'Hannity' on the Biden White House in crisis

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on October 8, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

JASON CHAFFETZ, FOX NEWS HOST:  Welcome to this special edition of HANNITY. 

"The Biden White House in Crisis". I'm Jason Chaffetz, in for Sean. 

And tonight, Joe Biden's presidency is imploding. The latest humiliation, a 

dismal September jobs report that fell well short of all expectations. It 

was the single worst jobs report of the entire year. 

But today, Joe Biden, well, he proudly announced that everything is going 

according to plan. Watch this. 


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  Let me just repeat that today's 

report, as the unemployment rate down to 4.8 percent, a significant 

improvement from when I took office and a sign that our recovery is moving 

forward even in the face of a COVID pandemic. Jobs up, wages up, 

unemployment down -- that's progress and it's a tribute to the hard work 

and resilience of the American people. 

Today, we see more evidence of the progress we're making. I know we can 

make a lot more in the days ahead. 


CHAFFETZ:  Per usual, Joe Biden took a zero questions after his speech and 

then jetted off to Wilmington, Delaware, for another restful weekend away 

from the White House. 

This as Biden's job approval numbers are at an all-time low. The numbers 

are so bad that even CNN is sounding the alarm. 

But as Jen Psaki pointed out today, there is a perfectly reasonable 

explanation for Biden's sinking approval. According to Jen Psaki, 

unvaccinated Americans are to blame. Watch this. 


REPORTER:  What do you make of these really terrible polls? Are they doing 

something wrong? Is it just the communication or some things that have to 

be done or something else? 

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY:  Sure, well, I would say this is a 

really tough time in our country. We are still battling COVID and a lot of 

people thought we would be through it, including us. And we -- because of 

the rise of the delta variant, because of the fact that even though it was 

a vaccine that was approved under a Republican administration, even though 

we now have full FDA approval, and even though it is widely available 

across the country, we still have a quarter of the country -- less than 

that -- 20 percent of the country who have decided not to get vaccinated. 

No question that's having an impact. Of course, as the president has said, 

the buck stops with him. That's far and away the biggest issue in the minds 

of the American people and it's impacting a lot of issues. 


CHAFFETZ:  Now, on the campaign trail, didn't Joe Biden promise to get the 

virus under control? By his own admission emergency rooms are so packed 

with COVID patients that the president himself was forced up personally 

call in a favor at one hospital to fast-track the treatment of a good 

friend. Watch this. 


BIDEN:  Last night I was on television, I was on the telephone with a 

person at an emergency hospital ward in Pennsylvania because a good friend 

had called and he had rushed his significant other to the emergency room 

because this woman was having trouble breathing, had a high fever, and 

could not really catch her breath. And they got her into the hospital but 

the waiting room was so crowded, things were so backed up, they couldn't 

even get her to be seen initially. So because I knew this person, I called 

the desk, the receiving nurse and asked what the situation was. 


CHAFFETZ:  Joining us with the reaction, the former assistant secretary of 

the treasury, Monica Crowley, along with FOX News contributor Joe Concha. 

Thank you both for joining us. 

Monica, I want to talk mostly about the economy because that affects 

everybody, but for the president of the United States to personally pick up 

the phone and talk to a nurse at a hospital to do a favor for a friend, I 

don't know how that strikes most people but if I'm in the waiting room and 

someone is getting preferential treatment because they are a buddy of 

Joe's, it seems odd to me. 


ruling class in action, always with a point of privilege, right? It was 

very weird for Joe Biden to blurt that out and make that admission because 

it made him look really bad. We are still in the middle of the pandemic and 

people are struggling and he is saying, look, I elbowed my friend and his 

wife to the front of the line. I would also love to know how many people in 

that particular hospital system have been laid off or fired because they 

refused the facts, therefore creating a huge backlog due to short staffing. 


And, Joe, look, the president tried to put a big spin on the jobs numbers 

because they were horrific. They were nowhere close to where they were 

supposed to be. But part of the problem in the White House is you have Joe 

Biden and Kamala Harris, they are both poor communicators and they never 

take any questions and then when they do talk off script you get something 

like this which causes its own uproar. 

JOE CONCHA, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  It is the worst messaging I have seen 

and you can go back and study this, in the modern political era, and to 

blame COVID as Jen Psaki did, it's all they have. Did COVID force us to 

withdraw from Afghanistan and the disastrous way that it did? Of course 

not. Is COVID causing the border to be wide open with COVID positive 

migrants are flooding into the country? Of course not. Is COVID causing 

skyrocketing crime in American cities? Of course not. Is COVID causing 

skyrocketing inflation? Of course not. 

And all these lies, and that's a proper word to use here, lies, that the 

president and his chief handlers like Jen Psaki have tried to sell to the 

American people. Like in August, job creation missed by 500,000, a half 

million, in September, it missed by another 300,000, and there, the 

president is out there saying the job shows progress. That is a gaslighting 

with dynamite marinated in kerosene. 

He also claimed that 3.5 trillion spending cause 0.0 dollars, that it will 

somehow cut taxes while inflation is almost sure to continue rising, that 

it will reduce the debt. All lies. And for anyone with ears, eyes in a 

halfway functional brain, these are about the best unintentional comedy you 

will hear, except the president is as serious as a heart attack when he's 

making them. And this is where we are now at this point. 

You're right about the messaging. It is -- it is lying and it is deceptive 

and it is intentional. 

CHAFFETZ:  Now, Monica, you've been up close and personal with the White 

House along the way. I mean, part of the problem is you have Kamala Harris, 

who is nowhere to be seen. She's just literally flying to Palm Springs when 

they are trying to do critical things with the United States Congress but 

the cabinet is nowhere. I mean, we've got this major problem with shipping 

off the shores. You got off load of shipments that are coming into these 

ports and no trucks to go underneath these containers. 

Where's Pete Buttigieg? I mean, their cabinet is pretty well absent from 

the discussion. 

CROWLEY:  Well, their labor secretary was out today to talk about this 

abysmal jobs report and trying to spin it, as was the president. But 

overall you are exactly right. Look, the vice president wants as much 

distance between herself and these catastrophes as possible. She's trying 

to preserve her own political viability. 

So, whether it comes to the economy or the border for the whole array of 

things that Joe Biden has given to her, she doesn't want to deal with it. 

She's not out there publicly. In fact, the latest video, she was talking to 

some kids about space exploration, which is not exactly on the top of most 

Americans' list of things. 

But the rest of the cabinet, you're exactly right. They have hightailed it 

away from these controversies. They know his presidency is in freefall, 

they can see the poll numbers cratering and now you have the press, at 

least some of them, starting to report on the faltering economy and some of 

these other things because they can't ignore it. 

But make no mistake, when the press reports stuff like, for example, CNN 

today talking about how bad these jobs numbers are, they're not doing it 

because they want to see Joe Biden fail, they're doing it as a warning to 

the White House that they better start getting their act together, 

particularly on the economy, because most Americans do vote on kitchen 

table issues. 

CHAFFETZ:  Joe, nothing says, hey, let's fight inflation by throwing a few 

trillion dollars into the economy and spend more by government. I mean, I 

don't know where they are at with their messaging on this, but that is not 

the remedy to solve the problems that are ahead of us. 

CONCHA:  Yeah, a little removed from econ 101, but I'm pretty sure that if 

you print $3.5 trillion of new money and put it into the economy that may 

devalue the dollar a little bit and we are already at a 30-year high on 

core inflation. So if this spending bill gets passed and even if it gets 

shaved down what you think will happen to the economy? That is what people 

vote on first but three big takeaways from the polls when you peel away the 


All right. So, Republicans are overwhelmingly are against the president, of 

course. Democrats, about 80 percent are still with him so they cancel each 

other out. I always look at independents because they are the people that 

decide elections in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Ohio, Georgia, and 

so on. Thirty-two percent of Americans approve of this president, less than 

one in three. Think about that, that's just nine months into office, that 

is the hockey season and a solid majority of voters believe the 

administration as a whole, Jason, is not competent running the government. 

That's a very difficult impression to undo. 

But finally on the economy, he's polling below 40 percent. On the border 

and Afghanistan, he is polling in the 20s. Crime is a huge issue as well. 


CONCHA:  Is it more expensive to live in this country? Yes. Is it less 

safe? Yes. Is the border secure? No. Is Afghanistan a threat with a 

reemergence of al Qaeda and ISIS? Yes. 

You tell me how he's going to fix those four big issues when he is never 

communicating outside of a teleprompter. It ain't going to happen unless 

somebody else is doing the communicating. I guess that is Jen Psaki who is 

now the face of this administration, congratulations. 

CHAFFETZ:  Yeah, that is core to the problem, is Joe Biden and Kamala 

Harris have bad judgment but they are also poor communicators. 

Monica Crowley, Joe Concha, thank you both for joining us tonight. 

All right. With Biden's approval numbers in the tank and multiple major 

crises on the rise, the Democratic Party is starting to fracture. Yesterday 

after minority leader McConnell ever so generously offered a lifeline to 

Democrats on the debt ceiling, Chuck Schumer decided to take a victory lap 

on the floor of the Senate and fellow Democrat Joe Manchin was not so 


When you listen to this clip, make sure to watch Joe Manchin in the 

background. Have a look. 


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY):  Leader McConnell and Senate Republicans 

insisted they wanted a solution to the debt ceiling but said Democrats must 

raise it alone by going through a drawn-out, convoluted and risky 

reconciliation process. That was simply unacceptable to my caucus. We were 

able to raise the debt limit without a convoluted and unnecessary 

reconciliation process of that until today, the Republican leader claimed 

it was the only way to address the debt limit. Let me say that again. 


CHAFFETZ:  Manchin called those remarks classless and reportedly told Chuck 

Schumer that his speech was "bleep-ing stupid."

Joining us now is South Carolina Congresswoman Nancy Mace.

Congresswoman, thanks for joining us.

I know you're fresh and new to the Congress. Look, I served there for eight 

and a half years, but the vitriol is something special to be seen right 

now. Democrats -- I mean, they are fighting amongst themselves and 

progressives seem to have the numbers. 

How do you see it? 

REP. NANCY MACE (R-SC): Jason, I just want to ask you if you've missed it 

yet. I mean, I have never seen anything like it -- 

CHAFFETZ:  Not this.

MACE:  -- in previous administrations and -- oh, my God. 

But thank God for Joe Manchin and Senator Kyrsten Sinema. I mean, Democrats 

are in disarray. It's a dumpster fire. It's a complete cluster. They are 

attacking each other on the Hill and in restrooms and in bathrooms and 


They're in total and complete disarray, and for many of them, they think 

this is a game. 

This is not a game to the American people. Inflation is taxation. Every 

single hardworking American is going to pay more at the grocery store, at 

the gas station if they continue down this irresponsible path of spending 

that we've never seen in America's history. 

CHAFFETZ:  What do you hear -- you represent the Lowcountry of South 

Carolina, beautiful part of the world. You've got a couple kids. You've got 

two cats and a dog as I understand it.

But when you're out there talking to South Carolinians and you also -- you 

know, you have military background as well, when you're talking to regular 

old folks who are back home, what are they actually concerned about?

And can Joe Biden and Kamala Harris point to anything, possibly anything 

they think they have actually accomplished thus far in nine months in 


MACE:  Well, the number one question that I get in South Carolina is who's 

in charge? And when you look at the crises of the border, whether it's the 

Afghanistan exit or botched evacuation that we had, whether it's the 

400,000 illegal aliens that are about across the border in the month of 

October, and you see the devastation with the increased spending, the kind 

of spending that AOC and Bernie Sanders are writing, people can see that 

the far left want to fundamentally change our country. 

And the spending between the infrastructure package and the $3.5 trillion 

or $5.5 trillion or $2 trillion, whatever is going to be, people understand 

that it's untenable and unaffordable. It's like giving my high schooler -- 

because I'm single mom with two kids, as you mentioned, like giving my high 

schools on who gets a $10 a week allowance, it's like giving a platinum 

credit card to him to spend $100 a week at will, whatever he wants to do. 

And everyone knows we can't afford to do this, and it's the extremities of 

the far left. We have AOC literally writing the budget, writing and 

describing how we're going to spend your tax dollars. AOC is not president.

So the number one question I get from people is who is in charge and why 

are we doing this to our country? 

CHAFFETZ:  Yeah, between AOC and Bernie Sanders, and they're out there 

actually talking about how it's not nearly enough, that it needs to be 

higher because they have this insatiable desire for more government. It 

really is scary. 

And I'm glad you're in the fight, Congresswoman Mace. Thank you so much for 

joining us tonight on HANNITY.

All right. Here with more reaction, FOX News contributor Sean Duffy and 

Charlie Hurt. 

Gentlemen, thanks for joining us. 

Congressman Duffy, I served with you in the United States Congress and we 

were talking about this earlier this week, it's really hard to believe and 

fathom that Nancy Pelosi is still to this day does not require members of 

Congress to actually show up to do their jobs. They have proxy voting and 

you've got some Democrats who have never been, in Congress, since the day 

they were sworn in. 

SEAN DUFFY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  No, it's unheard of, Jason. You have to 

show up on the House floor and you have to vote with your little card that 

you're issued in each Congress. And what happens during that process, you 

and I both no, you see people, you communicate, you build trust and build 

relationships which is why it is so disturbing, the Chuck Schumer speech, 

you know, that Mitch McConnell is raising the debt limit which by the way 

is bad for America but good for Democrats, and then Chuck Schumer stabs him 

in the back? 

It undermines the trust and relationships you for Congress to actually 

work. And I look at the video you played and I'm disturbed because you and 

I both no, I was friends with Maxine Waters, disagreed with all of the 

things she promoted, all of her ideas but I was a friend of hers because it 

was interpersonal. And to think that that is what the Senate has devolved 

into, the decorum doesn't exist anymore. 

By the way, no one love to decorum in the Senate more than senators. I 

think what has happened here is you see Democrats very are afraid of their 

left flank. So, Chuck Schumer is afraid of AOC right now. AOC is going to 

run against him for his Senate seat and like he is running a college campus 

activist group and all rules to the win and let's have a free-for-all food 


CHAFFETZ:  Yeah. Charlie, I want to get your perspective on this because 

you reside in Virginia. You got Terry McAuliffe, who's running again for 

governor. Even he is admitting out loud that Joe Biden is not very popular 

right now. Democrats seem to be at each other's throats. 

How did they get to be to the point where they are actually unified? 

Because right now, progressives from my vantage point seem to be rolling 

the day as opposed to the promise of Joe Biden which is, we are going to be 

ruling from the center. That is not what they are doing. 

CHARLIE HURT, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Yeah. No, it's not at all. Of course, 

Democrats have no one but themselves to blame for this. You know, the sort 

of sweet thing about everything that's going on right now is that 

Democrats, they own everything. They control every lever of power, every 

failure that happens right now is 100 percent their fault. 

They can try to blame Americans who make choices about vaccines, they can 

try to blame a minority of Republicans in the House or the Senate or 

whatever, it is all 100 percent their fault. 

The real problem here, I think it is so interesting how much effort that 

the media and Democrats put on trying to pin all the blame, the only blame 

among Democrats on Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema when that is not the 

problem. Their problem is that they put Bernie Sanders in charge of the 

Budget Committee. The problem is Joe Biden once an actual enthusiastic 

communist in charge of the banks of America, and Nancy Pelosi is walking 

around doing the bidding of AOC.

And as you pointed out, Sean, Chuck Schumer is terrified from his left 

flank of AOC. So, he puts the lunatics in charge of the asylum and they are 

surprised there is a mess on their hands? And you have Terry McAuliffe, 

who's a terrible retread running a campaign based on the idea -- I mean, he 

said this in the last debate, running a campaign on the belief that parents 

don't have a right to know what it is that their children are being taught 

in schools and they shouldn't have a say? 

This is what he said out loud in the middle of the debate and luckily, 

thank god, Glenn Youngkin was smart enough to realize that what he said was 

just absolute lunacy and nailed him on it and I think he's paving the way 

to become the first Republican in over ten years to win in Virginia, a 

statewide race in Virginia. That really tells you something about how badly 

Joe Biden and the Democrats have completely screwed things up. 

CHAFFETZ:  Yeah. I do think it starts at the top and I think you have a 

weak president physically, mentally, and I think he is just a weak, weak 


When he went over to the House of Representatives after they didn't achieve 

the vote and make the numbers, and then you have a Democrat saying I don't 

even know why he showed up over here, that is probably not a good sign for 

your party. 


But, Sean, Charlie, thank you both for joining us tonight, gentlemen. 

I've got to keep going. So, straight ahead, Biden's border crisis continues 

to spiral out of control. Our own Sara Carter joins us with an exclusive 

report. Plus Lara Logan and Mark Brnovich react. That's coming up next.


CHAFFETZ:  Welcome back to this HANNITY special. 

Joe Biden's border crisis is getting worse by the day as thousands of 

illegal immigrants pour across the southern border. Now, new video from 

FOX's own Bill Melugin shows expected cartel members firing multiple rounds 

across the border into the United States. Watch this. 


CHAFFETZ:  That's the United States border. 

And tonight, Bill Melugin is reporting the Department of Homeland Security 

is canceling all remaining border wall contracts in the Laredo sector and 

all border barrier contracts in the Rio Grande Valley sector.

Joining us now with an exclusive report from Texas is Sara Carter. 

Sara, I know it's bad, we've been reporting it's bad for a long, long 

period of time but every day it seems to get worse. 

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  It does, Jason, and let me tell you, 

Bill Melugin's experience there on the border isn't just a solitary 

instance. This has been happening over and over again. 

Over the past week, the drug cartels, it appears, suspected cartel members 

have been actually moving into the Rio Grande River area. Heavily armed 

with AK-47s, they appear to be Mexican military or police uniforms or 

tactical gear. They've been taunting the Texas National Guard, as well as 

the Texas Department of Public Safety. 

There is enormous concern that they are trying to get a reaction from our 

law enforcement. That means they are trying to persuade them to shoot back 

or get them to act in a certain manner. They're hoping the reason is that 

they are going to try to videotape that and let me have National -- this is 

National Border Control Council, Chris Cabrera, explaining why the belief 

that and why they believe the Biden administration has made this more 

dangerous than ever. 


CARTER:  One of the biggest issues facing law enforcement officials as well 

as border patrol, on patrol is the fact that the drug cartels have become 

more and more brazen. Are you noticing that? 


noticing it in a couple ways. One way, they will run, whether it's people 

or drugs, right in front of us because we are so tied up with large groups 

of people, we can't respond. 500 yards away, doing what they do right in 

front of us. The other thing we are seeing is I think there was something 

that came out last week or earlier this week were some guys were standing 

in the middle of a river with long rifles just taunting us on our side and 

there's no fear. They have no fear, no respect whether it is our law 

enforcement or their law enforcement. They are operating however they want. 

CARTER:  What happens now? What's the worst-case scenario based on what you 

were seeing happening at the border? 

CABRERA:  If it continues the way it's going, the assault on our agents 

with these guys upping the ante on our side with weapons and continuing the 

thread eventually somebody's going to get hurt. 

CARTER:  Could somebody get killed? 

CABRERA:  Somebody could get killed. It is unfortunate and we hope it never 

happens. Any loss of life is a tragedy no matter the circumstances. We 

don't want any loss of life. But our agents are going to protect themselves 

and those around them at all costs. 

CARTER:  Who do blame for all of this? 

CABRERA:  It's clear. It's the rhetoric coming from the administration. 


CARTER:  Let me tell you, Jason, it is not just what Chris Cabrera and the 

Border Patrol Council is saying. It is also what DPS, other Texas National 

Guardsmen that I've spoken to on background are saying. They are very 

concerned that the administration handling of the border crisis and their 

failure in doing anything is going to lead to someone's death. 

This is a very, very serious crisis they say and one that the 

administration must pay attention to -- Jason.

CHAFFETZ:  Sara Carter in Texas, thank you very much. 

All right. Joining us now is the host of "Lara Hogan Has No Agenda" on FOX 

Nation, Lara Logan, and Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich. 

Thank you so much for joining us tonight. 

Mr. Attorney General, the Biden administration wants us to believe that 

everything is safe, calm, there's no problem, no crisis, but how dangerous 

is it from your perspective in Arizona what is going on at the border? 

MARK BRNOVICH (R), ARIZONA ATTORNEY GENERAL:  Well, thank you, Jason, for 

having me on.

And President Biden literally said today that his administration is 

creating more jobs, and unfortunately, he's made the cartels more powerful. 

He's creating jobs for them. The cartels are moving more drugs in this 

country than CVS and Walgreens combined. 

We know that there's an increase -- dramatic increase in homicides, in 

places like Tucson, Arizona. We know that opioid and drug overdoses are the 

leading cause of deaths for teenagers in our second largest county, so this 

is having a dramatic impact in real-time, real-world and make no mistake 

about it. As a result of the Biden administration policies this country is 

a more dangerous place. 

People are dying now. It isn't a theoretical problem. Our kids are dying of 

drug overdoses, and he's empowered the cartels who've essentially seized 

operational control of our borders. 

CHAFFETZ:  Lara, Bill Melugin is reporting that the Biden administration 

just canceling contracts for barriers and walls -- I mean, talk about open 

borders. It is just another example, when you talk to the border patrol 

agents that you work with every day, their morale must be horrendous. I 

mean, it must be so demoralizing to see what this administration is doing 

to them. 

LARA LOGAN, FOX NATION HOST:  Well, it is demoralizing, Jason, and that is 

exactly the point. They want agents to be so demoralized that they quit 

because what does that do? That leaves you with less and less and less of 

the institutions that you don't actually respect and you don't actually 

want because if you look at it, the people who believe in open borders, the 

Open Society foundations and -- that are of that same political mind-set, 

they want the immigration agency is gone, they want the border patrol gone, 

they want to please god, they want the prisons gone, and so on and so on.

And what they have done here is the Biden administration has thrown police 

under the bus. Let's not forget the horse patrol who didn't whip anybody, 

who didn't do anything racist or wrong, now their jobs are done basically. 

Their careers are over. 

Let's also talk about all the Border Patrol agents who are not vaccinated, 

who are losing their career and are unvaccinated bear their purging the 

National Guard, the Department of Homeland Security, all of these 

institutions are being purged of everyone who doesn't agree with the Biden 

administration and not just the Biden administration because it's all of 

the people that nobody voted for. The puppet masters and the people from 

Open Society Foundations, all of the advisors and NGOs, right, who claimed 

to be charities and do charity work but are really a kind of enforcement of 

this radical political strategy. 

And it's -- there are hundreds of miles of border right now that are 

unprotected and nobody is having a conversation about the national security 

risk and there are very few people in this country on both sides of the 

aisle, left and right, who actually want what is happening now. So, you 

know, we are looking at a very, very serious situation where anybody wants 

to can come across the southern border and you are absolutely right about 

the narcotics. 

This is the most dangerous time in the history of this country in terms of 

street drugs. We have never had such powerful drugs, they have never been 

so prolific, they have never been so easy and cheap to manufacture, they 

have never been more American kids dying of overdoses and we hear 

absolutely nothing about it.

And you know what the Biden administration is pushing for? A reduction of 

the minimum mandatory sentences for fentanyl. They're actively working to 

implement that at a time when more American kids are dying of fentanyl 

overdoses ever in the history of this country. 

CHAFFETZ:  So, Mr. Attorney general, they are not going to be putting up 

these barriers. They're not going to doing the wall because of 

environmental concerns. But talk to me about not only the sheriff and the 

national guard and others, local law enforcement there in Arizona, one of 

the rules of engagement for them and how do they continue to deal with this 

massive push of human trafficking, sex trafficking, drug trafficking, what 

are they supposed to do? 

BRNOVICH:  That is the problem, Jason, they can't control the problem 

because the bite administration is not doing its job and as a result of 

that the system is being overwhelmed. You have sheriff's that are pulled 

out of community law enforcement border sheriff that have to help out with 

people illegally crossing the border. 

I was talking to some ranchers and these are Arizona cowboys, not 

California cowboys. These are tough hombres, and they don't want to be at 

the border, because all the violence, and all the people they haven't seen 

come across these types of dangerous folks in generation. And so, this is 

something that is in Arizona's backyard now, but make no mistake about it, 

it is being spread throughout the country. It is the cartels enrich and 

empower themselves, I think it's going to have a destabilizing effect on 

Mexico, which is actually going to create further problems. 

So, you're going to see an increase in violence on the streets of American, 

in our cities. You're going to see more drug overdoses and meanwhile, the 

Biden administration is doing absolutely nothing to address it. And that's 

why me and some of my colleagues, we have a lawsuit in federal court trying 

to force the Biden administration to build the wall because that's what the 

law requires. 

CHAFFETZ:  Yeah. And here's the Biden administration saying no, there is 

environmental concerns. But, guess what, you go to the Organ Pipe National 

Forest and guess what? You can't camp there. There are big sign saying it's 

too dangerous, don't camp here because of all the illegal immigration that 

is going on. 

Thank you both for with us tonight. 

BRNOVICH:  Thank you.

CHAFFETZ:  All right. Coming up, incredible controversy about critical race 

theory involving the Department of Justice. 

Plus, black leaders are turning on Biden. Former HUD Secretary, Dr. Ben 

Carson, joins us to react. That's coming up next. 


CHAFFETZ:  Welcome back to the special edition of HANNITY.

Well, it's another day and another scandal for zero experience Hunter 

Biden. As five of his art prints were sold for $75,000 each to anonymous 

buyers, while he prepares for his New York City art show.

Well, joining us now with reaction is -- for the latest with the Hunter 

Biden scandal is FOX New contributors Leo Terrell and Lisa Boothe. 

Lisa, I know you were in the bidding for one of these paintings of a blood 

clot or whatever he has. I know you've got the beautiful place that you 

wanted to just put one of his pieces up on the wall, but come on. This is 


LISA BOOTHE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Jason, I can't afford it, that is the 

thing. I can't afford it but of course this is insane. 

CHAFFETZ:  Leo can. Leo can afford it. 


BOOTHE:  Leo -- does anyone at home, does anyone on this panel believe that 

if Hunter Biden's last name wasn't Biden, he would be selling his paintings 

for $75,000 to $500,000? He had a pop-up exhibition in Los Angeles. The 

mayor showed up, Moby the musician showed up. Would they be showing up if 

his last name wasn't Biden? Of course not. 

This is a scam with the Bidens. This is what they do. It's the Biden 

corruption family, but not just that. I mean, they get away with everything 

and that is the problem. You can go through a list of the Biden family 

members who have had run-ins with the law, no arrest -- or no charges, none 

have served jail time. 

You go down the list. Hunter Biden, drug possession, the charges were 

expunged, Joe Biden's daughter Ashley allegedly attempted to obstruct a 

police officer. No charges. Frank, his brother, allegedly petty theft, 

ended up not getting charged as well. 

So, you can go down the list where these people get away with everything, 

and that's why they're going to continue to do these sorts of things. 

CHAFFETZ:  Yeah. I mean, his brother, literally at Blockbuster Video, was 

allegedly stuffed a Blockbuster video down his pants and tried to get out 

of the Blockbuster. It really is amazing. Leo -- 

BOOTHE:  Who steals a Blockbuster video? 

CHAFFETZ:  Yeah. Come on. But Bidens do come evidently. 

Last year, Senator Portman and Senator Carper came up with a bipartisan 

report. This is a report that said, if you want to launder money, one of 

the ways that Russians and others do it is they do it through art because 

it is one of the legal but unregulated ways to do it. Not suggesting this 

is what Hunter Biden has done but it is -- the reason there is so much 

speculation about Hunter Biden and art is United States Senate in a 

bipartisan way just said this is the way you scam people out of money at 

all of a sudden, Hunter Biden is an artist. Maybe that is coincidence but 

maybe it is not. 

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Let's not embarrass or tarnish the word 

"art." Hunter Biden is a con artist. He is a shakedown artist. He peddles 

influence and tries to use his father as a bridge. 

Eric Garcetti, as Lisa mentioned, was there, you know why? Because Eric 

Garcetti is in the twilight zone. He's being nominated to be an ambassador 

to India and he's held up. They are trying to buy influence. 

Hunter Biden is going to try to make as much money on his name up until 

2024. The only reason he is not facing investigation is because the 

Democrats control the White House and the Justice Department. He should be 

in jail, he should be in jail for all of his criminal activities.

But I guarantee you, Jason and Lisa, 2024 will be the day of reckoning 

because this man currently has criminal investigations ongoing but nothing 

is going to happen and why all the Bidens are in charge of the White House. 

That will come to a crashing end in 2024. 

CHAFFETZ:  Lisa, he has the issue with the gun, that is one but remember, 

it was Hunter Biden and the White House that said they were going to make 

sure they were the open and transparent since the dinosaurs roamed the 

Earth, but they weren't going to get involved in Hunter Biden's art 

business. But there are Hunter so-called paintings hanging evidently in the 

White House, for goodness sake. 

This is hardly what the Bidens promised the American people when they went 

after this, and Hunter Biden was going to be oblivious to who he met with? 

But that they had an art show! 

BOOTHE:  Of course they don't care. I mean, it's all lies, all a scam. Joe 

Biden sat there and lied to the American people. This is the guy when he 

was vice president, he flew his son on Air Force Two to China, shook the 

hands of one of his business partners and that business license hunter 

Biden had been trying to get for over a year was miraculously approved, 

right? So, that is what this family is about.

And we still don't know, has Joe Biden profited of all of this? Joe Biden 

is the big guy. He was supposed to get 10 percent of the deal with the 

Chinese conglomerate. The family got $11 million from one of the Chinese 

executives that was involved. To Joe Biden get 10 percent of it? 

We still don't have the answer of some basic questions that, if Joe Biden 

cashed in on all of this? We know that China wanted Joe Biden to win. The 

night of the election, China's currency took a nosedive when it looks like 

President Trump was going to win reelection, then it shot right back up 

when it was going to be Joe Biden. Why is that, right? 

So, what favors have they been calling in for Joe Biden when it comes to 

China, when it comes to their family that have made all of this money out 

of all of these business dealings, and shady ones at that. 

CHAFFETZ:  Lisa Boothe and Leo Terrell, I wish we had more time. It really 

is stunning and the lack of intellectual curiosity and duplicity of the 

national media on this is just unbelievable. Thanks for joining us tonight. 

Really do appreciate it. 

Coming up, we will be back with more of this special edition of HANNITY. 


CHAFFETZ:  Welcome back to this special edition of HANNITY.

The Department of Justice is taking heat this week after Attorney General 

Merrick Garland directed the FBI to prepare strategies for addressing 

unruly parents at school board meetings. The Republican members of the 

Senate Judiciary Committee did not like the sound of that so they sent a 

letter to Garland asking that he reassure us Americans that are owned 

Department of Justice won't be infringing on our First Amendment rights to 

free speech. 

And Biden's problems go far beyond just parents who are upset with critical 

race theory. Black leaders are starting to lose patience with Joe, pointing 

out he is saddling Kamala Harris with solving all of the administration's 

worst problems. 

Back with us, Leo Terrell and Lisa Boothe. We had some technical difficulty 

with Dr. Ben Carson tonight. 

Thanks for joining us again. 

Leo, I want to start with you. To get the Department of Justice involved 

and engaged with school board meetings, how do they justify this? 

TERRELL:  You can't. And as a lawyer, you cannot. This is pure 

intimidation, Jason. Let's be clear, critical race theory is racist and 

parents at the local level have a First Amendment right to address your 

local school board. 

These are local issues and what I find insulting is we are ignoring the 

fact that critical race theory is trying to teach our kids to be little 

racist individuals. And these parents are fighting back. They have a direct 

right, say so in the curriculum and what their kids are being taught at 


This is all part of a federal lies game in conjunction with the national 

teachers union to basically indoctrinate our kids on how to hate each 

other. I find it offensive. Not only as a civil rights attorney, not only 

as a lawyer but as a former schoolteacher. It is outrageous! 

CHAFFETZ:  Lisa, I don't believe there is any federal jurisdiction to get 

the FBI involved in our local school board meeting. But once word gets out 

on this, how do you think the next school board meeting is going to go when 

there is an open meeting for parents to talk about how to educate their own 


BOOTHE:  Well, first of all, the whole point of critical race theory for 

the left is if you say the country is inherently racist, if it is rooted in 

slavery, then the country, makes it easier to burn down to the ground and 

that is with the left is trying to do to with that but we are not just 

creeping towards communism in America, the Democrats have hit their pedal 

on the accelerator towards communism and authoritarian nation. 

I mean, think about it. The DOJ and FBI are targeting parents in America 

and the FDA recently sat before Congress and said, they are not tracking 

left-wing bias like Antifa but what is on their reader? Parents in America 

because the system is falling apart and starting with the schools. America 

standing up for the kids. You got 1.5 million students or more have been 

pulled out of schools. Homeschooling has tripled because people are seeing 

the things their children are taught and standing up for it. 

So, they are trying to preserve the system and that is why they are trying 

to get the DOJ and FBI involved because otherwise the public school system 

will fall apart now that parents actually know what is going on in these 


CHAFFETZ:  Yeah. I think they are inadvertently making the case for school 

choice along the way but I think you're right, I think it is time for 

parents to double down. 

Leo, I have got to get your very quick take, though. There's been some 

criticism of what Joe Biden is giving Kamala Harris to work on. Some black 

leaders say that he is giving her all the real difficult things, the things 

that are really hard like immigration and voter suppression and all those 

types of things and they are complaining instead of giving her the 

softballs that she supposedly wants. 

TERRELL:  It is totally pandering. Look, she is in the vice presidency, she 

should be able to handle every type of job on the planet. She is the second 

most powerful person in the world.

And let me be clear, but she's not qualified, she is not competent and I 

have no doubt to say this, I am more competent than she is. Those black 

leaders, whoever they are, they don't represent me, they don't represent 

black America. There is no black voice for all people. 

Kamala Harris should stand up and do something and so far her nine months 

have been disastrous. She doesn't have one accomplishment. She is horrible. 

Did I say horrible? She is horrible! 

CHAFFETZ:  Yeah. No, I think this is a problem for Biden and Harris. Nine 

months and they have no successes to point to and they are poor 

communicators. So thank you again for joining us on the second block as 


All right, more of this special edition of HANNITY right after the break. 

Stay with us. 


CHAFFETZ:  Welcome back to the special edition of HANNITY. Many thanks to 

Sean Hannity for allowing me to sit in for him.

Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left tonight. Make sure to 

check out my podcast, "Jason in the House". You can find it anywhere you 

listen to podcasts, just type in "Jason in the House". I think you'll enjoy 


Thanks for joining us tonight. "THE INGRAHAM ANGLE" is up next. Have a 

great and wonderful weekend. 

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