Hunt for serial bomber intensifies in Texas

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," March 20, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Kimberly Guilfoyle along with Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Dana Perino and Greg Gutfeld. It's 5 o'clock in New York City, and this is "The Five."

It happened again. Another package bomb exploded in Texas today, a state on high alert. This one set off at a FedEx facility near San Antonio. It all started on March 2nd, a 39-year-old father killed by a bomb mailed to his house in Austin. Ten days later, two similar attacks nearby killing another and injuring two. The fourth bomb went off Sunday, this one on the side of the road in a residential neighborhood and rigged with a tripwire. Two people hurt.

And early this morning, a fifth explosion at a FedEx facility, one worker was injured. An intense manhunt is currently underway before the killer or killers strike again. Here's President Trump.


PRESIDENT DONALD TRUMP: The bombings in Austin are terrible. Local, state, and federal are working hand-in-hand to get to the bottom of it. This is obviously a very, very sick individual or maybe individuals. These are sick people. And we will get to the bottom of it.


GUILFOYLE: Joining us now from Austin, Texas, Casey Stegall who has been closely following this unsolved mystery. Casey.

CASEY STEGALL, FOX NEWS: Hey, Kimberly. Good to see you all and be with all of you guys. You know, things took a very different turn today when these unexploded devices were found at FedEx distribution locations. At least one we have confirmed for sure.

That means now, instead of someone just placing these on someone's doorstep like we previously saw or putting it in a residential neighborhood with a tripwire, which is what we saw here on Sunday, this is where it gets different, because now we're talking about someone physically putting a package into the distribution system.

And so, they go to giant places like this one back here, multiple FedEx locations across central Texas being investigated. And we want to kind of break them down for you, OK? Because there is a lot of moving parts and a lot of conflicting information, frankly, that's out there. This is a big location right here in Austin, and it is on the outskirts of Austin- Bergstrom International Airport.

Now, officials say that a suspicious package was found here this morning and it has closed the whole thing down. Spencer, if you could, my photographer, go on to the mobile command unit back there because we should point out there was no explosion here, just a suspicious package as all would say (ph). But, see that mobile command unit back there? Austin Police, a very big presence here in addition to ATF and FBI agents, so we've got that here.

Now, the second location, that is in Schertz, which is near San Antonio, a Schertz distribution center, and that is where the package exploded this morning when it was going down a conveyor belt. You imagine those big Amazon distribution sites and the United States Post Office, all of the mail and packages are being sorted every which way on those belts. It was going down one of those belts, apparently, when it went off. And fortunately, no one was right next to it, so no serious injuries.

There was some initial talk about a second package that was found at that location. It did not detonate. But that it may be contained explosive material. Police have since walked that back, and they've said that now only one package was found at that location, the one that went off.

Then, we've got a third spot, and that is in Sunset Valley, which is only two miles or so from Sunday night's crime scene. And officials in Sunset Valley have roped off a FedEx store there, and the thought is that the package that exploded at that distribution center down near San Antonio, that it might have originated from that location. Again, only two miles from Sunday's scene.

So, it is a little confusing. You have multiple locations, multiple victims, and a whole lot of concern because, again, this is a city on alert. Some 420 calls of suspicious packages came in to 911 just in the last 24 hours, according to Austin police, and you can imagine that is straining the resources, guys.

GUILFOYLE: All right, Casey, we have a couple of questions. We will take it around the table. OK, Dana.

DANA PERINO, CO-HOST: Casey, what is the -- what's the advice to the citizens there because, I mean, 420 packages, if you get that many calls is going to take a while for the police to get there.

STEGALL: Right. But they are wanting to make sure that they docked all of their I's and cross their T's, which is why Governor Abbott, the governor of Texas, and others have diverted a lot of law-enforcement resources here. There are more than 500 federal agents alone. Five hundred federal agents, ATF, FBI, boots on the ground here, and that is not including all of the Austin police officers and the bomb squads that has been brought in from Houston P.D. and the rest. So, they're flooding it with resources so they can follow up on every single one of these tips. But the primary message being sent to the public is to remain vigilant. And if you see something, say something. I was talking about this yesterday at our reporting. You know, we're used to doing that at, say, the airport or at a big public event, the Super Bowl, you know, game or something. However, not so much when you're in a residential neighborhood, or if you're in a McDonald's, or something, let's say. So, they're asking people if you see something, do not touch it, and call police so they can come follow up on it, Dana.

PERINO: Thank you.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Juan has a question for you, Casey.

WILLIAMS: Casey, what about copycats? Do we know -- is this the work of one person or multiple people? Is there anything like that that is giving us some hint as to what's going on here? And I have a follow-up after you finish.

STEGALL: Yeah, Juan, that's a good question because there is concern always with copycat crimes. And that's one of the reasons police say they're being very guarded with the information they release. That's why they say they're only similarities with the explosive devices that have gone off so far. The similarities they won't go into great detail with, because if they release too much information, as you know, say something, perhaps, only the bomber or the bombers would know themselves, they don't want to put that out there into the public so that people, A, don't copy the crime and, B, they don't want to jeopardize their investigation. So, right now, they don't believe that this is a copycat situation. It could be the work of one person or more, they say. Frankly, they simply don't know, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Casey, just a quick follow-up, you know, initially, the two people who died were black men. And then, there was the suspicion on the part of the congressional black caucus that, you know, they should be identified as a terrorist act, and then you had the NAACP saying to the black community -- but then, the last two people injured were white. So where does that stand now?

STEGALL: Well, it kind of threw the whole, you know, targeting instance or motive, potentially, that was being discussed, kind of, out the window, is how I gathered it from law enforcement yesterday. Because you're right, the first several bombings, the first three that started on March 2nd, one man was killed, and then ten days later, two people killed in a single blast. These were all packages that were left on a porch. They didn't go through a distribution center. They weren't mailed. They were just dropped off on the porch overnight. And then, the people open them or moved them and caused the explosion. The victims were African-American or Latino. And these were in East Austin, traditionally known as a lower income area, if you will. So, that's where that theory came out that they might have been targeting specific groups of people, a hate crime, something like that. But with the tripwire being put on the device on Sunday, police say that that meant it was designed to hurt anybody who discovered it, so not a specific person. So that kind of took the weight out of that argument a little bit.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Casey, thank you. OK. We'll take it around the table. Greg, your thoughts on this, we have it laid out in terms of the facts and with the police and authorities know so far. Obviously, reluctant in the middle of an investigation to give out some of the characteristic or signature elements of the bombs and how they compared or they're dissimilar in some respect.

GREG GUTFELD, CO-HOST: Clearly, we don't know much from that. So, these events just -- it show, once again, how an individual or a group of individuals can command an audience and it's as contagious as it is alluring. It could be copycats. It could be one person. Media coverage focuses on it so heavily that it's just irresistible to continue. The challenge in this world is to somehow, like, fight this numerical significance where one person, a shooter, or a bomber, or a terrorist, can affect thousands of people, or in fact millions because all of the network coverage. So, he's already affected the world and it will be seen as a success. Meanwhile, what the real lesson from all this is that, you know, evil deeds succeed with proper planning, as long as you plan ahead. We still don't know anything about Vegas. We know nothing. And the reason why we don't know anything is because he planned for two years. That's why we have to plan. You know, a half a plan cannot go up against a full plan. Clearly, this is a planned event. And we have to learn, we have to plan against these planners. He who plans, wins.

GUILFOYLE: All right. Dana.

PERINO: Well, I was just thinking about -- I know, as of yesterday, they had 500 federal law enforcement officers on the ground in order to help. That probably has doubled. And it's not just happening in Austin. Or you have to be vigilant because copycats, if you have something on national media, copycats can happen anywhere in the country. And so, the resources that are required in order to deal with things like this -- hopefully disrupt plans, if you can. But if not, then deal with the aftermath. Local law enforcement and state governments are having a big problem on their hands because they got a lot of resources, a lot of things they need to spend money on, and there's not enough money to go around. And so, the most important thing, one, is economic growth, which thankfully we have right now, but planning ahead because these types of things are going to continue. It's not just localized anymore. It's not just going to just be in Austin American statesmen. It's going to be all over the world.


JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST: Well, I'll speculate because there's really nothing else to talk about. It's not ISIS in my opinion because it's not spectacular and there's no video and they have not claimed credit for it.

GUILFOYLE: Or claimed, yeah.

WATTERS: . so far. The racial angle was interesting because in the beginning it was three minorities, then it was two white men. I just don't like how it becomes so racialized right in the beginning. But, I think, they're still leaving that open, but let's just put that aside. To me, it looks like a serial killer that doesn't want to get his hands dirty. Someone that enjoys toying with law enforcement, someone who enjoys the gamesmanship of it all, and someone who I think is going to get caught pretty soon because there's video cameras all over these distribution centers, whenever you drop off a package, there's going to be surveillance footage. It's, obviously, someone sophisticated because they have the tripwire technology. So it's not an idiot. But it's not someone, you know, CIA, it's not that high level. It's, obviously, someone that gets the materials from a local store, from what we're hearing from the senators. Maybe an anarchist, someone who just likes death and destruction, it's really hard to tell. It's just sad because Texas and Florida, at this point, have suffered so greatly in the past year, whether it's national disasters, or these shootings, and these bombings. You know, it just takes a special type of citizen in these two states to reckon with it. And Texas, like they always do, is doing a very good job.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Also, I think what's interesting is they have an unexploded device that they're going to be able to study, which is going to be significant.


GUILFOYLE: Because it's almost impossible to not leave some kind of trace of DNA or forensics that could be a clue. And then, you have all the pieces, the parts, you know, intact, that can trace back the, you know, origination for where all of them were purchased or where they came from, and look to see any similarities there. And there's the construction of it we can actually show the detail of a particular group, if it's a terrorist or small actor, etcetera. Juan, your comments.

WILLIAMS: Well, I think that what we know is that there's been a variety of delivery methods used on these bombs. So it's not all the same bomb. And then today, I was watching Dana's show at two, and she had on an expert who said that, in fact, the detonation caps are different, and very difficult to obtain. And so, if you go and find the source, which is what Kimberly was just suggesting, of those detonation caps or detonation caps that were lost, that's going to be a big clue.

GUILFOYLE: But they could be doing that on purpose to obfuscate so they wouldn't be able determine that it was one single or sole actor to make it appear as multiple individuals.

WILLIAMS: Yeah, but it could be -- I don't know. That's what we don't know. But it could be that one guy has somehow obtained.

GUILFOYLE: That's my point.

WILLIAMS: . these destination detonation caps. And the second point here is that you have, I think, a lot of people who are, at the moment, alarmed and uptight. I think that can't be overstated, how nervous people are in Austin and what's going on now. Why Austin? Why at this moment? And it's not clear.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Well, it seemed so far the kind of the tone and tenor that they're looking at, like a serial bomber has been being very clever to not reveal himself, not put any manifesto out, avoiding any attempts to communicate with law enforcement or FBI. We expose another major missed opportunity to prevent the Parkland school massacre, that's next. Stay with us.


GUTFELD: It's a story that makes you angrier every day. Documents show that officials suggested that the Parkland madman be committed a year or so ago, which could have prevented his murderous spree. Deputy Scot Peterson was one of those officials. So the same deputy that Sheriff Israel threw under the bus for not confronting the shooter had actually tried to do the right thing long before that. Where was his boss then? Getting his face painted on cars?

So why wasn't the killer nabbed despite all the red flags? What we saw was a county they did half a right thing: They saw something, did nothing. It's an ugly lesson. Half a right thing can be worse than one whole wrong thing for it pretends to be progress and that prevents real solutions. Example, more lenient school discipline has been hailed as progress. But is it? As National Review's David French reports in 2013, the Broward County School Board agreed with law enforcement to limit on-campus arrests. Did that affect this case? Could be.

But we know what went wrong, and it's time to right it. First, fire Israel. Has there ever been a more incompetent boob in law enforcement? He's a power-hungry political hack. And finally, let's create a database for sick people who are tagged in civil court based on testimony by officials, teachers, and so on. If you're on that list, then no guns. That's called a plan. It's not half a plan. And it's one that would have saved 17 lives.

So, Jesse, this article, I think it was -- I can't remember if it was in The Federalist or National Review about how they decided not to send kids, like, to get involved with law enforcement, and because they didn't want kids to go to jail.


GUTFELD: And there's been some talk that that could have been the reason why this guy got through.

WATTERS: It could have been. It started under the Obama administration when they didn't want to unfairly target minority students in public schools because a lot of them were getting arrested and it was having repercussions on going to college and things like that. But, at the same time, you have such an egregious case of misbehavior and dangerous behavior from this kid. If you're cutting yourself, if you're saying I want to kill someone with a gun, if you're throwing your mother up against the wall. If you're doing all sorts of outrageous things and you've been tried to be civilly committed twice, the FBI has been tipped off two to three times, the police have visited your house almost 30 to 50 times. It's not like there were laws and mechanisms in place to prevent this. So you can't point to the gun. Everything on the state, local, and federal level broke down.

And you look at a guy like Israel who's taken zero responsibility. He cares more about politics than public safety. Apparently, he doesn't even discuss crime. He's always about parade routes and whether he can get a picture with a politician. He's not liked among the people on the ground there. So what he did instead, he brought all his flunky friends from softer law enforcement background and put them in charge of places like Parkland. And you see what happened, there's poor training, there's poor reaction time. And the shooting in Maryland today is interesting because it was done with a pistol. And an armed person was at the school and neutralize the shooter before he could do anymore damage. Now, life kind of gives you lessons. And to not look at these lessons is just not the right thing because you're not hearing the media talk about an AR-15. You're not hearing the media talk about school safety solutions with armed security guards because it doesn't fit their anti-NRA narrative. So people need to look at what happened in Maryland, as a solution to the problem.

GUTFELD: You know, Dana, the sheriff is still there.


GUTFELD: I mean I don't know what do you have to do to lose your job in Florida? I don't understand it.


PERINO: I guess, in some ways, there might be -- it could be a recall, you would imagine for the -- I don't know. I don't know why they hadn't. I do think that it's pretty interesting that -- so the deputy.


PERINO: . who took so much grief. Remember.

GUTFELD: Great point.

PERINO: . the deputy's lawyer said repeatedly there is more to this story, and they were holding back. I don't know.

GUTFELD: That's just ticks me off about Israel even more.


GUTFELD: Because if this guy, Peterson, was trying to get this guy out of the school and in some place, and if Israel did nothing and then threw him under the bus, what a loathsome creature.


GUTFELD: Terrible.

GUILFOYLE: All right. So here's the problem, really, so many missed opportunities that it really goes back to -- even in 2016, they had the opportunity to, you know, put away Nikolas Cruz, and put him in involuntary confinement where he would not have been able to purchase these guns. But people don't take the opportunities as they're presented when they know that he was mentally, you know, dangerous and unfit person, thereby, creating a further public safety risk that manifested in the shooting and loss of multiple lives. That's a problem right there. And then, it's compounded by the lack of leadership by Sheriff Israel, by the individuals on the scene, a number of missteps that resulted in a further additional loss, you know, of life. So, if you look at it, this is sort of a textbook example of how everything, sort of, went wrong and converged together to this perfect, horrific storm of what happened. So it's not just about the gun.


GUILFOYLE: It's about what happened in the steps. And if you miss the rest of those pieces of the puzzle, this is going to repeat itself.


GUILFOYLE: Because it's not just about the weapons. As we're seeing, whether it's bombs that you've used, detonator caps, or whether it's pressure cookers, whether it's a car you drive into a crowd, anything like that, if the intention is there and you do not see that that person is a threat, picking up the signals that includes an intelligence gathering to prevent it, that's the first step, because if you get to that piece, you don't even get to the gun.

GUTFELD: And Juan, it's not to knock law enforcement because we don't hear about the acts that are prevented, right? There're things like this every day that have probably been stopped. So, I mean, in this case, this might be the most preventable gun spree I think I've ever seen. Vegas, I wouldn't know how to stop that.

GUILFOYLE: They were called 29 times.

GUTFELD: Yeah, yeah.

GUILFOYLE: . the sheriff's department.


WILLIAMS: Well, you know, so, you know, I feel like I am in support of gun control. And I look at the polls, I see most Americans, most gun owners are in support of some kind of increasing background checks, not allowing weapons of war to be sold and the like. And people want to close gun show loopholes and the like. So, I'm listening and I think the NRA line is, oh, gosh, you know, this is the result of inadequate law enforcement. It's not about access to guns. But I think access to guns is a part of the equation.

GUTFELD: That's what -- the civil tag in a court would do that. If you said OK, the school officials, and the family members, and whoever, police, knew this guy was a problem. That would -- he can't get a gun. There's no place to put this guy yet, except an institution.

WILLIAMS: But, I think -- you know -- so you are talking about the sheriff who has his own problems, but I think that, in fact, as you say, the deputy on the school grounds had said this guy.


WILLIAMS: . should be put away under the Baker Act or whatever.


WILLIAMS: And then, you get, though, the social workers and the therapists saying, no, it wasn't the sheriff who said no. It was the mental health community that said no at the time to this person. I don't know why. It'd be interesting to see those records.


WILLIAMS: But I will note, I was reading about this guy, Israel, the sheriff. He's so interesting. He was a Republican who then switched to be a Democrat, and he's a crony of Roger Stone. I'm like, Roger Stone is in this story?


GUILFOYLE: They brought that up three weeks ago, Juan. Where have you been?

WILLIAMS: I'll tell you, I was amazed.

GUTFELD: Yeah. All right. A mounting crisis for something called Facebook. I don't know what that is. What's Facebook?


WATTERS: It's a controversy that's revived the conversation about social media manipulation in the 2016 election. Facebook is now being investigated by the FTC after the personal data of 50 million users ended up in the hands of a firm that helped elect President Trump. Lawmakers also want answers. Facebook execs will be meeting with them, too.

All right. So Greg, the story has moved --

GUTFELD: It's one big nerd fight.

PERINO: I can nerd fight it.

GUTFELD: But I mean, come on. Can we just move on from this election? It's going to be six years. They're going to still be replaying November 8. Look, this is another ping-pong story. Facebook helped Trump. Well, actually no, they also helped Obama, and they also wanted to help Hillary. "Oh, and no, but they helped Trump."

This is one of those things that nobody cares about.

WATTERS: So that's why we're doing it on "The Five."

GUILFOYLE: A weird --

PERINO: I think a lot of people do care about it.

WATTERS: You do.

GUTFELD: Well, a few important people.

PERINO: Very important people. There are some very interesting crosscurrents to me.


PERINO: So the left is mad at Facebook, because they're saying Facebook helped President Trump.

The right is mad at Facebook for the either reality or the perception of the suppression of conservative viewpoints, based on the algorithm that has suppressed the amount of conservative news you might get in your feed.

And the solution that everyone is starting to talk about, we've been talking about for a little bit, is the government and government regulations. So privacy is an issue that everyone deals with differently. The Europeans allow consumers to control what happens to their privacy.

China, it's like the government controls everything. In America, we have allowed the free market to decide this. And I think we're going down some kind of slippery slope. And with the FTC getting involved -- get this, Jesse -- you'll like these numbers. Forty -- the fee for a find such as this per user is $40,000.


PERINO: If the FTC, which they have already asked Facebook to come and do a little presentation for them about what happened, if they were to find them for all those users, it would be $2 trillion.

WATTERS: Two trillion? That's a lot of money.

PERINO: A lot.

WATTERS: And the CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, apparently not really involved in the damage control. He did not speak to the employees today. He's been pretty silent about this. I don't know where he is. People are calling for his head after the stock price has been plummeting.

Juan, how do you feel?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think it's the big story. And I tell you, I was struck that the guy who runs Cambridge Analytica, who was accused of illegally accessing this information from Facebook was then taped by British media as saying, "Oh, yes, you know, we can find other ways to influence elections. We'll set people up with prostitutes. We can find out about people's weaknesses."

And as a result now, Cambridge Analytica has moved on from him or asked him to step down, at least temporarily.

GUTFELD: OK, just interesting. How come some hidden videos are more important than others?

WATTERS: Yes, I want to see the raw footage of that.

GUTFELD: Who's the dude, who's the guy? O'Keefe.

PERINO: No, no, no.

GUTFELD: James O'Keefe. "Oh, James O'Keefe video is terrible, but this one is OK."

WATTERS: We know this one --

WILLIAMS: Well, this guy is talking as if he's trying to sell his services, Cambridge Analytical services.

PERINO: The right has learned from the left. The left has learned from the right.

WATTERS: And what do we have similar from Kimberly?

GUILFOYLE: Everything. In fact, thank you for the question. So let's see. Here's some consensus. Because Republicans and Democrats have become equally frustrated with the influence and power of individuals like Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook, Google and their untoward influence on political ideology, on campaigns and partisan politics.

Like Dana said, suppression of what appears to be conservative viewpoints, sites, et cetera. And the, you know, lifting up of perhaps liberal or Democratic, depending on their ideological persuasion.

And so this tape and everything people find compelling and interesting because it's sort of the back story to what you suspected and you thought was going on and having that untoward influence.

So it is a compelling story. People do care about it. And I think it's, you know, a larger picture. It's something that needs to be examined, because they're doing all this, you know, data mining and getting all of this personal information that then is very valuable to be able to affect not only, you know, consumers but the choices you make at the ballot box.

WILLIAMS: Yes, and for 2018, we've got to stop this stuff.

GUILFOYLE: Amen. Can I get an amen?

GUTFELD: Everybody is going to be doing it. Everybody's after everybody's information, and we do the same.

WATTERS: We just want to be able to check the box and say, "You can look at my information," not have it be shared with everybody.

GUTFELD: I don't want -- no one wants to share your info.


PERINO: That's the problem, is they took yours and all of your friends. That's why they're in so much trouble.

WATTERS: Yes. Yes.

GUTFELD: I hate Google more.


WATTERS: -- friends on Facebook. A major setback for the driverless vehicle industry after a self-driving car strikes and kills a pedestrian. Greg is going to have some explaining to do.


WILLIAMS: Self-driving cars were billed as the wave of the future. The technology was supposed to be safer than humans behind the wheel, but now that's very much in question after one of the vehicles claimed the life of a pedestrian.

An autonomous car operated by Uber struck and killed a woman on the street in Tempe, Arizona, this weekend. The company has suspended all of its testing.

Let me go to my legal expert here. What do you think, because --

GUILFOYLE: I was very worried about this.

WILLIAMS: So you've got a car --


WILLIAMS: But it did have a human being behind the wheel, sitting there. But he didn't do anything. But so is the company liable? Is the car? Who's liable?

GUILFOYLE: Everyone. Everyone is liable. It's a big problem. This is what I was worried about. I think they're like jumping ahead of the technology. One thing they did, Uber Eats, that was cool. Not the driverless cars. I feel very unsafe in a situation like this.

I actually feel nervous even in one of the little, like, cars that don't have the keys in them to turn on or off. I don't know. It's something about, I guess, control, to be able to know that you can navigate.

What if you can't take control back, you know, of the car. This happened already this quickly? This is what people were most worried about? So the huge liability issue now. And now they're on notice, so if they don't, like, shut it down or make some manifest changes, you're going to see all kinds of lawsuits coming in for this, which I think is problematic for Uber. This is the type of thing that could bankrupt the company quick.

GUTFELD: I have to -- I have to disagree.


GUILFOYLE: Well, you don't even drive. You basically crawl around.

GUTFELD: I know, because I'm ahead of the curve. The police chief already says that the car is likely not at fault. There is video footage inside the car that may or may not prove it. But the victim was 100 yards from the crosswalk. She walked from a median into traffic. OK?

The person in the car said it happened in a flash. So this would've happened whether somebody was driving the car or not. Six thousand pedestrians are killed by human-driven cars every year.

GUILFOYLE: Just in New York.

GUTFELD: Yes. Last week we saw two children get mowed down by a driver. Female driver. Hit their mothers, too. The mother survived. She was a disoriented driver. She had a seizure. That happens 6,000 times.

But self-driving cars, they don't text. They don't sext. They don't have heart attacks. They don't drive drunk. So the passengers can. All the self-driving cars doing is replacing the distractions that human beings can't eliminate from their lives. I'm just telling you.

GUILFOYLE: You're making an argument, though, for this, like overall, for the idea of a self-driving car.

GUTFELD: Absolutely.

GUILFOYLE: We're talking about if there was a -- there was a pedestrian that was negligent, that's going to go into legal issue of contributorily negligent, comparative fall.

GUTFELD: The video will prove it all.

GUILFOYLE: And termination based on damages.

WILLIAMS: Let me go to Jesse here. Jesse, so Greg makes the case for the autonomous car. I was looking at statistics. It says humans kill one other human for every 100 million miles driven. The autonomous cars have already killed one, and they're nowhere near that number.

So is it the case, and we won't know until autonomous cars go a million miles, if they are as dangerous as cars driven by humans.

WATTERS: I don't think we have the data yet. And I think I agree with your points. This woman may have gone right into the middle-of-the-road, and you could not have done anything to stop it if there was a human being behind the wheel.

With that said, I still like the idea of humans driving, because I think driving involves the human touch. It involves instinct. It involves memory. You hear things. And say, for instance, you know -- you know the neighborhood and you're driving down the street, going down, and you know that the Smiths have five boys and they like to play baseball.

And you know, you slow down when you get around that term, because you know the boys like to run into the street or you know, if you're in the snow or if you're in a dangerous neighborhood. Just kind of nice knowing that there's an experienced human being there that can make those quick turns.

And for instance, I just like the idea of humans involved in this beautiful mosaic in these streets together. And you put a robot in there, and it takes away --

GUTFELD: This is so robotic.

WATTERS: -- the beautiful randomness. You know --

GUTFELD: This is so robotic.

WATTERS: Maybe it is, Greg, but I just -- I don't like introducing something without a spirit, like a dog.


PERINO: I have the solution.

WILLIAMS: Please, go right ahead.

PERINO: Driverless cars need backseat drivers. I am so good at warning my husband about every possible danger on the road. He gets really annoyed with me. But a robot would not get mad at me if I'm telling him, that thing that I do, when I, like, see somebody about to step in the crosswalk. Or the car.

WATTERS: You're making -- you're making Greg's point.

PERINO: This can actually be a very good thing. You can employ a lot of people --


PERINO: -- who can sit in the back of these driverless cars as a backseat driver.

WILLIAMS: But would you -- if you're Governor Doug Ducey of Arizona, do you say stop it? No more until --

PERINO: No, because he already signed an executive order saying that makes companies operating autonomous vehicles responsible for anything that happens on the road, including the event of murder. Under new rules, the company would be held criminally liable, just like a person.

GUTFELD: You have to understand. I know we have to go, but this is important.

Our ancestors were really brave. They accepted the risk that, accompanied with the automobile invention. They placed themselves in two tons of metal and hurtled themselves down a rocky road. Air travel, all those people that got on planes, assumed that at some point they could die. So when you're evolving technology that will be a risk, and whether you like it or not, this is the way.

WATTERS: Would you fly on the pilotless plane?

GUTFELD: We already do.

WILLIAMS: I don't know.

GUTFELD: We already do.

WILLIAMS: Force around town --

GUILFOYLE: The one that hasn't been checked for terrorists.

WILLIAMS: All right, all right. Another celebrity running for office. This time, a star of "Sex and the City." That's next.



KRISTIN DAVIS, ACTRESS: Expressing genuine emotion in an old-fashioned way.

CYNTHIA NIXON, ACTRESS: It's not genuine. It's pure show. I can't stand all that artificial hoo-ha. That's why I proposed to Steve over $3 beers.


PERINO: Well, President Trump did it. Now another TV celebrity is hoping to start a career in politics. "Sex and the City" actress Cynthia Nixon formally announced her bid for governor of New York yesterday with a campaign ad on Twitter. The Democrat is challenging Andrew Cuomo, who's seeking a third term. Early match-up polls put Cuomo far ahead of Nixon.

And I think it's, you know, pretty unfair to say that President Trump was just a celebrity, since he had been involved in politics for quite a while and was a successful business person. But I think you're going to like this.

Cuomo has three main problems.


PERINO: Are you laughing at me?

GUTFELD: I just keep of "Mowanda, I love you." That's her boyfriend. Remember, Steve?

PERINO: Yes, Steve.

GUTFELD: Mowanda. Anyway.

PERINO: Anyway, do you want to hear my three things Cuomo has problems?

GUTFELD: Quickly.

PERINO: OK. He has three Clinton problems. He's suspected of being too middle-of-the-road for a suspicious base, an angry base. His ethical problems are running rampant in the office. And he's not a good candidate. And yet his presidential ambitions never die.

GUTFELD: I just look at New York, and I see another state that Republicans have given up on. You know, it's just like we don't even bother. It's like we're not even trying. Republicans are training wheels for society. So when you get a Republican in power, you get a strong economy, strong defense, strong everything. And because everything is going so great, society says, "We don't need those training wheels anymore. So let's elect a Democrat."

Case in point, Giuliani. Then you get training wheels. You take them off, and you get de Blasio. So you can't have a de Blasio or a Cuomo without the training wheels of the Republican before him. You take two steps forward, you get two steps back with the Democrat.

PERINO: Jesse, she has said that Cuomo is a centrist, and that's an accusation. And I guess for a Democrat where the anti-Trump fervor is running hot, is that makes sense.

WATTERS: I mean, it only makes sense in New York. Because the guy has raised the minimum wage, paid family leave, strict gun control, banned fracking, and same-sex marriage. The highest property taxes. The highest state income taxes.

PERINO: What more could you want?

WATTERS: Millions of people are leaving New York state. I mean, if he's a centrist, I mean, what is de Blasio? She did say that she wants to fix the New York City subway system. And I'm all for that.

PERINO: Right, and Kimberly, she went to get on the subway today, and guess what? It wasn't working.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, of course.

WATTERS: Every time.

GUILFOYLE: Problem. I always have that fear, so I just don't go there.

PERINO: That's true.

GUILFOYLE: Quite a disappointment.

PERINO: Juan, do you think she's got a shot?

WILLIAMS: Well, yes, because if you ask people, do you want the governor to have a third term, I think it's like 48 percent say yes and 47 percent say no.

So the polls right now totally favor Cuomo, but this would be a third term, and that's tricky territory. And she's a celebrity and already, her announcement and all that became a viral thing on Twitter, both in New York and nationally.

PERINO: She can get attention. That's for sure.

GUTFELD: And she's an unqualified lesbian.

WILLIAMS: Oh, my gosh.

GUTFELD: According to Christine Quinn.

PERINO: "One More Thing" is up next.

GUTFELD: According to Christine --


GUILFOYLE: All right, it's time now for "One More Thing" -- Jesse.

WATTERS: This video was very inspiring to me personally. It kind of reminded me of the last segment where I was trying to create a coherent argument against robotic cars. Take a look.




WATTERS: The kid finally did it, just like I did in the break.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

WATTERS: I totally nailed the robotic car argument. Greg had no response. And I think he's changed his opinion.

GUTFELD: Oh, I have. I have.

GUILFOYLE: OK, that was really interesting.

OK, Juan.

WILLIAMS: Good baseball news for kids in Baltimore. The Orioles are starting a promotion which kids under the age of nine can attend games for free. You heard that right. Free!


WILLIAMS: If an adult buys a ticket for the upper deck, two kids get in for nothing. The family-friendly idea a boost for a city where lots of kids are growing up poor and have never been able to get into a Major League baseball game. And it's a big boost for working-class families, who often find the cost of live pro sports to be a bit too much on the budget. Other Major League Baseball teams would be smart to pick up on this one.

GUILFOYLE: OK. Juan, I like that idea. Kids love baseball. It's a nice family bonding time. Wonderful memories.

Let's talk about moms, shall we? Well, they say that a mother's job is never done. And believe me, that is true. Now Wells just conducted a study of 2,000 American moms with kids between the ages of 5 and 12. And they found that a working mom clocks in, on average, 14 hours a day seven days a week. That's nearly 100 hours, which is equivalent to working two and a half full-time jobs.

I'm telling you, it's true. So that's nearly -- I guess that "Working Mother" magazine says that moms only average about an hour and 7 minutes to themselves every day. That's all they get. Everything else is devoted to the family. So can you imagine that? And then single moms, working moms, that's a lot. That's why. OK.

PERINO: All right. They don't get to say they're tired.

GUILFOYLE: Happy Mother's Day early, May 13.

PERINO: OK, my turn. Today is National Agricultural Day, and we want to tip our hat as Vice President Mike Pence and the Secretary of Agriculture Perdue did today in Washington. They wanted to honor the farmers, ranchers, foresters and all the people that work in the agricultural industry.

Vice President Pence says agriculture is the essence of America, and it is the beating heart of a great nation. What you sow, our nation reaps. It is about 8 percent of our GDP, and for every $1 billion in exports, provides 8,000 American jobs.

WATTERS: Really good one, Dana. Really good one.

GUTFELD: You know when your mom e-mails you -- when your mom emailed you and said, "Hey, that was a lot of stats today. She was being sarcastic."

PERINO: I know. You should have seen your faces when I have stats.

GUILFOYLE: Remember we went to that berry farm thing?

PERINO: Greg. You being a farmer --


GUTFELD: I hate these people!


PERINO: Farmers.

GUTFELD: People with stats. No, I call these service interrupters. You're in line, like, at a drugstore; and you're getting paid -- everybody's getting your stuff and then somebody comes from the other side and says, "You know, there's something in that aisle four that says it's for sale, but it's not. It's not for sale."

Do you know what I'm talking about? The people that interrupt -- you're getting your food. You're sitting at your table. The person is coming. Somebody comes in and goes, "Excuse me. There's" -- I don't care!

GUILFOYLE: Set your DVRs. Never miss an episode of "The Five" or this lunatic, Greg. "Special Report" up next with a real pro, Bret.


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