This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on October 6, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. And, Tucker, thank you.
And welcome to HANNITY.
Breaking tonight, radical Democrats on Capitol Hill, they have a brand new hero. With their multi-trillion dollar socialist agenda now stalled in Congress, it appears it might be Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell throwing Democrats a lifeline.
Now in a back room deal apparently struck, according to reports, with Chuck Schumer, McConnell is apparently thinking about or has agreed to a raising of the debt ceiling, giving Democrats more time to use what's known as the process of reconciliation to ram through their $3.5 trillion New Green Deal socialist agenda.
As a reminder, reconciliation, that is a procedure that allows the U.S. Senate to pass certain budgetary bills, not amnesty, without a filibuster- proof 60-vote majority. But keep this in mind, this is a time intensive process. Now with the debt ceiling looming just two weeks away, reconciliation was not an option. Other Democrats are now saying they prefer to use their special occasion nuclear option as a means of raising the debt ceiling, although Republican sources telling me tonight they will not stand in the way if the Democrats are going to raise the debt ceiling on their own, they won't stop it, that's on them.
Mitch McConnell needs to stop with this old outdated Washington, these swamp ways of Washington. He should not lift a finger to help the socialist Democrats rob future generations blind, because that's what this bill will do. If you raise the debt ceiling, they're going to waste all of it and they're going to steal it from our children, our grandchildren and great grandchildren.
In other words, Mitch McConnell, tonight, you need to stop being a swamp creature and if you want to be a conservative leader, you need to start acting like one. And if you can't do that, you really do need to step aside because God only knows what will happen in reconciliation, if the Democrats choose the nuclear option, that will be on them and so will all the predictable consequences that will be a result of the spending orgy of theirs, especially robbing future generations of their inheritance and destroying the greatest wealth-producing country in history.
For years on this program, I have appropriately many, many times pointed out when Republicans are weak and spineless and visionless and pathetic. By the way, that's why I'm a registered conservative. I'm not a registered Republican. It's why the establishment frankly lost to Donald Trump in 2016.
And for four years, yeah, Donald Trump did stiffen their spines, some are getting wobbly again. Lindsey Graham tonight speaking out against this grand swamp compromise, telling Mitch McConnell not to extend the debt ceiling, let Democrats do it themselves. Why? According to Graham, this extension will likely result in trillions in new spending, trillions a new wound to the tomb, cradle to the grave social welfare programs that will over-promise, under-deliver, create more poverty, false promises and debt into eternity.
Trillions of dollars, inflation through the roof. This type of Green New Deal socialism is not good for this country. Any Republican or conservative should know this is bad for our economy.
Joe Manchin from West Virginia, just a little less strident, changes his mind seemingly every 30 minutes. Okay, I don't know if he's going to stop most of the $3.5 trillion spending bill, I have no idea. He and Kyrsten Sinema would need to sign off on this. That's up to them.
This is the Democrats problem and people like Mitch McConnell, if you want to be a conservative and you want to be a leader, you need to stop being a hostage to the scary government shutdown rhetoric. They control all branches of government.
Jen Psaki proclaiming today, everything would be fine if Republicans started being adults. Okay, when the Democrats are going to be adults and let Republicans be a part of the negotiations? Because they haven't had a foot in the door the entire time.
So let's cut out the Washington swamp B.S. circle back Jen Psaki.
JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: We don't need to kick the can. We don't need to go through a cumbersome process that every day brings additional risks. And you heard many of the business leaders convey that, even as we look to risk tomorrow, the next day.
As has been reported, the vote has been delayed. There's still an opportunity for Republicans to join us and being adults in the room and ensure that people have confidence in the economic security and their own retirement savings.
HANNITY: My message to Mitch, my message to every Republican in the Senate and Congress -- do not give in to the threats and the insults and the doom and the gloom predictions, oh, the full faith and credit of the United States government, they want the debt ceiling raise so they can spend trillions on New Green Deal socialism and destroy the greatest economy the world has ever known. Kill the deal, Democrats, they wanted to govern. It's in their hands. They have the power to do all of this.
They told the American people they were more than capable. So this is their agenda and it will wither and it will die. Don't help them. Don't bail them out either because they created this mess. And stop this Build Back Better BS once and for all.
Joining us now with the full report, the hitchhiker's guide to all things Washington swamp and sewer, our very own Chad Pergram is with us.
Chad, look, you know the ins and outs. Now, it was reported earlier today, so I thought, that Mitch agreed to it. Now, there's some ambiguity as to whether he's fully on board with making this deal to raise the debt ceiling. Where is he at this hour?
CHAD PERGRAM, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: That's right. There's no deal on paper just yet. But earlier today, everyone blinked. They don't have an infrastructure bill but both sides were searching for an exit ramp. Democrats will take McConnell's offer here. They will suspend the debt ceiling through December.
So why was McConnell ready to deal and why were Democrats ready to deal? Let's explore that for just a second here.
Let's start with McConnell. McConnell wanted to underscore chaos of a unified Democratic government, one which was so focused on passing trillions in spending.
SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R-KY): Playing risky games with our economy using manufactured drama to bully their own members indulging petty politics instead of governing.
PERGRAM: Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer hoped to portray the GOP as obstructionists.
SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): Today, Republicans will have opportu -- an opportunity to get exactly what they kept asking. And the first and easiest option is this, Republicans can simply get out of the way and we can agree to skip the filibuster vote so we can proceed to final passage of this bill.
PERGRAM: Now, Shakespeare wrote the play is the thing. Both the GOP and Democrats are running their own plays right now. The GOP plays to get Democrats on the record twice on the debt ceiling now and in December and also get Democrats on the record voting on their massive social spending plan. For Democrats, they could not afford an economic crisis tied to the debt ceiling that would undercut the Biden presidency. It would also sidetrack Democrats from passing their social spending plan. So there was benefit to both sides.
Now, there's vote no votes scheduled right now. That vote might come tomorrow. We said earlier the play is the thing -- well, tonight, Congress called it's favorite play, the punt -- Sean.
HANNITY: All right. Chad, thank you.
As I behind said --
ANNOUNCER: Americans Held Hostage Behind Enemy Lines Day 53.
HANNITY: All right. Day 53, yes, Americans -- American citizens, their families, our allies, thousands of green card holders, and families abandoned, Afghan allies abandoned, all by Joe Biden and yes, they're held behind enemy lines. Yes, they're hostages to the Taliban.
Now, according to reports, we're learning that the terrorists who blew himself up at the airport in Kabul, killing 13 U.S. soldiers and more than others had just been released from a prison at Bagram Air Base by the Taliban. Joe never should have given up the Trump plan which relied on keeping that strategic air base.
Now, this was shortly after Biden made the decision in the late at night to abandon the base. Joe Biden's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan has been, continues to be an utter, unmitigated disaster. Americans trapped, he never mentions them now what day 36 or 37. And sadly, this is just one of many unmitigated disasters, all preventable and all caused by Joe Biden.
The border disaster, the inflation crisis, begging OPEC for more oil -- Joe, you ought to be asking Texas and Oklahoma and Alaska and North Dakota get their systems back online and you won't have to beg OPEC to produce more oil. China's aggression worldwide is on the rise you see their saber rattling with Taiwan as they talk about reunification.
But tonight, if you turn on fake news CNN or MSDNC, you read any major newspaper in the United States, you won't find any outrage pretty much at all. Almost nobody's demanding that Biden and his administration be held accountable for any anything or anyone. No one's calling for resignations. There is no hysteria abandoning Americans behind enemy lines and the media mob in America, you got hundreds of Americans and thousands of green card holders and their families held hostage and they barely mention it?
But they mentioned Donald Trump's mean tweets a whole lot. For example, just to remind you.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: President Trump unleashing a tweet storm today, and stoking his fight with professional athletes.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He, Trump, tweeted -- now this is the president United States -- some vindictive crap about Arnold Schwarzenegger losing his job in "The Apprentice".
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They're dangerous. Donald Trump's tweets are very dangerous.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Coming up, those Trump tweets and the danger they may pose.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a dangerous way to do diplomacy because it conveys to the world and frankly to his team that these aren't well thought out ideas.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The racist component of Trump tweeting which is in effect a kind of an open form of direct mail to the members of his support group that -- who are racist.
HAYES: Okay, let me get this straight. So abandoning Americans, their families, green card holders, Afghan allies -- that's not dangerous but tweets are?
Let's see. Giving up energy independence, now being reliant again on energy from countries that hate us, that's not dangerous?
What's happening at the border, the biggest super spreader event of all super spreader events, that's not dangerous?
Every day, the press found a new tweet, a new obsession, but they ignored these important really dangerous issues?
That's how corrupt they are. Remember, they even accuse President Trump of hosting super spreader events and killing Americans for daring to hold a political rally on the campaign trail.
Okay, we've got going on two million illegal immigrants with a high rate of COVID positivity, no testing and absolutely zero mandates for a vaccine -- yeah, I would say that's a little bit more dangerous and then they're dispersing people all around the country.
Oh, but this is more dangerous according to them. Take a look.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: CNN's looked into the aftermath of Trump rallies that occurred in August and September found rising COVID cases in the aftermath of those rallies.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Trump campaign rallies have left COVID infections in their wake. Wherever the Trump campaign goes, there are more COVID infections after the fact. We will never know how many.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Not only is she voting for Trump again, but if Trump was holding his super spreader COVID rallies a little closer to her house in Wisconsin, she'd like to go to one.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Trump's rally which drew thousands of supporters likely contributed to a dramatic surge in new cases.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE; He didn't seem to be this worried about COVID spreading during packed Trump rallies or at the Trump White House.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And how soon till more people die of COVID as a direct result of a Trump rally?
HANNITY: Let's see, last Labor Day, to this Labor Day, 300 percent increase in COVID cases in America, and Joe Biden had three vaccines and of course monoclonal antibodies. Oh, that he only mentioned once about two and a half weeks ago.
Really, what's more dangerous? The media mob the apoplectic about Trump rallies, two million people, high rate of COVID positivity, no testing, no vaccine mandates. As a matter of fact, you get preferential treatment if you're in the country illegally at the southern border. They're totally unconcerned about super spreaders now. Only Trump super spreaders matter in the world of the mob and the media and the Democratic Party.
Now, despite an unprecedented multi-million person surge, all of these unvaccinated illegal immigrants packed into Biden's cages overcrowded cages, makeshift tents, no social distancing. And as I pointed out, not even any testing, never mind a vaccine.
We'll never know by the way how many Americans die because they were infected by the illegal immigrants that Joe Biden is processing through the country and dispersing all around the rest of the country. Anyway, and he did it all in the middle of a pandemic.
And as the Save America PAC points out, there's a really bad situation. Watch this ad.
AD ANNOUNCER: Joe Biden's open borders disaster, a stream has become a gusher, the gusher is now a flood. Criminals, drugs and COVID infected illegals spreading the virus, killing our people. A Petri dish of disease and suffering on the southern border.
Joe Biden, he sent Kamala, a disaster. And now, the flood has become a tidal wave.
Biden's failing on immigration. America needs strong leaders, not weak ones.
HANNITY: America and the world need strong leadership, doesn't it? We have a humanitarian crisis, public health crisis, and yes, a national security crisis.
In a new Trafalgar Convention of States poll, look at this, 75 percent of Americans rate Kamala Harris's handling of the border crisis rightly as poor. Where are other 25 percent?
Recently retired, border patrol chief Rodney Scott announcing that terrorists are now attempting to enter the U.S. via -- yup, you got it, the southern border.
Remember, it wasn't long ago when the media mob told us that the real threat to this country was Stormy, Stormy, Storm, and Russia, Russia, Russia lies, and a harmless phone call with Ukraine. In case you forgot, we shall remind you.
HANNITY: Lies, lies, lies about Russia, Russia, Russia.
I have a good idea, what about Hunter, Hunter and Hunter? Oh, okay. By the way, is the Biden family compromised by Russia where they got money? What about China? What about Ukraine? What about Kazakhstan?
We know that Hunter leveraged his father's office to literally made millions of dollars from a Russian oligarch, Ukrainian oligarch, Chinese communist party officials. Then proceeded to cut in the big guy. That would be Joe Biden into the sketchy international deals.
Maybe that's why Putin got the waiver. Maybe that's why the Chinese think they could take over Taiwan and are saber-rattling with their jets flying all over Taiwan.
Joe, he's not lifting a finger. Hunter, by the way, not particularly a good artist is selling his paint by numbers or what looks like paint by numbers to me artwork, portraits of a crack addict, or what, a half a million dollars of pop to anonymous buyers, another way for the Bidens to get rich?
Anyone in the media calling for Joe to be investigated, what -- is the Biden family compromised by China, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and everywhere else this kid made millions without any experience? Is anybody worried what message this sends the world? Of course not, it's pathetic.
Now, add to this, another major concern and that's Biden's steep cognitive decline is projecting weakness all over the world stage which is why China is doing what they're doing another humiliating stain on the administration.
For the first time in history, France actually recalled its ambassador to the U.S., all because the Biden administration cut them out of a nuclear submarine deal with Australia. Well, John Kerry in a recent interview told French reporters -- oh, well, Joe Biden -- literally, he had no idea what just transpired.
I don't know what's worse. You decide.
JOHN KERRY, BIDEN'S CLIMATE ENVOY: President Biden asked me about it and I told him and expressed --
INTERVIEWER: You told Joe Biden that it was not the right --
KERRY: He asked me. He said, what's the situation? And I explained exactly he was he had not been aware of that. He literally, literally had not been aware of what had transpired and I don't want to go into the details of it.
HANNITY: He'd not even been aware of it. He's the president -- a major story, major international deal. Honestly, you know, who's the great puppeteer in the White House? Who's running the show? Who's in charge? Because it's certainly not him.
And, by the way, what message is this sending to China? We have a president of the United States who literally has no idea what's going on, but while Biden and his woke handlers project weakness abroad. Our allies are scared to death. By the way, and heavy-handed right here at home.
Look at what the attorney general, Merrick Garland, now directing his FBI to crack down on parents who dare to object to critical race theory in schools, encouraging law enforcement to label them as domestic terrorists where possible.
As Senator Ted Cruz pointed out today, a clear violation of the constitutional and civil rights of all Americans. The American people, you, we are not stupid. We see what's happening. They don't approve of it.
Look at the latest Quinnipiac poll. Biden's approval rating in the sewers, 38 percent.
Here with more, Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
Senator, let's start with Merrick Garland. And really? Or Terry McAuliffe's comments, parents have no right to say what -- have a say about their children's education. Why don't we just hand the kids over to the government, let them raise them because apparently that's what they want?
SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Well, you know, in any crisis, someone's character is revealed. And COVID really has shown the character of the Democrats. They are authoritarians. They are jack-booted thugs.
There is no decision about your life that they will not try to control, whether that is a vaccine mandate, regardless of your choices. Gavin Newsom trying to order every school kid in California to get a vaccine regardless of their parents' wishes or whether it comes to silencing free speech.
You know, at the attorney general's memorandum this week, he directed the FBI and the Department of Justice to go after parents who are going to school boards who are expressing dismay that critical race theory, the toxic stew of lies that divides us based on race, that teaches kids that America is inherently racist, that all white people are racist, that seeks to turn us into hating each other on racial lines -- parents are understandably upset about that.
And the attorney general told the Department of Justice that those parents at school boards should be treated as threats and as domestic terrorists and directed the FBI to use all the forces of the federal government against them today.
And you put up just a minute ago the hearing with the head of the civil rights division of the Department of Justice, I asked her, I said, do you really think parents at school boards are domestic terrorists? She refused to answer the question. I said, well, well, do they have any civil rights to express their dismay to their elected officials? The head of the civil rights division refused to answer it.
Then I asked her, Sean, I said, well, what about Antifa? What about Antifa terrorists that are rioting across the country? Are they domestic terrorists? She refused to answer that.
I said, how about Black Lives Matter terrorists that are looting stores and firebombing police cars and murdering police officers? Can we agree that if you murder police officers, you're a domestic terrorist? She said, well, everybody is allowed to have a point of view.
So the Biden Justice Department looks at terrorists who are murdering police officers and firebombing cities and says, we don't know if they're bad guys, but they look at moms at a PTA meeting and they say, yup, that is the threat in life -- it's nuts.
HANNITY: It's madness. We're going to have a lot more. The great one Mark Levin will weigh in tonight.
Senator, I want to ask you something here. I have very strong feelings. You tell me, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think any Republican was consulted in any way at all, never mind any meaningful way, on the $3.5 trillion in New Green Deal socialism.
Now, to pay for that, the Democrats are trying to rely on Republicans to assist them in raising the debt ceiling or else they won't have the money to spend on their socialism, which will destroy this great country.
And I don't want a single Republican -- I'm a conservative as you know -- I don't want a single Republican assisting them by raising the debt ceiling. And I heard Mitch McConnell might be opening the door to allow that to happen. That's not particularly pleasing to me, and that doesn't sound like small government conservatism to me.
CRUZ: Yeah, look, you're preaching to the choir. I think it is a big, big mistake.
As you'll remember, Sean, the first book I wrote was called "A Time for Truth", and the opening chapter of "A Time for Truth", the title of it was "Mendacity," and it described the Senate Republican lunch where Mitch McConnell asked every Republican to unanimously consent to lower the threshold for the Democrats to raise the debt ceiling from 60 votes to 50 votes.
And I raised my hand. I said, listen, there is no universe in which I can consent to that. It's dishonest to the men and women who elected us. There's nothing I've done in nine years in the Senate that is more in rage leadership than that moment of objecting.
And we're right back there again. Again, Republicans are being asked to consent to lower the threshold and this is all because Chuck Schumer is playing political games.
Right now, the Democrats have both Houses of Congress and the White House. They can raise the debt ceiling, but Schumer doesn't want to because if they raise it with just Democrat votes, and they actually have to be honest to the voters and say, yes, we're adding trillions in debts to our kids and grandkids, instead they want to play a game that forces Republicans to support their massive debt and their reckless spending.
Schumer is the one who is threatening a default of the debt. Biden is the one who is threatening you to fall to the deb. That is reckless.
We should never, ever, ever default on the debt. And, by the way, for years, I've supported legislation called the full faith and credit act that would say under no circumstances would the United States ever default on its debt. If a debt ceiling isn't raised, we will continue to pay the interest on our debt and it will be the big government left-wing spending programs that are cut instead.
But the Democrats block it because they want to threaten the default on the debt to push through more spending programs.
HANNITY: All right. Senator, stand strong, the American people will stand behind you, every conservative will, most Republicans.
Mitch McConnell, stand up as a conservative or let someone else lead. Thank you.
When we come back, Biden's border crisis is worsening. Republican governors are taking matters into their own hands. Sara Carter is at the border. Texas Governor Abbott and.
And then later at the end of the show, I have an announcement that I think you'll like, straight ahead.
HANNITY: Now we have 10 Republican governors joining Texas Governor Greg Abbott at the border today, exposing Joe Biden's border neglect and what is a worsening humanitarian security and the super spreader of all super spreader health crisis, and the governor's outlined a 10-step border security plan to fix what is this self-inflicted Biden-Harris open borders disaster. It includes reinstating Donald Trump's remain in Mexico policy, ending the insanity of process, quote, catch and release, building the wall again, and enforcing all deportations of criminally convicted illegal immigrants.
Our own Sara Carter is down at the border with the very latest.
Sara, what's going on?
SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah, Sean, the governor's noted that it wouldn't require an act of Congress to get their 10-point plan into action, just a signature from President Biden.
I spoke today to two of those governors, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds. They both said that Biden's current policies are a national security threat to the United States. Listen to this.
CARTER: Twenty-six governors sending a message directly to the Biden administration and that's to fix this border, to fix the national security crisis. Do you believe he's going to give you the resources you need in order to take care of that?
GOV. DOUG DUCEY (R), ARIZONA: More than half of America's governors have signed a letter and many have come here to Texas to send a direct and clear message to President Biden that the border needs to be secured. This is a federal issue. We're using all the resources we can from the state level, National Guard, border strike force, law enforcement. But the resources have to come from the federal government, for CBP, for ICE, for the men and women that actually protect this border and stop these dangerous drugs from flowing in.
CARTER: What is your message to President Biden considering he hasn't responded to any of the letters?
GOV. KIM REYNOLDS (R), IOWA: It's unbelievable that he hasn't responded to over half of America's governors. Twenty-six governors sent a letter to him, asking to meet with him, to figure out how we can stop this humanitarian and national security crisis at the border. And for him not even to acknowledge or respond is irresponsible and unconscionable. It makes you wonder what his end-game really is.
CARTER: Sean, the governors want everyone to know that the border just doesn't affect the border states. It affects the entire nation. Just right behind me, across the Anzalduas Bridge right here in Hidalgo County, crime has been escalating, drug cartel wars have been increasing. In fact just this past Monday, a number of people that were shot in a battle in Reynosa, Mexico, came across the U.S.-Mexico border and had to be treated here.
There's also enormous concern as you can see the photos up here that cartel members are actually taunting our law enforcement agencies. This has been happening over the past several weeks. In fact, tomorrow, here in McAllen, there's going to be a big meeting among Texas DPS and other law enforcement agencies as how they're going to handle the increased violence here at the border -- Sean.
HANNITY: All right. Sara Carter, great reporting down at the border. We appreciate it.
Here now to explain more, Texas Governor Greg Abbott.
Governor, you've been on the program. You've talked about -- you've deployed your National Guard. You have allocated billions of state taxpayer dollars to continue building the wall. You even built the wall out of cars.
Every single legal means that you've had, you've been trying to use. You're now dealing with a federal government that not only is not enforcing our laws but aiding and embedding the law-breaking.
Is there anything else short of this 10-point plan that you can do up to this point that you haven't done and how do you get to implement this and will these governors help you? I know it's a long question.
GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R), TEXAS: Well, Sean, very simply, the ten-point plan is what we are urging the president to do and he can do it immediately.
But also to show you how swiftly it can be done, I also listed off things that I as governor of Texas have already done, to show what Biden could do himself. You mentioned that I signed a $3 billion budget where Texas taxpayers are paying to do the federal government's job of securing the border.
You mentioned that I've deployed thousands of National Guard, as well as thousands of Texas Department of Public Safety officers. However, also, we created an entirely new program to arrest and to jail illegal immigrants who are trespassing into Texas, and yes, I have signed the paperwork to ensure that Texas is going to begin to build the border wall ourselves.
But, Sean, there's also additional laws I've signed into effect. I signed a law to crack down and increase the penalties and make it easier to prosecute smugglers who are bringing illegal immigrants into the state of Texas. I signed nine laws cracking down on human trafficking.
Texas created a new law to go after the manufacturers and distributors of the deadly drug fentanyl and also I issued an executive order prohibiting NGOs from transporting illegal immigrants across the state of Texas.
HANNITY: I don't want to be a naysayer. I appreciate the difficulty in the problem. I appreciate you called up the guard. I appreciate you've allocated billions of taxpayer dollars for the wall. I appreciate the wall of cars you built.
I appreciate the fact that you've had your own officers -- you know, on the border chasing people back uh so they can't get into the country illegally.
But Joe Biden is aiding and abetting the law-breaking, and at that point it becomes their jurisdiction.
Do you have the right once people are in this country illegally to then export them back to the country they came from?
ABBOTT: So, Sean, that has occurred already with local law enforcement, even with federal law enforcement. Our officers have arrested people who have been turned back and what it is it turns into a revolving door. People will be taken back across the border and they're not going to stay across the border, they're going to come right back. Many of the more than people that we have apprehended, we have apprehended for a second time.
And so, it is a strategy that can be used. But until the Biden administration does its job, it's going to be a revolving door. We can put people back across the border and they're going to come right back across some other location.
HANNITY: You know it's just sad to me, and in the middle of a pandemic and I've seen the cages that are overcrowded, high rate of COVID positivity even among border patrol, and Joe Biden has aided and abetted. I've never seen anything like it in my life.
But I appreciate your efforts, keep us up to speed. If there's anything the American people can do to help you, please let us know.
ABBOTT: Thank you, Sean.
HANNITY: Appreciate you being with us.
When we come back, buckle up. The great one Mark Levin, he's fired up. He's going to break down Biden's latest attempts to weaponize the IRS, and that's right, go after moms as domestic terrorists because they dare to speak up about what they want for their kids in their school system. I know, really strange time, straight ahead.
HANNITY: Now, the dangerous politicizing of the Biden DOJ is now as obvious as ever tonight after the Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered the FBI to actually investigate, you got it, moms and dads who are standing up against far left school boards on issues like CRT and COVID mandates. And with the attorney general even suggesting that parents who are opposed to critical race theory and other far-left indoctrination efforts are quote -- wait for it -- domestic terrorists.
And that's not all, because a Biden proposal that may be snuck into the Democrats massive $3.5 trillion socialist spending spree would give the IRS even more power to spy on your bank account. That means $600 or more transactions. I mean, there's a lot of money at stake there.
Here with reaction all of this, now in its 12th week of "The New York Times", 10 in a row at number one, the author of "American Marxism," he's the host of "Life, Liberty and Levin" here on the FOX News Channel, syndicated radio talk show host. I have the distinction of calling him the great one, Mark Levin.
You know, Mark, I'm looking at this weaponization of the DOJ. We saw it when they went after the very inclusive voting laws in Georgia and they didn't go after the very exclusive voting laws or restrictive voting laws in Joe's state of Delaware. Now, we see the weaponization of the DOJ. Now, they're going to use the FBI and what criminalized parenting because they complain about what's being taught in schools or COVID mandates. Is Terry McAuliffe right, parents should just shut up and take whatever the school gives them?
MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST, "LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN": You know, Sean, I served as chief of staff to Attorney General Ed Meese during the Reagan administration for some period of time. It never would have crossed our minds to do anything like this. The Biden Justice Department is made up of Obama retreads, the same Obama administration that unleashed the IRS against the Tea Party you might recall. These people do not believe in civil liberties at all. They do not believe in competition of ideas or competition, period.
What Merrick Garland has done here is he's trying to create out of the FBI some kind of East German Stasi. That's what he's doing -- spying on parents, gathering intelligence on parents, tracking parents, a special phone number that they use to report domestic terrorists so a teacher who's offended or school board member who's offended or a staffer who's offended can report a parent to their government. And the pretext here is some kind of widespread violence.
There's no pattern or widespread violence. That pathetic letter written by the left-wing National School Board Association, they don't even provide a list of crimes that they think are committed. Moreover, the federal government has absolutely no authority whatsoever to even go in to a school board meeting, let alone a classroom.
These are state and local matters fully. Local police can handle any violence. And I wouldn't remind everybody that the FBI did damn little when our cities were burning, when Black Lives Matter and Antifa we're brutalizing people, were committing acts of larceny, were attacking our police, the FBI needs to get its act straight. So this is a pretext about widespread violence, to intimidate threaten and suppress communities and neighborhoods all over the country, to comply with the left-wing radical Marxist agenda, critical race theory, genderism and anything else. It's a cabal of these thug teacher unions, these educational bureaucrats, these Marxist school contractors, and the Democrat Party and the Biden administration.
They want to use the Criminal Division, the National Security Division, the Civil Rights Division, the executive office of the U.S. attorneys, the FBI and other entities within the Department of Justice where they have absolutely no authority whatsoever. This memo that Garland wrote that could have been written by a third grader, he says in here among other things: what do they want to do? They want to look at efforts to intimidate individuals based on their views?
Why would you bring the FBI in for that? They're committed to using its authority and resources -- they have no authority to do a damn thing here. They want dedicated lines of communication for threat reporting and so forth, so you can call up your government and report on a parent and send the FBI out to interview people?
This is, I said, making the FBI into the East German Stasi, and you know what? Merrick Garland has a reason to do this beyond his ideological extremism. His family makes money from pushing this crap in our school districts, critical race theory, genderism, equity and all the rest.
His son-in-law is a founding partner for Panorama, multi-million dollar contracts with school districts. They're pushing this agenda in 25 percent of our schools so far, all around the country, while his family is making millions.
Let me say it here tonight, a special counsel needs to be appointed to investigate this attorney general's ties and his family's times to Panorama, and is unleashing the full force unconstitutionally of the federal government to attack the constitutional rights of citizens and parents throughout this country.
One quick thing, I want to talk about Mitch McConnell and the rest too. We take in $320 billion dollars a month in this country. The taxes are paid whether the government's open or closed. You pay your payroll taxes whether the government's open or close. $320 billion dollars a month, the debt service every month is $44 billion. That leaves approximately $280 billion left to pay for what? To pay for everything else.
Social Security is separate because you have a payroll tax on that. Medicare is separate. Neither of those are in danger, despite what the liar in chief says in the Oval Office. As a matter of priority under the 14th Amendment, federal pensions have to be paid, as well as veteran benefits have to be paid.
Beyond that there is no a question of us falling out of a favor on full faith and credit. There's plenty of money to pay the debt service. The problem is there's not enough money to pay for what the Democrats want. That's why they keep complaining and threatening. They want to raise the debt ceiling to pay for trillions and trillions of dollars in redistribution of wealth and their Marxist spending plans. That's it.
HANNITY: And no Republican should support it. Mitch.
LEVIN: None.
HANNITY: Mark Levin, thank you. Don't forget Mark's show, number one every Sunday night right here on the FOX News Channel, "Life, Liberty and Levin".
When we come back, Biden's approval rating, it is in a total, complete, utter free fall. Dana Loesch, Mike Huckabee have reaction. And a major announcement, straight ahead.
HANNITY: Now a rare moment of clarity from Democrats tonight as embattled Virginia gubernatorial candidate Terry McAuliffe is saying the quiet part out loud and admitting -- yeah, Biden's not popular. Take a look.
TERRY MCAULIFFE (D), VIRGINIA GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: But we got to get Democrats out to vote. We are facing a lot of headwinds from Washington as you know. The president is unpopular today, unfortunately here in Virginia. So we have got to plow through.
HANNITY: Yeah, Joe's numbers are cratering to a new low of 38 percent, according to Quinnipiac, down yet another for four points from last month. Well, I think there's good reason for all of it.
Here with reaction, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, Dana Loesch, along with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.
Governor, okay, is there anything he's done successfully? Because I can't name one.
MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I can't either. I mean we have the highest gas prices we've had in seven years. I thought it was kind of interesting that McAuliffe was so honest. I mean, but the truth is, Sean, having Joe Biden come campaign with you is the equivalent of going into a restaurant business and after asking Jeffrey Dahmer to be your new partner.
HANNITY: Oh geez.
HUCKABEE: It's just a disaster.
HANNITY: Oh, man, that's cold. That is cold.
But there is an admission here and what I heard out of that, Dana, was Terry McAuliffe, it's not my fault if I lose.
DANA LOESCH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Yeah, no, Sean, that's exactly that's exactly what it sounded like. And Terry McAuliffe's not doing too well. Parents are not happy with them, especially with the whole school board stuff, et cetera.
But this reminds me, you know what this reminds me of? The midterm election during the Tea Party. Back in 2010, when former President Obama said that that they took a shellacking during midterms, and that's when there was this huge red wave in the House brought to you by grassroots activists who were hitting the streets and actually going out and kissing babies and shaking hands and all that stuff.
But I really feel like the energy is kind of the same, except it's there's a lot of there are a lot more outraged parents. I mea, they're red pilling -- Joe Biden is red pilling more than half of the country at this point. How much more -- how much lower can he get?
And I will say to add what you and the governor said, he has been incredibly successful in forcing us to get to like a point of rationing, and forcing high gas prices, and forcing people to turn on some of these teachers unions like AFT, et cetera, et cetera, and forcing people to question the government more. So, I mean, I guess he's been successful on that end.
HANNITY: You know, and his comments about parents and education, Governor, I don't I wouldn't even call that a gaffe. That was just a dumb ass comment and that's going to haunt him until November.
HUCKABEE: Well, I mean, let's face it, he has had several moments of honesty and the more honest he gets, the dumber he sounds and the more ridiculous it is. I mean, I get it that there may be a few parents out there in America who would like to turn their children over to the government because they're having a tough time with them, but most parents accept responsibility for raising their kids and they don't appreciate it when the government basically says, shut up, give us your kid and we'll tell you when you can come get your kid after we have thoroughly and indoctrinated them.
HANNITY: Yeah, by the way I wouldn't recommend that with your kids or Dana kids or my kids. I think I have a better idea how to raise them.
All right, guys, good to see you both. Thank you.
When we come back, a major announcement you do not want to miss. That's next.
HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. But before we go, a major programming announcement. Former President Donald Trump will join us live tomorrow night for an exclusive interview.
We will get his thoughts on it, let's see, Americans abandoned in Afghanistan and a disaster at the border, begging OPEC for energy. Let's see, inflation. Oh, the Democrats' $3.5 trillion socialist spending spree that they want to go along with. Biden's imploding presidency and the fact that I don't thinking is what day it is.
Please set your DVR and never miss an episode.
And in the meantime, I have very good news for America. Let not your hearts be troubled, "THE INGRAHAM ANGLE," Laura Ingraham is next.
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