
This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on November 3, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HANNITY: All right. Tucker, thank you.

Welcome to HANNITY.

Tonight, we start with very special welcome back to Joe Biden who landed just in time to see Republicans pull off what is nothing short of a clean sweep in the Commonwealth of Virginia -- a political tsunami, earthquake, whatever analogy you prefer, winning the race for governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general. Republicans also flipped the Virginia house of delegates.

Meanwhile, in the deep, deep blue state of New Jersey Republican Jack Ciattarelli, well, he came within less than a point about 20,000 votes of getting incumbent Democrat Phil Murphy out of office. This is New Jersey.

And by the way, the New Jersey Senate president a Democrat is losing to this Republican truck driver who spent a whopping 150 bucks on his campaign in Long Island, New York, not exactly known as conservative territory. Just outside of New York, Republicans, they swept all three major races, including two elections for district attorney.

Tonight, I have to give credit to Vice President Kamala Harris, while campaigning in Virginia for Terry McAuliffe she actually got something very profound and very right. Give her credit.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Because you see, what happens in Virginia will in large part determine what happens in 2022, 2024, and on.


HANNITY: For once, I actually agree with the vice president. She's right. This will and should and needs to have a huge impact on 2022, that's one year from now, and 2024 and beyond.

But let's not get ahead of ourselves, what happened in Virginia, I want to do a deep dive tonight and around the country, it is only a first step. We cannot forget the radical new green deal socialists, they're still in charge and they've not given up their radical ideology. And by the way, tonight, they are desperate.

Going forward, Republicans all over the country they need to first fight back against the New Green Deal socialism that will destroy this great republic, but they also they've got to focus now on being a party that is responding to the needs of working men and women. Remember 2016 about forgotten men and the forgotten women of this country, and offering solutions and ideas that are in keeping with liberty, freedom, capitalism and our constitution.

These ideas should be rooted in conservative principles. Now, why? Because conservatives and conservatism and those principles, they work. If we are to save this great republic, Republicans have got to loudly and proudly articulate advocate fight for freedom, liberty, limited government, capitalism, our great Constitution, and yes, that would include our Bill of Rights.

Republicans have got to be the party of lower taxes, limited government, less government bureaucracy. We see what happens, once we got energy independence -- well, now, we're paying about more a gallon by giving it up. They've got to be the party of energy independence.

They've got to be -- we learn this in Virginia -- the party that offers parents choices to failing public schools. That means school choice. They've got to explain how free market solutions to health care that protect the poor and the elderly and people with pre-existing conditions, work far better than any top-down government program.

The Republicans, they've got to be the party of law and order. If you want to pursue happiness, you have to be safe and secure. They should be the party of law and order. They should be the party of secure borders, not lawlessness like we're seeing now. They should be the party of America first principles.

Yes, it's okay. Every other country, they put their countries ahead of every other country and we ought to do it here. This America last policy practices of Joe Biden is not particularly working out well.

Republicans need to be the party that fights for free and fair trade and, of course, in a very dangerous world, with hostile regimes like China, North Korea, Iran and Russia, we've got to believe and practice and put our money where our mouth is and that means peace through strength.

If Republicans and conservatives, if they unite behind these simple fundamental principles, which pretty much happened in Virginia, and if they were to take it a step further, if they would have signed a pledge, put their -- put their signature on a piece of paper and tell the voters, if you elect us, we will do these things then they make that pledge, call it a Modern Day Contract with America, Promises to America, I don't care what you call it.

Then Republicans now, they've won phase one. They stopped the radical socialists. They won the state of Virginia. They've shown that Democratic policies are hurting the American people.

But if they can win one year from now, and then two years after that, Republicans would have a chance to take back the House, take back the Senate, and yes, in 2024, the White House. And then we can get the country back on track again.

Right now, the Democratic radical socialist platform, it is deeply unpopular. Americans have had -- they're full of high inflation, high taxes, supply shortages, Joe Biden's negligence in Afghanistan, Americans, by the way, now trapped 81 days. Americans are not happy nor should they be.

Today, Joe Biden telling reporters that last night's election was the result of Americans being confused -- oh we're confused? Oh we just made a mistake last night. The people in Virginia, New Jersey just made a mistake, you were all confused. You had no idea what you were doing.

Anyway, he's claiming that you're confused about what's really good for you. Time to eat your spinach I guess and lower your thermostat and put on your sweater. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I just think people are at a point and it's understandable, where there's a whole lot of confusion. Everything from are you going to ever get COVID under control, to are my kids going to be in school, are they going to be able to stay in school, to whether or not I'm going to get a tax break that allows me to be able to pay for the needs of my kids and my family? And they're all things that were that we're going to that I'm running on but we'll run on.


HANNITY: The only one confused there is Joe Biden, per usual.

Now, his party's radical policies, they are causing one unmitigated disaster after another and now their only real political strategy is calling everyone and everything they don't like racist we see this every two years every four years. Republicans are racist. They are sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic now transphobic. They want dirty air and water, and they want to take grandma and grandpa and feed them dog and cat food for a year and then have a Republican throw them over a cliff -- same playbook.

Look at Howard Dean reacting to last night's Republican sweep, he tweets out, quote: racism still works in Virginia. What racism?

Jemele Hill writing, quote, this country simply loves white supremacy.

And at least one fake news CNN talking head is starting to almost see the light. You decide.


VAN JONES, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I think that the Democrats are coming across in ways that we don't recognize, that are annoying and offensive and seem out of touch in ways that I don't think show up in our feeds when we're looking at our kind of echo chamber.


HANNITY: Now despite what you just heard from Van Jones for the past 24 hours, the coverage on MSDNC, fake news CNN, yeah, it's been predictable but absolutely repulsive and disgusting. Here's a quick sample.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: The coronavirus or the virus, it was a very low importance to many voters. It was education which is code for white parents don't like the idea of teaching about race.

NICOLLE WALLACE, MSNBC HOST: I think that the real ominous thing is that critical race theory which isn't real turned the suburbs 15 points..

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We also see the enduring power of the culture wars and the Republicans are better at playing this game because it's essentially white identity politics that works for Republicans.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: CRT is in the latest line of school busing, cross-town busing, welfare queens, you have it, it's in that same line and you saw it in the in the results in Virginia.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Some of it was dog whistle, right? Some of it was dog whistle racism.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A thousand percent.


HANNITY: This is why people by the way that little sample is exactly why very few people watch any of those shows.

Anyway, to clarify, look at your screen. This is Virginia's Republican Lieutenant Governor-elect. Her name, Winsome Sears. She is the very first woman of color to be elected as lieutenant governor in the commonwealth of Virginia. Are we supposed to believe that the people that voted for her are somehow racist and white supremacists?

Fake news CNN, MSDNC, they could barely bring themselves to mention her name and they didn't even take her full remarks. But we did, and by the way, she did not disappoint.

Take a look.


WINSOME SEARS, VIRGINIA LT. GOV-ELECT: When I joined the Marine Corps, I was still a Jamaican, but this country had done so much for me, I was willing, willing to die for this country.

USA --


There are some who want to divide us and we must not let that happen. They would like us to believe we are back in 1963 when my father came. We can live where we want, we can eat where we want, we own the water fountains. We have had a black president elected not once but twice and here I am living proof.


HANNITY: Now, Lieutenant Governor-elect Winsome Sears, she will join us in just a few minutes. But, first, let's look at how last night's sweeping Republican gains might impact the Democrats radical agenda they're still pushing it on Capitol Hill. If you thought the infighting was bad before, buckle up, because it's about to get much, much worse. There is no agreement whatsoever for Biden's socialist Build Back Better new green deal socialism.

After last night's result, Senator Joe Manchin is now refusing to sign off or even negotiate with a House version of the bill. According to a very frantic-looking Nancy Pelosi, it's full steam ahead. Okay, good luck, Nancy. Take a loo.


REPORTER: Any reaction to the Virginia results?

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Well, the people have spoken. We respect the results, though I'm very sad.

Terry McAuliffe is a great leader and he was a great governor of the state.

REPORTER: Does it change the agenda for the House?



HANNITY: All right. Just to be clear, that is the Democratic strategy moving forward instead of backtracking, instead of some introspection, reflection, maybe some honest analysis of why they got beaten so bad last night? No, none of that. They just keep going down the road of radical New Green Deal socialist policies that Americans rejected yesterday.

They are doubling and tripling down on stupid. In other words, they are telling themselves that last night's humiliating loss happened because they didn't spend enough of your money, didn't raise your taxes enough, there just weren't enough mandates and enough regulations. We just need more of it. That's insanity.

You know, how do you define insanity? Do the same thing over and over again and expect a different result.

And just like the reported plan out of the Biden administration to give certain illegal immigrants $450,000 a piece, apparently, Joe is the last to know about his own administration's big plan. It's been reported all over the place. Take a look.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Reports that we're surfacing that your administration is planning to pay illegal immigrants who are separated from their families at the border, up to $450,000 each, possibly a million dollars per family. Do you think that that might incentivize more people to come over illegally?

BIDEN: If you guys keep sending that garbage out, yeah, but it's not true.

DOOCY: So this is a garbage report?

BIDEN: Yeah.

DOOCY: Okay. So --

BIDEN: $450,000 per person, is that what you're saying?

DOOCY: That was separated from a family member at the border under the last administration.

BIDEN: That's not going to happen.


HANNITY: Now, even the ACLU is now accusing Biden of being confused and out of the loop in his own administration. Quote: President Biden may not have been fully briefed about the actions of his very own Department of Justice.

Make no mistake, this is going to be a tough couple of years, but if Republicans now build off yesterday's momentum, one year from now, the Biden agenda can be stopped dead in its tracks completely. And if Republicans get focused, if they run on solid conservative ideas if they keep their promises, if they sign a pledge, the success in Virginia, it can be replicated all over the country.

Here with reaction, "FOX & Friends" weekend co-host Pete Hegseth and the host of "Justice", Judge Jeanine Pirro.

Judge, I'll start with you and I'm happy with the results. I'm not surprised about Virginia. I was surprised it got that close to New Jersey. I mean both at 49 percent, less than 20,000 votes the last time I looked.

But that's only phase one. Next year, this time, the morning after election day 2022, that will tell this country whether or not this crazy agenda stops or not.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST, "JUSTICE": Well, you know what, last night, people across America, although they were voting on their local issues or local legislators, governors, they were sending a national message.

And the message to America was, we've had enough of this woke nonsense, we've had enough of you separating parents from their children, we want to deal with the economy. We're tired of inflation, $175 a month for every American family for an extra nothing, and we're tired about this woke-ism agenda.

And so, what we've got going forward is an administration that is tone deaf to America. They are tone deaf to the fact that we don't want immigrants coming in, and you know, Joe Biden being toned up and apparently not tuned in to the fact that they're offering $450 or proposing $450,000 to illegals coming across the across the border. There is so much with the supply chain and with COVID and with education, that now, the Democrats are dug in. As you say, they're doubling down.

They're not going to learn from this. This is going to continue until they're out of office. But for me, waking up today was a feeling that America is back, that America is winning, that people are tired of hearing that they're racist, they're tired of hearing that we are to be determined by the color of our skin and we're going to indoctrinate our children to racist, socialist, Marxist agenda.

Nonsense. America is back.

HANNITY: Liberty, freedom, capitalism, our Constitution, limited government, low taxes, less bureaucracy, Pete Hegseth, school choice, law and order, free market solutions for health care, secure borders, energy independence, constitutionalists on the bench, free and fair trade and peace through strength. What am I missing?

PETE HEGSETH, FOX NEWS HOST, "FOX & FRIENDS WEEKEND": You're not missing anything, Sean. And I'll tell you, first of all, in Virginia, all of the racist white supremacists there as you pointed out voted for Winsome Sears, the first black female lieutenant governor of Virginia. So all the hyperbole on MSNBC and CNN, it's all garbage. They know it. But they, but - - or maybe they don't know it but they but they can't hide it.

Last night was the tale of three states, three states we did not expect and it's a pathway for conservatives and patriots and Republicans. It's New Jersey where the COVID mandates and lockdowns of Phil Murphy were universally rejected. I don't care if he wins or not, the people spoke and said your authoritarianism will not stand. We won't put up for it. We're going to send a truck driver -- God bless truck drivers, by the way, that's a real job -- to replace the president of the Senate in New Jersey. Right, it is. Replace him even though he raises --

HANNITY: By the way, there's nothing on a store shelf without a truck driver. Sorry. Thank you, guys, for your hard work. I agree.

HEGSETH: This guy and that's what they voted for, 100 percent. And then you've got Virginia where they voted to say parents will be in control of their classroom.

I don't want to be taught oppressor and oppressed in my class. So you've got -- you've got COVID mandates and authoritarianism. You've got education.

And then in Minneapolis, overwhelmingly Democrat city, 70-30 at best, voted 56 to 43 to not defund the police, because it turns out law and order matters, people respect and love the police and what they do. So between crime and education and COVID, it lays the groundwork for exactly what Republicans to stand for.

Ultimately, Sean, it comes out to America first. Donald Trump said it, and they're going to try to drive a wedge between Glenn Youngkin and Donald Trump, and that's a false wedge.


HEGSETH: Following what the president did and standing on your principles --

HANNITY: You take away COVID in 2020, look at what Donald Trump had done. We became energy independent, we got free and fair trade deals, deals that we never thought we got -- we'd get. Record low unemployment for every demographic in the country, America was thriving on a level we we'd never seen before, COVID hit the country in the world and China still hasn't taken the responsibility they should have.

It's step one. It's a three-step process.

Pete, thank you. Judge, thank you as well.

Now, joining us to explain more about last night's elections and what it means for Biden's agenda going forward, Senator Marco Rubio.

Senator, I was intrigued by Senator Manchin's comments as he said I told you so without saying it quite that way.

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): Yeah, it's interesting. You know, for 364 days a year, these people who run all these major corporations and the media and a lot of government all the far left people, they spend their time using their power to tell us what to think, what we're allowed to say, what we're allowed to do. But there's one day every year or every two years where the normal people get to speak and that's called election day and that's what you saw yesterday.

It's parents who during --


HANNITY: By the way, where normal people get to speak, not the elected officials and not the people on TV and radio, right? I agree with you.

RUBIO: Yeah, but that's the dividing line in politics today. The dividing line isn't even left to right anymore. It's crazy versus normal. It's parents -- it's these people that run our school systems and so forth.

And parents who over the during the pandemic for the first time got to see what their kids were learning because they were learning from home and they're like you're learning what? They're teaching you what? And then when they spoke up, now, they're domestic terrorists.

And look, I watched with great interest all this coverage about white supremacists -- in Virginia last night, as you pointed out, a Jamaican immigrant, African-American woman was elected to the lieutenant governor of the state, a Cuban-American, Jason Miyares, was elected attorney general of the state -- of the commonwealth of Virginia. None of that's being reported.

These people are nuts. They spend all day on television and after they're off the air talking to everybody and they all agree with each other because they all live in one or two cities and they literally are completely out of touch with the fact that 97 percent of the American population lives completely different lives, has completely different views.

And then when they when Election Day comes, they can't explain it. So they chalk it up to they cheated or white supremacist or whatever. They make something up because they can't comprehend it. Last night was the beginning of that pushback and I think it's going to continue.

And you ask about the agenda here it's the craziest thing I've ever seen. It's -- these people are governing like they have a mandate to radically remake the country. It's build back socialism. It doesn't matter if it's $1.75 trillion or $3.5 trillion, they want to take control of pre-K, of child care -- the only two elements of education they don't control now. They want to take control of that. They want to hire 80,000 IRS agents.

So the pushback is only going to grow and this administration by the way has been disastrous on everything -- whether it's Afghanistan, now, it's Russia threatening to invade Ukraine, Taiwan, supply chains. I mean, they can't name you a single thing that Joe Biden has managed correctly in his first nine or ten months as president. They can't name you one.

HANNITY: I gave my list of what I think needs -- the path that the country needs to follow, conservative principles that work for Reagan. They work for President Trump. They work for Newt Gingrich in the Contract with America. I would like 2022 to be a referendum election, and I want every Republican to put a signature on a paper that says they pledge to do those things if they get elected.

Is that a far-pitched idea, too gimmicky? What are your thoughts?

RUBIO: No, and by the way we were doing a lot of those things when Donald Trump was in the White House and then these guys have come in and they've basically tried to reverse everything, even the things that made sense they reversed it. They stopped the border wall, which is popular. Everybody understands we need to have something like that in this country and we now have tons of steel and brick wall components sitting there rotting stuff already been paid for by the American taxpayer.

They have this deranged obsession against putting the wall up. You talk about returning manufacturing --you know, if we made more things in America, we wouldn't have a supply chain crisis or at least the serious is the one that we have right now. So, some of those things were already happening. These guys get in, they take control the House, the Senate, the White House and they begin to reverse all the things that make sense.

And today, we're a country that isn't producing energy domestically but is begging all these other countries around the world to produce more oil even while we don't produce our own. I mean, this is crazy. If I had described this to anybody two years ago, they would have said that's never going to happen. I mean, the other guys aren't that crazy. Yes, they are.

HANNITY: Yeah. No, they really -- they really are that crazy. I mean, but the sad part is the damage that they're doing is also real.

Senator, one year from now, you will be up for re-election and when you look at the Senate map and it will be one bellwether state for Republicans after another and that's an important race. We'll be following and supporting your candidacy down in Florida. Thanks for being with us.

All right. Straight ahead, following a Republican sweep in Virginia, Lieutenant Governor-elect Winsome Sears is quickly becoming a rising GOP star. She will join us for an exclusive interview. That is next.


HANNITY: Now, Winsome Sears, the new lieutenant governor-elect of Virginia, she made history last night, becoming the first black woman elected to that position. And in her victory speech, she reflected on the greatness of America and told her story of living the American dream. Take a look.


WINSOME SEARS: When I joined the marine corps, I was still a Jamaican, but this country had done so much for me, I was willing, willing to die for this country.

USA --


We are going to now be about the business of the commonwealth. We have things to tend to. We're going to have safer neighborhoods, safer communities and our children are going to get a good education.


HANNITY: Just like clockwork, the left-wing smear machine is already ramping up their attacks. Far left writer Jemele Hill actually tried to tie her victory to racism, tweeting, quote, this country simply loves white supremacy, prompting Sears to reply in this viral tweet. We beg to differ.

So, tonight, well, the lieutenant governor-elect is now surging to new stardom inside the GOP, calling out the new extreme Democratic Party for their divisiveness and for their efforts to manipulate African-American voters every two years and every four years, and that includes, by the way, MSDNC's Joy Reid who Sears is challenging to a debate.

Now, Joy was not hosting a program tonight, maybe she's not feeling well over the results. We hope she feels better, and hopefully, she'll accept the invitation.

Joining us now, the lieutenant governor-elect from the great commonwealth of Virginia, Winsome Sears.

First, congratulations and I want to thank you. I have chronicled on radio and TV --

SEARS: Thank you.

HANNITY: -- for years, every two years, every four years. Conservatives, Republicans are racist. They're sexist. They're misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic. They want dirty air and water, want to kill grandma and grandpa. I'm sick of it.

I was raised by parents that grew up very poor, that were good Christian parents, and that believed as -- as I believe that were all created by the same God.

But this card is played in politics every single cycle and you took that on. I appreciate what you did.

SEARS: Well, here's the thing, when you look at a birth certificate for a Black child, does it say you must vote Democrat, every time, all the time, otherwise you're not Black?

And for the white child does it say you can vote any way that you want, any choice that you want, always and forever? I mean, who made up those rules for us, you know?

And so, the Democrats, they really don't have the solutions. And so when you look at the Democrat-run cities, the Democrat-run counties, states, they're losing. The neighborhoods are the worst, the schools are the worst, everything, it's the worst.

And so, they move from Democrat-led states come to Republican-led states and they ruin it, forgetting when you came here, it was fine and now it's changed because you brought the same policies with you that ruined the state you just left.

So, you know, what I want for us as Black people, just leave us alone. If you want to vote Democrat, then do so. If you want to vote libertarian, do so. Whatever you want to be, be it. This is America. This is freedom.

Who died and left you in charge of all of us as black people so that we could be corralled into doing what you want us to do? I thought you said that you are the tolerant folks. If you're tolerant, that means you allow other ideas to percolate. You don't want just ideas that you agree with because then you see we wouldn't be living in America, we would be living in a totally different country. Nobody wants that.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this -- one of the accomplishments that Donald Trump had is pre-COVID, he was able to set record after record after record. Low unemployment for African-Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans, women in the workplace, youth unemployment, and African-American youth unemployment. Conservative policies work.

I feel that this process happens every two and four years and the Democrats, they go to the same playbook, and then I look at Democratic cities run by Democrats for decades, states run by Democrats for decades and there is violence in the streets there's no law and order. There's no safety and security. The school systems have been destroyed in many cities.

I'd like to see the Republican Party reach out deep and wide into every city, every town, every ethnic group, every American, fellow American, and offer another way. And maybe Republicans have failed in that front.

SEARS: Well, I tell you, the first person who ever really talked about Black business equals black power was Richard Nixon. Black business equals black power. Imagine that. All this time, it appears that Nixon was a homeboy.

What we're going to do is we need someone who has sensible ideas, sensible solutions, because you know the message is important but the messenger is equally important. And what I want to say to Black people, Asian people, whatever, minorities, Latinos, whatever, don't allow political parties to divide us. Don't allow political parties to use whatever grievances that have been historically against you to force you to look at them as the savior so that they can swoop in and think they're saving you when all they're doing is pitting one race against the other, one race against the other.

You'll notice for example that what was happening with Asian, it was young black men and they were attacking Asians. But nobody wanted to say anything about it. If you can't identify the problem, then how can you come up with a solution?

So we've got to stop this divisiveness. There's a Psalm that I live by. I used it in my campaign and it's Psalm 33, how good and pleasant it is my brothers and sisters, live together in peace and harmony. That's what we want.

HANNITY: You know, it could be a country where everybody prospers and I feel in many, many ways, this country has failed certain people. And these are -- I look at the solutions, it's not that complicated. I mean, school choice would be a pretty easy thing to accomplish. If we really want to -- if we really want to create an environment where people can pursue happiness, law and order is really not that difficult.

Rudy Giuliani, for example, turned New York City around at a time where they were experiencing almost 3,000 murders a year. They brought it down to 300.

So there are answers. I believe conservatism is a better philosophy to get us there.

What are your plans uh now that you're going to be taking on this new position?

SEARS: Well, you know that the lieutenant governor is really a heartbeat away from the governor and so that really is the primary responsibility. But then --


HANNITY: The governor-elect is listening right now, he's saying I better hope this thing is ticking okay. We wish him well.

SEARS: Right, so you check his medical records, he check his medical records every morning.

But no, the other thing that you do as a lieutenant governor is you preside over the Senate. You're not a member of the Senate but you do bring them to order you're the parliamentarian. And here in Virginia, the current lieutenant governor who is a Democrat has broken I believe different tie votes. And so, that's something else that I'm looking forward to.

Twenty years ago, 20 years ago to the day last night, I was elected to the Virginia House of Delegates. And now I'm here going to be a part of the Senate, and that's just so amazing to me that I as the little girl 6 six years old came off that Boeing 737 Pan Am, landed at JFK and lived in the Bronx and here I am now.

The immigrant -- I'm not even first generation American, I'm the immigrant, and I get this opportunity. And I worked for it. I worked hard for it.

I sure didn't do anything special but I did stay in school and study and that's what I did, and you have to prepare for the path that you want. I prepared. I went to college. I went to college the hard way. I had three children by the time I went to college and they were all under five because I wanted to go to law school.

And so, you have to do what you have to do, and America will allow you to do that. I'm not saying America doesn't have problems, heaven knows there are no countries where there aren't problems. If it's not racism, it's colorism, it's classism, it's sexism, we find ways to divide ourselves.

But you see the people at the border are dying to get in because they know if they could just get their foot on American soil, the trajectory of their lives will change. That's what America can do.

HANNITY: We are --

SEARS: Just take the opportunities that are here.

HANNITY: We want to congratulate you on your big victory and we want to invite you on the program often. Wish you the best. Congratulations it's an amazing life story that you have to tell and I want to learn more about it. Thank you so much, Winsome Sears.

Now, coming up, as usual, the left tried to make the election in Virginia all about Donald Trump. Wait until you see the last Youngkin ad, it's hilarious. Eric Trump will respond to that, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, rather than focus on the issues that matter most of Virginians, failed gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe focused on hate, rage, anti-Trump psychosis as his campaign was imploding and it wasn't just McAuliffe, Joe Biden he couldn't help but spew his Trump obsession during the final week of the campaign either.

Here's our own Peter Doocy pressing Biden earlier today on this issue. Take a look.


DOOCY: When you went to try to help Terry McAuliffe and a couple weeks ago before you left, you mentioned Trump 24 times. Do you still think that voters really want to hear you talking about Trump more than the issues affecting them every day?

BIDEN: Well, the reason I mentioned Trump if I didn't count the times is because the issues he supports are affecting their lives every day and there are a negative impact on their lives. Thank you all very much.


HANNITY: And look at this ad from Youngkin that exposed the Democrats Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump obsessions. It's pretty funny. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Terry McAuliffe wants to make this about a man who's not on the ballot in Virginia.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Terry McAuliffe's campaign in Virginia is all about Donald Trump.




HANNITY: Here with reaction is Eric Trump. You know, your dad has many gifts, one of them is that he has this uncanny ability to take up a lot of space in the minds of liberal Democrats and the media mob.

ERIC TRUMP, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, TRUMP ORGANIZATION: I mean, Sean, that video was -- I was laughing when I was watching earlier today. It was pretty amazing. That's 100 percent right.

You got to remember one thing -- I mean, they brought in Obama, they brought in Biden to Virginia, they brought in Harris to Virginia, they literally took the entire Democratic line up, their all-star lineup, they brought them all in. They out-raised the Democrats so many times they had a guy who was a former governor of the state who was effectively the Clinton poster boy, right, could do no wrong in Washington, D.C. -- they did all of that and they used Trump's name over and over and over again, and you had the greatest turnout in the history of the Republican Party for any you know for any governor in the state history.

I mean, it's just -- it's so funny. Again, they bring in their whole lineup, they raise more money and they use Trump, and guess what happens? Republicans turn out in record number to support Youngkin and we just have an unbelievable night, not just with governor, not just with lieutenant governor, you know not with just with attorney general, but also if you look at the House in Virginia, they picked up seven seats.

So, now, you know the GOP controls the House. What a great night this was for the U.S. and what a great night it was for frankly Trump.

HANNITY: But it's interesting because your dad did endorse Youngkin. Your dad's track record is probably second to nobody when it comes to -- one of the most sought after endorsements and a very successful record when he does endorse a candidate, his base goes out in mass to help out the people that he wants helped.

E. TRUMP: That's right because he's an exciting guy and you know most politicians quite frankly aren't. And my father finally brought some you know practicality and a sense of realism to politics that had never existed before.

And you compare that to Joe Biden right now, who while kids Christmas presents are sitting on ships outside the port of L.A. because they can't get ships into our ports in this country and they have all sorts of problems, right?


E. TRUMP: While that's happening, Joe Biden's over in Glasgow falling asleep at climate summits, right? That needs to that has to tell you everything you need to know about a politician.

We have two million people who have come across the southern border this year and the guy is literally sleeping over in Europe as opposed to taking care of this nation's problems and people are --

HANNITY: He fell asleep --


E. TRUMP: -- in this country, Sean.

HANNITY: Then he apologized for America, and then he begged OPEC and Russia again to produce more oil instead of begging Texas, Alaska and Oklahoma.

E. TRUMP: Sure, all while his first act was getting rid of the Keystone pipeline. All while inflation goes through the roof. Every product is getting more and more expensive. You can't get PVC at a hardware store because we're not getting in this country.

I mean, just the basic problems this country has -- heating oil, gasoline, everything you can't get it, and this guy is distracted running around the world on wild goose chases not doing anything, right? And I think that's why you're having record turnouts.

My father was the most effective president because he actually cared about this country and he cared about the problems of this country, not showboating to the world on things that really aren't nearly as important as the problems that we have here at home.

HANNITY: Well, this was a big night and I think it's the beginning of a major political shift in the country.

Eric Trump, always appreciate you coming on, thank you.

Straight ahead, the defund the police movement suffered a critical setback last night. We'll explain. We get reaction from the former Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best. That and more, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, across the country last night, Democrats anti-police agenda was soundly rebuked, for example, even in Minneapolis. Voters there struck down a ballot measure to dismantle the police department. Question failed 56-44, and get this, out in Seattle, the site of the 2020 autonomous CHAZ/CHOP, summer of love, spaghetti potluck dinner zone, a Republican named Ann Davidson is the projected winner in the city attorney race and she was running against an extreme far left socialist Democrat who ran on the defund, dismantle police platform.

Here with reaction, author of this brand new book, it's a really worthwhile read and it's called "Black in Blue", former Seattle Police Chief Carmen Best.

Chief, welcome back. It's great to have you.

I remember watching you with great interest and sorrow because I remember as they took over a city block, including a police precinct, and then this young man Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr. died, I interviewed his father, you stepped aside because of the lack of respect for officers in Seattle and that the policies that they were putting on the department were destined to fail. And as a leader you felt you couldn't do that.

CARMEN BEST, FORMER SEATTLE POLICE CHIEF: Hi, Sean. Thank you so much for having me here you're exactly right. And I think that the vote showed last night that many people, the partisanship was not the issue. Many people really want to have efficient public safety and are pro-police in that regard. It doesn't mean that they don't want fair and justice -- just policing, but they do want officers to be able to respond to calls for service and do the time -- excuse me, the type of work that's needed to provide public safety in our communities. That was shown all across the nation last night.

HANNITY: Major cities have majority/minority police departments, and I -- I was very clear in the George Floyd case. That can't happen. This guy was handcuffed. That you cannot put your -- you know, the most vulnerable part of the human anatomy is one's neck.

But as I watched you try to navigate through the politics of this, it became impossible for you to do your job. And was that the real reason you just said, I can't do this, I can't in good conscience put my fellow officers at risk like this?

BEST: That is exactly it. You know, in my book "Black in Blue", I talk specifically about those challenges about you know laying off the number of officers that was initially proposed which was 50 percent of the police force, having no plan on how we would provide public safety in the city with half of the resources.

And clearly, it was so predictable under these circumstances in my view that we were going to have increased crime, increased violence, increased shots fired that happened not only in Seattle and other places. And the voters came out and spoke against that, I think that that's a good thing.

HANNITY: I'm glad you wrote this book. Thank you for your service. It took a lot of courage to do what you did under those difficult circumstances. Amazon.com, bookstores everywhere. We wish you all the best. Thank you for sharing your story./

We have more HANNITY after this.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, we thank you so much for joining us. We also hope you will set your DVR so you never miss an episode. It is easy to do, even I can do it. Very simple.

Anyway, but in the meantime I have some really, really good news. Let not your hearts be troubled because Laura Ingraham, top rated show on cable last night. We were close but you topped us, you beat us.

I give full credit. Great job last night. What a fun night, right?

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