Hillary Clinton still believes in vast right-wing conspiracy

This is a rush transcript from "The Five," February 4, 2016. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ERIC BOLLING, CO-HOST: Hello, everyone. I'm Eric Bolling along with Kimberly Guilfoyle, Juan Williams, Meghan McCain, and Brian Kilmeade. It's 5 o'clock in New York City and this is "The Five."

She pulled out the conspiracy card 18 years, ago and Hillary Clinton is still brazenly pushing it now.


HILLARY CLINTON, DEMOCRATIC PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: The great story here for anybody willing to fight it and write about it and explain it is this vast right- wing conspiracy that has been conspiring against my husband since the day he announced for president.

ANDERSON COOPER, CNN ANCHOR: Do you still believe there's a vast right-wing conspiracy?

CLINTON: Don't you?

COOPER: I'm asking you.

Clinton: Yeah. It's gotten even better funded. You know, they brought in some new multi-millionaires to pump the money in and - well, these guys play for keeps. They want to control our country. Senator Sanders and I agree on that completely. They want to rig the economy so they continue to get richer and richer. They could care less about income inequality.


BOLLING: Well, there's plenty of spin from hill at the Democrat Town Hall last night, once again pinning the blame on Republicans to her scandals. But Republicans aren't investigating her use of a non-secured private e- mail server. It's the FBI.

Republicans didn't lie to the American people about whether there were classified e-mails on that server and Republicans didn't tell families of Americans killed in Benghazi that a video was to blame for their murders. There isn't a vast right-wing conspiracy, Madam Secretary. Just like there wasn't one back in 1998.

Now, K.G., if I'm not mistaken, the one in 1998 was referring to the right- wing conspiracy attacking her husband over his issues with female interns and why not.

KIMBERLY GUILFOYLE, CO-HOST: Right. Boy, that was just pulled out of thin air, wasn't it? I mean come on, she sounds ridiculous and desperate and maniacal.

What is she talking about? She's like one of those random stations with the conspiracy theories that, O.K., Bolling, like to watch? It doesn't make any sense and it shows how desperate her candidacy is. Because if anybody is in bed with the bankers and avoid the Goldman, it's Hillary Clinton.

BOLLING: Did you get to that somebody (inaudible) and she did terribly last night.

JUAN WILLIAMS, CO-HOST: Terribly? You really think so?

BOLLING: Did you think she did well?

WILLIAMS: You know, I was watching and I thought when she came back and said, "listen, I get knocked down, I know how to get up." When she said, "You know, when you compare me to Bernie Sanders, here is my record, here's why people sometimes don't appreciate what I've been through, but I have been in the fight. I've been in the arena."

I like that. I think that was suggesting she's a fighter. I'm interested in what you're saying though about the vast right-wing conspiracy. You don't believe that Hillary Clinton is already a target of Republicans right now?

BOLLING: Well, the conspiracy, that may be vast, it might be right wing but the conspiracy part, all the things we mentioned she's guilty of.


WILLIAMS: I don't know why she's guilty of them, but I'd say that right now there is an intent ...


BOLLING: Well there is maybe because the FBI is investigating her. She did admit to having ...

WILLIAMS: No, no. That's not true. They're investigating as to whether or not anybody hacked into her server and used ...


WILLIAMS: ... that server. That's what they're investigating.

BOLLING: Are they investigating the actual facts or are they investigating whether she violated some protocol and/or law?

MEGHAN MCCAIN, GUEST CO-HOST: well, whatever she did, I think at this point we can all collectively agree it's illegal and if Dick Cheney had done it, there would be a lot more legal action happening from the FBI.

My problem with Hillary Clinton right now is everything we question about her, I should just get my tin foil hat on because it's a conspiracy. It didn't work in 1998, it's not going to work now. She is a bleeding, bleeding millennial voter to Bernie Sanders and that's a whole other thing that I think we're going to come to discuss. And she's running scared. She looks desperate. She looks anxious.

BOLLING: Let me get Brian here on this. We are a lot of (inaudible).

BRIAN KILMEADE, GUEST CO-HOST: If you're running against Joe Biden, if you're running against -- if you're running against Barack Obama, 48-year- old, you know, very talented senator, whether you love him or not, you could not argue with his talent and, you know, he was very poised.

But she is, right now, being pushed to the limit up against a 74-year-old socialist who, up until those few comments for the most part, she has decided it doesn't pay for me to attack him. I'm going to back off and I'm going to attack Republicans.

And I think a lot of what she says, they want to control the country. They want to -- yes, they want to -- they want to win the election.


KILMEADE: So, of course you're going to criticize. I mean, Mitt Romney could have started with those, you know, those Democrats will attack me on anything. Yes, they want the same job you do.

BOLLING: Let's talk a little bit about what K.G. brought up and what I'm saying that I think she had a horrible night last night. She also botched her explanation for why she's taking so much money from Goldman Sachs. Listen to this.


COOPER: One of the things that Senator Sanders points doing a lot of your critics (ph) points is you made three speeches for Goldman Sachs. You were paid $675,000 for three speeches. Was that a mistake and was that a bad error in judgment?

CLINTON: Look, I made speeches to lots of groups. I told them what I thought. I answered questions.

COOPER: But did you have to be paid $675,000?

CLINTON: Well, I don't know. That's what they offered.

COOPER: But that (inaudible) office and not running for an office?

CLINTON: To be honest, I wasn't -- I wasn't committed to running. I didn't -- I didn't know whether I would or not.

COPPER: You didn't think you were going to run for president?

CLINTON: I didn't.


MCCAIN: That's ridiculous.

BOLLING: The best part of that was Anderson Cooper going "What?"

GUILFOYLE: Anderson's not buying it.


GUILFOYLE: ... bag for Hillary and by the way, barely anybody is at this point. She's in real trouble. If Iowa didn't show you that with a bizarre, twisted, you know, coin tosses. Wait and see what happens in New Hampshire. By the way, none of this is made up. There are real, legitimate investigations going on right now by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Miss Clinton.

BOLLING: Juan, that's what they were paying?

WILLIAMS: Two hundred twenty-five grand for 45 ...

BOLLING: That's what they were paying? That's her answer?

WILLIAMS: I think that's a legitimate answer. I don't know about you but if somebody said to me, Hey, Juan, I'll pay you $225,000 for a speech, I'd say, Wow!

BOLLING: And you're planning on running for president?

WILLIAMS: No, I don't know about that. Because I think she always wanted to be president. She ran obviously.

BOLLING: The two can't be together, right?

WILLIAMS: No. So -- but I thought, you know what, I thought Anderson Cooper kind of pushed her off her mark and had her trying to come up with answers pretty quickly.

So what you saw was, I think, the genuine Hillary Clinton. You didn't like it, but I think others ...

BOLLING: Well did Democrats?

WILLIAMS: No. What I mean, what I'm telling you ...


WILLIAMS: ... how did Democrats hear it as opposed to how did you hear it?


BOLLING: ... what do you think?

MCCAIN: I just had ...


BOLLING: what were you trying to say -- said at followup? You thought she did a good job last night with that answer?

WILLIAMS: Yes, that answer. In other words, that answer struck me as genuine. If someone says that someone is going to pay me a bunch of money ...


BOLLING: Do you know what that is?

WILLIAMS: ... I'm going to get ...


BOLLING: Do you know what that answer right there is, striking me?

WILLIAMS: What? What? What? What?

BOLLING: Ingenuine.

WILLIAMS: If someone offered you $225,000 to give a speech, Eric ...



WILLIAMS: Man, OK. I just want to know that.

MCCAIN: It's actually shocking how bad at running for president she is, given that she's been doing it for 200,000 years.

I also don't understand if she just answered that question, 'I like money. I was bankrupt when I left the White House. If people are paying me a ton of money, I like money, I'm a Clinton,' I would have respected her a lot more, but she's trying to dodge it.

And the optics of knowing that income inequality ...


MCCAIN: ... is the number one issue for Democrats and you're still going to take this magnanimous amount of money, at the same time she's so stupid and the people around her are so stupid and it's why she doesn't deserve to be president.


MCCAIN: She is so stupid.


KILMEADE: I have no problem because we live in a free country, if somebody's giving you $675,000 for three speeches. But you cannot turn around and say how bad the people on Wall Street are. Unless you want to say in that speech, I'm here to tell you how bad you are.


KILMEADE: My feeling is it's a free market, become a better candidate if you understand like Kasich did what would you know on Wall Street.

Well, if you understand what Jeb Bush learned about international trade, because he did that in the free market. So embrace it. Say, yes, they paid me a lot of money because I was Secretary of State, First Lady, and U.S. senator, and you know, I have all these years of experience.

But if you turn around and say Goldman Sachs, these hideous people destroyed the economy, so why are taking their money? You can't have it both ways. You're just -- you've just ...


WILLIAMS: You know, I thought that one was legit. I mean, that's the ...


WILLIAMS: I'll take that money.


BOLLING: When you're getting on me a minute ago?


WILLIAMS: ... that was the outright answer.


BOLLING: The issue is, will she turn around if she were president and not prosecute Goldman Sachs or ...


WILLIAMS: Well, obviously, there's no promise made on that front.

BOLLING: But it's a great -- it looks like it played ...


WILLIAMS: Oh, honestly, oh, you're switching games now.

BOLLING: Let's talk a little bit about ...

WILLIAMS: You would have taken the money, Mr. Capitalist.

BOLLING: Hillary has lost the trust of many Americans and there's good reason, but she still wouldn't take blame when asked what she'd do to regain it back.


CLINTON: When you have been subjected to the level of the velocity of attacks that come every day, even if there is no factual basis to it, it's just normal for people to say, gosh, there's got to be something. Why, either they keep saying this and then we do that. There's nothing to Benghazi. They don't give it up, they keep coming after it.

I trust the American people. I trust the people of New Hampshire to see my lifetime of work and service and to sort out all of the static.


BOLLING: Nothing to Benghazi. Why don't they just give it up.

KILMEADE: Right. A couple of things. The hardest to (inaudible) Hillary is when she went from First Lady to senator. Now it's easy. You don't have to attack her. You just have to make her define a record.

For example, the reset (ph) on Russia, how did that work? The women (inaudible) want you to take a bow with the Libyans (ph). Own that. How did that work? What was the post-game plan? With e-mails, private server, what kind of rational decision was that in the long run?

This doesn't take an attack. You don't have to say, who is the bad person or women shouldn't president. I just want to run through your r,sum,. The hardest to get time to get Hillary is when she had no r,sum,. Now that it's out there, run against her. Stop the personal attacks which I don't think are coming, but what she's best at is saying it's about me personally, and what I think the most people who are going to run against her will be successful. No, it's about your record.

BOLLING: Are people buying her shtick that does not move on from Benghazi? We've done that already.

MCCAIN: I don't think so. Especially with this new movie that came out and everything, and every answer she has somehow goes back to 'well, I'm a woman and that's why I'm being attacked.' And that is not feminism, and people are not buying into it. And again, I think she's in real trouble right now. You're looking at Bernie Sanders' money that he's been raising.

He raised more than she did in the last four ...

KILMEADE: That's unbelievable.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How unbelievable is that?

KILMEADE: Unbelievable. It's average of $27 per donation. I mean, she should be running scared right now.


GUILFOYLE: (Inaudible) have gone maxed out.

BOLLING: It does -- no, but you know, it is one thing that's not buried -- that's buried that's not the headline. Yes, Bernie Sanders raised $20 million, I believe she did as well if you add in the Super Pac, but it costs -- his donations are so low, it cost as lot of money to raise that much money when you have a low donation.


BOLLING: No, no. Processing credit cards might have cost a lot, so, she probably netted more than he did in this last round. Go ahead, I'm sorry.

GUILFOYLE: Nevertheless, you look at where the momentum is and the enthusiasm and if those people are not tapped out and they can contribute again overall it's a net/net. Goodwill for her campaign, for her movement. And especially going in with the millennials and the young vote and also we motivated, you know, to say, wait a second, we're making a choice and they're going to choose Bernie.

I mean, would you want to choose somebody who is going to be indicted? The e-mail server giving up the location of U.S. intelligence and assets to the other team basically? Come on.

KILMEADE: Can I just -- can I just throw in ...

WILLIAMS: ... corrections -- just to stir a fair play, you know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The ombudsman ...


WILLIAMS: Just to be fair, you know, that you know, when you talk about her record, Brian, you know what, she'll say, 'I was there and I supported the mission that killed Bin Laden.' I think what you'll say, 'that took ... because there were other people in the room ...

KILMEADE: Game on.

WILLIAMS: ... playing backgammon. OK. And there are other people who would think Hillary Clinton -- Hillary Clinton helped so much to get this country out of two very unpopular wars as Secretary of State.


KILMEADE: Anyone would have ...




WILLIAMS: OK. You know, I'm saying for Democrats, these are very ...

KILMEADE: ... appealing aspects.

WILLIAMS: Right. And shows us a record that's superior to any Republican running at the moment.


KILMEADE: This is an intellectual round table conversation that she will have eventually with the Republican nominee, which I think they'll embrace if they elect the right person. Because you'll come right back and say, how did that Iraq war end? And by the way, the Afghanistan war ended, really? There's 9,800 there and the General just came home, is begging to get more troops in there.



BOLLING: All right. We'll leave it right there on that -- on that. We have one more (inaudible) Clinton struggled to answer many questions throughout the night. She was stumped by this one about young women and why they are backing her as the first female president.


COOPER: There's in Iowa among women under 30, Senator Sanders beat you by 70 points. what's ...

CLINTON: That's amazing. Yes. Look at -- you know, I was - I was very fortunate to have a great team of young people, men and women, supporting me. But I accept the fact that I have work to do to convey what I stand for, what I've accomplished. What I want do for young people in our country.

COOPER: Why do you think it is that ...

CLINTON: Well, I don't really know. Here's what I want young people to know, they don't have to be for me. I'm going to be for them.


MCCAIN: All right.

BOLLING: You pointed that out, Meghan.

MCCAIN: My biggest problem with this is Bill Clinton's behavior, which was once acceptable in the '90s, women under 30 were very young when Monica Lewinsky happened.

And they're taking a look at Bill and Hillary Clinton and they're saying, oh, my gosh! Her relationship to these women and their lives, she's basically the General in the war in women ruining young women's lives and that's not the type of thing that's going to fly in the era of Bill Cosby. That is why you were attacking with young women.

BOLLING: Juanito?

WILLIAMS: Well, I think that this was, to me, a revealing answer because I mean, how unbelievable is it that Hillary Clinton can't get young women to vote for her as potentially the first woman president, right? So she comes back and says, well, I'll be for them. But the thing that ...


GUILFOYLE: Because they're smarter than he's giving them credits.

WILLIAMS: ... the thing you got to keep in mind here is, that these young women -- these young women want what Bernie calls a political revolution era. They are fed up. They don't think they're getting an opportunity in this country. They think the game is exactly against them. They're mad at the banks. they're mad at the government.

KILMEADE: I think young people less than young women. I think that I talked to a lot of those people in Iowa and many of them had nose rings which I didn't think they went so hard, they don't have the idea how they got the staple in there.

MCCAIN: Oh, my God!


KILMEADE: But they love the idea of free tuition. They love the idea of ...


WILLIAMS: every student knows that.

KILMEADE: That's why they like Bernie.


KILMEADE: They haven't done the math.


WILLIAMS: Right. So I was listening and I'm listening to you. I'm listening to Meghan and this young lady.


MCCAIN: But it's not ...


WILLIAMS: But you guys are conservatives.


WILLIAMS: You shouldn't be -- I'm surprised. You shouldn't be saying these to young people. They're crazy socialists.


MCCAIN: Can I ask -- can I ask Kimberly as a (inaudible) because I want to know from you (inaudible). There's this implication that because we're women, that my DNA and my ovaries are going to dictate who I voting for, and I find that so sexist. You think that's what's hurting her?

GUILFOYLE: Yes. I think that she's obviously not making the right connection and arguments to be able to bring these young people in that are highly motivated. They're making choices. They're making donations, whether small or not, it shows really that her campaign is on (inaudible).

KILMEADE: Why aren't they attacking each other? If you get Christie going after Rubio Cruz going after Trump because you want that job ...


GUILFOYLE: It worked well for her ...

KILMEADE:WELL, go for it. What did Bernie do for the V.A.? Absolutely nothing. What has he accomplished in all his years in Washington? Absolutely nothing. Game over.

BOLLING: Maybe he needs a good vice-president, I'll bring in some votes.

WILLIAMS: I think the things are far more vicious on the Republican side in the last few days.

BOLLING: We got to wrap it up. They're wrapping up.


BOLLING: Ahead, The New Hampshire Primary is five days away, but two of the frontrunners are still locked in a feud over the Iowa caucus. The latest on the drama between Ted Cruz and Donald Trump when "The Five" returns.


GUILFOYLE: All right. Well, Donald Trump is not letting up. He's still accusing Ted Cruz of stealing Iowa away from him.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, it's not a mistake. He did it on purpose. Then he apologized after all the votes were counted. That's thousands of votes that were taken away, which, by the way, would have given me, in my opinion, would have given me the election.

But I'll tell you what, I think what he did was a fraud and what he did with the voter violation statement looking like it came from a government was a fraud. And I think it's a disgrace that he did it.


GUILFOYLE: Well Judge Napolitano said Trump doesn't have a case.


ANDREW NAPOLITANO, FOX NEWS CHANNEL SENIOR JUDICIAL ANALYST: The courts are not going to get in the business of second guessing words that people use during campaigns. No court would take a complaint. No court would interfere with how people voted and no court would inquire of a voter as to why they voted. End of the sorry.


GUILFOYLE: Today Cruz said Trump is just upset because he lost.


TED CRUZ, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Donald Trump is very rattled right now. He told the entire world he was going to win Iowa. And then he didn't win. Then his reaction is het got very angry. I don't think people are interested in temper tantrums.

I don't think people are interested in insults and attacks. And so other candidates, Donald and others, have tossed more than a few nasty personal attacks my way. I can't control what they do. But I can control how I respond.


GUILFOYLE: OK, so he's a little bit more measured today, Eric, than he has been in the past in terms of his criticisms. He's packing (ph) down a bit.

BOLLING: Both of them?

GUILFOYLE: No. I'm referring to Ted Cruz. he seems like a little bit more ...


BOLLING: See, here's my problem with what's going on in this back and forth. And I understand because Ted Cruz kind of surprised Donald Trump in Iowa, so now Donald says, look, I need to work on this guy.

I don't think he does. I just think he needs to worry about Marco Rubio more than he does Ted Cruz right now. It just feels like Rubio is -- these two are battling it out and Rubio is going, OK, great. You two worry about that. I'm going to ...

GUILFOYLE: He's moved into second place.

BOLLING: I'm going to move -- yes, and he's moving into second place in New Hampshire and then -- then you really are choose Rubio and not Ted -- Ted Cruz, in my opinion, he had a great showing in Iowa, he got a massive evangelicals coming out for him. He won Iowa with 6,000 votes more than Donald Trump. That ain't going to make you the next president. I think it's going to come down to Trump and Rubio, and Trump should keep his focus on Rubio.

GUILFOYLE: Yes. Well, keep the focus on New Hampshire. Check the box there. Take a solid win and be like, hmm, enough said, moving on. Later. That's what I would do.

MCCAIN: Did this...

GUILFOYLE: Crush it in New Hampshire.

MCCAIN: Did this (inaudible) parts are job for their surrogates? That's what I don't understand. Traditionally, you should have other people to be fighting these battles. I completely agree with you. Donald Trump right now should be doing nothing but shaking hands, going to people's houses in New Hampshire, focusing on beating Rubio. And right now he's looking very bitter.

GUILFOYLE: Give him baby helicopter ride.


KILMEADE: Well, I think you're 100 percent right. This is almost spoken over to AFC NFC because if you look at Christie going after Rubio, look at Jeb going after Rubio. they say, I know Cruz won but I'm not interested in him.

I know Trump I leading the polls, I'm not interested in him. I think, and their experts say and their Insider say, we got to knock off Rubio because they're not our concern yet. That's going to be five states down the line, and Cruz and trump are playing into it.

what I thought is interesting, too, Trump has adjusted. Trump has muscled up his schedule in New Hampshire. The trip to Arkansas, I think, people finally got in his ear. They issued a brand new schedule to put three additional stops in there including giving up local interviews, visiting local businesses ...


KILMEADE: ... and went to the Manchester Police Department ...


KILMEADE: ... as well to show he's pro law ...


WILLIAMS: Excuse me, this is "The Five," Brian. I don't know if you've noticed this, but we want to do something sensational. Let's get back to the -- in fighting. Now, you mentioned ...

MCCAIN: What can I ...


WILLIAMS: You mentioned the second -- you said, you know what, the surrogates should be doing the fighting. Did you see that Ann Coulter went after Rubio for Trump? Did you see that? Where she's spread ...


MCCAIN: But if she ...


WILLIAMS: Why this guy is wearing high heels ...


WILLIAMS: Well I'm telling you, she's -- he conforms it. Why is this guy wearing high heels? that Cuban boy over there?


MCCAIN: I think he's ...

WILLIAMS: This is pot be done. Whoa! This is tough stuff.


MCCAIN: This is the kind of people that endorsed him in but I will say one thing, Mo Udall who ran for president has an old adage that he went into a barber shop and said, what do you think of Mo Udall? And he said, I don't know. I only shook hands with him twice. And in New Hampshire he was a famous (inaudible). People in New Hampshire, they don't want to meet him. He didn't have any connection.

KILMEADE: But that's not - Meghan, that's not the answer I was looking for.

WILLIAMS: He wants more WWE.


WILLIAMS: Right? that's the duo (ph).

KILMEADE: That's what I'm saying.


WILLIAMS: Oh, go ahead.

BOLLING: Why would Bush in -- this is alleged now, Bush and Christie camps have gotten together, colluded to go after Rubio.

KILMEADE: Right. that's ...


BOLLING: That's worse by far than anything that's going on including what they're accusing Ted Cruz of doing.

KILMEADE: Especially the full page ads and the local -- wait a second. I can't believe that. That's crazy.


KILMEADE: But they took a full page ad attacking Rubio, both these guys. But here's it. For two governors or three governors there's five days left in their campaign. Why do you think they have to team up in order to survive is crazy, because I don't think they're going to possibly move to Florida.

WILLIAMS: One last contestant ...


WILLIAMS: ... in the WWE contest that we haven't mentioned is Ben Carson. He's the aggrieved party, by the way.


WILLIAMS: He's the guy that had ...


BOLLING: He's not the aggrieved party. Donald Trump is the aggrieved party.

WILLIAMS: No, he is not.

BOLLING: Of course he is. At 6:45 p.m. Central time, CNN announced that Ben Carson was done and ...


WILLIAMS: Oh, no, no, no, no.


WILLIAMS: that's not true.


WILLIAMS: No, what they said was that he wasn't going back ...


WILLIAMS:... Florida. He wasn't going on in New Hampshire.


WILLIAMS: But they didn't say he was quitting the race.


BOLLING: ... you're going to polls and go caucusing then say I'm not going to ...


GUILFOYLE: Are you saying that (inaudible).


WILLIAMS: ... but no one said, oh, he's putting the race until Cruz's people started spreading that rumor.

KILMEADE: I just want to know how his clothes came out.




KILMEADE: ... to do his clothes.

BOLLING: This means obsessed with washing machines ever?


GUILFOYLE: Where -- is there no Macy's for Ben Carson and his staff? why do they have to fly home to Florida to get their clothes?


MCCAIN: I don't know. I'm not going to go ...


GUILFOYLE: For the record, we don't want to disparage Cuban men because all women know they're not just good for the sandwich, if you get my point. Does Marco Rubio has the most to gain from all this ...


GUILFOYLE: ... of Iowa?

MCCAIN: I know what that means.

GUILFOYLE: He's just moved into second place in New Hampshire. Charles Krauthammer and Rush Limbaugh on the surging senator, next.


WILLIAMS: Fresh off. His strong showing in Iowa, Marco Rubio had surged to second place in New Hampshire. A new CNN poll shows Trump with 29, Rubio with 18, Ted Cruz in third with 13. Charles Krauthammer thinks the latest feud between Trump and Cruz has only helped the Florida senator.

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER, POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I think this has a sort of a weird effect of helping Rubio. This is the scenario where the two top dogs, the two coming out of Iowa, the two dominate the national polls attack each other, they each are somewhat diminished by it.

And then Rubio just kind of sneaks in there. you know, it's happened in Iowa in '04 with the Democrats. In some way, you could say it happened in Iowa, this time around was Rubio unexpectedly rising. So I think he gets the benefit. It's probably a minor one.


WILLIAMS: Wow. What do you think?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God. Brian, say what you were saying.

KILMEADE: What I was just saying while Juan was reading rudely?


KILMEADE: I would say this. The time -- we were just talking about Trump was not attacking Rubio. After this poll, game on. I said tomorrow and Kimberly thinks tonight. Because I know we have Donald Trump on tomorrow with "FOX & Friends." He said -- went out of his way to say Rubio -- Marco Rubio, nice guy. But now that he's got Rubio, he's going to say he's just a kid and he's sweaty.

BOLLING: I'll tell you what.


BOLLING: Did you happen to see Santorum's response this morning when he was asked why did Marco Rubio...

KILMEADE: Yes, no answer.

BOLLING: Give me one -- he had no answer for it. Opportunities he had come up with one thing he's done. Look, fair and balanced here, right? And so Santorum is the newest -- he's a new surrogate, and he couldn't answer one question. What has Marco...

KILMEADE: I'll tell you one thing Marco Rubio has done. He put something in a Bill that prevented President Obama from adding money to the insurance companies to make up for their losses that they're experiencing right now, because Obamacare is imploding. So because Rubio put this clause in enabling stopping federal money from giving insurance bailout money, he's suddenly making Obamacare come apart at the seams.

WILLIAMS: The bigger problem, and I think that K.G. would agree, for Rubio is having been involved with the immigration reform, the Gang of Eight. That's a bigger charge against him coming from the conservative base. But it's interesting. Rush Limbaugh says he's upset that people are saying that Rubio is not a true conservative.


RUSH LIMBAUGH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: I don't like this idea that Marco Rubio is all of a sudden being labeled as an establishment candidate. I know that Rubio has got the baggage of that Gang of Eight Bill. I understand that.

But Marco Rubio is no moderate Republican centrist. I don't see Marco Rubio as anything other than a legitimate full-throated conservative. Nobody is pure, and nobody is ever free of making mistakes.


WILLIAMS: So K.G. -- so it's not an establishment lane being filled by Rubio versus the insurgent populist lane occupied by Cruz and Trump. Or do you...

GUILFOYLE: Well, because every day this changes, right? I mean, look, Rush articulated that very well. I think that's a good argument that people should do. I hear he has a lot of listeners. That people should do if it they're trying to support Marco Rubio, that's how you explain it and you go through. Boom, enough said.

But isn't it bizarre that every day it's like who's in what lane? Who's on first? Who's on third? Wait, are you establishment today, but you're not. You're an insider, but then you're a centrist. I mean, it's very confusing, even I think, to the voters out there.

WILLIAMS: People have a good sense, given your pedigree of who the establishment in this country like.

KILMEADE: She's pure McCain.

GUILFOYLE: Your pedigree.


WILLIAMS: Do you think it's fair to say that Rubio now is the establishment candidate?

MCCAIN: This is what -- no, I don't like anything being called establishment other than Jeb Bush. Jeb Bush can be establishment. Everybody else is off the table.

This is what I will say. I know the people of New Hampshire spend a lot of time there. It's the live or die state, baby, and right now, these people take their vote very seriously. They want to have personal interactions with these candidates.

Marco Rubio does have momentum on his side. But five days -- big crowds -- five days is a long time. A lot can happen. Donald Trump and Ted Cruz have got to get out there. You say he has a tight schedule. Because they have a tight schedule. These people take it very seriously, and a lot can change in five days.

WILLIAMS: Let me quickly remind the viewers that the name McCain has done very well.

BOLLING: And also remind the viewers that the Gang of Eight, with four Republicans and four Democrats on the Republican side, where McCain and Rubio, Graham and Flake.

GUILFOYLE: I got it.

BOLLING: Like it or not, they're establishment people. And the most important part of that -- I'm sorry, Meghan -- is that they were voting and they agreed with Chuck Schumer on a path to citizenship for the 12 million illegals in the country, and thereby, they cannot be considered conservative.

KILMEADE: On that issue. On that issue.

MCCAIN: And that's a fair point. A lot of conservatives believe that and feel that way. What's different about New Hampshire is this isn't Iowa. There's a lot of independents, progressives, dirty moderates like me and my family in New Hampshire. And they're going to have to go out and get those voters, as well. It's much more like a general election.


WILLIAMS: I just want to tell you, this segment, this was nothing. Next, some of my colleagues have a bone to pick again with you know who? That devilish President Obama.

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my gosh.

WILLIAMS: I thought Groundhog's Day was Tuesday. You know what I mean? But this time, the gang is riled up about a speech that Obama gave in a mosque yesterday and at a prayer breakfast this morning. Stay tuned.


MCCAIN: Yesterday President Obama visited an American mosque for the first time in office. The purpose: to denounce anti-Muslim bias and refute Islam's connection to terror.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You've seen too often people conflating the horrific acts of terrorism with the beliefs of an entire faith. And of course, recently, we've heard inexcusable political rhetoric against Muslim Americans. That has no place in our country.

Let me say it as clear as I can. As president of the United States, you fit in here, right here. You're right where you belong. You're part of America, too.


MCCAIN: Unfortunately, this president doesn't view Islamic terror as an existential threat. In fact, he downplayed the threats we face once again at the National Prayer Breakfast this morning.


OBAMA: The challenges that we face are not unique. In fact, the threats of previous eras, civil war or world war, put our own in perspective. And fear does funny things. It can be contagious, spreading through societies and through nations. And if we let it consume us, the consequences of that fear can be worse than any outward threat.


MCCAIN: I, for one, wish he would spend time talking about a strategy to take out ISIS. But what do you think, Eric?

BOLLING: OK. So he said -- he was talking about fear. After he was talking about his daughters growing up and leaving. So I'm not sure that we can pin that he's saying we shouldn't fear ISIS as an existential threat. He may be fearing your kids growing up and leaving, making sure they're OK. I'm going to cut him some slack on that, though. It was a wonderful speech today.

Going back to the mosque, 2015 was the most violent deadly year for Christians around the world. Like in modern history, not just recent -- modern history, 7,100 Christians were killed for faith-related reasons. But I haven't heard him talk about that very much, and I'd like to see him address that, as well as how defensive he gets with Muslim -- with the Muslim faith being attacked, as well.

MCCAIN: Yes, but there is mass genocide going on around -- with Christians around the world. He never seems to bring it up, or he is uncomfortable bringing it up. What do you think, K.G.?

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I think that Christians are being driven out of the Middle East in droves, being raped and tortured, murdered. Religious Christian sites and churches not being allowed to be rebuilt. What is the president doing to stand for them?

Instead, every time he gets one of these speeches, we hear a little excerpt from the Book of Obama of how Christians should be living their life and that Muslims is a religion of peace. Show me the evidence.

KILMEADE: Two things about the actual event. Upon further review, someone has got to do a background check. One of the people that he had a private meeting with is vehemently anti-gay, which I think that goes against the president's new agenda. And he also was introduced by a guy named Mohammed Jamil, who accused Israel of engaging in genocide back in 2014. So his staffers should understand where you're going in Baltimore, No. 1.

No. 2 is he made a statement. He said an attack on one religion is an attack on all religions. And that would have been a perfect time to say, for example, your number, 7,100 Christians, have been killed, and that's what we feel about that, and that's what we've got to build, is tolerance.

I do think that maybe there's -- there was a sense in this country for some astounding reason that he's Muslim, and maybe 20 percent of the country when asked think he's Muslim. If he went to a mosque earlier, to your earlier point, people would say, well, there he goes.

And Donald Trump did make a comment today. He says maybe he's visiting, because he's more comfortable there. So that would have been maybe fueling other people they wouldn't...

BOLLING: Twenty percent would be one of five. So technically, one of five of us at this table.


WILLIAMS: I mean, I don't understand what you guys are doing, because the challenge at the moment has to do with the spike in attacks of hate crimes against Muslims in the United States. And don't forget: you had Donald Trump say we should ban people of the Muslim faith..

BOLLING: Hold on. Are there a lot of hate crimes against Muslims in -- I haven't heard of any.

GUILFOYLE: Where are the numbers for that?

WILLIAMS: I'm not going to sit here and tell them, but I'm telling you, if you look at the numbers, if you look at the FBI hate crimes...

BOLLING: Your left liberal...

GUILFOYLE: You mean like San Bernardino?

WILLIAMS: I think that it's important...

MCCAIN: ... Islamic extremism, and it continues to be frustrating for all of us who are actually petrified of the rise of ISIS. And there's a difference between being anti-Muslim and being petrified of ISIS. It's not the same thing, and he tries to turn it into one...

WILLIAMS: No, no, he said yesterday when he was at the mosque in Baltimore that...

MCCAIN: Yes, he does. And he did it yesterday.

WILLIAMS: You have to understand what people in the Muslim community are already doing to fight against ISIS, Meghan.

KILMEADE: By the way, Meghan's response is exactly what you wanted: showed emotion and some head movement and energy.

WILLIAMS: We love it.

KILMEADE: And by the way, if you want an example of Muslims that are great friends to America, the Kurds.

GUILFOYLE: Thank you.

KILMEADE: Ninety-seven percent of them are Kurds. And they've been fighting ever since. And we salute them every day.

WILLIAMS: And we shouldn't keep them out of the country.

GUILFOYLE: And we should be doing more to help them.

WILLIAMS: By the way, if you know, should we keep the pope out of the country because the pope has trouble with gays?


MCCAIN: Next, Panthers quarterback Cam Newton is backtracking on his race comments that made headlines last night and on Sunday night's Super Bowl. What he's saying now coming up.



CAM NEWTON, PANTHERS QUARTERBACK: I don't think people have seen, you know, what I am or what I'm trying to do. And I said that prior to me being in this situation. I said it since day one, you know. I'm an African-American quarterback. That may scare a lot of people, because they -- they haven't seen nothing that they can compare me to.


KILMEADE: Wow. Last week Panthers quarterback Cam Newton claimed race was a factor in some of the criticism he's received leading up to Sunday's Super Bowl, maybe in past years. But this week he's backtracking on those comments and says the issue needs to be put to rest.


NEWTON: I don't even want to touch on the topic of black quarterback, because I think this game is bigger than black, white or even green. So I think we limit ourselves when we just label ourselves just black this, that and the third.


KILMEADE: Cam Newton, who got very testy yesterday, because the questions were so redundant, started the whole race talk prior to Super Bowl week, Juan Williams. No one looks at him at this point, I believe, in 2016 like a black quarterback. They see a guy 6'4", 250, that runs through people, over people and has an arm of Joe Namath. That's not race. Do you see it that way?

WILLIAMS: Yes, you know, first of all, I object to what he said about this is the first time people are talking about black quarterbacks. I mean, gosh, I remember Doug Williams, who played for the Washington football team, going to the Super Bowl.

BOLLING: The Bears.

GUILFOYLE: Redskins at the Super Bowl.

WILLIAMS: Is that right? But anyway, I mean, obviously, last year Russell Wilson was around. Remember?

BOLLING: Back to back years.

WILLIAMS: So my sense is, yes, race does play a role in America. I don't think there's any getting away from it, but when I look at the polls, Brian, do you know what I see? People don't like the way he behaves in terms of the celebrations and the carrying on.

KILMEADE: Why are you shaking your head?

BOLLING: I think this is asinine talk. If you're in sports, no one gives a crap what color your quarterback is. You want to win. And if you're betting and if you're in fantasy football, you're going to go Cam Newton is black so I will take him or I won't take him? He's 6'4", 250 and can run the ball.

KILMEADE: Johnny Manziel throws the ball and does the money sign. People are outraged by that, like, who is this guy? But not because he was white. They were outraged because was cocky and a quarterback.

WILLIAMS: No, no, No. You're ignoring the history, which is that, typically, black people have not played quarterback in the NFL.

GUILFOYLE: What about Michael Vick? This is nonsense.

BOLLING: Are you really attaching race to the quarterback position?

GUILFOYLE: Are you going there, Juan?

BOLLING: Black quarterbacks aren't capable to handle the whole playbook? Why would you say that?

Williams: I'm saying that historically people did not have black quarterbacks. That's the exception now.

KILMEADE: When we roll the black and white film, in fact, you know, the early of the NFL, without face masks or leather helmets, I understand it. But now, in 2016 we see tremendous talent. Go ahead.

GUILFOYLE: I mean, come on. Just post a win, right? Just let the football, you know, and your arm do the talking for you. Put up the points, play a great game. You've got a superb team. And I bet you they told him, "Knock the nonsense off."

MCCAIN: I just noticed this is the fourth Super Bowl in a roll -- in a row that has featured a black quarterback. And at the end of the day, don't players and franchises, all they want to do is win?


MCCAIN: I just think it's kind of a ridiculous conversation.

KILMEADE: And also people want to sell products. He's selling more jerseys than anyone except for your idol, Tom Brady, and he is getting all these sponsors.

BOLLING: He is a good guy, too. Every time he throws a touchdown pass, he takes the football and gives it to a kid.

GUILFOYLE: You compared him to Joe Namath. I like that. Broadway Joe.

KILMEADE: I will criticize something about him, and it is about color. And it's the color of these pants. There is no explanation that could possibly justify those pants.

BOLLING: He can pull it off, my man.

KILMEADE: Juan, will you take that on?

GUILFOYLE: He can pull it off.

And by the way, they're favored. What's the line (ph), 5 and a half? In over unders.

WILLIAMS: Five and a half? Five and a half to wear those pants, K.G.? Five and a half. If you give me five and a half, I will try on the pants, K.G., for you.

GUILFOYLE: For me you'll do it for a dollar.

WILLIAMS: But I've got to say: how can you guys sit here and deny that race has something to do with the quarterback position in the NFL?

GUILFOYLE: Oh, my God.

BOLLING: Not anymore, Juan.

KILMEADE: Not anymore. Not in 2016.

We're going to be back with "One More Thing," and maybe we'll convince Juan in the break that we are indeed sober.

GUILFOYLE: Maybe he'll bring it up again.


BOLLING: All right, time for "One More Thing," and K.G. has a very special one.

GUILFOYLE: Yes, I do indeed, because I want to wish a very heartfelt congratulations on 14 exceptional years of news and television for the "On the Record" team led by Greta Van Susteren. And by the way, No. 1 in her time slot the entire time, whether she was at 7 or 10, crushing it and a fantastic team in the business. Let's take a look at this.


GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST, "ON THE RECORD": Welcome, I'm Greta Van Susteren. Tonight, why did former secretary of state Madeleine Albright say President Bush made a big mistake?


GUILFOYLE; You've got to love it. Making FOX News proud and certainly all women in journalism. She certainly is an inspiration to all of us. Keep up the fantastic work. We love you, Greta.

BOLLING: Great friend of all of ours, as well. Meghan, you're up.

MCCAIN: My "One More Thing" is happy 75th anniversary to the USO. President Roosevelt started this 75 years ago. Today, they are launching - - they are inviting Americans to generate 1 million messages of support and gratitude for our nation's 1.4 million service members stationed around the world to go to USO.org/connect. You can send digital messages to our troops. It's amazing. Who doesn't love the USO? My girlfriend met her husband through the USO.

KILMEADE: Right. And then your family, so involved in the military.

BOLLING: All right. Juan, you're up.

WILLIAMS: Look out, New York commuters, especially you sleepy heads, because New York's finest are going to start waking up people who fall asleep on the subway. The police commissioner, Bill Bratton, says his new slogan: "Subway is not for sleep." The reason? Fifty percent of subway crime involves people who are sleeping.

Now, it's not illegal to sleep on the subway, unless, of course, you're taking up two seats or snoring loudly.

GUILFOYLE: Or flashing people.

WILLIAMS: I hadn't thought of that.

But, guess what? A lot of New Yorkers think this is imposition. Some people don't like it. Could be controversial. But if you're on the subway in New York, stay awake.

BOLLING: So they want you not to sleep on the subway, but you can sleep outside in Times Square. That's quite all right. They'll leave you there.

WILLIAMS: You mean like the homeless people?


WILLIAMS: I didn't think of that.

MCCAIN: I've totally fallen asleep on the subway, and it was horrible. I woke up, and I was way, way, way, way, way off.

GUILFOYLE: It's so scary.

BOLLING: What do you got, Kilmeade?

KILMEADE: The synergy between "The Five" and "FOX & Friends" in Iowa when we had a chance during early hour to knock on a random person's door to turn out on the other end was when Eric Bolling, who I just happened to capture as he casually was going for a -- well, take a look.


KILMEADE: Who's in Room 232 of the Embassy Suites?

BOLLING: Oh, man.

KILMEADE: It is Eric Bolling.

BOLLING: Good morning. Tucker. Wow. Look at you guys.

KILMEADE: This is the...

BOLLING: I'm going for a run. You guys coming with?

KILMEADE: You're going to go for a run?



KILMEADE: We ran three or four miles. We ran into Chris Stirewalt right on the other side. The problem was if I made an error, it was probably giving out your room number.

BOLLING: My room had to be moved. We didn't think about that when we were brainstorming.

KILMEADE: Next time when we travel together, I will not give out the room number.

GUILFOYLE: I remember you were trying to come to my room, yes.

KILMEADE: Blew that out right away.

WILLIAMS: But I will give this to my man, Eric Bolling. He knows how to dress for a run.

GUILFOYLE: Very tight. The man tights. Like little skinny pants.

BOLLING: ... several times, and then I went running.

WILLIAMS: I was complimenting you.

KILMEADE: We saw a lot of your quads.

BOLLING: Leave it right there. Never miss another episode of "The Five." That's it for us. "Special Report" with Bret Baier next.

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