This is a rush transcript of "The Ingraham Angle" on January 18, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

LAURA INGRAHAM,  HOST: All right. I'm Laura Ingraham. This is THE INGRAHAM ANGLE from Washington tonight. Now, if you aren't sure whether mask mandates for school-aged children are imperiling an entire generation of learning, we speak tonight to a speech therapist. And she's going to put it all to rest. Her shocking findings later on in the show.

And there are a lot of folks who talk a tough game about China. But very few actually take a stand in a meaningful way. Now, this was written before my Hannity exchange, where we're going to show you how one state is holding the financial world to account.

But first, elites helping elites. That's the focus of tonight's 'Angle'.

Now, the havoc unleashed on working people by power-hungry bureaucrats is not letting up. This is why for months now Europeans who oppose vaccine passports and other draconian COVID mandates have taken to the streets, desperate to be heard.

Just in the past week or so, protests and marches were organized in Germany and Belgium and Austria, the Czech Republic, France, and even the tiny island nation of Malta. In Canada, truckers are lined up and protesting new federal rules requiring unvaccinated Canadian truck drivers returning from the U.S. to quarantine.

A U.S. vax mandate will begin on January 22. So if you're not vaxxed, you can't drive into the U.S. As if we needed to create new supply chain problems. Thanks, Joe.

But so far, the elected officials in Europe and Canada are siding with international bureaucrats and plutocrats who want to keep the people under their thumbs for as long as possible.

Pretty boys, Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron have decided to carry out public shaming and humiliation of the unvaccinated, and of course the non- compliant in their countries. And others are rushing full steam ahead with new rules to marginalize and ostracize inconvenient citizens. Thank God for our founders in the average American, because we have more options here than they'll ever have

Well, we can go out - go to court or move out of our COVID police states like Illinois and New York for friendlier places like Texas and Florida. This is why the globalists see the American people as the real impediment to permanent global governance.

Our entire constitution, its principles properly upheld is a huge obstacle for the One World crowd. The First Amendment, the second, the Fourth Amendment's, the 14th Amendment, they all guarantee protection to individuals against the oppressive actions of the state.

Now, it's obvious that most of our elites prefer China's system of government, where dissenters are easily silenced. No exceptions made. Population control, lockdowns, mask surveillance, propaganda in the schools. The elites really aren't bothered by any of that, as long as they keep their professional purchase and money flowing. They're far more afraid of working class people in places like Akron, Ohio than they are of the CCP.

Elites will always protect other elites, even if it means looking the other way on horrific practices and dangerous lies. It's all collateral damage to protect their own power base. It's necessary. Many of them see the pandemic as more of an opportunity than a crisis.

Look at the millions of people who simply rolled over for the experts, reflexively wearing useless cloth masks and putting their arms out for successive shots, regardless of their actual risk profile. This has been one of the scariest things to watch in my decades of covering politics and the culture, that compliance.

Globalists believe that COVID is their best chance at taming the American beast, and marshalling the world community to bypass their own national values on a number of pet issues.

At the World Economic Forum this week, we see the seeds being planted to grow China's influence and minimize America's.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And we are really to continue and even amplify our measures in relation to climate change.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It highlights the need to address the deep rooted inequalities in the labor market.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Companies should ask themselves what is the purpose of their existence? And if that answer is just to make money, I think they - we need to rethink that why did it exist in the first place.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We need a new social contract and it needs to be inclusive and it needs to recognize that the inequality.


INGRAHAM: Now, this is what I imagined hell sounds like, just bureaucratic blather, empty rhetoric intended to make you feel better about being poor, as elites grow richer and more powerful.

Now, if you think I'm exaggerating about the elites cover up, listen to their Mr. Great reset himself, Klaus Schwab, who heads up the Davos confab. His introduction of Xi sounded like globalist foreplay.


KLAUS SCHWAB, EXECUTIVE CHAIRMAN OF THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM: It is my distinct honor and great privilege to introduce his excellency, Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China, to open the Davos agenda week.

China has made significant economic and social achievements under your leadership. You have achieved a historic goal to become a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

I believe this is the best time for leaders to come together and work jointly for the world to become more inclusive, more sustainable, and more prosperous.


INGRAHAM: Inclusivity, prosperity, where? Like the 20 million Chinese in lockdown and confined to their homes. Maybe we should ask the Uyghur population about all that inclusivity, Klaus. And Schwab just nods along approvingly, of course, of the words of the man who ordered all of it.


XI JINPING, PRESIDENT OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA: Major economies should see the world as one community. Sync in a more systematic way, increase policy transparency, and information sharing.


INGRAHAM: But the elites at Davos didn't just give cover to China. They also gave the virtual stage to one of China's biggest boosters and protectors. Dr. Anthony Fauci, who trashed his own and circled the wagon for the COVID frauds.


ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: One of the things that we - I believe, the entire world is facing, but we certainly are facing it in a very, very disconcerting way in the United States is the amount of disinformation that is accompanying which should be a problem where everyone pulls together against the common enemy, which is the virus.

We have disinformation that is entirely destructive to a comprehensive public health endeavor.


INGRAHAM: I bet Xi was clapping. Now, of course, they all block and tackle for each other. 100 left-wing doctors in the U.S. sensing Fauci's days are numbered, signed a public letter supporting Fauci. Ooh, 100. Big deal.

Over 61,000 doctors and scientists signed the Great Barrington declaration, remember, that was against lockdowns and mandates. And the media and the medical establishment, including the NIH, called those doctors fringe.

Now, when we finally say enough, no more COVID controls. Where do all these people go? We'll all know they either lied, or got a lot about COVID disastrously wrong. Then what? This is why Fauci and others like him aren't letting go.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: 2022 actually the year that we go from pandemic to endemic.

FAUCI: Well, the answer is we do not know that. When I talk about the pandemic, I put it into five pieces in the truly pandemic phase where the whole world is really very negatively impacted as we are right now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Omicron will not be the last variant. It's a high probability that we will have another variant coming up.


INGRAHAM: Now, for the great reset cheerleaders, there's always going to be a new variant to justify more lockdowns and more mandates, more controls. Again, they prefer the Chinese way. No need to explain, just do what you're told, or else. Again, the elites like it that way.

But the truth is, even with all their money and all their power, the elites are running into reality. Their ideas just don't work. Their solutions for mask control fail at their stated mission.

In an interview with Unheard, Israel's vaccine chief made some astounding concessions about the so-called green pass.


CYRILLE COHEN, SENIOR ADVISER TO THE ISRAELI GOVERNMENT ON VACCINES: You get to a point where whoever wanted to get vaccinated got vaccinated. I don't think that there is a point right now in maintaining a green pass, especially in the Omicron era. If your goal is to prevent transmission, a green pass is not the best way to do it.


INGRAHAM: Well, that's a start. But don't expect that the elites here will give up power easily. They're going to cling to it with a white knuckle fury. We will have to take their power away. And there will need to be consequences for the decisions that were made that harmed our kids, caused needless suffering and death, and turned our economy upside down. And then we'll have to elevate our own elites, like some of the voices we featured on this show over the past two years.

They've been consistently right yet vilified for their courage and tenacity. The elites are afraid that the House of COVID, which they built on sand, is about to be washed away for good. And that's the 'Angle'.

Joining me now is Dinesh D'Souza, conservative commentator, host of the Dinesh D'Souza podcast. Dinesh, the elites cannot admit that they really screwed this all up. So they're trying, it looks like, to consolidate power, and vilify the opposition as you heard Fauci do at the World Economic Forum.

DINESH D'SOUZA, "THE DINESH D'SOUZA PODCAST" HOST: Yes, this World Economic Forum is quite an operation. I was invited to be part of a debate there. Gosh, now a couple of decades ago. I met a younger Klaus Schwab. Bill Gates was there, Arafat was there.

And the funny thing, Laura, is when you're in that company on a ski slope in the kind of middle of nowhere, you get the illusion for about five minutes that a bunch of us right here in this room are running the world. And so I think this is the kind of sensibility that these guys have and that they cultivate, and that they mutually reinforce with each other. This idea that somehow a committee organized by Klaus Schwab, obviously, with the cooperation of totalitarians, like Xi, can somehow dictate the way that the whole world operates.

So there's a little bit of envy of China, that China can impose policies that other more democratic, more liberal countries have constitutional and other types of obstacles. So these are people who are liberal in tone, but illiberal in fact.

INGRAHAM: Yes. Well, President Xi used the forum, Dinesh, as his own platform, like he's going to use the Olympics to propagandize, to win a big PR coup. And especially railing against those who would defy his words. Watch.


JINPING: We should choose dialogue over confrontation, inclusiveness over exclusion, and stand against all forms of unilateralism, protectionism, hegemony, or power politics.


INGRAHAM: When he started down that protectionism route, I was like, wait a second, that sounds like George W. Bush. Protectionism, isolationism. I mean, those are the isms that Bush used to talk about. So the globalists do have their own lingo, Dinesh. And it's always against the nation state, where China is the most nationalistic of any country out there.

D'SOUZA: This is the exact point. As he disavows real politic and national interest, China is aggressively promoting its national interests. They are the world's expert at power politics. They know how to corrupt political families in the entire Asia Pacific region, to bend them toward Chinese interests.

In fact, the United States is naive and going around with kind of moralistic rhetoric about climate change, and so on. And the Chinese will give lip service to it, while assiduously paying attention to their bottom line and the speed, the reach of their tentacles around the world.

INGRAHAM: Now, Dinesh, on occasion the elites are will kind of turn on each other, because they see that this game is up. And Scott Gottlieb was on the board of Pfizer, former FDA commissioner. He actually kind of took Fauci down a peg, when Fauci said, Well, we can't say that the end of pandemic is nigh, even though Omicron is kind of a live attenuated vaccine. A lot of people are getting it.

So Fauci says that, and Gottlieb came gave a little clap back. Watch.


SCOTT GOTTLIEB, FMR FDA COMMISSIONER: But there's so much immunity in the population now between the big delta wave that we have, now the Omicron wave and vaccination as well on top of that, that you're hard pressed to see how something can rip through the population with the same speed and efficiency that Omicron did.


INGRAHAM: So there may be a few cracks here and there, Dinesh.

D'SOUZA: Yes. I think that the Omicron variation is obviously more contagious, but it's actually quite mild. And a lot of people are getting it and experiencing it, and they don't think it's that big of a deal. So you have a disproportion between the experience of people on the one hand and the kind of panicky rhetoric that is coming out of governments and being echoed by the media on the other.

This is a case where experience and reality are, sort of, at odds with each other. And at some point, the elites and the political leaders are going to have to realize that the population, the serfs, if you will, are paying attention to the aristocrats.

INGRAHAM: Yes. It's been a long time since Anthony Fauci did any real research. Let's face it. Dinesh, thank you.

And Democrats face two self-inflicted wounds. First, well, blue cities addicted to these lockdowns and mandates are falling behind. And second, voters - they're not just fleeing these blue cities and states, but the Democrat Party itself. We're going to explain it all in moments.


INGRAHAM: In March, when the COVID lockdowns began, we saw how quickly life in most big cities deteriorated.


INGRAHAM: No matter how rich and successful a city is, or a neighborhood in a city is, it can't be safe from poor Democrat leadership.

I think right now a lot of people are concerned that city life is over.


INGRAHAM: Well, we warned them. But they didn't listen. Democrat leaders clung to lockdowns and then they replaced the lockdowns with damaging mask and vax mandates. So what was the result? Well, it was stagnation, and even regression with public transportation, telling the story best.

Now, at the start of the year, New York public transit ridership was at about 45 percent or so of pre-pandemic levels. In DC, the Metro bus system scaled back weekday service to a weekend schedule. That's how bad it's in DC.

St. Louis has a shortage of bus drivers is hurting poor and working families. Atlanta's Metro authority said that staffing shortages could result in service cuts and serious delays. And then in Cincinnati, the bus system there has shortages of between 50 and 70 drivers per day. So what's happening here?

Well, the worker shortage in these blue cities is in large part driven by folks leaving those jobs because of mandates. It's not just people testing positive for COVID.

Joining me now is New York Post columnist Karol Markowicz. She fled Deep Blue New York City for the redder pastures of Florida. Karol, good to see you tonight. Now, this collapse--

KAROL MARKOWICZ, NEW YORK POST COLUMNIST: Thank you, Laura. I have not looked back.

INGRAHAM: Yes. I don't blame you. Well, the collapse of public transportation is really kind of tells the story about how these blue cities have crushed their working class population. And I don't see right now in the near future, their recovery. I don't see it. Your reaction?

MARKOWICZ: Yes, you're absolutely right. You know, it all starts with people working on their couches and having - they have to go back to the offices. Until that happens, these transportation systems will continue to struggle. I coined the phrase pajama class in August of 2020 to describe the people who could indefinitely stay home and get things delivered to their door.

And my main point was when the pajama class does finally get off the couch, there won't be a city to return to. And now we're seeing these very real repercussions of the lockdown policies, but it'll be years until we get the full picture of what we've done.

And I think people really need to face that we've destroyed something. We really did with the lockdowns. And until we face that, I don't know how we move forward. People need to be held accountable for what they did. We can't simply move on without examining the damage they've done.

INGRAHAM: Right. And the crime, Karol, that's filling the void here.

Now, it was just a few days ago that Eric Adams, the New York City Mayor, said the subways were going to be safe and that there was just perceptions of fear out there. And then, of course, a lot of people in America have seen that horrific story of the woman pushed onto the subway tracks by apparently a deranged homeless person.

So now, Adams, the great savior is backtracking. Watch.


ERIC ADAMS, MAYOR, NEW YORK CITY: We're going to drive down crime, and we're going to make sure New York is feel safe in our subway system, and they don't feel that way now. I don't feel that way when I take the train every day.


INGRAHAM: Karol, Eric Adams had an easy job to do. And it seems like he's stumbling already. So what happened?

MARKOWICZ: Well, what happened is, it's not an overnight solution and he should stop treating it as if he could just come in and do the job. I think, again, back to the original point, until people go back to work, until we will go back into their offices and get up off their couches, these transportation systems will be mostly empty. And that's when crime happens.

I mean, these things happen when there's nobody around to stop it, or step in, or do any of that. So the idea that we could simply have crime reduction without going back to being a functional city in New York City is unlikely.

And I wrote for New York, I wanted to come back. But these ideas, they have to begin with moving on from COVID mania and reliving our lives again.

INGRAHAM: Well, the problem is, and I think the New York Times even admitted this the other day, that a lot of these big companies now don't know what to do about the vaccine mandate. They're caught between all these activists who say, you got to do the vaccine mandate, and others just say, enough. And so they're saying, OK, if you don't safe, you can stay home.

That's their kind of fallback position. And that's driving this current mania that we're seeing in the streets, and the deterioration of our city. So it's these woke CEOs who just can't - don't have the guts to say, either show up, or you're done. And by the way, our federal government is in the situation. A lot of those people are never coming back apparently.

MARKOWICZ: Right. That's absolutely true. I think we have a real vacuum of leadership. And I think that what we're seeing also, is all of these peripheral jobs that don't exist or will stop existing around the office buildings still being closed, they will - they're not going to come back. The shoeshine guy, the (inaudible) cart, the (ph) bodega, they're not coming back if these buildings aren't there.

And I think, again, people who think that they could just one day come back to a functioning New York City, or these other cities, really have it wrong. They have to do it now, or there really won't be a city to return to.

INGRAHAM: Yes. That's the problem with shutting down the economy in the first place. You just can't turn a switch and - on and off. It just doesn't work that way. Karol, thank you. Great to see you tonight.

And people aren't just fleeing the blue cities like Karol did. They're fleeing the Democrat Party altogether. A new Gallup poll shows a staggering nine point shift in the net share of Americans who identify now as Republicans.

So this is the biggest swing in the history of this poll. So seeing the writing on the wall, House Democrats are beginning to bow out early. Two more announced their retirements today biting the dust, bringing the total to 28 who will not be running for reelection.

Joining me now is one man who is running for re election. Indiana Congressman Jim banks, Republican Study Committee Chair. Congressman, now we didn't even mention that Biden's approval rating is the lowest of any president ever at the end of his first year in office. Where does this go for the once great Democrat Party?

REP. JIM BANKS (R-IN): It doesn't get any better from her, Laura. I think it continues to get worse as this President, Joe Biden, and the Democrat party refuse to acknowledge the pain that the American people are going through, completely ignoring inflation, completely ignoring all of the other issues that are affecting American families and working Americans.

I imagine these poll numbers continue to get worse, as you said two more Democrats announce today they're not going to run for reelection, because they can no longer defend the President or their own party. There's 28 total. They see the writing on the wall. They know Republicans are going to win back the majority. And they can't defend it any longer.

INGRAHAM: Now, Congressman, Republicans win back the majority. And then what? You and I have talked about this before. There needs to be a clear blueprint going forward, so not one minute is wasted once you guys get power back.

That's what I got to tell you, I'm most concerned about. A disunity in the GOP. I'm already beginning to feel it and it concerns me greatly.

BANKS: I hear you. That's what the Republican Study Committee is all about that I'm the chairman of. We're not just focused on the one year of crisis after crisis that's build up on Joe Biden's watch. But we're focused on the solutions and the legislation that we're going to introduce on day one when we get the majority back.

I read today, Laura, that that the Biden administration is changing their PR plan. I've got news for Joe Biden. 99 percent of the media already carries as water. The media isn't Joe Biden's problem, Joe Biden is Joe Biden's problem. And now Joe Biden is America's problem, as he oversees the border crisis, the inflation crisis.

Today, gas was $4 a gallon at the pump. The supply chain crisis, the debacle in Afghanistan.

INGRAHAM: But that's good news. Congressman, I think you're misreading it. I mean, if I can say that. That's good news for the Democrats. They don't want Americans to be traveling. They don't like the fact that we can just hop in our car and go where you want. I don't think they ever like that. They love the lockdowns and ordering Grubhub or whatever the heck they do. They love all that. Unfortunately, it's destroying the country, but they were just happy with all of that.

Now, I want to switch gears, though, to the home front, where the Senate is attempting this federal election takeover. The bill is likely to fail, as you know, but expect more hyperbole. Joe Biden himself got us started today. HE tweeted "Jim Crow 2.0 is about two insidious things -- voter suppression and election subversion. It's about making it harder to vote, who gets to count the vote, and whether your vote counts all. We have to pass the Freedom to Vote Act, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act."

Congressman, Biden didn't show up anywhere, we didn't see him today, at least I didn't. Apparently, he is going to do a press conference tomorrow. What would you ask him if you had a chance to ask him a question?

REP. JIM BANKS, (R-IN): I go back to what the American people are feeling. Aside from the Democrat focus on rigging elections to give Democrats an advantage on Election Day, what the American people want to know and what they have not heard from this president or any leader in the Democrat Party is what the Democrats are going to do to address inflation.

The Democrats are telling us that one year later, after one year of Joe Biden, they want you to believe that Americans are better off. And Americans know overwhelmingly that that is not the case because they see it every time they go to the grocery store. They are paying more. It's harder for them to make ends meet. That's what they want to hear from this president, what are you going to solve these problems. So far all they hear is silence from Joe Biden and the Democrats.

INGRAHAM: Well, let's hope he doesn't call a lid before his press conference starts, Congressman. It's great to see you tonight.

A new front has been opened in the fight over school mask mandates, this in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Dr. Marty Makary, the newly named medical advisor to Glenn Youngkin, is going to explain.

And speaking of masking kids, one Florida speech therapist has unbelievably alarming data on how all of this is hurting an entire generation of children. She is here next, and you will not believe what she is about to say. Stay there.


INGRAHAM: One of the first moves by Virginia's new governor Glenn Youngkin was to eliminate school mask mandates throughout the commonwealth. But major school districts are refusing to back down and instead are digging their heels in. Now the Alexandria city public school system, incredibly leftwing, even hinted at a stricter mask mandate, ordering KN95 masks for students and staff, probably from China, and providing surgical masks for double masking. This is insane.

Joining me now is Dr. Marty Makary, FOX News contributor, and I loved hearing this, health advisor now to Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin. Dr. Makary, it was such great news to hear about you being named as an advisor to Governor Youngkin. But what do you make of this intransigence of the school boards -- school districts, on the issues of masks?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, HEALTH ADVISER TO GOVERNOR YOUNGKIN: Well, good evening, Laura. First of all, it's a privilege to chair the advisory committee. The governor is a very smart man and he's data driven. And I don't speak for the governor, but if you listen to his words, he asked the school districts to take about a week to listen to parents, that's what he asked.

And immediately, before any listening occurred, the issued strong statements and mischaracterize the position as somehow a ban on mask mandates. What he's saying is that parents should have a say and should have input as to whether or not and have the option to opt out.

Now, I can tell you that there is significant concern about children who are struggling right now. I talked to a parent of a disabled young child who has been vaccinated, but yet forced to wear a mask during speech pathology. We've had this assumption that there's no downsides to masks, but the data are pretty clear right now. We've got a mental health crisis among children declared by the Surgeon General, and the Brown University study tells us that there's developmental delays, cognitive and motor. You cannot ignore that data.

INGRAHAM: Now, so the former CDC Director Tom Frieden, I know you know him, made a fairly interesting admission about masking students. Watch this.


DR. TOM FRIEDEN, FORMER CDC DIRECTOR: Mask mandates are a proven way to increase mask use. Schools need to stay open. We need to protect our children and our children's education, and I'm really disappointed to see this kind of political posturing that could have life-and-death consequences.


INGRAHAM: Now, Dr. Makary, he never said that the masks were effective. He just said that the mandates forced compliance. Now this is after the CDC said the regular cloth mask you buy at a grocery store are of limited effectiveness against the Omicron. So what the heck is going on here?

MAKARY: Well, there's actually broad consensus now by public health officials acknowledging privately, and they are starting to say so publicly, that the cloth masks have almost no impact on transmission whatsoever. And we basically have known that the entire time because the size of an aerosolized COVID virus is about one to five microns, and the pore size of a cloth mask is 10 to 200 microns. So it's very porous.

We're also finally starting to see acknowledgement from public health officials that everyone is going to get Omicron or be exposed to it. So I think people are hungry for honesty right now. If you look at the CDC's strong stand on mask mandates, they are citing the Maricopa study, which was a study so scientifically flawed it would never be published in any medical journal.


MAKARY: They had more schools in the study than there are in the county.

INGRAHAM: No. From the beginning, we have been saying, that the influenza study, the overall observational study of all different studies done on influenza virus that was on the CDC website starting in 2020, they just completely discounted that. So this entire exercise has been just ridiculous. And our kids are getting hurt.

But Dr. Makary, we look forward to seeing how this blows out here, but this looks like it's going to have to go to litigation at some point, and we are going to be following this very closely. But we appreciate your input tonight.

And speaking of masking kids, it's not just ineffective at stopping the spread of COVID, it's harmful to the children's development. My next guest is a Palm Beach speech pathologist and says that at the end of last year she saw 364 percent increase in referrals for babies and toddlers with speech delays. But many parents have taken to calling this condition just COVID-delayed.

Joining me now is Jaclyn Theeck, who is a speech-language pathologist and clinical director at the Speech and Learning Institute in North Palm Beach. Jaclyn, what do parents of young kids need to know about masks and potentials for speech delays?

JACLYN THEECK, SPEECH-LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST: Some children are really showing some negative effects of the masks and just to the social isolation. Other children, not so much. But I just think as a parent, you need to be cognizant of your child's speech development -- meeting their targets. Talk to your pediatrician. We are seeing significant amounts of delays.


INGRAHAM: Jaclyn, we have a little audio problem with you, but I'm going to say this, and see if they can fix it. The examples I have, my own little anecdotal example, I was on a flight on Monday, OK. It was like a three hour flight with one of my children. And there were some cute little toddlers who were toddling down the aisle, and I just love seeing kids with their families, had a little bear backpack. And so I'm always trying to make funny faces to make them laugh, and they probably just look at me and laugh anyway.

But I realized I have a mask on my face, so they can't see that I am smiling, because they are so adorable, they are smiling at me. And their eyes kind of look -- where kids are usually kind of engaging, kids are a little more put off by being approached. Is that just an odd observation of mine, or does that kind of go in line with what you are saying about kids and looking at mouths moving and being able to mimic them?

THEECK: Exactly. That's a great observation. That is something we are seeing as children are coming into our office, not able to read expressions on face. They are not making eye contact. And so many people are relating it to the lack of seeing other people. Even in a supermarket, not looking at the cashier's face, not seeing the mouth.

INGRAHAM: Well, Dr. Theeck, we are going to be continuing to follow this, but it's a really important -- really important consequences of a ridiculous policy from the beginning. Thank you.

And there are a lot of folks who talk tough about U.S. financial firms entanglements with China, but very few actually take a stand. Our next guest just did, and is here to explain in moments.


INGRAHAM: For its grimy ties to China and anti fossil fuels activism, BlackRock has been blacklisted by the state of West Virginia. My next guest, State Treasurer Riley Moore, just announced that the Board of Treasury Investments, which manages just $8 billion, would not be investing in BlackRock. Treasurer Riley Moore noting that "Even George Soros has had BlackRock's China investments are a tragic mistake that could potentially damage our national security." Wow.

Riley Moore, West Virginia state treasurer, joins me now. Mr. Moore, good to see you tonight. Why aren't more states doing things like this? There was a big move to divest from South Africa, apartheid South Africa in the 1980s. Where is the move to decouple and divest from China?

RILEY MOORE, WEST VIRGINIA STATE TREASURER: Laura, thank you so much for having me on to speak to you and your audience about this important issue. What we are doing here is we are divesting from BlackRock because they're divesting from us. And here in West Virginia, we are an energy state. We produce coal and gas, and that is what BlackRock is diametrically opposed to. And we are not going to do business with people that don't want to do business with us. We're not going to pay BlackRock to destroy our industry.

Secondarily, BlackRock is doing tons of business in China. China is currently building 55 brand-new coal-fired power plants, so coal is OK in China but not in America. I think that is absolutely wrong. We need to put America first, and I'm going to stand up and I'm going to fight for it.

INGRAHAM: I applaud your efforts. To play devil's advocate here, what do you say to people who say, this is the role of the government. The federal government should have the same restrictions on business in China as they had in business in the Soviet Union. So business is there to make money, so you can blame them, they are there to make money, and big deal. What is your answer to that?

MOORE: My answer to that is, Laura, I'm a market participant. I'm a market participant in this, and what I am doing is stating my preferences here in the state and who we want to do business with. If they are not going to comply and meet our standards in terms of our energy industry here in West Virginia, then they can go do business elsewhere.

And I will say, there are other states that are standing up right now. Listen, in November, I led a 15-state coalition where we put together a letter to all the big banks here in America and said if you are going to divest from the fossil fuel industry, you are no longer going to do business with our states. That's $600 billion assets under management collectively.

So the in this country, we are coming together, Republican states are coming together, particularly state treasurers, to push back against the woke agenda.

INGRAHAM: But this should all be bipartisan. Where are all the woke lefties who forever trash the United States on human rights issues, and you have huge human rights issues in China. We need their help. Some of them are, I think, with you, but this should be a bipartisan deal.

By the way, it is not just the banks, because Michael Bloomberg had a comment, I think this was just last month, a couple weeks ago, reported that JP Morgan in August took full control of a securities joint venture with the Chinese company. Morgan Stanley is seeking five new banking licenses in mainland China in 2022, while Goldman has been doubling its workforce. Citigroup applied in December for securities trading investment banking permit," et cetera, et cetera. So you see the writing on the wall, that's "Bloomberg" reporting. The banks are going where the money is and the deals are. And for them, the deals are with the CCP and China.

MOORE: Where they need to be going is where America is going. And those banks that you just mentioned, many have put out these policy frameworks where they're talking about outright prohibitions to coal and gas and oil in this country. It's absolute insanity.

And where is the left on this? They're silent. Meanwhile, China is using slave labor over there to produce goods that they are selling back to us. This is just crazy. We need a realignment here. The U.S. economy and the Chinese economy are decoupling. The sad fact is, though, the Chinese economy is decoupling from us faster than we are them. We have to get this under control. Bring the jobs home.

INGRAHAM: Treasurer Moore, it's inspiring. Thank you for doing what you're doing, and I hope more follow.

And still ahead, Nick Saban's big fumble? The Last Bite explains.


INGRAHAM: Everyone knows that I've been a big Alabama football fan since I was a little kid, and that I'm a huge admirer of Coach Nick Saban. I was just at the national championship in Indianapolis where Georgia took home the trophy.

So it pains me greatly to report that Saban and other sports legends decided to walk onto a playing field they obviously know nothing about. Saban and the NBA hall of famer Jerry West and others signed a letter to Senator Joe Manchin urging him to vote for the Democrats so called voting rights bills. That bills would federalize and ultimately nullify state election rules that shore things like ballot integrity including voting I.D. and significant verification for mail-in ballots.

This letter signed by Saban and company was obviously written by some Democrat activists as it includes the usual slippery liberal verbiage meant to hide the truth. The Democrats know they can't win elections fair and square anymore.

So next time Nick should take his own advice.


NICK SABAN, COLLEGE FOOTBALL COACH: I've never endorsed a candidate, nor will I ever endorse a candidate or get involved in politics in any way, shape, or form. I don't think that's my place.



INGRAHAM: Exactly right. At least, Nick, though, is for saving the filibuster, I understand. Roll Tide.

Up next, Greg Gutfeld. He takes it from here.

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