
This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on October 3, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. And, Tucker, thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

And we start with this FOX News alert, a short time ago, Japan issued a warning to its citizens to take shelter after they detected a missile launched from North Korea by little rocket man. He's back at it. That he fired it in their direction.

Thankfully, it landed, and the threat has now passed. We can now see, the whole world can see all these hostile regimes around the globe, are they emboldened by a weak United States president? We will analyze that.

Also now, here at home, we are only five weeks away from these whole important midterm elections, 36 days. Democrats all over the country, they are running away from their extreme policies and horrific track records. They don't want to debate, and they're not getting any pressing questions from the news media. We'll have full coverage and we'll check in with Senator John Kennedy.

Also, just breaking moments ago, Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker, well, he's going to respond to an article first by "The New York Times" questioning his racial identity and also he will respond to another article that broke from "The Daily Beast" claiming he paid for a woman to have an abortion. He is denying it vehemently. He is vowing to sue for defamation. He will tell us his side of the story, straight ahead.

And also tonight, Governor Ron DeSantis will join us in a moment with an important update from his state. Things are so bad, some people are now saying, for example, Sanibel Island may be uninhabitable. Estimates now as high as $100 billion in storm damage, on top of at least 68 lives that have been lost here.

Now despite the horrific damage from the hurricane, Hurricane Ian, an army of recovery workers are on the ground. They were well-staged. As you can see, this was before, like three football fields, full of all these electric companies to go and make repairs and restore power. That was there before the storm. They have now restored over 80 percent of the state's damage electrical grid.

And as we speak around the clock, rescue recovery efforts all across the state are continuing, all while Democrats in Washington, they typically play politics and that's what they're doing.

On Friday, Vice President Kamala Harris announced the federal government would be doling out hurricane relief funds on the basis of race all in the name of equity. Take a look.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I know we are all thinking about the families in Florida, in Puerto Rico with Fiona, in -- and what we need to do to help them in terms of an immediate response and aid. It is our lowest income communities and our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions and impacted by issues that are not of their own making.

And so, we -- absolutely. And so, we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity, understanding that we fight for equality, but we also need to fight for equity, understanding not everyone starts out at the same place.


HANNITY: How about we help everybody in need and not factor in race. A short time later, the FEMA director rejected Kamala Harris's bizarre race- based hurricane relief plan, reassured the people of Florida that all communities in fact will be supported.

Over the weekend, the vice president was not interested in answering a single question about how pretty despicable brand of racial politics. Watch this.


REPORTER: Ms. Vice President, can you clarify what you meant about equity for hurricane relief?


HANNITY: Sadly for Democrats, everything on earth is viewed through the prism the lens of identity politics, even hurricane relief. We saw the same thing today during Biden's trip to Puerto Rico, while the first lady did resist the urge to compare Hispanics to breakfast tacos. This time, her very confused looking husband claimed that he was raised in Delaware by Puerto Ricans. Okay. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: My name is Joe Biden and I don't want the headline to read: Biden brings storm to Puerto Rico. So I don't -- I'm going to maybe have to cut this a little short. I was sort of raised in the Puerto Rican community at home, politically.

New York sent not only a congressman -- one of the most -- congresswoman in the Congress.

A hundred sixty-three million dollars to begin construction on the canal to restore Can -- help me with the pronunciation.

Martin Pena -- that entire ecosystem.

And I usually don't quite talk this fast but it looks like we moving.


HANNITY: And where's Jackie?

Joe Biden looks worse than ever but the media mob is more interested in attacking either Donald Trump or Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for not magically predicting the hurricane's exact path weeks ahead of time.

And on Sunday, this is how the governor responded to the gotcha question from fake news CNN that says that they're going back to the middle. Not really. Take a look.


REPORTER: Why do you stand behind Lee County's decision to not have that mandatory evacuation until the day before the storm?

GOV. RON DESANTIS (R), FLORIDA: Well, did you -- where was your industry stationed when the storm hit? Were you guys in Lee County? No, you were in Tampa. So that's -- yeah, they were following the weather track and they had to make decisions based on that.

But, you know, 72 hours, they weren't even in the cone. Forty-eight hours, they were on the periphery. So you got to make the decisions the best you can.


HANNITY: Now, the governor's also -- he sent a strong message to would-be looters, reminding them that the free state of Florida values our Second Amendment. Take a look.


DESANTIS: Don't even think about looting. Don't even think about taking advantage of people when this vulnerable situation. And you can have people, you know, bringing boats into some of these islands and trying to ransack people's homes.

I can tell you, in the state of Florida, you never know what may be lurking behind somebody's home. And I would not want to chance that if I were you given that we're a Second Amendment state.


HANNITY: Now, MSDNC host Joy Reid was very offended by that statement. On Twitter, she insinuated that Ron DeSantis was racist and compared him to a segregationist. Reminding people not to loot and that it is a Second Amendment state, how does that fit? Apparently, according to Reid, it's racist to be against looting. Is that the takeaway of this?

Again, the left sees everything through the lens of identity politics except for their own party. Democrats always give themselves a free pass. We'll have more on this in part two of my monologue tonight.

But, first, here with the very latest from his state of Florida, the Governor Ron DeSantis is with us.

Governor, thank you for being with us.

I know you probably haven't slept in the last 72 hours or longer but -- and you've been going around the state. Hundred billion dollars now estimated in damage. Do you think that's accurate? We lost -- I think the last count is 68 people died in the storm.

DESANTIS: Well, Sean, look, the financial damage, I don't know if it's accurate. I mean, obviously, the lives lost are much more significant because that's something we can't build back. So those losses are tough. There is property damage.

But you know, I'll tell you, there's a spirit out there, particularly the people of southwest Florida, they're ready to bounce back. They need some help. We're down there doing it, but they have a lot of grit and determination.

I actually was just in one of the shelters and I'm meeting with women who are 85, 90 years old who survived being in some of the islands, and they're telling their stories, and they're basically, you know, thanking God. But they're so thankful for all the outpouring of support of everybody that's helping our state.

And so I just thank those who've either donated to Floridadisasterfund.org, who've come down and volunteered, these groups. Just know the people that were impacted by this who lost everything, they are truly grateful for the outpouring of support.

HANNITY: Governor, they're saying that Sanibel Island may be on uninhabitable. They're saying -- I know Fort Myers well. I know Naples well. I can't believe the amount of damage that we're talking about. It was -- it was a direct hit. It decimated some of these areas.

As of now, where do you see this going in the future? Do you believe everybody in Sanibel, for example, will have to come off the island?

DESANTIS: Well, we're trying to actually avoid that. So I just announced today that my Department of Transportation, we just put out bids for a temporary bridge to link the island back to the mainland. There's a causeway that had done that. It got severed in three different places. We think we can have a short-term solution to allow ingress and egress.

We also have the situation because the bridge was severed, the local utility has not had anybody looking at any of the power situation. And so what I said is we're going to provide Chinook helicopters from the National Guard to bring linemen onto Sanibel Island so they can inspect the substations see what's damaged and then start to repair it.

So I think that you just need to get people on there and they need to start doing what needs to be done, clearing roads. And we are working on the roads and all that now, clearing the debris, and getting the electrical back up.

So, you're going to soon see a lineman brought in by helicopter to places like Sanibel and Pine Island because we don't want to wait for this. We want to do as much as we can now.

HANNITY: What is your reaction governor to the vice president? It's our lowest income communities, our communities of color that are most impacted by these extreme conditions, we have to address this in a way that is about giving resources based on equity. What was your reaction to that?

DESANTIS: I think she's trying to play identity politics with a storm and a natural disaster. And I think it's ridiculous. And honestly, we had the FEMA administrator in Florida with us and she threw cold water on that. So that is not going to happen. It's totally not appropriate.

You don't have to politicize every single tragedy in this country. And I think people -- I tell you in Florida -- are really sick of the nonsense. They just want people to be helped. They want everyone to band together and they want us to get these communities back on our feet.

So that's what we're doing in Florida and, Sean, it's also -- the impacts spanned all demographics, all income levels. Sanibel has some very wealthy people. They also have blue collar people. You have other communities, different race, different ethnicities.

Who cares? We just want to make sure people have a chance to get back off their feet and get moving forward again.

HANNITY: You know, Americans step up and help foreign countries. We step up when any other state has a situation like this. Florida deserves the exact same treatment. You were right in the sense that this is a one in a 500 year storm, you know?

And I love how people took out of context -- I felt they took out of context -- your remarks. You know, unfortunately, they're always bad people who will try and capitalize on a tragedy. And there are people that would go out and involve themselves in things like looting. And you're saying you better be careful in this state because people in this state, you know, have their second amendment rights. They will protect their homes and their family.

And you would think that that was the most controversial thing to say and if anything you're reminding people not to take -- not to take advantage of a situation like this. I thought I thought the comments were perfectly fine. What was your reaction to that?

DESANTIS: Well, and also, Sean, I toured the Thursday after the morning after the storm. I was in Punta Gorda in Charlotte County. They had all their businesses boarded up downtown. A lot of the -- a lot of the placards I saw the card -- the wood, they spray painted, "you loot, we shoot". They were sending the message that lawlessness will not be tolerated.

And when these situations happen and it descends into lawlessness, like it has after some other natural disasters we've seen in America and in other countries, the whole kind of social fabric starts to decay. So we have to draw a very clear line in the sand at the beginning. You are not going to capitalize off people's suffering. You are not going to be allowed to ransack people's homes or loot.

They have caught some looters, but fortunately, I think because we've been so strong on it, you haven't seen it like you have seen out in the aftermath of other natural disasters. And we are proudly a law and order state, and we're proudly a state that lets individual Floridians defend themselves, their families and their homes.

HANNITY: Yeah. Now for people that want to help, we have it at the bottom of the screen, Floridadisasterfund.org. I know you've had a busy, you know, week the last week, Governor. Our thoughts and prayers with our friends in the free state of Florida. Thank you for being with us, and I know Americans will be there helping to support our fellow Americans. Thank you.

All right. Tonight, sadly, Democrats are not operating in good faith, from climate alarmism to their love affair with equity. Many on the left now are turning off voters, especially Hispanic Americans with their extreme brand of identity politics. Take a look at this.


REPORTER: Marissa voted Democrat back then but now says she's not so sure.

MARISSA MORENTIN, ARIZONA VOTER: I feel like the Democratic national party looks at my demographics and assumes that I'm going to vote for them.

REPORTER: You were a Democrat and you are now a Republican. Why?

MARIA BATRES, TEXAS VOTER: Because the fact that the Democratic Party has changed a lot and I didn't identify more with the Republican Party.

REPORTER: What things?

BATRES: Well, we're for God, country, family and hard work.

REPORTER: Jose used to vote blue, too. Now, he's also a Republican.


HANNITY: Even Al Sharpton is now sounding the alarm, openly worrying that Democrats are not connecting with African-American and Hispanic voters. And on Friday, late night host Bill Maher had this to say about the current administration's woke love affair with identity politics.

He's right again, hate to say it. He hates when we do say it, but it's true. We got it right.


BILL MAHER, LATE NIGHT TV HOST: What I could see is replacing the vice president because --


Yeah, she's just not very popular. There's a lot of the problem with Biden being old is, oh, if he dies, then, you know, you're going to get this person. Okay, so here's the problem with the Democratic Party, they're so boxed in by identity politics, that you cannot conceive of a Democratic ticket that doesn't have a woman, person of color on it and pretty soon, you're going to line up behind that gay, Latino, and you're going to have to have, you know, a deaf Eskimo.


HANNITY: Now, the Democratic Party is not liberal anymore. Instead, they are a far left group of woke elitists. They want to transform America into their, you know, communal equity-based society. That they controlled, you know, cradle to grave, womb to the tomb. But they will rule with an iron fist from Washington, D.C.

In their perfect world, there is no dissent, no individualism, no freedom, no checks, no balances, just one party rule and perpetuity forever and ever.

Here now with reaction, FOX News contributor Leo 2.0 Terrell, Outkick founder Clay Travis.

Leo, let's get your reaction to the vice president's comments about the hurricane and equity and people of color.

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I'll tell you right now, she's playing race politics. She's a racist. I mean, you got people of all different colors out there who have suffered from that hurricane, and all she focuses on race. That's the game.

That's why she's vice president. She wasn't selected as vice president based on skills. She was based on skin color and gender, and that's the game that she plays everywhere. It's sickening. It's insulting.

And I'll tell you one thing also -- Kamala Harris doesn't speak for minority people. She speaks for Kamala Harris. And for her to insult the other individuals, the non-minorities who have suffered in Florida is outright insulting. It is -- it's embarrassing that she used her color and her gender as a shield from attack.

But from this civil rights attorney, she is the farthest from being a person who looks at people without regards to color.

HANNITY: You know, let me ask you, Clay, because when Rhonda DeSantis said we're a Second Amendment state, what he's saying is uh for all of you out there that live in states or have the mentality of defund, dismantle, no bail, that doesn't go over well in this state. We believe in law and order and safety and security and people have a right to defend themselves, their families, their property.

I don't even deem it controversial. You shouldn't be breaking into somebody's house and trying to take advantage of a natural disaster. It's that simple.

CLAY TRAVIS, OUTKICK FOUNDER: No doubt, and Kamala Harris, frankly, is a disgrace. I agree with everything Leo said, and what we have done for generations in this country is when there are natural disasters, do you know where we go? To the people who need the help the most, the people that are most in danger -- whether they're White, Black, Asian, Hispanic, gay, straight, Democrats, Republicans, we don't care. And we also don't care who the looters are. We can't have them, period.

We can't allow them to be bailed out like Kamala Harris was doing in the summer of 2020 when all of those protests that we are continuing to reap the consequences of took over in our country. It's not a coincidence that murders are up 40 percent all over this nation since the summer of 2020, it's because Democrats like Kamala Harris decided that America was an awful racist place, and the only way they could be in power was by telling the American public lies.

And everybody's waking up now five weeks from this midterm and people like Kamala Harris who are still trying to peddle this crap are going to frankly get their ass kicked all over this country, including in Florida where let's be honest, Sean, this attack is not about Ron DeSantis to discussing the Second Amendment rights of Floridians, it's because he's going to win a landslide election in Florida, he barely won in 2018, they threw everything they had at him during COVID.

I'm happy to be a homeowner in Florida. I know you've got a place there, too, Sean. Ron DeSantis got everything right about COVID, and they're now trying to use the hurricane to attack him they're going to fail. I think he's going to win by double digits as long as Floridians hit the polls, and when that happens, there are an awful lot of Democrats that are going to be curled up in the fetal position crying because they hate him, because he's been right about everything with COVID, with school and he's going to do I believe a great job helping out Black, White, Asian, Hispanic, everybody who was impacted by this storm as he should as any fantastic governor would.

HANNITY: All right. Clay Travis, outkick, thank you. Leo 2.0 Terrell, thank you.

When we come back, we have breaking news at this hour. "The Daily Beast" just posted a story, they are accusing Herschel Walker of paying for a woman's abortion. Herschel Walker will respond to that story exclusively. That's coming up.

And then later, Senator John Kennedy will explain why the left can't run away from their disastrous record 36 days to the important midterms. We've got the best election coverage right here.


HANNITY: All right. More evidence tonight about the medium mob, where they stand on the issue of politics. You have rising Republicans Herschel Walker vowing to sue tonight for defamation. In an article breaking just a short time ago in "The Daily Beast" claiming that Herschel Walker paid for an abortion back in 2009. Walker has already responded with a statement, calling the story a flat out lie. We'll get to that in just a second.

And that's not all. "New York Times" recently sent a far left reporter to Georgia to write a hit piece against Herschel Walker, with the article quoting anonymous Democrats -- why don't they ever get names of people -- from walker's childhood community who claim that Walker is not part of the black community, suggesting that Walker is a sellout to his race for not being a Democrat and calling out the failures of the Biden administration. They forgot to mention the field is named in town after him. They have a street named after him. Herschel is in the process of building a park for the town or how he paid for his class reunion for everyone.

Anyway, here with reaction, Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker.

Let's start with "The Daily Beast", Herschel. I mean, serious accusations that in 2009, that you paid for an abortion. First question, do you know the woman that is making this allegation?

HERSCHEL WALKER (R-GA), U.S. SENATE CANDIDATE: I have no idea but it is a flat out lie, and -- and now you know how important this seat is. This seat is very important that they'll do anything to win this seat, lie, because they want to make it by everything else except what the true problems that we have in this country is. This inflation, the border wide open, crime -- they don't want to talk about that. So they're making up lies now because they need this Georgia seat.

So I'm going to encourage anyone out there, let's not let them take this seat. You can go to teamherschel.com, let's not let them take this seat because if they take this seat, we won't recognize this country tomorrow, because right now, for them to come out with total lies, I think that's not right.

HANNITY: Let me ask you this. So they're claiming that on September 12th of 2009, that the woman has a receipt for an abortion. They're claiming that five days later, on September 17th, you sent a $700 check, and that you sent it in a "get well" card. The get well card, it looks like it it's included with your signature on in the article.

Have you seen it and is that your signature?

WALKER: I haven't seen it. But, you know, I can tell you, I send out so many "get well", send out so much of anything. But I can tell you right now, I never asked anyone to get an abortion. I never paid for an abortion and it's a lie.

And I'm going to continue to fight -- you know, yeah, I'll tell you, that's what they want. They want this seat. But right no, they've energized me even more, and they're not going to take the seat. So they better work even harder because they've jeopardized my kids. They've jeopardized my family.

They think they can threaten me. They think they can scare me. Right now, all that done is energized me more that I'm going to fight and win this seat for the great people of Georgia because to have someone in the seat that lies to the people shouldn't be in the seat as a senator.

HANNITY: What about the $700 check? Is there anybody you can remember sending that much money to?

WALKER: Well, I send money to a lot of people and that's what's so funny. And let's go back to my part. You know, I do scholarship for kids. I give money to people all the time because I'm always helping people because I believe in being generous. God has blessed me, and I want to bless others.

Now, I got into this race because I'm a Christian. I love the Lord Jesus Christ and I always tell everyone that. No weapon formed against me shall prosper.

So whoever -- been out there want to lie on Herschel Walker, you're lying on the wrong one. It's best that you to go somewhere else because I'm going to win this seat for the great people of Georgia because Georgia deserved to have a senator that trust in the Georgia people and not no one that trusting Joe Biden like Senator Warnock does.

HANNITY: Let's talk about "The New York Times" piece for a minute. It claimed -- it went to your hometown. Is it true you have a field named after you in that town?

WALKER: I do. I have a field named after me. I have a street named after me. I do camps -- I've been doing them now, and we didn't do them last year for COVID, but I'm doing a camp there for over six or seven years, not just --


HANNITY: You've been doing fitness camp, right?

WALKER: -- two other counties.

I do fitness camps, I want boys and girls -- yes, I do a fitness camp for boys and girls because I want to include everyone and also, I give scholarship to two other counters there as well. I built a gym there in the school as well.

So I'm going to continue to help people in my hometown because that's where I am. Like I said, God has helped me, I'm going to help others. So I'm going to -- not going to let articles like this stop me from doing what I do, because for them, to do an article like this is sad.

But that just tells me how much this seat means, and that's what I tell people all the time. This seat means a lot. The Georgia seat means a lot to the left, so I'm going to say it again, and please forgive me for this -- let's stop them from getting this seat. And you can help me by going to teamherschel.com and let's stop them for getting this seat because right now, from what the left is doing is not right. They're doing to other candidates as well I bet, because they need those seats because they want to change this country, change your state and we're not going to let them have -- let it happen.

HANNITY: And "The New York Times", they're all anonymous sources. If you have a field and a street and you build the gym and you're building another I guess playground as I understand it in the town and you're given scholarships, is it true you invited your entire class to a reunion that you paid for the whole thing?

WALKER: That is true as well, and, you know, and that's what's so strange about it. Whoever wrote this article, you know, never even talked to me, never talked to any of my family members, never talked to anyone. Like I said, everything is anonymous and that's what's so sad, is it either anonymous or -- and/or I have no idea.

All I know is right now, they want to address everything except what the problems in this country is going on. You see it. You feel it.

High inflation. You know, you can't afford eggs and milk. You see crime. You're afraid to go to the mall, and you're even afraid to pump gas at a gas station at night. You're afraid to walk out of your house because you're prison in your own house because Senator Warnock believes in open -- he believes in no cash bail, believing emptying their prisons.

Right now, this border is wide open when the vice president says secured. Right now, we have problems and we got to get new leadership in Washington. And right now, they want to try to buy seats, they want to lie and do whatever they can to get you off your game. But right now, they made me better. Right now --


WALKER: -- Harder right now.

HANNITY: You see him at peace, you don't seem like you're letting this bother you. I think a lot of people will let it bother them. Do you just accept that that this is a political season, this is what happens?

WALKER: Well, no, I knew what I was getting into when I signed up. You know, the first thing somebody said is that, oh, you're conservative, you're Black. it had nothing to do with that. It has to do with I love America. It has to do, I love the constitution.

I believe in the lower taxes. I believe in law and order. I believe in uh the people. You know, they want to continue to tell us that we're a racist country, full of racist people, we're bad country. And I'm saying we're a good country, we're full of good people.

But what we got to do is we got to come together. I believe in unity I believe in bringing people together. And in that article that the guy wrote from "The New York Times", he talked like with separated in Wrightsville. I want to tell you right now, Wrightsville is one of the friendliest towns in the state of Georgia and the people get along.

Yes, years ago years ago, years ago, and I talked about it. Years ago, there was problems in that town. They had a lot of problems. But today, today, that town gets along, people gets along, people love each other.

So for a New York reporter to come and try to divide us because that's what the left is good at dividing us, I think it's a shame, it's disgusting. And I can promise you, the Wrightsville people are upset because it made me upset. They're not going to divide my family.

HANNITY: Herschel Walker, thank you for being with us, 36 days to go.

All right. Thirty-six days away from these crucial midterm races, Democrats are doing everything they can to distract from the failed Biden record. That's the one thing Jen Psaki got right. If it's about Biden and about their record, they're not going to do very well.

The economic warning signs, they are flashing now louder and louder. Gas prices as we predicted are going up again. Joe Biden has drained our strategic petroleum reserves to try and artificially reduce the price ahead of the midterms, putting national security at risk in my opinion in the meantime.

All -- and that's not all, surging inflation still has many Americans now living paycheck to paycheck. Meanwhile, major tech giants are already announcing layoffs, with even more expected in the months ahead.

Voters, they are now taking notice as economic anxiety continues to outweigh other concerns ahead of the November elections, under these destructive Democratic socialist policies. Costs are up. Crime is up, quality of life is down, wide open borders. In 36 days, you get the final say.

Here with more is the GOP's midterm -- with a midterm message -- is Louisiana Senator John Kennedy.

You know, I don't really quote Jen Psaki that often, but I think she's right. That this election is about Joe Biden and about his record and the Democratic Party's record. I don't think they have a chance, which is why I would argue they want to talk about January 6th, demagogue abortion, Donald Trump, and, of course, call Republicans every name in the book.

Do you see Republicans focused on the right issues?

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): I do, and I think Ms. Psaki is basically correct.

Look, I can't predict the future, Sean. I've got to wait for it like everyone else. But I -- but I do know a couple of things. I know that there are good pollsters out there and there are some not so good pollsters. And those not so good pollsters, you see their polls flying around, make those late night psychic hotlines that you see on TV look respectable.

I know that, number two, that many agenda journalists who lean Democratic sees these bad polls and they try to make us -- we meeting us meaning Republicans -- look bad.

Two years ago, the agenda journalists in Washington, D.C. had Lindsey Graham beat, Mitch McConnell beat, Steve Daines beat, Thom Tillis beat, Susan Collins beat. And we won every one of those races.

Point three, I wouldn't want to be in President Biden's shoes. I mean, he's got to convince the American people that the economy is slowing, that prices are rising, that electricity bills are going through the roof and that 401ks are crashing because his policies are so good, and the American people aren't believing that.

And this issue -- this race rather will be decided -- my race -- you can go to JohnKennedy.com to read more about me, JohnKennedy.com, my race, and these other tight races will be decided by the issues that moms and dads worry about when they lie down to sleep at night and can't. And that's the economy, inflation, the open border, crime, what are my kids learning at school. It's not Trump and abortion.

HANNITY: You can add gas prices to the list.

You know, you raised a point I know in one of your recent ads about what are you going to do if God forbid with defund, dismantle, no bail laws, what do you do if somebody breaks into your home? Because the police have the best response time you could ever imagine, whatever is going to happen will have happened by the time they get there.

And you pointed that out, but yet, still Democrats are defending these insane policies and you see what's happening across the country. Crime is increasing in every, you know, big city and small town across the country.

KENNEDY: Well, many of my Democratic colleagues, particularly mayors of major cities but also this White House, they started this defund and disrespect the police business. They did. They can run from it like a hound from hell but they started it, and it stuck, it stuck with our cops. And that's why many of them are leaving.

Some of it is because of pay but it's because they expect their political leaders to stand behind them. Not if -- not if they commit crimes themselves, but if they have to make a split-second decision and put their lives at risk, they expect their political leaders to stand behind them, not to make them scapegoats.

New Orleans and in my state, we need 2,000 cops on the street. We've got less than a thousand. Some of it is the pay, but a lot of it is they just no longer believe the political leadership will back them up, because much of the political leaders not -- well, that's an exaggeration --


KENNEDY: -- some of our political leaders in Louisiana and elsewhere think cops are a bigger problem than criminals. They think crime is up because of the cops. I think it's because of the criminals.

HANNITY: Senator, thank you for being with us. We're watching your race very closely, although we think you'll do very well.

Now we turn to another developing story you won't believe this out of California tonight. UC Berkeley's Law School is now under fire after an apparent student-led effort to create what was being dubbed a Jewish free zone after nine student groups adopted a rule forbidding pro-Israel speakers at events.

Now, the dean of the law school is pushing back saying no such zones exist and criticizing the effort. And a law school assistant dean told us in a statement, quote, the U.C. Berkeley administration denounced the effort as soon as it emerged.

But that's not stopping outrage over, you know, how such bigotry could even gain any support on the campus and why didn't the university outright stop it. And sadly, it's only one of many examples of far left bigotry intolerance at the California school. You might remember back in August when the off-campus Berkeley student housing banned white students from common areas, citing the threat of, quote, white violence.

Here with reaction, he's the author of the best-selling book "The Price of Principle", Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz.

Professor, thank you for being with us.

I saw this article and I'll be honest, it shocked the conscience of me. Now, the university is saying they condemned it, but why didn't they outright ban it and stop it?

ALAN DERSHOWITZ, HARVARD LAW PROFESSOR: Well, first of all, the university has played a very negative role here. You know, the university tried to ban me a few years ago from speaking to a pro-Israel group. I had to threaten to sue until finally the dean of the law school invited to speak.

When you look at the words of this resolution, this is the words sent by this type of group groups that we must ban all speakers that's necessary -- and this is a quote -- for the safety, for the safety and welfare of Palestinian students.

I challenge anyone to come up with one case where an Israeli speaker has ever challenged the safety of the Palestinian student. They want their ideas to be safe from controversy. Nobody is physically threatening them. The only students that are physically threatened are pro-Israel students.

When I spoke once at the University of Toronto, I had to have armed guards with shields in front of me to protect me from a potential assassination. And the worst thing about this is many of the groups in mainstream. Women law students, gay law students, Asian Pacific law students, African- American law students, they all say only one country in the world one country in the world deserves to have its speakers banned, that's Israel. Not China, not Russia, not Belarus, not Cuba, only the nation-state of the Jewish people.

It's core --

HANNITY: Let me ask the professor because we're running out of time. What will you do if the university does not stop this completely?

DERSHOWITZ: I've already challenged these clubs to invite me. I will come free to speak to any or all of them. If they don't accept that, we're going to sue them. They're state actors, they're acting on behalf of the state of California even if the law school disassociates himself. They are funding these organizations.

And if you can imagine if a club said nobody who supports Black Lives Matter can speak to our club, they would be up in arms. They would say Black Lives Matter, that's just a euphemism for keeping Blacks out. Saying that no Zionist can speak, it's just a euphemism for keeping out Jews.

The dean acknowledged that. He said 90 percent of the Jewish students are Zionists, include yourself. So this is a ban on --

HANNITY: All right. Professor Dershowitz, we'll watch very closely.

And straight ahead tonight, you're not going to believe what the trust fund brat in a hoodie John Fetterman is crying about this time, doesn't particularly like FOX News. Anyway, we'll explain as our vetting of his radical record continues. Mike Huckabee, Kayleigh McEnany, they'll weigh in as we continue.


HANNITY: I like we've been telling you here on this program, we'll do the job that the mob and the media will not do and actually vet these extreme, socialist, climate cult, Democratic candidates who are now in an election year conversion to rewrite their record.

And at the top of the list is this guy, the trust fund brat in a hoodie, John Fetterman. This guy continues to obsess over yours truly for actually pointing out the truth about his radical history.

Look at your screen right there, and you can see Fetterman has supported everything -- releasing violent criminals, even murderers, wants a third of the prison population released, moratorium on fracking. That's $8 billion industry, $80 billion industry in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Legalized so-called safe injection sites for the use of hard drugs and let the taxpayers pay for it. No restrictions on abortion.

Now, Fetterman is trying to hide who he really is from the people of Pennsylvania, actually scrubbing the Black Lives Matter section from his website.

John, why are you trying to hide your defund, dismantle, end of cash bail, pro-criminal agenda?

Meanwhile, Fetterman continues to struggle with even softball interviews, suffering yet another bizarre moment while on MSDNC.

Take a look.


CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC HOST: Lieutenant Governor, it's great to have you. I have not got an opportunity to speak to you on air since your stroke and since your primary victory. At first, I just wanted to check in and see how you're feeling and how you're doing.

LT. GOV. JOHN FETTERMAN (D), PENNSYLVANIA: I'm doing fine. I'm doing fantastic and it's not about kicking balls in the authority or anything, but I always like to say that if Dr. Oz says something and I can sell it on t-shirts and raise money for our campaign, then it's a good day for us.


HANNITY: All right. It's more clear than ever that the socialist trust fund brat in a hoodie with tattoos is a complete phony a fraud. He never had a high -- a paying job in his life. He's not fit for office. He pretends to be a self-made man of the people when in reality, he's anything but. He's been living off mommy and daddy and his sister for decades.

And a new poll from Emerson now shows Fetterman's support is sinking. Dr. Oz continues to make huge gains. Remember, he's down at one point by 12 points. As his record is known among the people of Pennsylvania, that race is changing.

Here with reaction, "Outnumbered" co-host Kayleigh McEnany, along with former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee.

Kayleigh, those positions, is that going to work in Pennsylvania?

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, "OUTNUMBERED" CO-HOST: No, it's not, and especially when you pair the positions together. So John Fetterman wants to eliminate open carry so you can carry a gun. You're in a high crime area, you want to protect your family, your gun's gone.

But he's the lone vote to commute a man's sentence who murdered a woman with a pair of scissors and was convicted for that. This is just one example of many with John Fetterman. So the scissor guy who murders someone, he's free, but we're taking your gun. It makes absolutely no sense and people realize that.

It's not just John Fetterman though. It's Mandela Barnes. You look at him. He's now trailing Ron Johnson because of the issue of crime.

You look in L.A. where you have a governor over there who now wants to legalize jaywalking and make it to where rap music is not permissible in court because that's the priority in California. You have a mayor's race there where a Democrat candidate who is a Republican just last year who wants to hire 15,000 new police officers is within three points of beating a six-term congresswoman for mayor.

The point is this: crime is becoming a predominant issue, Sean, in the midterms. This is the story I think of 2022. It was education last year. Story this year is crime and Republican candidate surging because of it.

HANNITY: Governor, every Democrat seems to be hiding the Biden basement bunker strategy. They are dumping tens of millions of dollars on Republicans and negative ads and they don't want to debate until like a week before Election Day. After all, the early voting has taken place. What should Republicans do?

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think you're being really too hard on John Fetterman. I mean, here's what happened. He went to the store and he tried to put some car in his gas and he couldn't afford it. Then he tried to put a bag in his groceries but he didn't have any pocket in his money and as a result of that, he decided that he would just kick some balls in the authority.

But the message for Pennsylvania voters is: don't put the Senate in John Fetterman, and it's all you've got to do to understand that it's just a mixed metaphor but if the people of Pennsylvania can't see through this and realize, he has no business going to the Senate and it's not because of his mixed metaphors, it's because of his totally mixed up values that Kayleigh just mentioned. He has no business being there, period.

HANNITY: Yeah, I can't say it better than both of you. It's amazing as people really get to know him, they don't like him and they realize they had no idea who he was. This guy has been releasing even the murderers in the street, voting to release them, wants a third of the prisons literally opened up and freeing the prisoners. It's insane.

All right. Thank you both. Kayleigh, thank you. Governor, thank you.

We'll have more HANNITY coming up, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. I mean, unfortunately. I can go on for another five hours. No problem.

Anyway, as always, thank you for being with us. Thank you for making this show even possible by tuning in every night. Please set your DVR so you never ever miss an episode of HANNITY.

Don't forget, for news anytime, foxnews.com, hannity.com.

In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, 10 seconds early. Here's Laura. She's ready and raring to go. Hi.

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