'Hannity' on Biden's 'humiliating' withdrawal from Afghanistan

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," August 30, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right, Tucker, and thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

Today, at 3:30 p.m. Eastern Standard Time, in what was one of the most humiliating foreign policy disasters and surrenders in American history, the last American plane took off from Muhammad Karzai International Airport. U.S. forces are now officially out of the country as are all diplomats, and Taliban terrorists are in full control of what they are calling now the Islamic Emirates of Afghanistan.

Just four days ago, 13 brave U.S. servicemen and women lost their lives guarding that airport, and if that's not horrific enough, now, Joe Biden, your president, he just left our fellow Americans behind enemy lines as hostages to the whims of terrorists.

My sources are telling me that the administration's estimate of 250 to 300 Americans left behind is likely extremely low and the more likely number of Americans left behind is closer to a thousand, maybe more. The saddest part of all is our government doesn't know and they don't have a clue.

Now, coming up, we'll be joined by two Gold Star fathers. Their sons, Marine Corporal Lance Jared Schmitz and Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover. They were both killed during last week's attack at the airport in Kabul, and it's because of heroes like this and thousands of Americans and our allies well they were able to escape the country.

But tonight, countless Americans, they have now been completely abandoned and left behind enemy lines, abandoned not by our brave soldiers, but by their commander-in-chief who made the political decision to leave by August 31st the Taliban deadline no matter what.

It is day 16, Americans held hostage behind enemy terrorist lines.


GEN. KENNETH MCKENZIE, COMMANDER, U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND: I'm here to announce the completion of our withdrawal from Afghanistan and the end of the military mission to evacuate American citizens, third country nationals and vulnerable Afghans.

ANTONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE: This has been a massive military, diplomatic and humanitarian undertaking, one of the most difficult in our nation's history.

MCKENZIE: While the military evacuation is complete the diplomatic mission to ensure additional U.S. citizens and eligible Afghans who want to leave continues. There's a lot of heartbreak associated with this departure. We did not get everybody out that we wanted to get out, but I think if we stayed another 10 days, we wouldn't have gotten everybody out that we wanted to get out and there still would have been people who would have been disappointed with that.


ANNOUNCER: Americans held hostage behind enemy lines, day 16.

HANNITY: You heard it right there. We did not get everyone out and tonight the administration doesn't seem to know just how many American citizens are left behind hundreds if not over a thousand. The fact that they cannot give all of us an exact count is beyond repulsive and because of the constant threat from terrorists in the Taliban and ISIS and al Qaeda, some unknown number of Americans could not make it to the airport in Kabul and were subsequently abandoned by Joe Biden and his administration watch.


MCKENZIE: No American citizens came out on the last what we call the joint tactical exfiltration, the last five jets to leave. We maintained the ability to bring them in up until immediately before departure, but we were not able to bring any Americans out. That activity ended probably about 12 hours before our exit, although we continued the outreach and would have been prepared to bring them on until the very last minute. But none of them made it to the airport and were able to be -- and were able to be accommodated.


HANNITY: How interesting as a candidate in Joe Biden tweeted that in the United States of America, we leave nobody behind, we need a president who understands that. Then, August 19th, Joe Biden promised to stay until every American citizen was out of Afghanistan. It was only a couple of weeks ago.

Apparently, Joe Biden was telling all of us an outright lie. Every American -- this transcends politics, this isn't Democrat, Republican conservative liberal -- every American should see their president lie to them right here.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The commitment holds to get everyone out that in fact we can get out and everyone should come out, and that's the objective. That's what we're doing now, that's the path we're on, and I think we'll get there.

GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS ANCHOR: So Americans should understand that troops might have to be there beyond August 31st?

BIDEN: No, Americans should understand that we're going to try to get it done before August 31st.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But if we don't, the troops will stay?

BIDEN: If we don't, we'll determine at the time who's left.


BIDEN: And if they're American force -- if there's American citizens left, we're going to stay until we get them all out.


BIDEN: We're going to stay until we get them all out. Apparently, never mind, this is the worst self-inflicted foreign policy crisis in modern American history, one of the worst in history. Everyone involved should be fired.

Secretary of State Blinken, fired. Defense Secretary Austin, fired. National security adviser Jake Sullivan, fired. General Mark Milley -- why he ever gave up Bagram -- fired.

They all need to -- be held responsible for this unmitigated disaster. Yeah, Joe Biden too, fired.

Breaking tonight, 90 -- count the numbers -- 90 retired generals and admirals are also calling on Milley and Austin to resign and if Biden had frankly any honor at all, if he even knew what day it is, he himself would resign right now as well.

Leaving Americans behind and putting their lives in the hands of terrorists -- in this case the Taliban and probably ISIS-K and al Qaeda -- it is beyond heartless, it is cruel, it is unacceptable. This is not the American way.

According to a new ABC News poll, vast majority of Americans -- we don't get 84 percent of Americans agreeing on much at all, do we? But 84 percent of Americans believe U.S. troops should have stayed behind until every single American was evacuated. Seventy-one percent say we should have stayed to make sure every ally of ours is evacuated also because we promised them that. Our word was supposed to be our bond, not that they'd necessarily come here but we'd get them the hell out of there.

It could have been done. It should have been done. We have the most powerful military in the world. But under Joe Biden, the Taliban terrorists -- they call all the shots. In a written statement, which is meaningless -- Biden said there was no real reason to stay behind and rescue our fellow citizens because quote the Taliban.

Let's stop lying to ourselves right here. The Taliban is a terrorist group. He said the Taliban has made commitments on safe passage. Okay, I don't trust the Taliban. Joe, you've got to be kidding.

Now, we all know Joe's declining very quickly cognitively. I know he has soup for brains, but surely, someone in the administration remembers 9/11/01. Surely, they see what the Taliban is capable of. Surely, they know that these are evil terrorists, maybe they don't. I don't know, after all, month after month, this administration sat around, did nothing the Taliban -- we've done our time lapse map for you. They rapidly took over the entire country. We did nothing in March, April May, June and July when we had control of Kabul. They did nothing as the Taliban took control of over $83 billion worth of U.S., weapons including drones, 22,000 armored vehicles, hundreds of aircraft and 33 black hawk helicopters.

The Taliban now possess more than more Blackhawk helicopters than the entire country of Australia and Australia got all of their citizens the hell out of there. And to top it off, Bagram air base was abandoned in the middle of the night, leaving thousands of American citizens completely defenseless as the Taliban closed in on Kabul.

Now, it even gets worse when you think it's not possible, because according to a bombshell report in "The Washington Post", not exactly a member of our vast right-wing conspiracy, the Taliban offered to stop their advance outside of Kabul, leaving control of the capital city to U.S. forces for an unknown period of time but the Biden administration actually declined the offer and began the full-scale retreat to the airport a location difficult to secure in the middle of the city, and it's unclear who actually made that call as both Biden and Secretary of State Blinken, they were on vacation. Remember, the vacation they stayed on vacation during the fall of Kabul except for a -minute reprieve for you know a staff written speech that was mumbled by Joe Biden, regardless who made the call to give up Kabul, the Biden administration then gave these Taliban terrorists the entire perimeter around the airport.

Having control of the airport not control the perimeter means nothing. They trusted the terrorists to protect the airport from the terrorists, that makes sense? The airport was subsequently surrounded by Taliban fighters who set up dozens of checkpoints where we now have one account after another of how they viciously beat, whip, stabbed, gassed Americans and Afghans alike, and stopped all Afghans from going to the airport. Many of them will be murdered and somehow, a suicide bomber managed to get through to the airport gates, killing over 160, including 13 of our national treasure, our servicemen and women injuring over others.

During the dignified transfer of these fallen soldiers, a very bored- looking or totally out of it Joe Biden peered down at his watch. He apparently wasn't interested in standing around for too long.

And according to reports, Biden's meetings with the families of these foreign soldiers they didn't go particularly well. According to "The Washington Post," one such meeting, quote, it struck the family as scripted and shallow a conversation that lasted only a couple of minutes in total disregard to the loss of our marine tonight everyone in the Biden administration from Joe and kamala and to the propagandist Jen Psaki, Tony Blinken should all be hanging their heads in shame all of this self- inflicted, all of it preventable.

Because of them, 13 of our service men and women are dead many others seriously injured and now we have an untold amount in the hundreds maybe thousands of Americans that now have been left behind enemy lines of terrorists. With American forces gone, there is no one left to protect these Americans or any of our friends or allies from the Taliban's death squads. That are now as we've been reporting and so many others even in the mainstream media going door to door looking for their political enemies.

This is a video from Lara Logan reportedly featuring gunshots from those house to house executions that are going on. As one Democratic congressman told "New York Magazine", the thing that everybody needs to understand even if you completely agree with the Biden administration's decision to decision to withdraw, the way they have handled this has been a total bleeping disaster.

Here with more, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North.

Never thought, Colonel, never thought we'd leave Americans behind, terrorist enemy lines. Never thought we'd leave them to the Taliban ISIS-K, and al Qaeda. But we did, and we don't even know how many.

LT. COL. OLIVER NORTH (RET), CO-AUTHOR OF "WE DIDN'T FIGHT FOR SOCIALISM": Well, that's true, Sean, which is different than what the administration's been saying all along as you pointed out. You know, one of the things that they missed out on when General McKenzie gave that briefing was that the aircraft departed at the time they did to comply with the deadline set by the Taliban, so that 11 young U.S. marines, the navy corpsman, and the army soldier died in an effort to evacuate American citizens who could not get to the airport, our Afghan allies, other third nation individuals same thing, because here's why -- Taliban equals al Qaeda equals ISIS equals Haqqani organization.

The killing fields will be stained with red from the blood of those who are left behind. The White House and State Department continue to complain -- excuse me -- claim success and congratulate themselves. But there's not going to be any back slapping for the families and loved ones of those 13 American homes, nor will there be any comfort for those now in hiding from the Taliban death squads.

The brutal terrorist organizations -- plural -- now running Afghanistan are now far better armed than any criminal enterprise in history. Our homeland is now at greater risk than it's ever been despite what the State Department and the Pentagon and the White House say.

The, quote, new government, unquote, in Kabul is now being held by Russian GRU officers intercepting cell phone calls from those begging for help getting out, and what they're doing is they're targeting. That's why you heard those gunshots, that you know where to go to find the cell phone because that person was calling somebody in the states in it and a plea to get out you got intelligence officers from Pakistan and the people's Republic of China now pawing through stockpiles of U.S. weapons aircraft, sensitive military equipment for shipping it to China where it's going to be reverse engineered and exploited.

On Sunday, August 29th, during that solemn ceremony at Dover Air Force Base, the commander-in-chief checked his watch what was he trying to figure out, how much longer you'd have to stay with his heartbroken families. In the final days before all the U.S. troops were withdrawn, State Department, Pentagon, White House press secretaries all told us the airport gates were open to those who wanted to get out. That wasn't even -- that was never true.

First of all, the Taliban flushed as many people as they could down those roads, the airport road, to crowd around. So it would make it more difficult. Then, at each one of their checkpoints, they were looking for people's documents. Afghanis what we call SIVs, the special immigrant visas that was theoretically going to be given to all of our troops, didn't get to most of them, and all those who would work for us in Afghanistan, they got intercepted, many of them were executed, certain death for those who didn't. Fifteen hundred dollars of money allowed those who did pass.

At one point members of Congress had to get in touch with the White House counsel to alert the president to the need to open some of the gates and we just revealed just by the general, 12 hours the gates were closed. So at the time when that country needed a strong president, we got a weak and inept politician at a time when we needed a courageous leader, we got a bumbling coward. At a time when we needed a truth teller at the White House, we got habitual liars.

As a result, American military families are grieving and the blood of their loved ones is on Joe Biden's hands. The president tried to defend his callow handling of the Afghan bug out by blaming Donald Trump for negotiating with the Taliban. He conveniently ignored the important point that Trump negotiated from a position of strength based on conditions on the ground. This is horrible.

Biden, on the other hand, has negotiated with the Taliban from a position of weakness on his knees. That's just one last thought. At one point, he said about the terrorists that had killed those Americans he said he wouldn't forget he was not going to forgive and he would make them, he would bring them to justice. We ought to say that about Joe Biden right now.

HANNITY: Wow, powerful, Colonel North. We appreciate you. Thank you, sir.

Joining us now, FOX Nation host, Lara Logan, Congressman Dan Crenshaw.

Laura, I like your piece, you have been very firm in saying the Taliban is a terrorist group now we've left American Americans behind and I was told tonight by one prominent senator and it's been confirmed by others, it's not 2,000 or 5,000 Afghans. They have the intel over ten thousand at least, that are now set to be murdered.

They will be killed one by one. They will be tracked down. They know who they are. They even have biometrics to identify them.

LARA LOGAN, FOX NATION HOST: They don't just have biometrics, Sean, the Russians are helping them with geo-fencing. So any time a call is made and that number pops up on the net, the Russians are able to locate it precisely and hand that to the Taliban. They're also working with Chinese hackers. They're using British technology that was supplied to the Pakistani ISI by the British.

And, you know, while all of this is going on, Sean, what we're missing is something absolutely catastrophic, which is that the United States government appears to have already given the Taliban an assurance that they will recognize their Islamic Emirates, and, you know, the Islamic Emirate of the Taliban is the caliphate.

When it comes to al Qaeda and ISIS and everything, we think of the caliphate only as being in Raqqa because ISIS made a big show about it. But if you actually study al-Qaeda's works and you see how they've have functioned as a clandestine intelligence organization, their goal has been to send their ideology all over the world, and they are celebrating now.

Do you know that some of the most senior leaders of al-Qaeda who somehow we couldn't find, we could find that ISIS you know a bomb maker, right? We could find the one that was supposedly responsible for that explosion and we killed an interpreter, an Afghan interpreter for special operations forces was killed in that drone strike. The funeral was in eastern Afghanistan today.

So, we found, you know, we found these people very quickly but in 20 years, we couldn't find all the senior leadership of al Qaeda who have been sheltered in Pakistan, billions of dollars to the Pakistanis year after year. We helped them kill our own soldiers and we couldn't find any of the leaders that were responsible.

And, you know, Sean, I have friends tonight, people that worked for me at "60 Minutes", worked with me. I have people who are high risk, vulnerable targets who worked very closely with the U.S. military with special operations forces, they're in a hiding now trying, trying to make it through the night.

Do you know what it's like to have them screaming down the phone begging for help, begging you please America don't do this? I have videos of Afghan women trapped outside the airport, begging Joe Biden, please, Biden, save us, please save us. I mean, how did it come to this? Do you know the special operations community is reeling?

Sean, I know that you uh I speak to a lot of these guys as well. I know Colonel North does, too. Dan Crenshaw, you do as well.

There is -- there are literally like entire battalions strength in numbers of Americans who are flying into Afghanistan to rescue people into the region --

HANNITY: They've been amazing.

LOGAN: -- who are risking everything. It is -- it is like people are just they're not even thinking about anything else except that they know that this is wrong and the worst part is to see that general, how dare he -- how dare these people in the administration stand there and pretend that this absolute Armageddon isn't happening?

HANNITY: Any faith, Dan Crenshaw, that the Taliban will help Americans get out? Do you see any option at all now that our diplomatic side is gone, every American soldier is gone? They're left behind enemy lines.

Do you see any hope? Do you think the Taliban will help Americans get out now? Because I don't.

REP. DAN CRENSHAW (R-TX): No, and one of the most infuriating things we saw this week was Secretary of State Anthony Blinken saying, you know, we're going to get Americans out. We're going to use our leverage.

What leverage? We barely had any leverage when we had 5,000 troops there these last couple weeks in Kabul airport. What leverage do we have now?

You know what are we going to sign a mean letter from the international community and say, you know, we're going to be real upset with you like it's model U.N. or something?

This is ridiculous. We have no leverage. In fact, we gave them pallets of cash. We gave them hundreds of billions of dollars worth of our weaponry. We have no leverage with them anymore.

And this gets to a broader problem. It's not just that our American citizens are at risk now in Afghanistan. It's not just that our allies are at risk now. Everything Lara just said is true, they're hunting them down. They have every intention of hunting them down.

We had a video today of one of our Black Hawk helicopters with somebody hanging from it as it moves through the sky. You know, they're probably -- they're probably have a gun to an Afghan army soldier's head, a pilot, to pilot that thing and that's how they're doing this.

So, no, we have no leverage we have no ability to get people out now. And worse than that, we have no ability to deny terror a safe haven. You know, if there's one thing we got for the last 20 years, there's no more 9/11s. That's not nothing. That's something.

And we have no ability -- these over the horizon ops, these special operations ops that they're talking about, you can't do that with no airfields nearby, with no eyes and ears on the ground. It's a -- it's a fantasy, and I think America is less safe because of it.

HANNITY: It's going to get worse. I hope to God I'm wrong. I pray for our fellow Americans that we abandoned. That no, we didn't abandon -- Joe Biden abandoned and his team abandoned.

Thank you both.

When we come back, you'll meet two Gold Star fathers. Their sons killed in Afghanistan serving this country last week.

Plus, who's really running the Biden White House. Eric Trump has a lot to say. He'll weigh in, as we continue. Please stay with us.


HANNITY: And tonight, we're continuing to remember the American heroes lost in last week's terror attack at Karzai International Airport in Kabul. Thirteen brave men and women from all across the country as young as 20 years old made the ultimate sacrifice, serving their country with honor, bravery, distinction, dignity. Remember, we have an all-volunteer military. These brave souls, they took on this challenge. These were America's finest, our national treasure, that rose to the occasion, met the moment represented the best, the very best our country has to offer. And quite frankly, they deserve so much better than this and better than to have Joe Biden, you know, look down and check his watch during the dignified transfer of remains over the weekend.

Joining me now, the two Gold Star fathers, they lost their sons in last week's attack. Mark Schmitz, he's the father of Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz. And Darin Hoover, the father of Staff Sergeant Darin Hoover Jr., who went by the name of Taylor.

Let me start with you Mark, if I may.

Your son was sent back to Afghanistan to assist with the evacuation efforts. He said it's something you always wanted to do. I never have seen a young man train as hard as he did to be the best soldier he could be. He went back just for this mission, explain.

MARK SCHMITZ, FATHER OF FALLEN MARINE LANCE CORPORAL JARED SCHMITZ: Yes, he did. First, I just want to say that that Jared has exemplified so much that any man could ever strive for and made me so proud to watch him undertake this endeavor and going into the Marine Corps, and he completed his boot camp, went to Jordan, was excited about that, and was constantly looking to do more and was given that opportunity.

HANNITY: Yeah, first, I want to say to both of you if I may, as a parent, you know, I -- nobody can understand the loss that both of you have gone through. I can't imagine the pain that both of you are living through and I'm very sorry about that.

Mark, you met with Biden over the weekend, how did that go?

SCHMITZ: Well, initially, I wasn't going to meet with him. But then I felt I owed it to my son to at least have some words with him about how I felt. And it didn't go well.

He talked a bit more about his own son than we did my son, and that didn't sit well with me.

HANNITY: Your son was a hero. I can't imagine the pain. I really can't.

Darrin, you said about your son, he had the biggest heart in the world and no parent and I as a parent I think every parent watching right now understands -- this no parent should have to bury their sons or daughter, it's not supposed to work that way. He was scheduled to return home on September the 15th and retire and marry his fiancee Nicole. I can't imagine how you're feeling today.

DARIN HOOVER, FATHER OF FALLEN MARINE STAFF SGT. TAYLOR HOOVER: You know, it's the absolute worst feeling in the world. Having them be away for so long and doing the job that they all love, there's no doubt about it. Being a marine to these guys is everything, and having this happened to these heroes, every one of them a hero, there's no doubt every last one of them. They -- they died with their brothers and their sisters right next to him doing exactly what they all wanted to do and that is defending this country.

HANNITY: America's national treasure, that's how I refer to them.


HANNITY: You chose not to meet with President Biden. I don't know if you want to comment on that, and I'd like to know -- when I saw Biden look at his watch, I literally was like, you got to be kidding me, because all of this to me was preventable, because we saw them on the march. You know, we had April, May, June, July to extradite everybody, and our equipment, we didn't do it. There's no excuse to me for this. Why did you choose not to meet with the president, Darrin?

HOOVER: For exactly the reasons you just gave. We said absolutely not. We didn't want to -- we didn't want to deal with him. We didn't want to -- we didn't want him anywhere near us. We as a family decided that that was the way it was going to be.

In reference to the checking of his watch, that didn't happen just once. That happened on every single one that came out of that airplane. It happened on every single one of them. They would release the salute and he looked down his watch on every last one, all 13, he looked down at his watch.

And as a father, you know, seeing that and the disrespect and hearing from his former leaders, one of his master sergeants, said exactly what you just said. That this was avoidable, that they left them over there. They had them over there, and let them down, and that -- we can't have that. It can't happen ever again.

HANNITY: We also abandoned Americans. Americans now are on their own. We left them behind.

Mark, you want to comment on the watch incident? Did you notice the same thing?

SCHMITZ: Yes, I did. I actually leaned into my son's mother's ear and I said I swear to God, if he checks his watch one more time, and that was only probably four times in, I couldn't -- I couldn't look at him anymore after that, just considering especially the time and why we were there. It was -- I found to be the most disrespectful thing I've ever seen.

HANNITY: I know there are no words that any commentator or host could express that's going to take your pain away, but I can tell you this audience shares in your anger and shares in a deep appreciation and thankfulness and sadness had an unnecessary loss of life I believe in this case. And we'll be praying for all of you, your families, these incredible young men that you raised that made this country the greatest country on earth. They make the country great.

There are some leaders that don't make the country great. They did. Our thoughts and prayers are with you both. Thank you, Mark. Thank you, Darin.

HOOVER: Thank you.

SCHMITZ: Thank you, Sean.

HANNITY: Okay. Now, after hearing these harrowing stories and hearing from these great American families, you ask yourself -- where was the empathy from Mr. timetable, Joe Biden? Where's the sense of urgency when they started moving up?

They keep showing the map in April, May, June, July, where's the accountability? Because over the weekend, Biden even refused to take any questions on Afghanistan and said, oh, he's not supposed to take any questions. He's not allowed. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm not -- I'm not supposed to take any questions but go ahead.

REPORTER: Mr. President on Afghanistan --

BIDEN: I'm not going to answer Afghanistan now.



BIDEN: Really truly, thank you, thank you, thank you.


HANNITY: All right, Joe, you're the president of the United States of America, who -- who are these people that keep telling you you're not allowed to take questions or they told me to go to this person and they told me to go to that person?

And it gets even worse as Biden had yet another appalling, incoherent, baffling moment, appearing completely lost yet again during a briefing earlier today. This is now officially -- it's not a joke as I said a while back, I can't joke about it anymore it's so bad. Look at this.


BIDEN: I'm here -- the FEMA director's on -- FEMA Director Criswell she's on, and I'm here with my senior advisor and boy who knows Louisiana very, very well, man, and in New Orleans, and -- Cedric Richmond.

All right. Now, Cedric, who are we going to next governor?


BIDEN: You are -- I understand, Gov, you're not on video, but you are on the telephone. So, Gov, fire away.

Is Mayor Cantrell on? Mayor Cantrell, are you on? I don't -- I don't think she was able to get connected.

RICHMOND: I don't think so, Mr. President, but we have Cynthia Lee Shang (ph).

BIDEN: Oh, okay.


HANNITY: Here's with reaction, Eric Trump is with us.

You know, Bernie Sanders is older but he's sharp as a tack.

I mean., the guy's on his game. Your dad, he's not even near the age, but your dad has more energy than a thousand men than I know. I mean, I've never met anybody on this game. He was on this program unscripted, you know, 35 minutes the other night. The week before, 40 minutes.

I look at this just -- a while back, I said, I can't even joke about it anymore because it's not funny. And now, Americans are dying and now Americans have been left behind enemy lines, something your father -- he might send out mean tweets -- your father would never allow happen.

ERIC TRUMP, TRUMP ORGANIZATION: The lack of credibility, Sean, that we've lost in the world is just -- it's unthinkable. It's truly, truly unthinkable.

And when you watch a second clip, you realize exactly why they will not allow Biden to answer any questions, because he can't get through a sentence without stuttering, without messing up, without making a fool out of himself and it's tragic.

What is he getting right? I mean, and I'll answer the question -- nothing. He's not getting anything right. He's not getting the border right. He's not getting Afghanistan right.

He can't go to Dover, one of the most sacred grounds -- the amount of time that my father spent on that tarmac at two o'clock in the morning, greeting fallen soldiers coming back from war zones, coming off of those C-17s in caskets draped with American flags and the guys checking his watch, it's embarrassing for our country, it's an absolute disgrace. It would never happen from Trump. Frankly, it wouldn't have happened from any other president.

But the media lets him get away with it, and it's disgusting and it's got to stop, Sean. It's got to stop.

HANNITY: You know, I look at your father's plan. He was going to keep Bagram Air Force Base. Your father's plan was based on conditions on the ground. Your father's plan was also rooted in, we took out, Baghdadi, Baghdadi's associates, the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. We took out Soleimani and we kicked the living, Adam Schiff out of the -- almost said it -- out of the Taliban.

And if you dare don't follow -- dot -- every dotted I, cross T, comma and period, I will blow you back into the Stone Age. That was your father's deal. That's not the deal that that was executed by Joe Biden.

E. TRUMP: My father dropped the MOAB on the top of a mountain and took out a terrorist camp comprised of thousands and thousands of people. That's the mother of all bombs, MOAB, right? Took off the entire top of the mountain.

And guess what? They really quickly figured out that Donald Trump wasn't playing around, that America wasn't going to be messed with. They weren't going to be disrespected. It's called peace through strength.

Even if all the soldiers had evacuated from Bagram, they still wouldn't have done what they were doing because they know that Donald Trump would have been carpet bombing that country by now, and my father wasn't a guy who believed in conflict. He wanted to get American soldiers out of Afghanistan, but he would not have put up with that nonsense, no different than the way that he went after Soleimani. He sent a Reaper drone, right, with a hellfire missile to take out one of the most evil terrorists anywhere in the world. And guess what? China was watching that, and Russia was watching that, North Korea was watching that, that's called American strength.

And unfortunately under this clown, America has no strength. We're being embarrassed every single day, Sean. And when you see 600,000 weapon systems left on the ground, when you see 78,000 vehicles that we left there, Humvees and tanks, when you look at 208 aircraft, Black Hawk helicopters -- I mean, what are we doing?

They're walking around with American night vision glasses. They're walking around with American sniper rifles. Have we lost our minds?


E. TRUMP: That can't happen.

I mean, we've armed our biggest adversary in the world. I mean, a child could figure out that that was a bad idea, a child.

Who is running this government? Why is the Pentagon allowing this to happen?

We need Donald Trump today more than we've ever needed him before because, by the way, Afghanistan is right next to another country. And guess what? You know, Pakistan they are a nuclear force.

And God forbid, God help us all if one of those weapons ever falls in the hands of these zealots. It's going to be a really, really bad day for the Western way of life and we better pray that that never happens and we better pray that America gets its act together and that we start getting real leadership in Washington, D.C.

HANNITY: We can't say it any better. Eric, thank you.

Still no accountability from Team Biden, no honesty about just why this went so wrong so fast.

Where are the firings?

Here with reaction, "Outnumbered" co-host Kayleigh McEnany is with us and Ari Fleischer.

Ari, I -- we're now at the point, you even tweeted -- incoherent, mumbling, bumbling, stumbling, this guy can't get through a simple press conference. We've got a problem. We're now going to be honest. Everybody can see it. The man is a cognitive mess.

How does he stay in this job?

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it's because of our Constitution. Our Constitution doesn't allow us to have these type of elections they do in England when you have a lack of confidence in a leader. We're stuck with the people's choice, unless he resigns from office and then we have Kamala Harris.


HANNITY: How about the 25th Amendment?

FLEISCHER: But the midterm elections -- that's the America's great -- well, that has to be invoked by the Biden cabinet. So I don't think that's going to happen.

But the midterm elections are America's corrective course for how our democracy speaks. And I think it's highly likely Republicans are going to gain in the House, gain in the Senate, but Biden still is in charge of foreign policy, and that's the problem because we're subject to his judgment.

And I think Eric asked the right question. What has Joe Biden done right? And the answer to that is nothing. Everything he has touched and done has backfired, and that's what the American people are going to have to judge.

HANNITY: I was watching a Nat Geo special last night and you were on it in that room next to the classroom where President Trump was informed America is under attack. You need a leader at moments like these.



Look, I just watched your interview with Mark and Darrin, those two Gold Star dads. My heart goes out to them both. What they said should strike fear in the heart of every American because what they said at base is this, as they talked about President Biden checking his watch.

What that said to me is what I was picking up from a communications standpoint as a former press secretary this week and that was this -- our commander-in-chief is not compassionate as he's been billed. He's cruel. He's callous.

He's not caring. He is callous. At base, that is what this man is.

I watched his ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos and he said, when asked about Afghans falling off airplanes that was four or five days ago, he said no one is being killed. This was after many Afghans were killed. We know some of the human remains found in a wheel and his press secretary 48 hours prior to the attack where 13 servicemen lost their lives said this was a success. And that was after Afghans died.

This was after it was known to anyone with common sense that Americans would be left in this country stranded. This is an administration that we have to deal with for the next three plus years. It's horrific, because we have a commander-in-chief -- and I'm sad to say this, Sean, it really saddens me to say he simply does not care.

HANNITY: Yeah, great commentary both of you. Thank you, Kayleigh. Thank you, Ari Fleischer.

When we come back, Biden left Americans behind. Sara Carter has exclusive details on that story and you meet some retired Green Berets who worked hard to save American lives, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, we are learning more tonight about efforts to rescue our Afghan allies trapped behind Taliban enemy lines. Most of them will be killed amid the Biden administration's abandonment as a special -- a group of special operations vets, they have organized to carry out a harrowing mission called the pineapple express, rescuing hundreds of Afghan allies of ours to getting them to safety. It is a daring and has been daring and remarkable mission in story.

And joining us now and here to explain it all is the Pineapple Express leader, retired Green Beret Lieutenant Colonel Scott Mann, along with FOX News contributor, investigative reporter Sara Carter.

Scott, all volunteers, you save lives, as disgusted as I am in as repulsive as I find leaving Americans behind, you give me some faith in our servicemen and women, not our government.


You know, it started with saving one commando, a bunch of green berets and SEALs and Marine just said, you know what, we're not going to get angry, we're going to get to work. So we focused on honoring the promise that our government didn't. We put together -- we used our cell phones, our relationships, and relationships inside the airport, and in three days, we managed to sneak in about 700 Afghans through holes in the fence, sewage canals, and now we are reposturing to do recovery operations now that the airport has been abandoned.

We have already started moving families out. We got one family out of an Afghan-trained Green Beret. His wife went into labor at the Taliban check point, we've already moved her out of the country in will be reuniting them in the State soon.

Operationrecovery.org, and were not stopping until we get them all out.

HANNITY: Operationrecovery.org, I hope people will go to the website and help your mission. Thank you for what you're doing.

Sara, you're in touch with people. I know part of the mission now is to get both Americans left behind and Afghan allies that are being targeted for death, to the northern parts of Iraq to -- and with hope of getting south safe passage out that way. You're part of that. Tell us what you're doing.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yeah, Sean. So, first of all, Scott, amazing what you been doing. The amazing work happening on the ground, Sean, I want you to understand and for all the viewers, not only is got a hero, but there are people on the ground as well working with Scott that have risked everything, that have risked their lives to get people around Taliban lines.

I can tell you this, there was one young girl from Kabul University that made her way through by herself only 24 years old, her husband in New York, terrified, a man on the ground was able to get her around the Taliban lines. People advised him not to do, he did it, he brought her around, and he saved her life.

She entered in the gates, Abbey Gate, just before the suicide bomb and that went off and killed 170 people and our U.S. marines.

I want to first say to all the family members out there, thank you so much for your sacrifice. We all have skin in the game and I especially do too. My husband served and he almost lost his life in Afghanistan. We have allies there like Scott was saying, people that stood by their sides, that stood by my husband side, that stood behind the marines on the frontline in Helmand, and for those 250 Americans, if you get this message, you are not forgotten. We will do everything to bring you out.

HANNITY: Both of you have done amazing work.

Scott, what is the website again?

MANN: Operationrecovery.org, Sean. Help us out.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both for all you're doing, and we save many of those lives, God willing.

More HANNITY next.


HANNITY: Never thought in my lifetime an American president would leave fellow Americans behind enemy terrorist lines. That happened.

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