Hillary Clinton's Health Care History

Now some fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine:

Revisionist History?

Congressional lawmakers, staffers and health care advocates are accusing Hillary Clinton of exaggerating her role in developing the children's health insurance plan known as SCHIP.

The program started during her husband's presidency. Sen. Clinton frequently refers to the program as something "I helped start."

But the Boston Globe reports the senators who spearheaded the initiative apparently do not remember it that way. Co-sponsor Orrin Hatch said, "the White House wasn't for it... she may have done some advocacy over at the White House, but I'm not aware of it... Does she deserve credit for SCHIP? No — Teddy (Kennedy) does, but she doesn't."

Sen. Kennedy when asked about Clinton's role — shrugged and said, "Facts are stubborn things. I think we ought to stay with the facts."

Also causing hard feelings: The fact that Clinton skipped a Senate vote to extend the SCHIP program last November.

Coming Clean

A Hamas parliamentarian is openly admitting that Palestinians have developed what he called a "death-seeking" culture using women, children and the elderly as human shields.

Cybercast News reports Fathi Hammad said in a televised speech: "For the Palestinian people, death has become an industry, at which women excel, and so do all the people living on this land. The elderly excel at this, and so do the mujahideen and the children…. This is why they have formed human shields of the women, the children, the elderly, and the mujahideen, in order to challenge the Zionist [Israel] bombing machine."

Battle Plan

An anti-war group in Pittsburgh says it is planning an attack on a military recruiting office as part of its Iraq War anniversary activities next week.

The Pittsburgh Organizing Group says on its Web site: "On Wednesday, March 19, POG will be holding a torch-lit march to a modern day castle of abominations — our local military recruiting station. If the station remains open, we intend to evict it and everything inside of it, occupy the location, and transform it into something useful for the community. We'll also be bringing a movable cage in which to confine military recruiters until they no longer pose a danger to our friends and neighbors."

Since this posting, the group says it has received dozens of what it calls "hate messages" from the "hysterical right-wing."

Nice to Be Wanted

The Minor League baseball team in Macon, Georgia is planning to have Eliot Spitzer Night on June 13th — in honor of the soon-to-be former New York governor.

The Macon Music's Web site says the team will give away a trip to New York and a one night stay at the Mayflower Hotel — although the Mayflower Hotel Spitzer allegedly used was here in Washington.

The ninth fan — or client No. 9 — will get a free prize pack. Fans with the name Eliot, Spitzer or Kristen will get a-dollar off admission — as will any fan from New York or anyone who has ever resigned a position.

Frank Sinatra music will play in the stadium and wire taps will be placed around the seating area.

The team says it will invite Spitzer to attend the game and throw out the first pitch.

FOX News Channel's Martin Hill contributed to this report.