'Hannity' on infrastructure bill, Rand Paul wanting to investigate Fauci

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," July 20, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HANNITY: All right, Tucker, and thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

Tonight, we have a lot on deck.

The Biden administration, they're trying to sneak and not millions and billions, but trillions of dollars in Green New Deal socialism spending under the guise, they are calling it human infrastructure. Not bridges, roads, tunnels, human infrastructure.

Plus, another damning development from zero experience Hunter and the Biden family syndicate as the walls are now closing in on the family.

And the Texas Democrats, you know, the ones that left their state of Texas to block a vote, while ironically protesting the filibuster -- and they're filibustering, going to Washington, urging Democrats to filibuster. Well, they're also now spreading COVID-19 all over Washington, D.C., after their maskless flight on a private jet to our nation's capital. We'll break down the multiple layers of hypocrisy. That's coming up.

But first tonight, he is the left-wing New Green Deal socialist, most cherished public figure, longtime government doctor who is often wrong, but never in doubt. Anthony flip-flop Fauci is once again back in the news after Senator Rand Paul of Kentucky, who is also a medical doctor, confronted Fauci about his deceptive testimony surrounding what we've discussed a lot. It's called gain of function research and Wuhan Institute of Virology. In other words, the origins of COVID-19.

As a reminder, the definition of gain of function, that research often involves manipulating viruses to make them more dangerous, more infectious.

Now, Fauci's NIH defines itself. This is their definition: research projects that can be reasonably anticipated to enhance transmissibility via the respiratory route in mammals.

The practice is so risky that it was temporarily by the U.S. government from 2014 to `17.

However, this kind of highly dangerous research apparently continued at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. This as Fauci's NIH sent millions of your U.S. taxpayer dollars to this Wuhan lab, funneled to a nonprofit that's called Eco-Health Alliance.

Now, put simply, Fauci's NIH may have played a role in developing the deadly COVID-19 virus. That would be something we need to get to the bottom of. Because now, according to multiple outlets, including "The Wall Street Journal," a Wuhan lab leak is the most likely cause of the pandemic that has killed millions worldwide.

But today, when asked about this very real possibility, Dr. Anthony Fauci became more indignant, more defensive than ever. Even called senator and Dr. Rand Paul, said he doesn't know what he's talking about. But I think it was him that didn't know what he was talking about. You decide.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): Dr. Fauci, knowing that it is a crime to lie to Congress, do you wish to retract your statement of May 11 where you claimed that the NIH never funded gain of function research in Wuhan?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Senator Paul, I have never lied before the Congress and I do not retract that statement. This paper that you are referring to was judged by qualified staff up and down the chain as not being gain of function.

Let me finish.


PAUL: Take an animal virus and you increase transmissibility to humans, you're saying that's not gain of function?

FAUCI: Yeah, that is correct. And, Senator Paul, you do not know what you are talking about quite frankly.


HANNITY: And then Rand Paul read the NIH's own definition of gain of function. Now if all of Dr. Fauci's friends and colleagues up and down the chain, whatever that means say it wasn't technically gain a function research, well then, I guess it settled. He's just totally off the hook.

Well, according to a visibly shaken Dr. Fauci, yeah, Senator Paul was just propagating what is called a dangerous lie. You decide.


FAUCI: If the point that you are making is that the grant that was funded as a sub award from Eco-Health to Wuhan created SARS-CoV-2. That's what you are getting -- let me finish.

PAUL: We don't know.

FAUCI: Wait a minute.

PAUL: That did it come from the lab. But all the evidence is pointing that it came from the lab and there will be responsibility for those who funded the lab including yourself.

FAUCI: I totally -- I totally resent the lie that you are now propagating, Senator.


HANNITY: Now, propagating a dangerous lie. Really? Well, here's how Senator Paul responded. Check mate.


FAUCI: If you look at the viruses that were used in the experiments that were given in the annual reports that were published into literature, it is molecularly impossible.

PAUL: No one is saying those virus caused it.

FAUCI: It is molecularly --

PAUL: No one is alleging those virus cause the pandemic. What we are alleging is the gain of function research was going on in that lab and the NIH funded it.

FAUCI: That is not --

PAUL: You can't get away from it. It meets your definition and you are obfuscating the truth.


HANNITY: It does meet his very definition. Dr. Fauci thought it was cute. He's playing word games in order to escape any culpability or any responsibility. This is very serious. Why on Earth was Anthony Fauci's NIH sending any money whatsoever to any virology lab in China? Who in their right mind would ever think that's a good idea?

And why is Fauci still serving in the White House? Forget about the gain of function research claims for a moment.

Dr. Fauci's sloppy guidance during the pandemic has been all over the map. He has flipped. He has flopped. He has failed the entire time.

March 8, 2020, he is trashing China's draconian lockdown. But on March 13th, he promoted a 14-day national lockdown in the U.S. to slow the spread, which turned into several months to slow the spread.

Then on January 28th, 2020, Fauci downplayed the asymptomatic spread of the virus. But in August of the same year, he blamed asymptomatic cases for community outbreaks.

Last year, he referred to Trump rallies as troublesome, super-spreader events. He had not a word to say about last summer's protests and riots. Nothing.

On masks, well, first, Fauci laughed at the idea on "60 Minutes", told us not to wear any masks. They don't work. And then he demanded we all wear one mask indoors and also a mask outdoors, and two masks. Then, no mask outdoors.

And now we may be wearing masks in perpetuity. We can go on, and on, and on, and on.

Now here are a few more examples. Take a look.


FAUCI: There was no need to change anything that you are doing on a day- by-day basis. Right now, the risk is still low.

It was just bad now. It is bad now. I think these numbers are so stunning.

If you are a healthy young person, that there is no reason if you want to go on a cruise ship to go on a cruise ship.

It is not a good idea to travel, period.

In the United States, people should not be walking around with masks.

Well, if one mask is good, and makes common sense that maybe two masks are better.

If you look at the evolution of the virus in bats and what's out there now, it's very, very strongly leaning towards this could not have been artificially or deliberately manipulated.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you still confident that it developed naturally?

FAUCI: No, I'm not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China.


HANNITY: He was wrong on cruises. He was wrong all over the place with masks, here, they are, and everywhere and, of course, treatments. He was wrong on how the disease is transmitted. His models, his projections were a disaster and his NIH was spending millions of dollars to Wuhan Institute of Virology before the pandemic.

So why on earth is Dr. Fauci even still employed? And where are the investigations into his potential malfeasance? And what about those emails that now tell us a lot more about what he knew as early as January 31st of 2020? He was told that it looked like a specific genome might have been manipulated in an email. And then the frantic emails that went back and forth about, do you think there is any chance we funded this?

Here with more, Kentucky senator and also a medical doctor, Rand Paul.

Senator, thanks for being with us. Appreciate it.

I want to go to the heart of this. You read gain of function, what the NIH definition is. And you know, you take an animal virus. You increase transmissibility to humans. And that's gain of function.

He denied that's gain of function. But that's what his own NIH defines as gain of function.

Help me out with that.

PAUL: I think the reasoning behind him being so resistant, so livid, and so full of ad hominem is he realizes that once the public realizes that the NIH under his leadership funded the Wuhan lab, that is beyond question they did. The NIH funded the lab.

But once the public figures out that they were doing very, very dangerous research there, gain of function research, taking dangerous animal viruses and making them more transmissible to humans, once everybody puts this together, he realizes where the blame is going to attach. He has at least tangential responsibility. If this came from the lab that he was funding, my goodness, can you imagine the moral culpability that the man has?

But you also have to place this in context. Since 2012, he has said repeatedly that yes, an accident can happen but the research is worth it, even if an accident were to cause a worldwide pandemic, the research is worth it.

That judgment call is something that most Americans or people who have family members, the 4 million people who died would say, you know what? Maybe that research isn't worth it if this contagion actually came out of a lab where they are doing this research.

They also do this research in the United States. They do it in Galveston and in North Carolina. So this is a big debate, not just over blame, but over whether or not this could happen again in the United States.

HANNITY: You have had a chance as I have to read the emails that were released from Dr. Fauci. He was told as early as January 31st, the day that President Trump put in his hysterical xenophobic and racist travel ban that was brilliant 10 days after the first identified case here. But in that email, he was told it looked like a specific genome had been manipulated in a lab.

What are the emails tell you?

Then there was the back and forth. They seemed very nervous to me. Read like a very nervous Dr. Fauci worried about possible monies from the NIH funding this. He actually talked -- discussing this.

PAUL: Realized that these emails are frantic, going back and forth. At 2:00 in the morning, he is still sending emails out. The first email he sends to his assistant is one of these research papers with Dr. Shi from the Wuhan Institute that is gain of function.

His assistant responds, oh my goodness, this is gain of function research. It's like, oh, no, they've discovered that this is going on. We might have funded the origin of this virus.

So, immediately they're circling the wagon. They're having urgent meetings. Meet with me immediately, he says to his assistant. Read this paper, which is a gain of function paper.

He was alarmed. But then to his boss, he's putting on a different front and he's saying, everything's okay, it looks like there's no chance it came from the lab.

Meanwhile, a virologist is sending him an email saying, four of us agree this looks like a virus that was manipulated in a lab.

So, yes, from the very beginning, I think he was covering up because he realized that there would be a great deal of culpability, of blame attached to him if a lab that he was funding through the NIH turned out to be the source of a pandemic that caused 4 million people to die. That could be the worst governmental decision in history of the world.

HANNITY: You kicked off your questioning of Dr. Fauci emphasizing federal law makes lying to Congress a felony punishable by up to five years in prison.

Is it your belief based on the evidence, Senator, that he lied before Congress and broke the law?

PAUL: Yes and I will be sending a letter to Department of Justice asking for a criminal referral because he has lied to Congress. We have scientists that were lined up by the dozens to say that the research he was funding was gain of function.

He's doing this because he has a self interest to cover his tracks and to cover his connection to Wuhan lab.

Now does he deserve all the blame? No, there's still some conjecture as to whether or not it came from the lab. But he's lying about whether or not he funded gain of function research, and yes, he should be punished.

HANNITY: Last question, you have withstood a lot of pressure, Senator. You were public that you had COVID-19. You have natural antibodies even when antibody levels, and correct me as a medical doctor, when they decrease in your body. You have what's called T cell antibodies that would recognize if you were once again in the future exposed to coronavirus, even one of the variants.

My question to you is, if we're following the science, it looks like you were right, because I think you'd agree with me, the Cleveland Clinic is a pretty well-respected medical institution. The Cleveland Clinic did their own study and they decided and they came to the conclusion that if you have natural antibodies like you do, that you wouldn't need any vaccine. I didn't hear anybody saying, wow, Dr. Paul was right.

PAUL: If you look at the Cleveland study, 52,000 employees, those who were not vaccinated, but had COVID previously did just as well as those who are vaccinated. So yes, the vaccine works. But so does a natural infection.

And here's the thing about the crazy left-wing trying to deny natural immunity. Vaccines are based on natural immunity. We learned how to do vaccines once we learned that the body actually had an immune response that prevented infection in the future.

And yes, we have memory cells, both T and B cells. They have looked in bone marrow. It's long lasting.

For some diseases like the Spanish flu from 1918, there were people that were alive until recently that they still measured immune responses in their blood 90 years later.

HANNITY: Senator, I believe in medical privacy. I believe in doctor- patient confidentiality. The Biden administration has given a nod and an okay for corporations and schools and universities to mandate that people get the vaccine.

Isn't that very different than what the American people were told, that if you get the vaccine, you will be safe, you don't have to worry? You know, if there's any vaccine hesitancy, didn't it really come from Joe Biden, fully vaccinated, socially distant, outside walking with a mask on, going into Jimmy Carter's house, an older person, taking off the masks, and taking pictures up close and personal.

Didn't -- you know, what message does this all sending here?

PAUL: In a free country, individuals make their own decisions on their medical care based on their own risks. And the risks are frankly, you know, wildly different. If you're over 65, without question, I think the vaccine is much safer than the disease. And I would recommend vaccination.

If you are over 40 and overweight, I'd recommend vaccination. If you're under 25, the risk of COVID is about one in a million, less than the risk of being struck by lightning.

So if you feel that you want extra safety and you decide for your children, that's fine. But the thing is everybody should get to make their decision.


PAUL: What about the 15-year-old kid who has already had COVID. Are we going to make him get vaccinated, like three months ago, you're going to make them get vaccine again?

And are side effects related to people who have had the disease getting vaccinated? The CDC hasn't looked at that. Massive budgets but they refused to look at anything that has to do with natural immunity.

HANNITY: Last question as a doctor -- I'm not qualified in my humble opinion to give medical advice to people. This has been my statement and I have set it over, and over, and over again, although apparently last night, finally people heard me. You can go to my website hannity.com and see just a few of the hundred times that I've said it.

As a non-doctor, I am urging people to take this seriously. I don't want any more people to die. I believe that people should -- if you have a phone, you can do all -- get all the research on COVID you want. I think you should talk to your doctor, your doctors, medical professionals you trust.

Look at your own individual medical history, your current medical condition. And make the right decision in consultation with your doctor. But take it seriously.

As a nonmedical professional, is that the right advice or should I be telling people what to do?

PAUL: In a free society, it's based on persuasion. Whether you're a doctor or not a doctor, people have opinions. And different doctors frankly can have different opinions. But in a free society, you get to decide. And people are smarter than you think --

HANNITY: But is my advice good? Am I giving good advice?

PAUL: Well, yes, good advice to make your own decision.

But my point is that the left thinks that the common man is too stupid to make his own decisions so they want to make it for you.

Every individual in a free to society gets to make his own decisions, and evidence that people make good decisions -- 85 percent of people over 65 decided to get the vaccine. That's sort of a popular vote in favor of people deciding that it was a good idea.

But it shouldn't be forced or mandated. In a free society, we all make those decisions ourselves.

HANNITY: Senator and medical doctor, Rand Paul, you did a great job today. Thank you, sir, for being with us.

All right, joining us with more, reaction, FOX News medical contributor, Nicole Saphier along with FOX News contributor, Governor Mike Huckabee.

Dr. Nicole, I think I've asked you this question. It's funny -- yesterday, my comments go viral. I've only said it probably 200 times and I think I've asked you the question at least five times about -- there's a lot of pressure. People want me to tell them what to do.

I am telling people the following -- to take it seriously, to research everything you can on this, to consult with your doctor, your doctors, your medical professionals that you respect based on your medical history and based on your current medical issues that you're facing. Then make an informed decision. But take it seriously.

How many times do you think in the past I've asked you that question?

DR. NICOLE SAPHIER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: My gosh, Sean, honestly, I saw that last night was trending, I chuckle at myself. I'm like, are they getting? We've been talking about this for the last seven months. Where have they been? Glad they are tuning in now.

But, exactly, would have the same conversation over and over again. SARS- CoV-2, it's extremely tricky. It's an extremely manipulative virus. I've been worrying about it from day one.

And absolutely, once the vaccines came out, it has just been a game changer and saving so many lives. I agree with Senator Paul that yes, it shouldn't be so black and white. They have to start acknowledging natural immunity. They should also start considering single dose vaccines in younger healthier people.

But at the end of the day, this should be a discussion between the patient and the doctor. That should have nothing to do with the government and mainstream media.

HANNITY: I've been saying to people, Governor, that I believe in science. I believe in the science of vaccination -- again, to take all seriously. I mean, do you feel equipped as a nonmedical person to be telling people exactly what they should do?

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Oh, absolutely. I think I should tell everybody what to do because I'm just smarter than they are.


HUCKABEE: And if I really was not smart, then I would be a liberal because that's what liberals do. They tell us how to live.

Look, I've had the vaccine. I know this is going to shock you, Sean, because I don't look like it, but I'm actually 65 years old. So, I took the vaccination.

HANNITY: You don't look like it.

HUCKABEE: Thank you.


HANNITY: You don't look a day over 64, I promise.

HUCKABEE: Thank you so much. I'm going to get you back for that one.

The fact is I've had pneumonia in the past. I've had compromised the lungs. For me, it was a very calculated decision that I thought was right for me, smart for me.

But if somebody decides not to take the vaccine, they are no threat to me because I've had the vaccine. So my point is, I encourage people to take it if it's something that you feel like would help you and protect you. For heaven's sakes, do it.

But it doesn't make me less a conservative. Nor does it make me more compassionate. Nor does it make me smarter, just because I've made a medical decision.

Some people get a root canal. Other people just pull their tooth. I don't think it's a matter that one makes another immoral superior in doing something like that.

HANNITY: And the bottom line is this is what we were told, Dr. Saphier, that if you get the vaccine, you don't have to worry. So it really shouldn't matter what other people do or don't do, should it?

SAPHIER: Well, I mean, first of all, nothing is 100 percent effective. Just like the flu shot, the COVID-19 vaccine, yeah, we are seeing some breakthrough cases. It's astonishing to me that people are so surprised.

The good news is, these vaccines are doing a great job of keeping people out of the hospital. Great job at saving lives. Yes, you may still have some breakthrough cases with some mild symptoms.

But hey, it didn't bother anybody with the flu shot. These are still so much better than the flu shot. Do not get so worked up here we are still going to see some mild cases. But I can tell you, those who have been naturally immunity, those who have been vaccinated, you are really doing everything you can to protect yourself from severe disease and those around you.

HANNITY: Okay. Thank you, Dr. Nicole.

But wait, you look way younger than 60. But I see the beard. If you start getting tattoos, there is going to be an intervention. That's all I'm going to say, Mike Huckabee.

HUCKABEE: Well, I just need to tell you why. Under the Biden economy, I'm going to have to take a moonlighting job as a department store Santa this year.


HUCKABEE: So, I'm getting an early start. That's why the beard is out.

HANNITY: As long as there are no tattoos or piercings, I won't intervene. I promise.

All right, thank you.

Straight ahead, Dan Bongino reacting. Wait until you see this video. Crime caught on tape.

Plus, far left students at Notre Dame, they are outraged over proposal to open a Chick-fil-A on campus. Senator Lindsey Graham ways in on this and more as we continue. Thanks for being with us.


HANNITY: Across New York City, more shocking violent crime caught on tape. Look at your screen. Watch closely.

A man is wanted for assault after shooting a 16-year-old in the leg in broad daylight on a Sunday afternoon in Queens.

We are also learning tonight that a 15-year-old, look at this. Watch the back seat. See that. Okay. That's a 15-year-old who has been arrested after 18 was shot dead while sitting in the back of a car.

Look at this video posted on the Internet. Shot in cold blood. It is believed to be an active gang violence.

That's not all. Over the weekend, a man who has twice been arrested for attacking New York police officers smashed a bottle over a cop's head in an unprovoked assault.

These are the deadly predictable consequences of defund, dismantle the police agenda, no bail laws and the consequences of not enforcing law and order, and the consequences of demonizing the police.

Here with reaction and an update is the host of "Unfiltered", Saturdays, right here on the FOX News Channel. Along with his new special, "Canceled in the USA" on FoxNation.com, Dan Bongino.

All right, I don't know if there is much left to say, but this is -- this is predictable. Sad. If we keep up with this defund, dismantle, and we keep up with these laws, this never ends and this gets worse. I wish and pray and I hope I'm wrong. But it's fairly predictable.

DAN BONGINO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah, listen, we both hope you are wrong because there will be more body bags if there's not.

You know, Sean, the worst part about this story is the liberals. Make no mistake: it was the liberal politicians that did this to you. You, the listeners in the big cities, you the listeners right now whose homes are being burglarized, whose kids are being robbed, whose cars are being broken into, the larcenies being committed in your stores, in San Francisco and elsewhere, now people walking out of stores with hundreds of dollars worth of stuff. The people who did this to you knew this was going to happen.

Sean, here's just like -- a couple of headlines from "The Washington Post". There's a whole story right here. D.C. council passes budget slashing $15 million for police. Here's another headline now, from now. D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser directs Metro PD to use any overtime necessary in response to recent gun violence.

Do you think these people are stupid? They did this to you. When are you going to wake up? They did this to you.

Your neighborhoods are turning into hell holes because they did it. And do you know why? You know what really ticks me off? Because these people are weak.

And you know what discussed me? Weakness. I hate weak people. I can't stand weakness.

These politicians were weak because they didn't have the cojones to stand up to these radical leftist lunatics like the AOC members and the squad and say, you know what? I'm not going to cut funding for my police because people are going to die.

They didn't have the guts because they are weak. They are pathetic losers and that's why people are dead, because of them. And people need to wake up and vote these chumps out.

HANNITY: If we do that, things will get better. Dan Bongino, as always, thank you.

Now shifting gears to the swamp in D.C. where Senator Lindsey Graham standing up to the Biden open borders amnesty agenda. He is saying these efforts to sneak amnesty and amnesty packets into the so-called human infrastructure package. It's the dumbest idea in history of the Senate. And that's not all, because Senator Graham is also standing up for Chick-fil-A after apparent efforts to ban it from Notre Dame. He joins us now -- South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.



HANNITY: You are with me because you and I've had many discussions, and even years back debates over the borders.


HANNITY: Secure the border first and that's not happened.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: We now have nearly 200,000 people a month. The answer is simple in my mind.

GRAHAM: Right. Yeah, it is, too (ph).

So, I've been dealing with illegal immigration for 15 years. And what have I learned? If you got policies that incentivize illegal immigration, you'll get more of it. If you have policies that deter illegal immigration, you'll get less.

The dumbest idea in all of Washington would be to grant amnesty in an infrastructure bill without first securing the border. You would have an invasion beyond what you have today.

If we legalized 100,000 people or a million people in the infrastructure bill, there would be a run on our borders because everybody would get the message that they're legalizing people in America. Let's go and let's go now.

You have to secure the border before you grant one person legal status. If you don't, you will lose control of America, of our sovereignty.

HANNITY: Well, it's amnesty behind all of this is. You've tried to be part of these bipartisan discussions.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: Democrats though, in many ways, I see them saying, oh, we've got a bipartisan bill on human infrastructure. And then they will use reconciliation to get everything else they want. Are you going to allow that to happen?

GRAHAM: Well, so I've said it a couple of days ago, that if they put amnesty in the $3.5 trillion infrastructure bill that's got nothing to do with infrastructure, it's big government, and higher taxes. But if they put amnesty in that bill, I would try to deny them a quorum to pass that bill. It's a 50/50 Senate. And the vice president doesn't count toward a quorum.

So, a lot of people have pushed back to me. To my Republican colleagues, what are we going to do if they load off the $3.5 trillion, really $5 trillion infrastructure bill with mail-in voting and with amnesty? What is our response?

If you don't like my idea, come up with one of your own. If we don't fight back as hard as we can, they're destroying the Senate as I speak. They're going to lead to an illegal immigrant invasion like we've never seen in the history of the country. So, my idea is do anything and everything possible to stop this before it happens.

Let the Democrats know that if you pass -- if you put legalizing illegal immigrants in the reconciliation bill, then we as Republicans will use everything available to us, including denying you a quorum.

HANNITY: Everybody that washes this show probably knows by now, I don't support boycotts. Never have and I'm never going to or cancel culture.

But I do support buycotts. I like what you said about Chick-fil-A. And I urge everybody -- I love Chick-fil-A. Chick-fil-A, I love it. It's absolutely amazing.

So, okay, they want to hurt Chick-fil-A. I'm going to support Chick-fil-A. Just because I like it.


HANNITY: What are your thoughts?

GRAHAM: So, Notre Dame -- Notre Dame is a great university. You had a handful of Notre Dame students and faculty petitioning the university not to allow Chick-fil-A on campus.

Well, I spoke up. It's the number one fast food company in America. It's good food, good service at a reasonable price. And the Cathy family are religious people and they dare act on their religion.

So, here's my statement to the faculty and students at Notre Dame: You don't have the right to deny somebody to do business because they have sincerely religiously held beliefs. That's very bad and very dangerous for America.

So, we've got to speak up, Sean. If they put amnesty in the infrastructure bill, if you don't like my ideas as a Republican, you better come up with one of your own, because we won't (ph) surrender and just be run over. I'm never going to let that happen.


GRAHAM: When a company like Chick-fil-A is attacked because they want to act on their faith and we don't stand behind them, then somebody will come after our faith.

HANNITY: That's well said.

By the way, I will go to Chick-fil-A, but if the line is like it usually is, down the block, around the corner, I'm not going to wait. I'm only going in if it's a short line.


HANNITY: But I do believe in buycotts.

All right, Senator, thank you.


HANNITY: All right. When we come back, you know, those Texas Democrats fled their state maskless on a private plane to block a vote and filibusters to get the Republicans to not being able to filibuster? Anyway, a lot of them now have COVID.

Senator John Kennedy, I can't wait to hear what he has to say. That's next.


HANNITY: All right. All those Texas Democrats have fled their state are finding even more ways to embarrass themselves tonight, as one Texas Democrat is comparing the threat of arrest. But as Governor Abbott said, it's just that the police will take them to the capitol to do their job after fleeing.

Anyway, they are comparing it to the institution of slavery. And get this - - we are also learning tonight, more individuals who interacted with Texas Democrats who tested positive for COVID have now themselves tested positive, including a staffer for Speaker Pelosi.

That might explain the Sunday preplanned health exam of Kamala Harris. She's scheduled it on a Sunday. Everyone goes to Walter Reed on Sunday to get a regular routine exam.

Anyway, despite these developments, circle back Jen Psaki still won't call it a super-spreader event. Now, I wonder if she would have a different view if this was Texas Republicans. Oh, by the way they are now saying they're not going to tell anybody if anybody else tests positive.

Here with reaction, Louisiana Senator John Kennedy.

Senator, I bet you have a lot to say about this super-spreader event.

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (D-LA): Well, first, Sean, let me say, I'm sorry the Texas Democratic lawmakers got sick.

HANNITY: By the way, and let me echo that, and so am I. I don't wish this on anybody.

KENNEDY: Right. And I'm sorry they got other people sick.

Now, of course, they are playing the victim here in Washington, D.C., where they're situated, when they have no basis to play the victim.

They picked the right city to do that in. They fit in just fine here in Washington, D.C., because in Washington, D.C., if it weren't for double standards, there wouldn't be any standards at all. This place, as you know, is a lot like high school, except no one ever graduates.

In terms of what they're complaining about, the Texas voting rights bill, I've read the bill. I've read the statute. I've read the proposed bill. I've read the underlying statutes.

It doesn't suppress anybody's vote. It allows for a very generous early voting, very generous absentee voting.

Yes, it does require voter ID. It does require the people of Texas to prove they are who they say they are when they go to vote. The American people support that. The American people want that.

And I say gently to my Democratic friends from Texas, if you don't, if you don't see the need for that, then there are one or two close circumstances here. Either you're so dumb, you lose your place during sex, or you want to cheat. And those are your two choices.

HANNITY: So there's no third option here?


KENNEDY: Here's what I think a lot of this is about, because I've read all of these proposals. One of the reasons that the last presidential election was so controversial is because we had a voting month instead of what we are used to, a voting day. And if you peel off the layers here, you'll see that most, not all, but most Republicans want to go back to having a voting day. And many, not all, but many Democrats are perfectly happy having a voting month.

Now, I don't care what your opinion is about the results of the last election. No fair-minded person can deny that it was anything other than a goat rodeo. I mean, we had ballots flying around like confetti. They sent out, various states sent out 44 million ballots unsolicited.

We had the poll watchers being interfered with. We had ballot harvesting out the wazoo. We had state executive branch officials unilaterally changing the voting laws without conferring with the legislature and their state, which the Constitutions says has the final say.

Some of this, I understand, might have been necessary. We had to make some changes to accommodate the coronavirus and people's public safety.

But I'm going to say it again. No fair-minded person can point to the -- process-wise, to the last election and say it was a model of efficiency. So, that's what most of these bills are doing. They're trying to move us back to an election day, not an election month.

And they do have voter ID. But they also have generous early voting, and generous absentee balloting. And I just don't get their complaints.

HANNITY: And let's not forget, they went to the swamp in D.C. to filibuster and not have a quorum in Texas so they can prevent Republicans from filibustering. That's a whole other show.

But, Senator, great to see you. Thank you, sir.

When we come back, another disturbing report about zero experience Hunter. The Biden crime syndicate, the walls are beginning to close in. Leo 2.0 Terrell, Joe Concha, they will react to this new news, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, we have more developments tonight from Hunter Biden's hard drive from hell because newly surfaced emails obtained by "The Daily Mail" show Hunter was trying to arrange for his father to join the consultancy group back in 2014 while he was vice president but the plans apparently changed after the death of his brother Beau in 2015.

Again, Joe repeatedly said he has never talked about his son's foreign business dealings. Joe, do you stand by that? Because if you do, you are standing by what we now know is a huge provable lie.

But of course, Hunter isn't the only Democrat with questionable dealings. As far as left-wing radicalist Eric Swalwell apparently spent tens of thousands of campaign dollars on booze, limo services as well as a 20 grand bill at the Ritz-Carlton where his wife works, according to FEC records reviewed by FOX News.

I wonder if he was with Fang Fang.

Here with reaction, FOX News contributors Joe Concha, Leo Terrell,

Joe, we'll start with you.

JOE CONCHA, FOX NEWS HOST: Wow. Eric Swalwell. he is like the result one would get if you did a hybrid cloning of Michael Avenatti, and Dr. Detroit and Steve Martin's character from "The Jerk", right? This is what would come out of the lab. And -- thank you, Leo.

And this is someone who allowed himself to be compromised by a Chinese spy whose nickname is literally Fang Fang. And during pillow talk, if the person next to you says, hey, by the way, please, call me Fang Fang, it's time to go back to Tinder and find another girlfriend, because that's probably a situation you don't want to be in.

But what does House Speaker Nancy Pelosi do? She rewards him by placing this 30-something no-name California congressman on the House Intel Committee, which only has access to, you know, the country's most sensitive, classified info, excuse me.

So, now, he's used thousands of dollars of campaign funds on limos and booze deliveries and high-end restaurants, which I last checked had nothing to do with actual campaigning. So, you think, OK, that will get him removed from House Intel. But, of course, that's not going to happen because the media isn't covering the story. They are providing cover.

You look at the home page, Sean, of "The New York Times," "Washington Post," CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS. They haven't touched the story. It's "Silence of the Lambs." because why would you want to insult one of your most active anonymous and dubious sources?

I'll leave you with this stat. In Donald Trump's first year in office, Eric Swalwell went on national television 282 times in one year. That is utterly remarkable and pathetic when you think about what exactly does this guy have to offer besides Trump is bad and oh, I slept with a Chinese spy once and put this country in jeopardy?

HANNITY: Leo, so you got campaign funds for booze, limos, the Ritz. You're dating Fang Fang but you won't talk about it and you sit on the Intel Committee. I have a problem with that.

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah and I do too. He is the golden child for Nancy Pelosi. I'll tell you right now, Joe mentioned all the left-wing media, they won't cover it. This is what we need. When we win the election in November of 2022, we need Jim Jordan in the House and we need Senator Ron Johnson to conduct congressional hearings on Eric Swalwell and Joe Biden because he's lying.

I mean, the tape and the laptop is smoking gun evidence that Joe Biden lied to the nation. We're not getting any of this information out until the 2022 election. Jim Jordan, Senator Ron Johnson need to conduct a congressional hearing and we get the American public well before 2024. That's the way we've got to get it out.

HANNITY: How is it possible, Leo, that we have pictures, Joe said multiple times, I've never ever, ever, not one time talked to zero experience Hunter about his foreign business dealings but we've got pictures with Hunter and Joe while he was vice president with some of these partners? You got the emails corroboration along with it? How come nobody cares?

TERRELL: I'll tell you right now very clearly. First of all, it's smoking gun evidence. Joe Biden is lying. If I was in a courtroom, he would be convicted unless he has a medical expert saying he has some type of cognitive dysfunction, he doesn't remember, that's his only defense. But as far as the tape, the laptop, he is guilty as sin. He is absolutely guilty.

The public doesn't care. The public doesn't know because the left-wing media and all the other stations will not cover this. We need congressional hearing commencing in 2022.

HANNITY: Last word, Joe.

CONCHA: I'm just thinking, Eric Swalwell, picture this with a GOP lawmaker, a Kevin McCarthy, a Jim Jordan. They run out of thinking couches to fall on in the media if they did what Eric Swalwell did with his campaign funds. But again, not a peep out of anybody -- I'm not even talking television, even online covering the story. It's utterly remarkable, Sean.

HANNITY: It really is.


HANNITY: Unbelievable hypocrisy. Just transfer the name Biden with Trump. You've got your answer.

All right, we'll have more Hannity after this break. Now, we're going to give you very specific information. We're doing a town hall in person with Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator Marco Rubio in Miami tomorrow night. We'll tell you all about it, next.


HANNITY: All right. Tomorrow night, if you are in the Miami area, we hope you'll join us. Head to the world famous, and it's great, for Versailles Restaurant. It's in Little Havana. We'll be holding a town hall with Governor Ron DeSantis, Senator Marco Rubio. They'll both be there.

And we would love the opportunity to meet you as we fight and support the freedom-loving people of Cuba. That's tomorrow night.

Let not your heart be troubled -- Laura, I wish you could join us.

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