
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," November 29, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

HANNITY: And welcome to HANNITY.

And tonight, explosive new details surrounding zero experienced Hunter Biden's laptop from hell. Public corruption now in plain sight between zero experience Hunter, Chinese communist officials and, yep, the big guy Joe Biden himself. Direct evidence that Joe Biden lied to the nation when he said that he never discussed hunter's foreign business dealings yeah we now have evidence that he was actually in meetings on a huge deal with China. Miranda Devine will break it all down. She joins us with the exclusive details from her brand new blockbuster book, now on amazon.com and bookstores everywhere.

But, first, Joe Biden has simply turned the page. We have not, our count, from Afghanistan -- sadly, it continues.

ANNOUNCER: Americans Held Hostage Behind Enemy Lines, Day 107.

HANNITY: Ever think this would happen, abandoning Americans behind enemy lines, 107 days. We abandoned our fellow Americans. It's 120 days since Joe promised to leave no American behind. He clearly lied to the entire country.

Sadly, dishonesty is the prevailing theme in this Biden administration. Joe promised you could trust his word as a Biden. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.

Now just take a look at his handling of COVID-19. On the campaign trail, Joe promised to, quote, shut down the virus, not the country. Really? But tonight, more Americans -- we can report -- sadly have died from COVID-19 under Joe Biden's watch in 2021 than under Donald Trump in 2020. And by the way, another variant is on the way.

Now, this despite Joe inheriting not one, not two, but three vaccines. Therapeutics like monoclonal antibody treatments that he's only mentioned one time. He got that from the Trump administration, Operation Warp Speed.

And now, more than 350,000 Americans have died from the virus since Joe's Inauguration Day.

Now, according to Biden himself Circa 2020, he based on his own definition should now resign in a complete disgrace. This is what Joe said.


JOE BIDEN, THEN-PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Two hundred and twenty Americans dead. If you hear nothing else I say tonight, hear this, anyone who's responsible for not taking control -- in fact not saying I'm I take no responsibility initially -- anyone who's responsible for that many deaths should not remain as president of the United States of America.


HANNITY: Well, based on Joe's statement, he should not remain the president of the United States. Three hundred and fifty thousand dead Americans on his watch. And by the way, per usual, he was lying for political gain. Of course, he spent most of the campaign hiding in his basement bunker in the candidate protection program.

And just like his racially charged lies about President Trump's travel ban, well, get this, he called Trump's initial travel ban 10 days after the first identified case of coronavirus in America, it was hysteria, xenophobia, fear-mongering. He tweeted that banning travel from any other part of the world will not stop COVID-19.

And in response to the former president's temporary ban on certain African countries, Biden released this statement. He said Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban, this new African ban is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It's a disgrace we cannot let him succeed.

Well, guess who just implemented a brand new African ban? Joe Biden. That's right, Joe just banned travel from multiple African countries over fears surrounding what is the new Omicron variant.

So, is Joe Biden lying and playing the race card for political gain, or is he a hysterical, xenophobic, fear-mongering racist disgrace of a human being? It's either one or the other, Joe.

Now, tonight, Biden's dishonesty, his hypocrisy, it doesn't end there. Frankly, Joe and Fauci's face masquerade is hard to track. First, it was -- masks don't work, maybe it'll stop one little droplet. Then it was one mask, then two masks, then it was masks indoors but not outdoors. Then it was vax or mask.

Then it was vax and mask. Now, it's vax mask and booster and probably booster, booster, booster after. First, we will never ever mandate, no. Now, the mandates.

And breaking earlier, a federal judge blocked Biden's vaccine mandates in the first 10 states to sue his administration. That's another loss in the courts for Joe Biden.

Today, more mixed messages from Biden implored all Americans to wear a mask indoors and then he sauntered right back into the West Wing mask-free. You can't make this up. Take a look.


BIDEN: I encourage everyone to wear a mask when they're indoors in a crowded circumstance like we are right now and unless you're eating or speaking in a microphone.


HANNITY: Then later in the day, during a meeting with business leaders, Biden did have a mask on but he wore it around his chin. That wouldn't be too helpful.

Over the holiday weekend, Biden was spotted inside a crowded store in the prestigious island of Nantucket shopping mask free, despite, you can see right there, there's Joe and there's the sign on the front door reading face covering required. So I wonder if Joe is going to be cited for breaking Nantucket's masked mandate or, of course, he's a Democrat. The rules shouldn't apply to him, right?

Now, tonight, maybe we should cut Joe a break. After all, he's really struggling with his memory. By all accounts, Joe Biden is a complete cognitive mess. There's no more ambiguity, there's no more debate. The evidence is in and today his struggles continue.

Take a look.


BIDEN: As we enter the month of December, this month, compared to where we were last -- last September, last Christmas. Questions?

REPORTER: Should America be worried, sir?

BIDEN: Let me call on Nancy Bloomberg.

Let me call on Alexis, Alexis. Alex, Reuters.


BIDEN: And so, the other Alex doesn't have a heart attack, I want to call on him. Is it that --

REPORTER: Mr. President --


REPORTER: I'm not an Alex, but I'd love to ask one question.

BIDEN: Okay, let me ask the other Alex, and then you.


HANNITY: This is beyond embarrassing. It is humiliating for the entire country, and frankly, it is also now extremely dangerous as every one of our enemies, every hostile regime on this planet earth, they see this as well.

Now, following that disastrous presser, the administration abruptly canceled Biden's supply chain speech that was scheduled for later in the day. Now, it was more than I guess Joe could handle. He obviously needed nappy time.

Now, tonight, Americans are struggling with so many major crises all preventable and all created by that guy, Joe Biden.

Now, we have a new COVID variant. It's likely on the way. According to top health officials though in South Africa, those infected with the Omicron variant at this time -- I hope it stays this way -- they're reporting that they are experiencing mild symptoms, but we will see what happens.

Remember, this is the latest of many variants thus far, the lambda variant, the Mu variant, the R.1 variant.

As always, I encourage all of you to take this virus seriously. Consult with your doctor, do your own research. Some research you agree with and disagree with.

And while we don't know exactly how the Omicron variant will play out in the U.S., we do know that Joe Biden is not fit to serve. He will only make things worse, not better, and the American people -- they are speaking out loudly. They agree.

According to a new Rasmussen poll, Donald Trump has a massive double-digit lead over Joe Biden in a 2024 head-to-head matchup. Thankfully, the 2022 midterm elections are just around the corner, because the Democrats one party rule in D.C. is literally a wrecking ball to this country. No other way to describe it. Take a look.


REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): One party-rule. What is one year of Democrat controlled Washington given us? Shortages, inflation, crime, chaos, division and failure. One party, one year.


HANNITY: One party, one year. Minority Leader McCarthy will join us with more on that ad in a moment.

But, first, joining us with more is the author of -- and this is a book we really need to pay attention to "Beyond Biden." That means fixing the mess that Joe is creating every day. Former speaker of the House, FOX News contributor, Newt Gingrich.

Let's just stand back, no less than a year away from the midterm elections. I can't cite a single success, and I'm looking at a president that has literally created one mess after another, all of it preventable. We can fix it all too, but he would have to go back and adopt Trump policies back, and I don't see that happening.

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: No, I think you have to remember that whatever the cognitive situation is for Biden himself, he has brought in so many left wing big government socialists all throughout the government. And their policies are so bad that it's almost inconceivable that they can turn this around right now.

I mean, the fact is that big government socialism doesn't work. You see it every day on the border. You see it every day and inflation. You see it every day in energy policy.

As you pointed out earlier, Afghanistan remains I think one of the most embarrassing moments in American international history. I never thought I'd see an American government abandon American citizens the way the Biden administration has.

So I think this is going to continue to get worse. The most amazing thing to me as a former speaker of the House is that Nancy Pelosi, with a very tiny majority, is getting his people to walk off the cliff week after week.

Rasmussen just reported that almost every single item you test inside this Build Back Better bill, with multitrillion dollar bill, that the Wharton School says is about a $4.7 trillion bill if you were honest about it. The American public, when they learn the details, on almost every front, they're opposed to it. And yet she gets these Democrats to walk straight off the cliff.

It's an amazing performance. It's bad for the country. It will be extraordinarily disastrous for the Democrats. And I think you're going to have the next speaker of the House on in just a few minutes in Kevin McCarthy, partly because he's doing a great job and partly because he is faced with a catastrophe on the other side.

I will say, by the way, I prefer Biden sleeping in an international conference to Kamala Harris laughing. So, if you got to choose between those two, I think we are still -- we are less threatened by Biden and then we be by Harris.

HANNITY: The lies are getting pretty spectacular. They kept saying --

GINGRICH: I thought -- I thought that would stop you.

HANNITY: I thought -- you got me. You know me too well, actually.

But he said it's going to cost of zero. Kamala said zero. It's not going to cost a penny. OK.

We scored by the gold standard according to Biden and the CBO. Yeah, zero is going to cause hundreds and hundreds of billions of dollars, which we all knew anyway.


HANNITY: OK, they're staying with that lie. Just like the lie oh, we don't need to test illegal immigrants for COVID because they're not going to be here very long. Well, I guess you define be here meaning at the border, because they're being dispersed all around the country without -- with preferential treatment.


HANNITY: No COVID testing and no vaccine mandate. They just get dispersed around the country.

On every one of these problems, I see a solution. Go back to the Trump policies.


HANNITY: I want you to address that part of it. And maybe put some perspective -- I will take mean tweets and low cost of energy any day, let's put it that way.

GINGRICH: Yeah. Well, remember, if you are big government socialists, which all these people are, you have to lie, because if you tell the truth, you look like a total idiot.

I mean, how does Biden get up and say yes, you're right. I've totally screwed up the energy policy. You're going to pay for it at the gas pump for the next few years. You're going to pay for it in Maine and Minnesota this winter because the prices are going to go up over 50 percent to heat your house. You're going to pay for it and lost jobs.

They can't walk out and say that. So they lie. They can't tell you the truth about 1,400,000 illegal immigrants, none of them checked for COVID, none of them checked for criminal records. So they lie.

You just go right down the list and the reason they lie is simple. If they tell the truth, they are going to be wiped out. And what they don't realize is, the average American is smart enough, you start pumping gasoline and you look at the price you go, I get it. Joe Biden may not get it. Kamala Harris may not get it. You know, Nancy Pelosi may not get it.

But the average American who is actually doing it, who is not a show for government-funded car, the average American right now understands these policies do not work. And that's the biggest problem.

HANNITY: And it's disproportionally, negatively impacting the poor and the middle class. The very people Democrats claim to have a monopoly of compassion for.

I got 30 seconds, just a 30-second answer. It is so serious to me that I'm literally afraid of hostile regimes knowing and understanding how cognitively deficient and struggling Joe Biden is. Thoughts?

GINGRICH: I believe that we need a national debate about the genuine threat that communist China can beat us. I think this is a real threat. This is not politics, this is history.

And nothing would further stop us from recovering from Biden than having the Chinese communist dominate and defeat us militarily. And it's a very real possibility.

Just remember, the guys who couldn't get out of Afghanistan are now the guys who are relying on protect us against China. That makes me very uncomfortable.

HANNITY: Newt Gingrich, think you for being with us. This is important. "Beyond Biden," his new book. Amazon.com, Hannity.com, bookstores everywhere.

Now, tonight, for mask mandates, Joe Biden's disjointed COVID-19 policy has been an utter train wreck. One reason for the Adam Schiff show as I call it, Joe Biden does whatever Dr. Anthony Fauci tells him to do.

Sadly, Fauci, we now know is dishonest, corrupt, self-interested, a government doctor, god complex, cares more about his own personal fame and celebrity status in Democratic circles than he does in protecting the country. In order to get airtime on TV, he frequently just makes things up. He guesses, he jumps to conclusions, he has been wrong on almost every single major issue in this pandemic from day one.

He flat-out lied about the origins of COVID-19. We have the evidence of proof, his involvement and gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology is now well-chronicled.

But according to the great Dr. Fauci, he can do no wrong because he is the very embodiment of truth and science. Take a look.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: Anybody who is looking at this carefully realizes that there is a distinct anti-science flavor to this. So if they get up and criticize science, nobody's going to do what they are talking about. But if they get up and really aim their bullets at Tony Fauci, well, people can recognize, there's a person there. So, it's easy to criticize, but they're really criticizing science because I represent science. That's dangerous.


HANNITY: Okay, Mr. Science. Senator Ted Cruz, rightly, along with Rand Paul calling on Dr. Fauci to be investigated over his ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Senator Cruz joins us now with more.

Senator, you laid out the perfect proof positive that he's lying. He knew about gain of function. He knew that the NIH contributed money to it. And he lied. Tell us -- tell us the chronology.

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Well, I've got to say -- you know, Dr. Fauci, I think, is the most dangerous bureaucrat in the history of the country. You know, he talks a moment ago, you just played about hurting science. I don't think anyone has hurt science, has hurt the credibility of the CDC, has hurt the credibility of doctors more than Dr. Fauci because throughout this pandemic, he's been dishonest, he's been political, he's been partisan. And the American people know it.

Why is it that the Biden administration decreed that masks have to be worn in schools by kids? Well, because teachers unions bosses wanted it. And that's not a scientific reason, that is a data reason.

And, you know, this weekend he did this long interview where he gave the answer. He said, I represent science. I am science.

I got to admit, Sean, I was laughing. It's like Louis XIV, the son king in France saying, "L'Etat c'est a moi", I am the state. It is this delusion of grandeur that you cannot criticize him.

And it was very striking. You know, in the course of that interview, he was asked about I asked the Attorney General Merrick Garland if he's going to investigate and prosecute Dr. Fauci for lying to Congress, and Margaret Brennan asked him about that.

And what did Fauci do? He didn't discuss any of the substance. Instead, he just attacked and engaged in ad hominem attacks. He basically did the Beavis and Butthead defense, he just screamed liars at everything.

But you know, facts are stubborn things, Sean. And so here are the simple facts that Fauci needs to explain and the Department of Justice should investigate. So, on May 11th, Fauci testified before a Senate committee that, quote, the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain of function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology. That's a clear categorical statement.

But then on October 20th, the NIH wrote that they funded an experiment at the Wuhan lab testing, quote, if spike proteins from naturally occurring bat coronaviruses circulating in China were capable of binding to the human ACE2 receptor in a mouse model. That is gain of function research. That is taking an existing virus and modifying it to make it more dangerous to humans.

And listen, at the end of the day, 18 USC Section 1001 makes it a felony, punishable by up to five years in prison for lying to Congress. The statements from Dr. Fauci and the NIH are directly contradictory.

And I got to say, I think Margaret Brennan is a talented journalist, but she dropped the ball and not following up letting him just respond with insults instead of asking the simple question.

You stated that we don't fund gain of function research. The NIH stated we do fund gain of function research. They can't both be true and if you lied to Congress, it's a felony. She didn't press him on that.

And the reason this matters is, is there is a lot of circumstantial evidence to suggest that the U.S. government participated in funding research, modifying coronaviruses that could well have led to COVID-19. And if that's true, that is stunning and indefensible. We know the Chinese government has enormous culpability, but there's a real possibility the American government under Dr. Fauci does as well, and that's what he doesn't want to address.

HANNITY: I think you're right. His testimony, I think, it was May 11th, and the letter from the NIH on October 20th, are directly contradictory.

Last question, we have less than a minute. Your thoughts on the now hysterical xenophobic racist fear-mongering travel ban to African countries implemented by Joe?

CRUZ: Well, listen, I think a travel ban where there's an outbreak makes sense. It made sense when Trump was president. It makes sense now. Never mind all the hate-mongering on the other side.

But I'll say this also, there's always going to be a new variant. People should get vaccinated if they want. We need no mandates and we need to stay open. Joe Biden and the Democrats need to stop threatening shutdowns of schools, stop threatening shutdowns of business.

Enough is enough. Take care of your own health and we're going to stay open. We're not going to be in a constant state of fear from this government.

HANNITY: Senator Ted Cruz, I would say check and mate against Fauci. Great job. Thank you.

When we come back, this new ad, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy going after the Democrats. And exclusively, Miranda Devine's book is finally out tomorrow. Hunter's Biden's laptop from hell, wait until you heal (ph) the exclusive details and an exclusive announcement at the end of the show.


HANNTY: Let me put this in perspective. In under a year, we've gone from stable prices, energy independence, being a net exporter of energy. Joe Biden now regularly begging OPEC to drill more oil and increase their production. We have rising energy prices that nobody can afford. So much pain at the pump, especially hurting the poor and middle class, surging inflation, hurting the poor middle class.

We've gone from a secure border, to an all-out super spreader event at the southern border. We have preferential treatment for people that break our laws, don't respect our borders, or our sovereignty. There's no COVID testing, no vaccine mandates for illegal immigrants. And now, we even have a president willing to pay to $450,000 to people trying to enter this country illegally that may have had issues of family separation.

We have gone from stability in Afghanistan to Biden surrendering to the Taliban and abandoning completely Americans behind enemy lines.

We're not going to turn the page on our fellow Americans. We've gone from a president, President Trump, delivering three vaccines and therapeutics and monoclonal antibodies to Biden who

We are not going to turn the page on our fellow Americans. We've gone from a president, president Trump delivering three vaccines and therapeutics and monoclonal antibodies to Biden who squandered all of the progress and floating even more far left lockdown lunacy. The result is we have more dead Americans in 2021 from COVID than in 2020.

The new extreme Democratic socialist party is feeling like never before. Look at this new ad from GOP leader Kevin McCarthy. Take a look.


MCCARTHY: One-party rule. What is one year of Democrat-controlled in Washington given us? Shortages, inflation, crime, chaos, division, and failure. One party, one year.

I'm Kevin McCarthy. Together, we can stop Joe Biden's disastrous agenda. We can end one party rule, fire Nancy Pelosi, and take our country back.

Go to FirePelosi.com to join our fight. I'm Kevin McCarthy and I approve this message.

ANNOUNCER: McCarthy Victory Fund is responsible for this advertisement.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

You know, all of these -- I said this to Newt -- every single crisis preventable, and we can solve every price crisis as well, just return to the ones that -- the policies on energy, on borders, on the economy, on foreign policy that were working under Donald Trump.

MCCARTHY: You know, the sad part about it, you're right, Sean. Had -- had Joe Biden done nothing in office, literally gone to sleep, our country would be stronger. We'd be energy independent.

It wouldn't be China and Russia winning, it'd be America that was winning. Our borders would be secure.

We wouldn't have rising inflation. This is the problem. One party rule in one year.

But the good news is, Sean, in less than one year, we can fix this country if we fire Nancy Pelosi. That's why I need everybody to go to FirePelosi.com, join the fight.

And it's not just Republicans who should join us, Democrats, independents. If you care about this country, if you want to change the course of history, we can do it and we can make it happen.

HANNITY: Let's talk about -- in less than a year, this agenda, if Republicans take back either the House or Senate or both, the agenda ends completely, correct?

MCCARTHY: Correctly. No longer do you have to worry about the filibuster because what will come out of the House will be supportive. No longer will we have inflation. No longer will we look to OPEC to solve our energy crisis. The gasoline price will be lower. The border will be secure.

In nine months, they've had 1.4 million encounters come up illegally across this border. That's more than 2018, 2019 and 2020 all combined in the middle of COVID. You know what the Democrats continue to do, though, they're changing the course of history.

Now, I spent some time -- I don't know if you listen the other night speaking on the floor a little longer than one minute -- I didn't set out to break any rule -- any laws or any records, I wanted to break this bill down.

I wanted America to know that they're hiring 87,000 IRS agents. Why? To go after your transactions, your record, if you spend as little as $28 a day.

You know what they're doing too? They're knocking parents out of schools. We just introduced a parent's bill of rights, because parents do have a right and do have a right to have a say in their children's education.

HANNITY: You know, at this point in time, I think America is -- I think the comparison could never be greater. This will be the biggest choice election in American history and, you know, on the -- on the downside, I fear that if we don't reverse course, I don't know how the country recovers.

But on the other side, after what happened in Virginia and nearly happened in New Jersey, I'm pretty hopeful. Your thoughts?

MCCARTHY: I think help is on the way, it's less than a year away. It's not just New Jersey and Virginia. What happened in Minneapolis about saying no to defunding the police, or in Seattle, a Republican who cares about law and order, or in Texas, in a very Democrat seat, a Republican wins.

Now, Democrats are actually re-registering. They see and they care about this country. There are people, Sean, that we probably have had in the past that didn't think they wanted to associate with us.

But you know what they do now? They care about this country. They've seen what one party rule in one year has done and they want to fix the country, fire Nancy Pelosi, everything will change.

Go to FirePelosi.com. Join us. The country needs you and not only does the country, your children. This is like a turning point that happened in 1980.

When was the last time Americans were being held hostage in the Middle East? When was the last time we had a president that looked to OPEC to solve our energy crisis when America could? When was the last time we had inflation like this?

When was the last time we had a president that had a brother like Billy Carter and now we have Hunter Biden who we read time and again -- what association did he have with China and what do we see happening in the future?

HANNITY: All right. Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, thank you.

We will follow this every day from now until Election Day.

Also breaking tonight, we are learning even more about the Biden family foreign corrupt crime syndicate, as a new book -- a long-awaited new book from our friend Miranda Devine. It's called "Laptop from Hell," amazon.com, hannity.com and as of tomorrow, bookstores all across the country.

They do a deep dive in this book, Miranda does, into Biden family shady foreign dealings, spotlighting Hunter's close ties with China, Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, and how Joe Biden knew all about it despite his repeated lies that he never ever, ever talked to his son about his foreign business dealings. Take a look.


REPORTER: Mr. President, how many times have you ever spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?

BIDEN: I've never spoken with my son about his overseas business dealings.

I have never discussed with my son or my brother or anyone else anything having to do with their businesses, period.

And what I will do is the same thing we did in our administration. There will be an absolute wall between personal and private and the government.

REPORTER: Do you stand by your statement that you did not discuss any of your son's overseas business?

BIDEN: Yes, I stand by that statement.


HANNITY: Now, for example, Miranda's book shines even more light on how Joe Biden was involved with the deal, with the Chinese energy giant CEFC and expected a 10 percent cut of the profits.

As recounted by former Hunter Biden business partner Tony Bobulinski, Biden was deeply aware of his son's dealings. He met twice with Tony on this specific deal. For example, a May 2017 text message from a business associate reads, quote, 10 held by H for the big guy. The big guy, according to Miranda's explosive reporting in "The Laptop from Hell," that would be Joe Biden.

And that's not all. The book reveals that the Chinese titan CEFC lavished Hunter with a three-carat gem and a lucrative eight-figure joint venture offer despite Hunter once again with no experience or qualifications that we can find at all. And as per usual, it makes portraits of a crack addict sale seem like pennies on the dollar.

Of course, the Hunter Biden laptop scandal is also a media scandal. As the mob in the media teamed up with big tech, they censored "The New York Post's" incredible reporting. "The New York Post" was right, now proven right, and by the way spew lies about Russian disinformation. They all protected Biden.

And now, we reached out to the White House and Hunter Biden's attorney for comment, they have yet to get back to us.

Here to explain, author of what is destined to be a number one "New York Times" bestseller, "Laptop from Hell" -- finally, Miranda, it is out -- FOX News contributor, "New York Post" columnist Miranda Devine.

Let's talk about this Chinese energy conglomerate, CEFC, it's a lot of money, and Joe Biden met twice with Tony Bobulinski. And that money specifically was earmarked for him.

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: That's right. And not only that, after meeting with Tony Bobulinski, Hunter Biden then met with the sort of director of CEFC, which was not just a giant Chinese energy conglomerate, it was the capitalist arm of President Xi Jinping's Belt and Road Initiative. It was an arm of the Chinese government.

And so this -- during the two years, last two years that Joe Biden was vice president, Hunter Biden and his partners were doing work for CEFC as part of this joint venture and Hunter expected them to pay him $20 million for the work that his family had done while Joe Biden was vice president. And then after Joe Biden stepped down as vice president, he was going into formally business with CEFC in America, Hunter Biden had the office all set up with the nameplate for Joe Biden and Jill Biden and him to share this office with their Chinese partner.

And you know, Joe Biden has said repeatedly that he knew nothing about Hunter Biden's business. You just played some of those quotes from him. And this was something he maintained as the gospel truth.

And yet there is so much evidence on the laptop which is as much about Joe Biden and his being implied and implicated very deeply in the Biden family influence peddling operations, Joe Biden met with Hunter's business partners from Mexico, from Ukraine, from Russia, from China, from Kazakhstan. He met them in Beijing. He met them at his home, at the vice presidential home. He met them at Cafe Milano in a private room in Washington, D.C. while he was vice president.

So the idea that he didn't know anything about under Biden's business dealings is just so farcical when you know what's on the laptop.

HANNITY: Let's talk more about what specifically is on the laptop. We know how the Libyans knew about his personal life, his drug use, frequently using prostitutes -- we know they knew. We know that they characterized as such as he was working out a deal -- trying to work out a deal at the time.

So, I've got to assume that Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Ukraine -- they all have a dossier, if you will, on Hunter Biden.

We have talked long before the release of this book about things that are on this laptop that are devastating to Hunter Biden.

What can you tell us specifically and why has he been so far able to prevent being arrested?

DEVINE: Look, I think that when you look at the totality of his life as I've charted it through the nine use laptop covers, he had so many close calls. He even mentions this in his own memoir. You know, he was a crack addict. He surrounded himself with pretty dangerous people. He was swimming in the oligarchy.

I mean, he was right in there, in Moscow, meeting with the very inner sanctum of Vladimir Putin. He was in China, in Shanghai, in Beijing, meeting with the upper echelons of the Chinese communist party.

He was doing business with them. These people were his partners. They were lavishing him with money. They were supplying him with prostitutes and he was off his head most of the time.

Now, a lot of these trips he had secret service protection. But at one point, he did wave it away and he was getting protection from bodyguards from the corrupt Ukrainian energy company, Burisma, for instance when he was in Monte Carlo at one point, at a Burisma meeting, and he met with Tony Bobulinski. He told Bobulinski that he would jump out the window of his luxury apartment there in Monte Carlo and meet him because he wanted to shake off the bodyguards.

So -- but I also think that -- you know, when things went wrong, suddenly miraculously out of the woodwork would appear former Secret Service agents.

And there are times that he recounts -- for instance, he almost drowned in a bathtub in a luxury penthouse, in Vegas one time. He sort of came to face down in the swimming pool, and there were some Russian drug dealers who were stealing his property and he lost a laptop at that time.

But he always seemed to come through the very close calls with flying colors. And again we see that even though there are various, you know, I guess police investigation or criminal investigation, into his text affairs and other issues.

You know, whether or not anything will come from that, who knows? Because Hunter Biden seems to have nine lives.

HANNITY: Let's talk about hostile regimes. You know, if somebody with the last name Trump would use crack cocaine, you know, hired all these hookers, dumped a gun in a dumpster, had some of the images that are on that laptop, can you talk about those?

I would imagine these hostile regimes, Joe Biden doesn't seem to mind that Vladimir Putin is building up an army on the Ukraine border, says nothing, or that Taiwan and reunification talk with China, or flying fighter jets over Taiwan airspace. Do you believe he's compromised and what else is on there that the American people need to know in terms of Hunter?

DEVINE: Look, Joe Biden definitely is compromised because of his family. I mean, it wasn't just Hunter Biden but it was Joe Biden who was involved in these deals with CEFC, as I say again, you can't say it too many times. This is the capitalist arm of President Xi's Belt and Road Initiative. So, you know, this was the Biden family was involved in this.

And as for the images on the laptop, they are very disturbing. There is a lot of pornography, most of it sort of homemade porn by Hunter Biden. He had an obsession with his own naked body and would take lots of photographs of himself, and also he photographs of himself having sex with various women and he would upload that on to PornHub and so on.

It is very disturbing. I'm not sure that that really though is the criminal element that we're talking about. I think there are there are elements on the laptop that are very damaging to America's national security, and that's really where I think the focus should stay.

HANNITY: Miranda, we are just touching the surface. This book has got to be read by the country .We will have you back and go into more details, now on amazon.com, hannity.com bookstores everywhere. "The Laptop From Hell," great investigative reporting. There's a lot more in there.

Miranda Devine, thank you.

When we come back, former Rush Limbaugh producer, our friend James Bo Snerdley Golden joins us to honor Rush's life and legacy, and what was it like to work with the GOAT, the greatest of all time, Rush Limbaugh, for 30 years, next.


HANNITY: All right. Now, turning to another inspirational book just hitting shelves tonight, in bookstores everywhere, amazon.com, long time friend of this program, Rush Limbaugh and his producer James Bo Snerdley Golden is giving readers an inside look what it was like to work under the talk radio icon or you know what we say about, you know, the greatest of all time the GOAT of talk radio, and be part of the most prolific show and talk radio history -- what was it like behind the scenes, what are the never before told stories.

Here to talk about that much more, author of "Rush on the Radio," a tribute from his sidekick for 30 years, James Golden.

My friend, welcome back.

JAMES GOLDEN, AUTHOR, "RUSH ON THE RADIO": Sean, thank you so much for having me.

And you know you're part of that behind the scenes story, Sean.

HANNITY: Oh, boy. What did I do now?


HANNITY: What did I do?

GOLDEN: Sean, you know, without -- without you, Sean, that -- one of the things that Rush's audience holds most dear to our hearts, anyone that loved Rush, is when President Trump honored him with the highest civilian award this country has. And, Sean, you were such an instrumental force in making that happen.

And so, I'm so glad that in this book, we'll be able to tell that story, and also the story of how you stood with us, all of us at the EIB staff during this last year when Rush was with us and how much that meant to all of us, Sean.

HANNITY: You know, you just -- I said at the time and I meant it and I mean it now, you just can't replace somebody like him. And we all have to up our game because that's what he would want.

Actually, to give all credit, it was Matt Drudge's idea. I just passed it up the chain and it was immediately received with a yes. And like you, I'm grateful that he got that award. But I'm also, you know, appreciated that he forged this path for all of us, James. I mean -- every single one of us that that are conservatives and have a voice, he helped forge that path.

GOLDEN: Yes, he did. His footprint was so much larger than radio, Sea, and the footprint and radio would be enough for some people to say they've had the most incredible career ever. But his footprint was larger than that.

Rush transformed American media. And at the same time, his generosity and what he did, what your audience did, what our audience did in raising money for leukemia, what he and Catherine did for the first the families of fallen first responders -- those are the kind of things that live on and they're not political. They affect every American life for the better.

And so, the legacy that Russia has is just so huge, the story can only be told a little bit because, there's always going to be more coming out about the incredible career and the incredible man that this Rush Limbaugh was.

HANNITY: You know, James, I only have 30 seconds. What do you miss the most about Rush?

GOLDEN: Everything hearing his voice every day, hearing him laugh and his beautiful sense of humor and his kindness. Every single day, I miss him.

HANNITY: You know, we all do and we were lucky to have him as long as we did. I wish we had him 30 more years.

James Golden, your dear friend as is everyone that worked on Rush's team, always still in my prayers. You're a dear friend. I love the book, amazon.com, hannity.com, bookstores everywhere. Thank you, James Golden.

When we come back, a programming announcement. It's important, you don't want to miss it, next.


HANNITY: All right. Before we go, quick programming note for all of you, you're not going to want to miss tomorrow's show. Dr. Oz will join us. He has a huge announcement. Hint: think midterm election, all happening tomorrow night.

In the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled, because Laura Ingraham, she crushes it. She kills it every day and every night.

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