This is a rush transcript from "Hannity" September 28, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, HOST: Think of it 45 days, 45 days since hundreds and hundreds of Americans their families abandoned behind enemy lines -- 45 days since thousands of green cardholders, people eligible to be in this country legally were abandoned. Forty-five days since thousands of SIV holders and their families were abandoned, and our Afghan allies.
And 40 days since Joe Biden lied to the entire world and promised to stay in Afghanistan until every single U.S. citizen was safely out of the country.
Sadly, that wasn't Joe Biden's only blatant lie because today on Capitol Hill, Biden's top military advisors, they contradicted him over and over and over again. Now, in a moment, we're going to discuss General Milley's leaking -- the allegations that some are even describing as high as treason leveled against him.
First we go to our so-called commander-in-chief. Remember August the 19th, he told fellow Democratic socialist Georgie Stephanopoulos over at ABC that his military advisers did not recommend a continued U.S. military presence in Afghanistan. This -- this is what Joe said. Listen.
GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS ANCHOR: But your top military advisors warned against what's drawing on this timeline. They wanted you to keep about 2,500 troops.
JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: No, they didn't. It was split. That wasn't true. That wasn't true.
STEPHANOPOULOS: They didn't tell you that they wanted troops to stay?
BIDEN: No, not at -- not in terms of whether we were going to get out in a time frame all troops. They didn't argue against that.
STEPHANOPOULOS: So, no -- no one told, your military advisor did not tell you, no, we should just keep 2,500 troops, it's been a stable situation for the last several years. We can do that. We can continue to do that?
BIDEN: No. No one said that to me, that I can recall.
HANNITY: No, no one said that to me that I can recall.
According to everyone that testified today on Capitol Hill, under oath, they say Joe Biden was lying. They all told him 2,500 should stay. Listen.
GEN. KENNETH FRANK MCKENZIE, U.S. CENTCOM COMMANDER: I won't share my personal recommendation to the president, but I will give you my honest opinion and my honest opinion and view shaped my recommendation. I recommended that we maintain troops in Afghanistan.
SEN. TOM COTTON (R-AR): General Milley, it's your testimony that you recommended 2,500 troops approximately stay in Afghanistan?
GEN. MARK MILLEY, CHAIRMAN OF THE JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF: As I've said many times before this committee and other committees, I don't share my personal recommendations to the president. But I can tell you my personal opinion and my assessment if that's what you want.
COTTON: Yes, please.
MILLEY: Yes, my assessment was back in the fall of ‘20, and it remained consistent throughout, that we should keep a steady state of 2,500, and it could bounce up to 3,500 maybe something like that.
HANNITY: I don't share the personal opinions I have with the president except unless, of course, your name is Bob Woodward or Robert Costa.
By the way, Jen Psaki, care to circle back and explain this? Was Joe Biden lying -- were you lying -- oh we don't need to COVID test people, because they're not going to be here very long. You're telling a lot of lies in that White House. Watch.
REPORTER: The president said his military commanders were split. We now know that the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Milley, the head of CentCom, General McKenzie, and the commander on the ground, General Miller, all recommended the president keep troops.
So, who in his military advisors told him it'll be fine to pull everybody out?
JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I'm not going to get in specific details of who recommended what.
REPORTER: What you are saying here that military advisers to the president said it was okay to pull all the troops out that it would be fine?
PSAKI: That's not what I said.
REPORTER: The president pulled all U.S. troops out. You are saying that there were military commanders who advised him that that was a good idea to pull all American troops out and that General Milley, General McKenzie, General Miller, they said something else. But the president's top military advisers, others we won't name, told him, sure, we can pull everyone out.
PSAKI: That's not how these conversations go. It's a risk assessment.
HANNITY: Joe Biden lied and she's spinning like a top. In other words, Joe Biden went against the advice and counsel of his top military advisors and, yeah, he outright lied about it.
But that wasn't Joe's only lie because we learned a lot today. We learned that Joe Biden was less than truthful, in other words lying, about our so- called over-the-horizon anti-terror capabilities. In a speech on August 31st, Joe bragging the United States does not need the troops on the ground in Afghanistan in order to maintain the fight against terrorists and keep our country safe, and that our credibility around the world remains totally pristine.
That is a claim that Biden's top generals clearly dispute. Look for yourself.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our credibility has been gravely damaged, has it not, General Milley?
MILLEY: I think that our credibility um with allies and partners around the world and with adversaries is being intensely reviewed by them to see which way this is going to go. And I think that damage is one word that could be used, yes.
SEN. THOM TILLIS (R-NC): Is the war on terror over, General Milley?
MILLEY: Absolutely not.
TILLIS: General McKenzie?
MCKENZIE: The war in terror is not over, and the war in Afghanistan is not over either.
TILLIS: Has the exit from Afghanistan made the war more challenging for us or less challenging, with respect to continuing to try and protect the homeland and U.S. interest abroad?
MCKENZIE: Senator, it's made it more challenging.
TILLER: General Milley, you agree?
MILLEY: Absolutely.
HANNITY: War is not over. Wait, Joe said that he's turned the page in that he's dealing with the very professional and business-like Taliban that are now killing people and torturing women and taking away all of their rights.
So, Joe Biden was repeatedly told that our over-the-horizon capabilities were not sufficient, another lie. He was told and he knew that Afghanistan would collapse without U.S. support, he knew abandoning Bagram air base in the middle of the night would leave Americans virtually defenseless, he knew the Taliban was rapidly advancing throughout the entire country, the whole world knew it. They knew it March, April, May, June and July and he's still bragging about the training of the Afghan military that was collapsing before the world's eyes.
But Joe Biden continued to rush through. His botched and very preventable withdrawal anyway, because Joe wanted to brag that he successfully ended America's longest war. And then predictably when everything went south, he just lied about all of it which pretty much sums up the plagiarist Joe Biden's entire career. He's been and remains a spineless coward, zero integrity and he lies with abandon.
And speaking of integrity, the chairman of the joint chiefs, well, General Milley, is also seemingly lacking. This new book from Woodward and Robert Costa is all about all but accusing Millie, at least in the definition of many, of betraying this country even though they're now defending Milley, meaning the authors, they would burn a leaking source like a chairman of the joint chiefs. I don't think they'd want to burn that so quickly.
But according to the allegations and Milley even tried to defend them today, Milley promised communist China, our sworn enemy, a hostile regime, and two secret phone calls, he would give them a heads up if then President Trump decided to attack. The way I read the Constitution, the commander-in- chief, that would be the duly elected president of the United States. Under oath, Milley's response was at best shifty, although at one point he just pretty much outright admits that, yeah, he would give him a heads up. You decide.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're quoted in the Woodward book is telling the cha the top Chinese communist military commander, quote, if we're going to attack I'm going to call you ahead of time. Is that true, General Milley?
MILLEY: Well, let me tell you what I actually said.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's not true? I hope that's --
MILLEY: Let me tell you what I actually said, Senator. What I said if there's going to be a war, if there's going to be an attack, there's going to be a lot of calls and tension ahead of time.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- President Trump would not attack, that's your testimony this morning.
MILLEY: That is true.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, then why would you --
MILLEY: And I was -- I was communicating to my Chinese counterpart on instructions by the way to de-escalate the situation. And I told them if there was going to be an attack, there'll be plenty of communications going back and forth your intel system is going to pick it up. I said I'll probably call you. Everybody will be calling you.
HANNITY: I'll probably call you and tell you the attack's coming.
Well that would be an admission. That would be cause for immediate dismissal.
Now, Woodward and Costa probably taped him so he knew he couldn't really outright lie maybe it's time to release those tapes to Congress.
One thing that Milley did fully admit to, he gossips like a mean girl in high school to use a phrase, to every single reporter in town, even though he says I don't disclose the conversations I have with the president, unless your name is Woodward or Costa, then you tell them everything. Listen.
SEN. MARSHA BLACKBURN (R-TN): General Milley, yes or no to this, did you talk to Bob Woodard or Robert Costa for their book "Peril"?
MILLEY: Woodward, yes. Costa, no.
BLACKBURN: Did you talk to "I Alone Can Fix It"?
BLACKBURN: Did you talk to Michael Bender for his book, is "Frankly, We Did Win This Election: The Inside Story of How Trump Lost"?
SEN. RICK SCOTT (R-FL): Why would you as the sitting chairman of the joint chiefs of staff talk to a reporter that's writing a book about a prior administration, why would that be part of your job description?
MILLEY: Well, as Senator Blackburn said earlier, I deal with the media routinely. Two, three, four times a week, I'm talking to the media.
HANNITY: This would be called leaking and this would be called revealing private conversations with your boss. How pathetic.
Remember, General Milley is the Joint Chiefs of Staff, our highest ranking military official. Why would he be leaking to any reporters and gossiping to reporters about his boss? How exactly is our country safer or more secure with General Milley leaking and gossiping all over town to every reporter that has a book deal? Because apparently, he talked to a lot of them. How does that advance your national security? It doesn't.
After today, it is clear. General Milley needs to resign or be fired. He absolutely needs to be investigated for the leaks, for the calls with China, whether or not he was trying to usurp the power of the president of the United States, whether or not he was coordinating with our sworn enemy what he had in terms of conversations with Speaker Pelosi and about this botched withdrawal from Afghanistan that he is in part responsible for.
As Senator Josh Hawley put it, Milley and Austin abandoned, they abandoned our fellow citizens, and they must be held accountable. Watch this.
SEN. JOSH HAWLEY (R-MO): It seems to me that you put a high priority on making sure that you were favorably portrayed by the D.C. press score. You spent a lot of time doing that. Fair enough if that's your priority, but at the same time we had a rapidly deteriorating, frankly disastrous situation in Afghanistan, which resulted in the death of soldiers, including one from my home state. Hundreds of civilians and hundreds of Americans left behind. And in my view, that mission can't be called a success in any way, shape or form, logistical or otherwise.
General, I think you should resign.
Secretary Austin, I think you should resign.
I think this mission was a catastrophe. I think there's no other way to say it.
HANNITY: And we abandoned Americans and he called them out. Senator Hawley and Senator Tom Cotton, they will join us with more on today's hearing in a moment.
But, first, we turn to an all-out civil war that is a Democratic Party on Capitol Hill tonight. Democrats, they control the House, the Senate, the White House. They're now struggling to raise the debt limit and pass a continuing resolution to fund the government past Friday.
The problem they have is the Democratic radical socialist, which is pretty much the entire party, they're demanding first $3.5 trillion in their new green deal socialism first get rammed through Congress, all while refusing to sign off on a smaller infrastructure bill, which really is questionably infrastructure. But put that aside.
Now, the $3.5 trillion bill also known as the "Build Back Better" plan, well, that costs more in real dollars as a percentage of GDP, that costs more than LBJ's Great Society and FDR's New Deal combined, and that doesn't even include the $1.2 trillion already passed and the $600 billion proposed that passed. The bill expands Medicaid, Obamacare, includes money for government funding housing, government-funded medicine, government-funded healthy food, government-funded green energy programs, day care early child education, free college, and to pay for all of this, they're going to raise taxes on individuals, small businesses and corporations that will pass that cost onto you, the consumer.
This would represent what is the single biggest transfer of wealth from you, the American people, to the federal government. And we will all pay the price.
By the way, price of oil hasn't been this high in years. And guess what? That means you pay more to fill up your tank, heat and cool your home. And for everything you buy in every store because it's delivered by a truck, that needs diesel fuel. More details on that coming up in a moment.
But first, joining us now with the reaction is the Missouri Senator Josh Hawley.
Senator, why you had to say to them and remind them why can't they acknowledge that they did abandon our fellow Americans? They abandoned hundreds, we don't have an exact number. At one point in the hearing today, one of the people testifying actually said, I -- it could be as high as four thousand, I don't know how many Americans were abandoned, I can't say.
Then we abandoned green card holders. Then we abandoned their families, and we abandoned our Afghan allies, all behind enemy lines and it's 45 days, Senator. You see a lot of hope getting them home?
HAWLEY: You know, not based on what I'm hearing, Sean, and here's the real reason. Why won't they -- why won't they admit it? It's because they don't want to take any responsibility.
General Milley doesn't want any responsibility. Austin doesn't want responsibility. And most of all, Joe Biden doesn't want to take any responsibility.
But it's time that they did, which is why all those guys should resign. Milley needs to resign. Austin needs to resign.
I mean, Milley, he's sitting here trading gossip with Bob Woodward, while Afghanistan literally burns, literally burns. The accountability's got to start right there. He needs to resign. Austin needs to resign, the president should fire him.
HANNITY: You said that to Austin -- don't tell me we're not leaving Americans behind. Why did you have to remind him of that?
HAWLEY: You know, it's just extraordinary that he would sit there and tell the committee because what he said, Sean, was -- is that we haven't -- we haven't left Americans behind, he said that, he's under oath, and he actually said that, you know, what is a Joe Biden talking point.
I mean, Joe Biden's White House has said that, oh, we didn't actually leave Americans behind. Guess what? We're not in Afghanistan, the American civilians still are, many of our fellow citizens still there, still trapped and they're denying it.
The administration's denying it. It is just shameful. For that reason alone, Austin and Milley ought to resign.
HANNITY: Did we -- did we ever get an answer to a plan to try and rescue our fellow Americans that they abandon? Is there any plan in place to try to get them out? Because the last time I heard from Tony Blinken, he actually said, if you have a chartered flight with Americans on it, you're not allowed to land in the United States. If you get a third party country to accept your charter, that's fine. But if you need our approval, it will not be forthcoming.
Why wouldn't we allow a plane chartered with American citizens on it to land in America, to get them the hell out of that hell hole of Afghanistan run by terrorists?
HAWLEY: I have no earthly idea and you're absolutely right in terms of there not being a plan. If there is one, I didn't hear about it today.
And here's the other thing, Sean, we also learned today that the reason all those Americans our fellow citizens got left behind is because Joe Biden waited too long to order an evacuation. He didn't have the guts to order an evacuation when there needed to be one he allowed our military to draw down to zero with American civilians all still there. And when they needed to be evacuated, he wouldn't do it. He was worried about how it would look.
And now, here we are. Americans are left behind. He has abandoned them, 13 soldiers dead. That's Joe Biden's record.
HANNITY: Let me put up on the screen. You probably can't see it. I'll explain what it is.
It's a map of Afghanistan from the southern portion, all those red sections. You can see the corresponding dates, May, June and then July, when -- and July by the way when Joe Biden was saying that the military, some of the best trained in the world.
They had over 60 percent of the country. They've been on the march for months and everybody knew it was happening. Joe never fired a single drone shot to push them back and nor, did he move up the date when we had control of Kabul to safely evacuate every American, every green card holder, every family member and every Afghan ally.
And it would have been nice if we took our billions of dollars in sophisticated weaponry with us as well, Senator.
HAWLEY: Yeah, it's exactly right. You know, when Biden says stuff like, oh, nobody saw this coming, that is simply false. You can look right there, the facts that you put on the screen.
The Taliban was in a major offensive beginning in the early spring. His own general on the ground warned him -- warned Biden that the Afghan government would fall, and yet Biden did nothing. He didn't order an evacuation. He didn't get American citizens out.
He waited. He dithered, he didn't have the guts to do it when he should have done it and now because of that, we have Americans who are trapped behind enemy lines.
HANNITY: So, Biden lied and Americans died, fair? Biden lied, and Americans are held hostages.
HAWLEY: That's right. That's fair.
HANNITY: Okay, Senator, thank you.
HAWLEY: That is the fact. That is a fact.
HANNITY: Let's talk about the abandonment of our fellow Americans.
Senator Cotton, I know for a fact because you've been kind enough to keep me in the loop and you've been on my radio show, and your office has been working round the clock to help get Americans abandoned back to the country.
Now, I don't know anything about the groups involved in this, but my understanding is the FBI is investigating them. Did they do something wrong by trying to fill the void because Joe Biden abandoned them?
COTTON: Well, I don't know what they could have possibly done wrong, Sean, and if they're wrong, I don't want to be right because you've had thousands of Americans over the last 45 days who have joined together, battle buddies who have reconnected from their time in the service try to get out the Afghans who worked with them, non-profit organizations, very rich, generous philanthropists across this country funding charter flights or funding homes here in America -- all designed to try to correct for the failures of President Biden.
HANNITY: What Joe Biden --
COTTON: That's what he heard today is that President Biden repeatedly reject the advice of his military commanders and that's what led to this disaster, and now, he's been lying about it.
HANNITY: Okay, that's my next question. So every one of the people that testified today said that, no, they advised Biden to have 2,500 people. I just played the tape of Biden denying that. So the president lied.
Why would the president lie about that?
COTTON: Sean, I think it's a very simple question. He was covering up his tracks in the middle of an ongoing fiasco. He gave that interview to George Stephanopoulos, I think the day after Kabul fell and we saw Afghans clinging to the sides of a C-17 and plummeting to their death.
Now, Joe Biden has always liked to talk tough and about how he stood up to the generals when he was vice president and he was the only one who said that Barack Obama shouldn't send more troops there. He liked to talk tough earlier this year, saying that he rejected the advice of his military generals. And that was everyone, the secretary of defense, the chairman of the joint chiefs, the commanding general of Central Command, the commanding general in Afghanistan -- all of them we now know said you should keep this small force there.
Back in the spring, he liked to peddle the story that showed him being tough, and last month, he was lying about it because he wanted political cover.
HANNITY: Is it the role of the chairman of the joint chiefs to talk to authors like Woodward and Rucker and Bender and so many others? And what did you make of Milley's admission that he said he did talk to his Chinese counterpart and admitted that he would, my interpretation, he was very clear -- he admitted yeah, I'll probably tell you myself if we're going to attack them?
And what about plotting and planning and scheming and getting -- whatever he did with Nancy Pelosi, we don't know the details yet, but also getting a loyalty oath from other top military leaders. Can you tell me? Does that -- does that seem like the job of the chairman of the joint chiefs or does he is somebody that not only needs to be fired but investigated?
COTTON: So, Sean, he contradicted the claims and certain relevant aspects of what Bob Woodward wrote in that book, and I certainly don't always take Bob Woodward at face value. I do want to get all the facts though and because of that contradiction, that's why I asked General Milley today and Secretary Austin as well to produce the call notes from those calls as well as the participants of all those calls. These are things that are notable facts, we can get to the bottom of them and we can make an assessment based on all the evidence.
And I asked Secretary Austin to produce those in a timely fashion without needless classification redactions on them, so we should know that very soon.
HANNITY: Let me ask you a last question. General Austin testifying today, he can't confirm or deny that 4,000 Americans are left in Afghanistan. Now, they say less than a hundred. I hear from people -- oh like yourself and Darrell Issa and others that are working hard to get innocent Americans home -- I personally don't believe that there are 4,000 American citizens he said left in Afghanistan. But I cannot confirm or deny that.
Senator, is it possible that we abandoned thousands of American citizens? How many people -- why don't we get a definitive number by this point, how many people did we stab in the back and abandon there? How many people?
COTTON: Well, Sean, it's the same story we've heard from the Secretary of State Tony Blinken whose responsibility is to know the answers to those questions. But I do think when you add up American citizens and green card holders who have a right to travel without this agreement here --
HANNITY: He admitted that.
COTTON: And their families, and that's -- yeah, and that's to say nothing of the fact, Sean, that of all the thousands of Afghans we brought out who had no connection to the United States at all, about whom we know almost nothing, we also left behind thousands of Afghans who were approved and vetted special immigrant visa holders. This is all a result of Joe Biden's chaotic, disorganized, ill-planned withdrawal from Afghanistan which we heard today.
HANNITY: God help all of them and I mean that, because honestly every day that passes is not good for them and there's no plan to even begin an effort to extract them. It is unconscionable that we did this to the -- our fellow Americans.
Thank you, Senator. Good job today.
When we come back, straight ahead, General Milley admitting today that Biden has made America less safe with his botched Afghanistan withdrawal. We've got the tape. Lara Logan, she has reactions, straight ahead.
HANNITY: Now at least one moment of clarity during today's hearing, General Milley admitted Biden's Afghanistan exit debacle has damaged greatly U.S. credibility abroad and made the world less safe. Take a look.
SEN. JONI ERNST (R-IA): Has the military -- and these are yes or no questions please, General Milley. Has the military's task to defeat terror threats from Afghanistan gotten harder?
HANNITY: And what else do we learn today? That this was all caused by Joe Biden and he didn't listen to his generals and he lied about saying he did listen to his generals. We know all of this is preventable. He lied to the American people when he said no one advised him to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan, lied about that as confirmed by everybody that testified.
Biden lied when he said that we would stay until every American was out of there. We know the Biden team lied when they said there was no parallel between what happened in Saigon and what happened in Kabul. We know Biden lied back in July when he claimed no one from the intel community was warning him about a Taliban takeover. We know Biden lied when the administration said that drone strike took out ISIS terrorists when in reality they killed humanitarian workers and innocent civilians, including seven children.
And Joe Biden lies to the American people and those lies have put our national security at risk.
Here with reaction all of this, no stranger to war zones herself is FOX Nation host Lara Logan.
Lara, your take on today?
LARA LOGAN, FOX NATION HOST: Well, Sean, you know, what I didn't hear in the hearing today, I didn't hear an apology to the Afghan people, for the lies that have been told about them. I didn't hear an apology to the democratically elected president of Afghanistan, Amrullah Salah, who has not quit and is still in the fight. I didn't hear an apology to all the American servicemen, the veterans and the active duty soldiers who have literally stood shoulder to shoulder with the Afghan special operations forces who are still fighting today and apologize to them for dragging them down in the absolute shame of betrayal which is where we are.
And you know what else we didn't hear? Any mention of what we're going to do about it, right? Everybody's acting like this is over, it's some kind of done deal, and so you know, we need accountability.
But what about we need action to reverse what's happened now? Why do we accept as the American people that all of these weapons, 80 plus billion dollars of advanced military hardware, has to be in the hands of our enemies, has to be in the hands of terrorists and has to be in the hands of our adversaries like China and Pakistan and Iran?
That is not an acceptable situation. It's not okay for General Milley to sit there like a pathetic little school boy and say, yes, America's less safe. Okay?
We don't need that from a general. We need a general who's going to lead. That is what we the people are asking for. Leaders who are going to lead and, you know what, Sean? They're going to get accountability.
We, the people, are going to get accountability because it's their government. It's actually their military and it's actually their institutions. And I want everybody to know that the president of Afghanistan who is the democratically elected leader, he called me -- he watched the hearings today, and he called me to offer his thanks to the American people and to the congressmen on both sides of the aisle, Democrat and Republican, who had the courage to stand up for what was right, and to get some degree, some tiny little bit of the truth.
And he wanted me to tell you on his behalf that he is very grateful because he never lost his faith in the good of what America stands for and believes in.
And the other thing that you should know is that the resistance that they want to write out of history, right, the CIA and all the other, you know, information warfare operatives out there have been very busy pushing their false narratives that the Afghans all surrendered, that you can't buy willpower, thanks, General Austin, you know and so on -- well, they want you to know that in the last 48 hours, they've killed hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of Taliban all across Afghanistan.
That the fight has not stopped, it's continuing to this day and that a representative for the democratically elected government of Afghanistan and its president, Amrullah Saleh, will be present at the United Nations in New York at the general assembly and they will have something to say at that meeting.
And you know, one thing, Sean, that is being left out of this whole conversation that is the most critical of all when it comes to what we do moving forward is Pakistan because the truth is yes, there was corruption in Afghanistan. People can point fingers at the resistance, at the Taliban, and so on, and there's a plenty of blame to go around, right, and accountability.
But this is what has been true from day one, it's the simplest thing of all about the entire conflict. You cannot defeat an enemy who isn't in the country. That's it. If your enemy is not in Afghanistan, there's nothing you can do about that, is there you can't win that fight, you have to go across the border into Pakistan where they actually reside.
HANNITY: And, you know, if we were going to leave $80 billion worth of military equipment, the most sophisticated, the latest greatest, best technology on the face of the earth, maybe we could have left it with the people that actually wanted to free Afghanistan not the terrorists that now control the Black Hawk helicopters, and the drones, and the night vision goggles --
HANNITY: -- and the billions of dollars of equipment.
Lara, thank you. We appreciate it.
LOGAN: We still can, Sean. We have the capability to change this right now, with thermal UAVs and all kinds of other equipment. We don't have to accept this outcome. I wish someone had asked General Milley or General Austin how much of our advanced military capability have we actually used, and they will tell you it's 10 percent or less. So for goodness' sake, what do you got it all for if you're not going to use it?
HANNITY: They're not lifting a finger.
LOGAN: Exactly.
HANNITY: They're not lifting a finger. They've abandoned our fellow Americans. They've abandoned their families. They've abandoned green card holders. They've abandoned our Afghan allies, and this is not going to end well. You know it and I know it, and I pray to God I come on the air one day and I get to say I was wrong, because they'll be safe if I can say those words.
Thank you, Lara Logan.
All right. Don't forget Lara's show, "21st Century Terrorism Revealed," it's blowing up on .
When we come back, Milley admitting to speaking with Bob Woodward for his book and every other author about their books about President Trump while defending his now infamous call with his Chinese counterpart and actually saying, yeah, I'll give you a heads up if Donald Trump attacks. Eric Trump will respond, next, straight ahead.
HANNITY: Now, General Milley today also came clean about gossiping with reporters like Bob Woodward and Michael Bender and other anti-Trump books that were being written but tried to claim that he hasn't actually read any of them. But again, ask yourself, why was Milley so eager to gossip about Donald Trump? One point, he said, I don't reveal my conversation with the president. I guess unless you're writing a book.
Do we want a chairman of the joint chiefs, top military officer, disclosing publicly what the president of the United States of America is saying? Why was he politicizing our military? Why was he holding secret calls with China and making assurances that he would give them a heads up if we ever needed to attack them, and scheming with Nancy Pelosi seemingly to undermine the constitutional authority and chain of command of the president of the United States, and getting loyalty from other military leaders, almost a loyalty oath, talking to China alone, admitting that he said he would tip them off.
That would be a fireable offense and he must be investigated immediately. He should be relieved of his duties immediately. That undermines our national security. It undermines the Constitution. It undermines our commander-in-chief.
Here with reaction to all these revelations is Eric Trump.
You know, I read this and I hear this and I'm like okay, at one point, he said, well, I don't reveal my conversation with the president, I guess unless you're writing an anti-Trump book. But more importantly, he admitted that he was going to tip off China. He admitted that, we played that tape earlier. Your reaction?
ERIC TRUMP, EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT, THE TRUMP ORGANIZATION: My reaction is very simple, Sean, a general -- you know, if you're a head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, you've got one goal, it's called winning wars. That's all you do.
And when you see Milley, he's out there talking to every person in the press corps in Washington, D.C., and he's talking to China and he's out there talking about white rage and he's out there you know talk about all his plans, to rename every military installation in the entire -- the only thing this guy isn't focused on is actually winning wars, and to see the Taliban, a bunch of people who three weeks ago were riding around on mopeds with you know guns that were built years ago beating the United States of America and now we gave them the United States gave them night vision, Black Hawk helicopters and, you know, tanks and armored vehicles and the greatest machine guns ever built, what is Milley doing?
Millie has one job as I said before and that is to win a conflict to protect America to win wars. But he's not focused on that. He's focused on his own PR. He's focused on all these other nonsense priorities of his.
And I want to know one thing, Sean. You know, it's interesting about two seconds after my father had a conversation with Ukraine. It was a perfect conversation but all of a sudden these transcripts start flying around the transcripts of the calls.
Where are the transcripts of the calls that Millie had with China? Why aren't they being demanded by every single person in Washington? Because you better believe my father was in office, they would have already had those transcripts by now.
HANNITY: I'll tell you other transcripts I want because I've confirmed this with your father. I've confirmed this with Mike Pompeo. I've confirmed it with Mark Meadows and others that before any deal was struck with the Taliban, that your father in no uncertain terms said, you know what I did to the caliphate that I defeated, and Soleimani and al-Baghdadi and associates and the al Qaeda leader in Yemen? Do you understand, I will obliterate you? If we do make a deal, and you don't follow every I, cross T, comma and period.
Now, he also would have kept Bagram Air Base. You know, Joe Biden said I inherited a plan. No, he didn't follow your father's plan. Your father's plan would have been conditions based on top of everything else. Your father's plan was in May. It's a non-fighting season, as weird as that sounds, there's a non-fighting season. That's when the poppy crops come up, et cetera.
E. TRUMP: Yeah. Yeah, all that's right. I mean, Sean, we're supposed to have the greatest military leaders in the world, the greatest generals of all time. Look at Patton, Eisenhower and Douglas MacArthur. And I mean, you could learn George Marshall, you could go through all of them. There's so many great ones, Carlos Lemay, right? Go through all of them.
You think they'd be impressed by Milley? You think they'd be impressed by a guy who was literally beaten by the Taliban when we have the greatest military fighting machine in the world? And what does that do in the eyes of every country around the world? What does that do in the eyes of the Russians and the North Koreans and the Chinese and many of our adversaries around the world?
I mean, it's such an embarrassing defeat. You mean to tell me you literally can't beat a primitive, underfunded army, you know, and you're supposed to go against these sophisticated countries all around the world?
HANNITY: And if your father lied like Joe Biden has lied and got caught flat out lying, they would -- there would have been a thousand calls for impeachment already. Joe Biden lied. Go ahead.
E. TRUMP: Joe Biden lied and guess what? He got 13 incredible people killed over there and now you look at the Taliban. You know what the Taliban did today? They came out and said, guess what? You know, women, you know, girls, you're not allowed to go to college in Kabul, and you're not allowed to teach women, you're not allowed to teach at you know Kabul's, you know, main college in town.
I mean, look how far this has actually set back Afghanistan. It's not just the loss of life. It's not just the fact that a terrorist organization took over an entire country, but they're actually changing societally, the whole country. I mean, women's rights were set back decades and decades in that country and so many other travesties are going to come out of this -- you know, all because of the incompetence of really a couple people one of them being the commander-in-chief of the United States Joe Biden the other being Miley who should actually focus on starting to win wars because that's what our generals are supposed to do, Sean.
HANNITY: Well said. Eric Trump, thank you for being with us.
When we come back, you want to talk about out-of-control spending? The Democrats and all-out civil wars broken out, and the White House by the way continues to bizarrely claim it will cost you nothing. That would be called another lie.
Kayleigh McEnany and Joe Concha will break it down, next, straight ahead.
HANNITY: Now also developing tonight in the Washington sewer and swamp, Democrats continue to try and ram through their far left socialist $3.5 trillion wish list. But get this -- Democrats' infighting, showing no signs of slowing down. Senators Manchin and Sinema say, well, they're not on board with the multi-trillion dollar reconciliation package.
Now, while Senator Sanders is now suggesting that he's a no vote on the infrastructure deal if it's not accompanied by the reconciliation package and just wants -- you know, what do they want here, $3.5 trillion on top of all the other money they've already spent? You know, free community college for illegal immigrants, more green new deals special interest giveaways, electric this, electric that. Universal pre-K, corporate capital gains, tax cut hike -- tax hikes, you will pay for that, government-funded child care. Great, they already mess our kids up in public schools, so many places. Now, we're going to indoctrinate them more -- more paid leave, extending Obamacare, a major boost to IRS funding, so all of us can be audited every year not just me.
And Biden is still bizarrely trying to claim that reckless spending plans actually cost, quote, zero dollars. Okay, Joe, it sounds like you're using the old style abacus that you were trained on. We actually today have something called a calculator, simple math, Joe. You don't need to go to MIT to figure it out.
Anyway, meanwhile Biden continues to rely on Barack Obama to sell his destructive agenda, who told ABC the country desperately needs the trillions and trillions in new spending.
Here with the reaction, author of a brand new book "For Such A Time As This", "Outnumbered" co-host Kayleigh McEnany, as well as FOX News contributor Joe Concha.
I don't know. I look at the trillions of dollars, Joe, and you know what I see? You should have your own show on media.
HANNITY: I see the new Green Deal radicals running the entire Democratic Party and they're even telling Nancy Pelosi, nope. She wanted to vote on the infrastructure bill, she said -- they said no deal. So, now, the whole party is in disarray, and who knows what Manchin and Sinema will do in the Senate.
CONCHA: That's the thing, right? If this thing fails, it will be Democrats that ultimately put it in the ground, Sean. And look, it's spending billions for programs like tree equity, that's billions with a B, then providing free college for those who aren't legally in this country isn't much of a stretch.
And let's take the spin out of this, okay? You look at the Committee for A Responsible Federal Budget and they look at the numbers without spin. And they say this $3.5 trillion dollar bill would call for the U.S. government to borrow $1 trillion. They also say it would add $3 trillion added to the national debt over 10 years. That's back-breaking stuff.
And they also say the price tag is really actually --
HANNITY: Joe, wait a minute.
CONCHA: Obvious gimmicks, go ahead.
HANNITY: They said that this isn't going to cost us a penny, won't cost us one cent.
CONCHA: Hence my point, right? This is going to cost us a lot. Even "The Washington Post" fact checker called the president's zero dollar claim, quote, mythical zero and said that the president whoever writes Mr. Biden's scripts was being misleading on this.
And this kind of fourth grade messaging, Sean, it's going to put this bill at serious risk because in the court of public opinion, this is getting laughed out of the room. Either way, to your point, this bill is either tanked by the squad AOC wing of the party, who promised to tank it moderate the so-called human infrastructure bill or moderates, right, Manchin and Sinema, it only takes one. It's hard to see how this build becomes reality.
And the irony is, again, Democrats will only have themselves to blame in a civil war that is only getting worse.
HANNITY: Okay, so, Kayleigh, now it's a question what Republicans ought to do. Now, Donald Trump gave the Republican Party, let's be honest, a shot of adrenaline, a spine, a backbone, and he showed people how to fight. And you know what? It's not bean ball, right? It's a blood sport as they call it in Washington.
So, my question is, Republicans now, they're out of the process, they're not being included at all, Democrats now are facing a debt ceiling problem. They have control of the House, the Senate and the White House. So I don't think any Republican should lift a finger to help them raise the debt limit so they can waste all that money that they say is free.
KAYLEIGH MCENANY, CO-HOST, "OUTNUMBERED": Sean, you're exactly right but here's the reality that we all know -- you will have Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden trying to blame a lack of raising the debt ceiling or the shutting down of the government on Republicans. It is nonsensical. It would be confounding because guess who runs all both branches the House, the Senate, you know, the legislative branch and the executive branch, it's Democrats.
But they're already trying to blame this on Republicans. So, Republicans to your point, Sean, need to have a spine, need to stand up, say this is categorically on Democrats. If this doesn't pass, it's because of either AOC and Rashida Tlaib or the you know the far left flank or it's because of Sinema and Manchin tanking it. It's one of the two Democrat flanks. It is categorically not Republicans. They will try to blame it however on the right as they always do.
HANNITY: Let's play a little John McLaughlin. Predictions, does it pass? Joe Concha?
CONCHA: Morton, it does not pass whatsoever.
HANNITY: Bye-bye.
HANNITY: Pat Buchanan.
MCENANY: I got to say, Democrats always stick together. They do. So they do have that one attribute, I think it'll pass.
HANNITY: Eleanor Clift next. All right, we're done. Thank you.
CONCHA: Thank you, Jack Germond.
HANNITY: Exactly, exactly, Jack Germond. Now, we're really going back in time. You just aged all of us except, Kayleigh, who doesn't know who we're talking about hopefully.
All right. That's -- that's all the time we have for this segment. But when we come back, our video of the day courtesy of Nancy Pelosi, straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. Speaker Pelosi forgetting that Joe Biden is even the president. Take a look.
REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: We intend -- we have to do those imminently and more intimately even to address the full Obama agenda of building back better.
HANNITY: Cognitive mess Joe, Nancy, Dianne Feinstein, a lot of messes there.
That's all the time we have left. Please set your DVR, never miss an episode.
In the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled, Laura Ingraham, come on, what's the snappy comeback tonight?
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