'Hannity' on Canadian truckers, Biden's judgment

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," February 11, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. Welcome to HANNITY. A lot of breaking news this Friday night.

Disturbing news from Europe. U.S. defense officials now believe that a Russian invasion of Ukraine is imminent or in the words of Joe Biden a minor incursion will happen. That's Joe Biden giving Putin the green light.

Anyway, it looks like maybe next week, this could happen. The Biden administration is now telling Americans to evacuate immediately but they are offering virtually zero assistance.

So what is this now? Americans trapped behind enemy lines 2.0? Is that now all but a certainty? We have a lot more coming up.

And later, look at your screen, a New York man was violently dragged out of a school board meeting. His crime, not wearing a mask? He will join us straight ahead.

But, first, tonight, Canada's freedom convoy is picking up steam and crossing borders with new protests brewing in Europe and the U.S. Now, needless to say Joe Biden's not particularly happy.

After fully endorsing the summer riots of 2020, that left, oh, dozens dead caused billions in damage, property damage, arson and looting, and thousands of cops injured, now all of a sudden, Biden, he's now urging the Canadian prime minister -- the gutless, cowardly Trudeau -- to squash the peaceful freedom convoy in Ottawa, apparently by any means necessary.

In a call, Biden and Trudeau agreed that these truckers at the border pose a serious problem and the Canadian prime minister promised, quote, quick action on enforcing the law.

Keep in mind, this is the same Joe Biden that not only refuses to secure our southern border because it's now chaos. He has been aiding and abetting the entire law breaking going on in our southern border. Illegal immigrants also are given preferential treatment unlike anyone else that travels across the northern border. Down south, yep, illegal immigrants, there's no need to be COVID-tested.

There's no vaccine mandate. There's nothing whatsoever. Just free travel and airfare to the state of your choice in the middle of the night, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 a.m. Or as Jen Psaki calls them, early morning flights.

Anyway we pay for all of this. Who's going to pay for the food, housing, health care, education? That would be you, the American people.

But Joe has a very different opinion on the northern border, because right on cue, instead of meeting with truckers, working out a solution, following the science, the cowardly Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, along with government officials in Ontario, they're now threatening these peaceful protesters you know the guys that were the heroes of the pandemic, with a massive one hundred thousand dollar fine, one-year prison time, they want to seize their trucks and their licenses, and pretty much destroy their lives.

Now, some are even calling for Canada's military to intervene and forcefully remove the truckers. Michigan's pro-lockdown Governor Whitmer, the witless one, even reportedly offered a heavy equipment across the border to help remove the trucks. And by the way, to the truckers' credit, they see the problem and they have opened up one lane so commerce can continue. They're trying to work with and take care of the people that they usually are working to feed and help every day.

Listen to what the Ontario Premier Doug Ford had to say earlier today. Take a listen.


DOUG FORD, ONTARIO PREMIER: We're now two weeks into the siege of the city of Ottawa. I call it a siege because that's what it is it's an illegal occupation. This is no longer a protest. So let me be as clear as I can, there will be consequences for these actions and they will be severe.

Today, I'm using my authority as premier of Ontario to declare a state of emergency in our province. Fines for non-compliance will be severe, with a maximum penalty of one hundred thousand dollars and up to a year imprisonment.


HANNITY: Really? You're going to start a fight with the truckers? You're going to send in the military? You're going to take away their livelihood?

Now a court in Canada is also attempting to freeze over million dollars in donations to the freedom convoy. But the Christian U.S. based crowd funding site hosting the donations GiveSendGo, they don't take orders from Canada and they are vowing to get those funds to the truckers one way or another.

And keep in mind, despite attempts by Trudeau and another leftist, they've been lying and vilifying these truckers and calling him racist and every other name they can think of all this is you know basically the convoy has been comprised of peaceful Canadians from many different races, backgrounds, religions who all share one simple message, no more mandates, no more lockdowns, no more COVID restrictions. They want life to return to normal for every man woman and child, that's it.

And by the way, let's say that Trudeau gets his way, and he sends in the vaccination police and every trucker is vaccinated, and every trucker gets a booster. Guess what? They can still get, contract COVID-19. They can still transmit COVID-19.

The mandates in that sense are pointless. If you're fully vaccinated, vaccinated and boosted, even have natural immunity, you can get COVID-19. That's Canada and the U.S. not following the science as they like to lecture us.

So, now, there are pretty much two options on the table for Canada's government with, of course, the advice of tough Joe Biden who doesn't lift a finger to secure our southern border. Let the truckers make their own health decisions, leave them alone and recognize that even fully vaccinated people with boosters can transmit COVID or send in the troops and arrest the truckers. It's a peaceful protest.

You know what's going to happen, all hell will break loose, that will be the government starting a fight, people may die. They're going to, what, take the rigs, their livelihoods away from them? They're going to fine them a hundred thousand dollars each? They're going to put them in jail for a year?

To me, the answer is obvious. Restore freedom, leave the heroes of the pandemic alone.

And our own investigative reporter Sara Carter has been with the truckers and their convoy all week in Ottawa.

And you know, it looks like a block party every night and I'm glad they didn't get too mad that I said I was a Rangers and Islanders fan yesterday.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I don't think they were mad at all, Sean. It does kind of feel like a block party I mean people here really are trying to show support for one another. We've got a lot of people, just regular citizens showing up trying to show their support for the truckers and it's been very peaceful. Everybody's been really kind. I've got several truckers here with me right now.

I've got Tyler Armstrong. He's here with me.

You've been here from the beginning, right, Tyler?

TYLER ARMSTRONG, TRUCKER: Yep, I've been here since day one yeah what is it what has it been like for the last two weeks for you. Oh, it's been pretty surreal. Just the amount of support we're getting from the public, cash donations, food donations, getting little cards from kids and everything steers my eyes every single day. It's a very beautiful thing.

CARTER: Yeah, it's been pretty incredible how I've been treated as well.

And I wanted to talk to you really quick. Mike -- Mike Johnson, Sean. He's also a trucker. He's been here from the beginning.

What's it been like for you? When you hear Prime Minister Trudeau, you know, make statements that, you know, that the basically the truckers are racist, or that there's misogynistic or that there's criminality occurring, what have you seen and what is your response to him on that?

MIKE JOHNSON, TRUCKER: What I've seen in my response would be -- I mean even if you're to pan the camera around right now, you'll see every kind of looking person. You'll see there's probably languages spoken right here. There's every kind of person here, we're all Canadians.


JOHNSON: This is not like my father was black, my mom was white. This is not a white racist, left, right movement. This is a movement about freedoms of Canadians as individuals to make their own decisions in their life.

CARTER: Freedom, Sean.

HANNITY: That's what it's all about. Send our love, our prayers, our solidarity. Keep it peaceful and I predict they will win in the end. Hang in there.

Thanks, Sara.

CARTER: I will. Sean sends his love, his peace and his solidarity with you.


HANNITY: All right. Our friends in Canada, Sara Carter live on the scene.

And here now with reaction is the founder of Outkick, Clay Travis, along with the co-host of the hit show, "The Five," Judge Jeanine Pirro.

Good to see you both.

You know, I -- when you compare and contrast, Judge, the southern border and Joe -- you know, process release, preferential treatment, no COVID testing because they're not going to be here very long -- that was a lie -- no vaccine mandate, transportation to the state of your choice, but what we're going to send in the military steal their rigs, put them in jail and buy them a hundred grand? Help me out with that.

JEANINE PIRRO, CO-HOST WITH "THE FIVE": Well, Sean, you hit you hit the nail on the head with this thing. Look, these are Canadians who are protesting. Canada is a country that is not accustomed to this kind of protesting. And for this thing to proliferate the way it has, it's been two weeks I guess and now they've got a march that they call it the Jericho march around parliament, more and more people are coming. They're not just truckers. They're the Canadians who agree with them who simply want their freedom back.

Ninety percent of those Canadians or those truckers are already vaxxed, so it's not even about that. It's about government overreach into the private lives of Canadians who rarely do this kind of thing.

And for Joe Biden to call Trudeau and try to gin him up and say you know bring some federal laws against them, when he is allowing -- you want to talk about economic impact -- he is allowing 2.4 million illegals to come through our southern border, we give them education, medication, housing and we fly them all over the country, and he's worried about the economic impact? This is shameful.

And let me tell you something else about GoFundMe or whatever else the other platforms are, that's their money. And any government that steals that money is committing a crime.

And I'm with you, Sean, these truckers are not going to take this lying down. They were the essential workers who didn't care if their lives were on the line. They gave everything to us and now they want to demonize them? This is the totalitarian left and everybody's fed up with them.

HANNITY: This is what authoritarianism, you're right, looks like.

You know, Clay, let's look at the other comparison. Joe Biden, he was virtually silent on the 574 riots in the summer of 2020. His own VP was supportive of bail fund for Minneapolis rioters after the police precinct was burned down. She praised the LAPD for cutting their funding in the -- for the police department, and Joe said, yeah, of course, police become the enemy. Of course, I'll redirect funds away from the police.

Okay, so that's how he reacts to real riots in this country but these truckers and farmers and others have all been peaceful the entire time.

CLAY TRAVIS, OUTKICK FOUNDER: Here's a question for you, Sean, what has Joe Biden been on the right side of since he got into office? And you can almost say the only thing Joe Biden might have gotten right in his whole career was the 1994 crime bill which he later repudiated in order to get elected president, and you're right.

Look, we're talking about 25-year high in the number of police officers that have been murdered. Joe Biden did nothing. We've got murder skyrocketing all over our country. We've got a southern border that is absolutely porous, with millions of people coming across the biggest influx of illegal immigration we've seen in just about forever.

And Joe Biden is concerned about our northern border and he's concerned about the Ukraine border not the place that we're actually under attack. And I believe that these Canadian truckers are not just heroes for Canada, they are heroes for all of us around the world who are fighting to try to get back to normalcy.

Sean, did you see those kids in Las Vegas reacting with pure glee when they were told they didn't have to wear masks anymore? As the judge pointed out, these truckers are vaccinated. They are standing up for people all over the world to return to normalcy.

I think we need to give them as much support as we possibly can because the politicians have proven, certainly Trudeau, certainly Biden, that they are not going to allow us to return to normalcy without a demand for it and I just say more power to these truckers and everything that they are doing, the courage, the bravery that they are exhibiting should be an example for all of us around the world of how to stand up to a totalitarian government, which is I think what Trudeau has established in Canada.

HANNITY: If they dare send the military in, law enforcement to arrest these guys, that's on them. They will -- whatever the result of that is will be on them. They even open the lane to the bridge to Detroit so commerce can continue. They did that on their own.

Judge, we appreciate you being with us. Clay, always great to have you.

Now we turn to Ukraine where we have interesting news tonight. It is sad. War is apparently imminent. Vladimir Putin expected to launch an all-out invasion or as Joe calls it a minor incursion of Russia's neighbor in a matter of days.

Now, Biden's disjointed peacekeeping efforts they didn't work and now as we speak upwards of thirty thousand Americans are currently inside the country, according to our own FOX News Jennifer Griffin, 32,000 total.

And of course the administration doesn't know exactly how many and they have no plans to help get them out and by the way if they're not going to come and rescue them, what happens to them? Is it going to be what Afghanistan 2.0? Leave these Americans, abandon them on -- and leave them to on their own? That's the plan?

That's not a plan, 32,000 Americans need help. Why isn't Joe helping them now?

Now, sadly, it's only the latest horrible chapter from one of the single worst presidents in the history of this country. Even fake news CNN points out in their poll that nearly 60 percent of Americans believe Joe has done nothing right at all, absolutely nothing.

Meanwhile, a devastating new poll from Pew Research found that only one in five Americans believe that Biden's presidency will ever be a success. That's 20 percent.

It's so bad that Joe's old boss Barack Obama -- well, he's being called in to help him clean up the mess. Apparently, Barack is clearly very worried about his so-called legacy.

And during a call yesterday, Obama urged fellow Democrats to stop complaining, start looking to compromise and acting optimistic. The key word there is act, because there's not a lot to be optimistic about.

Now, easier said than done when crime is spiraling out of control in almost every city. The southern border is a disaster. Afghanistan was and is a catastrophe. War in Europe is now imminent and Joe won't lift a finger to help Americans, gas prices are out of control and going higher. The price of everything you buy in every store is higher. The cost of heating and cooling your home is higher.

And we now have a -year record high in inflation and by the way if we use the numbers and the calculation methods of the `80s and `90s, guess what? It's much higher than what they're telling you. Take a look.


AD ANNOUNCER: Everything you need to kick off Super Bowl just got more expensive. Biden and House Democrats teamed up to create skyrocketing inflation. Guacamole up 100 percent, chicken wings up 26 percent, burger is up 17 percent. Joe Biden's inflation is intercepting your paycheck.


HANNITY: I'm glad I'm not a big avocado fan.

Anyway, low and middle income Americans, especially people on fixed incomes, yes, they are disproportionately, negatively being impacted by all of this. As a matter of fact they're being crushed by Biden's inflation.

Now make no mistake, this is a regressive tax on Americans that can least afford it. But as Obama once reportedly said, don't underestimate Joe's ability to -- well, bleep things up. Now, those words ring more true more than ever. Take a look.


BDEN: And there's no way we were ever going to unite Ukraine -- I mean, excuse me, Iraq -- Afghanistan. No way that was going to happen. And so, this is a much wiser thing to do.


HANNITY: Ukraine, Iraq, Afghanistan.

Okay, take the cognitive test, Joe.

The world is falling apart and Joe Biden is clearly not up to the job that's scary and to be honest, at this point in his life, I don't think that anything anybody can do is going to help fix this for him. The world doesn't respect us. Our enemies are on the march, our allies are scared to death. He's supposed to be the leader of the free world.

Here now with more, our FOX News contributors Ari Fleischer and Jason Chaffetz.

Ari, you're a communications expert. I would say from my observations, non- medical point of view, I don't play doctor on radio or TV, that the decline that we saw in the campaign in 2020 has gotten significantly worse and it is a degenerative condition, it looks like and I don't think it's going to get better. Are we facing a crisis or do you see one in the future?

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think we're facing a crisis because of the man's judgment. That in of itself, Sean, regardless of the fact that he's soon will turn and he's making noises that he might even run for reelection, I'm just more focused on what he decides and his decisions have been terrible. His statements have been terrible. Right from the start when he said that people coming to America illegally were seasonal when it wasn't, that inflation was transitory but it's not, that everybody could get to the airport in Afghanistan but they couldn't -- how many times does he get to be wrong about really important matters?

But, Sean, I want to go back to something you said earlier where you pointed out that Barack Obama is now the cavalry coming in over the hill, I won't forgive Barack Obama. In so many ways, Barack Obama lit the fuse that now is our polarized nation.

And don't forget, it was Barack Obama who went to John Lewis -- Congressman John Lewis's funeral and told the Democrats that despite the fact that he regularly used the filibuster himself as a senator, that the filibuster was racist and they needed to get rid of it.

So, so many of the things that the woke liberal socialist Democrats are pushing for now is because Barack Obama told them to push for it. So, now, he comes in and acts as if he's got good advice -- no, he's been part of the polarizing problem from our nation that Joe Biden is now continuing.

HANNITY: Yeah, what's your take, Jason, as you see all this unfold? It's - - you know, it's all coming together and not in a good way.

JASON CHAFFETZ, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah, look, Ari is right. Barack Obama gave birth to the idea that Joe Biden would be a good vice president, that he was a heartbeat away and he could take over at any time. And then he sat quietly on his hands when Joe Biden was stepped up.

And I look at the people that are closest to Joe Biden. I look at Jill Biden, I look at his chief of staff, I look at people like Susan Rice, other people that are right around the president who know that the decline is real, that he is not an actively engaged president, that his judgment is unclear, he can't even recite lines that are on a teleprompter, and it's a gaffe every day and the things that he implemented Biden and Harris, are self-inflicted wounds upon the United States of America.

We had good gas prices and he changed the policy, now we don't. The border was secure. Now, it's not. Foreign policy was great under Trump, the world was a safe place, and now it's not. Inflation wasn't here, now it is.

Those Democrats did this to America, and he is -- he is responsible for it, but it started because of Barack Obama selecting Joe Biden as the vice president.

HANNITY: You know, the question is here -- now, that we had dozens of Republicans demanding a cognitive test. Do you think at any point in the next three years there is a serious significant debate over the 25th amendment, Ari Fleischer?

FLEISCHER: Well, whether Joe Biden did or did not today take his Prevagen, I think the real the real debate is going to start the day after the election coming up in eight months the midterm election. That's the day it's going to be, Sean, the Democrats who demand that Biden not run for reelection, because they know he's old. They've seen him slow down and they question his judgment they see how unpopular he is and the Democrats are about to get a shellacking.

So we're going to hear it. I don't think it's going to be 25th Amendment, Sean. I think it's going to be Democrats rising up and say, don't run Joe and this is then where all the primary talk is going to come in. You're going to have a wide open 15, 20-person Democratic field heading into '23, `24. That's my bet.

HANNITY: All right. Jason, thank you. Ari Fleischer, thank you.

And coming up, nine officers were injured earlier today in Arizona after responding to a call. We have a live report.

And two Democratic senators, they are sounding the alarm, saying the CIA has been secretly collecting data on you, the American people, for years.

And a father from New York state violently dragged out of a school board meeting. His crime, not wearing a mask. He and his lawyer will join us, straight ahead.



HANNITY: We have breaking news tonight out of Phoenix, where a number of police officers were injured in a shootout, as the war on cops sadly continues around the country.

Our very own Matt Finn is here with the very latest -- Matt.

MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Sean, this evening, two people are dead and last check with Phoenix police four officers remain in the hospital after nine total were injured, five officers were shot, four other officers were hurt. They are all expected to be okay. The hours-long standoff began this morning with a 911 call about a shooting at a Phoenix home, an officer arrived and was shot several times as he approached the door.

More officers responded. Then a man with a baby appeared in the doorway. He was ordered to place down the baby and did. A dozen other officers move forward and faced a burst of shots. The baby is ok. The suspected shooter was killed.

We expect to learn whether he pulled the trigger on himself or was shot by officers returning fire. A woman was found inside the home shot. She is now dead, police believe she is the mother of the baby, the suspect believed to be the father.


JERI WILLIAMS, PHOENIX POLICE CHIEF: This is just one more example of the dangers our officers face every day keeping us in our community safe. If I seem upset, I am. This is senseless. It doesn't need to happen and it continues to happen over and over again.


FINN: And Phoenix police believe this is the most officers ever shot in a single day on their force, Sean.

HANNITY: All right. Matt Finn, thank you for that disturbing report.

And also tonight, two Democratic senators are sounding the alarm on a troubling new allegation claiming that the CIA has been secretly collecting data on Americans in bulk without congressional approval for years.

Now, this news comes after disturbing reports that we revealed this week about the Capitol police spying on lawmakers and citizens that go to visit them and others. Now, the new DHS bulletin on terror is warning citizens against mistrust of the U.S. government. And the FBI is purchasing these NSO's Pegasus spyware, the most sophisticated spyware ever made, allowing those people that use it and have it. They will install it secretly without any user knowledge. They could read your text, collect all data, access your phone, hear you, film you, do it all.

But ask yourself, why all of a sudden do Democrats care about spying, because they didn't really care when Donald Trump was running and when Donald Trump was president with reaction.

Here with reaction, FOX News legal analyst Greg Jarrett, Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz. You can catch his podcast by the way, "Der Show" on Rumble, which is a competitor of YouTube.

Professor Dershowitz, let me start with you. One of the things that I've been saying by not holding those accountable for lying to a FISA court on multiple occasions using Hillary's bought and paid-for dirty Russian disinformation dossier, it's not verifiable. It was all debunked.

By allowing that to happen, this now seems inevitable so that their bulk data collections on American citizens that would be unconstitutional in my view. If they're using -- if we don't hold them accountable on the FISA court issue, and then now the FBI is purchasing Pegasus from Israel, you see the controversy going on in Israel right now, it's a massive controversy. That in fact they use that information to get people to testify against former Prime Minister Netanyahu. That's a big deal.

Why would we expect it not to be abused considering they would lie to a FISA court and there's no accountability?

ALAN DERSHOWITZ, HARVARD LAW PROFESSOR: I know I agree with you completely and your constitutional analysis gets you an A plus in constitutional law. The law is clear --

HANNITY: From a Harvard professor, I'm way out of my league, okay.

DERSHOWITZ: A low grader, I was never a great inflator. You get the A plus.

The Constitution requires a search warrant for any American citizen or American person that includes permanent residents. Now, the CIA has authority only to investigate foreign threats to the United States. Sometimes when you overhear a foreigner planning against the United States he or she is talking to an American, so inevitably, they may have to par listen in part to what the American says in order to get the full context.

But if you're going to be spying on Americans specifically, both the law and the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution require that you get a warrant. That you show probable cause before you can overhear the conversations. And you know, the technology is amazing. What Israel has done in terms of inventing Pegasus, but it has to be controlled, and that's what the Fourth Amendment is about.

The Fourth Amendment was designed at a time when eavesdropping meant people standing by the eaves of the house and listening in. Today, if you have a cell phone, even if it's turned off, they can hear you. And that's why the Fourth Amendment is more important than ever. And that's why you're right that by not holding accountable, the people who violated it early on by lying to the FISA court has led directly to I think this crisis in the right to privacy under the Fourth Amendment.

HANNITY: Greg Jarrett, remember it was Andrew McCabe that famously said no dossier, no FISA warrant. Okay, that was an unverifiable document on the top of a FISA application, the word verified is right there for everyone to see.

We had four separate warrants signed that it was verified. That was false, even when the sub source of Christopher Steele and Christopher Steele himself denied what was in the dossier was true.

Now, we're going to hand the same the same group of people even more powerful spyware where they don't even need to go to a FISA court and get approval? That's dangerous to me.

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: That's right. They will either lie to the FISA quarter or circumvent the FISA court as well as Congress, even though they are under law required to do so. But this shouldn't surprise anybody. Since the inception of the CIA in 1947, there have been widespread abuses, in the 1960s, the CIA launched operation chaos, spying on thousands of Americans for political reasons.

In the `70s, the Church Commission found illegal wiretapping bugging and harassment of thousands of Americans Congress passed a law to stop it. It was ignored by the CIA. They went on to engage in warrantless wiretaps, illegal detentions, torture and kidnappings. They even -- they even spied on U.S. senators more recently by hacking into their computers.

This, Sean, is what happens when you create an all-powerful government agency that operates completely in secrecy and is accountable to no one. It needs to change. The first step would be to give authority to the inspector general the CIA who can't even subpoena documents or report criminal activity directly to the attorney general. It's a feckless position. That needs to change and Congress needs to be made aware of everything the CIA does.

HANNITY: We'll see what happens. All right, thank you both.

Coming up, this next story truly disturbing. A father mishandled, physically dragged out of a school board meeting for not wearing a mask. The father, his lawyer, they join us next exclusively, straight ahead.


HANNITY: And welcome back.

A disturbing scene earlier this week at a school board meeting in New York outside of Rochester. One father was literally ripped from his chair dragged out of the meeting because he was not wearing a mask. Watch this chilling video.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Look at this, look at this. look -- what are you doing? What the hell are you doing? What are you doing? What are you doing?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this how you treat our children too?

UNIDENTIIFED FEMALE: What are you doing?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you put your hands up --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Holy (EXPLETIVE DELETED). That's assault. That is assault. Oh my God.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They're doing that to the children too?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Holy (EXPLETIVE DELETE). What the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) are you doing? What are you doing?


HANNITY: And by the way, members of this exact same school board posted photos of themselves. Look at that. They're all maskless at an official event just days before that incident. We reach out to the school board involved and the school district, we've yet to hear back. Shocking.

Joining us now is that parent you saw in that video being dragged out, Dave Calus. His attorney Chad Hummel is with us.

I got to ask you, Dave, I was shocked watching it, and by the way, this is after even Democratic states like New Jersey and Delaware lifted their mask mandate. The next day it was lifted in your state of New York, our state of New York and I couldn't believe what I saw. What were you thinking?

DAVE CALUS, DAD FORCIBLY REMOVED FROM SCHOOL BOARD MEETING: Sean, thank you for having me. At the time, my intent in being there was to speak on behalf of my son who -- with all other children -- have been forced to wear masks in the school district, in the classroom for seven, eight hours a day, and they haven't had a voice or a choice in in what happens to them and whether they can remove the mask or not.

So I was there for 20 minutes without a mask on, and when the security officer came up to me, he asked me to put a mask on and I thanked him and it escalated to a physical and enforceable removal of me from the boardroom.

HANNITY: Yeah. I mean, it's pretty -- so what happened after they took you out of the room? Did they leave you alone? Did they call the police? What happened?

CALUS: Well, the police were on site. Actually, there's a law enforcement officer in the building in the room. Yep, and I was under -- I asked if I was still allowed to stay to speak or if I was being removed from the property, and that was undecided.

I didn't -- I felt a little pain, so I ended up leaving to go to urgent care. But I never got a chance to speak on behalf of my son and, you know, as a concerned parent, that's all we're asking for at this point. I mean, there's been political overreach and control over our kids for so long.

And we haven't been asking for a ban on masks. All we want is a choice. We deserve the right to choose whether our kids go to school with a mask or not.

HANNITY: I agree with you in principle, completely. They did this in Virginia.

By the way, kids have been in school in Florida since August of 2020.

I'll ask you as his attorney, Chad, do you have any legal recourse here?

CHAD HUMMEL, ATTORNEY FOR DAVE CALUS: Certainly, and, Sean, thank you of course for having us on. We appreciate the platform here. Absolutely, both on the criminal side and potentially on the civil side. Right now, it's our understanding from speaking with the town of Webster police investigators that they are currently investigating possible criminal charges against this individual who apparently is a former law enforcement himself, and we're also going to certainly explore civil charges.

What you saw in that video it's not taken out of context whatsoever. They unlawfully -- this individual placed his hands on my client. In New York state, that's considered a civil battery. He had no right to do that, unless a law enforcement officer is effectuating a lawful arrest, there's simply no reason to place your hands on somebody and do what you saw that individual do to my client.

HANNITY: And what did the police say to you, Dave, when you got taken out of the room? What were the police telling you?

CALUS: The law enforcement officer was -- he did what he was supposed to do at that point. He defused the situation, he pulled me aside and away from the security staff. And I'm a full supporter of law enforcement. I always have been and I'm familiar with that officer from other incidents on this in the school district. So I asked them politely if I was allowed to stay so I can -- so I can give my speech on behalf of my child and to advocate for the removal of masks in the school.

We we've been forced by the district, by the county and by the state, you know, to abide by these -- they're not even laws and mandates anymore. I mean, at this point, they're loose rules and our children are absolutely suffering. I mean, the mental health pandemic that's going to follow from this. You know, it's still untold right now.

HANNITY: Unbelievable. We're going to follow your case. Sorry you went through that and we appreciate your time. Thank you both for being with us.

All right. When we come back, can this really be happening? Why some people think Hillary Clinton might be mulling over a 2024 run? Well, we'll tell you what the twice failed presidential candidate is doing that has many people speculating, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Twice failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton continues to make headlines as we are now learning that she will reportedly speak at the New York State Democratic party convention, that's next week, to, quote, galvanize the party. It's a one state rule.

Anyway, amid Biden's endless crises and cratering approval ratings and Democrats -- they're looking for Hillary Clinton to jump in the ring again and bai out the Democratic Party? She lost twice.

Here now, the author of a brand-new book, you can get on the amazon.com right now, bookstores everywhere, "The Desecrators: Defeating the Cancel Culture Mob and Reclaiming One Nation Under God", our friend Matt Schlapp. And also "FOX and Friends First" host, Carley Shimkus, is with us.

Matt, start with you. By the way, for those who don't know, you are the head of CPAC and have been for a long time. I know you are doing at this February at the end of the month. Let's talk a little bit. Is she viable?

MATT SCHLAPP, AMERICAN CONSERVATIVE UNION CHAIRMAN: Yes, she's viable. I think what's interesting about 2024, Sean, is its two ex-presidents that are going to determine everything. We have Donald Trump. If he runs, he wins, if he doesn't run, he picks of the nominees going to be.

It's Barack Obama with the Democrats. He's the one who got everyone out of the field so that Joe Biden could get this nomination in this corrupt way. And now Obama will have to be fine with Hillary coming back. I think she's trying to do everything to make yourself viable because they realize the state Joe Biden is in, and Kamala Harris, the most unpopular person in politics.

HANNITY: You know, Carley, the thing that strikes me the most is that Democrats have no bench whatsoever. Who's -- Kamala, Elizabeth Warren, Hillary Clinton, Amy Klobuchar -- I mean, I can't think of a young, dynamic, successful Democrat that they can say that's the person.

CARLEY SHIMKUS, CO-HOST OF "FOX & FRIENDS FIRST": It's a really big problem. I was under the impression that Hillary Clinton already won the presidency in 2016, if not for Russia, or sexism and misogyny, or James Comey, or the Electoral College. I was told it was one of those things, but definitely not a failing on that part.

First of all, when it comes to the speculation that she might run for president again in 2024, nobody loves this conversation more than Hillary Clinton herself and Republicans, because this does expose several realities that are happening right now. First of all, it's becoming pretty clear that President Biden is going to be one term Joe. We are not going to get an 83 or 84 year old president. And with a 39 percent approval rating, most Americans don't want him to run for a second term.

And Matt is right. The other thing is that this really shows that people think that Hillary Clinton is more likable than Kamala Harris. We wouldn't be having this conversation if the vice president was more popular.

HANNITY: I love the fact that they have no bench here.

I want to go to your book a little bit. It is called "The Desecrators" and defeating the cancel culture mob and reclaiming the nation -- one nation under God, Matt. You know, it has gotten worse than other. Some people get mad at me because on a call for cancellations. I don't call for firings. I don't support boycotts.

I support freedom. Nobody is forced to watch, or listen, or support somebody they don't like. Why are Democrats so -- why do they marry themselves to this authoritarianism so much?

SCHLAPP: You know, we invited Enes Freedom, this NBA basketball player, to come be with us at CPAC this month and within 72 hours, he was released from his contract and he had to pull back his acceptance of coming to CPAC. There is this coordinated strategy on the left and the Democratic Party is a big part of it to go after everything that is the moorings of America, what makes people, the family, gender, our kids.

It is unstoppable. By the way, there is no line they want to cross. What is sad about it is in the end, if you don't have -- you can see this with Russia and Ukraine, all you will have is more human misery. I just want the American people to know that there are more of us than there are of them, but we don't have much time left to pull it back.

HANNITY: Carley, Whoopi Goldberg, Joe Rogan, cancel culture, fire, boycott, when will this end?

SHIMKUS: You know what? I don't know where it ends. Because I think that this could go on in perpetuity. You look at what's happening right now, especially with things like the trucker protest, something like that could actually really change the tide here, because you have working class Americans who are saying, enough is enough. I'm sick of mandates, I'm sick of people telling me what to do when they don't even follow the rules themselves.

There is an uprising happening right now. And it's really important and something to watch. But if Democrats had their way, it would never end.

With the pandemic came a little bit, a taste of what America would look like under a socialist state, because the government grew so exponentially. If you like what you saw, then keep on voting people into office like AOC and Bernie Sanders, because that is what the country will turn into.

HANNITY: I'm hoping for a tidal wave midterm election. Time will tell.

Carley, thank you. Matt, congrats on the book. We appreciate it.

More HANNITY right after this.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that is all time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for making the show possible. Thank you for being with us. Please set your DVR is so you never miss an episode of HANNITY.

In the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. Laura Ingraham is up next with "THE INGRAHAM ANGLE". Have a great Super Bowl weekend. We'll see you back here on Monday.

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