How Much Do Human Activities Contribute to Global Warming?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Unconventional Wisdom

Climate scientists from three American universities have published peer-reviewed research indicating global warming cannot be affected or modified by controlling the emission of greenhouse gases — and that current greenhouse computer models saying otherwise are wrong. The report in the International Journal of Climatology of the Royal Meteorological Society was written by professors from the universities of Rochester, Alabama and Virginia.

Lead author David Douglass of Rochester writes — "The inescapable conclusion is that the human contribution is not significant and that observed increases in carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases make only a negligible contribution to climate warming."

The report says satellite data indicates greenhouse computer models ignore the mitigating effects of clouds and water vapor on the warming properties of carbon dioxide. It says climate change is most likely caused by variations in solar winds and associated magnetic fields.

A senior fellow at the liberal Center for American Progress tells Cybercast News the study is "radically out of step with the complete scientific consensus"

Perception Is Reality?

The Hillary Clinton campaign is said to be struggling with perceptions that the candidate is devious, calculating and a divisive figure. reports those were the findings of a recent focus group of 11 Democrats from Philadelphia — almost all of whom said they would vote for her in a general election. The focus group was run by the noted Democratic pollster Peter Hart.

One of the group members says of Mrs. Clinton — "I don't feel like I look at her and see someone who's telling me the whole truth." Another said — "She is walking a fine tightrope now, because she is such a divisive personality."

Barack Obama, meanwhile, was perceived as inspirational, motivating, charismatic and compassionate.

Coming Attractions

A student advocacy group reports an administrator at the University of Florida has backed down after demanding an apology from a students showing a movie about radical Islam. Several student groups advertised a screening of a film called "Obsession — Radical Islam's War Against the West." On the fliers was the phrase – "Radical Islam wants you dead."

Florida vice president for student affairs Patricia Telles-Irvin e-mailed all students and said the groups owe the campus, and particularly Muslim students, an apology.

But the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education quickly reminded Telles-Irvin that the flier was unquestionably protected free speech under the constitution.

A week later, Telles-Irvin wrote a second e-mail — assuring students of their right to — "freely express themselves on any issue" — and saying there would be no disciplinary action against the groups.

Wages of Sin?

A Seattle newspaper reports Washington state Democratic Congressman Jim McDermott does not have the cash to pay the expected $800,000 judgment in a civil suit for leaking a recorded phone conversation between House Republican leaders 10 years ago. The Republicans were discussing an ethics investigation of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich.

One of them was current Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio — who sued and won. The Supreme Court recently rejected McDermott's appeal. A federal court will set the specific penalty soon. The Seattle post-intelligencer reports McDermott has only about $10,000 left in his legal defense account — and about $477,000 in his political campaign fund.

FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.