
This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on November 11, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: I might take issue with the great part, but, you know, decent, fairly, okay. But anyway, Tucker, thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

We begin this night with a FOX News alert. Day eight of the Kyle Rittenhouse trial is now officially in the books, now only closing arguments remain and then the jury they will begin deliberation. Of course, the entire case could still be thrown out. The prosecutors have been credibly accused of misconduct and their case is extremely weak.

Wendy Rittenhouse, Kyle's mother, will join us for an exclusive interview tonight. And Greg Jarrett and Professor Alan Dershowitz, they'll be here with the latest legal analysis.

Now, tonight, many are questioning why this case ever made it into a courtroom at all was there over charging involved and of course the contemptible behavior of the prosecution. We have compelling video evidence showing Kyle Rittenhouse being threatened being chased violently assaulted by an angry mob look at your screen one man trying to right there stomp on his face and stomp his face into the pavement. Another attempted to grab his firearm, while yet another man you can see it right there on your screen literally pointed a loaded handgun at Rittenhouse's face.

According to eyewitness accounts and video evidence all three individuals who were shot were attempting to cause great bodily harm potentially death to then 17-year-old Kyle Rittenhouse before he discharged his legal weapon, which according to Wisconsin state law would make this a clear case of self-defense, whereby an individual may use force if he or she, quote, reasonably believes that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself.

Now, the prosecution is obviously desperate. Yesterday, prosecutors were reprimanded over and over again by the presiding judge for impugning Rittenhouse's right to remain silent. Some accuse them of intentionally causing a mistrial or trying to in order to get a clean slate and begin a new trial because it's going so badly.

Today, the judge continued to admonish prosecutors for their unethical behavior yet again. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does real America's voice have any sort of political bias or agenda or anything like that?

JUDGE: What is the relevance --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It goes to the bias of the witness your honor.

JUDGE: The bias in what respect? I assume that people, we -- as I come at the beginning, this is not a political trial.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's an attorney that you have out of Madison.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Objection, Your Honor.

JUDGE: What's the relevance of this?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, Your Honor, we've had a lot of questions about other people --

JUDGE: What's the relevance of this?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would like to know why he felt the need to retain an attorney to provide video in this case. I think it goes to bias. I think it goes to credibility. It's been asked for other witnesses.

JUDGE: I think -- let's take the lunch break.


HANNITY: Retain an attorney, that's how desperate they are. A guy that was literally a witness that swore to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth so help me God?

Now, clearly, this case is not going well for the prosecution. Now reports that Kenosha and perhaps even other cities are bracing for sadly another round of violent riots. Well, maybe Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger and the Democrats -- maybe they should form a committee, they should look into the -- what, about 534 riots from the summer of 2020, you know, the riots that killed dozens of people, injured thousands of police officers. They were pelted with bricks and rocks and bottles and Molotov cocktails and worse, and also resulted in billions of dollars in stolen businesses, other businesses burned to the ground. People like Kamala Harris, your vice president, out there promoting bail funds.

January 6, we said it on day one, was wrong. It can't happen in this country. People that break the law need to be held accountable, or what about the people that were involved in the riots in 2020?

By the way, Liz Cheney, where's that committee? Where's your discussion about the Constitution on that issue? Do you believe in equal justice and application of our laws? If you do, it's time for you to speak up.

Now, the media mob by the way and top Democrats, they all told their mindless followers from the get-go in this case that Kyle Rittenhouse was guilty. As always, they do what they always do. They rush to judgment, they ignore due process, the presumption of innocence.

And, of course, they create an atmosphere where people expect a certain outcome. That often doesn't happen because their information is wrong, faulty and political. For example, on the campaign trail without any evidence whatsoever, Joe Biden accused Kyle Rittenhouse of being a white supremacist.

Now, Congresswoman Presley also accused him, quote, of white supremacy. House Democratic leader Hakeem Jeffries who frequently speaks out against mass incarceration, he tweeted this week, lock up Kyle Rittenhouse and throw away the key.

And meanwhile even basketball star LeBron James posted a video of Kyle Rittenhouse, emotional, crying yesterday in court tweeting, quote, laughing face emojis with the caption, quote, what tears? I didn't see one. Man, knock it off. That boy ate some lemon heads before walking into court. Really, LeBron? One fake news CNN hack accusing Rittenhouse of fate crying or crocodile tears.

And not to be outdone, MSDNC referring to the trial as white privilege on steroids. You can't make this up. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When Rittenhouse got emotional, it may have come across the jury as a genuine expression of remorse or on the other hand, maybe it was crocodile tears designed to elicit sympathy. This is white privilege on steroids. Rittenhouse testified that after he shot all of these people, he approached the cops and told them that he'd been involved in a shooting and the officers told him be careful so that you don't get pepper sprayed and go home. It's impossible to imagine that happening to a black or brown person.


HANNITY: White privilege on steroids, crocodile tears, lock them up, throw away the key, what happened to due process, presumption of innocence, innocence until being proven guilty?

Look at this actual quote from NBC News. If convicted, he'll become a right-wing martyr, if he's freed, it's a message to others like him that prison won't be in their future.

Even worse in a now deleted tweet, CBS News that they basically claimed Rittenhouse murdered two men. That has yet to be determined, that will be up to the jury and most likely unless of course this case gets thrown out with prejudice.

Now, these outlets, these celebrities, these Democrats they do this time and time again, they should all be ashamed of themselves. They're vilifying an 18-year-old man, declaring he's guilty because of what? Because of their partisan political beliefs?

Have any of them ever bothered to watch the tape? Have they bothered to look at any of the evidence in this case? Did they not see the star prosecution witness admit that he pointed a loaded gun at Kyle Rittenhouse before Kyle shot him?

On this program, we make it a policy we never rush to judgment. We believe in due process. We believe in the presumption of innocence. It doesn't matter if you're a liberal, conservative, Democrat or Republican, we believe in the rule of law in our Constitution.

And this is important, we look at the evidence. We make phone calls. We research. We do investigative reporting. We follow the truth wherever it is.

That's why when you look at the track record of this program in particular -- I was right about Richard Jewell. That's why we were right on the Duke Lacrosse case. That's why we were right on the UVA case. That's right why we were right about Ferguson, Missouri, and Cambridge and Baltimore and so many other cases. We actually took the time.

Like in the Duke Lacrosse case, I met with the families. In Ferguson, I actually talked to my sources on the ground that told me very early on they were eyewitnesses, many of them that corroborate the story of Officer Darren Wilson. Anyone in the media care to do that? Any of these Democrats, Hollywood stars, do they ever make phone calls? I doubt it.

Democrats, media mob, Hollywood, their own political beliefs and feelings are much more important than what would represent journalism, truth and justice. For them, the narrative, the politics seems to be the only thing that matters.

It's short-sighted. It is dishonest. Frankly, it's immoral.

No matter what happens with this case, I cannot give you the outcome at this hour. Kyle Rittenhouse and his family, they deserve better than that from these people with high profiles. They're also creating an atmosphere where people expect a result that probably if I had to bet in all likelihood won't be coming.

Here with more in a very first interview since her son took the stand, Wendy Rittenhouse is with us.

I'm sure this is a hard time for you and your family. I want to take this audience back to yesterday when your son was testifying and he had a tough time. Let me play this.


KYLE RITTENHOUSE, DEFENDANT: I was cornered from -- in front of me with Mr. Ziminski. And there were -- there were people -- people right there.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Take a deep breath now.

K. RITTENHOUSE: I started to run --


JUDGE: We're just going to take -- time for our break anyway.


HANNITY: Wendy, I watched that. I'm a pretty good read -- I read people pretty well. Done it my whole life.

And that seemed like a classic panic attack that we were witnessing on the stand. That's your son.

How did that make you feel?

WENDY RITTENHOUSE, KYLE RITTENHOUSE'S MOTHER: I just -- I just broke down with Kyle crying like that. It made me feel heartbroken, sad, and I wanted to just go up there and just hug him and tell him it would be okay.

HANNITY: When the then-candidate now president of the United States and other elected officials --


HANNITY: -- that don't know anything about your son refer to him as a white supremacist, I have yet to see any evidence whatsoever that he is such a person.


HANNITY: And when prominent people say that, what did that -- how did that impact you and how did it impact him?

W. RITTENHOUSE: When I saw what -- afterwards of the president candidate - - candidate debate, when I saw that, I was in shock. I was angry.

President Biden don't know my son, whatsoever. And he's not a white supremacist. He's not a racist.

And he did that for the votes. And I was so angry for a while at him and what he did to my son. He defamed him.

HANNITY: Let's go back to that night and let's roll this videotape. This was put together by your former -- your son's former attorney, Lin Wood. And you see your son running and you see a crowd of people racing to catch up to him.

The first opinion knocks off his hat. And he's down on the ground.

Then we've got this picture of an individual with his leg up about to pound his leg into his face into the cement. That was one of the shootings. What do you see there?

W. RITTENHOUSE: I see this man trying to kick my son in the face. I was scared. I was frightened. I thought my son was going to die that night.

HANNITY: When you -- when you -- when you see the tape and you heard witnesses testify that he was trying to deescalate the situation there, when you look at the tape, when you look at the witness testimony, and then the prosecution brings on their star witness who got shot by your son. And that star witness admitted on the stand under oath that he aimed a loaded gun at your son before your son shot him. That would seem to me a classic case of self-defense.

Your thoughts?

W. RITTENHOUSE: When I look at the video with that guy pointing the gun to my son's head, I thought he was going to die. This guy just put -- pointed his gun at his head.

And I -- it took a long time to -- just to -- just to grasp that he was alive. And knowing that he's with me, I'm -- I'm grateful and I'm relieved that he is okay. But he has a lot of healing to do, because he does have nightmares for -- from this.

HANNITY: Let me -- let me ask you about the judge who what has been extraordinarily harsh against the prosecution, that they're right on the border line, they may be over the border line. It better stop.

I was astonished when you began your examination by commenting on post- arrest silence. It has been basic law in this country for 40, 50 years. I have no idea why you do something like that.

Don't get brazen with me. You knew very well attorneys can't go into these types of areas.

Do you think your son has received a fair trial?

W. RITTENHOUSE: The judge is very fair. People that I talk to that lived in Kenosha all their lives, they told me that Judge Schroeder is a very fair judge and doesn't allow no nonsense in his courtroom.

HANNITY: Nobody ever knows what a jury is going to do. I'm not asking you specifically for their reactions. But as you -- on a scale of 1 to 10, how seriously do you believe they're taking this case because they hold your son's life in their hands?

W. RITTENHOUSE: Yeah, they do. And with the jury, they've been keeping a close eye on every evidence, every testimony. And they're paying good attention what's been said, that's the truth.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this last question. I know your son was a lifeguard. I know your son -- his stated reason for going there was to help protect stores and help on the medical front.

Have you and your son discussed whether or not if he had to do it over again, he would go into a situation like that?

W. RITTENHOUSE: With Kyle, I know him and he probably would do it again because that's the type of person he is.

He always wants to help people. Even since he was a little boy, that's all he wanted to do was help people. It doesn't matter if it was raking leaves for the neighbors, talking to them, or just being goofy.


W. RITTENHOUSE: That's how I raised him is to help people.

HANNITY: Wendy, I can't -- I've learned in 33 years of broadcasting not to predict a jury outcome. But I will tell you, I think the prosecution has put on a horrific case.

Thank you for being with us. And our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Appreciate you telling your story.

Here with more, author of the book "The Case for Vaccine Mandates," Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, along with FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett.

Between the witnesses professor and the testimony that has been giving and the videotapes and the star witness of the prosecution uh I do not believe that the prosecution in any way has met any standard for a guilty verdict here. That is my opinion. What is yours?

ALAN DERSHOWITZ, HARVARD LAW PROFESSOR: Well, certainly, the attempted murder of the guy who pointed the gun at his head should be thrown out. The judge shouldn't even allow that to get to the jury. As to the two people that were killed, the jury has to decide whether they believe him what he said as a 17-year-old, he reasonably feared for his life.

Burden is on the prosecution, presumption of innocence.

HANNITY: Professor, I don't often interrupt you. I want to ask you specifically though. You saw the video, he's racing to get away from a crowd of people a mob almost chasing after him. He's on the ground, a guy is about to smash his face into the cement by kicking it into the cement.

When this incident happens, you have eyewitnesses that have given testimony that he tried to de-escalate the situation, is that not compelling to you?

DERSHOWITZ: It is. I think there is a reasonable doubt. If I were on the jury based on what I've seen, I would acquit, having seen the evidence.

What I what I really am upset about is how the hard left media led by "New Yorker Magazine" which has already called him a vigilante, that trashy magazine that purports to be you know a great literary journal, and that always comes out against free speech, against due process, against the Constitution when they challenge kind of left-wing values.

The whole presumption of innocence and due process is under attack by the hard left. So this case is beyond this young man. Obviously, this young man is involved, but it's part of the whole process where you don't need due process anymore because we all know that if a white person comes to a Black Lives Matter rally, we know he's guilty. We don't need evidence. We don't need trials. I think we need trials, we need evidence and I don't think they got satisfied it's burden of proof here.

HANNITY: Let me ask the same question to you, Greg Jarrett. Based on the evidence in the case the star witness of the prosecution testimony, the video evidence, the eyewitness evidence, I do not think they came close to meeting the standard of guilty or I'm -- not guilty I is obvious to me to be the answer but you never know what a jury is going to do.

I do not believe the prosecution made their case. Your thoughts?

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: I agree, as prosecutions go, this has been an unmitigated disaster, replete with stunning misconduct, and persistent missteps that can only be described as stumbling, bumbling, inept amateurish prosecution.

Every witness, every piece of evidence that the state introduced blew up in their faces like an exploding cigar. What did the jurors actually see they saw videotape and photographs and they heard from witnesses, all of whom supported the self-defense. Even the star witness for the prosecution as you point out, Sean, made the case for self-defense.

And, you know, prosecutors had all of this exculpatory evidence for more than a year which invites the question, why in the world did they file charges in this case? Well, they did it. It's fairly obvious to me because the woke mob demanded it, fueled by the mainstream media, so ridden with bias that they convicted Rittenhouse in the court of public opinion, ignoring facts, ignoring the evidence right now let me get this question about the law including self-defense.

HANNITY: I only have 20 seconds left for each of you. Will this -- will this trial -- will the judge declare a mistrial of prejudice and throw it out? Will he sanction the prosecutor?

Twenty seconds. First, Greg Jarrett?

JARRETT: Well, judges are loathed to do that. They really hate to do it. I suspect that this judge will probably allow the case to go forward and if there is a conviction he could set it aside and issue a directed verdict. But there is evidence for an appeal --

HANNITY: Yes or no, Professor, I --

DERSHOWITZ: Does the judge does not want to take responsibility because there'll be recriminations. If there is an acquittal here, people will take to the streets, people will blame it on white privilege, people will not look at it --

HANNITY: I got to break. Mark Levin is next. Thank you both.


HANNITY: All right. As we continue tonight on HANNITY with our big, breaking news, joining us is the author of the massive 10 weeks in the row, number one, "New York Times" bestseller, American Marxism, I call him the great one, Mark Levin. Of course, he hosts "Life, Liberty, and Levin" here on the FOX News Channel, number one in his time slot.

And, Mark, I have a longer introduction question everybody knows we're friends everybody I think knows that we have a shared passion for this country, a love of this country, a love for the rule of law, our laws are based on that document you spent a good part of your life studying called the Constitution. We believe in due process. We believe in equal justice. We don't -- we believe in the presumption of innocence, equal application of laws, equal justice under the law.

And you and I have something else in common, we will write on Ferguson, Missouri, we're right about the Cambridge police, we were right on Duke Lacrosse, right on UVA, right in Baltimore, Maryland, and all these same idiots, politicians like Joe Biden, Hollywood stars, these idiot liberal commentators on cable news channels, they're wrong every single time, Mark. They rush to judgment every time. They deny due process every time.

And I want your thoughts on on when they do that the they create an atmosphere and an expectation of a result that when the evidence comes in is never going to happen. I believe that's likely to happen again.

Your thoughts, sir?

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST, "LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN": I think as a people we have to conclude that the media in America today are racist, they are corrupt and they are evil. They have no intention of reporting the news. They have no intention of seeking to be objective or impartial. We have seen that for years now. And the American people hold the media in this country in contempt.

The problem is you have these massive corporations like AT&T owns CNN, Comcast owns MSNBC, you can go down the list, and they basically immunize these phony news slash propaganda outfits. So it doesn't matter if they get ratings, it doesn't matter what they say, when you watch the kind of people MSNBC has its s hosts -- Joy Reid, a flat out bigot. And you watch the other people they bring on, this Michael Eric Dyson and others who just are predictable in the outrageous and poisonous things that they say, I believe the media in this country is helping to fuel riots, it's helping to fuel divisiveness, it's helping to fuel hate in this country.

And you can see we're at each other's throats, where that wasn't really the case before. And they work with the Democrat Party, they promote AOC and Presley and Tlaib and Omar, these are anti-Semites, these are bigots, you can see Joe Biden does their bidding with his executive orders. It's just appalling the use of Jim Crow when a Republican legislature is actually putting in statutes that are more liberal than what they have in Democrat Delaware where Joe Biden spent his entire life.

And more and more of this is going on, they are mainstreaming bigotry. When you see the way they treated the Lieutenant Governor-elect Winsome Sears, the things they said about her, if it was a white person talking about a black person, they would be banned and they should be banned.

The things that are said on the House floor, about white people and Jews and so forth, people should be expelled. This prosecutor in this case against Kyle Rittenhouse needs to have ethics complaints filed against him with the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. I went back and I looked at these charges.

These charges are not acceptable, they're thin. To bring charges within 36 to 48 hours of a case like this, before you actually have an opportunity representing the state to get all the facts, to get all the information, to make a determination of what you should do, your job as a prosecutor is to get to the truth, you represent the government, you represent the state.

And so, what's happening here is these prosecutors that Soros puts in, or they're just weak on their own, they respond to the mob. And right now, we have mob justice depending on who you are and what the situation is.

Even tonight, in Kenosha, the police are preparing for possible violence if the -- if the jury doesn't rule the way the mob wants them the rule, the way the media want them the rule, the way Hakeem Jeffries and the Democrats want them to rule, the way LeBron James and other Democrats want them to rule.

This kid went on the stand, and he defended himself. He defended his freedom, and he was superb. If you're guilty as hell, trust me, you're not going to go on that stand, and he withstood the lies and the attacks by the prosecutor, trying to trick him. He's 18 years old.

He was absolutely outstanding. He defended himself. If this kid hadn't shot Rosenbaum, he'd be dead. If this kid hadn't shot Huber, he'd be dead. If this kid hadn't shot Grosskreutz, he'd be dead.

Now, we keep hearing about this kid oh he had rounds in his rifle, what should he have? Ten? Oh, he crossed state lines to go to Kenosha. First of all, he didn't and so what if he did, his father lived there.

Why is he the one that's on defense? Why is he the one that has to explain himself to the media? They don't tell us about Rosenbaum.

Rosenbaum grabbed the barrel of the rifle. Now, who is this guy? He's prohibited from possessing or was firearms. He had sex with a minor, gruesome grotesque sex with a minor. He's a bail jumper, two domestic abuse charges. That's Rosenbaum. You haven't heard about Rosenbaum.

How about Huber, hits him in the head, chases him with a skateboard. That's like a bat, then hits him in the neck with a skateboard. Who was he? Well, among other things, he had he was a domestic abuse repeater. Well, shouldn't people know that?

Who's Grosskreutz? Just this poor guy who was walking around carrying a pistol? Why did he carry a pistol? Why did he aim it at this kid's head?

He wasn't provoked. He chose to do that himself, and as he said on the stand, that's when he got shot. So my view is this is disgusting.

And what about the governor of Wisconsin, the president of the United States at the time Donald Trump called the governor when Kenosha was burning and said, I will agree to send in more national guardsmen because you can't defend the city. He said no. Why isn't he responsible for anything? The rioters are responsible for anything, and this damn disgusting media that tries to turn American against American.

It is outrageous. Joe Scarborough -- if he had been black, he wouldn't be treated this way. Well, he was white, the three men who attacked him were white, two of whom died from shots were white, the one that was shot in the arm was white, what is Joe Scarborough, the whitest guy on TV even talking about? What in the hell does this have to do with race?

The issue is whether this Kyle Rittenhouse, this young man had a right to defend himself? And the answer is absolutely yes. It's not that the prosecution was incompetent. They were politically motivated. They did not have a case. That's why they resorted to violating the Constitution and the judge's orders, and that's why this prosecutor's ass should be in for in front of an ethics committee in the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. That's it.

HANNITY: The great one, Mark Levin, "Life, Liberty and Levin", Sunday nights, 8:00 p.m., right here on FOX.

Thank you, Mark.

All right. Now, Joe Biden today had one of his most disturbing, troubling moments to date, saying this -- when telling his stories, he told them before about the late great baseball player Satchel Page, during his remarks at Arlington National Cemetery. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: You know I've adopted the attitude of the great Negro at the time, pitcher in the Negro Leagues went on to become a great pitcher in the pros, into the Major League Baseball, after Jackie Robinson. His name was Satchel Page.


HANNITY: Imagine if Donald Trump said that, where's the outrage from the media mob? What would the reaction be if it was Donald Trump? Why does the media mob, why does the left always give Joe Biden a pass on not only every issue but especially on the issue of race?

The same Joe Biden that praised and worked with the former Klansman Robert KKK Byrd to stop integration of schools and school busings, he didn't want his words public schools to become racial jungles that's what Joe Biden said. Imagine if that was Donald Trump, and for years, this is how Joe Biden has talked about race. Imagine again if it was Donald Trump. Take a look.


BIDEN: Madam President, we have predators on our streets.

The largest growth in population is Indian Americans, moving from India. You cannot go to a 7-Eleven or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I'm not joking.

CHRIS WALLACE, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: What kind of a chance with a Northeastern liberal like Joe Biden stand in the South?

BIDEN: Better than anybody else, and you don't know my state. My state was a slave state.

You got the first sort of mainstream African-American who was articulate and bright and clean and nice-looking guy. I mean, it's just a storybook.

They're going to put y'all back in chains.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got more questions.

BIDEN: You got more questions, but I tell you that if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump and you ain't black.


HANNITY: Joe Biden's own words, the words the media wants to pretend don't exist.

Here with reaction, Leo 2.0 Terrell, along with Outkick founder., co-host of the Clay Travis Buck Sexton show, Clay Travis.

Leo, we start with you tonight. What was your reaction first of all to what he said today? he's told this story before and nobody seems to bat an eyelash? And what would the reaction be if it was Donald Trump?

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Oh, first of all, let me answer your question. My reaction to what he said today the word Negro, that's a that's the generic version of the n-word. No one uses that word to describe great black Americans. That word is banned by the federal government during the Obama administration. It is offensive. You don't use that term in any way shape or form to show your appreciation towards black Americans.

I was offended by but I'm not surprised. It's the single reason why I left the Democratic Party, when that last clip you played when you said, you know, if you vote for Trump, you ain't black. How dare Joe Biden makes those accusations?

But he's the Democratic racist. That's why he gets a pass. People need to understand that. If Trump said those words, it's 24/7 racist comments by CNN and MSNBC. The Democrats will accept embrace their own racist.

But if you are a Republican, if he would have used that word, any other person, they would be crucified by the left-wing media. The Democratic Party is racist.

And let me talk in Joe Biden's manner. Joe, you're a racist. He likes to whisper. So I'll whisper to him. You're racist.

HANNITY: All right. That was good. You caught me off guard there, Leo.

Clay, let me go to you in this sense. I talk about this every election season, because every two years, every four years, Democrats have one playbook. Republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic now transphobic, Islamophobic. Let's see what else, oh, they want dirty air and water and they want to throw grandma and grandpa over the cliff, that's their playbook.

But you know look how quickly they wanted to label Kyle Rittenhouse, a white supremacist. Compare that to Joe Biden's language this week and compare it to his partnership with the former Klansmen not wanting schools to become racial jungles. That would be a death sentence for any Republican candidate for any office.

CLAY TRAVIS, OUTKICK FOUNDER: You're 100 percent right, Sean, and this is where narrative trumps fact. I think we can and analyze this with what's going on with Kyle Rittenhouse. The narrative was, this is a white supremacist, this was a racist, this was a deviant school shooter. That's what they called him at CNN, MSNBC, everywhere.

And a lot of people as they've watched this trial has said, wait a minute, I don't know necessarily that the narrative is overlapping in any way with what the actual fact pattern is. And Leo's 100 percent right about this. If Donald Trump had said what Joe Biden said today, it would be the number one story on CNN, it would be the number one story on MSNBC, and it's unfortunate we're two weeks away from Thanksgiving.

And every single day and every single week and every single month, Joe Biden becomes more of what everybody who sits at the Thanksgiving table has experienced, a doddering, old incompetent person who unfortunately cannot complete their thoughts, usually whether it's your old aunt, your old uncle, your grandma, your grandpa, the positive is there. You love them because they're in your family, but they aren't trying to run the country, Sean and Leo.

That's what Joe Biden is every single day he gets worked. He's the worst person at Thanksgiving to run the country at all of our family tables, except he's running the whole country, it's a mess.

HANNITY: I don't think I'd trust him to stir the gravy to be honest on Thanksgiving.

TRAVIS: Amen, certainly wouldn't trust him to cook.

HANNITY: No, that's true. Real quick, at 30 seconds, I want your take.

You've been a lawyer all your career, civil rights lawyer, Leo. I'm watching this case. Again, they say, oh, Joe Biden accused him of being a white supremacist, putting that aside. I do not see how a jury with all the evidence that we've been discussing tonight gets to a guilty verdict. Do you?

TERRELL: I do not. I've been on your radio show, and I want to thank that judge who is the arbitrator, the final mediator of justice. He's handing out justice, and he's reading the prosecutor the Riot Act.

This Kyle Rittenhouse has a solid affirmative defense for self-defense. Not even close.

HANNITY: Still haven't gotten my hat and I still haven't got my -- let's go Brandon t-shirts.


HANNITY: I want my hat and I want my let's go Brandon t-shirt so I can wear it out and get yelled at.

TRAVIS: I'm bringing it to you in person, Sean, at the Patriot -- at the Patriot Awards.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both.

When we come back after spending two days with Texas public safety officers, our very own Sara Carter does an investigative report, an exclusive report about cartel murders now happening right here inside the USA. She joins us next.


HANNITY: Now more developments tonight in our HANNITY exclusive, Biden border catastrophe investigation, as our very own investigative reporter, Sara Carter, has been embedded with Texas DPS, and captured exclusive footage showing the conditions of Biden's open borders crisis.

Sara Carter joins us now live from Texas tonight -- Sara.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Sean, I got to tell you, I think -- I've been covering the border for a long time. The last several days have been absolutely shocking to me. I was able to spend time with Texas Department of Public Safety special operations officers, as well as their law enforcement officers as part of Governor Greg Abbott's operation Lone Star and the crime and the increase and brazenness of the drug cartels along the border is something that they can't even explain themselves.

In October 26, not too long ago, they discovered the body of a woman who was mutilated cartel style on the U.S. side of the border. We are not showing those pictures, Sean, because of the shocking nature of them.

What I can say is that I saw them myself is something you'll never forget. This woman was mutilated. She was believed to have been raped. She was believed to have been tortured by the cartels.

Also, law enforcement officials have been telling me that they've noticed cartel style executions on our side of the border and they're seeing that increase of people that are gotaways, those are people that are trying to escape law enforcement. I want you to take a listen to what Lieutenant Chris Olivares had to say about what's going on and a few of the missions that we were on with them over the past several days.


LT. CHRIS OLIVARES, TEXAS DPS: These criminal organizations come across from Mexico to the U.S. side and they kill individuals, they murder individuals. We've had several incidents that have taken place along the border using the professional type weapons the way they the way they carry out these killings. Very professional, very methodical in how they do it.

And again they carry out these killings these horrendous acts of violence and then they go back to Mexico.

CARTER: I don't want to go into details as to what happened to this to this body that was discovered of this woman. But why would the cartels commit such gruesome acts, you know, mutilations and torture?

OLIVARES: That's something that they've been -- that they've looked what kind of methods they've been using for yeas.

CARTER: Right. But usually, it's in Mexico. We usually don't see it in the U.S.

OLIVARES: Right, exactly. So, you see that -- you see those murders take place in Mexico with other rival cartel members, and usually they do that to send a message to the rival cartels. But in this case, you know, some of these incidents that you've seen or some of these in these bodies that are that are showing up on the U.S. side, something that we've never seen before. So, again it just kind of tells you what is their exact mode of their intentions by doing that and by placing these bodies on the U.S. side.


CARTER: Sean, since imposing the criminal trespass laws here in Texas by Governor Greg Abbott on July 28th, there have been over 1,800 arrests of criminal trespass. Those are people that are trying to get away from law enforcement. But that's only a fraction of who -- of the people that have actually disappeared, over 400,000, over the last fiscal year -- Sean.

HANNITY: All right, Sara. Great reporting. Thank you.

Here with more reaction, Arkansas gubernatorial candidate Sarah Sanders.

You know, if Joe Biden wants to save his presidency, on the economy, he can do it, go back to the Trump policies that worked. If he wants lower prices for every item we buy and gas and heating, go back to energy independence that Donald Trump handed him. If he wants to fix the border, he's got to go back to the Trump policies that worked.

I don't see that happening, Sarah.

SARAH CARTER (R), ARKANSAS GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: There's no doubt that everything that is happening in the Biden administration is a complete and total failure. I think it's very clear that the defining characteristic right now of the Biden administration is incompetency. Incompetency at the border, incompetency when it comes to crime and cartel violence, incompetency when it comes to the economy and inflation, incompetence when it comes to foreign policy in Afghanistan.

It is an absolute and abysmal failure, everything they touch, they destroy. And it's why it is so important that we have tough and strong leaders, standing up, pushing back, and they're going to save our country from the failures of the left and the destruction of this administration.

HANNITY: I don't see -- you know, Bill Clinton learned a lesson, era of big government's over, end of welfare as we know it. Him and Newt Gingrich they actually came together and balanced the budget.

Do you see any chance Joe Biden would ever moderate his policies?

SANDERS: The biggest problem is I don't even know that they understand how bad things are. The biggest problem is they're not even recognizing the failure that is at their own hands. And so I think it's very hard for them to start to moderate their policy when they're not even paying attention to how badly they're hurting Americans by all of their failed policies. I don't have a lot of hope in it but I certainly have a lot of hope in the great people of this country that I think are going to come out in droves in 2022 and take back the House, take back the Senate and certainly take back governors offices around the country.

HANNITY: Yeah, I have a funny feeling I'll be introducing you as a Governor Sarah Sanders probably one day soon. And I think you're going to be a better governor than your da. I'm just biased. I'm just -- calling it like I see it.

All right. Sarah, thank you.

Straight ahead, special message for the nation's heroes on this Veterans Day.


HANNITY: It is Veterans Day and the people I know in my life, like my dad served 4 years in the Pacific during World War II. People that made the decision to serve their country. They have a higher calling and that's why we should all take a moment to always honor the heroism, the commitment to make this country safe and secure. Thank to all of you who served.

Let not your heart be troubled. Hey, Laura.

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