How Does Wal-Mart Figure into Race for Joe Lieberman's Senate Seat?

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Secret Stock?

Connecticut businessman and Senate candidate Ned Lamont lambasted the employment practices of Wal-Mart at a rally against the retail giant earlier this week. But what Lamont failed to mention, however, was the fact that he owns stock in the company. According to financial records obtained by The Washington Times, Lamont, his wife, and a dependent child own as much as $31,000 in Wal-Mart stock.

Also appearing at the event was Lamont's democratic rival, incumbent Joe Lieberman who was heckled by Lamont supporters for once receiving a $1,000 contribution from Wal-Mart's political action committee. Lieberman's office returned that contribution a week after receiving it.

A Perfect Mess?

The office of New York Democratic gubernatorial candidate Tom Suozzi was forced to pull the slogan "the perfect candidate for governor" from its first campaign flyer after New York Magazine complained that the excerpt was taken out of context.

The publication's July 24 article dubbed Suozzi, "the perfect candidate for governor of New York in any other year than this one." But the abridged version made its way into Suozzi campaign flyers three times — twice with New York Magazine's trademark logo.

While the campaign has agreed to stop using the quote in future mailings, campaign manager Paul Rivera hinted that all the flyers had already been mailed out.

Senator's Slip of the Tongue?

California lawmakers are outraged after the state senate leader referred to San Diego's illegal immigration opponents as "crackers." At a media briefing yesterday, Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata was asked about the political ramifications of a bill that would grant driver's licenses to illegal immigrants.

"Immigration is a red-meat issue" Perata said, "You've got all these crackers down in San Diego, taking on the governor. You know, even the governor was shocked."

Perata was referring to a town hall meeting last week in which Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger was confronted by angry audience members who accuse him of being soft on illegal immigration.

Governor's Game

And speaking of Arnold — immigration policy isn't the only challenge he faces these days. The governor is set to take on an 80-year-old pingpong champion who has promised to make a donation to Schwarzenegger's re-election campaign. Byng Forsberg responded to a campaign fundraising letter pledging his support only if Schwarzenegger agreed to a match.

Forsberg says he isn't a bit intimidated by the former bodybuilder, and suggests that Arnold practice before the match.

—FOX News Channel's Aaron Bruns contributed to this report.