Hannity: The country's most critical institutions have failed us

This is a rush transcript from “Hannity” November 4, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


Now, we begin with a FOX News alert tonight. We're tracking results all over the country. We'll bring you minute by minute updates and analysis throughout the hour.

Now, that includes an important development tonight from the state of Arizona, where we expect, actually, any minute an update on the votes in Maricopa County. They have over 600,000 that have not been counted yet.

And also, we're going to first address the election chaos tonight.

You know, I want everybody to just take this in, because this is the country we love and pledge allegiance to, land of the free, home of the brave. We're supposed to be the greatest country on earth. I often say we are, I believe we are.

I often quote my friend, one of the pioneers with talk radio, Barry Farber

-- you know, there's not a country in the history of man that's accumulated more power and abused it less than this country. And I add, no country has done more to advance the entire human condition than this great country of ours.

But I would argue tonight, every American should be angry, you should be outraged, you should be worried, you should be concerned at what has happened in the election and the lead up to the election. And, frankly, you should be angry at what is building and building and building in the last four years in this all-out assault against a duly elected president that we the people elected.

Time and time again, we're now being failed by our most critical institutions. And tonight, what we're really witnessing, if we're going to be honest and take a good hard look at what is happening, it's an absolute disgrace that's unfolding right before our eyes.

What's happening in Pennsylvania -- we heard from poll watchers. Yeah, they were watching from 100 feet away, denied the opportunity to do their job, to keep an election, honest, free and fair and watch the polls.

Well, of course, that's the same state where found ballots in garbage cans.

They all happened to be votes for Donald Trump. Shocking.

And also, ballots seeming to just, well, appeared out of thin air. Well, just -- oh, 100,000 here. How did that happen?

We've been watching states extend, OK, we're going to expand out are early voting. We're going to extend out when you can hand in your ballot. Maybe you don't need the postmark that was there on Election Day. We shouldn't have a deadline. Your ballot is in or it doesn't count?

That's a free and fair election? Free opportunity for everybody? Equal opportunity?

By the way, how many dead people received ballots -- Kevin McCarthy is telling me all about it in California, all throughout the election season.

How many people that have moved from their addresses had the ballots send them and the new residents have all these free ballots that they could use.

What's happening really in Wisconsin?

Kimberly Strassel just pointed out, the state of Wisconsin claiming that they had an 89 percent turnout, which probably is not feasible given that Milwaukee barely cracked 70 percent.

And what's happening in Arizona? What's happening in Nevada? What's happening in Georgia? What's happening in North Carolina?

After weeks and weeks of early voting, and that got extended, laws were getting changed here, there and everywhere, and millions and millions of ballots -- we have not done this in previous elections -- last-minute just sent out and the states we watching struggling to do something that you would think is quite easy and simple: to count votes in a timely, transparent, competent, fair way.

Is it really too much to ask for a trustworthy system with checks and balances and integrity that every American would have confidence in? Isn't

-- isn't this country, America, the home to Microsoft and Apple and Silicon Valley and we can't design a voting system better than this that would allow every legal, registered American an opportunity to cast a free and fair vote, and a free and fair election, and know that their votes will count and that their votes will matter, a vote free of any, well, fraud or potential fraud or dishonesty? We can't have higher standards about the integrity of every vote?

Because what we are watching is like -- you could not think of a worst system, a more corrupt system, where you literally -- and we've been watching this now develop for four years. Power hungry Democrats -- you know, if you want to go to the Democratic National Convention, not during the COVID year, but to get in because I've been there, you have to have a photo ID to get in. And you go through the metal detector and you get wanded and then they say -- they even let Hannity in, as long as I have the photo ID.

But they fight against voter ID laws. You need to prove who you are to see them but not to vote. When it comes to elections, Democrats -- clearly, they want the chaos. They want zero verification. No ID, same day registration, mail-in ballots, here, there, everywhere, changing laws up to the last minute, extending deadlines, driver's license for illegal immigrants.

Does that get you the opportunity to vote? Is that the rule of law in this country? They pick, they choose what laws to obey.

By the way, think about sanctuary cities and states? What are they really all about? Isn't that about the state and politicians, lawmakers aiding and abetting law-breaking instead of just changing the law if that's what they want?

In the quest for power, we have watched four years now, Democrats -- they want an election that lasts for weeks and weeks. No checks, no transparency, no authentication of any kind, whatsoever. In fact, Pelosi actually held up a COVID relief bill.

Remember when she held up that first bill so she can add so-called election reforms that would, you know, massively relax oversight, accountability, regulations all across the country.

This is the United States of America. Microsoft, let's see, Apple, Silicon Valley -- you don't think they could develop a better system? So, we're supposed to trust this system? Because -- I don't think so. I can't think of a worst system.

And for the, what, past four years, every powerful institution, as we've been pointing out to you against this president, we've shown you daily what they have done to take down a duly elected president.

You know, look at the institution of polling in America. Let's look at 2020 polls. Half dozen showing Biden with double digits lead. I guess they were wrong.

One garbage poll from Quinnipiac showed Biden leading by 11 with Trump at just 39 percent. As of now, how about two points separate the popular vote?

More egregious polling coming to us from a new plus rated "New York Times"/Siena survey. As the president of Real Clear Politics pointed, that their numbers were off by a whopping six points in Florida alone, at least four points in North Carolina, 10 points in Wisconsin, off by 10 in Iowa, off by nine in Ohio.

And, by the way, but even worse, one recent "Washington Post" poll had Biden winning Wisconsin by 17 points. Wow, they got the same thing wrong in 2016. They got the same thing wrong in the exit polls in 2016 like the exit polls in 2000 and 2004. And, right now, by the way, less than 1 point separates the two candidates there.

Meanwhile, almost no polls show the president winning the state of Pennsylvania. He is up by several hundred thousands votes. In fact, most showed Biden winning by more than 5 point.

And, of course, the pollsters also got the Senate races horribly wrong. For example, let's look at the state of Maine. Not one poll could we find that showed Senator Susan Collins winning. Not one. They Quinnipiac had her opponent winning by 12. That means they were off by 19 points.

Are you going to trust the Quinnipiac poll again?

Ultimately, yeah, Collins won comfortably, more than 7 points. And this was not just an anomaly in Maine. There were polls Senator Lindsey Graham was losing, Joni Ernst was losing, Senator Perdue was losing. Wrong, wrong, wrong, and wrong again.

Why would anyone trust the institution of polling that the media mob pushes and pushes every day during elections? And needless to say, many of these organizations are affiliated with these media outlets, academic institutions, all of which we know hate President Trump. In fact, corrupt media mob, they've been out there, they've been nothing but nasty, vengeful, conspiratorial, full of smears, lies, slander, libel, besmirchment, attacks, hoax, conspiracy theories every second, every minute, every hour of every day. That's what they do.

The past 24 hours, no different. Take a look.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST:  If Biden ultimately emerges, you know, narrowly -- even if narrowly as the winner, he then faces a country that is substantially Trumpist. And so, you know, I just wonder what this says about us. I think as the rest of the world watches this happen all night tonight, I think it raises real questions about what America is at the end of the day.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  I see a repudiation of this direction for the country.

And the fact that it's this close, I think, it's hurt -- it hurts -- it just hurts.

REID:  If somehow they manage to stumble into the Supreme Court, do any of you guys trust Uncle Clarence and Amy Coney Barrett to follow the letter of the law? No.


HANNITY:  Uncle Clarence. NBC News, really, Joy? Really?

Let me repeat, why would anyone trust these liars with anything ever again?

Look at what they did the past four years. Look at all of the Russian lies, propaganda, disinformation against President Trump. It went on for years, touting a phony Russian dossier we now know is bought, paid for, conspired by Hillary Clinton. It was never verified or verifiable.

They sent the country on a wild goose chase for three years over Russia.

Then the president's innocuous call with Ukraine. They tried to destroy Justice Kavanaugh's life with a baseless smear campaign. They completely ignored the corrupt Biden family pay for play schemes? Would they have done that to Donald Trump?

Most outlets even refused to investigate these claims. They went along.

Here's a question: do you think the people in the media, do you think the people in the Democratic Party, do you think they see what we see? That Joe Biden is really weak, very frail? Do you think they see that Joe is struggling cognitively, like we do? Did they see it? Did they help him hide it? Did they help him hide it the whole election? I think so.

You got the deep state, you got the media. You got the pollsters. You got big tech now. They censor what conservatives want to share in terms of information. God forbid we decide ourselves whether we believe it or not.

That's America's most powerful institutions.

Now, think about this as we move forward -- you know, they are all lying and have been for your years against President Trump and we the smelly Walmart shoppers that support him, or the chumps as Joe Biden calls us. And they hate us as much as they hate the president because we vote for him.

And many of you voted in massive numbers for him yesterday.

They look down on we, the people. They want to strip away your rights and freedoms. They don't care if the ends justify the means. They think of themselves as the real arbiters of truth and righteousness, we are just smelly, irredeemable, deplorable chumps that shop at Walmart and cling to God, our Second Amendment rights, our Bibles, our religion.

Make no mistake, they are not your moral superior.

And, by the way, in the coming days, I promise you they will do, say everything they can do and think they are doing God's will to push Joe Biden over the finish line. They have lied. They've tried to destroy President Trump for four straight years.

No lie too big, no conspiracy too bizarre, no lines that they would not cross. This is the rawest of raw power plays. And what happens to the country? The damage that they've done over four years? They could care less. Extend early voting, extend vote counting, postmarks, no postmarks, win at any cost, muddy the waters, lie, cheat, steal, it for the greater good because they know better than we the people.

Now, here's a question every American is going to have to answer for themselves. Do you trust what happened in this election? Do you believe these election results are accurate? Do you believe this was a free and fair election?

I have a lot of questions. Is this really the best we can do in America?

Not even close.

Do the Democrats, the media, do they really want an honest election or will they support removing Donald Trump pretty much by any means necessary as they have for the last four years? They want an honest system, or one that they control and manipulate?

You ask yourself if you truly believe this election is the best of what we as Americans are capable of. Or is the system, one that they can abuse when it suits them and therefore they're not going to change it?

Did any Democrat -- any media organization, did they ever once -- they said they cared so much about Russian interference, did they ever once talk about Hillary Clinton's -- well, "New York Times" finally labeled Russian disinformation dossier that was used to spy on a presidential candidate, then president? Did they ever talk about it?

Did they ever talk about the phony documents that she paid for that was used to obtain FISA warrants for them to spy on a candidate, transition team and president for over a year? They care about the Biden family corruption, Ukraine, China, Russian, you know, Kazakh, oligarchs, $1.5 billion deal for zero experienced Hunter? Any -- did they care about any of that? No, they ignored it all.

Do you think they know about Joe's cognitive problems and helped him hide it? Do you think -- did they ever get any answer to the question of court- backing before the election or filibustering, eliminating it? Or D.C.


Are you okay that the media is this corrupt and in the tank for the Democrats, that Democrats want power, raw power, and they're willing to be this corrupt for this longer period of time? Are you worried the big tech companies will censor the free and open exchange of ideas?

Are you concerned that a deep state is celebrating tonight? Because they got off the hook if Joe Biden wins. Ask yourself if you really believe -- do you think this was a free, fair, honest election and this is the best of what America is capable of? Do you trust the outcome of this election? Do you think the system is corrupt?

Now, we have a lot more coming up.

First, joining us now with the very latest totals, we call it the "Hannity"

big board. I don't think it's fair. He's so good -- he's so good at the board. We're going to call it the Hemmer big board.


Sean, good evening to you.

I'm just watching this Arizona number come in here. We're talking about a bit earlier here. Arizona had a vote dump here at 9:00 o'clock East Coast time and they're going to have another one around midnight. How many more votes come in? We do not know.

It seems at the moment, Sean, it's about 400,000 raw votes outstanding. So, how does this math fill in? We just saw it a moment ago with the last dumb that condensed the lead a little bit. Joe Biden over Donald Trump now is down to about 79,000 votes. I know you know that the White House has been making the case now for almost 22 hours that Arizona was still in play and they would come back and win this state.

Well, let's look at it right now and see whether or not that's possible.

This is Phoenix and Maricopa. There's Tucson down here near the Mexican voter.

The Trump campaign believes throughout the entire state, there are enough votes to make up the difference of 79,000 plus, when you throw in the additional votes that I just mentioned. Where do you get those?

Well, you get a high vote number here at 75 percent. You pop down here to

63 percent just east of Phoenix. You're at 65, 66 percent. In fact, just a moment ago, there is a congressional race in this part of Arizona that just flipped from the Democratic lead to a Republican lead, whether or not that holds we can't say. That was a flip a moment ago.

This really is -- this is the mother load. This is Maricopa county and Phoenix with the greater majority of votes in Arizona. At the moment, Sean, Joe Biden about 52 percent, 47 percent percentagewise. You stay high about

17 percent of the vote still outstanding in Maricopa. How is that going to break?

We know how the Trump team is already doing it. What about Joe Biden? He's doing very well in Maricopa County, so far in this election. There's Tucson down here, in Pima County. This has been expected, 2-1, the Democrat Joe Biden over Donald Trump. A bit more expected.

But the Maricopa vote really is kind of a flip from four years ago. Just show you what it was in 2016, Donald Trump won the county, just about by

40,000 votes, but still enough to win that state. Coming back to 2020, we will see how this fills in throughout the night.

But Maricopa County is something to keep an eye on throughout the night.

We'll see whether or not a case can be made for the White House to argue that Arizona really is still in play with 11 electoral votes on the line?

Nevada, you're not going to get a call tonight. We've been told by the secretary of state's office a few hours, noon Eastern and 9:00 in Las Vegas, we'll start to see the votes trickle in there. Joe Biden with an 8,000-vote lead now over Donald Trump, as the rest of America tucks it in.

So, we'll come back and visit that one more time. The Trump team feels good about North Carolina. Their words earlier today, they felt confident in it.

I'll pop down here to Georgia and see what's happening tonight here. You got about a one point lead, 0.8 percent lead for Trump over the Biden. Just about all the vote is in, 2 percent still outstanding, and where that comes from depends now.

This is Atlanta. That's where you go if you are a Democratic candidate to find votes in Georgia this year and many years. I can tell you the Trump team said they feel good about Georgia. It's closer than they would like.

However, they feel good about retaining it.

Just giving you an update here in PA. So, this is Pennsylvania. You have 11 percent of the vote still outstanding. I got a lead here, 51-48 let's call it at the moment.

But what happens out here in Pittsburgh? A lot of the votes right now in Allegheny County are accounted for. Philadelphia is a different matter.

Those collar counties around Philly, they're going to fill in yet again.

But really, this is -- if you are a Democrat, if you're Joe Biden, this is where you win races in Philadelphia. It's at 457,000 votes. He probably has another 100,000 to gain. We will see with the courts cases and what happens after that, how all of the counting goes.

I can give you one more shot, Sean, if you want it. It's 9:20 in the evening here. Joe Biden is at 264 electoral votes.

If he gets Nevada tomorrow that would not -- that would put him over the finish line at 270 if you keep everything where it is right now.

Donald Trump has got some traction to make up here. That would include Alaska, Nevada, holding Georgia, North Carolina and Pennsylvania.

So, as we go to bed tonight on the East Coast, we'll wake up tomorrow and see how this map holds up. And then the legal cases will follow after that.

Sean, back to you.

HANNITY:  I just got these -- I just got this group Data Orbital, and they had been projecting that the president needed around 57 percent in Maricopa County. What they reported is the numbers that came out tonight, it looks a little bit -- they're right at the 57 level in terms of the dump they had tonight. They said 74,554 7 -- I'm sorry, 74,547 ballots, 57.6 to 40.7, Trump to Biden, the president netting 12,644.

HEMMER:  Correct.

HANNITY: A bit below they say they're 40,000 projection but good progress, they say, for the president and there's -- they believe, we started out with over 600,000 votes available in Arizona.

HEMMER:  I tell you right now, Sean -- 

HANNITY:  And 57 percent in Maricopa they said, and analyzed tonight. Are they accurate?

HEMMER:  Maricopa is -- we just saw this clicking right here. And Joe Biden's leading about, what, 80,000 votes -- raw votes in Maricopa County?

I can tell you, consultations with our team here in New York from several hours ago, the president had to do about two points better with the outstanding vote still.

HANNITY:  Right.

HEMMER:  If he does that, he can win the state. But at the moment, he was not quite hitting that mark. But with -- that was when he had 600,000 votes outstanding. Now, you're down about 400,000.

So, we're getting close to that number and we'll see whether or not he hits it in time.

HANNITY:  All right. Thanks, Bill Hemmer. Great job, by the way, last night. Great information.

HEMMER:  Thank you, Sean.

HANNITY:  Joining us now, FOX News contributor, White House press secretary under George W. Bush, Ari Fleischer, 2016 Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski.

Corey, we'll get to you first. I'll let you analyze those numbers. This prediction by this group has caught a lot of people's attention, very close to the number that they said Trump would need if he -- in Maricopa County, if he was going to flip Arizona, that was called by FOX.

COREY LEWANDOWSKI, 2016 TRUMP CAMPAIGN MANAGER:  You know, Sean, I'll tell you we feel very good about our numbers in Arizona right now. We have seen our steady increase in our vote totals. We were very surprised that FOX called this race so early, and look, Trafalgar has done the best job so far of anybody in this election cycle of calling things where they really are.

You know, Sean, if you remember just like eight or nine days ago, one of the major networks said that Donald Trump was going to lose the state of Wisconsin by 17 points. It's such a fallacy.

They told us we were going to lose Florida by six points. Of course, he won by five. They said we were down in Ohio by two, he won by eight.

You've talked about it. This president has outperformed every single time and here in Pennsylvania where I am, Sean, in Philadelphia, we see the president continuing to hold a massive insurmountable lead and that's why when they finish counting here in Philadelphia, Donald Trump is going to win this state. We declared victory in the state of Pennsylvania tonight, Sean. We're that much closer to Donald Trump going back to the White House for four more years.

HANNITY:  Yeah, Nate Cohen actually tweeted out, Reince, that tonight's vote dump Maricopa with Trump plus 18, which confirms that the state's going to get a lot tighter, not easy to say whether it's enough. But I think that it's more than enough to preclude an Arizona call. You're watching this closely.

REINCE PRIEBUS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF:  Yeah, a hundred percent, Sean, I agree with what Corey had to say.

Let me just put a little finer point on what the Trump argument is. The Trump argument is that whether it's 400,000 or 600,000 ballots, what the Trump team is saying is that those 600,000 ballots came on an Election Day drop-off. And now, we've all been talking about the fact that on Election Day, the Election Day vote, unlike the early vote, is heavily skewed to Donald Trump. And we saw that all night last night, Election Day.

And what their argument is, is that those 600,000 ballots would actually look like an Election Day vote of around 57, 58, 60, 40.

So if you take 60/40 and I won't bore you all with the math, and you apply it to 600,000, that means that you're going to net a 120,000 votes if it's 600,000, it's a 60/40 split. But we were behind by 93,000 votes.

So that's -- that's the argument that's being made out there and so far the first dump here looks pretty good, and it looks like Trump might be in the game in Arizona.

Look, let's hope and pray that that's the case, and we have canvases going on all over the country. My home state's going to have one as well.

HANNITY:  And then we're going to watch Pennsylvania, Corey. I saw you out there and we'll be picking up on watching Pennsylvania. Very interesting.

That was the number they said they needed a hit Maricopa. Very interesting.

Thank you both.

When we come back, the Trump campaign taking legal action in several key battleground states. Greg Jarrett, we'll talk about the law.

Also, the one pollster, guess what, he got it right again. Oh, the one the mob and the media ignores.

Also, Karl Rove, straight ahead.


HANNITY:  All right. Tonight, the Trump campaign is launching critical legal challenges in key battleground states amid signs of voter irregularities, counting abnormalities and allegations of fraud, lack of transparency.

For example, in Michigan, the campaign filed the suit citing a lack of Republican access to counting centers. And earlier this evening, the campaign laid out legal steps to preserve the integrity of the ballot in Pennsylvania, accusing Democrats of scheming to dilute Republican votes and the campaign also moving for recount in Wisconsin -- by the way, normal procedure.

Here with reaction, FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett.

Gregg, your take? I watched today and I watched Eric Trump give a very passionate speech for his father and then point out, then that a guy -- a poll watcher got up and said he wasn't allowed within a hundred feet to watch the polls. What's the point?

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST:  Yeah, exactly. Michigan is a perfect example. Keeping people away 30 feet, 50 feet, 100 feet away, you know, a poll watcher has to be able to watch. And under the law, they are entitled to what's called meaningful access. Well, a hundred feet away, you can't see anything, so it's meaningless.

And so, these lawsuits have been filed to force the state of Michigan to allow these poll watchers because that distance away you cannot see the vote you can't see the ballot, you can't see the signature, you can't see the tabulation, you can't even see the postmark on the ballot.

But the other kind of lawsuits filed in Georgia and Pennsylvania are deeply troubling.

The law is very clear, for example, in Pennsylvania passed by the legislature, all ballots must be received by the board of elections no later than 8:00 p.m. on the day of election yesterday. But the state Supreme Court in Pennsylvania said, we don't care about the law, these are, by the way, elected Democrats on the Supreme Court in Pennsylvania.

So they invented out of thin air their own law. They're not lawmakers.

They're justices and they said, ah, we'll start counting ballots that are received on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Well, that's not what the law says.

So Republicans went to the U.S. Supreme Court and said, this is wrong, it's unconstitutional. Please fix it. This was weeks ago.

But thanks to Chief Justice John Roberts who sided with the liberals, they refused to take up the case not once, but twice. They did keep the case pending. So, today, the Trump campaign filed a motion to intervene in the pending case.

Will the Supreme Court take it up? My guess is they'll continue to try to avoid and delay.

But, you know, all of this, Sean, could have been avoided if the U.S.

Supreme Court had done its job, stepped in and said, justices of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court, you're not lawmakers, your judges. Do your job.

Do not usurp the authority of the legislature.

HANNITY:  All right. Gregg Jarrett, thanks for the update. We're going to keep following that.

Last night is yet another repudiation of the pollsters. The fake news media mob completely missing the mark. I mean, this is pathetic. You can't get any worse.

Florida, Ohio, you name it, all across the country. But there was some two guys that got it right, and one -- oh, they both got it right in and he's from the Trafalgar Group and their chief pollster, Robert Cahaly, and the architect, Karl Rove.

You know, I noticed that guy Nate Silver doesn't like you. He's been dead wrong now two years in a row. Quinnipiac, dead wrong. "Washington Post"/ABC, dead wrong.

You, Matt Towery, Susquehanna, I'll give a shout out to them, you guys did a pretty good job. And you know what? Why are they so wrong, Robert?

ROBERT CAHALY, TRAFALGAR GROUP CHIEF POLLSTER:  Well, I think they haven't adjusted. You know, they talked about how they adjusted the model, but they really didn't.

They haven't made accommodations for the fact that people just don't want to give their information out, that they're hesitant to say how they feel and in this day and age where people are shamed for their political opinions and canceled and all that nonsense, people just you know we want to play their cards close to their chest. And you have to figure out a way around that and to get to the real answers and you have to build some trust and get some anonymity and they just hadn't figured it out.

They said they adjusted. But we saw in Florida in 2018, they got it all wrong there too when we got it right. So I wasn't very surprised.

HANNITY:  You know what? Frank Luntz said if they get it wrong this time, they should be out of business. I agree, Frank was right. They should be out of business. Your business should, you know, grow by a thousand fold.

Karl Rove, let's get your take. You saw the numbers. They got the magic number of 57 percent Maricopa County counting those votes. That makes it interesting, that makes it tight but it opens up a possibility on Arizona and we're watching Pennsylvania.

What do you see?

KARL ROVE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Well, you know, I've -- I break this down into defense and offense.

Most important thing is for the president's people to defend where he's now ahead and which is, you know, is Georgia, up by about forty five thousand.

These numbers change all the time as they give new reports. So it'll be different ones tomorrow.

North Carolina, where he's up by 76,000, and Pennsylvania where he's up by 290,000. The problem in Pennsylvania is going to be that while he's ahead by 2.26 percent, there's 12 percent of the vote out.

You know, this is one of the problems with post-election analysis is we -- they keep saying like, we got 600,000 or we got 800,000. They said -- "New York Times" said 12 percent, which works out to about 742,000. So these numbers you know there's no precise number that you can rely on.

But that suggests the president can keep Pennsylvania as long as he gets about 30 percent of this outstanding vote.

But you talk about it -- you do have to go on the offense because the president -- if the president loses both of these states and takes the others Georgia, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania, then Joe Biden will be president. So you got to worry about it.

And the news -- the question about Arizona is, of this 382,000 or 400,000, again, we have different estimates of what it works out to, for about 14 percent of the total turnout, but the question is, are those people mail-in ballots or those people what are called drop-in ballots? A lot of people will get a mail-in ballot and then drop it off at their precinct or drop it off at a voting location because it's just easier. They like voting on election day but they don't like saying it in a big line, so why not put it you know to get the vote by mail and then to make certain that it's received drop it off at your precinct.

Those tend to be like Election Day Republicans -- 

HANNITY:  Karl Rove, I want -- 

ROVE:  Yeah.

HANNITY:  You know, I got to believe the country that has Apple, Microsoft, Silicon Valley, can do better than this system. I watched the poll watcher in Pennsylvania say, you couldn't get it within a hundred feet of a ballot today. We found ballots in garbage cans, Karl. What the hell is happening?


ROVE:  Well, I don't want that trust -- I don't want to trust I don't want to trust this to the hands of Silicon Valley, with all due respect to their great ability to give me a good cell phone, and a great laptop.

HANNITY:  Well, you make my -- you understand my point. We have -- we have computer geniuses. We can't come up with a better system than this?

ROVE:  Well, you know, these systems work where they -- where you have the equipment, the training, the people, the procedures, safeguards -- 


ROVE:  -- and the oversight. But we don't have that on this -- in a lot of states because they just dumped it out and did it this year because it's --


HANNITY:  Like Philly, cities like Philadelphia? Do you do you trust the city of Philly, do you trust Detroit? Because I don't.

ROVE:  I don't, but I trust a system that allows for partisan oversight, the parties -- I've been through this twice in Philadelphia and twice in Wayne County.

HANNITY:  I know.

ROVE:  You've got to have lawyers. You've got to have poll watchers.

HANNITY:  Lawyers.

ROVE:  And you've got to treat it seriously because they're -- you know, I don't believe there's massive fraud where millions of votes are being taken, but I do think there's a problem in these big cities that where you better be looking at them or something bad may happen.

HANNITY:  All right. Thank you both. Good job, Robert. Congratulations.

When we come back, somebody does get it right. That's Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Florida's doing this right. What can we learn from them? He'll weigh in next, straight ahead.


HANNITY:  Now, the president last night made major gains with Latino voters all across the country, as our pollsters told you, not the mainstream media ones, growing the GOP coalition. This is critical. Now includes working men and women, African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, working-class Americans.

For example, the state of Florida, Hispanic-Americans helped boost President Trump's margin of victory, even outperforming his margins with the Hispanic community compared to 2016.

Here with reaction to tonight's big news, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

First of all, I got to applaud you because you do have a lot of mail-in voting but you figured out the system and there is honor and integrity in it, so it can be done right. I mean, maybe you still want to improve some things, but you did it right, didn't you? What is the difference?

GOV. RON DESANTIS (R), FLORIDA:  Well, I think two things. One, when I came in, I removed the Palm Beach supervisor of elections, got the resignation of the Broward election supervisor Brenda Snipes. So there were new teams into those problematic south Florida counties. They did a great job. It was much smoother.

And then also, Florida is very transparent, Sean. As people vote either by mail early or in person on Election Day, you know how many people are going in. You know the party breakdown in real time. It's constantly being updated.

So what we basically know is the universe of people that have voted. It makes it much harder to have any funny business if you know how many votes are outstanding. And so, I think the transparency and the efficiency -- and look, we are much larger of a state than a lot of these other places that are struggling, we were able to process over 11 million ballots, most of those by 10:00 p.m. at night. There's no reason for what's going on in these other states.

And another thing I'd tell you, Sean, we -- this should have been called -- Florida should have been called at 8:30. The networks including FOX, they've refused to call it.

HANNITY:  By the way, stop right there. It's that's total B.S. All the Democrats -- every Biden state, call it immediately, and everywhere -- any


DESANTIS:  Exactly.

HANNITY:  -- Donald Trump, I mean -- 

DESANTIS:  And Arizona -- now, we're seeing the Arizona call you just showed, Trump is gaining in Arizona. There's probably 500,000.

So, here's my thing, Sean, if you're going to be quick on the trigger, then be quick on the trigger for both sides and stand by it. But it seems like with Trump, they never want to call the state and then Biden -- man, they'll do it right away.

It's inconsistent. It's unacceptable. And look, North Carolina should be called for the president for sure.

Arizona, that -- FOX should rescind that call. I mean, we've got to do this in a right way. I thought it was really poor how it was done.

Florida -- Sean, we didn't even need the panhandle to come in. The president was up so much just on the basis of Miami-Dade early and mail voting that there was no way he was going to lose the state of Florida, and he won by almost 400,000 votes in the end.

HANNITY:  You know, you told me that before Election Day and I had faith, hope and trust.

As you watch, for example, and I watched Eric Trump, Rudy Giuliani, Corey Lewandowski, Pam Bondi today, and they were in Pennsylvania, they talked about Donald Trump being up at over 400,000 votes. Then we -- then they introduced the guy that's supposed to be a poll watcher.

Now, poll watcher you think would be able to watch the polls, make sure, is it postmarked? Does it have the signature? Not even allowed near it.

Now, doesn't that almost render that vote -- it take away all validity and trust that people can have in it? Or -- 

DESANTIS:  Especially, Sean, when you're -- 

HANNITY:  All the votes that they're counting.

DESANTIS:  Well, especially, when you have these vote dumps that are happening a day or two or three days after election night.

HANNITY:  Exactly.

DESANTIS:  So you have one candidate that has a huge win and then, all of a sudden, that a fortune's changed. It causes people to have no confidence in the process.

HANNITY:  I don't have confidence in a lot of these states. Do you agree with me?

DESANTIS:  I'll tell you, what I'm seeing in Wisconsin and Pennsylvania is troubling, Sean.

HANNITY:  Troubling. You know what? This is the United States of America, I think we're capable if we really want to fix this, we could get this right.

We should learn a thing or two from Florida.

Good job, Governor. Thank you.

When we come back, Dan Bongino, Ari Fleischer, they're next. Straight ahead.


HANNITY:  All right. We are awaiting more results in crucial states that will determine the outcome of this election.

Here with more, FOX News contributors Dan Bongino and Ari Fleischer with us.

All right, Ari. I heard you're going out to Karl. One of the things we talk about -- now, our pollsters, Matt Towery, John McLaughlin, Robert Cahaly, Trafalgar Group, they got it right. They all saw the same thing -- African- Americans and Hispanics moving in greater numbers in the lead0up to this election.

You study this.

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Yeah, Sean, if you remember, after

2012 when Mitt Romney lost to Barack Obama, I was part of a group that said, to grow the party, Republicans need to do better with Hispanics, do better with blacks.

That is exactly what Donald Trump just did. Win, lose or draw, Donald Trump should be known for this. Take a look at the numbers, Sean.

Black votes, this is John McCain's vote, 4 percentage of the black vote went to John McCain. Six percent to Mitt Romney. Eight percent to Donald Trump when he ran for the first time. Twelve percent last night. He has tripled John McCain's numbers and doubled Mitt Romney's.

Let's got to Hispanics. The Hispanic vote, 31 percent for McCain, 27 percent for Romney, 28 percent for Donald Trump the first time he ran, 32 percent last night Hispanic vote for Donald Trump.

This is how you make in roads. I could add the Jewish vote, too. The Jewish vote went 30 percent -- 30.5 percent for Donald Trump. Way up from his numbers.


FLEISCHER:  That's the highest they've gotten since the `80s.

So, yeah, Donald Trump has expanded the party in numerous ways. And for all these people just say, racist, racist, they're wrong, wrong.

HANNITY:  Yeah, it's so fascinating.

Now, if you take COVID out of this -- record low unemployment -- 


HANNITY:  -- for every demographic.

If we took that part of -- out of the equation, I think it could be so much higher and would have been so much higher.

But there's something is emerging, Dan, that I think Ari is on to, and that is that I see the Democratic Party now as the rich coastal elite party, you know, right? And then you got Donald Trump standing up for the working men and women.


HANNITY:  Donald Trump standing up, even by building a border, less competition for jobs, more jobs, higher wages for Americans first, right?

So, I see this Donald Trump's version of the Republican Party as the future of a new Republican Party that stands up for working men and women of all backgrounds and races.

BONGINO:  You know, Sean, I said on the network this past Saturday night before the election, regardless of what happens, the Republican Party owes Donald Trump a debt of gratitude for this.

Sean, can we be candid? I mean, the series of candidates we had running against Trump in 2016 were nice guys. Some of them are friends.

But do you honestly think any of them would have beat Hillary Clinton? A lot of them wouldn't have had any appeal in Wisconsin. I mean, the fact we are talking about Wisconsin and Michigan tonight, the fact that we're even talking about them that they were close, are close, you know, we don't know, I'm not sure what the outcome will be until every vote is counted.

But we are having these conversations. Sean, do you know what the nickname for Pennsylvania was for Republicans before Donald Trump? Ari knows. It was called fools gold. Because every Republican would chase Pennsylvania and get and face plant like a buffoon and lose by 10 points.

Donald Trump is up in Pennsylvania right now for the second election in a row. You owe the man a debt of gratitude for telling working class African- Americans and Hispanics -- 

HANNITY:  Dan -- 

BONGINO:  -- yes, you give a damn. We care about you. We are not the party of the aristocrats. That's the Democrats with their bow ties and their foie gras lunches. That's not us. We're the ones in this for you and your work and your kids and your healthcare.

HANNITY:  Think of all the states that used to be competitive, Ari.

Virginia used to be competitive, not anymore. Colorado used to be competitive. Donald Trump made Pennsylvania competitive again.

You know, all of these states, the map got smaller and smaller for Republicans. You're saying it can grow?

FLEISCHER:  Well, let's look at the map tonight, Sean. I'm not convinced Arizona is over for Donald Trump.

HANNITY:  No, me either.

FLEISCHER:  I was part of a campaign where a state was called one way then another way, then it was called no way, and then finally, it was called the right way.

So, it wouldn't surprise me if Arizona changes. Keep your eyes on Arizona.

It's not over there yet. We got to see how this count goes. And if Trump gets Pennsylvania and Arizona, it's over, and he is reelected.

Now, will it happen? We just have to wait and see. But do not rule it out.


HANNITY:  Maricopa tonight, he hit in the first wave of Maricopa votes.

Watching very closely. I'll explain when we come back on "Hannity."


HANNITY:  I have been on the phone all day with my sources in Arizona. So, with the starting out tonight, 600,000 votes not counted. And they were very clear. Donald Trump needed 57 percent out of Maricopa County to remain competitive to where he can win the state of Arizona.

He hit that number in the first wave. Another wave at midnight tonight.

We'll keep you posted. Also watching Pennsylvania.

Set your DVR.

Let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham, here we go, Laura. I think we've -- it's like a bad dream. Here, we -- counting votes and pimpled and dimpled and perforated and dented. I don't think it's that bad, but I am worried about Pennsylvania.

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