
This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on January 11, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Don't forget. It's Watters' world and we just live in it. That's it.

CARLSON: Amen, I'm here.

HANNITY: We're all in it, Tucker. Thank you.

Welcome to HANNITY.

Tonight, we are tracking multiple developing stories, including Dr. Fauci pathetic meltdown on Capitol Hill today. We'll play all the low lights of that coming up.

And Senator Ted Cruz will join us with a more chilling story about the FBI and January 6. Earlier today, he just brutalized an FBI spokesperson. We'll play you that tape.

But first, we begin with Democratic activists Stacey Abrams. As you all know, Stacey Abram still believes that she is the rightful governor of Georgia, that she thinks she won in 2018 after losing a fight by nearly two points in Georgia's gubernatorial race. She never conceded, claiming voter suppression despite new evidence. And now, she's running for what she believes is her reelection.

And naturally, the Democrats so-called voting rights legislation is one of her top issues. But today, when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris made a special trip to Stacey Abrams' hometown to tout this new legislation, Stacey Abrams was nowhere to be found.

Apparently, it was some kind of scheduling conflict, that's what we'll call it.

Take a look.


REPORTER: Any thoughts on Stacey Abrams skipping your speech today, sir. Are you insulted that she's skipping the speech?

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I'm insulted you asked the question. I spoke to Stacey this morning. We have a great relationship. We got our scheduling mixed up. I'm going to be -- I talked with her at length this morning. We're all on the same page and everything is fine.


HANNITY: Okay, pretty humiliating, a scheduling conflict.

Now, is it perhaps that Joe Biden's poll numbers are so bad, Stacey Abrams refused to appear with the president and vice president of the United States or even meet with him behind closed doors and can't even be bothered to come up with a halfway -- well, decent excuse?

This is a pretty low point for Joe and Kamala who are officially now toxic even among members in their own party.

Make no mistake: Biden's so-called voting rights legislation is also incredibly toxic and unconstitutional. Now, this bill which would federalize elections enables Democrats in Washington to ban voter ID, clear the way for ballot harvesting and for illegal immigrants to participate in elections.

You don't believe me, look at New York City. Just this week, they gave the right of illegal immigrants to vote in municipal elections in New York City.

Now top Democrats are so passionate about the bill because they believe it is their sure-fire way to stay in power in perpetuity. In other words, just like their court packing idea, just like their ending of the filibuster idea, just like D.C. statehood, Puerto Rico statehood idea. It's all about a power grab and all about rigging the system. It doesn't have anything to do with actual voting rights. And that's why Joe was in Georgia and not Joe's home state of Delaware where voting regulations in his state where he served 575 years are far more restrictive and Georgia's laws are some of the most accessible voting laws in the country.

They have 17 days in person early voting. They have drop boxes in every precinct. You don't need an excuse to get an absentee or mail-in ballot. You need a mail-in ballot reason in Delaware. There are no drop boxes. No in-person early voting, and both states require voter ID.

So why aren't they going after Delaware? Why did -- why hasn't Joe lifted a finger all these years to make voting more accessible in his home state?

Now, today, during his big speech, Joe was very -- well, as usual confused. He referred to Kamala Harris as President Harris. Apparently, Joe believes he was arrested while marching for civil rights in the 1960s. Little fact check, that never happened.

Take a look.


BIDEN: Last week, President Harris and I stood in the United States Capitol to observe one of those before and after moments in American history. I did not walk in the shoes of generations of students who walked these grounds, but I walked other grounds because I'm so damn old, I was there as well. They think I'm kidding, man. Seems like yesterday the first time I got arrested -- anyway.


HANNITY: It never happened. For the record, while millions did in fact risk their lives and march for civil rights many decades ago and Lyndon Johnson were required the help of the Republicans to pass the Civil Rights Act of '64, the Voting Rights Act of '65, Joe Biden, he was busy trying to stop the integration of public schools when he partnered with the former Klansman Robert "KKK" Byrd.

And as Joe put it he was worried that public schools that his children would grow up in schools that were racial jungles. Joe said that.

Now, according to Joe, if you don't support his federal election takeover, you are a domestic enemy of the United States who sides with Jefferson Davis and the Ku Klux Klan. Well, he must know a lot about it. He was best friends with the former Klansman.

Take a look.


BIDEN: I know where I stand. I will not yield. I will not flinch. I will defend the right to vote, our democracy against all enemies foreign and yes domestic. The question is, where will the institution of the United States Senate stand?


HANNITY: Keep in mind, the so-called voting rights bill is so blatantly unconstitutional. It will never pass the vote threshold in the Senate. So in order for that legislation to become law, Democrats now led by Biden who said he would never do it just like he said the vaccine will protect you from getting COVID and just like he said a lot of other things that he reneged on -- well, that would need the nuke of the filibuster. In other in other words getting rid of the filibuster and completely upend the rules of the Senate forever.

According to them, the filibuster is racist and a relic of segregation. Now, the very same filibusters that his party used a whopping 328 times in 2020, which actually Joe thinks it's 2020 now, but in the real 2020.

Now, the very same filibuster the Democrats passionately defended for years, let's take a little trip down memory lane, shall we?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Speaking of those other candidates several of them have proposed major structural reforms to our government and to our democracy, these include abolishing the Electoral College, expanding the size of the Supreme Court, setting term limits for justices, abolishing the legislative filibuster. Which if any of these do you support?

BIDEN: None.

SEN. DICK DURBIN (D-IL): What the filibuster does, what the extended debate does is to force both sides of the aisle to come together in a bipartisan compromising way.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): They want because they can't get their way on every judge to change the rules in midstream, to wash away 200 years of history. They want to make this country into a banana republic, where if you don't get your way, you change the rules.


HANNITY: Chucky wants to turn America into a banana republic.

Now, there are only two Senate Democrats still in favor of the filibuster. That's Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, who "The Washington Post" worried was stubbornly opposed to eliminating it.

Now, are they racist, Joe Biden? Are they your domestic enemies? Will they be investigated by your Department of Justice and their brand new unit on domestic terrorism? Or is that unit only for parents protesting school boards? They're very dangerous.

And breaking tonight, Biden's education secretary is now facing calls to resign after reports that he requested an official letter from the National School Board Association comparing those parents that care about their kids that go to school board meetings which have to be boring as hell to terrorists. Or will the domestic terror unit be squarely focused on those that participated in the January 6 riot?

Now, by the way, there were riots in the summer of 2020. What about groups that chant, what do we want, dead cops, when do we want them, now? Would we investigate them?

Today, Senator Ted Cruz, he asks the FBI very important questions about that day. Their answers or lack thereof are very telling. Take a look.


SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): How many FBI agents or confidential informants actively participated in the events of January 6th?

FBI OFFICIAL: Sir, I'm sure you can appreciate that I can't go into the specifics of sources and methods --

CRUZ: Did any FBI agents or confidential informants actively participate in the events of January 6? Yes or no?

FBI OFFICIAL: Sir, I can't -- I can't answer that.

CRUZ: Did any FBI agents or confidential informants commit crimes of violence on January 6?

FBI OFFICIAL: I can't answer that, sir?

CRUZ: Did any FBI agents or FBI informants actively encourage and incite crimes of violence on January 6th?

FBI OFFICIAL: Sir, I can't answer that.

CRUZ: Ms. Sanborn, a lot of Americans are concerned that the federal government deliberately encouraged illegal and violent conduct on January 6. My question to you and this is this is not an ordinary law enforcement question, this is a question of a public accountability, did federal agents or those in service of federal agent actively encourage violent and criminal conduct on January 6th?

FBI OFFICIAL: Not to my knowledge, sir.


HANNITY: Here with more is Texas Senator Ted Cruz himself.

Senator, what an exchange that was.

Okay. So, the FBI -- this is the executive assistant director, says, I can't answer that, we can't reveal sources and methods. That doesn't prohibit, though, the FBI, Senator, in my mind that they could have said the FBI did nothing illegal, the FBI did nothing unethical, the FBI would never encourage any type of violence or participate and such. That would be a broad sweeping generalization without giving out any sources, any methods or any evidence whatsoever.

Why couldn't there be a blanket denial that that's not who we are, that's not the way we act?

CRUZ: Well, there should have been and if they were doing their jobs, that was what they would have said.

But unfortunately, under Joe Biden, we have seen an incredibly partisan Department of Justice. And both the Department of Justice and the FBI have an arrogance that they are not accountable to anyone, that they can -- they can stonewall.

And so, it should be very easy for the FBI to say no, no federal agents participated in violent crimes. No, no federal agents actively incited, encouraged others to commit violent crimes.

If they were doing their jobs, those would be very easy questions to answer. They refuse to answer those and there's an element of arrogance.

But we got to watch this in light of the last five years where we know that the Department of Justice and the FBI was deeply politicized, that it went after Donald Trump with all of its might, right down to an assistant general counsel at the FBI fabricating a counterfeit document that was submitted to a federal court to try to target and take out President Trump.

And given that history of deep, deep politicization that has undermined the integrity of these noble institutions, I think both the FBI and the department of justice have an obligation to be candid and to come clean and in that same hearing, I ask that that FBI official, I asked about one individual in particular, Ray Epps.

There have been a lot of videos online of Ray Epps. Ray Epps was there on January 5th, on January 6. There are videos of him urging the crowd saying we should go to the Capitol, but not just go to the Capitol, we must go in the Capitol. In other words urging them to break the law and he keeps saying "in the Capitol, in the Capitol", and the entire crowd starts chanting "Fed, fed, fed, fed". It's a very puzzling and disturbing video.

The next day on January 6, there's video of him talking to one of the people at that rally whispering in his ear. And literally, five seconds later, that person is pushing barricades down. The natural inference being that this individual urged him to break the law.

And so, I asked the FBI, is Mr. Epps an agent of the FBI, is an informant of the FBI? And she stonewalled, refused to answer. We know the FBI put him out on the list of people they wanted information about and then magically he disappeared.

There needs to be transparency and the Biden administration needs to fess up, is this a politicized law enforcement operation that is targeting the enemies of the president, and did they actively encourage and solicit illegal conduct?

HANNITY: Senator, that would be an easy question to answer. That doesn't reveal sources and methods.

CRUZ: Yeah, yeah.

HANNITY: And with all that videotape evidence that you mentioned there, that would be somebody that would be a leader and agitator in something that can never happen again, just like the riots in the summer of 2020, can never happen again. I'd like to see that committee formed.

So,. my question is, why can't they just definitively say absolutely not, and that would be a person of interest? That they originally did say that why did they back off that?

CRUZ: Well, look, they should be able to say that. And listen, law enforcement all the time has undercover officers. That's not unusual. What is unusual -- what is illegal is for those undercover officers to actively incite illegal conduct.

You know, if you and I go out to dinner and I'm undercover against you that's fine, but I can't say, hey, Sean, let's go knock off the bank. I got a great idea. Come on, Sean, man up, and let's go rob the bank.

That's crossing the line. That is illegal.

HANNITY: Well, that would be how much depend on how much we both drank before they were giving an answer, but I'm not trying to make light of it.

But I want to ask you another question because this attorney general, I now feel especially after the Trump Russia hoax that went on four years and dragged this country through hell, all based on a dirty Russian disinformation dossier paid for by Hillary and FISA warrants where in fact they knew at certain times that the information contained in there was false and it became the basis of the FISA applications.

So I want to know why the attorney general of the United States is looking at Texas's voting law, which is far more accessible, as is Georgia's law, far more accessible, than the very restrictive laws in the state of Delaware where Joe has served I believe now a whopping 577,000 years and he never lifted a finger to change the voting laws.

Why is he attacking Georgia and Texas when his state is far more restrictive?

CRUZ: Yeah, listen, it is absolutely hypocritical, and the unfortunate answer is this attorney general is not up to the job. The job of attorney general is too big for him. He was a federal judge for 24 years. And when he came in, he had a reputation for not being overly political, for being a man of integrity.

And in less than a year, he has lit that reputation on fire because what's happened is Merrick Garland has just given in to the political partisans. H hasn't had the strength of courage to tell his own party, no.

And you know, you reported on a story that FOX broke earlier today that is a great example of that, which is the shameful instance where the attorney general directed the FBI to target and to prosecute parents -- to prosecute moms and dads as terrorists for going to school boards and expressing their displeasure at critical race theory, at --

HANNITY: It's chilling.

CRUZ: -- boys and girls restrooms at sexual assaults.

And what FOX broke today is that that originated -- we know it came from a letter from the National Association of School Boards -- but we now know the idea for the letter came from the Biden administration, Biden's secretary of education.

So you literally have a Biden cabinet member telling a left-wing group, hey, lobby the Biden administration so that we can investigate mom and dad as terrorists. It's an absolute political abuse of power, and the attorney general should be ashamed that he's not upholding the integrity of the Department of Justice.

HANNITY: I would agree. Senator Ted Cruz, thank you.

And tonight, one thing is also perfectly clear, the so-called January 6 committee with the predetermined outcome, they don't really give a damn about the truth we now know. The books are cooked. The outcome is predetermined.

According to the committees, too, literally, Nancy Pelosi appointed GOP, quote, Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, the U.S. Constitution is above any one person or individual. They keep telling us. Take a look.


REP. LIZ CHENEY (R-WY): Political leaders who sit silent in the face of these false and dangerous claims are aiding a former president who is at war with the rule of law and the Constitution. When our constitutional order is threatened as it is now, rising above partisanship is not simply an aspiration. It is an obligation.

REP. ADAM KINZINGER (R-IL): What is the purpose of your oath? Okay, if you take an oath to the Constitution, to defend it against all enemies foreign and domestic, is that just words we say? Is it meaningless? And maybe it is to some people.

CHENEY: Is at the heart of what our oath requires, that we love our country more, that we love her so much that we will stand above politics to defend her. That we will do everything in our power to protect our Constitution and our freedom.


HANNITY: My question to Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger tonight, would that apply to Nancy Pelosi? Because according to the chairman of the January six committee, Pelosi's off limits. Donald Trump signed off on 20,000 National Guard troops, as he's legally required to do. Why did Nancy Pelosi not agree to call them up? Why did the mayor of D.C. not agree to call him up?

Listen to your own chairman, Liz.


WOLF BLITZER, CNN HOST: Lots of questions, but as you know, the speaker, she made a major decision. Are Speaker Pelosi's decisions on and ahead of January do you believe that would also be fair game for Republicans if they join this committee to investigate?

REP. BENNIE THOMPSON (D-MS): Well, no, I don't, well --


HANNITY: No, she's not fair game, really?

Here with reaction, two people who were booted by Pelosi from the committee for trying to hold and they would have held Nancy Pelosi accountable, Ohio Congressman Jim Jordan and Indiana Congressman Jim Banks.

Jim Jordan, I start with you now. If the goal and it would be my goal -- I personally would build a fence that would protect the Capitol, our institutions, every elected official I don't care what your politics are. That is a must in this country. Just like we should protect every city from what the rioting that took place in 2020.

My question is this, Donald Trump, if you look at the words of Mark Meadows, the secretary of defense was in the room, the chairman of the joint chiefs was in the room, the defense chief of staff, Kash Patel, was in the room, and he authorized -- as a law requires -- 20,000 National Guardsmen to be called up two days before January 6.

Then the chain of command goes to Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser. For the troops to be called up, they have to sign off on it. We have a letter showing Muriel Bowser never did. Nancy Pelosi obviously never did.

Now, the chairman of the committee says that question is off limits. Pelosi is off limits. And my understanding is neither Pelosi, the sergeant-at- arms, Muriel Bowser, are required to hand over their emails, their texts and their phone conversations for the days leading up that day and the days after.

How come -- if we want this not to happen again, don't we need to talk to them?

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Yeah, but here's the reason why they didn't do it, it's because they spent the summer of 2020 normalizing violence. When they said we're going to defund the police, when they said we're going to re- imagine policing, when they said that rioters and looters who attacked police officers, when the Democrats said, oh, they're peaceful protesters and, by the way, we're going to help raise money to bail those people out of jail.

When you spend an entire summer doing that, it's kind of hard then to say, oh, we accept what the president offered and we're going to have the National Guard here on January 6 when we had all these people coming to town. So, that's the concern, when you spend the entire summer doing that.

Republicans have been consistent. We condemn the violence that took place on January 6. We condemned the violence that took place the entire summer of 2020. It would be nice if Democrats would do the same darn thing.

HANNITY: Jim Banks, I'd like to know, where is the subpoena for Nancy Pelosi? Why did she reject Donald Trump's authorization for 20,000 National Guards troops? What about Muriel Bowser? Where is the subpoena for her? Why did she reject it?

Where is the subpoena for the sergeant-at-arms, the D.C. police chief that made six requests for the Guard? Where are the subpoenas for their text messages, their phone calls and their emails? Why would Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger lecture us constantly about standing up for truth and the Constitution and allow the people that denied the twenty thousand troops?

And I would make the case, if the 20,000 Trump troops were there, January 6 never would have happened.

REP. JIM BANKS (R-IN): It would have been a lot different. It would have been what would have been a much different day, Sean. We all know that.

Those subpoenas aren't going to come though until Jim Jordan is the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Republicans win back the majority.

The Democrats are going to continue to cover up the real story about January 6, which is the breakdown of security at the Capitol and it all happened on Speaker Pelosi's watch. She is the most powerful person in charge of Capitol security and it all happened on her watch.

We now know --

HANNITY: Isn't it her job, Congressman Banks, it's her job to keep the Capitol safe and secure, in conjunction with the sergeant-at-arms? Isn't that true?

BANKS: The breadcrumbs all lead back to her office, Sean. I guarantee you --


HANNITY: And did the Capitol police chief -- and did the Capitol police chief, Jim Jordan, ask for the guard on six separate occasions according to reports even before the January 6 date?

JORDAN: No, he's testified --

HANNITY: Capitol police chief?

JORDAN: -- that he wanted the National Guard there.

Yeah, he's testified that he asked for the National Guard there, but that the sergeant of arms was concerned about the optics, the sergeant of arms disputes that, you have conflicting testimony.

And the guy who says he asked for it turned over his documents, communications. The guy who said, no, you didn't ask for it won't turn over his communications because the speaker's office won't let him.

And to add insult to injury --


HANNITY: Wait a minute.

JORDAN: Think about --

HANNITY: Why would they not allow the committee to have their text messages in the days leading up to, the day of and the days after? What are they hiding, Jim?

JORDAN: Because the lawyer for -- the lawyer for Speaker Pelosi will not turn that information over. That's why.

So, the only one who can answer that question is the one that the chairman of the committee said is off limits, the speaker of the House.

HANNITY: So, basically, they really don't want to get to the root cause of how to prevent this disaster from ever happening again. They won't call on the speaker. They won't call on the mayor. They won't call on the sergeant- arms. They won't demand their emails, texts and phone records, and they're not -- they don't have a predetermined outcome?

Donald Trump authorized the use of 20,000 National Guard troops. Sounds to me like he did his job. Why didn't they do their job, especially for those of us that never want this to happen again?

BANKS: We won't get at the bottom of that, Sean, until we get the majority back.

HANNITY: That's pathetic. That is pathetic. That is a -- that is a cover- up of Nancy Pelosi, Muriel Bowser, the sergeant-at-arms. What did they know, when did they know it, give us the information.

And Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, if you want to talk about the Constitution, raise those questions.

Thank you both.

Straight ahead, another tense stay on the Hill for Fauci, as Senator Rand Paul -- and he got into another heated exchange. We got the tape. Dr. Oz is next.

And a big announcement about tomorrow's show, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Dr. Doom and gloom, flip-flop Fauci lashed out on Capitol Hill today after he was confronted over his flip-flops, his deceptions, never-ending pandemic failure. And then, of course, how does it possible now entering year three of the pandemic, in the lead-up to the holidays, Hanukkah, Christmas, New Year's, they ran out of tests, and then they ran out of monoclonal antibodies. And there's no warp speed for the antivirals that every doctor that I talked to praises.

Anyway, watch the exchange with Fauci and Senator Rand Paul.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): In an email exchange with Dr. Collins, you conspire and I quote here directly from the email, to create a quick and devastating published takedown of three prominent epidemiologists, from Harvard, Oxford and Stanford. Instead of engaging them on the merits, you and Dr. Collins sought to smear them as fringe and take them down, and not in journals, in lay press.

This is not only antithetical to the scientific method. It's the epitome of cheap politics, and it's reprehensible, Dr. Fauci.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: And you keep coming back to personal attacks on me that have absolutely no relevance to reality.

PAUL: You're the one responsible. You are the architect. You are the lead architect for the response from the government and now, 800,000 people have died.

FAUCI: What happens when he gets out and accuses me of things that are completely untrue is that, all of a sudden, that kindles the crazies out there and I have life -- that threats upon my life.

PAUL: Realize that by attacking me, you're attacking the one member who actually has suffered from violent attacks. I was at the ball field the day Steve Scalise almost died, and I was 10 feet away from a staffer who was shot in the leg.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, Pennsylvania Senate candidate, Dr. Oz, well known by everybody.

But you really want to give up one of the most successful syndicated talk shows in history to go to that sewer? I mean, I don't know. That you're showing a lot of courage to do that and given up a lot in the process.

Dr. Fauci was wrong in his projections. Dr. Fauci was wrong in March of 2020, he said masks don't work. One mask, then two masks, and maybe masks in perpetuity, then vax or mask, then vax and mask, and vax, mask and booster.

Well, now, we have something called omicron, Dr. Oz. And whether you're fully vaccinated, people are getting it. Vaccinated with boosters, they're getting it. Fully vaccinated with a booster and with previous infection, natural immunity, you're still getting it.

And we ran out of tests. We ran out of therapeutics that we've had for 18 months. We ran -- these antivirals, you've been you've been screaming it from the hilltop. How does that happen in this country? We're the United States, how does that happen?

DR. MEHMET OZ (R), PENNSYLVANIA SENATORIAL CANDIDATE: Gross incompetence. But let's take a step back. For two years, you and I have been debunking these false narratives, that it's only about vaccines, which is the only word we've heard coming out of Washington for the last year. It involves therapeutics as well, being able to treat people get sick. That's what doctors do.

We've talked about the fact that lockdowns harm kids and don't make them noticeably safer. The only the teachers unions disagree with that at this point. The mask you brought up the benefits are suspect.

So the question then is why, Sean, why is this happening? And I think Fauci is the J. Edgar Hoover of public health. He is a petty tyrant that has organized efforts with media to remove all dissent. And I can tell you, as a physician, there's a lot of doctors who don't like what's going on now, and I've tasted this personally.

And I fought back against the U.S. government because there was arsenic in our apple juice. Let me explain for a second. The U.S. government shut down the use of arsenic and apples grown by U.S. farmers. That's a good thing because arsenic is toxic. They, of course, did not change what happened in China. Those Chinese farmers kept growing apples with their arsenic. U.S. juice manufacturers imported cheap apples from China.

So here's the U.S. government shutting down U.S. apple manufacturers, allowing Chinese farmers to grow their apples, importing that arsenic-laced stuff to this country, giving the apple juice to our kids. No one's checking.

The government came after me the same way Fauci goes after scientists now. They work with media. They actually do conspire and their false narrative around me being a charlatan or snake oil salesman began to prosper. I got a full apology from everybody, but you have to fight, Sean.

You ask, why am I doing this? If they can silence scientists like me and the other wonderful scientists have raised their heads and said that we're doing the wrong thing with COVID, they can silence any voice. Everyone watching right now can be silenced.


HANNITY: I live with this every day.

OZ: -- the voice of Pennsylvanians is heard.

HANNITY: We have more dead Americans from COVID in 2021 than 2020. Joe inherited three vaccines and therapeutics like monoclonals. We now shattered a all-day record for positive COVID cases in the country. There are no tests. People -- we've ran out of tests. We've ran out of therapeutics.

Nobody -- where's operation warp speed for testing, so we have enough for every American when they need it? Where's operation warp speed for monoclonal antibodies? Where's operation warp speed for the antivirals? I think you were the first person to even tell me about them a long time ago.

OZ: Yeah. I tell you, it's anti-scientific arrogance. It starts at the top. Dr. Fauci should be removed from this post I feel strongly that we have not managed this pandemic well.

But if you come to droz.com, please help us get this word out. There's too many scientists, too many people who care and love this country deeply who aren't allowed to have their voices heard. And that's why we have the problems you're speaking to.

It's impossible that we would have the results as poor as we have in America with the health care system that's as elegant and as streamlined as it is. It's because the Biden administration does not understand what motivates American scientists, American medicine to do its best. Operation Warp Speed under President Trump gave the world a solution. We have not advanced from that pace. We're making turtle steps right now.

We're sitting around a year after we've had access to medications we knew would work and we didn't have enough of them over the holidays. We still don't have enough today. And when I checked with companies, we're still several months away from having pills that we know can dramatically reduce the chance of people having complications of COVID. Inexcusable.

HANNITY: They said when they ran out that we didn't see omicron coming.

Let me make an announcement so Joe can hear me loud and clear although he's sleeping, maybe somebody will tell him in the morning. Joe, don't -- prepare yourself now because there will be another variant. Is that a fair statement, Doctor? I'm not playing one on TV.

OZ: No, there's already another variant. We don't know what it's going to represent when it hits this country, but it's going to continue. Omicron had different specific mutations. This new variant will have more.

We got to keep our eyes open. That's what medicine is about. Protect the patient. That's what I'll do as senator from Pennsylvania.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you, Dr. Oz. Appreciate it. It is unforgivable, two years now into the third year, we ran out of tests, we don't have the therapeutics that we've had for 18 months. Wow. You can't screw it up any worse than that.

When we come back, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy explains what he will do if Republicans win back the house in November and if I were Congressman Adam Schiff, you know, or Eric Swalwell -- yeah, you might want to think about another profession if the minority leader becomes the next speaker. We'll explain why.


HANNITY: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is already laying out an America first agenda for a Republican majority if they win the House in November. This will be the most important midterm in our lifetime. First, McCarthy says he will remove far-left extremists like Adam Schiff. You know, the single congenital liar that he is, the single biggest purveyor of election lies in the history of this country, and his fellow Russia hoaxster Eric Swalwell off the House Intel Committee, as well as Congresswoman Omar from the House Foreign Affairs Committee and that's not all. McCarthy is also vowing to move forward on legislation that could include an outright ban on lawmakers trading stocks while in office, amid a new report about the questionable investing behavior of dozens of members of Congress, yep, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Here to explain, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Kevin, let me -- let me start with this question. If you become speaker of the House, next year, this time next year, will you pledge to have a real January 6 committee?

We know that Donald Trump as required by law authorized to calling up 200,000 guardsmen. He did it in front of the chairman of the joint chiefs, the secretary of defense, the chief of staff and the Defense Department chief of staff.

Will you pledge that if you become speaker, that you will subpoena Nancy Pelosi, Muriel Bowser, who refused to follow up -- it was their chain of command, they had to call them up after the president approved it, the sergeant-at-arms and the D.C. police chief? And will you subpoena their text, phone calls and emails if you become speaker?

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): The first thing we're going to do, we've already asked to preserve all those records. The answer could be very clear.

Why did the Democrats when they created January 6 pick and choose which Republicans could be on, disallowing never before in history individuals that I selected as minority leader? Why did the chair of this committee say the speaker is off limits? Why did the speaker not allow the information from the sergeant of arms that communication with the speaker?

There's two main questions you want on January 6. Why was the Capitol so ill-prepared that day? And how do we make sure it never happens again? You cannot answer any of those questions without getting that communication and we will get it, Sean. So we can get the answers.

HANNITY: The law required Donald Trump to allow them to be called up. Then it became the jurisdiction of Nancy Pelosi and Muriel Bowser. Muriel Bowser in writing rejected it. Nancy Pelosi, we'd like to know -- she won't turn over her phone records or the sergeant-at-arms.

So you're pledging a full real investigation for the -- and for the right reasons. We can't let this ever happen again, just like we can't let the summer riots of 2020 happen again.

MCCARTHY: Remember, what Congressman Rodney Davis, who sent the letter to preserve all that communications long ago, he is the ranking member on House Administration.

He is also when we've had all the -- the reports about the changes that need to be made to the Capitol police, he has offered him. But you have a Democrat Chair Zoe Lofgren who stays home and votes proxy instead of holding any of the hearings going forward.

You've got a chairman of January 6 who says the speaker is off limits. That cannot be the case. We've got to get the answers to those questions and make sure this Capitol is safe.

HANNITY: Adam Schiff, the biggest purveyor of election lies in history, Eric Swalwell, as you pointed out can't get a security clearance in the private sector. We know all about Congresswoman Omar.

They will be taken off committee assignments and you will put a ban on people like Nancy Pelosi investing in stocks, that they might have influence on?

MCCARTHY: Yeah. Look, Intel Committee is a special committee, only appointed by the leaders. This is where you get the secrets to America and around the world.

Adam Schiff will go down as one of the worst chairmens of intel. Remember what he did. He turned it in to a political committee.

Here we have Afghanistan collapsing where the president's saying it's going to be able to sustain itself. We've got Bagram collapsing where prisoners are getting out, where they took one of those individuals that was in that prison and killed 13 of our servicemen and women, that made 13 new Gold Star families.

Maybe if the Intel Committee was focused on what they were supposed to be focused on, instead of putting out a fake dossier and others, we wouldn't have that situation.

Then, you have Swalwell who the FBI warned us that had knowledge of a Chinese spy continue to put on there. When Eric Swalwell goes to the private sector, he was not going to be approved for security clearance. Why would government give him a clearance to the secrets of America?

HANNITY: Well-said.

MCCARTHY: To me, it's very simple. We're going to turn the Intel Committee back around to what it's supposed to be -- protecting America around the world and knowing what is happening, instead of just being this political organization.

And lo and behold, where else is Adam Schiff? He's on the January 6 committee.

HANNITY: What a joke.

MCCARTHY: He should be focusing on protecting this government.

And we're going to stop -- we're going to bring back faith in Congress, the speaker of the House has all the power. She can determine what bill comes to the floor, whether it gets marked up or not. And what does her husband do?

He invests, not just buying a stock, he buys options. He buys options when it comes to tech companies when we're debating those bills. And only one person knows whether they're going to pass the House or even bring them up, and he makes millions of dollars in a month.

I just think that's wrong. We're going to restore faith in this country and accountability.

HANNTY: Congressman, if you do that -- you'll have the support of Republicans and conservatives around the country. We're going to hold you to it. Those are important issues, every one of them.

Thank you for being with us.

All right. Straight ahead, Jimmy Kimmel mocking the unvaccinated. Wait until you see this video. Leo 2.0 Terrell Lara Trump, and a big announcement, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Failed funnyman Jimmy Kimmel is sinking even further tonight with a bizarre, creepy, anti-vax Barbie ad. Take a look.


JIMMY KIMMEL, COMEDIAN: You know, there's so much stuff to sell to these anti- vaxxers and the folks at Mattel are no dummies. They made a mint over Christmas with a twist what is probably America's all-time favorite doll.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There's a new doll in town and the fun is contagious. It's anti-vax Barbie. She is strong, she's independent, she doesn't trust science.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Bill Gates is the antichrist. Vaccines (INAUDIBLE) blood.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Barbie comes with a computer so she can do her own research.



HANNITY: Now, the efforts to demonize Americans uneasy with vaccine mandates is only getting worse. Look at this headline, the column "L.A. Times" mocking anti-vaxxers, deaths is ghoulish yes, but necessary? And feeling Joe's unity.

Here now, Fox News contributors Laura Trump and Leo 2. Terrell.

Lara, I don't even know where to begin here.

LARA TRUMP, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I assume, Sean, that Jimmy Kimmel was too busy reminiscing about his name on the man show, exploiting women and wearing black face to have caught it, but the first two people in America to be anti-vaxxers, I'll go ahead and inform him, were Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Don't forget that, folks.

Back during the campaign when they thought it was politically advantageous for them, they told people, do not trust this vaccine. We don't trust this vaccine. Neither should you.

So, is it any wonder that people are little skeptical now that these two individuals are in the White House and shoving it down people's throats with these unconstitutional vaccine mandate, Sean, that you just referenced. People do not want the government making a medical decision for them.

We would should say, by the way, that the Operation Warp Speed, the vaccination would not be here with Operation Warp Speed, without Donald Trump. It is one of the great achievements of modern history.

However, we know that it protects you if you get COVID from getting seriously ill, it doesn't protect you as a CDC director just admitted the other day from actually transmitting COVID, from getting COVID, so why don't we hear more out of this White House about natural immunity? People who like millions of people out there who have copped COVID, recovered from COVID, have immunity, have the antibodies.

Therapeutics like you were just talking to Dr. Oz about earlier in their show. If you go into any hospital in America and ask for something like Regeneron, you can't find it anywhere. No one wants to talk about these things. It is just about the unconstitutional vaccine mandate.

So, yes, people are little skeptical about the government, Jimmy Kimmel making medical decisions for them. But Jimmy Kimmel at this point has about as much credibility here as Dr. Fauci, and I think we know what that means.

HANNITY: I think we do.


LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I'll tell you right now. I disagree with Lara, one thing. I think Operation Warp Speed was Donald Trump's greatest achievement. I piggyback on everything Lara just said.

L. TRUMP: Yes.

TERRELL: But let me say right now, the Biden administration is a failure of the vaccine. Remember, get the tape -- I'm going to get rid of the virus. He's a liar on that. No testing right now.

And I'll tell you right now, the reason why he went to Atlanta, he is running away from his failures relating to the -- his approach towards the virus. He has failed and that's why he is down in Atlanta.

Sean, the fundamental issue is this, the vaccine does not stop -- does not stop infection or transmission. They key here is that they have tried to attack individuals who have decided to go alternative, natural immunity, therapeutic. He's done everything, but throw them under the bus.

But the problem is all the promises he made, he has failed. One last point, he -- under his own standards, he should resign because of the number of deaths that have occurred under his administration.

HANNITY: Well said by both of you. Great job. We're going to get Lara one of the Leo 2.0 hat.

All right. Thank you.

When we come back, a big announcement, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always we thank you for being with us, you make the show possible.

Quick programming note, tune tomorrow night. We have an exclusive interview with Paul Manafort, his first since being pardoned by President Trump. You -- this story will blow you away. You want to know how corrupt your government is, tune in tomorrow night at 9:00.

That is all the time we have. Please set your DVR. Let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham, by the way, who did you want to win last night's national championship game?

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