'Hannity' on Texas district flipping red, Biden's economy

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on June 15, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. Tucker, thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

All right. Tonight, once again, no shortage of bad news surrounding Biden's faltering economy. In a moment, we will cover today's whopping three quarters of a point rate hike from the Fed, the single biggest increase since 1994, and we'll tell you how this specifically will negatively impact the already horrific Biden economy.

But get this, we actually begin with some good news. The tide is already turning in the Washington sewer and swamp, help is on the way, in what could be a canary in the coal mine moment for the Democratic Party.

Last night, there was a special congressional race in south Texas. It saw a very deep blue sea turned bright red. Now, Republican Mayra Flores easily defeated her Democratic opponent by eight points in District 34.

Now, get this it's the first time in 159 years this district ever elected a Republican. In 2012, Obama won it by 23points. 2016, yeah, Hillary won it by 22 points. Biden only wanted by four. But now, Republican Mayra Flores she won it by eight. All right. That would be a point swing in two years, a 30-point swing if you go back to 2016.

Keep in mind: this is a majority Hispanic district. It borders Mexico to the south, along the Rio Grande Valley. Now, Mayra actually immigrated to the U.S. from Mexico, making her the very first Mexican-born woman be to be elected to Congress.

She's also married to a U.S. Border Patrol agent. She made border security a huge focus of her campaign. Take a look.


REP.-ELECT MAYRA FLORES (R-TX): To many, the border is about politics. But for me, it's about my life. I'm Mayra Flores. I was born in Burgos Tamaulipas, Mexico. Now I am living my American dream.

The liberal policies from Washington are tearing our community apart. As a wife of a Border Patrol agent, I pray for his safety now more than ever.

I'm Mayra Flores, and I approve this message because we must secure our borders and keep our families safe.


HANNITY: Clearly, this is a winning message not just in the Rio Grande Valley, but also across the U.S. Safety, security, prosperity, the American dream, it's why people from all over the world risk life and limb to get here.

Now, sadly, most Democrats have lost sight of what does make this country great. Many want to transform America into something that would be totally unrecognizable to most of us. We're seeing this in schools. We're seeing this with policing. We're seeing this with our borders. We're seeing this with violence. We're seeing this with woke Democrats. They have left their mark and not in a good way.

But Americans clearly are paying attention. What we saw in Virginia with Glenn Youngkin in education, what almost happened in New Jersey nobody was paying attention in the governor's race there, that race could have turned red.

Believe it or not, New Jersey, and here we have, Mayra Flores, 150 years. Finally, it changes hands to Republican. It's got to be replicated in every state, every district in the country.

Now, Republicans are publicly targeting congressional seats held by Democrats. I expect that number to grow. Now, if I were leading the Republican effort for the midterm, I would try to put every race in every state in play. Yeah, I'd even put the New York governor's race in play.

Anyway, here now with more from her big win last night, Congresswoman-elect Mayra Flores.

Congresswoman, first of all, congratulations.

Everything was perfect in your video. We got to work on that soccer kick a little bit. I didn't know, soccer kick need a little help.

FLORES: Ah, no. Thank you -- thank you so much. I appreciate it.

HANNITY: Your family and your life story is beyond compelling. A district that was Democratic --

FLORES: Thank you.

HANNITY: -- for 150 years. Now, you're on the ground. Obviously, illegal immigration had been a big issue where you live.

Tell us -- what changed? What happened?

FLORES: Well, you know, I was blessed to come here to United States legally when I was six years old and I want that experience for our children. I don't want any child to have to go through such dangerous journey. So I'll never understand why the Democrat Party continues to encourage with their policies illegal immigration, knowing what they're going to go through.

And I want to focus on legal immigration and improve the process where they don't have to go through that journey. And, look, we don't have to hear it in TV about the border crisis, it's happening here right behind our backyard. So it's very real to us.

Child trafficking is very real to us. And children are innocent no matter where they're from and they should be our priority.

HANNITY: So your parents came here legally, like my four grandparents came from Ireland legally, and they came through Ellis Island. We see something happening -- we always do polling in election years and we break things down demographically. What we've been witnessing is a dramatic shift among Hispanic-American voters, African-American voters, the youth vote in particular, women voters are out there.

They're all leaving the Democratic Party at least on paper for now. We've seen a few political earthquakes. I would argue yours -- your race is a huge potential bellwether for what may happen in November.

Why do you think that people in demographics that historically have been in the Democratic Party or the Democratic Party coalition, why are they now leaning towards the Republicans and conservatives?

FLORES: Well, I feel like the Democrat Party has walked away from the Hispanic community. They've gone so far left, and they don't represent our values. People always ask me, Mayra, how can you be a Republican whenever you were born in Mexico? And that's -- that clearly shows me that they know nothing about our culture. I was raised with strong conservative values. We're all about faith and family and hard work. That's who we are.

So our values do really align with the Republican Party, but I do feel that, you know, for a long time, prior to 2020, no one was really paying attention to the Hispanic community and I'm grateful that finally, the Republican Party is investing in the Hispanic community because we are the future.

But the Democrat Party has completely abandoned us and taken us for granted. They feel entitled to our vote and they feel they don't really have to work for it, and what we're showing now is that yes, you do have to work to earn our vote and that's why we won this special election because we worked hard and we knocked thousands of doors, made thousands of phone calls. I have the most hard-working team, and that is the reason why we're also going to win that re-election in November because no one is going to outdo the work that we're doing.

HANNITY: Well, and by the way, Elon Musk voted for you.

I'm kind of fascinated with Elon Musk. I think he's a great modern day innovator, and a really -- he's a real true original to me. What'd you think of that?

FLORES: I was honestly so excited when I heard about it and I'm so grateful that he came here to south Texas and invested in this community because again, this community is amazing. We're all about, you know, family and hard work, and finally, you know, so many people are like Elon Musk are coming here to invest in this community.

And we'll always be grateful to him and SpaceX, and I can't wait to meet with him and have an opportunity to tell him, you know, what the plans we have for Texas district 34.

HANNITY: You have a -- you have clout now. You are the elected congresswoman. The sad part is you got to run again in November, I understand it, in a redrawn district.

We're going to follow your career very closely. We congratulate you, Congresswoman.

FLORES: Thank you so much.

HANNITY: Thank you for being with us.

All right. Now, we turn -- sorry -- don't blame the messenger, to the not so good news. All right. Earlier today,the massive three-quarters of a point rate hike from the Fed. Now, this is the third increase from the Fed since Joe Biden took office. Goldman Sachs, for example, predicts in the next two years as many as 11, maybe more.

Anyway, three so far, many more expected, and as inflation is draining the savings and retirement funds, you're all watching it, you're all seeing it -- Donald Trump predicted it. It's hurting Americans all across the country, especially the poor, the middle class, people on fixed incomes.

Two-thirds of Americans are now living paycheck to paycheck. Sadly, rate hikes are not good for, for example, property values to put it mildly.

Let's break down what this rate hike means, for example. Now under Donald Trump in 2020, many Americans, they were getting mortgages with interest rates around three percent, some even lower in the twos. At the -- I'm talking about a 30-year fixed rate.

Now, if you bought a $400,000 home, let's say you put 20 percent down, your monthly payment on a 30-year loan would be a $1,993 a month, at the end of 30 years, the total mortgage paid with interest, you bought a $400,000 house, it would be $485,600. Now, you go a half a point or half a percent increase in interest rates, your payment goes up by a hundred dollars, and the total payment paid over 30 years goes up by 32,000. Another half a point, you're looking at a two hundred dollar increase every month and a sixty four thousand dollar hike altogether. That's at 4 percent interest.

Now, prior to today, a 30-year fixed mortgage was averaging -- or well, 6.3 some odd percent. At that rate, your monthly payment is $500 more than it would have been in 2020, and the total amount that you would pay over the course of your loan, would be thousand dollars.

Wow, now today, it gets a lot worse. Rates now expected to go as high as 7.5 percent. Let's take a look at buying that same home. That means if you compare the rates in under Donald Trump -- well, you'll pay a thousand dollars more per month and after today's hike and interest rate for interest rates going up, you'll spend a whopping more $320,000 more dollars over the 30-year course of your loan after today, the same price you would have only paid for, what, a year and a half ago? I mean, it's unbelievable. It's staggering.

Now, at these rates, that means purchasing a home now is going to become unaffordable for many Americans if not most Americans. That means sales of existing homes, that's going to plummet. You know, the day and age, you put a house on the market, 15 people come in, people are bidding above asking price, those days are now going to end, except for maybe states where people are moving to like Florida, Texas, Tennessee and the Carolinas.

But for most states, your home values will plummet. New home construction will come to a screeching halt. That's going to kill contractors. Fewer and fewer Americans will refinance their homes. And guess what? Your property values that you've been looking it's been rising the last numbers a year -- number of years, that like your stock market and your 401k, that will plummet. In fact, they are already going down as we speak.

This will not only impact the housing market, but also America's financial institutions. We're headed straight for a recession even as inflation continues to climb. Now, this week, we also learned that the producer price index, this measures wholesale prices that businesses pay and then you pay more on top of it, it's up a whopping 10.8 percent.

If you watch this program, you know, the driver of these costs is record high gas prices and diesel prices, Joe Biden could work to bring those prices down right now.

And don't take my word for it, let's listen to Kevin O'Leary, CNBC. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The economy, the market they're not -- it's not going to be able to recover unless we see some relief and relief that we can believe is a long-term solution for oil.

KEVIN O'LEARY, CNBC: Here's how you fix that problem. It was a policy mistake by Biden when he came in. You reverse the mistake. All you have to do is jawbone. The oil market's a futures market. Just announced you're going to license three new refineries on the East Coast.

Also announced we're going to re-examine the XL pipeline. We're going to give back the leases in ANWR. We're going to give more carbon direction to understand what the costs are.

All of those policy mistakes could be reversed by just getting up and jaw boning it. You could take oil down to 100 bucks if you got more accommodative towards the future production. Now, Biden may not do that, that's on him.


HANNITY: Bingo. But Biden's not going to do any of that because the radical climate religious cult that runs the administration won't let him. Democrats -- new green deal party Democrats, socialists, they won't let him.

Instead, Biden sent a very mean threatening letter to oil companies, demanding they stop taking a profit because it's a patriotic thing to do.

Joe, hey have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders, Joe.

But keep this in mind anyway, despite the administration and they're demonizing and blaming anybody and everybody but themselves -- well, and they're going after the oil giants, let's look at companies like Exxon Mobil, their profits are flat over the last quarter. And in 2020, guess what, Joe? Many of these companies lost money. They made no profit at all.

But you're not going to hear that from the administration because they're just looking to scapegoat. They'll blame Putin. They'll blame Trump. They blame oil companies. They blame meat companies. They blame poultry companies.

So let's be very clear. Joe Biden caused this problem. He caused it because of his election promises. He told you and promised every American this is what he was going to do. I will remind you again so you never forget it, and you can tell all your friends. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If we don't stop using fossil fuels --

JOE BIDEN (D), THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: We're all dead. Doing away with any subsidies for fossil fuels, number one. Number two, holding them liable for what they have done, particularly in those cases where your underserved neighborhoods and you -- you know, the deal, okay? And, by the way, when they don't, when they're deliberate, put them in jail.

Kiddo, I want you to just take a look, okay? You don't have to agree, but I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you, we're going to end fossil fuel and I am not going to cooperate with them, okay?

DANA BASH, CNN HOST: Would there be any place for fossil fuels including coal and fracking in the Biden administration?

BIDEN: No, we would -- we would work it out. We would make sure it's eliminated.


HANNITY: Of course, his promises didn't stop there. Biden also vowed to treat Saudi Arabia like a pariah country, directly accusing the crown prince of being responsible for the death of journalist Jamal Khashoggi.

And now, lo and behold, Joe Biden's headed over to Saudi Arabia to meet with the crown prince where our president I bet pretty much every -- every penny I had, he's going to grovel on his hands and knees and beg the crown prince to pump more oil all because the religious climate alarmist cult and the Democratic Party won't let him produce oil, gas domestically. It's that simple.

Here with reaction, the author of "Here's the Deal", a number one "New York Times" bestseller, Kellyanne Conway is with us. And also, our good friend, former chief of staff Mark Meadows is with us.

All right. So the words were, Kellyanne, you just heard it, I guarantee I will end fossil fuels. Look at my eye, I'll eliminate it.

He said it. He's doing it. We're all paying the price for it. He can't say that he didn't they didn't keep his word, he kept his word. I give him credit for keeping his word.


Actually, he said that it's Putin's fault. The only American who believes that the gas price increase is Putin's fault is Joe Biden. The rest of Americans think it's Joe Biden's fault.

And if he's so proud of this, if he's actually keeping a promise from the campaign to outflank Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren and AOC, he ought to just own it.

Sean, this is a guy who on Earth Day in April took Air Force One to Washington state, not Washington, D.C. to Washington state, to celebrate Earth Day.

Folks, just to review quickly. Air Force One runs on fossil fuels, a lot of them, and big carbon footprint.

But, look, this also goes with inflation. First, it was transitory. Then it was a high class treadmill problem. Then it was good for the economy. Then it was Putin's fault. Now, it's corporations' fault, greedy corporations, oil and gas.

And guess what? Americans are very clear in everybody's polling. They think it's Joe Biden's fault. Remember when the green new deal went up for a vote in the Senate, it got like zero votes when they were all out in the campaign trail, remember Cory Booker, they're all like three new deal, yeah, then they had a vote on it. It got -- it got -- they didn't vote for it. They didn't vote positively for it.

So these are talking points from a party searching for messages. And by the way, you're absolutely right, the non-white vote realigning toward the Republican Party, we saw it starting with President Trump in 2020, he did four points better among Hispanics overall, but in states like Texas, Nevada, Arizona, even higher gains among the non-white vote, what do you think they think when they hear Joe Biden say he's going to eliminate fossil fuels, when they hear Pete Buttigieg say, we promise we'll have electric charging stations everywhere.

HANNITY: Well, you know, because John Kerry, the private jet extraordinaire flyer himself, we absolutely don't need to drill for more oil and gas. So it's by design.

Now, Mark, you're a smart guy, a lot smarter than I am. Maybe you can explain this to me. Try and -- try and tell me if you -- if you extract a barrel of oil from the U.S. or you take it from Russia or Iran where Joe's begging and Venezuela or Saudi Arabia or OPEC nations, tell me is there any different impact on Mother Earth depending on where you drill for the oil, because I'm having a hard time understanding eliminating domestic oil drilling, versus importing it at higher rates and making enemy countries rich as hell. I'm having a hard time with that concept.

MARK MEADOWS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, you should have a hard time with the concept because obviously it's about eliminating American jobs. You know, the last time a president actually went to Saudi Arabia to plead and beg for help was under the days of Jimmy Carter, you know? And what did Jimmy Carter have that Joe Biden didn't have? Actually, he had a higher a confidence level in the economy than Joe Biden has right now.

And here's the interesting thing is when we start to look at it. Kellyanne was right. You know, it's gone from all over the excuses but that remember they said inflation was transitory. The only thing that's transitory are the people that they blame for what is causing all of this and they need to look in the mirror in the Oval Office, because it's Joe Biden, his policies and, yes, could he fix it?

He could fix it tomorrow, if what they did was put a bill on the floor that says we're going to increase refineries, we're going to go ahead and fast track permits to do that, and make sure that we are energy dominant once again because we've got the natural resources to do it and yet politics continues to rule the day for Joe Biden.

And what we're going to see are more examples like Congresswoman-elect Flores getting elected because they realize where the blame lies.

HANNITY: All right. So I have an exit question, 15 seconds each. Is there any chance -- let's assume there's a shellacking in November and Republicans take back the House and Senate, something I hope can happen. If this is a wave election year, it absolutely will.

The question is, if that happens, will they wise up and change course, Kellyanne?

CONWAY: No, a lot of Democrats will say they're running for president particularly from the left. And look, just to tie up this whole segment, I think a president that has no energy has no business making energy policy.

HANNITY: Mark --


MEADOWS: Well said, Kellyanne. I think the other big thing is --

HANNITY: Get an A-plus.

I don't -- I don't think it's going to change at all. And I can tell you, Democrats were pleading with their Democrat colleagues on the House floor today saying, please do something. They will not do anything.

HANNITY: Agree on both points, both of you are right.

All right. Thank you for being with us.

Now, despite -- and coming up, by the way, despite being clear to criminal wrongdoing, the Biden administration is now preparing to punish the Border Patrol agents falsely accused of whipping migrants. They had already been cleared. Sara Carter at the border with the details on that situation.

Also, Senator Ted Cruz will join us and discuss the serious threats that are now all over the country for pro -- for pro-life groups from anti-life groups. We'll tell you all about it, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Now, despite, being cleared of any criminal conduct by the Department of Homeland Security inspector general earlier in the year, the Biden administration is now set to punish Border Patrol agents that were falsely accused of whipping Haitian migrants in September of 2021. Now, remember, they were already cleared of anything illegal.

According to foxnews.com, these border agents will now face punitive administrative violations, despite the whipping allegations being totally debunked. Now, ask yourself, if they were cleared of any criminal conduct, and if no violation occurred, why then is there a punishment?

Anyway, here with the latest from our border is our very own Sara Carter. I think I have some insight into that Sarah and I think it all goes back to Joe Biden. Remember, he rushed to judgment and he immediately said that those agents will pay. He also said there will be consequences.

Well, the investigation cleared the agents. So -- of any wrongdoing -- why is there any consequences?

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, Sean, I can tell you, there's enormous frustration, there's anger, low morale here among border patrol agents, all along the U.S.-Mexico border tonight because of this decision. And you're right on the money, this has to do with according to the agents that I've spoken with and people in the DHS that are sources of mine.

This has to do with President Biden's statement and the fact that he did not retract those statements. I also spoke to numerous sources that the disciplinary action taken by OPR, the Office of Professional Responsibility, will come in the form of basic suspensions for multiple agents. You can only imagine how they feel, how angry they are.

Earlier this morning, we were out on an operation with Border Patrol agents, where we're doing our investigation and sure enough, over 300 to 400, that's what they were estimating, early this morning, came across the border. We saw people from Venezuela, yesterday, people from all over the world, and they were actually part of that group of 15,000.

And the reason why I bring this up, Sean, the reason why this is so important is because agents feel their morale is so low right now that they feel that they're just an extension of the drug cartels. And they're angry, they're upset and the Border Patrol union is going to fight back.

HANNITY: And the largest caravan to date, it's on -- making its way right now to our border, and I know you'll be covering it for us.

Sara, as always, thank you.

Also tonight, the Supreme Court's expected abortion ruling coming up sometime this month is now fueling far left rage and threats of outright violence as a far-left pro-abortion group, they're called Jane's Revenge, is now reportedly declaring, quote, open season on pro-life Americans. They said in a statement yesterday, quote, from here forward, any anti-choice group who closes their doors and stops operating will no longer be a target.

But until you do, it is open season and we know where your operations are.

Hello, Merrick Garland. Where might you be?

Now, this is the same group that claimed responsibility for the attack on a pregnancy center in Des Moines earlier in the month, along with several others. And since the leak of the draft opinion, there have been at least attacks on pregnancies or pro-life centers all across the country.

Now, finally, after attack after attack after attack, the White House this week finally offered a statement of condemnation, telling "The Daily Wire", quote, violence and destruction of property of no place in our country under any circumstances and the president denounces this. Tepid and late Joe sounds like a coming insurrection.

Anyway, just like the Biden administration saying it's okay to intimidate and harass Supreme Court justices in front of their homes and give out the name of their kids schools and give out the name of the churches they attend. Not a peep about Chuck Schumer and him on the steps of the Supreme Court with direct threats against justices. You won't know what hit you.

Now, ask yourself tonight, where's Merrick Garland? Where's the FBI? Where are all those people that have been lecturing us that domestic terrorism is the number one threat in this country today? They must be busy monitoring those moms and dads daring to speak out at school board meetings? Where is the investigation into these acts of violence, along with the estimated, what, 574 riots in the summer of 2020, dozens dead, thousands of cops injured, billions in property damage?

Here to react, Texas Senator Ted Cruz is with us.

Senator, let's go through this again, shall we? Any anti-choice group that closes their doors and stops operating will no longer be a target, but until you do, it is open season and we know where your operations are. It sounds -- they sound a lot like Chuck Schumer. You won't know what hit you.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Look, unfortunately, today's Democratic Party is controlled by the radicals. They are the party of criminals. They are the party of violence. They are the party of riots. They are the party of threats and destruction.

This radical group that is threatening terrorist conduct, let's be clear, they're threatening to attack, to burn, to murder people. And by the way, at pregnancy centers, pregnancy resource centers. These are centers that are helping moms who are pregnant with children to give birth to those children, and these radicals hate the fact that anyone would help a mom. You know, these radicals claim to be pro-woman, but apparently, they don't want to help a mom who's pregnant with a child actually give birth to the child deliver the child into this world.

And so they're going to firebomb the clinic or the hospital that she would go to and the terrifying thing, Sean, is this happens with the encouragement, with the acquiescence of the Democrat Party.


HANNITY: Just as important, I want -- I want your take, when Chuck Schumer went on the steps of the U.S. Supreme Court and threatened two Supreme Court justices and said you won't know what hit you, was that a threat? When you dox, when you intimidate, when you harass, and you give out the addresses and this -- of justices and the names of the schools that their kids attend and the churches that they attend and the times that they attend church?

Isn't that a threat? Isn't that intimidation? Isn't that harassment? Don't we have laws against that, Senator?

CRUZ: Absolutely, yes. The Democrat Party today is the party of mob violence. They're the party -- Schumer knew what he was saying when he said you have unleashed the whirlwind. He was unleashing the radicals. You look at this lawless, very likely left-wing law clerk who leaked the decision.

The recent decision was leaked was to allow threats and bullying to come at the justices. Listen, a week ago, we saw a Supreme Court justice, Justice Brett Kavanaugh, threatened and a man arrested for attempted murder. Why? Because the left-wing radicals knew where his home was and the White House was encouraging those radicals to go to his home where they were threatening his children.

It's been a week and Joe Biden still has not condemned the attempted murder of a sitting Supreme Court justice. And let's be clear, why do they want to murder that Supreme Court justice? Because they're willing to essentially commit a revolution, an insurrection -- to use their favorite term -- against a branch of government because they want to change the vote on a pending decision of the Supreme Court.

It is shameless and it is also a violation of criminal law. The federal criminal law makes it a crime to go and protest at the home of a judge while he's considering a case. And Merrick Garland has become perhaps the most political attorney general in the history of this country. He's willing to weaponize the Department of Justice and FBI to target parents as domestic terrorists but he refuses to enforce the law against the people flagrantly violating the law. And Jen Psaki at the White House encourages people go and protest at the justices' house.

Let me ask you, Sean, in all of your years of watching and being involved in national politics, have you ever seen a White House press secretary from the White House urge Americans to commit a federal crime what you have today?

HANNITY: Never, not once, no, sir.

CRUZ: Yeah.

HANNITY: You know, I will tell you -- we're just out of time, Senator, but I've got to tell you something, we don't have equal justice under the law anymore. We don't have equal application.

We have one set of rules for the Democrats, and if you're a conservative and you get caught jaywalking or spitting on the sidewalk, you'll probably spend five years in jail. You'll have a pre-dawn raid, guns drawn and fake news CNN cameras. That's the way it works.

Senator, good to have you. Thanks for being with us.

All right. Straight ahead tonight, Democratic lawmakers, far left media mobs starting to turn on Joe Biden -- an interesting turn. Why is it happening? I'll check in with Piers Morgan next, as we continue.


HANNITY: All right. Now, the election warning sirens for Democrats are growing louder and louder tonight as concerns about Biden's stamina, his cognitive abilities -- well, now even his fellow Democrats are fueling doubts about a 2024 run. Now, recently, former senior Obama adviser, David Axelrod, not a dumb guy, he said Biden's age will be a, quote, major issue in 2024.

Even over at fake news CNN, first it was Don Lemon, now it's Van Jones and he said this about Joe Biden's struggles. Take a look.


VAN JONES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Everybody is looking very closely now. I -- when he does, when Biden does well, he does really well. That gun speech he gave, he was perfect. It was -- it was powerful.

When he does badly, when he stumbles, you get nervous. And you wonder, is it just a stutter? Is he tired or something else there? And so, I think that people are just looking -- I mean, honestly, I think -- I think a lot of Democrats are like, if this guy's ready to go, we're behind him. But if he's not ready to go, he should let us know.


HANNITY: And get this, "The Daily Caller" asked the 50 Senate Democrats if they were supporting a Biden run in 2024, only five Democrats got back to them and said yes. That means a whopping 45 Senate Democrats, they didn't want to respond and would not definitively say that they were behind Joe Biden.

Now, of course, Democrats across the Washington sewer and swamp -- well, they see exactly what we've been saying night after night. Joe Biden is physically weak and frail and he's a cognitive wreck.

And remember, it's not just about age. Bernie Sanders is -- around the same age, a little older I think, and he's as sharp as he's ever been. It's about stamina, mental acuity, being able to carry out the day-to-day duties as commander-in-chief which I would argue is the toughest job in the world.

All right. Here with reaction to all this, he is the host of "Uncensored", Piers Morgan.

That's what I love about you. You're shy and demure and quiet. You know, you hardly ever get loud or share opinions or any of that.

I'm interested from this point. So only this week did fake news CNN, your former employer, acknowledged -- have liberals like Don Lemon and Van Jones acknowledge the obvious. Biden's weak, frail and a cognitive mess.

Now, that's interesting for me. I've been saying this since the campaign, and in the beginning, I was criticized for pointing out what was obvious. What do people across the pond think about Joe Biden?

PIERS MORGAN, HOST OF "PIERS MORGAN UNCENSORED": Honestly, they think he's asleep at the wheel, as you've been saying, Sean. And I think people feel embarrassed for Joe Biden. You need to go back and watch videos of him even 20 years ago and compare how he performed then to how he performs in public now. And there's been a rapid deterioration in his mobility, in the way that he talks, in the way that he is consistent to stuff that he says. One minute he's saying one thing, then the White House reigns back, then he has to reign back the reign back, and so it goes on.

And we see this kind of thing time and again and I think it's alarming. You know, this guy is the leader of the free world. He's president of the United States. He's not even halfway through his tenure of the first term of office, and the idea frankly that he would even contemplate a second term I think is unthinkable. I just don't think there's a cat in hell's chance that the Democrats will let Joe Biden run again because they know how damaging this is going to be.

When you get to the midterms, I think the Democrats are going to get an absolute kicking and a lot of that will be on Joe Biden. It will be a repudiation of his presidency.

So the idea that they will then ride from the midterms into some glorious comeback where he is deemed to be an election winner in 2024 I think it's for the birds.

HANNITY: Now, Boris Johnson has his own problems.

I was shocked. I mean, Americans -- when Joe Biden became president, we were paying on average about two dollars and cents per gallon of gasoline. Now, the national average is over $5 a gallon, a 40-year high of inflation.

I couldn't believe -- you guys pay on average almost $8.50, the equivalent of $8.50 a gallon for gas there and you have the same struggles that we have over here as it relates to inflation.

So is it the policies of Boris Johnson? Are they similar to Joe Biden? Obviously, we have more natural resources that we could be tapping into, natural gas and oil, why we're not doing it? I can't give you a good answer except it's insanity to me.

MORGAN: Well, we have the same issues in a way in the sense that Boris Johnson is being pulled towards green energy at a time when, of course, the whole world is now being held ransom by Vladimir Putin and his war in Ukraine over energy and never has it been more important frankly for countries like the U.K. and the U.S. to be generating their own energy.

But at that time, you have these green lobby groups pulling them away from what they instinctively know is the right thing to do. Now, fracking is something that we should be doing a hell of a lot more of in the U.K. and in America. But it's not happening because of the environmental lobbying groups who are determined to try and get fracking outlawed.

Joe Biden remember was the guy who before he got to become president in the in the candidate podium speeches he was giving, he kept saying I'm going to be at war with energy companies. We're going to end fossil fuels. He was at war with oil and gas and all this kind of stuff.

Day one, he cancelled the Keystone pipeline. He canceled all sorts of leasings. He made it very clear, oil and gas producers, you are the enemy. Now, he's going cap in hand to them with a letter begging them for ideas on how to save his presidency frankly from these alarming spikes in gas prices.

And where's he going next month? He's going to the very place that he said as a candidate, he was going to make Saudi Arabia the pariah that they deserve to be. And where's he going next month? He's going to Saudi Arabia cap in hand to kiss the ring of the Saudis, to beg for more oil from them to try and counter what is going on, not as a -- completely unconnected to what's happening with Ukraine, but that's not the only reason.

Gas prices in America were rising significantly before the war in Ukraine, and once again, Joe Biden is blaming everybody but himself. And at some point, a president has to be accountable for his own policies. A lot of what's going on at the pump in America and in Britain with Boris Johnson it's down to the leadership of the people in charge of the countries.

HANNITY: Piers, always shy, always demure, very -- lacking opinions. We love having you. Thanks for being with us.

MORGAN: Great to talk to you, Sean. All the best.

HANNITY: All right. Up next, after years of pushing the COVID vaccine on you the American public and getting, let's see, a shot, a second shot, one booster, two boosters -- yes, Dr. Flip-flop Fauci has tested positive for COVID. We'll check in with Dr. Mehmet Oz, also Senate candidate from Pennsylvania, as he joins us -- joins us, next, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Also developing tonight, the fully vaccinated, twice boostered Dr. Fauci has now tested positive for COVID, is reportedly experiencing mild symptoms. Now, we, of course -- and I mean this sincerely, we wish Dr. Fauci of speedy recovery. We never wish ill on anyone and we are sincere in that belief. I've seen the worst of this. I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy.

But remember, it was Fauci himself who said, if you get that vaccine that eventually became mandated that Joe said he wouldn't mandate, you're not going to get coronavirus. You know, telling people with natural immunity that they still got to get the shot. Well, now, the CDC is actually saying that people that are boosted have a greater likelihood of getting the current variant of COVID BA.2, omicron 2.

Listen to Fauci though in his own words. Take a look.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGIES AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: If you get vaccinated after you get infected, your level of protection will go sky high and then you won't have to worry about getting infected again.


HANNITY: Also remember, it was Biden that said in July of 2021 that you're not going to get COVID if you get these vaccines, which was completely wrong. Take a look.


BIDEN: The various shots that people are getting now cover that. They're okay. You're not going to -- you're not to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.


HANNITY: Yeah, they were all wrong. Anyway, here with reaction, Republican nominee for Senate and the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dr. Oz is with us.

Well, Dr. Hannity does have a recommendation even though Joe Biden nor Anthony Fauci talk a lot about monoclonal antibodies. He -- I would recommend the Eli Lilly version. That seems to be the monoclonal antibody of choice for this particular variant. If he doesn't like that option, he can go with the antiviral, Paxlovid, which apparently is doing very well when people take it.

Your thoughts, doctor -- the real Dr. Oz?

DR. MEHMET OZ (R), CANDIDATE FOR U.S. SENATE IN PENNSYLVANIA: Well, Dr. Hannity, I think your judgment is sound, I concur. I think Paxlovid would be medication would make sense for a lot of older Americans who might be a higher risk if they get COVID. But this is something we've been arguing all along and I do pray for Dr. Fauci's rapid recovery as you pointed out. It's a miserable disease.

This is not whether COVID is good or bad. Everyone agrees is horrible. It's what you're going to do about it.

And the reason I've argued against mandates and government overreaches it becomes about control more than health. This is an endemic virus. We will all get it eventually, hopefully with medications like we now have available. You can treat people who get the illness and you don't have to have mandates that reflect overreaching government penalties that don't make us safer.

And by using medications, you mentioned two, but the antiviral pills make a lot of sense because it's fairly easy to administer. It's five days. Most people do well with it. You can reduce side effects and complications and get on with your life. That should be how we treat illnesses going forward. That's what doctors always do.

You try to prevent the illness. But if people get sick, you treat them. And for about two years of this pandemic, we did not do the latter.

HANNITY: No, I will never listen to the NIH, CDC, or Fauci, or any of them, Biden, never again.

You had a very tough primary. You had very strong candidates you went up against. You won that race in Pennsylvania. What's interesting to me is that I think of all the Senate race, yours will be the biggest choice election of any state -- that any Senate race in this cycle.

You're going up against a Bernie Sanders clone and he even says it. Tell us how this race will break down. We have a little over a minute.

OZ: Well, real fast, this gentleman has endorsed Bernie Sanders, said they're the two most progressive candidates in the country and it's a stark contrast from what I believe in. You know, he believes in spending trillions of more dollars on far left agenda items, I believe in no more reckless spending. He believes that we should stifle energy and innovation in America. I believe it's an all all-of-the-above strategy.

He believes that we should release one-third of the prison population in Pennsylvania, while we're in the middle of a crime wave in Philadelphia. And I believe that we should keep our streets safe. He believes that open borders and sanctuary cities. I believe in a secure border.

There's a big difference between two of us. But he's bankrolled a lot of money because my competition -- they've all endorsed me, by the way. God bless them, gracefully done that. But he had no competition.

So he's bankrolled a lot of money. So if you're worried about him and you should be, go to DrOz.com and chip in. We can take him down if we get the word out.

HANNITY: I will say this -- in Pennsylvania and Georgia in particular, I'd like to see a unity rally in both states. I think it's needed. I think it will go a long way to helping Republicans in the general.

Quick, yes or no, you agree?

OZ: I completely agree. We're all on the same team. Let's do what's right for America. And we need the middle too. We need the moderates and conservative Democrats. They'll come on board.

HANNITY: All right. Dr. Oz, thank you for being with us.

More HANNITY right after this.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have this evening. As always, we thank you for being with us. Thank you for making this show possible. Please set your DVR. It's simple, not hard to do. Never miss an episode of HANNITY.

In the meantime, you get good news at foxnews.com, hannity.com, news anytime anywhere.

In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. "THE INGRAHAM ANGLE," Laura Ingraham, standing by.

I got -- you have some clever trick up there. I can tell by looking at you. What is it tonight? Hit me with it. Go ahead.

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