Hillary Clinton Tries to Pay Some Bills

Race Against Time

Senator Hillary Clinton is hoping to raise a lot of cash before becoming secretary of state. The Politico newspaper reports that Mrs. Clinton would be barred by ethics rules from partisan political activity if she is confirmed. That includes fundraising.

At the end of October — Clinton still owed $7.5 million dollars to vendors used during her presidential campaign. The outstanding debt leaves her with few options — others can raise funds on her behalf while she serves — she can let the bills linger until she steps down — or she can petition her vendors and the Federal Election Commission to forgive the debt through a process similar to bankruptcy.

In the meantime — the Clintons are vigorously soliciting donations via e-mail, including a new one that references her nomination.

Bar None

Well the cash will be flowing at bars, restaurants and nightclubs in Washington next month. That is because the D.C. City Council has approved legislation allowing them to stay open around the clock — and serve alcohol until 5 a.m. — from January 17 until the morning after President-elect Obama’s inauguration January 20.

Normally, alcohol sales in Washington end at 2 a.m. during the week and 3 a.m. on weekends. Not everyone is happy with the idea. Democratic D.C. Councilman Phil Mendelson who voted against the legislation says: "There are very few people I know of out partying at five in the morning... who aren't getting drunk. I think there are going to be consequences to that from a public safety and a public order point of view."

Holiday Spirit?

A controversial Christmas ornament that praised efforts to impeach President Bush — will not hang at the White House after all.

The Washington Post Online reports Seattle-based artist Deborah Lawrence created the decoration as part of a program using local artists from several congressional districts.

In tiny glued-on text, Lawrence salutes the impeachment efforts of her congressman, Democrat Jim McDermott. It was originally reported that the ornament would be placed on one of the White House trees and that Lawrence was invited to a White House reception to which she responded, "apparently, they didn't read it — or Laura Bush is more progressive than I believed."

Lawrence did get to attend the party — but the ornament has been rejected as inappropriate.

Happy Hour

And finally — the German military — which has been accused of not wanting to fight the Taliban — apparently drinks too much and is too fat to get the job done anyway.

The London Times quotes from the government report stating that German forces in Afghanistan consumed 1.7 million pints of beer and 90,000 bottles of wine last year.

About 900,000 pints of beer were shipped to those German troops during the first six months of this year. Soldiers in some locations are permitted two cans a day. In contrast, alcohol consumption is banned for U.S. and British forces there.

German Armed Forces Parliamentary Commissioner Reinhold Robbe says, "the soldiers are too fat, exercise too little and take little care of their diet."

And German Commander General Hans-Christoph Ammon describes the main German mission of training Afghan police — as "a miserable failure."

— FOX News Channel's Zachary Kenworthy contributed to this report.