Hope for the Holloways?

This is a partial transcript from "On the Record," November 16, 2005, that has been edited for clarity.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Natalee Holloway's parents are desperate to know what happened to their daughter. They admit it is unlikely they will find her alive, but they have not given up all hope. A few weeks ago, Natalee's mother got a mysterious cell phone message. Could it have been from her missing daughter?

Joining us live from Meridien, Mississippi, is Natalee Holloway's father, Dave Holloway. Welcome, Dave.


VAN SUSTEREN: Dave, I don't supposed that you or Beth think that that was a call from Natalee, but you got to chase down every possible lead. Does that pretty much tell it like it is?

HOLLOWAY: Yes, that's right. We received this call probably six weeks to two months ago. And you know, Beth called and said that she received a message on her voice mail and wanted me to listen to it, and I did. And she felt like it was important enough to allow the FBI to record it off. I didn't think it was anything significant.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you remember about when that phone call was?

HOLLOWAY: I think it was probably six weeks to two months ago. And the reason I didn't think it was too significant was the fact that it sounded like it was a regular household telephone call from a child that may have dialed the wrong number. And in that conversation, you could hear some adults talking in the background, and then you heard a child mention, "Help me, Mama," and then the phone call ended.

VAN SUSTEREN: So about how long was this phone call?

HOLLOWAY: Probably seven or eight seconds.

VAN SUSTEREN: And you listening to it the first time through, you were quite certain, without having it enhanced in any particular way or studying it longer?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I dialed up her voice-mail and listened to it four or five times, trying to understand what this person said. And we got out of it that they said, "Help me, Mama," from what I understand, from what I can recall.

VAN SUSTEREN: Does Beth think this could possibly be Natalee, or does she agree with you?

HOLLOWAY: You know, I don't know. She thought it was important enough to allow the FBI to record it. We have not heard anything. I told her that if it shows up on your cell phone bill as an incoming call from a foreign country, you know, we might look at it a little closer.

But you know, as you recall, the hurricane hit in this area, and our phones were just a mess for several months afterwards. So I receive calls on my cell phone — you know, you would talk to someone, and all of a sudden, someone else would come in on the telephone. And I probably attribute it to that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it at the point, Dave, where virtually every single time you have anything that could even remotely lead to Natalee or to explain the story is that, you know, you have to chase it down?

HOLLOWAY: Oh, absolutely. Anything that comes in or any tip or lead, you follow it very closely.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you get tips every day now?

HOLLOWAY: I do. I still get a few tips. In fact, I sent one to Aruba tonight.

VAN SUSTEREN: And do you want to share that with us or not? I mean, I know that you're careful not to hurt the investigation, but some tips don't hurt the investigation.

HOLLOWAY: Well, on this one, it may or may not be any significance, but the person who reported it has not given me permission to reveal their name, so I'd rather keep it at that, at this point in time.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is it a new direction in the investigation, or does it sort of help with the ongoing investigation? Because certainly, the focus has been on the three who were arrested and now released.

HOLLOWAY: It's something going on with the ongoing investigation.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you send tips to Aruba, do you get the sense that they are pursued?

HOLLOWAY: You know, you always heard that the police had all these tips, all these leads. And when I got down there the last time, approximately two to three weeks ago, I learned otherwise. I learned that most of the tips or leads were what the family had given them. Very few new leads were available.

VAN SUSTEREN: Where should someone call? If someone should be watching tonight and has a tip — I mean, I guess that, you know, that's sort of the uncertainty. You know, this investigation has been going on so long. Who do you call?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I have a Web site — an e-mail address set up: helpfindnatalee@comcast.net. And when I get those leads, I forward them to a number of individuals, including the attorney and other investigators, so that if that's lead's not followed up on, later on, I want to know why.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you get crank messages and crank tips, I mean, clearly hoaxes to be, frankly, this cruel?

HOLLOWAY: Yea, well, you get all kinds, Greta. You do get prank tips and things of that sort. There's a lot that, you know, I just merely just delete the message.

VAN SUSTEREN: Can you give us any idea, like, in the last month, how many tips have poured in there?

HOLLOWAY: I usually get one good tip usually every other day. But I'll get probably 15 or 20 e-mails that are a lot of theories, speculation, things of that sort. You know, and a lot of those I look at and delete. The things that may possibly lead to something important, I forward that on.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right, Dave, if you'll stay with us for a moment?

Coming up: Natalee's father met with an Aruban prosecutor last month. The chief prosecutor's reportedly not pleased. What happened in that meeting that has ruffled her feathers?


VAN SUSTEREN: Last month, Dave Holloway went to Aruba to organize another search for Natalee. While he was there, he met with a prosecutor who is no longer on the case. When chief prosecutor Karin Janssen found out about it, she was so mad, she complained to the attorney general. Why?

Natalee's father, Dave Holloway, joins us again live from Meridien, Mississippi. Dave, first of all, who is Evelyn Flanigan (ph)?

HOLLOWAY: Evelyn Flanigan was or is the assistant prosecutor.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, when did you first hear her name?

HOLLOWAY: I heard her name probably two to three weeks into the case.

VAN SUSTEREN: Between the time you learned of her name two or three weeks into the case, until the time you actually met with her, did you ever sit down and talk to her?

HOLLOWAY: No, I've never had any contact with her. I've just heard her name and heard that she flew to Quantico to deliver or to provide the FBI with some information.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So last time you were there, you met with her. How did that come about?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I had met with the prosecutor, Beth's attorney, my attorney, in fact, Satish's attorney, the investigators, the commissioner, the police commissioner, the Aruban task authority and a number of other people. And someone had mentioned that, You might want to talk to her, as well. And I thought, Well, that's probably a good idea. So Art Wood, who is a retired Secret Service agent, and I called her and asked to speak with her. And she said that she would have to speak with her boss before she could talk with us. And apparently, she got permission, and we met with her at a restaurant and started talking about the case.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. Now, her boss is Karin Janssen, but the boss over Karin Janssen is the attorney general. Did she go to the attorney general or did she go to Karin Janssen for the OK to talk to you?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I'm not sure if she went to Karin or not. I do know that she went to Theresa Croes.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. That's the attorney general.


VAN SUSTEREN: So she met with you at the restaurant. And what types of questions did you ask her?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I had talked to Dompig earlier in the week, and he had indicated that he wanted to interview this witness that we'd all been talking about. And as the week progressed, it followed into the next week, and they still had not talked to this witness. So my goal was to find out, you know, what are the issues, what are the theories, where is this case going? So I had met with the detectives, and you know, we had a wide array of theories. You know, is she alive or is she not alive? And I felt like I needed to talk to this prosecutor to find out why she resigned from the case and what was her theory.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did she explain to you why that witness wasn't talked to at that point?

HOLLOWAY: Well, she really didn't want to talk about anything. And finally, I just told her what I knew. And after I got into talking about what I knew about the case and about this witness, she finally opened up and told me, said, Dave, I've been trying to tell them over and over and over again to pursue this witness, and they just won't listen. And she finally said, This is my country, you know, and she was just literally frustrated and didn't know what to do. And finally, she indicated that, you know, she had no other choice.

VAN SUSTEREN: She's still a prosecutor, but she resigned from the Natalee investigation, is that right?

HOLLOWAY: That's correct.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did she tell you why they didn't seem to get off the dime to interview this witness? Did she have an explanation?

HOLLOWAY: She did not. And the more I tried to get into it, the more she really didn't want to get into any of those specifics. I basically wanted to confirm what I knew already or whatnot. You know, I thought that, you know, something's not going right with this case, and somebody else must know. And that meeting just confirmed my suspicions.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So when you walked away from meeting with her, did you have a sense, you know, what the problem was in the investigation, sort of whether there was a particular person who was holding it up or whether there was, you know, some other problem in the investigation?

HOLLOWAY: Well, I had a meeting with Dompig and discussed my displeasure in some of the detectives and the team. And I also wanted to express that to the prime minister, so I did. I went to the prime minister the following morning before I left the island and told him that I, along with some other people, had this displeasure in what was going on in the case.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. And now Karin Janssen is not happy that this prosecutor sat down, with the attorney general's permission, and spoke to you, right?

HOLLOWAY: Apparently not.

VAN SUSTEREN: And are you satisfied that this assistant prosecutor was as candid as could be with you?

HOLLOWAY: She was very candid. And in fact, I made sure that the prime minister understood our position. You know, I had been holding off on this boycott as long as I could, and I told him, I said, you know, The big wave is coming, and if you guys are not going to listen, I can't help you anymore.

Well, I left the prime minister's office. I even gave them the name of the witness that they needed to interview. And I said, you know, If you don't do anything about it, I can't help you anymore.

VAN SUSTEREN: Dave, thank you.

HOLLOWAY: Thank you.

Watch "On the Record" weeknights at 10 p.m. ET

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