
This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on September 29, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST:  Thank you, Tucker.

And welcome to HANNITY

And breaking moments ago, Joe Biden, he walked out to the annual congressional baseball game and he got a big chorus of -- boos.

Take a look.




HANNITY:  Well-deserved. His policies are disastrous. He's now fast becoming the single most unpopular president to serve and in record time and for good reason.

ANNOUNCER:  Americans Held Hostage, Abandoned Behind Enemy Lines, Day 46.

HANNITY:  Forty-six days and counting, hundreds of our fellow Americans, thousands of our allies, green card holders, all of their families, all abandoned by that guy that got booed that lives in the White House. They not only got abandoned but they're not lifting a finger to help them as they live now under the Taliban rule and terrorist rule.

And, by the way, they're now allowing his own State Department to deny even private charters -- people are paying good money for those charters -- to bring our citizens home. They're not allowed to land them in the United States. The State Department says no.

And if a third country allows a charter flight to land but they need State Department approval, they said no, that approval will not be forthcoming, will not be granted. Wow.

That's almost worse than the abandonment that's aiding the Taliban, and forcing people to stay behind enemy lines. Why? Because they're going to make you look bad because they did your job?

Make no mistake: Joe Biden is not losing any sleep over our fellow Americans that he abandoned and left behind enemy lines. All of his regularly scheduled nappy poos, they're still in progress. In fact, Joe Biden hasn't even mentioned the Americans he abandoned in 30 days -- in 30 straight days, not a single word about the people he abandoned.

And, of course, Biden's top military advisors, they're doing their best to cover for the big guy. Today, they testified that no one saw the rapid collapse of Afghanistan even coming, which is truly remarkable. Watch.


GEN. FRANK MCKENZIE, COMMANDER, U.S. CENTRAL COMMAND:  My position all along has been if you if you go to zero, if you go to a state where you're not going to be able to maintain their forces on the ground, that a collapse is inevitable. I have to further say I did not see it coming as fast as it did. I thought it would be a matter of into the fall or into the winter. I did not see it happen in 11 days in August.


HANNITY:  You didn't see it coming.

All right. Let's slow things down a little bit. Look at your screen. This was Afghanistan and we're going to leave -- remember we have the time lapse map, we're going to leave it up there. This is May, Taliban -- this is when the red part is where the Taliban had control of the country, not really that much enough to be concerned about. They had gone there offensive a little earlier.

Now, let's take a look at the month of June, see what that looks like. Oh, now, they're taking over bigger portions and taking control of dozens of other provinces.

Now, let's look at the month of July, uh-oh, that's when the Taliban controlled the vast majority of the country and were headed straight for Kabul. We still controlled Kabul, we controlled Karzai International Airport at this time, we had time to get everybody out and our military equipment and our allies and our families and the green card holders as the Taliban was closing in. They didn't see that coming? Because the whole world saw it.

Biden and as generals, they closed Bagram Air Base in the dead of night.
And so, by August, yeah, August 15th, it was over. They had control the perimeter around Karzai international airport and Kabul. In April, in May, in June, in July and August, over a dozen intel sources on the ground were warning Biden every day that this collapse was imminent.

Our sources, multiple sources have told us the CIA and our intelligence community people, they pulled their people out seven weeks earlier. They did their job, they saw what was coming and the fall of Kabul inevitable.
They got their people out, but they didn't fail this country and they didn't fail this president, they did their job. Every day, they warned Biden and his top advisors.

So for them to say they didn't see it coming, they're lying. They didn't think it would happen in a matter of days, they're also lying. Maybe Milley was too busy gossiping to every anti-Trump author in town too busy to do his job and see the obvious.

Today on Capitol Hill, Milley once again admitting the claims of Bob Woodward and Robert Costa's book are essentially true. Milley did call Chinese communists, you know, the hostile regime -- the communist nation of China on two occasions and he did promise them in January that he would warn them if an attack by Donald Trump our commander-in-chief was imminent.

Milley was under oath. He probably knows he was likely recorded by Woodward and these other authors he spoke to. So, now, he's doing his best to look truthful and act like it's not a big deal, saying that you're going to warn a sworn enemy of a pending attack, you can't spin your way out of that.
Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE:  Did you or did you not ask -- tell him that if we were going to attack, you would let him know?

GEN. MARK MILLEY, CHAIRMAN, JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF:  As part of that conversation, I said, General Li, there's not going to be a war, there's not going to be attack between great powers. And if there was, the tensions would build up, there'd be calls going back and forth from all kinds of senior officials. I said, hell, General, I'll probably give you a call, but we're not going to attack you. Trust me. We're not going to attack you.


HANNITY:  You cannot minimize a general telling a counterpart in China that. Those calls with China -- by the way, in spite of what he testified to were not authorized by the commander-in-chief, Donald Trump.

Also, they were not authorized, if you look at the chain of command, it goes Donald Trump to the secretary of defense. At the time, it was Acting Secretary Chris Miller. He has called Milley's conduct, quote, a disgraceful, unprecedented act of insubordination and he should be fired.

Clearly, it appears Milley was going rogue. Now, a full investigation is more than warranted. Milley should be fired now today based on that admission. He should have to resign and then we should have the full investigation.

This week, Milley admitted that he frequently gossips to anti-Trump authors and journalists all over the Washington swamp. Maybe that's why he couldn't see the Taliban on the march taking over 20 percent of Afghanistan, 40 percent, 60 percent.

How on earth is it ever appropriate for America's top military general to be smearing his boss, the commander-in-chief? How does that make anybody safer in this country? How does that advance security of Americans at home and abroad?

Clearly, it didn't help him in Afghanistan. This botched withdrawal could not have gone any worse, one of the worst foreign policy debacles in the history of this great republic.

But according to Biden, there was no other choice and his advisers, they all agreed that we had to pull out and leave no troops behind.

Okay, that's not what any of them said. Take a look.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS ANCHOR:  Did your top military advisors warned against what's drawing on this timeline? They wanted you to keep about 2,500 troops?

JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  No, they didn't. It was split.
That wasn't true. That wasn't true.

MILLEY:  My assessment was, back in the fall of '20 and remained consistent throughout, that we should keep a steady state of 2,500 and it could bounce up to 3,500, maybe something like that.

STEHANOPOULOS:  So, no one -- no one told -- your military advisor did not tell you, no, we should just keep 2,500 troops, it's been a stable situation for the last several years, we can do that, we can continue to do that?

BIDEN:  No, no one said that to me that I can recall.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  General McKenzie, did you receive advice from General Miller in the end of '20 and early '21 related to troop levels in Afghanistan?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE:  What was that advice?

MCKENZIE:  The advice -- his view and my view were essentially the same view. And my view was that we needed to maintain about 2,500.


HANNITY:  All right. As you can see, Joe Biden was lying. He is not an honest person. He hasn't been his entire life, he's the plagiarist. And as he declines even more cognitively, seemingly by the hour, his lies are becoming worse and worse, and more unbelievable.

Since taking office, he lied about the amount of vaccines that President Trump ordered. He lied about the number of people getting vaccinated, he lied about the efficacy of vaccines. He lied about the tax plan. He lied about $3.5 trillion, his Build Back Better plan, and said it won't cost zero dollars. Does he not have a calculator?

He lied about driving an 18-wheeler. He lied about the number of Afghan soldiers and how well they were trained. He lied about uh his promise to stay in Afghanistan until every American was out. He left him behind days later.

He lied about al Qaeda in Afghanistan. He lied about inflation. He's lied about the border he lied when he said migration is seasonal and now he's not -- you know, now when he's lying, his chief propagandist -- well, Jen Psaki is telling us illegal immigrants, they don't need COVID checks, because they're not going to be here very long. We could go on for the whole hour.

Now, when the going gets tough, Joe Biden lies and plagiarizes and takes zero responsibility. He says the buck stops with him. It clearly doesn't.

He's sleazy. He's disreputable. He's a 1970 -- he's politician from Delaware who's not qualified and not alert enough to even be the president of the United States. And now, we're all paying the price. Everyone in this country, all of you are paying the price.

And frankly, when I wrote -- let's see, my latest book "Live Free or Die:
America and the World on the Brink", this was what on the brink looks like.
It's even worse than I thought.

This disaster in Afghanistan, disaster at the border, inflation through the roof, violent crime on the rise everywhere, stagnant job numbers, COVID infections, a 300 percent increase from last year, Joe begging OPEC to increase oil production as the price of oil and gas is soaring because Joe ended America's energy independence -- something that Donald Trump achieved for the first time in 75 years. Soon, we'll be paying maybe a hundred dollars a barrel for oil.

And tonight, those mean tweets from President Trump -- they're looking pretty good right about now. President Trump, he worked around the clock, might not like his style, but he did advance America's interests at home America first. He also did it abroad. He fought hard he kept his promises and America and the world prospered.

And by the way, people feared Donald Trump as president. They believed it when he said he would obliterate them, like he did the caliphate, like he did Soleimani, like he did Baghdadi and associates and the al Qaeda leader in Yemen. Joe Biden, nobody believes him and nobody thinks he even know -- they -- he even knows what day of the week it is.

And now he's being rolled by his radical socialist party, and they call all the shots. He answers to them. He does what they say. If they get their way, America will never be the same again.

Here with more, former secretary of state, Mike Pompeo.

You know, I'm watching the attacks come in and they say this is the Trump plan. I've asked you this question before. The Trump plan -- correct me if I'm wrong -- was predicated first and foremost on obliterating the Taliban.
Donald Trump said to the head of the Taliban if we get an agreement and you don't abide by it, I'll let you finish the conversation.

MIKE POMPEO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Sean, it's good to be with you.

We certainly said that and then we executed. When the Taliban behaved in ways that were inconsistent with protecting America, our interests in Afghanistan or elsewhere, we crushed him. We used American power to make sure that our model of deterrence would work.

We had a real plan on how to get our troops down to the lowest levels possible. We knew that there were certain set of conditions that had to be met. We were working diligently to achieve them. We went from 15,000 to about 2,700, 2,800.

And we kept order. We didn't have a single American attacked from February of 2020 on. That was not because of a piece of paper or an agreement but because they feared our administration.

HANNITY:  I've known you for many, many years. I've known Donald Trump well over 25 years. I know -- I can say unequivocally, I don't see any scenario that you would ever abandon Americans behind enemy lines. Would that have ever happened with Donald Trump as president and you as secretary of state?

POMPEO:  No, sir, it's unimaginable, Sean, that we would have permitted this to happen. We were serious about protecting Americans not only our soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines, but our diplomats, our intelligence officers, and all the other Americans who were there as well.

We made real commitments to them. We said this is how we're going to do this in an orderly way. We proceeded across that plan.

They came in and ripped it up. President Biden set a political deadline, an arbitrary deadline. And he did so with his military leaders having told him, if you go below 2,500 or 2,700, that a calamity will ensue.

He made that choice. It was deeply political, and now, America is paying the price for this.

HANNITY:  And Donald Trump would have kept Bagram Air Base. Donald Trump agree told me when I interviewed him that he would in fact keep -- would have kept 2,500 troops on the ground as the generals now clearly recommended and Joe Biden lied to George Stephanopoulos, but he also lied saying you wouldn't abandon Americans.

Do you see any scenario that is relatively safe where we can get our people home safely because Joe Biden says we have all the leverage, I don't see it.

POMPEO:  Yeah, Sean, we gave up all our leverage. When we -- when we ran out, when we abandoned, and when we created this debacle, we not only gave up our leverage but 13 American lives as well. There are lots of Americans who are working to help get their fellow comrades home for behind enemy lines. I hear from folks nearly every day, I'm trying to help as I can as well.

We are fighting our own government. We are -- we are working to try and work around and get assistance from our government not, not -- not -- we shouldn't have to be fighting them in the way we are. I don't see this administration beginning to change that policy. I think they want to write this off and just turn the page, that the American people aren't going to let that happen. We'll all remember.

HANNITY:  Well, he used that exact phrase at the U.N.

He has not mentioned the people that he abandoned in Afghanistan or the Islamic emirates of Afghanistan in 30 days, hasn't talked about him one time. Tony Blinken now, this is recently.

There are American groups I don't know who they are, but I understand that we have retired special ops forces, retired navy seals, and generous Americans that have chartered airplanes and that are working diligently to get Americans home.

I don't -- I want every American home. I want every green card holder home.
I want their families home, our allies that we promise to get the hell out of there.

Here's my question: Tony Blinken, you had his job, is now saying that you can't take the charter plane even if it has Americans on it, you can't land in the U.S., and if you do get a third-party country to accept your charter, and they need our approval, it will not be forthcoming. Now, can you give me any rational explanation for that policy? Because that makes zero sense to me.

POMPEO:  No, Sean, it makes no sense. That's what I was referencing earlier. We have our own government opposing private citizens who are trying to help Americans get home. This is -- this is crazy. There's -- there's no rationale for this. If we've got a plane and we've got a flight, we've got people who are willing to take their own lives in their hands to help risk -- to take that risk to get their friends and their comrades and their fellow Americans home. The State Department -- Department of Homeland Security, CBP should be encouraging that, President Biden should be calling them and thanking them, not telling them you can't land an aircraft or you can't bring a plane to a third country.

There are lots of countries who are prepared to assist us, help us get these folks first to their country and then ultimately onward to their final destination. And our government's opposing that today. It is -- it is unexplainable to me, Sean.

HANNITY:  Mr. Secretary, I say this as a friend of yours for a lot of years. It's great to hear from an adult on an important national security topic because it wouldn't have happened on your watch. Thank you for being with us.

All right. Breaking tonight, we also have another big setback for the Democrats on Capitol Hill. It's now official. The Senate parliamentarian has blocked yet another attempt from Democrats. They're trying to sneak amnesty into the budget reconciliation bill. What a shock.

Here with the full report all things Washington, the hitchhiker's guide to all things swamp, our own Chad Pergram is with back with us.

Chad, welcome back.

What's going on in the swamp tonight? Manchin is disappointing Democrats, so is Sinema I understand.

CHAD PERGRAM, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT:  Indeed. Well, thank you, Sean.

Well, there is a civil war going on right now in the Democratic Party between moderates and liberals. Liberals may in fact kill President Biden's domestic agenda. Joe Manchin says $3.5 trillion is too expensive in spending here. Manchin says the bill spends trillions on expanded government programs that we can't even pay for, with Social Security and Medicare.

Manchin characterized the bill as wishful spending. He says he won't support trillions in new spending. Liberals tore into Manchin.


SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT):  Mr. Manchin is concerned about the national debt. He's right, so am I. But I trust that he understands that this reconciliation bill will be fully paid for. I'm not quite sure what's going to happen tomorrow. My understanding from friends in the House is that bill will not pass.


PERGRAM:  This comes as FOX has learned that Senate parliamentarian, Elizabeth MacDonough, has nixed for a second time in effort by Democrats to stuff immigration reform and the social spending plan. That is a blow to the left. And liberals could incinerate the bipartisan infrastructure bill tomorrow. That's due for a vote Thursday in the House.


REPORTER:  Will that affect the timing of the vote if the senators don't sign on to the Build Back Better Act?

REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE:  The plan to go forward but listen (ph) --


PERGRAM:  President Biden went to the congressional baseball game tonight.
He wanted to generate support for his agenda. President Obama did the same thing six years ago on the eve of a big vote on trade. The baseball diplomacy failed.

Now, we'll know tomorrow if Biden's outcome is different. Moderate Democrats will balk if they don't vote on infrastructure come Thursday and moderates then won't support the social spending plan, Sean.

HANNITY:  All right. Chad, as always, thank you.

Biden's approval numbers are tanking and as bad as they get will likely get worse, as a government shutdown looms totally in the hands of Democrats.
They even say they can use reconciliation to raise the debt limit. North Carolina state that Obama won, Biden's approval rating is now at 38 percent, and that's just the beginning. Among Hispanics in Texas, also 38 percent.

Here with reaction, Donald Trump Jr.

You know, I hate to say we told you so. You tried to warn people. I tried to warn people. Your dad tried to warn people. A lot of us tried, and now, it's even worse than I thought.

Sean, it's significantly worse than anyone thought. I mean like I said last time -- I think I was on with you -- Joe Biden's outperforming in only one category and that's I thought it would take him four years to destroy America, but he's done it in eight months, and we still have 40 months to go of this disastrous administration, right?

This is an administration that can lie about what happened in Afghanistan, an administration that can leave Americans behind to a Taliban, terrorist- controlled regime, an administration that can get on TV and seriously tell you that $3.5 trillion is going to cost you nothing, Sean.

I mean that is -- 


HANNITY:  Hang on a second, Don -- 

TRUMP JR.:  By even Democratic standards -- 

HANNITY:  Don, you probably have what I have on this, I actually have a calculator. I would think that Biden -- he's an old-timer, he probably has an abacus, I'm just guessing.

TRUMP JR.:  He would not know how to use an abacus, Sean. That is way, way beyond his capabilities.

HANNITY:  Well, you know, I -- I tell you it really breaks my heart, with each passing day and I pray to God I'm wrong and you know my heart, I want every American home, even if they're going to come home and ask that I get fired and you get silenced. I want them home. They're our fellow citizens.
We abandon all of them.

Then you look at begging OPEC for oil. Then you look at the disaster at the border. Then you look at inflation. Then you look at the economy. Then you look at China on the march, North Korea on the march, the mullahs in Iran emboldened.

Soviet Union now is going to -- we're making Russia and Putin rich again with the price of natural gas and oil going through the roof because we've artificially reduced the supply as he gives into these Green New Deal fanatics that run the party.

TRUMP JR.:  Well, 100 percent, Sean. I mean, I guess two things to that is when do the American people start questioning if the Russians and/or the Chinese are calling in the chips from all the Hunter Biden, no show, no experience deals, because Joe Biden can't be working for the American people.

No -- and again we can have disagreements with Democrats -- but it feels as though he's literally actively putting America last. He's boosting our greatest threats and our biggest enemies. Americans are second-class citizens in their own home. New Yorkers have to have a vaccine passport to go to work, to go to the restaurant, to go to the gym. But if you come across the border and are COVID positive, welcome to America what can we do for you?

And by the way, it's not just Texas and perhaps this is why certain people in the Senate some Democrats, whether it's Kyrsten Sinema or others, are saying, maybe we can't vote for this ridiculousness because the atrocity is also going on at the Arizona border. They like to focus the attention on Texas, but it's all the way across.

Joe Biden has created multiple humanitarian crises in the first eight months of his 48-month presidency and people have to say enough is enough.
He cannot solve it with blind spending, paying Peter -- you're robbing Peter to pay Paul, and spending money that we don't have. It wouldn't work in your household and it's not going to work for America. His policies are failed and he's going to keep failing until there's some common sense -- 

HANNITY:  Last quick question -- 

TRUMP JR.:  -- his agenda. And that's not going to happen.

HANNITY:  Do you believe your dad's coming back? Will he run again?

TRUMP JR.:  Listen, I think my father is the only person that can take the slings and arrows of the full brunt of force of the media, mainstream media complex. You know, a trillion dollar social media complex, and the Democrats. You know, until we have enough guys -- and I'm starting to see it, I'm seeing it in these hearings -- there are guys that are finally stepping up and saying enough is enough. Turning the other cheek is not going to be effective. It hasn't worked for 50 years. It's not going to start now.

The Democrats have manipulated that mentality of conservatives for half a century and it's gotten us nothing. We need a fighter. Right now, Trump is still our best fighter.

HANNITY:  That he is. You know what? America knew what they were doing.
They elected a disrupter, an iconoclast, but he also -- he also got NATO to pay their fair share, free and fair trade with Japan, with our Western European allies, with Canada, with Mexico.

Yeah, he also got energy independence. He built the border wall, stay in Mexico policy, lowered taxes, eliminated regulation and put the conservatives on the bench he said he'd put on. Not bad.

Thank you, Donald Trump Jr.

When we come back, the state of Florida suing Biden over a spiraling border crisis, while he continues to play politics with monoclonal antibodies.
Governor DeSantis is next.


HANNITY:  Now, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis continues to be a beacon of hope for the residents of his state, standing up against lockdowns, lawlessness, far-left lunacy, which includes Biden's worsening open borders crisis, because the state of Florida is now suing the Biden administration, rightly so, arguing that the administration is refusing to enforce federal immigration law abusing their authority, refusing to secure the border.

And remember the illegal immigrants are being bused and flown and dispersed all over the country, by the way, including the state of Florida with a high rate of COVID positivity, no tests and no vaccine mandates. And by the way, they don't even get a demand to appear in court. We request if you can, please show up. That's all they get.

And it's not just on the border. Biden's limiting now the amount of life- saving monoclonal antibody treatments like Regeneron that go to Florida, trying to politicize access to these vital therapeutics. And by the way, ask yourself this, why did Biden wear a mask for this book for his little third booster shot Monday.

But, tonight, he was at a baseball game. No social distancing at all interacting with lawmakers in very close proximity. Oh that could create vaccine hesitancy, why the COVID theater.

And here to explain more, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

All right. First thing you did when COVID hit is you mobilized every state agency to protect the elderly population of your state. You did a great job. Then it became a hot spot with the delta variant. We had what's called breakthrough cases, fully vaccinated people, they were getting covered, okay? Temperature usually plays a role.

Now, it's interesting because three weeks ago, you getting the crap beat out of you. I've looked at the numbers, they've gone down dramatically.

You built these monoclonal antibody centers all throughout the state. Now, Joe Biden's rationing it. I understand they don't need to because we have plenty of it, and you have to now go out and buy it yourself. Is that right?

GOV. RON DESANTIS (R), FLORIDA:  Yes, Sean. We set up 25 different sites throughout the state, telling people that early treatment saves lives.

What we were seeing is when we had the delta surge, most of the people being admitted to the hospital not only didn't get monoclonal antibodies, they didn't even know about monoclonal antibodies. This was not something that people like Fauci were talking about. And so, we helped raise the profile and also expand access.

And the results are the statewide hospital census for COVID patients has gone down 34 days in a row. Our hospital admissions on a daily basis have gone down about 75 percent.

HANNITY:  More negative articles.

DESANTIS:  So this works -- this works.

And here's the thing: when it was apparent that it worked, that is when the Biden administration decided to take from Florida and to cut our allotment.
And so, what we had to do -- and the reason is, is they control all the Regeneron. They have a deal with them.

So they dramatically cut our supply. So what we did, we did a deal with GlaxoSmithKline who also has an effective monoclonal antibody called sotrovimab. So we now have that in the state of Florida, and our message to Floridians is we want to get you the treatment you need, and Biden doesn't want to give it to you. But I'm going to come hell or high water to do whatever I can to get it for you.


HANNITY:  But there's an important fact.

Biden never mentioned monoclonal antibodies -- you had already set up your centers in Florida. You acted immediately and it's shown to be effective with the breakthrough cases especially and also for people unvaccinated.
And then he -- then he rations.

I've checked and what I've discovered is there's no shortage of Regeneron or monoclonal antibodies in the country, is there? So that would mean there's no reason to ration anything, right?

DESANTIS:  Well, they say there's not, and if that's true, then you're right, Sean, it's just punitive against Florida because he's so obsessed with attacking Florida, he does that rather than does his job.

And I think though they're trying to husband it because they understand delta is going to hit every aspect of this country at some point, the fall and winter. Northern states have a different season. We tend to get it in the summertime. So I think they're doing that because they see what's on the horizon.

But at the end of the day, if there's a single person in this country who needs this treatment and who's life could be saved and they can't get it because of Biden's playing politics, you know, how pathetic is that? That is not leadership.

HANNITY:  I'm not a doctor. Ask your doctor, but my understanding -- everything I've read is you need to get it early. I have a friend that was unvaccinated, 74 years old, got it within 24 hours and was fine. His 68- year-old wife unvaccinated, fine.

One of my best friends fully vaccinated, breakthrough case, got it in 24 hours, fine. But ask your doctor.

Let me talk about the lawsuit as it relates to illegal immigration. Give us
-- give us your thinking and do you think it's going to be effective and work?

DESANTIS:  Jen Psaki said, oh, these Republicans, what's your ideas? Our idea is very simple. Our lawsuit says end catch and release.

If they end catch and release and they reinstitute remain in Mexico and finish construction of the border wall, guess what? Crisis will be ended.
People will stop even coming because they know they're not going to be able to.

What we saw -- I had people from Florida down at the border in Del Rio -- and what we saw was, we have people from over a hundred nationalities that are making their way to Mexico, making their way to the southern border because Biden's made it clear, if you just get here, we'll put you on a bus, we'll put you on the plane, we'll send you all over the fruited plane.

So, we have Americans having a hell of a time getting out of Afghanistan and yet if you just come illegally, you basically get put on your way to communities all across the country. It's a choice that they're making. This is intentional.

And if our lawsuit succeeds, and they have to end catch and release, you know, they may be forced to actually do the right thing for a change.

HANNITY:  I notice the media no matter how many times you've answered the question about are you considering a run for the presidency in 2024, and you give the same answer, that they still keep asking you. What's your answer to those people that ask again and again?

DESANTIS:  Yeah, I'm not considering anything beyond doing my job. We've got a lot of stuff going on in Florida. I'm going to be running for re- election next year, and we're also working on a lot of things in the state beyond just the governor's race. We've got school board races, Sean.

We want to make sure people are not supporting critical race theory, making sure that, you know, parents have the ability to send their kid to school the way they want to.

There's a lot of huge issues. That is way down the road, it's not anything that I'm planning for.

HANNITY:  Oh, good thing you're not running -- too bad you're not running against Terry McAuliffe, he thinks parents should not have a say at all in their kids' education.

Governor, congrats, being ahead of the curve, given therapeutics, helping people. Nobody expected these breakout cases. We've got the lambda variant from Peru. We've got the Mu variant. We got the R1 variant. We have a lot more variants to get through and I think these medicines hopefully will help.

Thank you, sir, for being with us.

All right. Straight ahead, the great one Mark Levin, wow, he's got a lot to say tonight. He will break down the Democrats' insane radical, out of control spending. That's next.


HANNITY:  As we told you earlier in the show, Democratic infighting, a civil war is intensifying tonight as the far left radical progressive party is doubling down. They're saying no infrastructure deal without the massive
$3.5 trillion reconciliation package to go along with it. They tried again to sneak amnesty in it.

Senator Manchin, West Virginia, fired back in a statement today, calling the trillions in spending, quote, fiscal insanity. Let's see if he holds a line.

Here to react to all of this, he's the author of 10 solid weeks in a row number one on "The New York Times" list, "American Marxism". Over a million copies sold, a million and a half in print. He hosts "Life, Liberty and Levin" right here on the FOX News Channel, number one in his slot, nationally syndicated radio show host.

Man, your introduction is getting too long. I just call him the great one.
Thank me. God bless us. How am I?

You know, Mark, we both have gone over this bill with a fine-tooth comb.
They even -- they even have a mileage tax in this thing, 2,465 pages.

You know, your book's called "American Marxism ", that's exactly what you warned about. This is exact -- and you have chapter 7, your last chapter, over 10,000 words, it gives us the answer.

How do you stop this?

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST:  First of all, I want people to know this is what pages looks like. That is in one bill.

And I would ask the American people? Do you have any idea what's in this bill? Most of you don't, because the press isn't really telling you other than a few platitudes.

Sean, what I would like to hit on are the lies that we're getting about the debt about the default because the Democrats in every one of these debates tries to scare the hell out of the American people. We're going to default on our debt, says Yellen, the treasury secretary, says the hacks around Biden, says Nancy Pelosi.

We're not going to default on our debt. Let me go through this very quickly. And by the way, I had a caller on my radio show and said, hey, look if the $5.5 trillion is all paid for at no cost, why are we raising the debt ceiling anyway? So, in other words, if the lie is that this isn't going to cost us anything, it's all paid for, why is there even a debate about raising the debt ceiling?

The government won't default on that service because that's what we're talking about. Folks, listen to me carefully. The tax revenue continues. We get about $320 billion in a month, the federal government does, all forms of federal taxation and user fees. And yet the debt service is a little over $44 billion a month, 320, 44.  There is way more than enough to pay for the debt service.

You've been hearing Democrats, you've been hearing fools on TV say things like, this is to pay for Trump spending. No, it's not. Raising the debt ceiling is for future spending on future programs. It's not for past programs. Raising the debt ceiling is about future spending.

Now, also, they talk about Social Security. The way it works is, if we do not have an increase in the debt ceiling and you have $320 billion coming in, the first amount of money is to pay the debt service, $44 billion a month. Then Social Security and Medicare are paid as a matter of federal statute, federal pensions are paid, and then beyond a few more, then the politicians have to work out the rest of which is paid.

Oh, isn't that too bad? They're only getting four trillion dollars a year but they want a lot more. So I'm just making the point that the debt, that the credit on the debt, the full faith and credit of the United States cannot be violated unless the treasury secretary and the president do it purposely, which is a violation of federal law and the federal Constitution.

But here's what I think the Democrats are going to do -- the Democrats want to put in place the most massive social engineering and welfare state in world history. They want to turn your lives inside out and upside down.
They want to draw all concentration of power from you, your family, your faith, your county, your town, your state into Washington, D.C. 

So what are they going to do? I think they'll agree to lower the amount, but they'll still have all this stuff in this 2,500-page bill so that they can enshrine and put in place these things. They don't really care about the debt.

So people like Manchin and perhaps Sinema can say, see, we lowered the amount of money. I hope that doesn't happen. But we'll see.

One other thing -- Democrats, people in the media are saying, Biden should act on his own under the 14th Amendment. We have so many constitutional ignoramuses on TV, it's unbelievable. The 14th Amendment says the validity that public debt of the United States authorized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services, in suppressing insurrection, rebellions shall not be questioned. In other words, you have to pay the debt service.

This doesn't give the power to the president United States to take over the power of the purse. Article 1, Section 8 clause -- see, this is a smart audience -- this isn't MSNBC. This isn't CNN. This isn't the networks. This is FOX.

It says, the Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, impose excises to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. That's a core duty of Congress. The next section says that Congress all power to borrow money on the credit of the United States.

So when you have guys like Clyburn and others say, Joe Biden should just say, I can't let the United States default on its it's debt and exercise the 14th Amendment -- understand these people are incredibly stupid, because again, they're not going to default on the debt, Social Security will be paid, Medicare will be paid, the pensions will be paid. And what the Democrats really want is an open checkbook to spend whatever they want.
And to the Republicans' credit, they've said no.

Now, here's another example of things that are going on.

HANNITY:  Real quick.

LEVIN:  Betty McCaughey points out there's billions and billions of dollars in this bill for these left-wing community activist groups. This bill needs to be killed. I don't care what the cost is. It needs to be killed.

HANNITY:  You're supposed to say, that's it, I'm done. Thank me.

LEVIN:  I forgot, yeah.

HANNITY:  All right. But don't forget watching Mark's show, "LIFE, LIBERTY, AND LEVIN", Sunday nights, 8:00, right here on FOX. Don't miss his radio show, weekdays 6:00 to 9:00 Eastern.

When we come back, Obama facing harsh criticism over the location of its presidential library. We'll explain. We'll get reaction. Herschel Walker, Leo 2.0 Terrell, straight ahead.


HANNITY:  All right. Barack Obama tonight being forced to defend himself against allegations that his South Side Chicago presidential center will, quote, gentrify the neighborhood, raise prices, drive poor families from the area. I don't know, maybe it's like Obama Disney.

Here's his response.


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT:  The truth is anytime you do a big project, there's always going to be some people who say, well, look, we don't want change. We're worried about it, we don't know how it's going to turn out, which is why we've gone through such an exhaustive process to encourage and elicit comments and concerns and criticism and suggestions from the community.


HANNITY:  Here for reaction, Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker, along with FOX News contributor Leo 2.0 Terrell.

You know, I don't really understand it. I'm all for like -- I couldn't understand Ocasio-Cortez, the real speaker of the House, Herschel Walker, when Amazon wanted to create these jobs in her district, I'd be like all over that. Why didn't she allow that? I want to see, you know, areas in Chicago get investment money. This will -- this will be like Disney, Obama Disney, you get to see everything Obama.

HERSCHEL WALKER, GEORGIA SENATE CANDIDATE:  Well, you know, sometimes, Sean, you're never going to make someone happy. Now, this is an opportunity that the Obamas have to empower that community, so people should be applauding it rather than making fun of it, or they should be talking about something that's very great there that, you know, Mayor Lightfoot went from, what, defunding the police to funding the police, because right now, what the Obama's talking about is giving people jobs.

But I think you got to hold people accountable, and what I mean by that is they got to hire people from that neighborhood to work at that library, they got to hire people in that neighborhood to build a library and I think then they're doing a great job.

HANNITY:  And you know, and this is the thing, Leo. I mean we want money invested. Money creates, you know, construction jobs, it creates full-time jobs. You got to -- you know, the Obama library, you got, you know, people that that work and give tours and concession stand people. I don't know what you have at a library. I've been in the Reagan library, Nixon library I like them.

But why wouldn't you want that and think that's a good thing?

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONRIBUTOR:  It is a good thing, but let me be as clear as I can and explain to the viewers. This is the ultimate act of selfishness on the part of the Obama. Sean, that libraries would cost $550 million. He really want to help the people of color, people who look like him? Build that library in the poorest area of Chicago, the black area for economic development.

Does he do that? No, no, no. He goes to the lakefront. He takes the nicest part of the black area and he wants to destroy that, the lakefront. Why won't he build it in the inner city?

This is the -- this is the man who's using his color to basically downplay the criticism. Environmentalists and activists are saying don't build it here, build it in Chicago, in the south side, where people of color are hurting. He's not listening to them. He's nothing more than a land baron -- 


HANNITY:  I'm going to tell you my big -- one of my biggest criticisms. You know, all through the Obama years, Herschel Walker, this was the only show, we would scroll the names of all the people that nobody hears their names, the people shot, the people shot and killed. Nobody paid attention, nobody cares.

Is George Floyd important? Yes. But every single person shot and killed in Chicago every weekend, they're important too. And I've been doing this since 2009 on this program and nobody ever lifts a finger. And every weekend, another people shot, another 12 people dropped or killed in a shooting.

WALKER:  Well, you know, one of the things, Sean, and I'm going to disagree with Leo just a little bit, because I love Leo. He's my brother but I said, you know, even though -- 


WALKER:  -- part of Chicago -- 

HANNITY:  Wait a minute -- 


WALKER:  But, no, no, no, you -- Sean, what I'm going to say here real quick is just that, you know, I think you can empower this community a little bit and at the same time I think people got to worry about law and order. I think you got to empower this community, but you're also going to have policing that's got to come into that as well. So now you're going to have policing that's going to be paid more money and that's what I was talking about earlier.

Has anyone ever talked about what Mayor Lightfoot decided that, you know, defunding the police didn't work that now I got to fund the police and I said that's what we need to be talking about not worried about something like this right here , the library that can also help people.

HANNITY:  At the end of the day, if you don't have law and order and safety and security, you can't pursue happiness. By the way, Leo's supporting your candidacy and so am I. Looking forward to you being called Senator Herschel Walker.

More HANNITY next.


HANNITY:  All right. Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. As always, we do thank you for being with us. You make the show possible. We can't thank you enough and we never forget.

We hope you'll set your DVR. It's simple. Never miss an episode.

But in the meantime, the great news I have for you is this -- let not your hearts be troubled, Laura Ingraham is standing by. I give you five additional seconds.

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