but against the inevitable collapse of Biden's presidency. He's drowning in bad poll numbers. And Democrats are bracing for a bloodbath in the midterms. Biden's angry, creepy speech was designed to do one thing, to pick a fight with Republican governors in what's an obviously lame attempt to turn his presidency around and change the topic from weeks of humiliation in Afghanistan.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: My plan also takes on elected officials and states that are undermining you in these lifesaving actions. If they'll not help, these governors won't help speed the pandemic. I'll use my powers of president to get them out of the way.

The unvaccinated overcrowd our hospitals, are overrunning emergency rooms and intensive care units. We cannot let unvaccinated do this progress. Undo it. Turn it back.


INGRAHAM: Listen to how this man speaks to America. This doddering old fool who keeps the press insisting that he's - the press again says, he's so compassionate. And speaking of the media, the same goons who spent years baselessly decrying Trump as a tyrannical egomaniac are now celebrating Biden's power grab.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: President Biden, tonight, he is trading out the velvet glove for a hammer.

IRWIN REDLENER, PRESIDENT AND CO-FOUNDER, CHILDREN'S HEALTH FUND: This [ph] will go down in the annals of major public health wars against things like smallpox and polio.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He should approach this with an iron fist.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will slap you with a stick and then move you out of the way, Ron DeSantis, if I have to.


INGRAHAM: Slap you with a stick? Or stick you with a jab. These people are sick. They're gleeful because Biden is about to make life miserable for millions of Americans. And they hate you. They hate what you stand for. And they really hate the fact that you won't just shut up and obey.

And Biden's no better himself. I mean, imagine if he addressed his fellow Americans with the same level of respect and understanding that he does, let's say, the EU, or even the Taliban, or even the CCP. For those groups, he's always giving them the benefit of the doubt.

Biden and his lackeys spend more time criticizing Americans than they do criticizing totalitarian regimes.


ANTHONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: We continue to maintain channels of communication with the Taliban on issues that are important to us. The expectation is to see inclusivity in government.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're saying the Taliban is businesslike and professional.

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: We had to work with some members of the Taliban to press them and to work in a businesslike manner to get them out.


INGRAHAM: And then we learned today that after China spent the better part of the year berating our diplomats, blocking a full investigation into the Wuhan lab, conducting Military exercises near our ally, Taiwan, imprisoning journalists in Hong Kong, carrying out its usual genocide against the Uyghurs, Biden decides to reward them to treat President Xi to a 90-minute personal phone call to break the tension.

How embarrassing for America and how empowering for the CCP. Again, contrast that with Biden's sweetness and light approach to the vaccine hesitant.


BIDEN: What more do you need to see? We've made vaccinations free, safe and convenient. The vaccine is FDA approval. We've been patient but our patience is wearing thin. And your refusal has cost all of us.


INGRAHAM: This man is beyond. I mean, just insulting people, the people who pay the bills to keep the lights on in the godforsaken place known as Washington, D.C. right now.

So as it stands today, the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we have a president who trusts the CCP and the Taliban more than he trusts the common sense of the American people. Again, they not only despise so much about America, they love everyone who's against us, inside the country and outside the country. This is why the Democrats keep January 6 alive, because for them, it's the darkest hour in our history. It's even worse than 9/11, or even Pearl Harbor.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pearl Harbor cost maybe 2400 lives than 9/11. Another terrible attack, 3000. But in those cases, our democracy was not in jeopardy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is one of the worst attacks on our democracy in our history.

BIDEN: Worst attack on our democracy since the Civil War.


INGRAHAM: Now, this is why they're covering this stupid so-called justice for J6 rally next week, like some open rebellion led by highly-trained revolutionaries.


JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: MAGA prepares to rally in support of the insurrectionists from January 6.

WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: Security officials are not taking this rally next week lightly at all. They're deeply concerned.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Given how their last rally at the Capitol went in January, there's obviously plenty of concern.

JIM SCIUTTO, CNN HOST: (inaudible) are you worried that there may be a repeat of that violence, that danger?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think we have to be prepared for that.


INGRAHAM: Oh, it's just shameless. I mean, do you think they've heard about this rally? I didn't hear about it, so I heard about it on CNN.

Now, remember, if these people actually cared about securing the homeland, they wouldn't be pushing for open borders, they wouldn't be letting untold number of Afghan refugees pour in who are unvetted. Thank you very much.

No wonder we - so many people see this justice for J6 rally, again, that none of us have heard of as even a false flag operation. That's how bad it is. People actually think that. Regardless of who's actually behind this rally parade, whatever it is, Pelosi is already using it as an excuse to throw up new fencing around the Capitol building.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): We intend to have the integrity of the Capitol be intact. Because what happened on January 6 was such an assault on this beautiful Capitol. And now, these people are coming back to praise the people who were out to kill, out to kill members of Congress.


INGRAHAM: No one has heard of any of this supposedly domestic terrorist supposedly organizing this rally. Have any big name conservative signed down? Of course not. Obviously, there's nothing legitimate about it. But the left thinks that you're stupid enough to believe this is the mainstream of American conservatism.

And by the way, whatever happens big or small, it's all going to be worse than 9/11. It's pathetic. The left's true goal in hyping the upcoming demonstration is some sort of terror plot is to delegitimize all conservative events, real conservative events. They want you to afraid to show up in support of your favorite candidates going into 2022. They want you cowed, intimidated and demoralized.

This is where the Democratic Party of 2021 has taken America, were occupied by a ruling class that loathes Americans who don't want handouts. They don't want to take orders either. These Democrats don't want you to be happy and free. They prefer, frankly, if you're miserable and afraid. That way they have all the power. They want to strip you of your independence, so you can be dependent on them, the government.

And I sure as hell I'm not going to give in, I'm not going to stop fighting to save this country, all that is great about it. The question is, will you? And that's the "Angle".

Joining me now is Kentucky Senator Rand Paul. Senator, I'm going to get to the thrust of my "Angle" in just a moment with you. But first, I need to get your reaction to this reporting late today from the New York Times.

The drone strike that we were told took out an ISIS facilitator in Afghanistan actually killed a U.S. affiliated aid worker, and nine others, including much of his family, seven children. The car that the Pentagon and the White House told us was filled with explosives, explosives that allegedly caused secondary explosions, it was actually filled with water jugs according to the New York Times investigation. Fox has not independently confirmed this, but there were numerous eyewitnesses on site that night who did. Senator, your reaction?

SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): You know, if true it's - if it's true, it's another sad instance of just the most incompetent withdrawal we've ever seen in our history. But yes, we'll wait - await the facts as they come forward. But yes, I'm not surprised that we are - we saw a bombing that was done to show that we aren't as feckless as it looked like. We were in the withdrawal. 

And in the end they may have made a mistake in it. That'll be one more disastrous fact after another's. I hope it's not true. But if it is true, that's devastating. I'm going to tell the truth about it, if it is.

INGRAHAM: Yes. And much easier always to tell the truth initially. But I think it is worth it for Americans to listen back to the Pentagon's initial comments about what went down in the White House, and the Pentagon, all of it. This was just two weeks back.


HANK TAYLOR, JOINT STAFF FOR REGIONAL OPERATIONS DEPUTY DIRECTOR: The self defense strike successfully hit the target near Kabul airport. Significant secondary explosions from the targeted vehicle indicated the presence of a substantial amount of explosive material.

PSAKI: I will note that in the CENTCOM statement that they put out yesterday, what they - last night, I should say, what they noted is that there was also the explosion - there were explosives in this vehicle that could have led to additional damage.


INGRAHAM: Now, these are the same, I guess, Intel reports being fed to these White House staffers and the Pentagon that are also feeding information about a potential domestic terror threat next week at a rally that no one's ever heard of. Like, I don't trust any of these people at this point, Senator, which is terrifying at the 20th anniversary of 9/11.

PAUL: You know, the one thing that we did know and we did have eyes on that we could have blown up were all of the helicopters we left, all of the planes we left, all the Humvees, armored personnel. There are a lot of things that could have been blown up on the way out, even if you hadn't predicted the Taliban was going to take over. Certainly, that equipment should have been destroyed on the way out, instead an isolated attack somewhere which may or may not have killed its intended target.

But this has been a longstanding problem with some of the drone attacks is, they may even sometimes get their target. But if they get 10 or 15 innocent people in the same neighborhood as the target, it ends up creating antipathy that really it may in the end be worse than the initial strike.

INGRAHAM: Yes. It's hard to imagine the New York Times being as friendly as it is to the Biden administration Friday afternoon, reporting with such specificity of drone attack that in part hit its intended target. I don't think it hit any of its intended target, not with this strike at least.

But I want to get back to my "Angle", senator, because, again, on the on the eve of 9/11, the disgraced former FBI official, Andrew McCabe, he is focused on a different kind of terrorist.


ANDREW MCCABE, FORMER FBI DEPUTY DIRECTOR: The work of countering terrorism never stopped. The upcoming rally on the 18th, or when a particular anniversary, a significant anniversary is upon us, like the anniversary of 9/11, any events that could be triggering or could cause extremists to maybe want to mark those events with acts of violence, you get focused on those.


INGRAHAM: Conflating 9/11 with some rally that least - and under the conservatives I know have ever heard of.

PAUL: Yes. I think most of what they've done is to construct an enemy that needs to be so important that we need a fence around the Capitol. And I think that's to redirect our view away from Portland and Seattle and Chicago.

Look, even in Louisville, Kentucky, we have more deaths per capita than Chicago now. So they're taking us away from the great problems that we have across this country and try to redirect it towards something that was obviously a mistake to trespass in the Capitol. But wasn't some sort of civil war they're trying to make it out to them.

INGRAHAM: And, Senator, another way, I think they want to keep us cowed, is through COVID. And this push to mandate vaccinations, no matter what, no matter whether we're 12 years old, or whether you had COVID, there was an exchange involving Sanjay Gupta and Anthony Fauci, which I know you're going to find of interest. Watch.


SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: There was a study that came out of Israel about natural immunity. And basically, the headline was that natural immunity provides a lot of protection, even better than the vaccines alone. Should they also get the vaccine?

ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: I don't have a really firm answer for you on that. But that is something that we need to sit down and discuss seriously because you very appropriately pointed out, it is an issue.


INGRAHAM: OK. People have been asking him about this for a better part of a year and they still don't have a firm answer on it. Senator Paul, what is going on here?

PAUL: I have asked Fauci again and again and again. The evidence is that over 100 million Americans have had COVID. They have natural immunity. 

Instead, Fauci is out there all over the place saying, he would have gone even farther than Biden on the mandates.

Well, this is a disservice to every - does this Fauci not remember the hospital workers who risked their lives when there was no vaccine to take care of COVID patients? Thousands of hospital workers got COVID, 100 million Americans got COVID. And he just swipes them aside and says, submit to the state, you must be vaccinated even though all of the signs, now says and points towards natural immunity being as good as the vaccine or better.

So instead of giving us a new mandate yesterday, the one thing that President Biden could have done, which really needs to be done is speed up the FDA application for a new vaccine to the new variant. Realize that the boosters that they're approving are boosters to the previous infection from a year ago, and they're not working very well.

What we really need is the FDA to speed up the process. We need what Donald Trump did in his last year to get a brand new vaccine to the variant as soon as possible. We were overcoming COVID until the virus began to escape the vaccine. Now the virus is escaping the vaccine, we need a new vaccine.

INGRAHAM: Well, we have a lot of people immune from prior exposure and they're immune broadly across. It looks like multiple variants. Senator, thank you very much on this busy news night.

And in moments, we remember that tremendous loss and sacrifice as we approach to 20th anniversary of 9/11. One of the heroes from that day shares his story.

And former White House press secretary Ari Fleischer recounts what it was like traveling on Air Force One that day with the President. Don't go away.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: American 11, are you trying to call?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The cockpit is not answering their phone. Our number 1 has been stabbed and our 5 has been stabbed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dan Bueno calling from Boston, Tennessee. I have a situation with American 11, a possible hijack.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What's going on Betty?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The aircraft's erratic again. Flying very erratically.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Betty, talk to me. Betty, are you there? Betty? Betty?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm on 83rd floor. I'm going to die, aren't I?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ma'am, say your prayers. You got to think positive because you got to help each other get off the floor. Now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm going to die I know.


INGRAHAM: It's so hard to hear those voices, even twenty years ago. I mean, it's been 20 years since 2977 people died in the terror attacks on 9/11. 

Husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers. The pain for families for the American family seemed insurmountable at the time. And all these years later, it still really hurts.

And no matter what you were doing that day, I know you remember exactly where you were when you first heard that America was under attack.

Now, I was in Washington, D.C. and I remember riding my bike over to the Pentagon after I first heard that the Pentagon had been hit. I wanted to see it. Now, when I got there, and when I was watching, surrounded by a few other people, I couldn't even speak. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.

And of course, in New York, the destruction was so much worse. Police, firefighters, EMTs, anyone who could help rushed to the World Trade Center. 

And my next guest Joseph Esposito is a New York City firefighter from rescue company five who did just that.

Joe, I can't believe, I know I've talked to you before. It is - it's so painful to hear the audio and see the video from that day. But you were there. Take us through that scene when you arrived.

JOSEPH ESPOSITO, 9/11 FIRST RESPONDER: Well, thank you, Laura, for having me on here. I can't believe it's 20 years, like you said before. But when we got it at the firehouse, when I first got to the firehouse to - of all the hundreds of people that were in front. I saw my father right away. And he was looking for me and he says Michael's work and Michael's work. And I said, ok, I'm going to go over there now and I'm going to find them and I'll bring them home tonight. Don't worry about it. We're good.

But when we got off the ferry there, thousands of people covered in and sit clapping for us like we just invaded the - like the Marines just landed and it was just unbelievable, like out of a movie scene. And as you got closer and closer, and I got to the seat of the pile, it was just incredible construction. Fire trucks, police cars, crushed, everything. Alarms going off. It was just - I can never imagine, I never imagined that I would be able to be part of that.

INGRAHAM: And you lost your brother, Michael, a cousin, 11 members of your firefighter brothers, police, others you knew. What do Americans 20 years later, given your losses, what do they need to not forget about what really happened that day?

ESPOSITO: Well, Laura, day two right after right after it happened, I mean, there was a feeling in America that I never thought I would experience. 

Everybody was kind to everybody. They were cheering for the uniformed forces. Everybody was helping everybody. And it's just a shame, we needed a disaster for that to happen. It should be like that every day.

INGRAHAM: There are school districts in the United States. We featured what's happening in Virginia, education system in Virginia, where the consultants and people on the payroll actually urging schools to teach kind of a more acceptable version of 9/11, one that doesn't necessarily take on an American perspective, which they claim is biased against certain ethnic groups of people.

It wasn't just a random attack, it was a planned attack by Islamic radicals. How important is that for us to remember on this day?

ESPOSITO: Of course, it's important. Why are you going to change the nationality of the people that attacked us? It's what is. We didn't do that when Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, right? We didn't say it was somebody else. It's ridiculous what's going on in this country right now. And we're protecting people and we got to change the narrative, because we don't insult people. It is what it is. Those are the people that attacked us and murdered us.

INGRAHAM: How often do you think about your brother and your friends who died on that day? How often in the course of a day, Joe?

ESPOSITO: I think of my brother every day, and every time I'm on that fire truck, when we pull out a quarter, so to the right side of the rig is all the guys' pitch is. It's on memorial. There's not a day that goes by that you're in the firehouse and you don't think of these guys and their families. I mean, I'm very close with all the families and, you know, it's not easy.

INGRAHAM: Joe, thank you for your service to New York, and thank you for sharing this story tonight with us.

ESPOSITO: Thank you, Laura, for everything you do. Thank you very much.

INGRAHAM: And that same morning, President Bush was in Florida visiting Emma E. Booker Elementary. Everyone remembers the scene where students were reading a book, it was called the Pet Goat. Now, he already knew the first plane, it hit the World Trade Center. At the time, people thought it was an accident somehow. But minutes later, the second plane hit, the White House Chief of Staff, Andy Card needed to tell the president.




INGRAHAM: A second plane hit the second tower. America is under attack were his words.

Ari Fleischer was the former White House press secretary, spent the entire day with President Bush. Ari, take us through those first moments. You were there for every minute of it.

ARI FLEISCHER, FORMER WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: As their motorcade pulled up to the Emma E. Booker Elementary School, I got a page. And it said, a plane has hit the World Trade Center. I thought accident, small plane. And then about 30 seconds before Andy Card walked into that room and whispered in the President's right ear. I was leaning against the left wall of that room, about 20 feet over from the President's left shoulder. And I got a second page. And the second page told me, second plane has hit the second tower. And I just knew at that moment, Laura, that it was terrorism. 

And it's just start to brace and get ready for everything that I knew would have to unfold as the United States defended itself.

INGRAHAM: The President had to be whisked away for national security reasons. To the extent you can tell us what happened, please do tell us what happened shortly thereafter.

FLEISCHER: Well, interestingly, the Secret Service did not think we were under an immediate threat. Otherwise, they never would have let him go to the gym at that school, where he addressed the nation, spoke very briefly, talked about the terrorist attack in our country. Then we quickly got into the motorcade and started flying to Air Force One. That's when the third plane hit the Pentagon. We learned about it in the motorcade. We boarded Air Force One and, Laura, when we boarded, the President was told there are still six aircraft in the sky that have not responded to the order to land.

So at that moment, we knew aboard Air Force One, three planes had hit their targets, there are six more missiles in the sky. A little while after that, we got another word, another bit of information saying a plane went down near Camp David. Now, Camp David is about 100 miles from Shanksville. But the first report on Air Force One was near Camp David. At the same time, the media was full with stories about there's a car bomb at the State Department. The mall is on fire.

At 10:32 that morning the president was on the phone with the bunker, and the vice president in the bunker said to him we got a call at the White House saying Angel is next. Angel is the Secret Service code word for Air Force One. That sent a shiver down the pilot's spine of Air Force One, making him think is this an inside job. Who could possibly have the code word for Air Force One? He actually stationed an Air Force security officer at the steps going up to the cockpit on Air Force One to make certain that nobody could come up those steps and take down Air Force One. It was just a swirl of information, much of it wrong, all of it scary. 

INGRAHAM: Ari, I want to play this cockpit recording from United Flight 93 which was the one that was believed to be headed toward either the White House or the Capitol building. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: United 93, that traffic for you is 1:00, 12 miles east bound 370. 

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Negative contact. We're looking at Untied 93. 


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: United 93, Cleveland, if you hear the center, identify.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please sit down. Keep remaining sitting. We have a bomb on board.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've got to get out of here. We're all going to die here.


INGRAHAM: Where were you and the president at that point?

FLEISCHER: That is, we were aboard Air Force One. We did not hear those audiotapes until days later after September 11th, we didn't hear those on Air Force One. And of course, that's a plane that went down and Shanksville. And that's the heroism of the crew, of the passengers that took down that plane. The 9/11 Commission studied it. They reported that it is never going to be known whether the target of that plane was going to be the White House or the Capitol. The hijackers we're actually arguing about which of those two targets they were going to go after. And we will never have that resolved. 

INGRAHAM: And Ari, the question that was always discussed in the years afterward, who gave the order to be able to take down United 93 or any civilian aircraft if it was understood to be in immediate threat to the president or Washington, or any other installation, how did that unfold? 

FLEISCHER: Yes, anywhere. That originally was a decision made or action taken in the bunker underneath the White House by Dick Cheney that was brought to the president. The president approved it. There is some issue about the sequencing of that decision. I think that the decision was first in the bunker, then it got passed up to the president, the president authorized it. 

The communications on Air Force One that day, this is another one of the little-known stories, was terrible. The phone from the president down to the bunker cut out on several occasions, which is absolutely amazing that Air Force One of all places, which should be designed so at a moment of heightened crisis, everything works perfectly, the communications kept cutting out. 

INGRAHAM: Ari, just one final question. When you see the Taliban in control, the U.S. having to rely on them for security and getting planes out on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, I've got to get your take on that. 

FLEISCHER: Laura, when I saw the pictures of the new government, the Taliban government, in those little snapshot pictures, my first thoughts was those are the very same pictures that I watched the president put an x through as we arrested them or we brought them to justice and killed them.

And now Joe Biden has restored them to power. That was my first thought. We took those people out. Joe Biden brought them right back. 

INGRAHAM: Ari, I am so happy you came on. We can never forget what happened that day, and thank you so much for your perspective and your memories. 

Biden's bad science and the State Department's infuriating ignorance. 

Raymond Arroyo explains it next.


INGRAHAM: It's Friday, and that means it's time for Friday Follies. And for that, we turn to Raymond Arroyo, FOX News contributor. All right, Raymond, Biden had an odd moment at a D.C. public school today? 

RAYMOND ARROYO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Odd is putting it lightly. As first lady Dr. Jill Biden spoke, the president lost interest, and then just wandered away, Laura. But when you really turn up the audio, Biden's distraction becomes far more understandable. Watch.


JILL BIDEN, U.S. FIRST LADY: Secretary Cardona and Mayor Bowser -- 


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Chocolate, chocolate chip. 


ARROYO: The chocolate, chocolate golden brick road rocky thing is hard to resist, Laura. That would be hilarious if it weren't for him dropping these vaccine mandates this week. And now he's using children to justify his agenda. 


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I am so disappointed that, particularly some Republican governors, have been so cavalier with the health of these kids, so cavalier with the health of their communities. 

This is -- we are playing for real here. This isn't a game. 


ARROYO: But the truth is, Laura, it is Biden who is being cavalier with children's health. There is a brand-new U.K. study, data coming out that shows unvaccinated kids are at a lower risk of both hospitalization and death than even vaccinated adults. So why are they so hot to get vaccines into children who have natural immunity, and it's robust? 

INGRAHAM: Thankfully, we've been saying for a year-and-a-half, they are able to fight off COVID before it gets them in real trouble. Most of the time they don't even know they ever had at. 

So tell us how Biden now also allowed the teachers unions, Raymond, to manipulate the COVID science here. It was on May 13th the CDC said any vaccinated individuals could stop wearing masks indoors and outdoors, didn't they? 

ARROYO: right, but the teachers unions, Laura, didn't like that guidance. 

So newly released e-mails show they started threatening the White House, and they began a P.R. campaign. 


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Don't make us be the mask police. 

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So Randi, what you would like is for the CDC to issue guidance saying that any child under 12 should wear a mask in school and continue to social distance, I think it's three feet now, not six. Would that be helpful? 



ARROYO: So following that, Laura, and after coordination with the teachers union, the CDC revised its guidance on May 15th. All people regardless of vax status had now to wear a mask in a school. This is voodoo science. And by the way this shifting guidance has created the vaccine hesitancy that the president so laments. 

INGRAHAM: It's shocking. What else do we have, Ray? 

ARROYO: This administration is also, Laura, they're living in fantasyland when it comes to the Taliban. Just watch.


NED PRICE, STATE DEPARTMENT SPOKESMAN: Will they form an inclusive government, that will be a key question that we'll look to see as the future Afghan government comes together. And will there be progress for women in girls. 

ANTONY BLINKEN, U.S. SECRETARY OF STATE: Despite professing that a new government would be including, the announced list of names consists exclusively of individuals who are members of the Taliban and their close associates, and no women. 


ARROYO: What did they imagine the Taliban was going to do? The Taliban are fundamentalist Islamic jihadists. That is who they are, Laura. They live according to Sharia law. Women have no rights under Sharia law. It's just like those marveling over the beating of journalists or rounding up of Christians. Welcome to Taliban rule. 

INGRAHAM: Welcome to Islamic Fundamentalists, Islamic extremists. This is what we've been seeing for decades and decades, Wahhabist Muslims and these extremists. 

ARROYO: The Taliban were the people we went out to fight 20 years ago, and we accommodated them around the edges, just like this cockamamie Afghan government that we rose up. The Taliban spokesman, by the way, the other day wasn't exactly channeling his inner Gloria Steinem when he said it is not necessary for a woman to be in the cabinet. A woman can't be a minister. They should give birth and raise children according to Islamic ethics. Frankly, Laura, what do people expect? That's the truth, that's reality.

INGRAHAM: So what do those feminists do here who are supporting Biden? 

Biden is giving the benefit of the doubt, or at least getting help from the Taliban in the way we left, so what are they going to say? They can't say anything. So they just have to say anyone who's conservative who shows up at any rally or event is just like the terrorists on 9/11. That's all they can say. They have no agenda, and you just pointed out, total hypocrisy. 

Raymond, great to see you tonight. Thank you as always. 

And Biden and Kerry's embarrassing, humiliating appeals to the CCP look even worse and the face of Chinese top delegates meeting with the Taliban, of course. Matt Schlapp, Charlie Hurt on that. The Biden administration's latest flop, next. 


INGRAHAM: I mentioned Biden's call with President Xi at the top of the show, but here is some crucial context. It came after climate envoy John Kerry was totally snubbed by the CCP last week. Top Chinese officials refused to meet Kerry in person at all, the foreign minister instead opting for a video meeting. The only in-person meeting Kerry had according to the VOA was a relatively junior climate negotiator. 

Joining us now is Matt Schlapp, American Conservative Union chair, and Charlie Hurt, a "Washington Times" opinion editor and FOX News contributor.

Charlie, so China first insulted Blinken and company in Alaska with that little deal about race relations and the United States. They oppressed the Uighurs all year. They hover over Taiwan. And now Kerry goes all the way over there, and they snub him, and Biden rewards them with a 90-minute phone call. They are just laughing at us. 

CHARLES HURT, OPINION EDITOR, "THE WASHINGTON TIMES": Just absolutely laughing at us. And it's important to remember that John Kerry and Joe Biden are two of the greatest foreign policy experts Democrats have ever created. And remember, not only was Kerry secretary of state, but the whole reason Joe Biden got picked to be vice president in the first place is because of his vast expertise when it comes to foreign policy. And your exactly right, the Chinese are absolutely laughing at all of these buffoons. 

INGRAHAM: And at the same time, Matt, you see China moving in for the kill on Afghanistan. So what happened in Afghanistan is going to redound to their benefits because they're always recognizing the Taliban, and I'm sure they see dollar signs in their eyes with the rare-earth materials, et cetera. 

MATT SCHLAPP, CHAIR, AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION: That's right. And Laura, when you have the Biden ministration telling our military that the two top security issues are white supremacy and global climate change, you wonder why we bundled things like an exit in Afghanistan.

And this whole question about their exploitation of the rare-earth minerals that are in abundance in Afghanistan just shows I think China is doing something like $50 billion worth of projects on coal. They are going to exploit all the natural resources they want, including coal. And John Kerry can fly and try to meet with them, and Charlie has got it exactly right. 

They laugh at America when they tell China that our number one national security threat is global climate change. They know what they intend to do to the globe, and they don't have a clue on how to try to stand up against them. 

INGRAHAM: This is how the White House tried to frame Biden's call with Xi today. 


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: The call was very familiar. It was candid. He didn't avoid areas of disagreement, but the tone was not lecturing, nor was it condescending. It was respectful. It was 90 minutes. 

This call -- 


INGRAHAM: Do you know what I say to that? I say if only the American people who still had some concerns about the vaccine were treated as well, Charlie. They don't get any respect. They're just lectured to all day long and insulted. 

HURT: Yes, and yelled at. But can you imagine Joe Biden conducting a 90- minute phone call? This is a guy who can't open a pill bottle. You wouldn't trust him to run a lemonade stand, and this guy is going to talk to a killer -- or not a killer, but a guy, a killer negotiator like the Xi Jinping of China and what they expect to get out of any deal with the United States? I can only imagine what Joe Biden managed to give away in that 90-minute phone call. 

INGRAHAM: To me, after reading what China said, the readout from China, Matt, they said that the U.S. side has no intention to change the One China Policy. It's prepared to have more candid exchanges and constructive discussions to avoid unintended conflict, miscalculation, and get U.S.- China relations back on track. OK, what does that mean to you, Matt, to get it back on track? Total submission, correct, after Trump? 

SCHLAPP: That's exactly right. You've got to give up on Hong Kong. And the last place in the world I would like to be living these days is Taiwan. I think one of the big tragedies of what happened with the bungling of Afghanistan is there is a bit of a green light to China to do what they want. I hate even having those words come out of my mouth, but that is the consequences when you project weakness around the globe. And by the way, Laura, don't worry too much, because they Taliban was very businesslike in their negotiations with the Biden administration. 

INGRAHAM: Gentleman, great to see you tonight. Thank you so much. 

And when we return, final thoughts. 


INGRAHAM: Twenty years since September 11th, we all remember where we were that day. And if you're too young to remember because you weren't born or you were too young, make sure you get the real history of 9/11. Who did this to us and the lessons from that day. The grieving goes on for families and the American family, but our resolve continues. 

This month on LauraIngraham.com, all of the profits from Freedom Matters gear, this is just one of the cool trucker hats, this is a big seller, will go to the Stephen Siller Tunnel to Towers Foundation. The mission there is to honor the sacrifice of firefighters Stephen Siller. He laid down his life to save others on September 11th, the ultimate sacrifice. An amazing man and amazing family, so many incredible stories. 

Thank you for watching, and remember, it's America now and forever. 

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