This is a rush transcript of "Ingraham Angle" on October 26, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Yes, 2022 is coming. Almost a year away. Are you ready? Because a week from tonight, it'll be Election Night in America. Important governors' races we'll be following.

Please set your DVR, never miss an episode. In the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled, because Laura Ingraham's got a great show as per usual.

LAURA INGRAHAM, FOX NEWS HOST: Well, you asked me to get my dog on set. But I have to say, ok, Zoey is currently in the other room. And I understand she's in therapy, because you misgendered her last night as Billy. You referenced my dog as Billy and that sent her into a total canine tailspin.

HANNITY: I've been in radio 33 years, I am completely deaf.

INGRAHAM: OK, don't give your whole resume out. All right. It's just - we don't need to go back down memory lane to talk about the radio career, ok.

HANNITY: Washing dishes and--

INGRAHAM: We will get it tomorrow. Dog tomorrow. OK, she'll be out of therapy. Hannity, great show.

HANNITY: Dog - promise now, dog day tomorrow.

INGRAHAM: Promise, dog day tomorrow.

HANNITY: Bring your dog to work day.

INGRAHAM: OK. You too. All right. See you tomorrow, Hannity.

I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. What's really behind George Soros' new group to stop misinformation in the media. We have an important expose.

Plus, why Joe Biden needs to fire John Kerry. Now, I'm going to explain that in a little bit. But first, walking out and walking away. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

They want you to know that they care about the children. They're going to remind you as often as possible that everything they do, they do for the kids.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): If you work hard, you can do better and pass on even greater opportunities for your children.

KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The people must be able to decide our country's future, to determine your future. The future of your children.

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): It was about the children. The children, the children, the children.


INGRAHAM: But in practice, the children are just props in their quest for more control, more power for bureaucrats and less for parents. So when girls were raped in two separate schools in Northern Virginia within months of each other, liberal school administrators did their best to cover it up.

And when a father of one of the victims came to a school board meeting to voice concerns about safety at that Loudoun County high school, they arrested him. It was absolutely disgusting. I can't believe it's America. The father appeared on the 'Angle' to describe the Orwellian experience.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My daughter was sexually assaulted at the end of school in May of last year. And you know - I went to the school board meeting to see what was going on. I tried to tell the lady what had happened to my daughter. And she looked me dead in the face and said, that's not what happened. Started in on me again and threatened my family business, my livelihood.

Next thing I know, I'm tackled to the ground. I'm just shocked and horrified.


INGRAHAM: We all were horrified. And as a parent, I found this story to be extremely upsetting. Both the crime that was committed against this young woman, and the effort to vilify the family of the young woman, the female victim. And it seems to get worse every day.

Former President Obama rolled into Richmond, Virginia, over the weekend to stump for Terry McAuliffe. He's running for governor again. And made the mistake of dismissing concern about the Loudoun County crimes.


BARACK OBAMA, 44th PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We don't have time to be wasting on these phony trumped up culture wars. This fake outrage. That right wing media's peddles to juice their ratings. That's not what you need, Virginia. Instead of forcing our communities to cut back at a time when we're just starting to recover, we should be doing more to support people who are educating our kids and keeping our neighborhood safe.


INGRAHAM: Neighborhood safe, Barack? The Democrats can't even keep their school restrooms safe, because they're far more worried about the political repercussions than the health and safety of the students in this saga. And that goes double for the media goon squad.

Now, I'm young enough to remember that when liberal journalists over at 'The Washington Post' used to believe that it was reprehensible for a defendant to use the victim's sexual history to impeach her credibility. Well, that's exactly what happened in this case. The girl apparently admitted in court that she previously had had a consensual relationship with her attacker, and that they even had agreed to meet in the bathroom where the attack occurred.

'Washington Post' reporter Justin Jouvenal, should be juvenile, while not mentioning the name of the victim or her attacker, published these details. He then followed it up with a tweet, clearly trying to throw shade on the judge's decision. The chief judge in juvenile court, who heard all the evidence in the case, decided that the accused male teenager who wore a skirt did commit the sexual assault. But it seems the reporter wasn't happy with that.

Now, my question is, where are all the women who stood up for professed victims in the past? Well, let's remember their words.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How many women and men are there across this country who are being harassed, and they have no recourse and no voice. That has got to stop.

KIRSTEN POWER, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: This is exactly why women don't feel comfortable coming forward and telling their stories. We

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have to create a safe space for women to be able to come forward.


INGRAHAM: 'The Washington Post' used to believe also, that no means no. But now, who wants women, especially concerned mothers to shut up and go away? The very Democrats, who claimed to be the 'Me Too' defenders.

Now, even kids are realizing that their schools are a mess. Students at multiple area high schools participated in walkouts today to protest for safer schools after the Loudoun County School Board officials originally denied that these attacks ever had occurred.

Now, parents are justifiably fed up. The latest non-fake outrage involves Loudoun County's requirement that parents must sign an NDA, a nondisclosure agreement, to view part of its new race and equity curriculum.

Now, "As part - as a part of the school's broader equity agenda, the district spent approximately $7,700 to become a licensed user of something called Second Step Programs, a branch of the left-leaning nonprofit organization Committee for Children. According to a copy of the NDA-style form, eligible parents at the LCPS must sign the document to view the second step curriculum."

All this board members who are, by the way, attacking parental rights, in this case, making them sign some agreement that they're not going to talk about it, have to be defeated. All of them have to be thrown out on there you know what, next go around.

The campaign against parental involvement in schools is being led, not surprisingly, by left-wing activists, like Jack Schneider and Jennifer Berkshire. Writing in 'The Washington Post', "Parents claim they have the right to shape their kids' school curriculum. They don't. To turn over all decisions to parents would risk inhibiting the ability of young people to think independently."

Oh, that's lovely. Well, naturally, Randi Weingarten, the odious head of the American Federation of Teachers, love this anti-parent take tweeting, "Great piece on parents' rights and public schools".

That's funny. Because by parents rights, she means the right to step aside and let the experts control it all. Who on earth would tolerate disrespect? Parents, you're paying the bills here? Why accept the abuse?

And by the way, this will only make matters worse in schools, where parents have started their own walkouts that are permanent. Loudoun County is growing in population, but its school enrollment is dropping, meaning the schools are losing state funding. Good. And the uber-rich and ultra liberal Fairfax County public schools right outside of D.C. are also seeing trouble on the horizon.

All of last year, we warned them, that if they kept their schools closed for in-person learning, while dumbing down their curriculum with anti- racism and equity, parents would start pulling their kids out. And that's exactly what's happened. The district is still down 10,000 students from their pre-pandemic levels.

Now, why what happened? Well, they moved their children to private or parochial schools. Others opted for home-schooling, others went to areas of the country where schools were operating in person. And yet school leaders, according to this piece, acknowledge that, when it comes to students who had been in classrooms pre-pandemic, they say they have no idea where they've gone.

Well, they haven't - they haven't been disappeared by a musician - a magician. My goodness. And these people, who don't know where the kids have gone, are in charge of your kids' education. This is absolutely terrifying.

But don't worry. Their priorities include paring back on AP courses, and mandating that (ph) athletes get the vaccination. Parents are not just walking out on these radical school administrators, they want to throw them all out.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our schools are too important, our kids are too important. We can't sit back and just assume that everybody else is going to take care of this. We have phenomenal teachers, but it's the leadership.

I haven't heard McAuliffe say, 'Hey, I'm going to go and investigate what's happening in the schools'. But I did hear Youngkin say that. So, why don't we give him a shot?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you feel about him saying, the former governor saying, parents shouldn't be involved?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My head honestly was about to explode when I heard that. I thought, are you kidding me?


INGRAHAM: And this week, Glenn Youngkin dropped an ad reminding everyone that McAuliffe has had a long history of fighting parental rights and education. He vetoed a bill when he was governor the first time back in 2016 that would have given students the right to opt out of assignments, containing sexually explicit content.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was my partisan. It gave parents a say, the option to choose an alternative for my children. But then Governor Terry McAuliffe vetoed it, twice. He doesn't think parents should have a say. He said that. He shut us out.


INGRAHAM: That's a devastating ad. These are not phony culture wars. They're not phony culture warriors. This is about who has the final say over the present and future of our kids' education. This is about whom you trust to keep your children safe when at school.

Woke activists, who are masquerading as teachers or administrators, obviously can't be trusted. They have other priorities. The walkouts we saw today in Virginia are only the beginning. The Democratic Party is about to experience what a political walkout across America feels like. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is Naomi Wolf, former Democrat advisor and author of "Outrages"; and Emily Devault, a Loudoun County parent whose daughter took part in today's walkout.

Naomi, let's start with you. Where are the feminists rushing in to condemn this school board in Loudoun County, and what their role in covering this up was? And also, the politicians. Where are the feminists?

NAOMI WOLF, "OUTRAGES" AUTHOR: This is a painful and mortifying moment, Ms. Ingraham. There are, of course, feminists, dads, and moms across the country, who identify as feminists. Survivors of sexual assault should be rallying to support this family that's doing absolutely everything right, when it comes to how you should support a child who's been sexually assaulted.

The dad is saying - you know, trying to tell people who are responsible, trying to warn other parents. This is exactly the right thing to do when a violent crime like this has taken place. They're rejecting shame, they're rejecting blame, and they're being targeted. So I'm embarrassed and ashamed that feminists are not standing up to support this family. And I'm embarrassed and ashamed that there's not a chorus, calling out the horrific treatment of this young lady, who is a minor, by the court system and also 'The Washington Post'.

I just want to note very quickly. There's a lot - there's so much wrong with the way this young woman is being treated. That it almost seems - like bizarre - like almost punishing the parents, and punishing this family for speaking out.

I just want to note, I'm as, unfortunately, a survivor of child rape, rape in childhood, and I'm also an advocate. I've walked with rape survivors as they've gone through the judicial process, which is so painful.

INGRAHAM: That's awful. It's awful.

WOLF: It's difficult. Thank you, thank you. That judge could have - had her testify in a closed courtroom. And it's also - there's a rape shield law in Virginia, you're not supposed to bring up any victim's past sexual history at all.

INGRAHAM: Well, it was allowed. It was allowed in this juvenile court. And 'The Washington Post' went on to repeat it--

WOLF: Shocking.

INGRAHAM: --which, again, where are all - I keep saying, where are all the feminists, male feminists, female feminists?

Emily, I have to ask you about your daughter, because she became an activist today by walking out of school. A lot - at five high schools across Loudoun County, and there were hundreds and hundreds. There weren't dozens, there were hundreds and hundreds of kids who walked out. Why did she walk out?

EMILY DEVAULT, DAUGHTER PARTICIPATED IN WALK OUT: Well, I don't think she was excited to become an activist, because a lot of teenagers don't want the pressure. They don't want their peers to have judgment on them. I think she realized when things - when this happened so long ago and people are just finding out about it. It really struck her.

She just - her friends and her and many other kids felt really blindsided, betrayed. And this is happening in our schools. And why didn't they know about it?

INGRAHAM: Emily, did she know the attacker? Don't say the name of the attacker, but was she aware of who the attacker was? Was it - did it take place at her school?

DEVAULT: It did not take place at her school.

INGRAHAM: OK, an area school.

DEVAULT: Yes. It's nearby.

INGRAHAM: Well, Naomi, when I think of this attacker being shuttled to another school to rape again, and that case is being adjudicated - allegedly rape again, I should say. But juveniles - in juvenile court, so it's a judge. There's no jury, there's a judge, and the judge sustains the charges after hearing the evidence.

But there was kind of a woke thing happening, because it wasn't clear whether the individual is gender fluid or not. We don't know if that came into play. But this is a night that Terry McAuliffe says, that - this is - this is - parents don't have a right to education, decisions. And then Obama says, these are fake phony culture, warrior issues. What?

DEVAULT: It's very insulting. It's very insulting to parents.

WOLF: It's surreal. I just want to note, I don't think that what this assailant was wearing is germane. I really don't. Young women, women of all ages, young men are raped by boys and men who are dressed like boys and men.

INGRAHAM: No, I don't care about it. No, no, Naomi, I'm saying, they cared about it. No, I'm saying that might have come into play on the part of the administrators. They were worried that it might - that might complicate the woke factor here. That's - I don't think it matters at all. I agree with you.

WOLF: Maybe these administrators are also engaged in horrific cover up, because I believe that they have a duty to report that's legal, when they know about a sexual assault that - where it's their duty to keep the kids safe. They have to report it. So they're - you know, their last interviews, they're saying, 'Oh, the guidelines were unclear'. This is nonsense.

So I think what I'd encourage everyone to realize is, there's something bigger going on here. Parents are being targeted. They're being identified as domestic terrorists for speaking up at meetings where their kids' education is at stake. There is a bigger picture of like a war against the family.

INGRAHAM: Naomi, you are 100 percent right. Emily, really quickly, how is this factoring into the governor's race as a matter of fairness and true equity? How is this factoring in?

Well, that's interesting. I've been reading a lot of social media responses to this walkout. And I'm just shocked by some of the pushback, because they're saying, this is just political. It's political posturing. It's - it's something to help Youngkin at this time. This has nothing to do with politics. This has nothing to do with politics.

This is a crime in our schools. It could have been a guy, it could have been a girl. We're done. We're done with the issues in Loudoun County. We needed something positive today. We have kids that literally had a voice today, when they haven't had one. They enjoyed it. I was in fact one of them, and they were taking lead and they made signs, so.

INGRAHAM: Well, we're going to continue to cover this issue. Both of you, thank you for your voices tonight. We really appreciate it.

And just weeks ago, Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered the FBI to target parents protesting against out of control school boards. But now that there's massive political blowback, the AG is conveniently distancing himself from his own memo.

My next guest isn't about to let that happen. Joining me now is Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan. Congressman, what's your next move here?

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Well, we sent a letter yesterday, Laura, that told the attorney - asked the Attorney General to resend his memo from October 4, which he did five days after the original letter came from the School Board Association and President Biden.

Understand this too. I love what you said in your monologue. When President Obama refer to these as culture wars, culture warriors. These are parents, these are moms and dads who don't want this racist hate America curriculum taught in their schools, want to get involved in their kids' education. They want to oversee their kids' education as appropriately as they should.

You know what was interesting about that first letter on the 29th of September, that got this whole thing rolling, not once - not once in that six page letter was the word parent, or parents mentioned. But in the apology that came Friday night after our hearing with the Attorney General, the apology in the memo from the School Boards Association, they mentioned parents then. That's what happens when you stand up and speak the truth.

INGRAHAM: It's about time.

JORDAN: --and defend parents' right to be involved in their kids' education.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, Joe Biden was stumping for McAuliffe in Arlington, Virginia, tonight. And he tried to tie Glenn Youngkin to January 6. Watch.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: Virginia, for the sake of your families and the country, we can't let this happen here in Virginia. Extremism can come in many forms, can come in the rage of a mob driven of assault - driven to assault the Capitol. It can come in a smile and a fleece vest.


INGRAHAM: Congressman, who is the real extremist in Virginia tonight?

JORDAN: Well, it's not these parents, I will tell you this. We had Democrat members of the Judiciary Committee last week, tried to tie parents who come to school board meetings, to not have this crazy curriculum taught to their kids and defend their kids. They try to tie them to people who did bad things on January 6. I mean, this is how far the left has gone.

I sometimes come to the basic question. Who cares more about a kid's education, government, or moms and dads? And I'll bet on moms and dads every single time. And that's why parents - you know, what else I said last week at the hearing? As I said, I think this memo from the Attorney General is the last straw. I think when you start telling parents, governments better. They know more about your kids than you do, when you start telling them that that's the last straw.

And I think this is going to be this catalyst for this new focus on freedom that you began talking about right when this virus started a year and a half ago, that we all need to focus on because what they have done to our First Amendment liberties, what they have done to our rights is so wrong.

INGRAHAM: They're coming for the kids.

JORDAN: This is the - this is the final straw. And parents aren't going to tolerate it. That's why they're standing up.

INGRAHAM: Congressman, thank you. They are coming for the kids. That's the next thing.

Now, why John Kerry should be fired immediately? My mini 'Angle' in moments.


INGRAHAM: I told you, I told you months ago, John Kerry would surrender to China on the climate issue. And now, 'The Washington Post' is reporting that, "In the early summer, with less than five months to go before a critical UN climate conference in Scotland, John Kerry told President Biden that he wouldn't achieve his goal of tackling climate change unless the U.S.-China relationship improved." Now, what might the CCP be demanding?

Well, 'The Post' ads that, "Beijing insisted to Kerry that cooperation on climate would not commence amid strained relations over human rights, Hong Kong, Taiwan, trade and a range of other issues." Anything else?

Well, in other words, give us everything. Oh, we're not sitting at the climate table, Johnny. And, of course, Kerry is more than willing to go along with this disastrous surrender.

When Marco Rubio introduced a bill that would have banned products tied to the CCP's systematic oppression of the Uyghurs, well, John Kerry, along with Big Tech, were instrumental in hobbling that effort. Now, why? Because Kerry didn't want to offend China. That's why.

The fact is, Kerry has been undermining our country to appease China for years.


JOHN KERRY, U.S. SPECIAL PRESIDENTIAL ENVOY FOR CLIMATE: It was incomprehensible that the United States and China would find cooperation on climate change. We found some common ground.

We have big disagreements with China on some key issues. Absolutely. But climate has to stand alone. Well, I'm going to fight over this issue. That's a trade issue, or a cyber issue. And we're going to fight about that while the world is falling apart. You really be certifiable.


INGRAHAM: Our border is falling apart. But now you're worried about the world. Well, what's certifiable here is believing that China actually plans to live up to any climate commitment it makes.

So despite signing the Paris accord, China brought three times more coal power online in 2020 than the rest of the world combined. And now, with rolling blackouts gripping the country, the CCP faces losing its grip on power, while China is ordering mines to produce as much coal as possible.

Still Kerry seems to be poised to give China anything it wants in return for just empty promises. It's time to change this climate of weakness, and get rid of John Kerry.

Joining me now is former Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo. Secretary Pompeo, where did I get this wrong?

MIKE POMPEO, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: You got it all right. This administration is willing to sacrifice just about any element of American security, whether that's with partners in the Middle East, or now you're talking about Chinese Communist Party, all on the altar of this faithful commitment to climate change.

He'll sacrifice the Uyghurs in the western part of China, he will sacrifice the Tibetans, the people of Hong Kong, and America's national security interests. Remember, this is an administration that's already letting China bring in crude oil from Iran. It's an administration took a properly extraditable Chinese leader of Huawei, who was sitting in Canada, to be returned to the United States under criminal indictment. They let her go.

This administration that is willing to appease the Chinese Communist Party for anything, all for the sake of a phony promise, Laura. The Chinese Communist Party is no more likely to actually live up to his commitment on energy than a man in the moon. They just simply aren't going to do it.

We signed the Paris Climate Accords, and in the Trump administration we actually reduced total carbon output from the United States of America. The Chinese Communist Party didn't get out of the deal. They stayed in, but of course, increased their carbon output tremendously.

INGRAHAM: Well, the Biden administration, they're just so desperate for this empty climate deal with China that they're just not going to prioritize any type - any concern about genocide for climate change. This is what the natural security boy wonder said today.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: John Kerry noted that his Chinese counterparts see a contradiction, and that the United States is pushing them to reduce carbon emissions, and yet at the same time the United States is sanctioning solar panel production.

JAKE SULLIVAN, NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR: There's no reason that the United States or any other country should be forced to choose between these two issues.


INGRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, how is that acceptable? We should just ignore human rights? Or China is going to care about human rights any more if we cave on climate?

POMPEO: The Chinese Communist Party doesn't give a rip about humans. We saw this during the Wuhan virus, Laura. We saw clearly that they exported this virus through folks traveling to Milan, Italy, when they knew they were sick with a lethal virus. They don't care about the human condition. They're not about to change just because John Kerry shows up and tells them, hey, America is going to sacrifice its economy, America is going to sacrifice millions of its own jobs and good income for hardworking Americans. You should do that too.

This is a fool's errand. Secretary Kerry has been on a fool's errand on lots of fronts. Remember, this was the man who said you couldn't have Arab countries recognize the state of Israel or there would be war if he didn't solve the Palestinian problem. He's been wrong an awful lot. There's no chance the Chinese Communist Party is going to reduce its carbon emissions just for the sake of appeasing some American interests. These are ruthless, genocidal leaders of Chinese Communist Party intent on one thing -- maintaining power, and watching America's weakness benefit them.

INGRAHAM: It's depressing. It's so depressing. This China issue and the border I think are the two biggest issues facing America. China is our biggest adversary. We are losing sovereignty on our southern border. You've sat across the table from President Xi. Is it not clear why he wants to only deal one-on-one with Biden given Biden's overall performance, his overall ability to converse, are you surprised about xi's desire to deal one-on-one with the president only?

POMPEO: No, it doesn't surprise me at all. I think he believes that he will be sitting across the table from a leader who will not defend America's interest, not provide a clear articulation of America being first and foremost in his policy vision. I think he thinks he is sitting across from a leader who he can roll and get a deal that will make a lot better outcome for the Chinese Communist Party, a worse outcome for the American people, frankly a worse outcome for most the Chinese people as well, but certainly one that's not in America's best security interest. I think that's the reason he wants to sit across the table from President Biden, so he can cut a fat deal for his own team.

INGRAHAM: Mr. Secretary, I have a final question. How are you so tan all the time? You are the most tanned guest I think we have had on the show in four years. Is it a perpetual beach vacation you? What's your secret? You look very healthy.


POMPEO: Trying to live better after the hard work of last four year, getting ready for hard work for the next nine months to make sure we take back the House in 2022 as well, Laura.

INGRAHAM: You look tan, rested, and ready, Mr. Secretary. Thank you.

And George Soros is now putting his money behind an effort to combat misinformation. Our report in moments reveals why he is doing this. Plus, the new victim plan on campus -- it's the white person's fault. Dinesh D'Souza is here on a story out of Harvard you need to actually hear about to believe. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: The media are lavishing praise on a new media couple dedicated to fighting disinformation. That just means censoring conservatives. And guess who is funding it? Liberal billionaires George Soros and Reid Hoffman. Nothing nefarious going on there, nothing to see there. For more we turn to FOX News chief breaking news correspondent Trace Gallagher. Trace, what are they up to?

TRACE GALLAGHER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Laura, this new company is called Good Information, and it promises to combat disinformation, which is both interesting and ironic considering, as you said, it's being funded by two left wing billionaires, George Soros who has spent tens of millions funding the campaigns of far left prosecutors to overhaul the U.S. justice system, and Reid Hoffman, the found of LinkedIn, who was forced to apologize for funding disinformation in the 2017 Alabama special election for the U.S. Senate.

But now to earn your trust, Good Information is planning to focus primarily on local news by acquiring a company called Courier Newsroom which has local outlets in eight states including Arizona, Florida, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. This is the same group of stations, mind you, that was cited by the media watchdog group NewsGuard for, quoting here, "failing to meet several basic standards of credibility and transparency."

And to further boost your confidence, Good Information will be led by Tara McGowan, a former Democratic strategist who previously ran a progressive nonprofit called Acronym, which back in 2020 ran one of the largest digital campaigns to beat Donald Trump. Acronym also invested in the company that made major headlines for producing the disastrous cellphone app that broke the 2020 Iowa Democratic caucuses by severely delaying the vote tally.

But now Tara McGowan has released that reads in part, quoting here, "At Good Information Inc we are committed to scaling immediate solutions that counter dangerous information where it spreads." And maybe by "dangerous" she means shutting down stories like Hunter Biden's laptop or the Wuhan lab week, both of which were labeled disinformation and conspiracies by the left, only to be proven legit. Laura?

INGRAHAM: Wow. Trace, thank you.

And now for the college confessional you have to hear to believe. Days ago Harvard University sophomore name Kyla Golding published a lengthy diatribe about what convinced her to quit the pre-med program. Her righteous rebellion started when a grand jury declined to charge police in the death of Breonna Taylor on the day of her inorganic chemistry exam. She writes, "my body inhaled molecules of white supremacy as they seeped out of my computer from that proctored Zoom room. They entered my bloodstream and catalyzed a metabolism that would allow for the invasion of my body by a violently infectious lifeform. The presence of the germ of white supremacy would cause a steric hindrance within me. I haven't been able to show up mentally or emotionally in a science class since."

Joining me now is Dinesh D'Souza, conservative author, filmmaker, host of "The Dinesh D'Souza Podcast." Dinesh, why does this all start sound like "The Babylon Bee," a satiric website?

DINESH D'SOUZA, CONSERVATIVE COMMENTATOR: Laura, I appreciate being called in as the official diagnostician on this issue. I was reading through this young woman's comments, and I actually don't think her anger is feigned. It's not made up. It's actually genuine, but I think it's aimed at the wrong target. The target is actually not white supremacy. She's not experiencing white supremacy in any meaningful sense. It's really probably Affirmative Action, but as the economist Thomas Sowell pointed out years ago, what Affirmative Action does is it takes minority kids, often pretty smart minority kids, but it creates a mismatch. It promotes them into an environment where they are competitively outmatched by their peers.

Obviously, this young woman can't say, listen, I'm having Affirmative Action problems. I'm not as well prepared. All my peers are smarter than me. Maybe I should have majored in Afro-American studies and not taken chemistry. But here I am in chemistry class. I need help. She can't say any of that, so she has to displace her rage and displace her anger. And so she invents the phantom of white supremacists. By the way, not white supremacy happening to her, but white supremacists happening someplace else, which is evidently preventing her from performing in class. And now I understand she has withdrawn from school.

INGRAHAM: Dinesh, you might remember at Dartmouth, I had to drop out of organic chemistry. I couldn't do it. It was too hard for me.

So the student wrote about why she didn't just skip the exam. She said "I could have asked to take the inorganic chemistry exam another day. But it would have required me to release by breath, to plead for the need to catch it. Thirteen months later the germ of white supremacy stills shows up in my body every time I enter the Science Center C lecture hall or its Zoom room equivalent." Dinesh, she should have majored in drama, perhaps. That might have been a better fit.


D'SOUZA: Well, you know what I find interesting is that she is unable to invoke any white supremacy happening to her. There's evidently no white supremacists at Harvard, there's no one who is mistreating her. There are no professors who have been even condescending to her. She is finding white supremacy in a distant place. It's sort of like if I were at Dartmouth and said, listen, the reason I am performing poorly at school is because there are slum kids in India who only get one meal a day. Or I just came back from a dramatic screening of "Slumdog Millionaire," and I'm so traumatized by this that I can't perform. Think of the kind of how farfetched this has to be in order to make any sense.

INGRAHAM: Dinesh, also, the fact that someone along the way taught her that this is OK to think this way. This is the result of education gotten to Harvard, right? It's only four percent of people who apply to Harvard get in.

D'SOUZA: If you think more broadly, go beyond her case and think about just Critical Race Theory more broadly, or woke culture. A lot of it is nothing more than providing excuses for failure. In other words, instead of focusing on development, how do I make myself better, how do I conform myself to the requirements of tests? No, the tests must be biased. The college is systematically racist. The institutions are all against me.

INGRAHAM: It's so tedious.

D'SOUZA: It's an elaborate labyrinth of excuse-making, all, in a sense, trying to explain inferiority and failure and academic, I guess you are not able to match up.

INGRAHAM: Dinesh, coddled kids of any race crumble, and at some point they're all coddled. Thank you for being here tonight.

And today an FDA panel approved the Pfizer vaccine for five to 11 years old. And a comment made by a doctor on the panel is one of the most twisted we've ever heard. We'll play it for you in moments.



DR. VIVEK MURTHY, U.S. SURGEON GENERAL: While you get some protection from natural infection, it's not nearly as strong as what you get from the vaccine.

DR. MEGAN RANNEY, EMERGENCY PHYSICIAN: People get infected. If they survive, they do develop some natural immunity. But it's doesn't seem that that natural immunity is as durable.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: That's a terrible strategy. No one should be advocating for infection over vaccination.


INGRAHAM: Well, no one is really advocating for that. He is kind of missing the point, rephrasing the question. Of course, they are wrong. As this show pointed out many times, naturally acquired immunity is real, it's robust, it's durable. And the thinking that we just heard is clouding our vision and the vision of our leaders.

My next guest has introduced legislation to make sure the federal government follows basic immunology, well-established science. Joining me now is Tennessee Congresswoman Diana Harshbarger. Congresswoman, tell us what this bill calls for. Obviously, you are a Republican in a Democrat house, but in the dream world, what would this require?

REP. DIANA HARSHBARGER, (R-TN): Well, Laura, it would require federal agencies to take into account naturally acquired immunity from previous COVID infections before the government makes any rules or regulation concerning American citizens. That's what it entails.

INGRAHAM: Today an FDA panel went on to approve the Pfizer vaccine for five to 11 years old. And I need you to listen to what one of the panelists, Congresswoman, said.


DR. ERIC RUBIN, FDA COVID VACCINE ADVISORY COMMITTEE MEMBER: We are never going to learn about how safe the vaccine is unless we start giving it. That's just the way it goes. I do think we should vote to approve it.


INGRAHAM: It's like you have to pass to the bill to know what's in it. You have to give the shot to know if it works. These are our experts.

HARSHBARGER: Well, they are experts in their own minds. Listen, I have been a pharmacist for 35 years, and I understand how this works. You go through these clinical trials, and the really study starts when you give it to the American public. This was an emergency use authorization vaccine. Now they are doing these studies, and it took six months to do these studies in five to 11 years old. And if you look at it, six months to five and 11 years old, compare this to when they did studies on polio. It was over a million people that they studied this in, and it took over a year. There is no comparison with this.

We do not know the long-term effects, the health effects, that these babies will suffer. And you know that we see the myocarditis and the inflammatory responses in those young people from 18 to 26. So how do we know this is not going to happen in these children? Laura, even when you look at Pfizer's research, they didn't study things like does it keep these children from getting COVID? Does it keep them from being hospitalized? You know what they looked at? What is that antibody response? What is that immune response? That's what they studied. And here we are talking about natural immunity. We know that children recover from this with mild to little symptoms, and hospitalization is almost unheard of in these children. So why would you subject these five to 11 years old to a vaccine where we don't have long-term studies?

INGRAHAM: It's a very, very small chance that a child will suffer severely from COVID. It's happened and it's always tragic, but very small chance. This is ridiculous what they're doing to the kids. Congresswoman, thank you.

And Joe Biden didn't really make sense tonight in Virginia. The Last Bite tries to explain.


INGRAHAM: I give you tonight's edition of Joe don't know.


JOE BIDEN, (D) PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: In fact, we are taking a page from Terry's book when he was governor and when he'll be governor next time. We're emerging from this pandemic. We want to expand pre-k for three and four years old, millions of free care --




That's it for us tonight. Remember, Freedom Matters here. All for charity, all for the website, It's so soft, you'll love it. This is my favorite.

Thanks for watching. Remember, it's America now and forever. Greg Gutfeld and the gang will tear it up, and they take it all from here. Freedom Matters.

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