'Hannity' on Democrats' day of hysteria

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on January 6, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: We'll be back every night 8:00 p.m. The show that's the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink.

Have the best night with the ones you love.

And now, ladies and gentlemen, the integrate Sean Hannity takes over.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. And, Tucker, as always, thank you.

Welcome to HANNITY.

And tonight, the gaslighting from Democrats, the mob and the media is reaching record levels. They have freight -- fake hysteria, crocodile tears, analogies now to 9/11, Pearl Harbor and even the Holocaust, complete with a special performance from the cast of "Hamilton". It's a clown show on a spectacular level.

And coming up, we're going to bring you much needed truth into this conversation. We will point out all the rank hypocrisy, the double standards, the lying, the grandstanding and who really is responsible for not protecting the Capitol that the mob will never talk about, that the commission will never investigate, or committee will never investigate.

Former chief of staff to the secretary of defense, Kash Patel, he will be here and he will explain how Donald Trump two days prior to January 6 last year wanted to call in 20,000 National Guard troops before the January 6th date. Nancy Pelosi and the D.C. mayor, that's Bowser, refused the guard. In other words, this was all completely preventable except Democrats rejected the protection.

We'll also get insight from Congressman Jim Jordan and Congressman Jim Banks. They were booted from the fake January 6 committee so they could stack the deck 100 percent against Donald Trump.

And we'll hear firsthand from families of the victims of the 574 violent riots from the summer of 2020. Where is the committee investigating all of those riots, with dozens of dead Americans, thousands of injured cops?

Now, you remember that at the beginning for example, the riots, the fake news referred to as fiery but mostly peaceful. You know, the reporter would have a big fire behind them but said it's mostly peaceful.

All told, thousands of police were injured, some very severely, in the fiery but peaceful protests, as they said dozens of Americans dead. There were over 600 arson attacks, 97 police vehicles were lit on fire, a police precinct was burned to the ground, a federal courthouse in Portland was set ablaze well pretty much every night for months, dozens of businesses were burned beyond repair, entire city blocks were taken over by criminals in Seattle, in the autonomous Chas, Chop, summer of love zone.

There were over 2,000 incidents of looting and over $2 billion in property damage. Rioters even attacked the White House with the president and his family inside. Look at this picture on your screen. This was May of 2020. Violent demonstrators called peaceful by Democrats and the mob in the media attempting to break through a Secret Service barricade adjacent to the White House grounds.

Some even managed to set historic St. John's church on fire. The situation was so dangerous, the president and his family were forced to flee to a secure bunker, ultimately 60 Secret Service officers, they sustained injuries in the attack. Eleven were transported to a local hospital.

But according to Democrats, the media mob, the January 6 commission, committee, this never happened. Where is the committee investigating this? Take a look for yourself.


REPORTER: That thing done by commission or a city council, not a mob in a middle night throwing them into the harbor.

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: People will do what they do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's violence across the whole country. You just said (INAUDIBLE) from Antifa, that's happening in Portland right now.

REP. JERRY NADLER (D-NY): That's a myth that's being spread only in Washington D.C.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: About Antifa in Portland.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a mostly protest. It is not -- it is not generally speaking unruly, but fires have been started.

REP. AYANNA PRESSLEY (D-MA): There needs to be unrest in the streets for as long as there is unrest in our lives and unfortunately, there's plenty to go around.


HANNITY: Now then, Senator Kamala Harris, she even took it a step further. She promoted the bail fund for the violent rioters and in June of 2020, in the middle of those riots, she told Stephen Colbert they're not going to stop. They shouldn't stop, we're not going to stop. Take a listen.


STEPHEN COLBERT, TV HOST: I know that there are protests still happening in major cities across the United States. I'm just not seeing the reporting on it that I that I had --


COLBERT: -- for the first few weeks.

HARRIS: But they're not going to stop. They're not going to stop. And that's -- they're not -- this is a movement I'm telling you. They're not going to stop.

And everyone beware because they're not going to stop, it is going to -- they're not going to stop before election day in November and they're not going to stop after election day. And that should be -- everyone should take note of that on both levels. That this isn't -- they're not going to let up and they should not.


HANNITY: Beware, take note. They're not going to stop. We're not going to stop, then promoting a bail fund, people involved the burning down of a precinct and the disaster that was Minnesota at the time. Well, where -- when are we going to have the committee investigate Vice President Kamala Harris? While Kamala Harris reveled in the violence, President Trump, he was attempting all through the summer of 2020 to restore law and order all across the country. He was trying to use every tool at his disposal, including the National Guard.

And after a long summer of large violent demonstrations, President Trump knew how important it was to always prepare for the worst ahead of any massive demonstration, you always have bad actors unfortunately, two days before January 6, 2020. We can now report tonight completely and we will have it backed up in a minute that Donald Trump authorized up to 10,000 or 20,000 National Guard soldiers to protect the Capitol.

The Capitol police chief also requested the National Guard not once, not twice, not three times, six separate times. Both Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of Washington D.C. Bowser, they needed to sign off on the president's order and both rejected these requests again and again.

By doing so, they left the Capitol totally vulnerable, and as we now know, it was breached within mere seconds.

Kash Patel who will join us in a moment provided us a document showing Bowser's rejection. And when will Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowser be subpoenaed to testify before this holier than thou, sanctimonious January 6 committee, that has the likes of Adam Schiff, the guy that lied for three- plus long years about election integrity issues that never happened. He lied over and over again about Trump-Russia collusion.

Now, likely, they'll never do it and ask yourself this question, if the true purpose of the committee is to understand what happened so that it can never happen again how can you possibly ignore the issue of rejecting the National Guard that the president called up? The only reason I can think of is the committee is playing partisan politics and it has a predetermined outcome. All they want to do is bludgeon and blame Trump again. Everybody on the committee voted to impeach Trump post-presidential -- his post- presidential service.

The books are cooked. That's why Congressman Jim Jordan and Congressman Jim Banks were barred from the committee. We'll hear from them tonight.

Keep in mind, every single member of the January 6 committee, as I said, seven Democrats and two Republicans, they all voted to impeach Donald Trump. And over the weekend, one of those committee members, Liz Cheney, said, her goal was to block President Trump from ever getting near the White House again. Earlier today, in a highly divisive speech, Joe Biden echoed Cheney's fever dreams and accused Donald Trump of doing nothing to protect the capitol. We now know that's false.

Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We didn't see a former president who had just rallied the mob to attack, sitting in the private dining room off the Oval Office in the White House, watching it all on television and doing nothing for hours, as police were assaulted, lives at risk, the nation's capital under siege.


HANNITY: Rally to attack. Many of you will now peacefully and patriotically march to the Capitol so your voices can be heard, calling up the National Guard. Is that rallying an attack?

Now, had Pelosi and Bowser actually listen to Donald Trump, knowing that we had riots over the summer previously, knowing there was a big march planned for that day, knowing that it's sadly pretty predictable when you have a large crowd that there will always be bad actors, knowing tensions were high in the country post the election, all of this could have been prevented.

Donald Trump authorized the National Guard, all while Democrats blocked his efforts to secure the Capitol, and don't forget Trump said again, many of you will now peacefully patriotically march to the Capitol so your voices may be heard. But of course, those words don't matter, do they, to Democrats that have an agenda?

The Democratic Party, they never let truth and facts get in the way of a good narrative. Look at, for example, over MSDNC, they actually had a historian comparing January 6th to the Holocaust? Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have film footage of what happened on January 6th. We have proof. Dwight Eisenhower during World War III made sure all the Holocaust camps were filmed. So we've got the film footage. My worry is what do we call this and make sure we honor this day, this dark stain day every year. So we've got to keep saying January 6th. I think it is like December 7th Pearl Harbor, it is like the 9/11 tragedy.


HANNITY: Now, today, Vice President Kamala Harris also made a pretty horrible comparison herself. By the way, this is the person that tweeted out, oh, support the bail fund for the people involved with the peaceful protesting riots, same person that said they're not going to stop, they shouldn't stop, we're not going to stop. Take a look.


HARRIS: Certain dates echo throughout history, including dates that instantly remind all who have lived through them, where they were and what they were doing, when our democracy came under assault, dates that occupy not only a place on our calendars, but a place in our collective memory -- December 7th, 1941, September 11, 2001, and January 6, 2021.


HANNITY: Now, 2,403 Americans died at Pearl Harbor. I know it pretty well, my father served in the Pacific for four years and nearly 3,000 were murdered on 9/11/2001. Dozens of Americans were killed in the summer riots of that Kamala Harris cheered on.

So please spare us the low-class theatrics, Kamala, because you know what, you're looking pretty stupid right now. Take a look.


HARRIS: My thoughts immediately turned not only to my colleagues but to my staff who had been forced to seek refuge in our office converting filing cabinets into barricades.

This is a movement, I'm telling you, they're not going to stop.

The lawlessness, the violence, the chaos.

And everyone beware, because they're not going to stop, it is going to -- they're not going to stop before election day in November and they're not going to stop after election day.

The violent assault that took place here, the very fact of how close we came to an election overturned that reflects the fragility of democracy.

And that should be -- everyone should take note of that on both levels, that this isn't -- they're not going to let up and they should not.


HANNITY: Let me be clear also tonight, unlike Kamala Harris and most of the Democrats. We have been extraordinarily consistent. We do -- we do not on this program let politics determine whether one riot's a good one or a bad one. There's no such thing.

In real time on my radio show, this is from January 6, 2021, as the events of that day were unfolding, this is what I was saying.


HANNITY: I've seen one or two videos of some vandalism, every good decent honorable American would condemn all violence and urge any protesters that want to go down that road. You know, I see a lot of older people, moms and dads, and families and stuff, but you there's always going to be the agitators in some of these groups. The people that seem to always want to praise peaceful protesters are the media and the Democratic Party, because they went to great lengths to defend and even instances where there was violence, they didn't condemn the violence.

I condemn anybody involved in any incident involved in violence. It's that simple. We got to protect everybody -- and I don't care whether you agree with somebody who disagree. Protect our police, you got to protect kids that are at this rally and older people that are at this rally.


HANNITY: And I went on to say the Capitol and our elected officials and here's how we covered it the night of January 6, right here on this show.


HANNITY: Those who truly support President Trump, those that believe they are part of the conservative movement in this country, you do not -- we do not support those that commit acts of violence. They -- people -- we don't believe should be vandalizing our nation's capital, attacking the brave men and women that keep us safe in law enforcement, and all of today's perpetrators must be arrested and prosecuted to the full extent of the law.

But every good and decent American, we know will and must condemn what happened at the Capitol and moving forward we have got to do a dramatically better job protecting the innocent men and women who work there. We've got to protect our law enforcement officers. We've got to protect every single elected member of the Congress and Senate. This is not politics. They deserve to be protected.


HANNITY: Yeah, that's right. The media mob's been lying about me all week. We've been incredibly consistent all throughout. They're the hypocrites. They had a very different standard in the summer of 2020. We've been honest about it. January 6, the riots of summer of 2020, Democrats, the media mob, no, they haven't been consistent.

They want you to believe that January 6 was an insurrection. They want Trump locked up and barred from ever running again. They want to purge him from the Republican Party, which is what committee members now want. Why are they ignoring Trump's call for the National Guard two days prior? Why won't they call as a witness or subpoena Nancy Pelosi and Mayor Bowser?

Look at the CBS poll that came out, buried by the news organization or so- called news organization. A vast majority of Americans believe January 6 was a protest that went too far. However, according to the political class, this was a violent insurrection caused by Donald Trump who called for peaceful protests carried out by a group of people who refused to accept the results of 2020.

We've been hearing all day that anyone that ever cast out on election results is a monster. Democrats, they've never done the same? You might remember the dirty dossier bought and paid for by Hillary Clinton that accused Donald Trump of being a Russian asset and how Russia helped him win the election in 2016.

You might remember the years and years of claims that President Trump's election was illegitimate, Biden and Harris, they themselves echoed this dangerous lie. They accused Donald Trump of cheating with Putin's help. All of this has now been debunked completely and they said it over and over again.

And then Adam Schiff's -- you know, another shift show. He sits on the committee, when he led the effort, led the lying, the conspiracy theories, the hoax and we never talk about that? Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think he's an illegitimate president that didn't really win so how do you, you know, fight against that in 2020?

HARRIS: You are absolutely right.

REP. MAXINE WATERS (D-CA): The president is an illegitimate racist occupying the White House who has defined himself over and over again.

HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATES: I believe he knows he's an illegitimate president. He knows. He knows that there were a bunch of different reasons why the election turned out the way it did.

NADLER: The Russian weighing in on the election, the Russian attempt to hack the election and frankly, the FBI is weighing in on the election I think make the -- makes his election illegitimate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's illegitimate and my biggest fear is that he's going to do it again with the help of Vlad, his best pal, and we're going to be stuck for six more years of this guy and that is terrifying. It's terrifying.

BIDEN: Would you be my vice president from Canada --


Folks, look, I absolutely agree.


HANNITY: That was a three-plus year lie by Democrats, yes, questioning the legitimacy of the 2016 election. The media, they lied right along with them.

The worst offender in spreading the lie, the congenital liar Adam Schiff, and he's on the January 6 committee. It doesn't get any more sick or ironic than that.

And then there's Stacey Abrams herself. God bless her. She still thinks she's the rightful governor of Georgia. Take a look.


STACE ABRAMS (D), GEORGIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: This is not a speech of concession because concession means to acknowledge an action is right true or proper. As a woman of conscience and faith, I cannot concede that.

But will I say that this election was not tainted was not a disinvestment and a disenfranchisement of thousands of voters, I will not say that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think the vote was stolen from you, the election was stolen from you?

ABRAMS: I think the election was stolen from the people of Georgia.


HANNITY: And she's loved by all the Democrats. They all like Stacey Abrams, the 2016 election, that's -- we won't talk about that.

Democrats have challenged every single election loss in modern American history. Here's a headline from the "New York Magazine", "Yes, Bush v. Gore did steal the election". Another, quote, "Al gore won Florida in 2000". And another, we really did inaugurate the wrong guy.

Now, the same media mob wants you to believe that if you question an election result, that's treason. Liz Cheney has now partnered with the very people that thought her vice president father was not legitimately elected and was on top of that a crook, a war criminal, a liar and a murderer.

Now, Democrats want to distract from the country. You know, Biden's failures of president and exploit the one riot last year to end the filibuster and pass their radical election reform and it's not really election reform. It's an unconstitutional ploy to ban voter ID all across the country and ban partisan observers from watching the vote count, ban chain of custody mechanisms for ballots, ban updates for voter rolls and stop and some Democrats even want illegal immigrants to have the right to vote.

In other words, they want it to be easier to harvest ballots. And in some cases, get illegal immigrants to vote to the polls.

And as you know, Democrats never let a good crisis go to waste. So make no mistake, January 6 is not the somber day for them that they're acting like. Sadly, they are exploiting this as a political opportunity. Otherwise, Nancy Pelosi, Mayor Bowser would be called in and they would rightly be questioned. Why did they not go along with Donald Trump's call for the National Guard?

They're even celebrating with a special musical performance -- we won't play it now -- from the cast of "Hamilton".

Here with reaction, former Pentagon chief of staff during the Trump administration, Kash Patel.

The inspector general, by the way, said you guys did everything right at the Department of Defense. Fact check, did Donald Trump call for 10,000 to 20,000 National Guard troops to be on standby for January 6? Did he do it two days before January 6?


I was in the Oval Office on that day, days prior to January 6, with the secretary of defense, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and others and President Trump.

And he authorized as the law requires, 10,000 to 20,000 National Guardsmen and Women to be utilized around the country. But the second part of the law requires a federal agency or governor or mayor, such as the United States Capitol Police or Mayor Bowser to make a request, otherwise, the National Guard cannot be deployed legally.

HANNITY: Okay, and you have a -- we have the actual signature of Mayor Muriel Bowser to defense officials declining the National Guard support. We'll put it up on the screen.

To be clear, the District that Columbia, is not requesting other federal law enforcement personnel and discourages any additional employment -- deployment without immediate notification and consultation, et cetera, et cetera. Is that true?

PATEL: That's 100 percent accurate and Biden's DOD inspector general himself said the Trump administration DOD did not delay or obstruct their response to January 6th and Mayor Bowser and the Capitol police repeatedly in writing refused to request the National Guard. And that's in the report and it's in the DOD records, and I wonder why so many people aren't asking for it. I'm thankful that you are.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this. To -- for the National Guard to have been called up, that had to be approved by Nancy Pelosi. Is that the correct chain of command?

PATEL: Well, Nancy Pelosi supervises the United States Capitol Police. That's the federal agency and Mayor Bowser who would have requested the National Guard. So I can't imagine the universe where the United States Capitol Police didn't consult with their chain of command to make that request.

But we know we went to the Capitol police and said ahead of time, we can posture ahead of time, the National Guard takes time to man, train and equip these ladies and men to serve the community. We can't do it instantaneously. We can't beam them in. We have to pull them out of their communities. And no such request was granted or given prior to January 6.

HANNITY: Did the Capitol Police chief himself on multiple occasions request the National Guard help even before the riots happen?

PATEL: I don't recall the National Guard police. I never spoke to him. The secretary of the army was handling that relationship. But there must be a formal request. There can't just be a phone call that says, hey, we need help.

That's not what the law says. Posse comitatus, the Supreme Court have said, you cannot deploy troops in America. It's unlawful, unless it's the National Guard pursuant to a legal and lawful request that has to come from the head of the agency.

HANNITY: Last question --

PATEL: And Mayor Bowser.

HANNITY: You went to this committee, before this committee. I read that they were asking you more questions about Afghanistan which seems rather odd to me, but you have a timeline of the events that day and you were backed up by the inspector general of the Department of Defense in terms of you taking the right actions.

My question to you is what is in that timeline that people need to know?

PATEL: Oh, fantastic question. It's backed up by writing.

Mayor Bowser's written refusal, the communications between the leader of the Capitol police and their chain of command to the DOD refusing our request to allow National Guardsmen and Women to stage on January 4 and January 5, before January 6. That's in the timeline.

The repeated written request refusals are there, along with the chain of command that the DOD followed.

And this -- I'll leave you with this, Sean, the biggest thing -- the DOD is the only no failed mission on God's green earth, and we were proven right that we acted lawfully on January 6th, under the law and under President Trump's authority, and that's something that's in the timeline as well.

HANNITY: It sounds like they weren't interested.

Is it fair then to conclude that had Donald Trump's request for National Guard troops two days before the 6, had the mayor of D.C approved it and Nancy Pelosi approved, it is -- it is it a safe assumption that what happened on January 6 wouldn't have happened?

PATEL: Well, I'll leave it to your viewers to picture 10,000 to 20,000 uniform military officers trained to protect not just property but personnel surrounding the United States Capitol. I can't imagine a force on the universe that could get through that and that's what we were preparing for and then requests never came from Mayor Bowser and the Capitol police.

HANNITY: Sometime tomorrow, we will post your entire timeline on hannity.com.

Kash Patel, thank you for being with us.

Straight ahead, Liz Cheney revealed the true intentions behind the sham January 6 Committee. Congressman Jim Banks, Jim Jordan, they were on the committee, they were kicked off the committee. We'll talk to them, next.


HANNITY: Joining us now, two men kicked off the January 6 Committee, Congressman Jim Banks, Congressman Jim Jordan.

Jim Jordan, I'll start with you.

Were you given a reason why you were kicked off the committee, one?

And number two, you just heard from the chief of staff of the Department of Defense confirmed by the inspector general of the Department of Defense that all the things they did were correct. Why were you kicked off the committee? And what are -- your thoughts about the issue of Nancy Pelosi and the mayor of D.C rejecting Donald Trump's call for troops two days ahead of time?

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): No, I think that's why we were kicked off because we got -- Jim and I were raising that question, and then we found out that, you know, she wasn't going to let us serve on the committee. First time in American history, frankly, Sean, first time this has ever happened.

And I think she's afraid of getting to the truth. Why is it the sergeant of arms -- sergeant-at-arms office will not -- Nancy Pelosi will not let them release the communications and documents that surround this whole decision? Why is that? They won't release the information.

So, yeah, we got conflicting testimony between the Capitol Hill police who said -- the police chief said he requested the National Guard be there on January 6. Sergeant-at-arms says, no, you didn't -- conflicting testimony.

So, one guy says we asked for it, one guy says we did it. The guy who didn't is the one who answers directly to the speaker's office and she -- that office will not release the communications between the speaker's office and the sergeant-at-arms and other communications the sergeant-at- arms have.

So we know that's the reason why Jim and I weren't allowed to be on the committee. We asked that question.


HANNITY: Maybe I've been cynical in my old age, why do I think probably they've been bleached bit by this time or smashed with a hammer?

Congressman Banks, let me ask you -- why doesn't this committee call before, or subpoena Nancy Pelosi, the sergeant-at-arms, the Capitol Police Chief and Mayor Muriel Bowser? Why aren't they being called?

REP. JIM BANKS (R-IN): Sean, the most important thing I read today on the Internet was a piece from former Speaker Newt Gingrich in "Newsweek" who said he knows firsthand as a former speaker of the House that it is the speaker of the House's responsibility to oversee the Capitol Police and oversee Capitol security. And it gets very uncomfortable when you go down that path, you realize that the breadcrumbs lead to Nancy Pelosi's office.

And that distracts from the circus the narrative. Today, it was January 6 the musical, at the Capitol. It just that -- going down and following the breadcrumbs to Nancy Pelosi's office means that she was negligent, she oversaw a systemic breakdown of security of -- at the highest levels of the Capitol police, that led to the Capitol being unsecured on January 6. That gets very uncomfortable for Democrats to go down that path.

HANNITY: So, we have, Jim Jordan, only people that voted to impeach the president, to the two Republicans that are the biggest Never Trumpers. You two are both kicked off the committee. I don't see any effort to subpoena Nancy Pelosi or the Capitol police chief or the sergeant-at-arms or Mayor Bowser.

My question is, does that then make this a sham committee with a predetermined outcome, whose only goal is to bludgeon Trump again, with the hopes of purging him from any future political run?

JORDAN: Exactly right, shows how partisan it is and frankly how out of touch it is.

Think about it, Sean, we've had record crime, record inflation, record number of illegal immigrants entered the country over the last year. And what are the Democrats doing today? Oh, they're having Hamilton -- the cast of "Hamilton" come sing a song on Zoom for goodness sake.

So it shows how out of touch they are, how much they want to go after President Trump.

But the most disgusting part of the day was what you reference in your monologue, where the vice president of the United States says this is -- January 6 was the equivalent to Pearl Harbor, was the equivalent to 9/11. Tell that to the granddaughter whose grandfather was gave his life on D- Day. Tell that to the son who's whose dad was one of the firefighters who went into the Tower on 9/11.

Or frankly, tell that to Max Soviak's family. Max Soviak, one of the 13 people, from our district, one of the 13 people who gave his life for our country this summer. Go tell that to them.

That -- this is from the same lady who was raising money to bail people out of jail who attacked law enforcement in the summer of 2020. Go tell that to those individuals. That's how ridiculous and out of touch the Democrats are.

HANNITY: Last word. Jim Banks, I only have 30 seconds. We lost dozens of Americans, thousands of injured cops, billions of -- in property damage. The Democrats either was silent or said the protests in the summer of were mostly peaceful. Where is that committee?

BANKS: It doesn't exist.

Twenty-four hundred police officers were hospitalized from BLM riots in the summer of 2020, Sean, and I've never heard a Democrat breathe a single word about those police officers because it doesn't fit into their anti-Trump, their anti-Trump voter narrative. They don't want to talk about that. They obviously want to create the circus that they've created today.

HANNITY: I'm sure you both have great confidence in Adam Schiff who led one of the greatest post-election lies for three and a half years and dragged the country through hell. He sits on this committee. You can't make this Adam Schiff up, you really can't.

Thank you both. Appreciate it. You should be on the committee. It shows how corrupt they are.

When we come back, widespread rioting -- we were just talking about it, summer of 2020 -- claiming the lives of dozens of Americans. When we come back, we'll speak with the families that lost loved ones in the summer of 2020 riots. Where's their commission? Straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, in the middle of Democrats, media mob breathless hysteria, hyperbole and January 6th obsession, ask yourself tonight, why is there such a loud silence surrounding the nearly 574 riots in the summer of 2020? We lost dozens of Americans. They were killed. We had two billion dollars in property damage, arson, looting. Major cities were torched, rioters were being glorified by prominent Democrats or ignored. Where is the committee investigation into those riots, the thousands of police officers that were hurt?

Because the costs of those lawlessness that took place are too real, and we've committed right here on this program to telling you the tragic stories that pretty much everyone else in the media mob ignores, and same with Washington, D.C.

Joining us now is Ann Dorn. Now, she is the widow of the late officer David Dorn who was fatally shot. He was helping to defend the St. Louis business in June of 2020, amid violent rioting.

We welcome back to the program, Horace Lorenzo Anderson Sr. He is the father of the late Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr. You might recall, he was killed and shot in Seattle's autonomous Chop, Chaz, summer of love zone, as called by the Mayor Jenny Durkin. And he's joined by Seattle activist Andre Taylor, become friends with both of them.

But, Ann, I'll start with you. Your husband spent -- all I've heard about your husband is what a hero he is. All I've heard is how he dedicated his life to serving his community and protecting others and putting his life on the line to do it. Where's the committee? Are you angry there's not a committee looking into the riots that led to the death of your husband?

ANN DORN, WIDOW OF RETIRED ST. LOUIS CAPT. DAVID DORN: I am. The riots were organized. They were -- they were funded by George Soros. There was a bail fund set up for the rioters who get arrested --

HANNITY: Have you confirmed that? Did you confirm that he paid for that?

DORN: I know there was a there was a bail fund set up by him yes, and several people gave to it, including Kamala Harris gave into that fund.

HANNITY: Wow. You know, you never recover when you lose a loved one. There's nothing worse than that.

Horace , you and I and -- and I don't know why you're still hanging out with Andre, by the way. I mean -- no, actually Andre and I've become pretty friendly together. We've had some real conversation off the air.

I know you missed your son. The night I interviewed you was one of the toughest interviews I've done in my career to be very honest. Afterwards, I know Donald Trump called you. No politician had called you previously.

When you see this committee, you see that the president had called up the National Guard, Nancy Pelosi didn't respond, the mayor of D.C. didn't respond, now you know that nobody protected your son in the summer of love zone, there's no committee. Do you feel angry? Because I'd be angry.

HORACE LORENZO ANDERSON, DAD OF 19-YEAR-OLD KILLED IN "CHOP" ZONE: Yeah, I feel angry. I feel disappointed, feel hurt feel lost, confused. So I feel a few things at this point, always forgotten.


ANDERSON: Always forgotten, like nobody cared, you know, nobody -- nobody didn't matter to nobody.

HANNITY: I care. I know Andre cares. I care about every life in America.


ANDERSON: I appreciate you.

ANDRE TAYLOR, FOUNDER OF "NOT THIS TIME": Yeah, beyond the politics, the human story is that Horace called me. As an American, I helped him as an American. You helped us as an American, beyond the politics. Those are real stories.

And out of everybody, through your show, Horace was able to touch millions of people and the president was one of those people and people often say about the president is this the president is that, and I say to them, I don't care what you say personally, the most powerful man in the world did not have to call Horace and offer his condolences. No other politician did that, but the president did.

No one else gave us a platform, like you. So, on a personal matter, you know, I appreciate you and I appreciate the president for reaching out. I'm talking about a human story, not on politics, just on some real human story, and I think that that was beautiful and to this day we are ever indebted to you guys. We appreciate that.

HANNITY: I wish I could do more.

Ann, they could still investigate what happened in 2020. What do you say to the people on this committee that are only focused on one riot, not the ones that killed dozens, injured thousands of cops and caused billions in property damage and resulted in the death of your wonderful husband?

DORN: They're just looking in the wrong place. They -- they want to make scapegoats of people and, you know, the real tragedies is what happened in these cities. You know, a lot of people lost their lives. We -- like I said, we had so many officers injured, just in the city of St. Louis, and businesses were burned down, millions -- billions of dollars of businesses, even black owned you know mainly black owned businesses were destroyed.

And for them to turn a blind's eye to that, knowing that it was as organized as it was, and that's the shame in our country. You know, the stuff going on January 6th, you know, it's all -- it's all on video. Release the videos and you'll know the truth. And then there is no investigation.

But come to these cities and talk to people where that really sustained the loss, the loss of lives, the loss of children, the loss of spouses, and then the officers who were shot, you know, ambushed and shot. Those -- that's what needs to be investigated. You know, who organized that? Where did that come from?

HANNITY: Horace, I'll give you the last word tonight on this, and that is this could be could have been prevented. Why would a government ever allow city blocks, including a police precinct, to be taken over by anarchists, where your son ended up dying?

ANDERSON: I don't know. I'm still trying to find the truth. I'm still trying to find the truth. I miss my son though. I wish somebody would have helped him, you know?

But only God, I just got to pray every day and just hope that God just blessed me one day get justice for him.

HANNITY: Well, let me just say --

TAYLOR: It's not popular, Sean. You know, he has a real human story and that human story is not popular. Every day, he has to think about the loss of his son, created through this situation.

HANNITY: Yeah, it's sad because the -- I would argue the reason is that you don't get political mileage out of it. I've been scrolling the names of people shot in Chicago since 2000 -- what? -- 9, on this program, names nobody knows, nobody seems to care because they can't score cheap political points on it. Those lives all matter too.

You're all in our prayers tonight. Thank you. I hope we do get a committee to look into the riots in the summer of 2020. We need one.

Thank you both -- thank you all for being with us.

Another day, another outrageous comment from Joy Reid. You're not going to believe this one. That's straight ahead.


HANNITY: The media mob working overtime to distract from America's failing Biden/Harris agenda, coming up with new creative ways to smear Republicans, conservatives. Look over at MSNBC. Joy Reid now falsely claiming Republicans don't like Biden because he was vice president for a black president. Take a look.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: Tomorrow, President Biden is going to speak and the question of whether or not he actually can change this or he can alter it at all, because unbelievably, he has become for Republicans as much as a figure of hatred and hate objects as President Obama was, the black president. Like, I mean, he was the vice president, but I don't know what it is, but this is like sort of norm core Democrat ever. He's a moderate -- sort of ordinary Democrat. There is nothing outrageous about him. But they have cast him as sort of a demonic character.

HANNITY: Joy Reid has a long line, long history of repulsive attacks on her fellow Americans, a long line of reckless facts -- fact-free coverage of major stories. Here's a tiny minuscule sample. This is NBC news.


REID: You have to be willing to vocalize that these Republicans are dangerous. That this isn't a party that just another political party that disagrees from tax policy. That at this point, they're dangerous. They're dangerous to our national security.

For so many reasons, being a free loader and selfish and disrespectful one and misappropriating vernacular reasons, Elon Musk is the absolute worst.

If somehow they managed to stumble into the Supreme Court, do any of you to trust Uncle Clarence, and Amy Coney Barrett and those guys to follow the letter of the law?

Tim Scott standing there to provide a patina of diversity over that round of word, basket full of words.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, Leo 2.0 Terrell, along with co-host to "The Five", he's the host of "Watters World", he is on pretty much every show on television, Jesse Watters is back with us.

I owe you both a thank you that I will get to another day.

Leo, let's see -- because Joe Biden worked on the Barack Obama, other comments that she made, Uncle Clarence NBC News?

LEO TERRRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Right, Joe Biden worked for Barack Obama, so, therefore, GOP hates Joe Biden because the association of Barack Obama. That is ridiculous and it's racist.

Let me tell you why GOP in America do not like Joe Biden? Because he allowed 13 American soldiers to be killed in Afghanistan. He let the southern border go to pot. He's played a race card called critical race theory.

He basically has destroyed private schools and public schools. He has shut down the country but these mandates.

The GOP and America dislikes Joe Biden because he is bought and paid for by AOC and the extreme left.

Joy Reid hates anyone who is black, white, brown, or yellow who do not adopt an extreme socialist, progressive agenda. She hates me because I dislike Joe Biden for all the things that I articulate. Joe Biden is not good for America.

HANNITY: Let me ask you, Jesse Watters. Leo did forget 40-year high inflation and a $1.50 more a gallon and everything costing more. Your thoughts?

JESSE WATTERS, HOST OF "WATTERS' WORD": Yeah, as Republicans, we actually didn't mind Joe Biden when he was Barack Obama's VP. He was kind of funny, he wasn't threatening. He was good, old Uncle Joe sticking his foot in his mouth.

Biden, he wasn't taken seriously. Obama didn't taken him seriously. He was kind of a joke.

But now the joke is on us because he was president. We gave him a chance first because he was so fair. And as Leo said, he broke the bank, he broke the border, he divided the country with mandates and disgraced us in Afghanistan.

So, what Joy Reid doesn't understand is Democrats gave us a lot of reason to dislike them. Race isn't even on the radar.

You got Schiff, you got Schumer, you got Nancy Pelosi, and crooked. We don't like crooked because she is crooked. Not because she married the first black President Bill Clinton.

But, Sean, we have breaking news right now, there's Comcast sources that are saying that Joy is out of the show when MSNBC reshuffles their line up in the spring. John Nacosia (ph) just broke it. Even her allies at Comcast say she's unmanageable and she's dishonest. So she's only got a couple of months left.

HANNITY: Listen, I saw the same report. I don't call for boycotts, shutdowns and cancellations.

Leo, quick, 10 seconds.

TERRELL: My advice, that race card will not hunt any longer. That is only card the Democrats have left. It does not work. Trump created the most diverse Republican Party. Look who is part of it right now.

HANNITY: All right. Jesse, thank you, Leo, thank you.

More HANNITY next.


HANNITY: Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for being with us. We hope you set your DVR. Laura Ingraham will tell you how in the next hour so you never miss an episode of HANNITY.

Anyway, but in the meantime, the news continues right here on Fox.

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