
This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," April 19, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


And tonight, Biden's presidency, it is full out imploding, but apparently, no one told Joe Biden. According to reports, the president has decided to run for re-election in 2024, bragging to Barack Obama that he's the only Democrat who could actually win.

Now this brings us to an important issue, has Joe Biden really lost touch with all reality? It's a serious question. Unfortunately, every week, we all watch observe as cognitive abilities they get worse and worse a new issues and insights poll found that one-fifth of Americans don't even think Joe Biden will make it through his first term, only 45 percent think it's very likely that he will make it all four years this term.

And today at a tiny event in New Hampshire, well, Joe is in rare form as usual. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Maine, New Hampshire, America have gone on the mend. They're on them -- they're not on the mend any longer, they're on the move, and we're coming to add our challenges from position to strength.


HANNITY: We're going to hire a full-time interpreter just to make sure we get it right.

Unfortunately, it gets even worse. Just listen how Joe Biden responded to a reporter who asked him a question about America's European allies and the war in Ukraine. Take a look.


REPORTER: What did you discuss with the allies today about Ukraine?

BIDEN: New Hampshire.


BIDEN: I'm here to talk about New Hampshire.

REPORTER: I understand.

BIDEN: All right? Anyway.


HANNITY: We're not going to answer that question.

You know, think about last week on this program, Donald Trump was on this program for 40 minutes, the better part of 40 minutes, fluent, energetic, informed ideas -- I mean, could Joe Biden ever do that?

Now, the president only wants to talk about New Hampshire, except apparently when he needs to blame our economic woes and everything else on Vladimir Putin. Take a look.


BIDEN: Let's be absolutely clear about why we have such high prices now there are two reasons. First was COVID and the second big reason for inflation is Vladimir Putin, not a joke.


HANNITY: Not a joke, not a joke. It's Putin. It's COVID. He looks tired, doesn't he?

Anyway, Biden once again making excuses for his own economic decisions and failures, his own energy decisions and failures. He injected trillions of dollars of cash into an already hot economy. He restricted all oil and gas drilling and exploration all over the country. We showed you these charts last week. We'll show you again tonight. We already had a 40-year high of inflation months before Russia invaded Ukraine.

Gas prices were up dramatically long before Russia invaded Ukraine. Joe is just lying just like he lied that he never had a single discussion with zero experienced Hunter about his foreign business dealings. But the big guy we now know had many discussions and dinners and meetings.

But now, Joe refuses to accept responsibility for pretty much anything. It's always someone else's fault. The buck doesn't stop with him, and it's all out of control.

Anyway, the buck I guess stops with us. It seems like it never will take -- he'll never take any responsibility for anything. But the reality is we have a president of the United States in an obvious steep cognitive decline, and a formal law school cheat and plagiarizer, always lacked integrity, and that's kind of like the Biden way, like father like son.

We are now hearing, by the way, according to my sources tonight, big news surrounding Hunter Biden's criminal investigation is forthcoming. This administration is a disaster on so many fronts and, frankly, it's hard to keep track. If that happens to Hunter, let me tell you something, these emails implicate his father Joe.

And if you just switch the last name to Trump, you know the media mob would have a very different reaction. And now with Biden's poll numbers cratering to historic lows, NBC new low, CBS new low, FOX News new low, 33 percent new low with Quinnipiac.

The White House has a big plan to turn things around. They want Joe Biden now to focus more on domestic issues. Really? That's the plan?

Will he finally head down to the southern border? Is he going to cut taxes to ease the burden of inflation? Will he unleash domestic production of oil and gas to reduce prices at the pump?

Spoiler alert: he's not going to do any of these things. Instead, Joe will likely travel to a few cities close to the White House, encourage Americans to make sacrifices all in the name of climate change and so-called equity programs. He'll push more social spending proposals which would make inflation even worse.

And get this: Biden's new economic report mentions the word gender -- again gender -- 127 times. Inflation is only mentioned 87 times. Explain that to your kids.

Anyway, naturally, Joe will also vilify his political opponents, smear them as racist and sexist and, of course, he'll continue to blame all of his failures on COVID-19 and Vladimir Putin, which is a pretty weird strategy since Biden once vowed to stand up to Vladimir and he promised to shut down the virus. Neither of those things have happened.

And now, not only did Biden utterly fail to shut down the virus, but his administration can't even get their messaging straight on whether or not you, the American people, should be wearing a mask on a plane or a train.

Now, yesterday, a federal judge in Florida struck down Biden's mask mandate but we still don't know if the administration will appeal the ruling. At one point, today, Biden said that wearing a mask was an individual choice. And a few hours later, he demanded everyone continue to wear their masks.

Clearly, leadership is not exactly something the administration does well, and that's because Joe Biden is not a leader. He's corrupt. He's cognitively struggling. He's a career politician who is a few decades past his prime.

I have no idea if he'll actually run for re-election, but I do know that almost no one outside of the White House wants another four years of Joe Biden.

Here with reaction, White House correspondent Peter Doocy.

I'm not going to belabor this but I do need to ask you, Joe did call you a son of a bitch, and I'm not sure if that gives me as a host a talk host licensed to call administration officials a son of a bitch. I think if I did, I might get a different reaction.

But he did call you and you told us on the air that you had a conversation, didn't quite apologize. It happened again.

But I wanted to ask you -- I want to make sure I have this right didn't the Biden administration say there'd be dire consequences if people were disrespected. Let me just play this tape.


BIDEN: I'm not joking when I say this, if you're ever working with me and I hear you treat another colleague with disrespect, talk down to someone, I promise you I will fire you on the spot, on the spot, no if, ands or buts. Everybody -- everybody is entitled to be treated with decency and dignity.


HANNITY: You know, I got to be honest, Peter, I watch the exchanges you have with Jen Psaki, you are respectful. You are informed.

Has anyone FOX ever given you a question? I doubt it, but I think I give you a chance to respond. Why do you think there's this hostility towards you?

PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Nobody has ever given me a question and we've spoken about this before, I spend hours on questions and ideas for questions and backup material for questions because I often - - am the only one in the briefing room where I will bring something up and the press secretary or sometimes the president will say, where are you getting that from? And I have to have it in my hand.

And I can tell you. It's a full-time job. That is my full-time job. Nobody else is feeding that at all and so the ideas are mine and the question and the research is all mine.

And I don't think that there's hostility. The president and I spoke after he used a regrettable phrase and Jen Psaki and I have communicated, and she tweeted that she -- I don't think she said that she enjoys our debates in the briefing room, but that she respects that I'm always bringing it.

And so I don't think that it's a huge issue and after the -- I heard that there was something she said on a podcast a couple days ago, whatever that was, she still took some very pointed questions yesterday at the most recent briefing. So --

HANNITY: I don't know. I'm beginning to think that the woke crowd has signaled to everybody that it's okay to now say this about people and we're going to take it under consideration on the show and see if we can do that.

But in all honesty, on behalf of everybody on this network, you do a phenomenal job. You need a conservative or liberal, you're asking the questions that need to be asked and you are fair in your questioning. And the fact that they don't want to answer them is a whole different story.

Let me move on. We have problems with inflation. We have problems with gas prices. We have problems with Ukraine. We have problems still you know with -- at the border and COVID, mixed messaging.

Why do you think there's so much confusion? You're there every day. I mean, there are smart people in the White House. Why can't they get control of all of this?

DOOCY: Well, you think about what this president said when he was running for election. He said that if he won, he wanted to transform the country and it's tough to transform the country into this green vision that you have where you're combating climate change and there's more equity when you are constantly having to respond to these major crises that pop up.

But that's the way that being a president works and you cited that report earlier that there is talk now that aides want him to talk less about Ukraine ahead of the midterms, ahead of 2024.

And the reason for that is simple because he can keep pumping Ukraine with ammunition and with helicopters and with weapons, but if it doesn't look any better a couple months from now, that's not -- he hasn't delivered anything to voters who might be curious about him. So he'll go to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, today, and talk about a new port that they uh invested in that they fixed as part of the infrastructure bill.

Something that I think is very interesting about that though -- so the person who has been tasked with fixing the ports, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, just a day after yesterday, "The Washington Post" said that he is a greater threat to the Democratic nomination than even the Vice President Kamala Harris, and he wasn't there at the port guy, I wasn't there at the port thing in Portsmouth and they had him doing another event out in Wisconsin.

And so, 2022 will be here before we know it, but 2024 is going to be here just right after that and I don't doubt this report from the Hill that the president told Barack Obama he wants to run again. He --

HANNITY: You don't doubt, he said you believe that.

DOOCY: Yes, and he's in New Hampshire. He was in Iowa a week or two ago. Those are not states that he did well in, but he still got elected president and I would I have no reason to doubt that reporting.

HANNITY: So we now have a border surge, like it may be worse than last year, which was a, what, 25, 30-year record. We now have gas prices at a record high and a 40-year high of inflation obviously these are not things they want to talk about, but I don't see them out there with a plan, right or wrong, that's going to change these things.

For example, the way I would change the problems at the border is I'd go back to the Trump policies of stay in Mexico building the wall and ending catch and release or in Joe's case catch and process. On the issue of gas prices and inflation, I would double down on cutting taxes and allowing drilling and regaining energy independence, I don't see any chance of that happening at all with this new radical New Green Deal Democratic Party.

So what are the options? Are they just hoping that it gets better? You know, praying that it gets better? I mean, is there any maneuvers that you see at all to lift the burden off the American people? This is really killing especially the poor in the middle class.

DOOCY: Well, here's one, Sean, just in the three or four minutes while you were introing this segment, "Axios" dropped an item that the president and his advisors are now considering delaying the removal of Title 42 down at the southern border, which is something that moderate Democrats really want him to do especially the ones in border states that are up for re-election, but that progressives in the party really hate.

And so, part of the calculation in a midterm year is to try to figure out who do we need do we need moderates who are going to be reliably in the middle or do we need the progressives that are going to make the most noise for us and try to get people out and get young people out? And so --

HANNITY: That would include states like Texas, for example, Beto O'Rourke is against lifting Title 42. Mark Kelly in Arizona, the senator from Nevada, interesting all -- all Senate seats up for election. There's senators now I believe in total that are on record saying not to do it so is he going to do that for political considerations for them only? In other words, an election year temporary conversion?

DOOCY: Well, as we've seen just in the last few hours the most politically popular thing is not always what they go with, like signaling an openness to reinstating the national transportation mask mandate if the CDC says that is what they want to do.

And so, the people around here would argue not about politics, it's just about what we think is best.

HANNITY: All right. Peter, you do a phenomenal job. I'm sorry you have to take some of the guff. Welcome to my world, in your dad's world.

DOOCY: I don't want any -- I don't need a sorry. I have fun with it and I think that that is reflected in the back-and-forth with the president and with the press secretary. And so as long as my badge still scans me in, I'm good to go, obviously.

HANNITY: You're good to go. By the way, before Jen Psaki goes to MSDNC, she's still free to come on this program if you get a spare minute and you want to invite her please extend my invitation. I'd love to have her on for the full hour, you think she'll do it?

DOOCY: It doesn't hurt to ask.

HANNITY: Thank you, Peter. Appreciate it. Thanks for all you do.

DOOCY: All right. Here with reaction, former senior counselor to President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, along with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

You know, Kellyanne, I'll start with you tonight because you're a pollster and you're great at your job and you we've known each other for 27 years for crying out loud, and you look at every single poll, the lowest approval rating depending on which poll it is that they've ever had you know culminating with the 33 percent approval rating with Quinnipiac.

And is there anything that they could do within the range that that they have and that is keeping their climate alarmist religious cult happy? Because I don't see anything that they can do on the economy or on the borders that will satisfy the base of this new Democratic Party, which means he's in a box. He's got to just hope and pray that things get better and that's not usually how it works.

KELLYANNE CONWAY, FORMER SENIOR COUNSELOR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: It doesn't work that way, Sean, people won't vote for you if they feel like you're not listening to them and not connecting with them and he's clearly not. He's down in the polls among suburban women. Key to his victory in 2020 among independents, key to victory in young people, who overwhelmingly voted for him in 2020. They've all just cratered in their approval of his performance in the job and on key issues.

And he's got another problem now you just alluded to it with Peter Doocy. He's got a problem inside the Senate Democratic base. So, Gary Peters, who represents the state of Michigan, that is -- that is near the Canadian border, not the Mexican border. He's against every moving title because he heads up the Democratic Senate Committee and he's looking at the electoral map this year and he sees trouble in places where Joe Biden's approval rating is in the low to mid 30s, Georgia, Nevada, Arizona, Pennsylvania, North Carolina. Do you see a trend here?

And so, he's got -- Joe Biden's got nobody happy. I think the only thing declining more than Joe Biden's approval ratings is Joe Biden, and people now see that.

They're talking about 2024. I find that to be very arrogant at best. Ukrainians are suffering. Americans are suffering under the yoke of inflation and border insecurity, crime is rising in our cities, kids are still trying to catch up from that loss learning. We have real problems and pain here and he's talking about his 2024 political prospects.

But I have never seen a president and a vice president's numbers fall so precipitously and them not wanting to listen and learn. Obama and Bill Clinton, the only president Clinton will ever have, they both suffered grievous losses in their first midterm elections, and snapped back around, moderated a little bit, and won re-election.

Joe Biden shows no signs of his willingness or his ability to do that.

HANNITY: Y know, you're right on target which leads me to Governor Huckabee from Arkansas. You could say a lot of things about Bill Clinton but he was a great politician and after that midterm election, and he got walloped, he came back with the era of big government is over the end of welfare as we know it. Prior to that or after, at some point, there was a Sister Soulja moment that that went viral.

So, he showed an ability to read the public lack of satisfaction with his - - with his job and he turned, he changed. He shifted. He adjusted.

I don't see that Biden has the capability to do it. I don't think his base would tolerate it.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Sean, there's no education in the second kick of a mule, and there's a problem that Joe Biden has that Bill Clinton didn't. Clinton might get kicked once by the mule, but he never let it happen again. Joe Biden stands there and gets kicked over and over and doesn't realize he's been kicked in the head by the mule, and that's his problem.

You were talking a moment ago and I burst out laughing. I'm glad I was on the air and the mic wasn't hot because it might have been a little bit troubling but when you were saying -- you invite Jen Psaki to come on and spend an hour. I thought, yeah, there's a greater likelihood that I'm going to ride a unicorn in the leprechaun rodeo to win the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

HANNITY: I believe in miracles. That could happen. You never know.

HUCKABEE: Well, that would be one that would be a biblical proportion if it ever should happen. But this is an administration that does not want to answer the questions because they don't have an answer for those questions and Joe Biden can say that he wants to run again. Let's hope he does. Nothing would be better to forever ensconce Republicans in power.

And I think Republicans need to be very careful that we don't rest too easily on his failures but that we show the American people that there's really some policies we'd like to implement. We'd like to cut their taxes. We'd like to secure their border. We'd like to bring America back to the world with a level of respect.

We truly like to see the oil and gas that's under our own feet supply our energy in an affordable way rather than paying Putin and the Saudis a ransom in order to have enough to heat our homes and cool our homes in the summer.

We've got a real message out there. It's time to use it.

HANNITY: You know, Newt Gingrich was on my radio show today, Kellyanne, and we both agree it's kind of time for Republicans not to take it for granted, not to run on Joe's a failure, although that's pretty transparent and obvious. But to lay out the ideas and promises and put it down on paper that if you elect us, we will do these very specific things.

I like the idea because then we get to hold them accountable for what they promise they'll do. Do you like that idea?

CONWAY: I love it, and it's reminiscent of the 1994 Contract with America, and Newt Gingrich's great success.

And you know, Sean, that Contract with America was signed on September on September 27, 1994, in the Capitol steps right behind it in the image. That was five weeks before Election Day. This is all coming together so much more quickly.

But you're right, people vote according to affirmative policies, forward- looking principles and that's important. And just one last thing, Joe Biden seems unable to do what the last many presidents, right, left and center were able to do, which is be led by the people once in a while. Presidents both have to lead the people and be led by the people in this way.

People are so excited to not have to wear a mask on airplanes and on Amtrak and instead of him instead of him sort of standing up and saying, this happened on my watch, on Donald Trump's watch, you had to wear a mask, you had to stay home for 45 days, instead they're thinking of suing the CDC or suing and saying let's take this all the way to Supreme Court. This makes no sense.

Once in a while, claim and victory, go where the people are. They don't have -- they don't seem to have a sense of people and I think his 50 years in Washington turns out to be a tremendous liability, not an asset.

HANNITY: Governor, I want to give you the same question. Would Republicans making promises on paper hold them more accountable and they have to have their words and promises match their rhetoric -- their actions match their rhetoric?

HUCKABEE: Absolutely. And I think it's an important thing Republicans ought to be willing to be held accountable. Every person who's elected, I don't care what party they're with. They ought to be accountable for the things that they said they were going to do.

And if they do it, they deserve to be reelected. If they don't, they need to get the boot.

HANNITY: I think the unicorn is definitely in the equation down the road.

Governor, great to see you. Kellyanne, great to see you.

When we come back, our own Sara Carter with an investigative exclusive report from the border. Numerous migrants on the government's terror watch list were arrested trying to sneak into the country under Biden's watch and we weren't really told the truth. We've got the explanation, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, just like we've been showing you on this program night after night, border security that is national security, and the devastating consequences of the Biden open borders agenda, they're worsening every day. I mean, we set another record in March, because get this, FOX's own Bill Melugin, he has obtained a new document from Congressman Chip Roy's office showing a questionnaire answered by the Department of Homeland Security revealing that there have been people on our terror watch list apprehended at the border since Biden took office in 2021.

That's in addition to the 23 we already knew about. So how many more will gain entry under Biden's massive immigration policy failures and how many people by the way got through that we didn't catch. Terror around the world is a real clear present danger.

We're still reminded of the brutal killings of our fellow Americans by the hands of evil terrorists around the globe. Just days ago, one of the so- called ISIS Beatles found guilty on all counts for his role in the gruesome evil murders of four Americans and two Brits, including an American aid worker Kayla Mueller. And remember, it was under President Trump that this terrorist was captured by American allies, extradited to the U.S., and now justice has been brought to these families and we'll have more on that straight ahead.

But tonight, our very own Sara Carter is reporting on the ground in Texas. She encountered a young woman stranded by smugglers begging for help. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm on the phone with a subject in distress, the female in distress. She has eyes on you. She says you're fine, right, above her. Oh, okay, 10-4, you have eyes on her, Walker.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I got her, I got her.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, sir, 10-4.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: So, basically, she's from Guatemala. She's only 18 years old. She was abandoned at the top of the mountain, and she's terrified. She's crying. She said there were 27 other people with her.

Basically, said they were going to come back for her, but they never did. They just abandoned her up on the mountain. There's all kinds of elements out there that -- I mean, out there alone, if she would have spent the night out there tonight, it would have dropped into the low 30s. I mean, who knows if she would have made it?

The fact that we even found her, you know, that she was even able to make with her phone in that last second her phone broke.


CARTER: That she was even able to make that phone call.

OLIVAREZ: Right, it just goes to show you though too what these human smuggling organizations are doing, that they have no disregard -- I mean, they have no regard for human life, and they'll leave a person behind and they'll keep moving on.


HANNITY: I mean, that's a sad story obviously. But you have now all these terrorists. We have all the fentanyl, all the opioids coming into the country, all of our resources have gone to this massive surge at the border -- a new record in March of this year, higher than last year. Nobody seems to be paying attention to it, except you and then this show. A lot of people have ignored it, they've just gotten used to it.

CARTER: Well, I got to tell you, Sean, it's extraordinarily dangerous times. I mean, if you talk to U.S. intelligence agents as well as you know officers, you speak to U.S. military.

You talk to our foreign service allies in Central America. They'll tell you the same thing. They are extraordinarily concerned about the national security and basically the poorest border here in the United States.

I want to show you right behind me, Sean, just as we were uh getting ready to come on, they discovered a body here behind me I'm an Eagle Pass. The body is on an island not too far from me down the river. We have Mexican authorities and U.S. authorities trying to figure out who is going to get the body out of the river. This is something that happens daily.

Texas DPS, you saw their aircraft operations division conducting that rescue of that 18-year-old girl, just last week found a body outside not too far from where that young girl was rescued. It's a constant battle they say.

Federal law enforcement here as well as state and local law enforcement just to secure this border, and it's almost impossible they say when the Biden administration is refusing to do it. Sixty-two thousand-plus gotaways just in March that they know of.

And listen to this, Sean, 700,000, they believe got away since October 2021. Those are people that were not apprehended. That is what they are estimating right now in the federal government and that is a very, very dangerous situation with what's happening around the world.

HANNITY: It's unbelievable. Great reporting as always, Sara Carter. Thank you for that.

And voters say -- are taking notice to the catastrophe at our southern border, all caused by Joe Biden's policies. According to Gallup, worry over illegal immigration is now at a two-decade high.

Here now with reaction, Nevada Republican Senate candidate Adam Laxalt is with us, recently endorsed by former President Trump and by myself and by - - I know the great one Mark Levin. So -- those are pretty three -- well, two decent endorsements, mine you can throw in the garbage.

Congratulations. I notice in your race, I notice in Arizona with Mark Kelly, I noticed Beto Bozo O'Rourke, all of a sudden, three border state Democrats are saying, President Biden please don't lift Title 42.

Now, the cynical part of Sean Hannity has been doing this now on radio 35 years, 26 years of FOX, says that they're full of crap and this is an election year conversion and it's not true conviction that they're acting on. You think I'm right?

ADAM LAXALT (R), CANDIDATE FOR U.S. SENATE IN NEVADA: Well, let me just first say as someone that served in the Navy in Iraq, we go over there to defend our country nationhood means something and the assault by the American left on our sovereignty and our borders and failing to do the absolute basic of being able to know who's coming and going allowing, terrorists to come over the border. It is just an absolute crime that this is going on and it's something that we've got to put an end to.

But you're absolutely right. Senator Masto, she's at 40 percent in our state, and she's now running commercials in Spanish language because Hispanics are fed up with open borders. They're fed up with this lawlessness, and she's lying to them, telling them that she fights against human trafficking. She did an about face on Title 42, even though just a year ago, she said it was inhumane and we needed to lift it. It's all because of politics and because voters in Nevada are rejecting it radically and they're going to send a big message to people like Senator Masto in November.

HANNITY: You know, when you go back to 2020, Joe Biden got 56 percent of the Hispanic American vote. In this latest Quinnipiac poll, he only has 26 percent support among Hispanic Americans. He's losing dramatic support in in other demographics as well.

As I look at these politicians and your opponent is a perfect case in point, she said it was you know it wasn't -- it was inhumane a year ago, now, all of a sudden facing you in an election and you up in the polls. Last poll I think I saw you up three or four or five points, I forget the exact number. So she's willing to say and do anything to get elected, but then as soon -- if she gets reelected by the people of Nevada, then we both know what's going to happen. She'll go right back to being a Joe Biden, Chuck Schumer sycophant. Am I wrong on that?

LAXALT: Yeah. Look, we know her records. She supported open borders, all the way through. And again, this is someone like Vice President Harris that when convenient ran in is a law and order, former attorney general, that she was going to protect communities, and they just lie to our people.

But again, the Hispanic community saw the effects of BLM in our Las Vegas. They've seen the effects of lockdowns on our schools, on Hispanic businesses. And the end of the day, they're not going to be fooled.

They know that that unemployment was at all time lows. Wages were at all- time highs under President Trump. We had a border that was nearly secure and here we are today, everything is heading in the wrong direction.

And that's why it's 50-50 today. I mean, think of those staggering movement on Hispanic voters in the state of Nevada. But again, they deserve it. Everything they've done is heading us in the wrong direction.

And the bottom line is they're killing the American dream, and I don't think Hispanics are particularly happy about that.

HANNTY: Your race is critical if Republicans are to gain control of the U.S. Senate in November. We'll follow it very closely.

Adam Laxalt, thank you for being with us.

All right. Straight ahead, you're not going to believe Jen Psaki bizarre meltdown over Florida's new parental rights and education bill. We're going to play the breakdown, then we're going to tell you the truth, versus the lie that she's telling.

Kayleigh McEnany, Douglas Murray, they weigh in, next.


HANNITY: All right. Now, yet another bizarre moment from circle back propagandist Jen Psaki. She fought back tears while spewing lies about Florida's new parental rights law. Take a look.


JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: This is a political wedge issue and an attempt to win a culture war and they're doing that in a way that is harsh and cruel to a community of kids especially. I'm -- I'm like going to get them -- I'm going to get emotional about this issue, because it's just -- it's horrible.

But -- but, you know, it's like kids who are bullied and they just like all these leaders are taking steps to hurt them and hurt their lives and hurt their families. And you look at some of these laws in these states and it's going after parents who are in loving relationships who have kids. It's completely outrageous, sorry. And this is an issue that makes me completely crazy, but it is an issue that is a political wedge issue. It's not a reflection of where the country is.


HANNITY: Now, whenever MSDNC's Jen Psaki speaks, we always need to separate back from fiction tears or no tears.

Now, this calls -- this is called the Parental Rights and Education Act, has nothing to do at all with not saying the word gay. The law prohibits classroom instruction on sexual orientation, gender identity with children in kindergarten, first, second and third grade. That's it -- or in a manner that is not age appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students in accordance with state standards, K through third grade.

No talk of allowing bullying or discrimination. Nobody supports that. It's about parents rights, age-appropriate material, and frankly about who should be instilling values in children? Parents or teachers, knowing that many teachers might have an agenda or set of values that differ from parents.

Now, of course, no one supports bullying. That's not what the law is about.

So ask yourself, why are Democrats so hell-bent about lying about this law? Why are they so hell-bent on restricting parental rights in the classroom?

And also down in Florida, Governor DeSantis says lawmakers will consider stripping Disney of its generous self-governing status as the Disney Corporation continues to spew lies about the law as well.

Here with reaction, "Outnumbered" co-host Kayleigh McEnany, along with FOX news contributor Douglas Murray.

Kayleigh, start with you.

Why is there this imperative of the left to -- we're talking about kids from kindergarten, first, second and third grade, to talk about transgenderism and sexuality at all, especially because we spent more money per student with the worst results in reading, writing, math, science and computers? Why don't we focus on the basics?

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, "OUTNUMBERED" CO-HOST: Exactly, Sean. The left has a sick obsession with their children. Just today, think about the last hours of for the White House. They want to force face cloth coverings on two- year-olds on airplanes and force teach them about sexuality and gender ideology at kindergarten.

I mean, when my daughter goes to school, I don't want her learning about those things, coming home and teaching being taught things that I then have to explain to her. And of all the issues to cry and get upset about, Sean, there's a war in Ukraine. There is bloodshed in our streets -- children literally dying on the streets from crime that is totally out of control and rampant. There is COVID where more Americans have died on Joe Biden's watch than on President Trump's.

There is a lot to cry about. Namely, if you want to cry about one issue in this country right now, I think the press secretary should cry about the 62 million children that do not exist, that have been aborted because of Roe v. Wade, a heinous, heinous decision in this country that has exterminated about one-fifth of the United States population.

So if you want to cry, don't cry about forcing sexuality on kindergartners. That is sick. Cry about the 62 million children who can't even go to kindergarten.

HANNITY: You know, as I look at this bill, you know, the state of Florida reacted and, you know, it's troubling that the Biden administration would break down in tears because of a law that protects parental rights.

Now, Douglas, it may shock some people in school systems but there are many parents out there that have values that are very different than the school and very different than what a teacher might be teaching their kids. Who has the right to instill values? Are we going to hand our kids over to the schools? They get to instill the values or the parents get to instill the values? I vote for the parents.

DOUGLAS MURRAY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Absolutely, every time. You know, Jen Psaki I think is just making sure that her sinecure at MSNBC is absolutely safe. This sort of mixture of sentimentality and fake emotion is something that we know.

We've seen for years from Rachel Maddow and others breaking down in tears, ridiculous and insignificant things. And this is ridiculous and insignificant.

It's ridiculous because she's crying about as you've just pointed out, Sean, something that isn't happening. The ridiculous thing on top of all of that is that as we all know here, the whole bill in Florida has nothing to do with persecuting gay people. Anything like it it's about trying to stop not just the imposition of teaching about sex to kindergarteners, but stopping the teaching of an ideology that was literally invented about 18 months ago.

I mean, you know, two months -- two years ago, nobody had heard about any of the gender fluid nonsense. Nobody talked about non-binaryism. Everybody knew until yesterday that there were two sexes and that some people were attracted to their own sex.

Now, we've got this new ideology which Disney and others have decided to force on the American people or decide is an amazing and ancient right to understand that there are about genders. Actually, it's so important to understand that they don't know how many genders there are yet because they're making it up as they go along.

It's incredibly dangerous what these people are doing.

HANNITY: My favorite was the first graders being taught, now, when doctors deliver babies, they're really just guessing if it's a boy or a girl. They're telling first graders that. They're just this it's an educated guess by the -- it's not a guess.

Anyway -- and nobody supports discrimination. Most Americans are libertarian. Live your own life, but leave the kids alone. Let the parents deal with these issues. And if they want to have after-school opt-in programs, they can do that.

All right. Kayleigh, thank you. Douglas, thank you.

When we come back, the woke left -- they've gone too far as they continue to block parents out of their kids education. We'll continue this discussion. How does it impact the November midterms? We'll ask Tulsi Gabbard, next.


HANNITY: Now earlier this morning, Congresswoman Lauren Boebert grilled HHS secretary over -- the HHS secretary over the Biden administration's attack on parental rights as it relates to gender reassignment surgery. These are kids. Take a listen.


REP. LAUREN BOEBERT (R-CO): Mr. Secretary, do you think that parents who believe in two genders only should have their children removed from them?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Secretary, Mr. Secretary, you can answer or respond in writing. Her time is expiring.

XAVIER BECERRA, HHS SECRETARY: I can respond very quickly.

Congresswoman, I believe in supporting and protecting transgender youth. I believe that they along with their parents and their caregivers will make the best decisions, and I would really urge that politicians like you stay out of their business.


HANNITY: Now, we went back to the HHS, and asked once again if the secretary supported potentially removing children from their home over gender affirming car. They didn't get back to us.

Now, it all comes as the -- as the president and the Democrats remain in complete disarray ahead of the midterms. No message, no signature political wins and frankly no sanity here.

Here with reaction, former Hawaii congresswoman, presidential candidate for the Democratic Party, Tulsi Gabbard.

Good to see you, Congresswoman.

FORMER REP. TULSI GABBARD (D-IL): Good to see you, Sean.

HANNITY: So the question from Congresswomen Boebert comes from the HHS. They have the National Child Traumatic Stress Network.

You heard the answer of the secretary. Do you think that parents that believe in two genders only should have their child removed from them? That it's on the table, and it's in this HHS document that that's a possibility. Is that something that's going to help your party in November?

GABBARD: I think that anything that gets in the way of parents who love their kids, who want what -- who want what's best for their kids, getting the government getting in the way of their being able to raise their children impart their values on them is not going to help people electorally. But it's also just further undermining this trend that we're seeing, Sean, where whether it's this issue or it's critical race theory or education or other things, what we're seeing is the government increasingly encroaching on this relationship, driving a wedge between parents and their kids and taking away parents rights one by one.

This is a dangerous thing. Conservative parents should have the right to raise their kids, to impart their values on their kids without fear of the government saying -- well, you're a bad parent, and because you're a bad parent, we're going to take your kids away from you. And frankly, woke parents have the right to do the same. They have the right to raise their kids and impart their values to them as well.

Government -- unelected government bureaucrats or the government in any way should not be encroaching on this relationship and further taking away parents' rights.

HANNITY: I'm -- if I'm hearing you correctly, I hear that you support the bill in Florida, the parents rights bill, and this idea -- I'm not exactly sure where this imperative came from to teach kindergartners and first and second and third graders about sexuality at all or transgenderism at all, and it seems that you take a sensible point of view that you support the parents rights to raise their kids the way the way they see fit. I agree with you, but I think you are at great odds with your own party on this, but I think you're in the majority with the American people. So how does that impact the election?

GABBARD: Yeah, Sean, you know, I'm not a political pundit but I can say very clearly, yes, I support that bill that passed in Florida and I think frankly it probably didn't go far enough, you know, stopping at third grade. It should have frankly gone farther. But this is not a partisan issue.

HANNITY: To what grade --

GABBARD: This is about challenging -- I mean, I don't know, what 12th grade. How do you determine this?

HANNITY: That's what I think it should be, while kids are --

GABBARD: Exactly.

HANNITY: Let the parents take care of it.

Now, the schools can offer after-school opt-in sexuality classes if they want, and parents can opt in if they're uncomfortable, right? Would that be fair?

GABBARD: I think that's fair but look at education. I think you're going to the core point here is what is the role of government? What is the role of these schools?

It's to teach reading, writing, civics, the constitution, bill of rights, math -- actually raise the literacy rate in our kids. Schools and the government should not be getting in the way of parents raising their kids and imparting their values to them.

HANNITY: I think you repeat after me, I think I'm a Hannity conservative. I just -- I'm just -- I'm just -- I'm pulled. I think I'm pulling you right over there.

GABBARD: I don't repeat after nobody, Sean.


HANNITY: Good for you.

All right. Good to see you. Thank you.

More HANNITY next.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. Thank you so much for being with us. You make the sure show possible. We hope you set your DVR so you never miss an episode of HANNITY. Don't forget about our website, Hannity.com.

In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, stay tuned. Laura is next. We'll see back here tomorrow. Thanks for being with us.

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