'Hannity' on Biden's UN speech, Americans stranded in Afghanistan

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 21, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. And, thank you, Tucker.

And welcome to HANNITY.

And coming up, major breaking news in the tragic case of Gabby Petito. A full report is straight ahead.

But first, the crisis in Afghanistan continues -- no end in sight.

ANNOUNCER: Americans Held Hostage, Abandoned Behind Enemy Lines, Day 38.

HANNITY: Day 38. We'll not forget on this program, our fellow Americans, our allies, their families abandoned by Joe Biden now trapped behind enemy lines, now hostages to the Taliban terrorists.

And the situation is getting more dire by the day. Graphic video yet to be confirmed by FOX News, though, you can see with your own eyes, it shows Taliban terrorists murdering 22 unarmed Afghan commandos -- you know, the people that allied with us that we saw we'd help get out of there. They surrendered to the Taliban back in July.

No doubt Biden knew this was going on. Still abandoned Americans, thousands of people with green cards that are eligible to be in America -- our friends, our allies, their families and our fellow citizens. Now, thousands of Afghan green cards, SIVs over however many Americans are all in hiding. We don't know the number.

Death squads going door to door, searching for anyone who ever may have assisted the U.S. in the last 20 years. Biden once lectured the terrorists in the Taliban about inclusivity and allowing more women in the government. Now, little girls can't go to school.

And now, unarmed Afghans are being murdered in the streets in broad daylight. Women girls blocked from attending school and work and female government workers, they have been told to stay home.

And the all-male Taliban government is now enacting strict Sharia law throughout the entire country, the new Islamic emirates of Afghanistan, thanks to Joe Biden.

But today, in Biden's big speech at the U.N., he didn't say a thing about the dire circumstances that he caused inside of Afghanistan. He said nothing about his botched pull-out, nothing about the Americans he abandoned -- our allies are horrified, our enemies emboldened -- nothing about Biden's drone strike that killed 10 innocent civilians, including seven children.

And now, he can't be bothered to say a single word about the tragic loss of human life except to have a spokesperson say that he understands loss? I'm sure that's really comforting to the parents of the children that he killed. What a national embarrassment, worse by the day.

Joe Biden has allowed this entire country to be totally, utterly humiliated on the world stage. America is back. No, Joe, America is falling apart because you're missing in action, one humiliating disaster after another.

Clueless, mumbling and bumbling Joe Biden just congratulating himself on successfully pulling out of Afghanistan. If that's success, how do you define failure? And then proceeded to spew a series of meaningless platitudes far left socialist buzzwords about climate change and equity and global togetherness in kumbaya.

And needless to say, the speech lacked any real substance and Biden as per usual, he looked his usual tired, weak and frail self. At one point, he even seemed to forget where he was. It's humiliating.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: As we pursue diplomacy across the board, the United States will champion the democratic values that go to the very heart of who you are as a nation and a people -- freedom, equality, opportunity and a belief in the universal rights of all people. It stamped into our DNA as a nation and critically, it stamped into the DNA of this institution, the United States.


HANNITY: No, Joe, that would be the United Nations, the institution you're talking about there. You know my friend from Down Under, that guy, so embarrassing.

By the way, at no point during those remarks did Biden mention the humanitarian public health national security crisis that now is our southern border. It is worse than ever. Make no mistake: this too is now an international disaster. Migrants from all over the world coming across in mass, more than a million five so far this year.

Joe on track now to allow more illegal aliens into this country than the last 25 years, by the way, after Donald Trump's policies dropped America to a 25-year low. Biden's DHS secretary now claiming the southern border is closed. He is simply lying to you. The images tell a very different story.

Thousands of migrants are still pouring across every single day in the middle of a pandemic, high rates of COVID positivity and other illnesses, over ten thousand have been camping under a bridge in Texas for days, squalid conditions, babies being born there, COVID running rampant, women giving birth, trash and raw sewage accumulating near the scene.

The left, the media mob feigned outrage over Donald Trump's tweets. They're pretty silent about all of this.

Now, get this, Kamala Harris, our border czar, apparently is deeply troubled by the treatment of these migrants. Well, if only we really did have a border czar who was tasked months ago to fix this disaster. Take a look.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Those individuals on horseback treating human beings the way they were is horrible. And I fully support what is happening right now, which is a thorough investigation into exactly what is going on there, and I'm deeply troubled about it and I'll also be talking with Secretary Mayorkas today about it.

REPORTER: And just as your role as stemming migration from Central America, are you also going to be looking into you know looking at migration issues in Haiti as well?

HARRIS: Well, listen, the whole point is that we have to understand Haiti. I mean, talk about a country that has just experienced so much tragedy. As a member of the Western Hemisphere, we've got to support some very basic needs that the people of Haiti have.


HANNITY: What's going on here, you're the one that denied this was even a crisis. You denied it again and again. Now you're appalled at how you and your administration is treating the migrants. The borders czar Kamala Harris apparently more interested in vilifying border patrol officers, trying to protect and maintain law and order and border security, and protect the country amid a complete breakdown of all law and order, because you're allowing the law breaking, you're facilitating the law breaking, you're aiding and abetting the law breaking.

Your policies caused this. You ended, it's now catching and process and release. There's no more wall building. There's no more stay in Mexico policy. Those are your policies. You inherited secure borders.

Very few deportations, very little to no vetting at all, radical associations. No COVID testing, no vaccine mandates like you're forcing on us. And then Jen Psaki tells us, well, they won't be here long. That's a lie too, an outright lie.

And now, lo and behold, the months-long migrant crisis -- well, let's see, it's gone on since January, the likes of which we've never seen. Is anybody in the Biden administration, will they ever take responsibility for any of the disasters that they cause?

Look at your screen, could you imagine if this happened and Donald Trump was your president? The media coverage, they'd be apoplectic. They'd go more nuts over a tweet than they are about this unmitigated disaster. There'd be hearings, talk of impeachment investigations, squad members down at the border, pretending to weep in front of the camera.

Still, this is so bad, many on the left, they're even beginning to panic but not because our borders are wide open or the terrible conditions under the bridge. No, they're just worried that some of these illegal immigrants might get deported. You mean the laws of the land will be followed? Oh, the vapors.

Take a look.


SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): Right now, I'm told there are four flights scheduled to deport these asylum seekers back to a country that cannot receive them. Such a decision defies common sense. It also defies common decency and what America is all about.

So I urge President Biden and Secretary Mayorkas to immediately put a stop to these expulsions.

REPORTER: What should be done with the Haitian migrants? Should they be deported?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Guys, we're going to take a photo --

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): No, they should not.

REPORTER: Congresswoman, do you think it's acceptable how they're being treated at the border right now?

OCASIO-CORTEZ: Absolutely not.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But if you can bring 95 Afghans here then why are you sending Haitians back on an airplane to a country that has been devastated?


HANNITY: We're a nation of laws. You're aiding and abetting the law- breaking. I guess now don't let your hearts be troubled, seven months into the real crisis that they denied was a crisis, Joe Biden is making a solemn promise to get to the border and get it under control under his watch.

Really, Joe?


REPORTER: Mr. President, what's your reaction to the images of the southern border?

BIDEN: Get under control.

REPORTER: You end up under control or you have it under control?

BIDEN: We will get it under control.


HANNITY: Oh, boy, you promised, Joe, like you promised to stay in Afghanistan until every American was out, you promised George Stephanopoulos, just like you promised not to abandon our Afghan allies, just like you promised to get COVID-19 under control, just like you promised not to mandate vaccines, just like you promised to unite the country, just like you promised that America would be respected on the world stage.

Joe Biden is so dishonest, so morally corrupt, if he even knows what day it is. He makes Bill Clinton look like Honest Abe.

And now, his inept policies, his out of touchness, all these problems he caused and now continues to cause suffering at home and abroad on a scale we've never seen. But don't expect Biden to answer any questions about Afghanistan or the border crisis. In fact today, staffers were so desperate to avoid questions I'm not allowed to answer, that they shoved reporters right out of the Oval Office. Big shocker. Take a look.





UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have no idea. I hope the microphone got it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's absurd. The British reporters get questions and we don't get anything.


HANNITY: Investigative journalist, FOX News contributor Sara Carter has been embedded with the U.S. Border Patrol all day today. She gives us a live report what's really going on in Del Rio, Texas.

Sara, tell us about the day you had.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Oh, Sean, it's been a long day. It's been a hot day, not just for me but for the migrants behind me as you can see right behind me, the camp still has roughly people. I could say about percent of those people are women and children. It's devastating. The conditions are depreciating. There are charities bringing food in and water. But there's just not enough resources.

And I've been speaking to border patrol agents and Texas state police, as well as Texas Department of Public Safety officers, who say that the Biden administration is the one that created this problem and the federal government needs to come in and do something about it.

As you know, the White House right now is conducting an investigation into what recent reports that they say that Border Patrol agents possibly, possibly harmed migrants, those border patrol agents on horseback with whips. What I can say is this definitively, there were no whips involved with these horses.

Border patrol agents use what they call split reins. I ride horses as well. These split reins are long reins. And in the photographs that were taken by news agencies and put out in the news media, though you could see the long rein kind of billowing in the air.

They also use the long rein to guide their horses and to move crowds out of the way. This is very important for them to get the message out that they did not harm any of the migrants. What they were trying to do is keep the migrants from crossing the river and coming back in. A lot of folks out here have said that because of the opposition to border patrol and law enforcement that the White House is using this narrative to deflect from what's really going on what's really going on here which is depreciative conditions, conditions which they put in place.

I got to tell you right now, Sean, there's over supposedly people in custody in the Rio Grande Valley sector. It's growing as the night goes on. Those are people that they have in custody. They have over 7,000 people from Haiti across the river in the Rio Grande Valley sector.

The situation is really getting out of control. Border Patrol agents are concerned about their own safety. So is the Texas Department of Public Safety. So are law enforcement officers here along the river.

Listen to Brandon Judd, he is the president of the National Border Patrol Council, and this is what they've had to deal with all day long.


CARTER: Are you concerned about your Border Patrol agent?

BRANDON JUDD, NBPC PRESIDENT: Very concerned when you look at what just happened in south of Kingsville, Texas, when those -- when those people from Haiti found out that they were going to be flown back and expelled under title 42, they revolted, they took over the bus and they broke out of the bus. Luckily, we were able to apprehend every single one of them. It took a while to do it but we were able to apprehend every single one of them.

If that happens here, we're in trouble because they outnumber us 10, 15, to 1.

This looks like a war zone. If you are actually here in person not just watching it on TV, the noise, the smell, the shanties that have been built, the poverty that exists, the hunger that exists, the diseases that are going on in there, this looks like a war area and it's in the United States.

These aren't pictures from another country. This is here in the greatest country of the world and this should never happen. And again, it falls right back onto the Biden administration.


CARTER: Sean, I got to tell you what Brandon Judd is saying is absolutely true. Just being here among the people and looking out -- I've covered a lot of wars, I've been in Afghanistan, I've been in Iraq. It looks like I am in a war zone.

It's devastating to see these children under these conditions. It's devastating to see our law enforcement officials so concerned about what could possibly happen if they lose control of this situation, considering all of the elements that are involved in here.

One thing's for certain, Governor Greg Abbott said that if the White House isn't going to do anything about it, Texas certainly will and they are -- Sean.

HANNITY: You know, I mean, it's pretty unbelievable to me, the complete incompetence on their part. Now, they're trying to create the image that everyone's going to be deported.

Every one of my sources on the ground says that is not true and that they're using children in particular as anchors because if you have a child the odds of you staying are quite high. And as a matter of fact likely that you will be able to stay in the country, is that correct?

CARTER: That's correct. That's 100 percent correct, Sean.

I was speaking to sources all day about that. There's a lot of people here from Haiti. Obviously, you see all the children behind me. They're playing -- a lot of children were brought, were brought here specifically for that purpose.

And one of the concerns that law enforcement officials have is like we don't even know if these children actually belong to the guardians that they're with. There is no betting right now. There is no security process in place to understand that and that's what they're trying to do. That's what they're trying to figure out.

And I got to tell you, it's a very, very dangerous situation not only for those children but for our law enforcement officials as well.

HANNITY: Yeah, you've been down there for weeks now reporting for the show and our borders czar hasn't really been to the real border, where the problem is.

Sara Carter, thank you.

CARTER: Right.

HANNITY: All right. Here with more, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee and the host of "Justice", Judge Jeanine Pirro is with us.

Judge, we'll start with you.

We're being lied to on many levels here. This is one of many crises now self-inflicted wounds by the Biden administration. This is now an unmitigated disaster and they seem to have no plan to fix it.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST, "JUSTICE": Well, they have no plan to fix it because they don't want to fix it. This is a scenario where the America is losing its status as a sovereign nation. These all of these people who are coming in, all of these illegals, I think, we're up to $1.6 million since January, and now with the mess that we were just talking about, all of these people have been invited in, they are basically being flown into the interior of this country.

They can say they're being sent to other places, but we all know they're being bused. They're flown into the interior of the country. We don't know who they are.

There is no vetting. We don't know if they have any kind of disease, any kind of COVID. I mean, we're locked down. We can't go to restaurants. We've got a mask up, but they have the right to refuse to even take a vaccine.

This is the breakdown of America, the destruction of democracy. And when Joe Biden goes to the United Nations and says America's back, what he's really saying is America's in the back and when he says that we're going to go against terrorists, what he's really doing is he's having terrorists provide security for us in Afghanistan.

We don't want to work with our allies. He's ignored them from Afghanistan. Going forward, he's lied to the world about a drone that killed children. France has pulled its ambassador. The Brits have condemned him in parliament.

This is a game where he says one thing and does another. This is a sad point for America.

HANNITY: You know, Governor, I look at what hundreds of Americans abandoned behind enemy lines thousands if we include people with green cards. We now have a Pentagon admitting that they're killing civilians and humanitarian workers. We've got a Joint Chiefs chairman conspiring with other military leaders and Nancy Pelosi to undermine a duly elected president of the United States, and usurp his constitutional authority.

You got France recalling their ambassador as Judge Jeanine says. Now, we have you know add to that, the FDA rejected even Biden's booster shot plan so nobody then now he's rationing uh monoclonal antibodies and $5 trillion New Green Deal socialism.

Governor Huckabee, he's only been in office eight months. Is there a single thing that's going well for them? Because I don't see it.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: It's hard to find it, Sean, and I'll tell you the person I feel most bad for is Governor Greg Abbott of Texas. He's using his DPS agents as best he can, and a lot of people have said, how come he doesn't call up the National Guard? Well, let me tell you why, I've been a governor, the moment he calls up his National Guard, Joe Biden will invoke Title 10 and federalize them and turn them against what the governor is trying to do.

So that's an issue the governor's doing everything he can do and more. He's needing the support of the president, not the opposition. And it's incredibly unfair to the state of Texas, to the people of Texas, and most of all to the governor of Texas who is trying to hold the line. But the federal government ought to be the ones down there helping him do that.

Instead, they're doing everything they can to thwart his ability to take care of his citizens, and that's something I hope people will understand that uh he could easily be sucker punched by the Biden administration. And, Sean, they would do it in 30 minutes, the moment he brings the state guard there, they would federalize them and it would make the whole thing even worse.

HANNITY: You know, Governor Abbott's going to join us in a little bit later on the program today.

Judge, let me go back to you here for a second. I mean, while all this is going on Joe Biden, he hasn't mentioned Afghanistan in 10 days. There's not a single thing -- they're not lifting a finger to help the Americans abandon behind enemy lines. They're not dealing with a joint chief's chairman that potentially you know colluded with our -- an enemy country, the communist Chinese and saying, oh, we'll tip you off if in fact things go awry and the chain of command is going to now go through me which is not constitutional.

PIRRO: Well, the amazing part of it is, you know, Milley should be gone. I mean, off with -- as far as I'm concerned -- the whole lot of them should be gone. They created a scenario where Americans as you say every night are left behind. They are held hostage.

But what's even worse than all that is the fact that this administration is relying on the mainstream media to carry their water. They don't have to explain themselves anymore, Sean, they don't have to say, look, Milley's going, we're going to -- you know, we're going to throw him out and blinking is a disaster. He's trying to stop, you know, the Afghan refugees from coming in and stop Americans for coming in.

We don't even need to have him address that because the press has moved on and there's a new narrative now that that border patrol on horses are now whipping Haitians. Look, as Sarah Carter said and I rode western as well, that's a split rein. That's to control a horse when you're in a situation where you've got very close surroundings and you've got to make sure that those that those horses move when you tell them to move.


PIRRO: And, by the way, we're a sovereign nation. We have a border. That is an international border. Unless we invite you in, you're not allowed in.

HANNITY: We have borders, laws and sovereignty.

We'll give the last word to Governor Huckabee.

HUCKABEE: Well, I just hope that Joe Biden will be held accountable for the total mess he has made, not only of the border but the other things that you mentioned. And in every single case, this is a White House that is incompetent or intentional. It's hard to tell which.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you, Governor. Thank you, Judge.

Straight ahead on this busy breaking news night, more breaking developments today in the case of Gabby Petito. We've got a live report and it's confirmed our worst fears.

And as usual, the left is playing the race card. We'll explain. We'll get reaction. Herschel Walker, Leo 2.0 Terrell when we return. Please stay with us.


HANNITY: Now a sad development tonight in the disappearance of Gabby Petito as authorities have confirmed that the remains were found in a Wyoming national park and in fact they are those of the missing year old young woman.

Now here at the very latest, our own Matt Finn -- Matt.

MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Sean, today, the coroner ruled that YouTuber Gabby Petito was killed by another person but did not reveal the manner of death. Petito went on a cross-country trip in July with her boyfriend Bryan Laundrie. They got into a fight along the way.

Police responded to a call that Laundrie was slapping Gabby Petito, an officer separated the couple for a night. Then on September 1st, Laundrie returned to his parents Florida home without Petito. Tonight, police are using helicopters drones and dogs searching for Laundrie who is missing. He has not talked to police or provided any details about what happened to Gabby Petito.

Here is her father.


GABBY PETITO'S FATHER: There is no scenario where you clam up the way he has that doesn't at least perception or my emotionally drained optics, you know, come to the conclusion that you're the guilty party.


FINN: Tonight, Brian Laundrie has been named as a person of interest. Gabby Petito's father says Laundrie and his daughter had dated for two and a half years and Laundrie was always respectful. We'll keep you updated on this developing story, Sean.

HANNITY: All right. Matt Finn, thank you.

Now, unfortunately, the mob and the media, they're trying to make this heartbreaking story somehow about race and trying to once again needlessly divide Americans. Just listen to MSNBC's Joy Reid. Take a look.


JOY REID, MSNBC HOST: But the way this story has captivated the nation has many wondering, why not the same media attention when people of color go missing? Well, the answer actually has a name -- missing white woman syndrome.


HANNITY: Here on this program we believe that all innocent lives lost matter. We believe in remembering the names of our American treasure. Take a look at your screen. We have been scrolling the names of the lives lost to senseless violence, for example, in the city of Chicago, dating back to 2009.

By the way, Joy Reid, maybe you can join us in mentioning the names of fellow human beings shot and shot and killed every single weekend in cities like Chicago and New York and elsewhere. It's why we scroll the names of the more than, you know, a hundred and some odd officers killed in the line of duties so far this year, like we do.

Now, I know, MSDNC, you like to talk a lot about the riot on January 6. We condemned it on this program. Maybe you'll support us from forming a commission looking into the estimated what, 534-plus riots last summer, you know, the ones that injured nearly 300 police officers, pelted with bricks and rocks and bottles and Molotov cocktails. The riots that killed dozens of Americans, the riots that killed the CHAZ, CHOP, autonomous summer of love zone where Horace Lorenzo Anderson Jr. was killed and we interviewed his father. The riots were all that looting and arson took place, millions and millions -- tens of millions of dollars in damage.

We condemn all rights on the show. This year alone, over 550 people have been fatally shot in the city of Chicago alone. Why doesn't America know their names? Why doesn't MSNBC scroll the names of the people shot like we do?

Maybe you can join us, Joy Reid, talking about this -- talking about how to make the most vulnerable communities safe and secure and have law and order.

Here with reaction, Leo 2.0 Terrell, along with Georgia now Senate candidate Herschel Walker, and he just wrapped up a listening tour in the Peach State. He's running in Georgia.

By the way, maybe we need to get team Herschel hats. If Leo has his 2.0 hat, I think you have a website Team Herschel, don't -- oh, what did it say?


LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Run, Herschel, run. Very good.

HANNITY: Run, Herschel, run. All right. I wasn't expecting that, well done.

You know, I've been scrolling these names of people now in cities shot, cops shot, names we don't hear every day. I don't know why some cases get more coverage than others I can't explain it. Nobody wants to pay attention, Herschel. Why? Why is, you know, hundreds of people every weekend it's 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 people shot in Chicago, nobody cares.

We've been saying -- scrolling these names since 2009.

HERSCHEL WALKER, GEORGIA GOP SENATE CANDIDATE: Well, Sean, you know, it's funny. Crime has no color, and it's sad that Joy would come out with something as terrible as she came out. You need to be praying for this family, but crime has no color and I think for her to bring color involved in it is a shame.

But it's okay people don't do that. But now, I'm just tell you I'm going to pray for the family and I'm going to continue to pray that. What we have to do is continue to get the police out there doing that job. You know, remember she wanted to define the police and now she want to separate people.

So let's decide what you want, Joy. Do you want the police to come and show up and show up to do everybody or just to show up to one crime. You go to have more police out there to do that.

HANNITY: Your take, Leo Terrell. Why?

TERRELL: Very simple. Listen, Joy Reid is a racist of the worst kind. There -- she doesn't need race to make up a race story. This young 22-year- old girl lost her life and it didn't fit Joy Reid's narrative because America was grieving so Joy needed to play the race card, and that's the only reason why she's talking about this case, to play the race card.

And I'll tell you something else. The network that she's working at, why don't they do a six part series on black on black crime in this city. Why don't they do a six-part series on why in Democratic cities, education among minorities is deficient? Why don't they do stories about that? Because it doesn't fit their narrative and that's the reason why.

So she attacks this tragic situation, Joy Reid is a hater.

HANNITY: Let me ask you, Herschel Walker.

You know, when -- when you -- I spoke with you first about running for Senate from Georgia. You said you're going to every town, every city, every church, every community, everywhere, and for you it's not about Republican or Democrat. It's about the people of Georgia. And you said something to me that struck me, and said, I'm here to work for the people of Georgia and serve them. Why are more politicians concerned about violence?

WALKER: Well, I think they should be concerned about violence. I'm concerned about the violence here in Georgia. That's the reason I'm running for the Senate.

You know, I'm running for the Senate here in Georgia because I care about the people here in Georgia, and I want to hear what the people got to say. That's the reason why I decided that I want to get out and do this listening tour. I want to know what the people of Georgia are saying. I want to know what they feel. What's hurting them what they think is a problem, and that's how I can try to solve it.

Right now, we cannot just continue to put people in Washington that is doing nothing, that's sitting on their hands. You see what this country is becoming. You see what the state of Georgia is going through right now. And right now, I think the people need to realize that this Senate seat in Georgia is very, very important. So we want to put the right person in that seat and I know it's Herschel Walker.

So that's why I want people to remember that they got to go to teamherschel.com and now because it's the end of my filing, so come out and get -- put money in my account let me win this seat.

HANNITY: By the way, I think -- I think Leo should have team Herschel hats made up.

TERRELL: Of course.

HANNITY: Are you going to have team Herschel hats that's made up, Leo?

TERRELL: Soon to be Senator Herschel, I salute you. I'll be out there in Georgia for you, buddy.

HANNITY: All right. Well, he wants the hat -- get him the teamherschel.com.

WALKER: I'll give him a hat. Leo got a hat coming.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both.

When we come back, all right, the disaster at the border, Governor Greg Abbott's been there all day, touring the horrific conditions under the Del Rio Bridge earlier today. But tell us what he sees and more importantly what can be done to stop it and to enforce the laws of this country, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now at least 12,000 migrants as we've been telling you tonight are living in squalor in Joe Biden's border camp under the Del Rio, Texas Bridge. It's getting worse by the hour, but Biden not -- nor Harris can be bothered to really care. They're aiding and abetting the law breaking. They refuse to offer any sort of solutions for what is now a self-inflicted security, humanitarian, health crisis in south Texas, right in the middle of a pandemic.

Where the vaccine cards? Where's the proof of negative COVID tests? And ask yourself, has Biden ever accepted any blame for the chaos he causes everywhere? Has he ever once admitted it's a crisis or admitted that it needs to be fixed?

And get this, we're now learning that several Haitian migrants actually revolted during a ride on a federally contracted bus to San Antonio, even taking over the vehicle and escaping before reportedly being recaptured.

Now, tonight, Texas Governor Greg Abbott, he's standing strong. He's doing everything in his power to protect Texans, mobilizing the resources that he can. He's urging the president to issue a state -- issue an emergency declaration. The situation is spiraling out of control.

Texas Governor Abbott joins us now.

You've been down there. Tell us what you've seen in Del Rio all day, sir.

GOV. GREG ABBOTT (R), TEXAS: Sean, I just got back, and I got to tell you, you use a word that really captures it, and the word was chaos. It is almost like a third world country in this little area that Biden has put all of these migrants in and is a disaster, just to be blunt about it.

And, you know, you've seen disasters like hurricanes that cause devastation, this is a man-made disaster made by Joe Biden.

So, here's what Texas is doing because we know that Biden is not going to secure the border. So Texas is stepping up to secure the border. I signed a budget where Texas is providing $3 billion by the state of Texas to secure the border, and what we're doing with that helps stop the flow of people coming across uh that that dam that you see there in Del Rio because we put a steel barrier of patrol car after patrol car after patrol car added by National Guard vehicles that were miles long.

And as the Border Patrol themselves articulated, as soon as the Texas Department of Public Safety and the Texas National Guard put that steel barrier of vehicles up across the border, that stopped anybody from crossing the border anymore. And so, we have a way of shutting it down and that is on top, Sean, of what we're doing with regard to arresting and jailing people who are coming across the border illegally. We have by far the most aggressive approach dealing with the border, definitely of any state but candidly when you add to the wall that we're building in the state of Texas, we're up there with what Trump was able to do with regard to securing the border and we're getting very aggressive about our approach.

HANNITY: You know, what really is happening though, Governor, is Joe Biden is aiding and abetting the law breaking. We have laws. They're not enforcing the laws. They're just processing people into the country.

I know a lot of people have even suggested, okay, if you bring up the National Guard, but that becomes problematic too, doesn't it, from a legal standpoint? Because as soon as they're federalized, doesn't then it become a jurisdictional issue between the state and the federal government, whereby the jurisdiction would then be given to Joe Biden and they'd still have control of everything anyway, right?

ABBOTT: Well, so you raised two issues, let me address them both. First, with the National Guard -- I've already called up the National Guard. We have thousands of National Guard engaged as we speak, with more being added, all the time. So, the National Guard, they are engaged and as governor, I signed the authorization that authorizes them to enforce Texas laws.

And so, they are participating with the Texas Department of Public Safety in these arrests of illegal migrants coming across the border. And so, we've unleashed the National Guard to do their job.

You did mention something else however that must be underscored. You talked about how -- what Joe Biden is doing by the catch-and-release and allowing people to come in, that opens the floodgates. You know, we can deal with a thousand here or a thousand there migrants coming across the border, Texas can keep a thousand out, but because of what Joe Biden is doing, that's why you suddenly have 10,000, 15,000, just in the Del Rio sector alone.

And because of Joe Biden's open border policies, you're going to see more and more caravans. I had a briefing today with border patrol, with the Texas Department of Public Safety and National Guard and they say there are more caravans coming. So, we are increasing our forces as we speak right now, Sean, to be prepared to deal with crossings like this on multiple fronts.

Texas is having to engage in a war that the Biden administration should be fighting to protect multiple fronts of our border where tens of thousands of people --


HANNITY: Let me ask you this, Governor --

ABBOTT: -- are going to be attempting to cross.

HANNITY: So, you're spending $3 billion of Texas money to secure Texas laws, but they're not enforcing federal law. And the federal law would allow for the deportation.

Is there anything else that Texas can do to stop people from actually crossing the border wherein they're then to get the protection of the Biden administration? Does that make sense to you?

In other words, you're doing your part, you're enforcing your laws, they're not enforcing the laws of the land. They're just -- you know, I guess they pick and choose which laws they want to enforce. So then once they're on American territory, it's their jurisdiction to deport them, is it not and you don't have a say over that?

ABBOTT: Well, the last point you made is correct. However, there is something that Texas did do, that should prevent the Biden administration from allowing these people in because, you'll remember the remaining Mexico policy that Trump had in place, Texas filed a lawsuit against Joe Biden to force Joe Biden to apply the "remain in Mexico" policy.

And a federal judge in Texas ruled that Biden did have to apply the "remain in Mexico" policy.

What Biden is doing right now, he's not only violating federal law, he's violating a federal judge's ruling here in the state of Texas and he should be held in contempt of court and compelled to comply with the "remain in Mexico" policy that a federal judge has upheld.

HANNITY: Well, it's amazing that, you know, we literally have politicians now that just pick and choose which laws they choose to enforce, instead of changing the law. Just like they tried to through the reconciliation process, they were stopped by the Senate parliamentarian to implement amnesty.

Dire situation down there, Governor. We appreciate you giving us a full report. I hope you're able to get that situation under control because I don't think help is coming from the federal government.

Straight ahead, Democrats continue to push their out-of-control spending bill, while Biden's approval sinks even further. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy's next, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, more bad news for Joe Biden tonight. His approval numbers cratering to a whopping 31 percent in influential Iowa poll. Now signaling the everyday Americans are increasingly dissatisfied with his disastrous job performance and his worsening self-inflicted crisis at home and abroad. Now, from the atrocity in Afghanistan, leaving Americans behind, behind enemy lines, to the out of control catastrophe on our border, to rising inflation, destroying energy independence, begging OPEC to increase production, reckless spending, chaotic COVID response, Joe Biden is failing pretty much on every single front.

What is the Democrat solution? Spend trillions more on their New Green Deal socialism.

What are Republicans going to do? How are they going to stand up to this?

To answer this and much more, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Congressman, good to see you.

How do you stand up to it? Others talk about maybe not increasing the debt ceiling. What are you going to do?

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA), HOUSE MINORITY LEADER: Well, you stand up strong and say no. What the Democrats are trying to do is extend the credit limit on the credit card and add trillions of dollars.

And when you talked about it a little earlier, you're 100 percent correct, Sean, the only thing President Biden is delivering are disasters. Our border is not secure. Our place on the world stage is not safe, and our economy is suffering.

Here we are with inflation that we haven't seen in decades and they want to spend trillions more will only put us in more harm's way, create a socialist, big government. And what we all need to do is all we need are four Democrats to vote no. We watched in markup in the last week where three Democrats said no in Energy and Commerce, and we saved $700 billion.

The Democrats are coming back and try to just put it back in the bill. We've watched another Democrat in Ways and Means to say no. If you add those three plus the other, that makes four. If they vote no on the final bill, we're able to stop it.

HANNITY: Okay, if they don't do it, and will Republicans unite and not increase the debt ceiling?

Now, okay, you can do that in the House, they'll have a bigger problem in the Senate. But then it's going to be Republicans are shutting down the government and the full faith and credit of the United States government is in jeopardy. You know the arguments.

MCCARTHY: Yeah, not at all, because remember what I've done. And the past debt ceiling paid for everything in the Trump administration plus seven months of this Biden administration. Who in America today, there's not one economist, not a Democrat economist that says spending $5 trillion is the right way to move forward with inflation and the suffering we're having today?

On the House, right now, they just passed with a debt ceiling in it and every single Republican said no. In the Senate, I believe the Republicans will hold firm.

Remember, Sean, the Democrats have the House, the Senate and the White House. If they really want to extend the debt ceiling, they can do it on their own. But I don't think the American people want that.

HANNITY: So, let me ask you this -- is there anything that Republicans in Congress can do to save Americans behind enemy lines as hostages? Anything they can do at the border?

MCCARTHY: Well, I'll tell you what we've done numerous times, but as you understand, 218 is what runs the floor. We just need four Democrats to join with us.

We have pressed this president on where is the plan, we put it up before on the floor and asked just for four simple things. One to extend the deadline to every Americans out. Tell us exactly how many weapons were left behind. No money for the Taliban and no recognizing of the Taliban.

The Democrats, every single one of them voted no. This is why we need people to join with us.

Those who are watching the show tonight need to call the Democrats and tell them to join, not be based on a party, but stand up for the Americans who are left behind. Never in the history of America has an administration done this.

HANNITY: Never before, and this border is a disaster. We'll be watching closely.

Congressman, thank you.

When we come back, our video of the day, straight ahead.


HANNITY: And now our video of the day comes to us from Miami where a Marlins outfielder makes an amazing incredible catch. Take a look.


HANNITY: I bet that hurt. Anyway amazing catch.

Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left. Please set your DVR, never miss an episode.

And let not your heart be troubled because she's here, Laura Ingraham.

Any surprises tonight?

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