Hollywood hypocrite? Matt Damon puts kids in private school

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," August 7, 2013. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Hollywood hypocrisy on display once again. Actor Matt Damon is the latest star to take on the mantra do as I say, not as I do.

Now, the left wing star will passionately supports public schools and gave the speech advocating for the public system back in 2011, has now enrolled his kids in private schools. He told The Guardian newspaper that it was a big, big decision, but that the public schools are just not, quote, "progressive enough."

All right, that hypocrisy is laughable. My next guest is waiting eagerly to respond because after Damon's 2011 schools speech, Michelle Fields had this confrontation with the Hollywood star in his own mind. Take a look.


MATT DAMON, ACTOR: Do you think job insecurity makes me work hard?

MICHELLE FIELDS, NEXTGENERATION TV: Well, you have incentive to work harder, but if there's job security --

DAMON: I want to be an actor. It's not incentive. That's the thing. So you take this MBA-style thinking, right? That's the problem with Ed policy now. It's this intrinsically paternalistic view of problems that are much more complex than that. It's like saying a teacher is going to get lazy when they have tenure. A teacher wants to teach. Why else would you take a (EXPLETIVE) salary and really long hours and do that job?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Aren't 10 percent bad though? Ten percent of teachers are bad.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Where'd you get that number?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ten percent of people in any profession maybe should think of something else.

DAMON: Well, OK. Maybe you're a (EXPLETIVE) cameraman, I don't know.


HANNITY: Here with reaction from Next Generation TV, Michelle Fields, Democratic strategist, Mark Hannah. Good for you, A. B, what a phony. He loves the public schools, send your own kids there.

FIELDS: He loves talking them up, but doesn't want to send his kids there.

You know, he said he didn't have a choice. He had to do it. Actually he did have a choice. The people who don't have a choice are the rest of Americans who don't have Matt Damon's bank account and can't afford to send their kids to a private school.

The schools in America are segregated. They are no longer segregated according to the color of one skin. They are segregated according to one's zip code. If you don't have a lot of money and you're not in a district with great schools, you don't have access to quality education. I think that's a tragedy.

HANNITY: Look at the numbers in New York, Mark. They have a graduation rate at below 50 percent. That's how bad it is.

MARK HANNAH, DEMOCRATIC STRATEGIST: I agree. We have two Americas to bring back an old argument when it comes to education in this country. Those people who can't afford private school at least have somebody like Matt Damon advocating for them. I'm serious.

HANNITY: Come on.

HANNAH: Every few years this argument comes up. Republican politicians, Democratic politicians get skewered. Chris Christie had the best response to this because he got, you know, he's trying to improve public schools in the state of New Jersey, but sends his kids to Catholic school.

FIELDS: He's for choice. Why isn't Matt Damon for choice? Him and his wife had the choice --

HANNAH: He's for finding a school aligned with his family's values. It's a personal decision.

FIELDS: And that is school choice.

HANNITY: She's brining up a point you're ignoring. Why not give every American a choice?

HANNAH: That's a side argument.

FIELDS: Matt Damon said he didn't want to send his children there because it wasn't progressive enough. What about Americans who think the public school system is too progressive? What if they want a school with Christian values. They can't send their kids there.

HANNAH: This country has a long legacy of having strong -- let me just. Let me do it --

FIELDS: You're not even responding to me. You're spewing these Democratic talking points --

HANNAH: Public institutions alongside private institutions. Is it hypocritical for a city official in New York who wants safe and efficient public transit systems to take a town car or a taxicab?

FIELDS: What are you talking about? We are talking about schools.

HANNAH: He can send his kids to private school and still be for public schools. Shouldn't --

HANNITY: That's a crock.


HANNITY: It's such a weak argument. Listen --

HANNAH: I agree with Michelle on something. I agree with accountability and educational reform. I agree with school of choice to a point.

HANNITY: To a point.

HANNAH: The Obama presidency has been very vigorous in education reform with Arnie Duncan.

HANNITY: Do you agree kids suffering the most are kids that are in inner cities?

HANNAH: Yes. I agree with that.

HANNITY: Don't they deserve --

HANNAH: They deserve not getting schools divested from.

FIELDS: So throw more money at them? Basically unions because that's where the money's going.

HANNAH: The thing Matt Damon said that I think was really smart is that teachers want to teach. Nobody is there to get rich. We all know teachers that we grew up with --

FIELDS: And they are all with people who are bad apples.

HANNITY: There are great teachers and there are lazy teachers, horrible teachers.

FIELDS: And the union teachers are unfortunately protecting the bad teachers.

HANNAH: But the Republican point is that most teachers-- takes a perspective that teachers are default bad.

FIELDS: No one is saying that.

HANNAH: They're lazy, as you say.

HANNITY: We got to go.

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