'Hannity' on Hunter Biden meeting with prospective art buyers

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on July 22, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, Tucker, and thank you.

And welcome to "Hannity." 

And tonight, we'll bring you the very latest on Hunter Biden's portraits of a crack addict and of course the walls are beginning now to close in on the Biden family syndicate. 

Plus, I have a message to the frauds and the mob and the media who are now lying about yours truly and our coverage of COVID-19 and vaccines and what I have been saying and how consistent I have been saying it.

But, first, we begin with Joe Biden. Last night, yes, your fearless leader came out of hiding for a very special town hall, very few people watched on fake news CNN. And despite a never-ending stream of softball questions and plenty of coddling from Don Lemon -- well, the town hall was an -- well, charitably, I'll say an unmitigated disaster.

Now many of Joe's answers were completely incomprehensible. At times, no one seemed to know what the hell Joe was even talking about -- not even Don Lemon, not the audience, not even Joe himself. But as usual, we let you decide.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I've heard you speak about it because you always -- I'm not being solicitous -- but you're always straight up about what you're doing. And the question is whether or not we should be in a position where you -- are -- why can't the experts say, we know that this virus is in fact -- is it it's going to be -- or excuse me, we know why all the drugs approved are not temporarily approved but permanently approved. 


BIDEN: That's underway, too. I expect that to occur quickly.

LEMON: Well, that means -- you mean for the FDA?

BIDEN: For the FDA. 

There are trusted interlocutors, think of the people if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were -- there's a man on the moon or whatever, you know, something, or you know, whether those aliens are here or not, you know who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it? They go to people they respect.


HANNITY: Okay, we have a president who to be charitable again at times is completely unable to communicate a total cognitive mess. And I know I've joked about it in the past, but it's really not funny anymore. This is a real national security crisis that has emerged, not only for the U.S., but the world. And it's completely being ignored by the media mob, the big tech mob. The Twitter blue check mob and big tech cult that exist -- they only seem to talk to each other. 

But when Joe was able to form a semi-coherent sentence -- well, he was almost always lying. Now, the first example involves crime in America. 

According to your president, Joe Biden, crime is actually down, he says. 

Watch for yourself.


BIDEN: Now, I'm not being a wise guy. There's no reason. Have you seen my gun violence legislation I've introduced?

As you know, because you're so involved, actually, crime is down, gun violence and murder rates are up. Guns. 


HANNITY: Okay, Joe. You're the president, but I'll help you out. Murder is way up in every major city in the country. Assaults are up. Carjackings, they've spiked also. 

Oh, out there in California, the socialist paradise that it is, shoplifting now is so bad -- because they're not going to arrest you or charge you unless you steal over a thousand dollars -- retailers now have to close early. And some retailers have closed locations permanently because of the never-ending theft.

Just look at your screen right now, look at what's happening here. It's happening all over California. Crooks -- what they do is they come in with like garbage bags, they fill them up with merchandise, keep it under a thousand bucks so they don't get in trouble, and they just walk right out of the store and in Joe's reality, everything's free. Wow. 

What about -- how did -- how does a business ever get to stay in business that way? They rarely get arrested and almost never get prosecuted. 

But according to Joe Biden, the real problem in this country, that's Americans who lawfully exercise your Second Amendment rights, your constitutional rights. Watch this.


BIDEN: The idea you need a weapon that can have the ability to fire 20, 30, 40, 50, 120 shots from that weapon whether it's -- whether it's a nine millimeter pistol or whether it's a rifle is ridiculous. I'm continuing to push to eliminate the sale of those things.


HANNITY: Okay, Joe, I own nine millimeter weapons. I even have a license to carry a nine millimeter weapon. It's a handgun. It's one of the most basic self-defense weapons. And there is no 120-clip magazine for a nine millimeter pistol that I've ever heard of, but I'm open to seeing it if you could show it to me, but I wouldn't expect Joe Biden to know that because he barely seems to know what day of the week it is, and doesn't really seem to have a firm grasp on any issues of any substance. 

And sometimes -- well, it seems like he's living in this, you know, alternate -- alternate reality of his. In fact, and get this -- according to Joe, there's no longer a crisis at our southern border. This is what they call -- well, at Burger King, a whopper with cheese and double bread and double, you know, meat. 

Take a look.


BIDEN: We have been able to move significantly to change the number. There were thousands of people in custody with the Border Patrol. It's now cut by

90 percent, where they're -- that's considerably down. 


HANNITY: Stay (ph) on script.

All right, Joe, there are fewer migrants in DHS custody because your administration -- I'll tell you why -- you are releasing them all over the country. And, of course, migrants continue to pour across the southern border in droves. 

Here, we got the numbers for June -- yep, another record, 188,000 migrants entering our country illegally and that's only the numbers that we know about. Now, this is in "The New York Times", Joe, and I assume you're still able to read but I digress.

The next lie from Joe Biden, that would involve inflation which every American is feeling and it's really bad. Watch.


BIDEN: Guess what, instead of paying 10 cents, you're paying 20. I mean, you understand what I'm saying.

LEMON: Yeah.

BIDEN: It relates to what in fact is now needed because we're growing. I don't know anybody, including Larry Summers, who's a friend of mine who's worried about inflation is suggesting that there's any long-term march here if we do the things we're going to do.


HANNITY: So the economist that Joe is referring to has a name. His name is Lawrence Summers, and he literally wrote an op-ed entitled "The inflation risk is real," articles in "The Wall Street Journal", articles in "Forbes" 

and "Bloomberg" also discuss the long-term inflation risk. It's getting bad. We even now are calculating the misery index that we really haven't measured since Jimmy Carter. 

And even Biden's own treasury secretary, Janet Yellen, warned of months of rapid inflation. Maybe Joe missed that meeting or maybe he just forgot or maybe he just sent Kamala Harris to do more of the jobs that he's supposed to do.

Now, inflation is not only, you know, a glaring concern in the Biden economy. Another serious problem surrounds the massive labor shortage.

That's real too. In many cases, businesses now are completely unable to fill job openings because of Biden's generous COVID-19 handouts that continue to go on. 

But don't worry, according to Joe, if you're a business owner, you can just magically print money and pay everyone more and you're probably going to have to suffer more. Kind of sounded like Jimmy Carter saying, lower your heat and put a sweater on. 

Take a look.


BIDEN: My guess is that people being seven eight dollars an hour plus tips that that's I think, John, you're going to be finding 15 bucks an hour or more now.

LEMON: You said we're going to end the things that may be keeping people back. You do you think that's the unemployment benefits expanded?

BIDEN: Well, that was already -- it was. I don't think it did much, but the point is it's argued that because the extended unemployment benefits kept people, they'd rather stay home and not work than go to work.

LEMON: You don't think it hurt -- did that?

BIDEN: I see no evidence that had any serious impact on them.


HANNITY: And yes, there you have yet another lie from Joe Biden. According to multiple reports, the Biden unemployment benefits are keeping workers home. And get this -- the jobless rate, sadly, it just went up again. 

But according to Biden -- well, who has by the way never actually worked in a business. He's been in the swamp, the sewer for, what, 50-plus years, maybe 500, depending how you do math, outside of Hunter's pay for play schemes, he did make money there. To be fair, we got to report all his income. We now know that he directly benefited from zero experience Hunter.

Now, these greedy business owners just have to pay people more money. Okay, how much are other people willing to pay for a hamburger, cheeseburger, French fries? 

You know, between the lying, the insults, the stammering the -- you know, confusion of Joe Biden -- well, that town hall was to say the least tough to watch for the few people that actually watched it. 

One "Washington Post" reporter noted, quote, President Biden has said "not a joke" at least seven times the past 30 minutes. In other words, it's not a joke, literally. Sad, but it's true, this is your president. You decide again.


BIDEN: It really has, not a joke. No, I'm not joking. Not a joke. Not a joke, Not a joke. Not a joke. I'm not joking.


HANNITY: Not a joke, come on, man. Did you use cocaine? Are you a junkie?

That was a moment during the campaign -- one of the rare moments he left his basement bunker. I guess the only saving grace for the Biden administration is that very few people saw it. More people watched our town hall from Miami. 

And look at this -- the auditorium for Joe was half empty. Wow. Doesn't look like a Trump rally in any way, does it?

And while many on the left would like to ignore Joe Biden altogether, well, it's way past time that the administration answers serious questions about the president's clear cognitive decline. It is no longer in dispute. 

But don't expect tough questions from the media mob. They will keep him in the media mob big tech protection program at all costs. 

And needless to say, this probably, you know, will be the last town hall we'll see in a very long time.

Here with reaction all of this, former White House physician, Texas Congressman Ronny Jackson, along with former senior advisor to President Trump, Stephen Miller.

Well, you were the medical doctor, Ronny Jackson, for two presidents -- President Trump and President Obama. We have aired tape from 2012, 2016 and

2020 of Joe Biden and now today. 

Donald Trump took a cognitive test. He got 30 out of 30 right. I hear it's a very difficult test. 

I do not think Joe Biden would do well on that test. Is that a fair assessment based on what I'm observing?

REP. RONNY JACKSON (R-TX): Absolutely, Sean. And I've been saying this from the very beginning. I've been saying that something's going on here. I was saying this when he was candidate Joe Biden, and I've been saying that it's only going to get worse.

And guess what? We're watching that happen right before our eyes right now. 

And I'm at the point right now where, you know, I went from -- you know, telling people we should be concerned about what might potentially be going on to now saying, hey, what -- what is happening right now? Where -- where are the people in our academic medicine that were out there calling for President Trump to have a cognitive test? Where are these people? 

There's something seriously going on with this man right now. And you know I think that he's either going to -- he's either going to resign, they're going to convince him to resign from office at some point in the near future for medical issues or they're going to have to use the 25th Amendment to get rid of this man right now. 

There's some serious stuff going on right now and if they do that, it'll be the president's cabinet that initiates that. And if you've got to imagine -

- if you're a cabinet member right now, if you're the president of secretary of defense or secretary of treasury or his attorney general, you have to be looking at him right now and thinking to yourself like what is going on? Can I take direction from this man right now? 

And I think that's going to start happening pretty soon. I think there's going to be some serious pushback from the White House and from the left to do something about what's going on. Because you mentioned in your opening, this is a national security issue at this point, Sean. It really is.

HANNITY: I don't disagree with you.

Stephen Miller, under the guise of COVID safety and protections, they kept him in the basement bunker during the campaign, and he seemed to disappear for long periods of time whenever there was going to be a big moment in the campaign, either a debate or the Democratic National Convention, and they were able to get him over these humps.

But I think now a question becomes very valid -- who, knew, what, when about Joe's cognitive decline? And why did they not speak out?

And, frankly, what about the people closest to them that knew about it, why did they allow this to continue?

STEPHEN MILLER, FORMER SENIOR ADVISOR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: Well, first of all, I don't think it's going to be sustainable for the White House to continue refusing Dr, Ronny Jackson's request that they perform a cognitive test on Joe Biden. Anybody watching that town hall last night and as you mentioned not many were, can see that his cognitive situation is deteriorating rather rapidly, and that is deeply alarming to all Americans.

You also raised the issue about these long absences, where he would disappear before a major event. What were they doing during that time period? How are they getting them ready for these events? 

I'm sure a medical professional like Dr. Jackson would have some ideas about the kinds of things they could have been doing. But those questions have never been answered.

The last thing I'll say about this that's so important right now is that it has real policy implications for our country. Who's making decisions about COVID? Who's making decisions about the border? Who's making decisions about Russia and the Nord Stream pipeline? Because, clearly, it is not Joe Biden.

HANNITY: You know, I think this is a really good point. You know, we're now at the six-month mark since he's been in office, does -- what's the grade we, America would give him? I've given my grades. 

For everybody who are watching tonight, what grade do you give them on immigration? What grade do you give him on energy with you know the gal -- the cost of a gallon of gasoline up about, on average, a buck a gallon? 

Every -- everything you buy in every store you go to now costs more. 

What grade do you give him on the economy with inflation? What grade do you give him with these extended unemployment benefits? What grade are you going to give him on China that is threatening our military bases and the, quote, reunification of Taiwan? 

Or Russia, why do you fire Keystone XL pipeline workers, career jobs, high paying, and yet give Vladimir Putin a waiver to build his pipeline?

And I can keep going, Ronny Jackson. I can't think of a single thing where I'd say, he did a really good job there.

JACKSON: Absolutely not, Sean, and like you said, we don't know who's really pulling the strings there. We don't know if we're even grading Joe Biden for crying out loud.

And I'll tell you right now, we're not the only ones watching this. Our adversaries overseas, they are watching this closely. They are watching every single thing he does.

If someone out there is planning to take advantage of the United States anytime in the near future, they got to be looking at what's going on in the Joe Biden administration right now and thinking that it is a perfect time to come after us. 

And that's what scares me, and I think that we really need to be worried about that right now. We need somebody who will inspire confidence in the American people and inspire the right level of fear and pause in our adversaries, and we do not have that man in the White House right now.

HANNITY: All right. I wish I had more time. Congressman Ronny Jackson, thank you. Stephen Miller, thank you.

All right, now, a brief message from me to the mob in the media. I have no idea why, but it was only in the last week, my coverage of coronavirus, COVID-19, got the attention of the liberal press and their attempts to paint this great network of ours, which has varying opinions -- which is actually fair and balanced, to paint us as a dangerous anti-vaxxed network, they watched this program and were shocked to discover what I said and what I had been saying for months and months and months. 

"Business Insider" reports, quote, suddenly, Sean Hannity and other FOX hosts are urging their viewers to get COVID vaccines. Here's another headline, Sean Hannity basically begs his viewers to get vaccinated. 

Another quote, "The View": Sonny Hostin calls Hannity's vaccination endorsement too little too late. 

These reports are all false for multiple reasons first I touted Operation Warp Speed since the beginning. In January of 2020, I was predicting that I had so much faith in American researchers, the medical community, scientists and as usual, it was my prediction that it will likely be American ingenuity and genius that will help us find therapeutics and vaccines and answers.

And I praise the efforts of all of these scientists and medical professionals those involved in developing therapeutics, the three vaccines that are now on the market and literally dozens of others, in terms of therapeutics. But I never told anyone to get a vaccine. 

I've been very clear. I am simply not qualified. I am not a medical doctor. 

I know nothing about your medical history or your current medical condition. I think it's inappropriate for me to do so.

Instead, over -- for over a year now, I have been warning my viewers, you make my career possible. I want every American, liberal, conservative, Republican, Democrat, I want you to be healthy. I have seen the worst of this virus and people that I love and care about, and to take COVID seriously. 

And I've said it over and over and over again. It's not been in the last week. I said to take it seriously, to do your own research. There's a ton of it right on -- you know, at the tip of your fingers, on your own phone, look at all of the studies. Consult your doctor or doctors, consult medical professionals that you trust and based on your specific medical history and health issues, that will be an important decision with you and your doctor based on your very unique and specific circumstances. 

I've had many doctors on this program some that I agreed with and some that I disagreed with and I pelted them with questions about COVID and the vaccine and therapeutics, hydroxychloroquine, ivermectin, Regeneron et cetera. And we passed on the information to inform people on how all Americans can stay healthy. 

Here's just a small sample of how corrupt the media is in trying to use comments and take them out of context. I do not have the right to tell people what to do and I also believe in freedom. I believe people have the right to make their own decision. I ask you take it seriously, do research, consult your doctor. But at the end of the day, it has to be your decision.

Here's how we did accurately cover the COVID-19 virus and vaccines.


HANNITY: Coronavirus, it is dangerous. Those infected are contagious before they show symptoms.

Heroic actions are now underway all over the country. This pandemic is a serious crisis.

Listen, be smart, think about other people ahead of yourself. That's why I wear a mask wherever I go.

I do not support mandatory vaccinations. I don't. If doctors and scientists say it's safe, well, my personal inclination will be to take it after I read the studies, consult with my own personal doctors make my own informed decision.

But I'm not a doctor either and I'm not going to play one on TV, and tell you what you should do. That would be your individual choice.

Be smart. Protect the people you love. Follow the science. Read, talk to your doctor and doctors. You don't need to talk to people on TV and radio that aren't doctors.


HANNITY: Let me say this one more time for all the idiots in the media mob to hear loudly and clearly -- I am not a doctor. I will not dispense medical advice without a license. 

Please to my audience, take it seriously. I have seen the worst of this firsthand. Please research. Please talk to your doctor. Please be careful.

And I am grateful to the amazing doctors, nurses, scientists, researchers that all risk their own lives to help all of -- not just all of this great country, all the people in this great country, but the world as we always do -- you know, what Americans do, and that share our innovation with other countries. 

And yes, I believe in science and I believe in science of vaccination. You know why? I got vaccinated a lot in my life, even when I was little.

Here with more, FOX News contributor, Dr. Nicole Saphier.

You know, when I brought this up to you the other night, you've been on all throughout the pandemic, you laughed, because I -- I was asking every doctor that was on. Am I doing the right thing? Am I giving the right advice? And every step of the way, you reassured me in your opinion that I was by not telling people what to do.

DR. NICOLE SAPHIER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Sean, how absolutely absurd is it, and what's been going on in the media the last 72 hours. You know, I was thinking about reflecting on this past week. It was March 11, 2020, where I was actually on your program and that was the night that Tom Hanks told the world that he actually had been diagnosed with COVID-19. 

And while everyone was saying, oh he's going to be great, he's going to be fine -- on your program, I said the great news is he's probably going to be fine. But he does have diabetes.

And as we're learning at this time, people with pre-existing conditions are at a higher risk of COVID-19 and severe illness. So while I do believe that Tom Hanks is going to do great, he has -- is at a higher risk and at that moment we called on Americans saying, live the healthiest life you possibly can right now. SARS-CoV-2 is extremely tricky. It can affect anyone and everyone.

And while we gave our best wishes to Tom Hanks, we also gave an air of caution that anyone can be subject to severe illness when it came to COVID- 19. 

You actually brought up Operation Warp Speed. The fact that vaccines were in production, and I'll be honest I was a bit of a naysayer in the beginning. I studied microbiology and immunology before I went to medical school, I'm like, listen, a vaccine has never really gotten us out of a pandemic. I've never seen a vaccine come out in under a year.

But here we are, Sean, we're a year and a half out. We don't really just have one successful safe vaccine, we have many. We are beyond what I have ever expected and we have continued to report the truth. 

The media is doing what they always do. They're being provocative. They're doing whatever they need to get a headline.

But the truth is, we've been talking about this all along.

HANNITY: I respect people's decisions at the end of the day, and they've got to make it, you know, based on hopefully on research, on science, on their unique medical condition.

SAPHIER: Absolutely.

HANNTY: And you have been consistent as well.

Dr. Nicole, thank you.

All right. We have breaking news tonight. Police say there's been a shooting in the heart of our nation's capital. So far, we're hearing two people wounded. We'll get an update as the program progresses.

And when we come back, Miranda Divine, John Solomon with breaking news. 

Yep, more news from Hunter Biden's laptop from hell and, of course, his new artistic endeavors, portraits of a crack addict.

And later, the great one, Mark Levin. We have some big news on Mark, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Now, we're learning tonight, Hunter Biden will reportedly meet with his anonymous prospective art buyers at upcoming shows in New York and Los Angeles. I'll ask again, what is the market for zero experience Hunter, the great painter, portraits of a crack addict? Why would the price be so high? A half a million bucks were being told? 

I don't know, maybe I'm just -- maybe I'm just old-fashioned and suspicious. Could it possibly mean more influence peddling by the -- by the Biden family syndicate? And I don't know, maybe trying to get access to daddy like he's done in the past? And why is it all so secret? 

Even amid all the mystery and mounting ethical legal concerns, circle back Jen Psaki, she actually seems completely fine with it.

And, of course, the suspicious behavior doesn't stop there. A new report from John Solomon revealing that emails on Hunter's hard drive from hell contain messages from Joe from a private email account called robinware456@gmail.com. That's while he was vice president.

And that's not all because a longtime FBI signature expert has concluded that it was, in fact, Hunter Biden who signed the receipt for the abandoned laptop in April of 2019, and here to explain right now is the founder of justthenews.com, John Solomon, along with FOX News contributor, "New York Post" columnist Miranda Devine. 

John, let's start with the breaking news on both fronts.

JOHN SOLOMON, JUST THE NEWS FOUNDER: Yeah. Listen, we saw Hunter Biden on TV saying, I don't know where that laptop came from. It could have been Russian disinformation, could have been stolen. 

Well, the FBI's premier signature expert, a man who caught Soviet spies by matching signatures over the years has looked at the receipt, compared it to the ones on Hunter Biden's license, his social security card, many public documents, says unequivocally, Hunter Biden signed the receipt the day that laptop was turned over to John Paul Mac Isaac. You know how many people have smeared John Paul Mac Isaac. This validates his story 100 percent.

And then just like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden had a private email account and he was using it to send sensitive State Department information to his son -- 

HANNITY: Wait a minute, John Solomon, may interrupt. Is that legal?

SOLOMON: Sure. It could be legal. It may be -- you know, there was something -- classified in it. 

But remember what Joe Biden has said: I never did anything to help my son. 

Here, he gets a briefing from the U.S. embassy in Turkey and he sends it to his private email account and he sends it to his son because his son was interested in the case. 

Every part of the Joe-Hunter Biden story that they propped on America in

2019 and 2020 has been completely debunked, thanks to Hunter Biden's laptop.

HANNITY: Miranda, I am very, very anxious to get a hold of your book because many people have the emails from zero experience Hunter that implicate Joe, that Hunter was paying Joe's bills, that Joe was having lunches as VP with the foreign business partners of Hunter when he said repeatedly that he hadn't. 

My understanding is, is that there are many photos and even videos on that laptop and that many people don't have that part of the laptop, but you might have had access to it. It's a rumor. Is that true?

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, we have the entire laptop and everything in it and it's fantastic that John has done that signature matching because, of course, I mean everything that that we have found and that we've published about the laptop verifies the fact that it is Hunter's laptop. And there's another piece of the puzzle that cements that idea. 

And, of course, if it weren't Hunter's laptop you know that the people involved would be screaming down the walls saying this is not true and proving it. But they just are mum.

And, you know, this story about the Joe Biden using pseudonyms and using private emails -- yes, I mean we found at least three pseudonyms that Joe Biden has used as well as Hunter Biden. This was part of their strategy. 

They would use code words for themselves. Joe Biden was called, as we know, the big guy. Tony Bobulinski told us that when he was getting 10 percent of a company that was involved in a Chinese joint venture with Hunter and his brother Jim Biden, and he was also called the chairman. He had a lot of names that they used code on the laptop. 

And it's quite evident. You can crack the code quite easily if you speak to some of the people who were involved and who were recipients of those emails..

You know, it's -- I always ask you I used to ask people during, you know, the unpeeling of the onion which John knows what I'm referring to as it relates to three years of investigating and then being proven right, that the Russia hoax was in fact a hoax. I ask you the same question -- when America finds out everything on that laptop, a lot of which has not been made public how outraged do you think the American people will be? In other words, will this finally tip the balance? 

We know a lot now, a lot of wrongdoing. We know the media would have a very reaction if the last name was Trump. How bad will this be?

DEVINE: Look -- 

SOLOMON: That's a great question -- go ahead.


DEVINE: -- I really think it's untenable for Joe Biden.

HANNITY: Miranda, first.

DEVINE: That's all I had to say, just it's untenable, yeah. I think it's untenable for Joe Biden, when people realize the extent of his personal involvement in this influence peddling operation. That has been going on effectively his entire career. 

And last word, John Solomon. What have you heard about the other things on this laptop?

SOLOMON: Well, listen, I've gone through almost every email in the laptop, over 90,000 of them. Every day, Hunter Biden was looking on a way to trade on his father's uh business ties to make money for the family. It's irrefutable.

However, there's an incident where he goes to a state dinner, he's introduced to a French ambassador. Within a week, he's shaking down the French ambassador trying to get a business deal done. There was nothing Hunter Biden wouldn't do to make money in the jet stream of his father's business.

HANNITY: All right. Both of you have done phenomenal work, phenomenal reporting. Thank you for your hard work. I do look forward to your book, Miranda. And I hope it's sooner than later.

When we come back, a huge announcement from the great one, Mark Levin, as he also weighs in on the issues of the day. You don't want to miss it, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Now, just one day after our exclusive Cuba town hall in Miami with Governor DeSantis and Marco Rubio, the mayor of Miami, Congresswoman Salazar, and all of the people that have made this happen fighting for liberty and freedom for their friends, their neighbors, their relatives in Cuba, the Biden administration interestingly finally announced

-- yep, fresh sanctions on the murdering communist Marxist regime in Cuba. 

Oh just like we were talking about last night.

To many on the left, they are still reluctant to say anything negative about the Cuban regime and some of still praising that regime. And just relentlessly, they attack our country. 

Now, it's probably one of the many reasons why the great one Mark Levin's brand new book "American Marxism", not only did it debut week one on "The New York Times" bestseller list, no. Mark's hardcover sales, that's only hardcover, sold over 329,000 copies.

Now, that number does not include e-books, a lot of people buy their books and they read it on whatever tablet or iPad they may have, or even their phones. It doesn't include audio books. It is an incredible achievement.

Mark's new book is now outsold the next 15 books combined in the country. 

That's an incredible statistic.

He's the host of "Life, Liberty, Levin", and his own nationally syndicated radio show, I call him the great one, Mark Levin.

Well, you know, I did tell you, in my humble opinion, we've been friends for decades, I said, Mark, when you sent me an early copy, I said -- I think this is your best book and I and you know what a fan I was of everything from liberty and tyranny to rescuing sprite even. 

But this is a timely book for this moment, tie it together to the moment today what's happening in the country, that's the six-month mark of Joe Biden.

MARK LEVIN, HOST OF "LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN": Over four -- I can't even tell you, we're almost at 500,000 books now in -- in a relatively short period of time. 

I'm going to tell you what's going on. I was part of the Reagan revolution. 

I was part of the Tea Party Movement. I was part of the Trump revolution. 

There is a massive movement afoot. It's not under the radar. People just aren't looking at it. 

The silent majority is not going to be silent anymore. The American people are furious with what's happening to their country and by American people I mean all American people who love this country regardless of their color, their religion, their background. red-blooded Americans they are sick and tired of what they've seen in the first six months of this administration. 

They don't like the way they're being treated by the elites in the media. 

They don't like being looked down upon by these phony professors who they bring on TV who trash them. They are disgusted with the teachers unions. 

Parents all over this country can't believe what's happened to elementary schools and secondary schools. Parents go broke to send their kids to college another coming home on Thanksgiving or other days and they don't know what's happened to them.

We are paying for our own demise with tenured marks as professors and administrators for schools that are turning on our founding, in our history. Americans love their history. Americans love their history -- the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Americans are sent all over the world to fight wars for people who do not look like them. America's borders are wide open. We have a president of United States with violating our immigration laws who signs executive orders like his Benito Mussolini. 

We're sick and tired of hearing from San Francisco Nancy Pelosi and New York City Chuck Schumer, what they intend to do to our court system. Those courts belong to us, attacking separation of powers in our constitutional construct. We're tired of the way the family is trashed in this country, the family. 

We're tired of the way private property rights are treated in this country. 

We're tired of a lot of things going on in this country. Now, we the people, we are peaceful. You won't find us running around with Molotov cocktails. You won't find us attacking cops. We defend the cops.

You won't find us burning cities and so forth and so on. We're not mostly peaceful. We're 100 percent peaceful. 

But we are pissed off and we have had enough and we're done talking about it. The idea that a book like this sells 400,000 copies in one week and is well on the way to a half a million, I've been in these movements before. I saw what happened with liberty and tyranny in the Tea Party Movement. 

We know our history. We are a great people and we have people in this country who haven't contributed a damn thing to it, and not a damn thing to it. Trying to tear it down and redistribute wealth, they sound like their soapbox Marxist going on and on about we don't provide this, we don't provide that, and Bernie Sanders is going to provide it and AOC is going to provide it. 

They don't know a damn thing about this country. They use the benefits of capitalism to attack capitalism. They use liberty to attack liberty. They use the Constitution to attack the Constitution. 

I've been around a long time and I'll be damned if I'm going to sit still for this and they don't understand the American people. The American people are not going to roll over and play dead. The American people are going to speak out. 

And let me tell you what's going to happen in 2022, with the Manchin types and the others who pretend to be moderates, who play footsies with these American Marxists, you're going to get blown out. In fact every damn one of you is going to get blown out. So kiss your career goodbye. 

You may have power now. You may be trying to force your will on the American people now. But it will not last. 

That's what's going on in this country. I feel it and I know it. That's all I have to say.

HANNITY: Great one, I wanted to say this about the book, last thing if you don't mind: six -- seven chapters in the book, you lay out the case of the challenges this great country faces at this current moment in time. Chapter seven is over ten thousand words which is a lot for a chapter in any book and we choose liberty. That's the answer.

And I wrote you when I read it, I said that's the answer. Great job, sir. 

Congratulations. Well done, and don't forget -- 

LEVIN: Thank you, Sean. God bless.

HANNITY: -- Amazon.com, Hannity.com, bookstores everywhere. "American Marxism", `Life, Liberty and Levin" every Sunday night, number one show right here on the FOX News Channel.

After the break, Joe Biden wants to take away your handguns. Arizona congressional candidate Eli Crane, Dana Loesch, they have a lot to say, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, after several American players kneeled to protest racism prior to their game against Sweden earlier this week, the U.S. women's national soccer team was crushed 3-0 in the opening Olympic contest, prompting mockery and scorn for Team USA. Like I've been saying, if you aren't proud of the country that you represent, maybe the Olympics aren't for you. 

Now, one man who knows a lot about patriotism and personal sacrifice as anyone, former Navy SEAL Eli Crane who recently launched the campaign for Congress in Arizona's first district against an incumbent Democrat. Take a look at this.


ELI CRANE, ARIZONA GOP CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: The problem with Washington politicians is they have no skin in the game. It's all about them and almost never about us. Well, I'm not a self-serving politician. My whole life has been about service, family and community. Securing our border, standing up for law enforcement and our military, strengthening small businesses, cutting middle class taxes and protecting the integrity of our elections. It's time for we the people to take our country back.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, congressional candidate Eli Crane, along with nationally syndicated radio talk shows Dana Loesch.

I think I'm going to speak for Dana here. I've known Dana a long time. I know her family a long time. 

Dana, that is probably the coolest candidate ad I've ever seen, because you actually, Eli, you were getting the tat, right? We the people on your arm during the -- that was real, that wasn't fake, right?

CRANE: That's a real tattoo, Sean. It's right here on me, boom, we the people. That's what my campaign's all about and that's why we're running.

HANNITY: You know, Dana, we've talked about this for years. Donald Trump gave the Republican Party a shot of adrenaline and a backbone. Prior to him, I'd say Republicans were weak, feckless, spineless, you know, I've said it so many times over ten years, and that's what we need people that will fight for what they promise. That's not that hard, is it?

DANA LOESCH, NATIONALLY SYNDICATED RADIO HOST OF "THE DANA SHOW": No, it shouldn't be, Sean. I think you're and that is a pretty cool ad. You got to

-- everybody needs to find a lawmaker who's willing to go and cut that kind of ad and campaign for their district, kudos. 

But, no, Sean, to your point, you're right. And before Trump, I think Republicans really lied on Tea Partiers to do all of the -- all of the heavy lifting. I mean, let's not forget the shellacking and that's using former President Obama's term that the Tea Party gave to the Democrat Party back in 2010, those midterms. I mean, that was -- that was the election that everybody was watching and they really saw the tea party strength.

And then you're right. I mean, it seemed that there were always few people kind of doing the heavy lifting in the party and I think that Trump demonstrated the willingness to fight.

And what really amazes me, Sean, about a lot of the criticism that has extended towards former President Trump is that I think that he really did a lot more to fight for everyday people and really Republican voters than the pretend bouncers of the Republican Party who wanted to act like he was an outsider and couldn't sit with him, like that was a -- it was a cut scene from "Mean Girls". So -- 

HANNITY: We learned a lot.

LOESCH: -- maybe you should, you know, take some lessons from that. Yeah.

HANNITY: All right. We have less than a minute. I want to ask you both. I have a license to carry. I carry one of one of the weapons that I do carries in nine millimeter.

Have any -- Eli, have you, Dana, have you have you ever seen a nine millimeter pistol with 120 capacity magazine? I haven't. Eli?

LOESCH: Want that.

CRANE: No, I sure haven't and I don't know what this administration doesn't understand about our Constitution and the verbiage in it that says shall not be infringed when it comes to protecting ourselves. We really appreciate everybody out there that supports us.

HANNITY: Yeah, and by the way people -- 

LOESCH: Yeah, I want a 120-round mag. 


HANNITY: How I'm going to conceal that? Oh, okay, Joe you're a genius.

LOESCH: And also, where's my jet and my nukes? Apparently, we get those too.

HANNITY: That's right I forgot that part. Good point.

All right. Mr. Crane, thank you. Dana, thank you.

More "Hannity" next. 




(translated): They can't give up this moment, they need to continue. 

Because this is the moment for liberty, this is the moment of life. 

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Tell me the one thing that I didn't ask that you wanted to say.

CONTE HERNANDEZ: Yes, I want to make clear I am a 90-year-old man. I wish that we could give them arms so that they can free themselves because they deserve it.


HANNITY: Longest serving prisoner from Bay of Pig's invasion.

Let not your heart be troubled -- Laura, I know you a have a great show (AUDIO GAP) tonight.

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