'Hannity' on Americans abandoned behind enemy lines, Day 62

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on October 15, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

ANNOUNCER: Americans Held Hostage Abandoned Behind Enemy Lines Day 62.

And welcome to HANNITY this busy news making Friday night. Sixty-two days 

our fellow Americans, their families, our friends, green card holders, our 

allies -- Joe Biden abandoned all of them -- oh and he hasn't talked about 

them in over 40 days. 

And now, the images coming out of Afghanistan they are horrific everything. 

We told you would happen, look at these pictures obtained by Congressman 

Michael Waltz showing one female Afghan national soldier bloody and bruised 

after a severe beating by the Taliban terrorists. They broke her arms, and 

they broke her ribs. Congressman Waltz will join us tonight.

And that's not all, coming up, we'll show you a truly disgusting video of 

young kids purportedly murdered by the Taliban. Now, these are not the 

business-like professional diplomats as characterized by Biden and his 

spinmeister and propagandist Jen Psaki. Now, these are evil terrorists and 

Joe, oh, this week, he announced, yeah, if you're part of the Taliban from 

the old regime, you're welcome to America. We'll take you off the terror 

watch list.

These are people now that are going house to house, identifying any person 

that was allied with us, murdering entire families -- men, women and 

children and their reign of terror is ripping through the entire country.

Joe Biden hasn't said one single word about the people he abandoned in over 

45 days. Joe Biden isn't just incompetent and a cognitive mess. He's also 

frankly morally bankrupt and vile and yes John Ondrasik is right, he has 

blood on his hands.

And now, his inflation is spiraling out of control. Well, Joe's out there 

hawking four trillion dollars in new spending, lecturing all of us that 

we've got to pay our fair share. You know what? We are paying our fair 

share. We're paying more for everything and we'll pay more for energy and 

oil the lifeblood of the world's economy as you beg OPEC to produce more 

oil. You're the one that made us energy dependent again. You are handed 

energy independence and secure borders and a real plan to get everybody out 

of Afghanistan safely. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES:  I'm a capitalist but guess 

what? I'm also enlisted for years the poorest man in the Congress, but I 

make big money now I'm a president. You know, when I talk to all your folks 

out in the playground and as I joked and saw everybody knows I like kids 

better than people, fortunately, they'll like me. That's why maybe I like 


To be honest with you, we're probably not going to get $3.5 trillion this 

year. We're going to get something less than that. But I'm going to 

negotiate, I'm going to get it done, with the grace of God and good little 

neighbors in the creek not rising as my grandpa would say. 

I'm glad they made a profit. Keep people employed. I mean that sincerely, 

but pay your fair share.


HANNITY:  Pay your fair share.

By the way, Market Watch, consumer confidence in Biden's economic policies, 

19 percent. I don't think you can get any lower than that. 

Now, how about you start with your own family, Joe? Own family. How about 

zero experience Hunter? You know, your son under federal investigation for 

tax fraud and money laundering. You should know all about it he had a 

shared bank account.

And by the way, you're the big guy right that was supposed to get your cut. 

Does your son Hunter pay his fair share Joe? Do you pay your fair share? 

And, by the way, Americans are already feeling the effect of Biden's recent 

spending spree, just look at your screen. Everything you buy is now more 


Gas, up 42 percent. Furniture up double digits. Bacon -- I love bacon -- up 

20 percent, steak 22 percent. 

Want to rent a car? Forty-two percent higher. Used cars, 24 percent higher. 

New car, eight percent higher if you can find one. 

Propane up 27 percent. He's making Putin rich again with his waiver. 

Appliances, seven percent. Putin, in his case, it's natural gas.

And the list goes on and on and on. In September, U.S. wholesale prices 

rose a whopping 8.6 percent. That is a record increase from wholesalers and 

guess what? That will get passed on to you the consumer. 

Who gets impacted the most? Poor people, middle class, Americans they get 

the Biden tax increases because they are getting hurt the most. 

According to the master puppeteer, the ever compassionate Biden's chief of 

staff Ron Klain, inflation is a high class problem. Okay, a high class 

problem impacting the poor, impacting the middle class. In other words, the 

people that make this country great the forgotten men and women that you 

lied to and said they wouldn't pay a penny in new taxes. You know, we 

smelly Walmart shoppers that cling to god, our guns, our bibles and 

religion, those people, me, in other words.

Reality, nearly every major economist in the U.S. is now sounding the 

alarm. Larry Summers, this is Obama's chief economic advisor, warning we 

are in more danger than we have been in during my career of losing control 

of inflation in the U.S. There is a gathering storm of inflation. The main 

risk is that our economy is going to overheat and once it overheats it's 

going to be hard to put out the fire without doing a lot of damage and 

causing a lot of problems. 

JPMorgan CEO also warning that inflation might go higher than people 

expect. Even Democrat Chuckie Schumer, he's whining and complaining. Now, 

he supports all these idiotic policies and new Green Deal socialism, and 

he's complaining that his constituents will soon be forced to choose 

between buying food and heating their homes. Actually, one of the rare 

times he said something that's truthful. Take a look.



There's a new worry that with every touch of our thermostats this winter, 

many seniors and working families will also have to reach much deeper into 

their pockets. So given that, it's my job to turn up the heat on the 

federal government before this worry manifests itself into real trouble. No 

family should have to choose between heating their home or putting food on 

the table. That was a lot of people, particularly seniors.

Wait a minute, Joe Biden's puppeteer said this is a high class problem, 

right, Ron Klain? By the way, Senator Schumer, you have control of the 

Senate. You have control of the House and you have control of the White 

House. These are your problems that you've created, along with Joe Biden.

Now to make matters even worse, America's supply chain, as we've been 

telling you, is in tatters. We have billions and billions of dollars worth 

of products now stuck at ports. Now, some containers aren't even able to 

come on shore, massive backlogs in both California and New York. 

Now, bare shelves Biden, hashtag bear shelves Biden, it's trending all over 

Twitter. Americans posting pictures of stores that are pretty much empty, 

empty shelves. Anyway, get this -- a report from "Reuters". Our supply 

chain is too snarled for Biden's Christmas fix. In other words, good luck 

getting the presents that your kids are begging for from Santa, probably 

not going to happen.

But according to transportation secretary, the ever compassionate Mayor 

Pete, who said to pink slipped Keystone XL pipeline workers, just get 

another job. Yeah, that guy, with all that compassion and experience the 

mayor of South Bend. 

Well, if you didn't do your Christmas shopping three months early, you're 

just flat out of luck explain that to a to a young child the young boy or 

girl the boy didn't get his train set the girl didn't get her doll. We're 

going to say, oh, it's a supply chain. Santa didn't go shopping early 

enough. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Supply chain issues, how bad are they going to get 

for Americans? And I'm talking specifically, you know, leading here into 

the December holidays where people are relying on getting goods on getting 



been two kinds of Christmas shoppers. There's the ones who have all their 

list completed by Halloween and then there's people like me who show up at 

the mall on Christmas Eve. If you're in that latter bucket, obviously, 

there's going to be more challenges.


HANNITY:  Yeah, you could say to your daughter, I know you wanted that 

special doll and you asked Santa for the last six months, but the problem 

is Santa didn't go shopping early enough to get the doll. I thought the 

elves made it.

Jen Psaki took it a step further. SheD wants to you to blame -- UPS and 

FedEx, it's not our problem. We're not UPS. We're not -- we're not FedEx, 

it's your problem. Take a look.


REPORTER:  Can this administration guarantee that holiday packages will 

arrive on time?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY:  They're not the Postal Service or 

UPS or FedEx. We cannot guarantee. What we can do is use every lever at the 

federal government's disposal to reduce delays.


HANNITY:  I don't know such compassion from all these liberals, and the 

White House propagandists, great compassion there. It's not our fault. You 

know, blame UPS, blame FedEx, blame everybody but Joe. 

Pretty strange thing to say because in 2020, then candidate Joe Biden he 

talked an awful lot about supply chain issues and shortages and he said we 

don't have a shortage problem, we have a leadership problem. Actually, Joe 

Biden, he got lucky, he got it right for once. He was right in 2020. 

Leadership problem is him, not Trump.


BIDEN:  You know, I want to make clear to all your listeners that we don't 

have a food shortage problem. We have a leadership problem. One of the 

reasons why we're not getting material and food to people's tables is 

because there's no way to get it transported to there. We don't know how to 

manage what's going on.


HANNITY:  Now, the leadership problem wasn't then. We had secure borders, 

energy independence. We had lower taxes. We didn't have an inflation 

problem, and we -- he gave you also -- let's see -- not one, not two, but 

three vaccines and monoclonal antibodies that you never mentioned until two 

and a half weeks ago. 

You inherited a country with the economy fully on the mend, all the 

vaccines, all the therapeutics like monoclonal antibodies, a secure border, 

energy independence, a stable Afghanistan and, Joe, you ruined it all. We 

have a leadership problem.

Under Biden, many economists now fear a looming recession. According to 

Peter Navarro in "The New York Post", welcome back to '70 style stagflation 

misery, thanks to Uncle Joe. Peter will join us in a moment.

Add to this, Biden's vaccine mandates -- oh, when they hit, watch out. What 

impact is that going to have on the economy? 

And now causing American -- Americans to -- they're willing to get fired, 

it looks like half the police department in Chicago, they're not going to 

be working as of next week, and it's going to get worse. Thousands of our 

military personnel, nurses and first responders and health care 

professionals -- you know, the people in the middle of the COVID Schiff 

show in March and April of 2020 that every day walked into a Petri dish of 

COVID and were diving on COVID grenades to save fellow Americans lives in 

the early months of this pandemic. 

Now, we're going to fire them? I guess that's Joe Biden's way of saying, 

what, thank you? Because they don't agree with the mandate. Maybe they have 

a rare condition, maybe they believe in national -- natural immunity. 

I'm not here to debate the shot or not, but the reality is, you're going to 

lose some of the best people that risk their lives to save fellow human 

beings, fellow Americans lives. But I guess Joe doesn't know about that 

because he abandoned Americans in Afghanistan 13 days after he said he 


Half the Chicago police force might be forced to go very soon. We've got 

hundreds of airline employees, they're facing termination. Thousands of 

teachers, thousands of U.S. servicemen and women have or will be fired in 

coming weeks. You have state employees, you've got federal employees, 

members of the military, employees at large, private corporations, all 

facing termination if they don't comply with the mandate.

But Joe Biden refused to answer any questions about all this. 

Here with reaction, author of "In Trump Time: A Journal of America's Plague 

Year", former trade and manufacturing policy assistant to President Trump, 

Peter Navarro.

I'll be honest. Lawrence Summers not somebody I thought I'd agree with a 

lot on policy, but he's dead on accurate and this is going to get worse. 

And then we're now looking at supply chain issues all through 2022, 

inflation into 2023, and gas prices -- unless, he goes back to energy 

independence, we're all screwed.


TRUMP:  Yeah, Sean, he's only half right. What I'm really worried about is 

the other part of the equation, the  stag part, the recession part of the 

equation. We haven't had that since 1970, we got the identical conditions 

now we had then, profit and fiscal policy of Fed chairman, printing money, 

and these exogenous costs push inflationary shocks. 

I mean, there's so many things going wrong, but let's start with two that 

President Trump had right. 

First of all, we are the Saudi Arabia of natural gas and energy, and we've 

got gasoline on fire right now and natural gas prices are scorching now. 

What -- that's not just energy that's going up, food production is largely 

dependent on energy fertilizers are made out of natural gas so we're going 

to get energy and food price shocks. 

Buy American, higher American. that were the two simple rules, Sean, of 

President Trump and we warned for years that if you don't build it here, 

your supply chains won't be here. And when push comes to shove, you won't 

be able to get it. 

Now, we got these ships stacked off of Long Beach, and we've got that kind 

of crisis. And on top of that, the -- whether you believe in a universal 

vax policy or not, it is simply inflaming the distortions in the labor 

markets. You got Navy SEALs, firefighters, health care workers, teachers, 

cops -- everybody is saying, hey, if I've already had the virus, got 

antibodies, why do I need the jab again? 

Regardless of your position is, it's contributing to labor market 

distortions. Stagflation is the hardest problem, Sean, to solve in the 

world and everything that Biden is doing touches the dirt. 

I mean -- and you're absolutely right, Sean, the last thing we need to do 

right now is to pass the $3.5 trillion red ink new deal and that fake $1 

trillion infrastructure deal. It's just going to -- it's just going to just 

-- it'd be crazy. 

This can last a decade; I'm not worried just about Christmas. And, by the 

way, Sean, what is the department of transportation secretary going on a 

two-month leave in the middle of a crisis like this. It's friggin -- it's 

offensive to the American people. 

Nobody seems to be at home in the Biden White House and Trump was the most 

accessible president in history. And now, Biden won't even take a question. 

We never vetted him.

Sean, last time I saw you, it was on the South Lawn of the White House at 

the Republican convention, neither one of us ever dreamed that Biden, if he 

got elected, would do every single thing wrong -- southern border, 

Afghanistan, economy, you name it, he's not doing it right.

HANNITY:  Peter, look into your crystal ball. Tell us how -- what you see 

in the short term and long term?

NAVARRO:  In the short term, we're clearly running towards a stagflationary 

problem. It's absolutely essential, Sean, that no more bills get passed on 

Congress, not even a trillion dollars more. That's going to be bad. 

What we need to do is do what President Trump wanted to do -- buy American, 

hire American bring our production on shore otherwise, we're going to have 

shortages like we're seeing. This will get out of control. We need to look 

at that stag part of the problem, Sean, it's the hardest problem to solve 

and we went from 1970 to 1980.

You remember, Sean, the misery index of Ronald Reagan which he used to beat 

Jimmy Carter, it was -- it was the unemployment rate which is the stag part 

of the equation plus the inflation rate. Sean, remember what that was, it 

was 20 percent in 1980, and Paul Volcker had to induce a major recession to 

break inflationary expectations. 

We are -- this is the worst I've ever seen it. That's the one thing that 

I'll agree with Larry Summers on. Joe, it's harder than it looks and you 

don't know what you got until it's gone.

President Trump wouldn't let any of this happen. All Joe Biden does with a 

stroke of a pen is undo everything. And by the way, on the border, Sean, I 

was part of working with Pat Cipollone, the White House legal counsel, when 

we threatened Mexico with tariffs. People's heads exploded, but we got them 

on that threat. Twenty-four hours, Sean, they've sent 15,000 troops to the 

border, give us those safe third agreements, we doubled that with Honduras, 

Guatemala and El Salvador to get the same thing. We stopped that border 

crisis in its tracks. 

We got two million illegal aliens coming across the border right now. It's 

simply going to put downward pressure on the people who can least afford 

it, which is our blue collar, lower income Americans. Inflation is the 

cruelest tax but stagflation is even crueler.

HANNITY:  All right. Peter Navarro, very informative and frightening.

Joining us now is the author of "For Such a Time as This", FOX News 

contributor Kayleigh McEnany, FOX News contributor Leo 2.0 Terrell with us.

Congrats on the book by the way, Kayleigh. Great to have you both.

All right. Let's start with you and I want you to analyze this. The 

differences -- tax cuts versus tax increases, getting rid of burdensome 

regulation, energy independence, controlled borders, a situation where the 

world feared Donald Trump meant what he said and they saw when he beat back 

the caliphate and killed Soleimani and Baghdadi and others.

The question is, I don't see any openness by Biden to change anything. Your 


KAYLEIGH MCENANY, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  No, absolutely not. He's not 

changing anything. You know, Sean, if everything you do proves to be 

fatally flawed, like repealing Donald Trump's immigration policies, 

reversing his economic policies one would think that you'd reverse course.

But he's not reversing course. He seems entirely stubborn. I know everyone 

says he's not with it. I agree that he's not fully with it. 

However, I do believe he has a stubborn streak where he doesn't listen to 

those around him like on Afghanistan. So that is what we're seeing. We're 

seeing an administration that is in rapid free fall. Thirty-eight percent 

approval on Quinnipiac, a left-wing poll. That's when you know you're doing 

everything wrong when even the leftist polling company cannot cover for 


It's simply startling to watch. But mostly, Sean, it's so sad for our 

country. I know that's the way the former president feels too. It's just 

really sad to see it all unravel.

HANNITY:  We're old enough to remember gas lines in the `70s. We're old 

enough to know the economy that Ronald Reagan inherited, 21-1/2 percent 

interest rates, double-digit inflation, double-digit unemployment in the 

country. And what did he do to fix it? He reduced taxes significantly, 

right, ended burdensome regulation and the very things that Donald Trump 

did that made the economy pre-COVID record-breaking. 

We had -- every demographic, low unemployment, it never happened before. We 

never paid less for energy and becoming energy independent. You remember 

those days, I remember those days. Kayleigh may not remember those days, 

but they got that bad. That's how bad it can get. Your thoughts? 

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  I'll tell you right now. I do remember 

those days, and I'll tell you how great Donald Trump was as president, 

because Joe Biden -- the only thing he's done in nine months is he has 

undone the greatness of Donald Trump and look what has happened, Sean. 

I listened to your entire monologue. I was hoping that you might tell me 

one thing Joe Biden has done for in nine months, positively, nothing. 

Absolutely nothing, but destroying the Trump legacy. 

And when we talk about Jen Psaki, we got a great press secretary in 

Kayleigh. You don't hear anything from her. You don't hear anything from 

the current White House press secretary. I don't honestly believe that 

she's getting information directly from Biden. I think there's a circle of 

people who's running that White House.

And I'll tell you honestly, I think America is afraid of one thing, there 

is an absence of leadership in the White House. And we're asking ourselves, 

who is really in charge in the White House?

Biden doesn't look strong, he looks weak, he doesn't -- look fearful enough 

to scare off third country, I don't see anything.

HANNITY:  All right. Congratulations to both of you.

Straight ahead, the Biden administration is getting ready to reinstate the 

Trump era policy he once attacked. He's not doing it willingly. He's being 

forced to. 

We'll check in with the AG from Arizona, Mark Brnovich, and Tom Homan. All 

things border and the disaster that's getting worse every day, straight 




HANNITY:  Now, amid Joe Biden's massive self-inflicted super spreader of 

all super spreader catastrophe at our southern border the administration is 

being forced, thanks to the U.S. Supreme Court, to face reality and guess 

what? They say that he must reinstate Donald Trump's highly successful 

remain in Mexico policy next month.

Now, the policy means that asylum seekers, they've got to stay in Mexico. 

They can't be processed into the country illegally as Joe has been doing, 

while their claims are heard instead of being released into the interior of 

the U.S. with no COVID test or vaccine mandate in the middle of a pandemic, 

and we're told that they're not -- no need to test them because they're not 

going to be here long anyway, which was a lie.

Back in 2020, Biden called the policy, quote, dangerous and inhumane. Well, 

Joe, now, you're -- now you're in charge and by the way, what is so 

dangerous and inhumane to ask people. 

I am pro-immigration, legal immigration, and but just follow the rules. You 

need a security check, a background check, health check and show that you 

have the means to take care of yourself when you hear and not be a burden 

of the American people and then I don't care where you come from welcome to 

America. You owe all Americans and Donald Trump an apology for lying about 

this policy. Never mind the cages that were overcrowded in the middle of a 

pandemic and dispersing people all over the country not vaccinated and with 

a high rate of COVID positivity. 

Now bringing back this Trump policy, it's a step in the right direction. 

You were forced to do it, but it doesn't go far enough. If you really want 

to fix the problem at the border, Joe, you need to restart the construction 

of the border wall, you need to end this catch -- well really process and 

release idiocy of yours, and this -- oh we request you show up in court you 

don't even mandate that they show up in court.

Now, we also learned this week that a whopping 160,000 illegal immigrants 

have already been released by the Biden administration into the U.S. 

interior since March. By the way, that's only people we know about. No 

certainty that these illegal immigrants will ever show up for their 

hearings because remember that's only a request, it's not a mandate.

But, of course, the chief propagandist at the White House, Jen Psaki, 

telling us these illegal immigrants, they only be here for a short period 

of time. That's a lie too, big time.

And remember Mayorkas, Biden, Psaki, they refuse to call this crisis what 

it is, a crisis. You might remember.


REPORTER:  Do you believe that right now, there's a crisis at the border?

ALEJANDRO MAYORKAS, DHS SECRETARY:  I think that the -- the answer is no. I 

think there is a challenge at the border that we are managing.

REPORTER:  So how can you say that's not a crisis?

PSAKI:  Well, I think what Ambassador Jacobson and Secretary Mayorkas were 

conveying and what I've conveyed is it doesn't matter what you call it, it 

is an enormous challenge. We don't feel the need to -- you know, play games 

with what it's called.


HANNITY:  Joining us now, Arizona Senate candidate going up against Mark 

Kelly and state attorney general right now the state of Arizona, Mark 

Brnovich, along with former acting ICE director, FOX News contributor Tom 

Homan is with us.

All right. Mark, you're on the front lines of this. Joe Biden, you're -- 

you're the AG of Arizona. Joe Biden has not been enforcing the law, he's 

been aiding and abetting in the law breaking. I thought he took an oath and 

swore to uphold the laws of this land in our Constitution, but he just 

picks and chooses the laws he wants. How's that possible?

MARK BRNOVICH, ARIZONA ATTORNEY GENERAL:  Well, it shouldn't be possible, 

Sean. And as you know, I'm a first generation American and so many people 

that have come to this country and done it the right way understand that 

the rule of law is what makes this country great.

And what the Biden administration and his enablers in the Senate are doing 

is systematically undermining the rule of law, and that's why we've sued 

him over not only the remaining Mexico policy but also the catch of release 

policies including the fact that he's unwilling to enforce existing law and 

deport people. We've also sued him over and trying to force the Biden 

administration to build the wall, because at the end of the day, this is 

affecting all Americans. 

And you know, Sean, just this week, there was pounds of fentanyl seized 

along the freeway by Border Patrol here in Arizona, 50 pounds. Two 

milligrams can kill a human being, that's enough fentanyl in one stop to 

kill the entire population of New York City. 

So this may be in our backyard right now, but it is coming to everyone's 

neighborhood because Biden and cartel Kelly have seized or allowed the 

cartels to seize control of our southern border and this is a more 

dangerous country because of Joe Biden.

HANNITY:  You know, Tom, I think Joe Biden and liberal Democrats radical 

socialists are so hell-bent on having open borders and amnesty, they've 

tried twice now to sneak amnesty into the reconciliation bill in the 

Senate. So I don't believe that they're going to follow this court order. 

Am I wrong?

TOM HOMAN, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  No, they're not. No, they're going to 

fail because they don't want it to happen. They had to be sued to make it 


Let me fix one thing you said, Sean. You were right, there's a story leaked 

this week that 160,000 people have been released. That was a leak story. 

Let me be clear, that was two sectors since March. 

I looked at the CBD data. This fiscal year, over 600,000 aliens have been 

released in the United States, 600,000. Now add to that almost four hundred 

thousand gotaways. That's one million illegal aliens that came this country 

illegally are now living in this country illegally because of inaction of 

Joe Biden.

And I want to say this also -- Joe Biden is the first president in the 

history of this nation that came into office within days unsecured the 

border. The Trump administration, we handed him the most secure border in 

my entire career, 35 years, the most secure border ever. And within days, 

he unsecured it. 

The president of the United States, with the help of the secretary of 

homeland security, have unsecured the most secure board we've ever had, 

which resulted unprecedented illegal immigration, unprecedented COVID cases 

coming across, unprecedented trafficking of women and children for sexual 

purposes, unprecedented fentanyl seizures and attorney general just 

mentioned that, 92,000 overdose deaths.

This is what this president has done, and it's hard of me to say that we 

have a president that is actively facilitating cross-border crime and 

unsecured the border. It's unbelievable this administration has done.

HANNITY:  And, Tom, add to it, in the middle of a pandemic, he builds 

overcrowded cages with a high rate of COVID positivity, preferential 

treatment. Americans, they have vaccine mandates and testing, they're not 

even testing people. There's no mandate for the vaccine and then they are 

dispersed all throughout the country. 

Again, a high rate of COVID positivity, you can't make this up. It's that 


Tom, thank you and, AG Brnovich, we're going to be watching you race 

closely. I think that is a winnable Senate seat out in Arizona.

When we come back, Congressman Mike Waltz -- whoa, this will shock your 

conscience -- he has exclusively obtained video that exposes the Taliban's 

brutality, you know, when he abandoned Americans behind enemy lines, 

everything we told you the Taliban would do. Oh, they're doing it, straight 



HANNITY:  Sixty-two long days, Americans abandoned by Joe Biden in 

Afghanistan unfortunately, the reports on the ground they are getting more 

and more dire and more disturbing as we sadly predicted. I wish I was 


The video we're about to show you was obtained by the office of Congressman 

Michael waltz showing children killed in Afghanistan at the hands of the 

Taliban. We have not independently verified it, but we do say this -- 

viewer discretion is advised. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE (translated):  What did this girl do wrong? She went to 

get an ID so he could go to school. See the pain that has come upon the 

people of Afghanistan. Look at what this 14-year-old girl did wrong, look, 

they are all children -- 


HANNITY:  Now, keep looking at your screen. You see that up there? You see 

those pictures? Those photos show the real world destruction of the Taliban 

and their attacks on anyone who questions their reign of terror. Those 

photos by the way also obtained by Congressman Waltz.

Yes, it was a woman who worked in the Afghan national army, the very people 

that supported us and helped us that we made a promise to that if this day 

ever came, we'd get them the hell out of Afghanistan. We didn't say 

necessarily take you here but we would get you out of there.

The Taliban, we are told, came to her home outside of Kabul at the end of 

September and beat the living hell out of her. She nearly died. 

Unfortunately, we're going to see more and more of these trag -- hear more 

and more and see more and more of these tragedies, why? Because Joe Biden 

did it. It was completely preventable. All he had to do is see the Taliban 

was on the march and he could have acted earlier, he could have pushed back 

the Taliban with drone strikes, could have acted earlier, had a withdrawal 

safely of every American, all their family members, every green card 

holder, every Afghan ally, and yes the billions and billions and billions 

of dollars in sophisticated military weaponry that Joe just gave to 


So ask yourself, where's the accountability within our military leadership 

for this reckless and botched disaster in Afghanistan? Oh, the one that 

they're bragging about. They did such a good job.

Now, Marine Lieutenant Stuart Scheller (ph), he's been sentenced to 

reprimand, has to give five thousand dollars in pay after he openly told 

the truth, criticizing the leadership for their Afghan debacle. He told the 

truth. Where's the accountability though for the leaders that are 

responsible for the debacle and carried out this quagmire and created this 

catastrophe, along with their commander-in-chief Joe?

You know, people like Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin, are they going to 

suffer any repercussions for letting Afghanistan fall so fast and not see 

that the Taliban was on the march all through the spring and in April, of 

May and June? Why -- why didn't they act sooner?

And get this, a new report from http://FOXnews.com finds the Biden administration

is now planning to allow some Afghan civil servants -- in other words, 

Afghanis from the old Taliban regime. You know, the ones that believed in 

strict Sharia law, yeah, employed by the Taliban government to be exempt 

from terror-related bans and they're going to be allowed the Taliban to 

enter the U.S. 

Oh that's a brilliant national security move on their part. And that's not 

all, we're also learning that a suspected terrorist believed to be bin 

Laden's former bodyguard, oh they're going to transfer him out of Gitmo and 

resettle him and Oman. Oh, that's going to work out well too.

Biden's reckless Afghanistan exit, never-ending foreign policy failures, 

are now ushering in a new terror crisis across the region and right here in 

our homeland, and it is emboldening all of America's adversaries. Look at 

for example, President Xi, look at Vladimir Putin. Look at the malls in 

Iran. They see the disaster and the consequences of Joe Biden and yes they 

know he's a cognitive mess and they're going to take full advantage. 

Here to explain more, Florida Congressman Michael Waltz, along with former 

acting director national intelligence, Ric Grenell.

Congressman, first, thank you for sharing all of this with us. 


MADDOW:  This is all predictable. Now, we see Russia gets a waiver for 

natural gas for Putin, so Russia is getting rich again. We see that the 

president's silent on the hostility in the hostile maneuvers in Taiwan 

airspace, with their -- with their fighter jets. 

We now hear from Joe's Iranian envoy that it's likely we won't stop Iran 

from getting a nuclear weapon. And now, we're going to let the Taliban into 

America and take them off the terror watch list? Tell me what part of that 

is smart?

WALTZ:  Yeah, Sean, you know, here's the deal -- Biden's lying. He's lying 

about working with good terrorists versus bad terrorists. You can see from 

those pictures and those women that are being brutalized this is the 

largest crisis for women's rights in I think in world history. He's lying 

about the number of Americans left behind, because these brave veterans 

organizations, thank God for them, are getting Americans out every single 


And the biggest thing, you know, that he's either lying or clueless, I 

don't know, is that America's just as safe.. This long range, over the 

horizon drone only strategy with no bases no allies no troops on the ground 

over there can keep us safe, we're on the road to another 9/11.

But the good thing is, Sean, is you know the great Americans like the ones 

I'm with tonight in Flagler County, Florida, see right through this 

nonsense and that's why you're seeing Biden's numbers tank, because enough 

is enough. The number one job of the federal government is to keep America 

safe and we are far less safe. We're less safe than we were in 2001, and 

this cancer that is spreading in Afghanistan that you saw in those photos 

is going to spread outside of Afghanistan is going to follow us home.

But I for one -- and I think Ric feels the same way -- are not going to 

wait until we have another Pulse nightclub or San Bernardino or what we 

have now, a Taliban caliphate that's going to create another 9/11.

HANNITY:  Ric, Joe says and he claims that he has all the leverage, and 

that the Taliban are professional and that they're candid and they're 

business-like. Is that how you characterize them?

RIC GRENELL, FORMER ACTING DNI:  No, absolutely not. I don't know how many 

times the foreign policy establishment in Washington DC is going to look at 

failure after failure from Democrats. Let's be honest, we can go back to 

Bill Clinton, you can go back to the Obama-Biden days when the caliphate 

took over throughout Syria and Iraq and other places. Now, we're seeing the 

debacle in Afghanistan.

I would add to that, the tensions and the hostilities along the border 

between Kosovo and Serbia. The Balkans are now feeling it. This is a vacuum 

of U.S. leadership.

And elections matter. Elections actually matter to our safety as the 

congressman is talking about. I don't think that we are more safe just from 

eight months ago. Since Biden took over, we are less safe and we need to be 

able to face that fact very clearly when our enemies, they smell weakness. 

They see a difference between the threat of military action and a credible 

threat of military action. 

Right now, we don't have a credible threat. You look at the Chinese, you 

look at the Russians, you look at the leaders in the Balkans. We've got a 

hundred thousand troops on the Ukrainian border. 

We could just go through country by country that's absolutely taking 

advantage of us right now. We don't have leadership in Washington. We don't 

have leadership in the White House.

HANNITY:  And Joe has just turned the page, and 62 days later, he's 

abandoned fellow Americans and hasn't mentioned them in 45 days. 


Ric Grenell, thank you. Congressman, thank you, too. Thank you for sharing 

all that information with us.

When we come back, straight ahead, America's new favorite saying, it's 

viral, let's go Brandon. It continues to feature prominently at sporting 

events. Clay Travis reacts. That's next.


HANNITY:  All right. So the phrase let's go Brandon is the new rallying cry 

for Americans all over the country. It's totally viral, and it mocks the 

massive failures of Joe Biden and the media mob's endless obsession and 

covering up for him.

Just look at this sign last night at the Giants-Dodgers game, great game by 

the way, in the heart of liberal San Francisco. And remember where this all 

started, remember the NASCAR race amid chance of F Joe Biden? Yeah, the 

interviewer -- now she probably had an earpiece in, so I'm not calling 

saying she did anything wrong, oh you can hear the chants for Brandon. They 

weren't saying let's go Brandon. No, they were saying something else. You 



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's such an unbelievable moment.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Brandon, you also told me -- you can hear the chants 

from the crowd. Let's go Brandon..


HANNITY:  Here with reaction, OutKick founder, co-host of the Clay 

Travis/Buck Sexton radio show, nationally syndicated Clay Travis.

In a way I feel bad for the reporter. She has an earpiece and she probably 

she probably did think it was let's go Brandon, I don't fault her at all. I 

bet she's shocked this is viral.

But this is real now. It's either let's go Brandon -- 


HANNITY:  -- or it's going to be F Joe Biden, and it's getting louder and 

it's happening more frequently. What do you think's happenin?

TRAVIS:  Well, first of all, this is -- I agree with you about the 

reporter. Thanks for having me on, Sean. She didn't know I don't think what 

was being said because she probably had an earpiece and she's got the big 

NASCAR earmuffs on right to try to conduct her interview.

But it's emblematic and symptomatic of the media trying to cover up for Joe 

Biden and I think that's why people love it so much. Even in San Francisco 

when the guy had the let's go Brandon shirt held it up, when San Francisco 

fans are showing up with it, you know, it's going viral in a big way.

Sean, we've sold thousands of these t-shirts on Outkick. You can get your 

own "let's go Brandon" shirt and I think what it reflects is there are a 

lot of people out there that are nervous about chanting an expletive 

involving the president of the United States. Maybe they don't want to 

encourage their kids to do it they don't want to see and endorse that kind 

of language.

But let's go Brandon is really funny. It's an inside joke. Kids love it on 

college campuses and it is spreading like wildfire everywhere. 

Kind of surprising that the president who got more votes than anyone in the 

history of our nation has lost so much support in 10 months, Sean Hannity. 

Let's go Brandon indeed.

HANNITY:  Well, it is not a single thing that I can think of that's 

successful or I define as successful. I tend to agree with you. Okay, so 

now, that this has happened, instead of the expletive, let's go Brandon, it 

adds some humor to it, it works. The message gets out. Everybody's in on 

the joke and how many of those t-shirts did you sell?

TRAVIS:  Thousands. We can't keep them in. We're printing them like crazy. 

If you want to go to outkick.com and get your own let's go Brandon -- 


HANNITY:  Why are you charging me? Why don't I get a free t-shirt? I want a 

free t-shirt. Why are you charging me -- 


TRAVIS:  When I'm telling your viewers they have to pay for it.

HANNITY:  Why are you making that?

TRAVIS:  I owe you four when you won a hundred bucks off of me. I got to 

send you several.

HANNITY:  That's true you could know. You can send me let's go Brandon t-

shirts in lieu of the hundred bucks cash when I told you not to bet against 

Nick Saban.

TRAVIS:  That's right, I was wrong. You were right. You'll get the t-shirts 

as a result.

HANNITY:  All right. We have more bets to come.

Clay Travis, thanks for being with us.

All right. When we come back our villain of the day, straight ahead.


HANNITY:  All right. Time for our villain of the day. A group of radical 

climate activists taking to the streets of D.C. yesterday, literally 

assaulting officers in front of the Department of the Interior headquarters 

and trying to barge their way in. Doesn't seem so peaceful to me, but I 

wonder when we're going to have a special committee investigate this. Don't 

expect to hear much from the media mob about this.

All right. Anyway, that is all the time we have left this evening. As 

always, thank you for being with us. Please set your DVR so you never miss 

an episode. 

In the meantime, have a great weekend. And let not your hearts be troubled, 

"THE INGRAHAM ANGLE" is next. We'll see you back here Monday.

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