This is a rush transcript post from "Hannity," May 10, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: The show that is the sworn enemy of lying, pomposity, smugness and groupthink.

And now, at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, joining us from a different city but on the same wavelength, is the great Sean Hannity.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Very much on the same wavelength. Yeah, different city and I pay a lot more in taxes than you do. Anyway, Tucker, great show. Thank you.

Welcome to HANNITY.

And we begin with this FOX News alert. Pay very close attention -- gas station are now running out of fuel after this Russian linked cyber attack that shut down America's biggest pipeline impacting 17 states and D.C. and, frankly, the whole country. It's turning into a real disaster. It is national security threat. And it's all because of Joe Biden.

Joe, what are you going to do about Vladimir Putin? Hostile regime, hostile actor.

We have a lot more, straight ahead.

But be prepared to dig deep into your wallets. We will all be paying more.

Now, tonight, the experts, the scientists, the great Dr. Fauci all telling us that the COVID-19 vaccine, well, that equals a return to life as we once knew it. Normalcy was back. Now, Dr. Fauci is suggesting that Americans could be wearing masks forever. Forever?

Meanwhile, Joe Biden seems to have a cult-like obsession with mask and social distancing. Now months after getting fully completely vaccinated, it's so bizarre even -- and I got to give him credit, even fake Jake -- fake news CNN's Jake Tapper is blasting Biden's overly cautious approach. We have a lot more straight ahead tonight.

Plus, we'll bring you the very latest from Times Square, New York City where this weekend, a man shot three people in broad daylight, including a beautiful four-year-old girl, a young mother visiting for Mother's Day. So how's the defund, dismantle police movement working out?

The statistics are shocking. And after new restrictions on police, after a massive one billion dollar NYPD budget cut, violent crime is now spiraling out of control in the Big Apple and in cities all across the country. America's cities are officially in crisis. We have an in-depth report later in the program.

And I have another message for the Democratic Party's favorite sycophant Jimmy Kimmel. Jimmy, if you want to start up World War II again with me. I'm ready. I'll explain.

But, first, we start tonight with Joe Biden projecting weakness on the world stage. Frankly, it's an embarrassment. And America's enemies, they are taking note tonight. From cyber attacks to proxy wars, you have an alliance that has emerged with Iran and Russia and China, yep, all ramping up their malignant activity.

On Friday, the largest oil pipeline network in the U.S. was shut down because of the cyber attack reportedly linked to Hillary's favorite country of Russia. This pipeline transports nearly 50 percent of all gas consumed on the East Coast of this country, and that's including fuel that is used at our military bases.

So, make no mistake, this was a major attack. And not only gas prices already skyrocketing, they will go higher. Now gas stations, we can report at this hour, they're actually starting to run out of fuel and our military was also impacted.

So the pressing question of the night -- Joe, how will you respond?

My guess is they will do absolutely nothing. Well, you might want to call Hunter, he got the 3.5, what, million dollar deal with the first lady of Moscow, the wired money from the Russian oligarch. And after all, Joe Biden is doing very little.

We also have China's military, their expansion into the Pacific and the Arctic, even as China is publicly threatening Australia with a long-range missile attack and a strike. And in February, Joe rewarded Iran -- we told you about this -- by ending U.N. sanctions put into effect by Donald Trump and his administration.

And remember, Iran is the world's number one state sponsor of terrorism. And as we speak, the hostile regimes -- get this -- they continue to fund proxy wars across the region.

A few days ago, the U.S. Navy intercepted the ship in the Arabian Sea en route from Iran to Yemen. What was in that ship? It was carrying a massive amount of missiles grenade launchers sniper rifles other Chinese and Russian-made weapons bound for the ongoing proxy war in Yemen against the Saudis.

By the way -- so that's Russia, that's China and that's Iran fighting a proxy war against a group we're now aligned with that would be the Jordanians, the Egyptians, the Emirates, Israel, and yes, the Saudis. Who would have thought about that five years ago?

Earlier today, the terrorist group Hamas, backed by Iran, in their charter, they called for the destruction of Israel. They launched a rocket attack on the holy city of Jerusalem. This hours later, Israel responded with force. They attacked Hamas targets in Gaza.

And, following the strikes the Israeli embassy in the U.S. tweeted, quote: Imagine if a terrorist group was firing rockets at Washington, D.C. or London. Imagine the people of Paris or Tokyo running into bomb shelters. Israel will defend itself from attacks on its capital.

Now, Joe Biden, he needs to decide. Are you going to defend Israel, Joe?

And, of course, if you watch this program, you don't have to imagine what's happening in Israel. We have been on the ground in Israel. We've been there during these rocket attacks.

Now, we showed you the playgrounds that kids play with. They're indoors, in a bunker, constructed in a small Israeli town, border town with Gaza. Why? Because in 10 years, they had 10,000 rocket attacks, and it made it way too dangerous for the kids to play outside.

So kids play in bunker playgrounds underground. We also showed you the elaborate tunnels constructed by Hamas used by terrorists to bypass border security, carry out attacks in Israel.

These tunnels, by the way, were constructed with American and Israeli funding. Israeli-American concrete, and electricity, all meant for hospitals and schools and infrastructure, real infrastructure. Not Joe Biden child care infrastructure.

This is why the Trump administration stopped and halted millions and millions of dollars in aid to Palestine. Instead of helping the Palestinians, the money now Joe Biden pledged over $200 million now a year, that funds the terror group Hamas, which rules Palestine with an iron fist.

But guess what? Biden's already reinstated that aid to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars. And lo and behold, now that they have the extra money, the rocket attacks are back again.

Sadly, didn't have to be this way. There's never been a greater ally to the state of Israel than former President Donald J. Trump. Not only did he move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, something many presidents promised but never followed through on but his peace through strength policies, his steep financial sanctions on America's enemies restored order to the Middle East and an alliance that nobody ever thought possible and the Abraham Accords.

And let's not forget about the near miraculous peace deals all brokered by the Trump administration -- let's see -- between Israel and multiple Arab states. Sadly, some Republicans hated Trump so much, they were willing to risk all of this just to get him out of office.

One, of course, is Congresswoman Liz Cheney. She helped Joe Biden get elected. Cheney clearly has her own agenda and that is her prerogative. Liz is out for Liz. Fine, Liz, have at it.

She's willing to help the radical socialists left if that means hating all things Donald Trump. She's out of touch with the Republican Party and the base of the Republican Party and her constant lecturing, constant divisiveness not helping the GOP, having her own agenda and prioritizing that over that of the party -- well, that can't move the country forward.

And don't listen to the noise in the media, they don't really like Liz Cheney either. And now with the Biden administration's foreign policy in full effect, Liz, are you happy? Do you feel the world safer?

It's time for Republicans to get it together and do what they can to oppose this administration, these dangerous policies on the world stage.

And, by the way, before we move forward with breaking news, North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper has now declared a state of emergency over the temporary outage of the Colonial Pipeline caused by the cyber security attack that all signs point to Russia about. It's getting serious.

Here with more, former energy secretary, Texas governor, Rick Perry, along with FOX News contributor and speaker of the House, Newt Gingrich.

Governor Perry, I'll start with you because this was something you and Newt Gingrich felt very strongly about.

How important, how impactful is this to the 17 states that are in question tonight?

RICK PERRY, FORMER ENERGY SECRETARY: Well, you got of the gasoline that's going to the eastern part of the United States, going through that pipeline. So it's -- you know, this is a national security issue.

But, Sean, here's the really important thing for me from the standpoint of -- we matter of fact I'm pretty sure the Clinton administration, Bush administration the Obama administration all worked to get America to be independent of other countries of oil and gas. And we did that under the Trump administration. We not only became independent we became dominant.

And this administration wants to take that away, stop building pipelines. Well, if there was ever a wake-up call of, hey, President Biden, maybe we should build more pipelines instead of shutting them down, this was it today with the Colonial Pipeline. This is insanity.

HANNITY: Well, let's also -- let's not forget with the stroke of a pen, executive fiat, these are high-paying career jobs in the energy sector. And for the first time in 75 years, America became energy independent, great for national security, great for career jobs for American citizens.

Mr. Speaker, we now have -- it looks like this attack came from Russia. Then we have an unholy alliance between the Chinese, the Russians and the Iranians fighting a proxy war against the Middle East, basically in toto, especially Israel, and Israel's under fire tonight. I don't see Joe Biden funding the Palestinians and getting back in the Iranian deal having any positive effect.

PERRY: Yeah, and when you think about it, this is really --


HANNITY: Hang on, Newt Gingrich.

PERRY: Go ahead, Newt. I'm sorry.

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Okay, I'm just going to say, of course, Governor Perry knows much more than I do about the pipeline part of this, but on the national security part, let me just say -- we ought to pass a law immediately that makes it -- this kind of hacking subject to a death penalty, and the law should include a provision that the president through a judicial process should be able to order the killing of anybody overseas who's doing this.

I mean, we have now spent like 15 years on defense. We have no idea who they are. We have no idea where they are. And if we did know who they were, we'd have no mechanism to do anything about it.

A great country cannot allow people to come in and savage it, have no consequences, and then wait for the next attack. And yet that literally is where we are right now. I think this ought to be a bipartisan issue and people ask themselves, what are we prepared to do to protect America? From whether it's official governments or whether it is private citizens, this is an intolerable situation.

HANNITY: How does he get to bipartisanship when it comes to funding the Iranian mullahs and getting into a deal where you don't have any place, anytime inspections? How do you get into a deal when the Chinese and the Russians are giving Iranians weapons for their proxy war against Yemen and the three countries are lined against the United States and its allies, Newt?

GINGRICH: Look, it's pretty straightforward. You get a week or two -- and again, Governor Perry can explain this in much more technical detail than I can -- you get two or three weeks of the Northeast losing 45 percent of its oil and gas, and the American people are going to say enough of this baloney. We want this country protected. We want it to be effective. We want it to be immediate and we're going to fire anybody who doesn't get in line.

People are not going to tolerate these kind of, which I'm told are constant, but these kind of attacks which are a new kind of warfare, and I don't care if they're private criminals or they're public criminals, there's a -- it's an act of war against the United States to do stuff like this. We need to react to it as an act of war. And the American people are going to look at their representatives and their senators and they're going to say, you don't fix this, your successor will because I am I'm not going to put up with it and I'm not going to put up with you if you don't fix it.

HANNITY: Governor Perry, it's sort of like corporations don't pay taxes they're not going to lower their bottom line. They will they will pass them on to we, the consumer.

Okay, Joe Biden has his new green deal agenda. It's really a socialist agenda. That means that we're now energy dependent, the lifeblood of the world's economy. That hasn't changed overnight, and now we'll be dependent again. And that means every single consumer item that is trucked in to whatever store it happens to be, won't it be the consumers that are paying the higher costs for fuel and now would even go higher?

PERRY: Get ready for the inflation that's going to come with this.

And, you know, when I when I look over at North Carolina and I think about a Democrat governor over there that declared a state of emergency, think about the state of New Mexico that is absolutely going to be devastated because of the fossil fuel decisions that are being made in the current administration. You got to demo -- well, I think everybody in new Mexico is a Democrat elected official now, two United States senators and the governor and the secretary of interior from New Mexico, and they're willing to throw their state uh into the into the toilet so to speak uh to support this administration.

I don't understand that. I don't understand how people think that their political affiliation is more important than the people that they represent. And so, you know, Newt is absolutely correct. I mean, the speaker nails this when he talks about this being such an important national security issue.

Not only is it the economic side of a lot of people in states and union workers and what-have-you, but when you think about who's this really helping -- well, it's helping the Chinese because the administration wants to do away with American fossil fuels and rely totally upon the renewable side of things. And a part of your portfolio being renewable makes sense but to see the way they're moving away from everything that has to do with fossil fuel, this Green New Deal insanity that we're seeing them stand up with and the people that this helps is China. China, I think 60 percent of the solar panels come from China. Eighty percent of the poly silicon that they use in that industry is in China's hands.

So, the idea that we're, you know -- this is -- we got to address this and the speaker is right. It's going to take some drastic measures. We need to send a clear and powerful message. You come into the United States and you attack us using cyber method, we will come and get you. We will find you and you will pay a huge and heavy price.

Until we dot that, it's free game.

HANNITY: All right. Governor/Secretary Perry, Speaker Gingrich, thank you both.

So, okay, so Russian linked hackers massively disrupting the lifeblood of our economy. America's oil and gas supply, but don't worry, because the Biden administration is tackling the really big foreign policy crisis, 2016 Russian collusion, the lie.

In fact, Biden just hired one of America's biggest Russia collusion truthers -- her name, Susan Hennessey, to its national security division. Almost no one was more dedicated to pushing these lies, this Russian hoax, these conspiracy theories than Susan Hennessey. In fact, she just tweeted, oh around 39,000 tweets, many of which were dedicated to the Russia collusion conspiracy theories.

And look at your screen, this list was put together by our friends at "The Federalist". As you can see, Hennessey, one of dozens of officials and media figures that lied for three long years hawking this life for three long years, pushing this hoax for three long years.

None of these people should ever be trusted again, none of them. They're quite literally conspiracy theorists. They hurt the country. They lied to you day in and day out right to our faces, all for political gain.

Here with more is South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

Senator, I want to see if I understand this and you see if -- you tell me if there's a connection. Joe Biden starts funding the Palestinians again. Lo and behold, rocket fire into border towns in Gaza. Coincidence?

Joe Biden gets rid of the -- the deal with Iran. Hmm, interesting, they're aligning with the Russian and Chinese to fight a proxy war.

My question is this, you know a lot about national security. Do you think that these rogue nations, hostile regimes, see Joe Biden as I do? I'm just one of the few people honest enough to talk about it.

Do they see Joe Biden as weak? Do they see him as frail? Did they see him cognitively struggling like I do?

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): Well, their actions indicate that they're not afraid of the United States.

I can't imagine Eastern European countries, Russia included, who allow cyber criminals to attack the United States need to be put on notice that you need to clean up your backyard. I like Newt's idea of creating a cyber terrorism list, that these cyber criminals who attack our critical infrastructure are really terrorists by any other name, and we need to amend our laws so that we can treat them as terrorists.

But I've never been more concerned about our national security than I am now. Everybody sees Joe Biden as weak. We're going back into the Iran deal, the Arabs and the Israelis are beside themselves. Iran is getting stronger. China is threatening us at every turn, and Russia's troops on the border of the Ukraine.

So this is a dangerous time. Voids are filled when people are weak in the United States. When the American president is weak, that empowers all the bad guys and you see that happening every day on the world stage.

HANNITY: You got hammered a little bit over your comments about Donald Trump. I'd say to my Republican colleagues, can we move forward without President Trump? The answer is no.

But it's really we're talking about the simple agenda and you and I have discussed this at length, and that is okay, what is -- what do we conservatives believe? Liberty, freedom, capitalism, lower taxes --

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: -- less government bureaucracy. We want free and fair trade. We want peace through strength, secure borders, energy independence, constitutionalists on the bench, law and order, safety, security.

GRAHAM: Right.

HANNITY: Free market solutions to health care and choice in schools.

Am I missing anything? Because if I am, I need to be educated.

GRAHAM: No, that's a pretty good American First agenda you just described.

And what I said on your show got people all riled up, but it's just common sense. The most popular Republican in America, it's not Lindsey Graham, it's not Liz Cheney, it's Donald Trump. People on our side of the aisle believe that Trump policies worked. They're disappointed that he lost, and to try to erase Donald Trump from the Republican Party is insane.

And the people who try to erase him are going to wind up getting erased. It's impossible for this party to move forward without President Trump being its leader because the people who are conservative have chosen him as their leader. And you know why they chose him? Because he delivered.

He was the most consequential president for national security since Ronald Reagan. He secured the border. He cut our taxes. He brought a new attitude of being an American and the people have chosen him not, not the pundits.

HANNITY: Yeah, by the way, I think Tim Scott might be the senior citizen - - senior senator now from the great state of South Carolina. I'm just guessing after that rebuttal to Biden and he -- you know, he's given you a run for your money, just saying, and he's taking us unfair heat for it.

GRAHAM: He's a smart one. He's a smart one.

HANNITY: Yeah. All right, Senator, thank you.

GRAHAM: He's a great guy. He's stronger today than he's ever been. Thank you.

HANNITY: All right. Coming up, left continuing their power grab as they push for a complete election takeover. When we come back, Texas Senator Ted Cruz, he will highlight the GOP's fight against this power grab.

By the way, Jimmy Kimmel, friend of Jimmy Kimmel, you might want to tell Jimmy, if he wants to reignite his feud with me, I'm willing -- I'm willing to throw down any day, any night of the week. Jimmy, I think it's wise for you to stop commenting on my show. I'll explain why, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. This will be interesting. Tomorrow, the Senate will hold the hearing on Democrats sweeping election overhaul bill known in the Senate as Senate Bill 1, equivalent to HR-1 in the House.

That would result in a federal takeover of our election system, including more ballot harvesting, mass mail-in voting, a weakening of state voter ID laws if any voter ID at all. Felons will be voting, they've earned the right. And turning the FEC into a speech czar and a partisan prosecutor, determining the truthfulness the veracity of campaign ads. That would be up to the other candidate to do that, just as a side note.

It is a shameless power grab. When you add court packing to it, D.C., Puerto Rico statehood and everything else they're proposing, it is a clear and present danger to a document that we used to know as our Constitution. It will weaken the integrity of our elections. It will create more chaos. It will remove any confidence or integrity in the system and it is designed to give Democrats power in perpetuity.

If we want election integrity, we need to focus on the five things I keep mentioning: voter signature ID, the same thing you need to get this little jewel.

You need voter -- you need a picture ID, six pack of beer, picture ID. We need chain of custody controls to guarantee the election doesn't get in the hands of somebody that's unsavory. And we need to update voter rolls every election season. And lastly, properly, we have laws that allow partisan observers to watch the vote count, and I mean watch it not from 100 feet away if at all.

We want to and must demand integrity so we have confidence in the results. Joe Biden never lifted a single finger in, what, he served Delaware 500 years to change the voting laws in Delaware, even though they are far more restrictive than the laws in Georgia that he refers to as Jim Crow 2.0, because Joe is busy working with the former Klansmen to stop the integration of schools in America because he didn't want our schools to become racial jungles, his words.

Georgia is far more inclusive than Delaware's Jim Crow 2.0, where they don't even have any early voting or no excuse absentee voting. And they have no drop boxes at all.

But Joe, in 500-plus years, never did a thing to change the laws in the state he represents.

Here to explain, Texas Senator Ted Cruz.

Senator, good to have you back.

Okay, those are my five things that I think we need so we have integrity in the process and confidence in the results. Am I on target or is there more that you think we should add?

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Look, Sean, you're exactly right. And I've got to say this bill that is before the Senate, it's S-1 or HR-1 -- many of us are calling it the corrupt politicians act -- is in my view the single most dangerous piece of legislation before the United States Congress.

You know, there's kind of two buckets of what the Democrats are trying to do. One is bad policy. Things like massive new taxes, massive new spending, massive new regulations, all of those are going to hurt Americans all across the country. But there's a second bucket that is really rigging the game, trying to change the rules so they never lose again.

And the crown jewel of the rigging the game proposals is the corrupt politicians act. Tomorrow in the Rules Committee in the Senate, we're going to have a markup. I've got 46 amendments I've introduced that I'm going to force Democrats to vote on, one after the other after the other. Because you're right, what this bill does, it's a massive federal takeover of elections all across this country.

It strikes down almost every voter integrity law that's ever been adopted in the states. So, for example, 29 states require voter ID. It's a very reasonable common sense provision. The corrupt politicians act strikes all of those laws down. Thirty-one states prohibit vote harvesting, prohibited paid operatives collecting other people's ballots and potentially stealing those votes. This bill strikes all of those provisions down.

This bill, the corrupt politicians act, would register millions of illegal aliens. It would register millions of criminals to vote because Democrats believe and I think quite reasonably that millions of illegal aliens and millions of criminals are likely to vote Democratic.

This bill turns the Federal Election Commission into a partisan weapon to fine, to prosecute, to sue Republicans. It gives Chuck Schumer a federal agency as an attack dog.

And not only that, this bill is welfare for politicians. It provides a federal match of six to one. If a candidate raises money for a campaign, the federal government matches at six to one, which would give hundreds of millions of dollars to politicians because, Sean, as you look at needy populations in America, it's hard to think of a group more needing of federal funds than politicians. And, by the way, they can pay their own expenses out of this.

This is a -- it is a massive Democratic power grab and it's because the number one priority of Joe Biden, of Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi is to stay in power for a hundred years and to steal the rights of the voters to vote them out.

I am leading the fight against this. It is the single most dangerous thing in the Congress right now.

HANNITY: Senator, I'll defer to you. You're the -- you went to Harvard Law. You've argued in one case before the U.S. Supreme Court. My understanding is that the Constitution's pretty clear, time, manner, place of elections, that would be up to state legislatures. But maybe I'm mistaken or perhaps I misinterpreted our Constitution and the very clear language in it?

CRUZ: Well, Sean, I will say it's a bit more complicated than that because under the Constitution, the states and the federal government have concurrent authority. So, Congress does have some authority over elections and it would certainly be litigated.

Are there provisions of the corrupt politicians act that any in any fair court would be struck down? Absolutely.

But here's the really bad news -- the only way the Democrats will pass the corrupt politicians act is if they can get all Democrats to end the filibuster. If they end the filibuster, they'll do this. But they'll also make D.C. a state, adding two new Democratic senators and they'll pack the U.S. Supreme Court, adding four left-wing justices.

And if they do that, four left-wing justices will vote to uphold the corrupt politicians act and keep Democrats in power forever. This is all about rigging the game and stealing your right to vote. It's saying to the voters, you can't vote the bums out no matter how much damage they do to the country.

HANNITY: Republicans can deny the Democrats a quorum if they unite -- all 50 of you. Do you trust Lisa Murkowski, Ben Sasse, Mitt Romney? Because I don't have a lot of confidence in them.

CRUZ: Look, Sean, I hope so. I can tell you. I'm making the case to my Republican colleagues that if they pull the trigger, if Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema cave under Chuck Schumer's pressure, we should use every tool we can. We should deny unanimous consents. We should deny a quorum.

I can tell you, most Republicans are agreed. I don't know if we get all 50. I'm going to do everything I can to make the case and I hope we do. Right now, there's not a Republican in the conference arguing the other side.

That might change. But at least right now, we have a united front. I hope that remains that way because if not, tax increases we can undo in two years or four years. Changing the rules fundamentally is designed to rig the system for a century to come and with every -- every breath in my body I'm going to fight against it.

HANNITY: Senator, I appreciate your efforts. This is important. This is key. This is crucial. This would forever change and alter the trajectory of the country, biggest power grab ever. Thank you, Senator Cruz.

All right. When we come back, left continues to send mixed signals regarding COVID, the effectiveness of vaccines.

Joe, is the vaccine that you told everybody would bring us back to normal life, do you believe that? Biden continues wearing his mask outside. Why? Dr. Nicole Saphier weighs in with her reaction. That's straight ahead. Stay with us.


HANNITY: All right. Now, as we saw with the disastrous job numbers last week, Joe Biden's so-called recovery is not spurring any growth like he's claiming and in some cases, it's actually paying people more to stay home than to get back to work.

And it gets even worse because Mr. Follow the Science, Biden, he continues to defy even his own CDC and the great Dr. Fauci by wearing his mask outside even though he's been fully vaccinated since January.

That even prompted CNN's fake Jake Tapper to actually ask a real good question, what's going on with this? Take a look.


JAKE TAPPER, CNN HOST: Is it really necessary for a fully vaccinated person to wear a mask at a limited indoor gathering if everyone there is vaccinated?

JEFFREY ZIENTS, WHITE HOUSE COVID-19 RESPONSE COORDINATOR: Well, the CDC has given guidance that when you're with family and friends that are vaccinated in small groups, you don't need a mask.

TAPPER: So why does President Biden in a room full of vaccinated journalists, with everybody in that room vaccinated, why does he need to wear a man?

ZIENTS: The president is going to continue to follow the CDC guidance.


HANNITY: Okay, Jake Tapper never thought I'd say this, he's right. More right than he knows.

Biden's behavior, because they would say, oh, Republicans are anti-science, anti-vaxxers. Not true, I love science and I totally believe in vaccines. Suggesting that he doesn't want life to get back to normal, what is he communicating here? Is it a mixed message or that he wants to what undermine people's faith in vaccines? There are people that are on the fence.

Now, I am as pro-vaccine, pro-science as anyone. I've said here on this program. Isn't it amazing -- what a testament to American medical research, scientists, they were able to literally, you know, break down the coding of this virus in six weeks, in less than a year, Operation Warp Speed, three vaccines in a year, add to that, incredible therapeutics like Regeneron and others.

But, you know, the one thing I tell people, I believe in medical privacy. I believe in patient client privilege and privacy. I'm not a doctor. It's not right for me to play one on radio or TV. I actually don't have a license to practice medicine.

And think about how far though we have come -- Biden, Fauci, Psaki all have said that vaccines would put us on a path back to normalcy, which everybody's dying for. Biden said masks only for the first hundred days of his presidency. But here we are, and what the hell is with the mixed messages? Do you somehow lack faith in the vaccine that you have had since January?

Now, there's always going to be some level of risk in life. There was risk before the pandemic. There are risks, you know, after the pandemic. That's life.

But what Biden is doing is counterproductive. It is confusing people, especially people on the fence and it's downright ignorant and somewhat stupid.

I mean, look at these photos. Remember last week, Jill, Joe Biden they have their precious masks on. They're socially distanced from everybody else outside as they enter former President Jimmy Carter's home, who's 96 years old, his wife's 93 years old, and then when they leave their home they have their masks on again. But inside the home, with older people, 96 and 93, and guess what? They didn't have any mask on.

First I thought when I saw that photo, I thought it was photoshopped. No social distancing, no masks. They only wear the masks outside on the way in and on the way out. Does that sound like they're following the science, the lectures that they give us every single day?

Let me repeat, I'll say it again. I'm pro-vaccine. I'm pro-science. I'm not going to be your doctor.

You should do your own research. Research, learn, it's all available. Do this, then consult with your doctor or doctors or the medical professionals you most trust in life and make the right decision for you. I want every American to be safe, healthy, happy and secure and I'd like to get back to normal.

Where's the accountability for Biden, the CDC and especially doom gloom flip-flopping Fauci who last March went on "60 Minutes" and said, ah, masks don't work?

Here to break it all down, author of "Panic Attack", which I'm about to have, Dr. Nicole Saphier.

Do you have any medicine for that, any vaccine that I can take for that?

DR. NICOLE SAPHIER, FOX NEWS MEDICAL CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you know what, education is key and it's facts over fear. The more you educate yourself as you keep saying, the less fear and unnecessary panic you're going to have.

HANNITY: Okay. Conservatives unfairly are being accused of being anti- vaxxed. Doctor, I can tell you, I'm not. I believe in the science. I believe in the medicine. I trust that the researchers what they've done is amazing. Is Joe Biden hurting the cause for people that are sitting on the fence? Because I believe he is.

SAPHIER: Well, Sean, I can tell you, I wish that Jake would have pushed a little bit harder in that interview because the secretary said that the president is going to continue to follow the CDC recommendations. But as you have astutely pointed out, he's actually not following the CDC recommendations by having his mask on when he's outside. And then again wearing mask indoors with other vaccinated individuals.

So there's a lot of mixed messaging going on. But to take that a step further, it's not even the mixed messaging which has left Americans extremely confused, but what about the fact that to really gain that credibility in the public's eye to get that trust that we so much need for public health, they have to be able to demonstrate that they're willing to roll back these restrictions when the threat level of COVID has decreased.

And I can tell you, Sean, we're there. The competition between the variants and the vaccines for the last five months, we have won with our vaccination rates. Everywhere you look, you see the cases, the hospitalizations, the deaths are markedly down. The percent positivity rate is down to 2.9 percent.

It hasn't been that low since last May and that's half the threshold that the World Health Organization says to reach to open things up. So they have to start coming forward. If the message is not liberation happens after vaccination, people aren't going to get vaccinated.

HANNITY: I believe in medical privacy, patient-doctor privilege. I believe in all of that. I'm not a doctor.

Are there people that you might advise for whatever medical condition they have not to get the vaccine?

SAPHIER: Listen, I can tell you. To get this vaccine is a very personal choice. If anyone has a chronic illness, the first thing you do before getting the vaccine is have the conversation with the medical professional that knows you intimately and who can really talk --

HANNITY: Thank you.

SAPHIER: -- through those risk versus benefits with you.

HANNITY: So, Dr. Hannity or Dr. Biden really are not the experts that people should be listening to. They should be listening to the pros. I should stay in my -- if I had a doctor on that talked about early on any therapeutic, that wasn't politically correct when we had nothing to offer people. Oh, just listening to their opinions, you know, send people to into a tailspin.

Doctor, thank you. Appreciate it.

When we come back, woke culture getting out of control amid a shocking spike of crime all across this country. Leo 2.0 Terrell, Larry Elder.

And Jimmy Kimmel may want to start our fight up and our feud up again. If he does, I am more than willing to participate, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Apparently, some "SNL" cast members weren't happy with billionaire/innovator Elon Musk hosting the program Saturday night, even the ratings went through the roof. Yet another example of the vapors, the feigned, selective morale outrage. Oh, I'm so offended by a tweet.

Elon Musk, frankly, is an amazing mind, a national treasure. He represents the dreamer, the doer, electric cars, trips to Mars, more. Watch the men who built America. The Carnegies, the Rockefellers, the JPMorgans, yes, we have those people today and nobody wants to hear from them? We need those great innovators for tomorrow.

Dave Chappelle was asked about it during an appearance with Joe Rogan, he actually criticized woke culture. Good for him. By the way, and Americans increasingly agree with Chappelle, and we want comics that are free to say anything they want, and tuning out Hollywood's left wing lunacy.

NBC announced that they're not even going to broadcast the Golden Globes International woke awards. And ask yourself, is there anything the woke left is doing to actually improve the lives of every day Americans, and to make us a little more free and a little less PC, follow the crowd, feigning outrage?

Because we know that abolish, defunding the police, yeah, that makes our vulnerable communities less safe, less secure. Look at New York City, shooting is up a whopping 83 percent year to date, and last year was a record, including a shooting in the middle of Times Square this weekend. A 4-year-old little girl and 2 others injured, a mom for Mother's Day. Yeah, she nearly died and nobody helped us.

Joining us with reaction, Larry Elder 1.0, Leo 2.0 Terrell.

I don't see a hat on Larry, Leo. It's not fair.

I want to -- I look at somebody like Elon Musk, and I'm like, okay, why doesn't the left love him? Electric cars, trip to Mars, how do you not love that?


LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I can answer that. Go ahead, Larry.


HANNITY: No you go.


TERRELL: I am going. Elon Musk, even what -- the left hates him for two reasons. One, he left the bluest state California and went to Texas because he wouldn't play the left wing game.

Secondly, he decided to act like an American and express an opinion about the vaccine, about whether or not he's going to give the vaccine to his children. He had an opinion.

And if you disagree with the left, you are going to be criticized completely.

Regarding NBC and the Hollywood Globes, guess what, they want racial quotas. It's not black enough. It's not brown enough. Racial quotas are outdated, but that's the reason allegedly why NBC is pulling the plug. They want four blacks, five browns, six yellow, eight whites. It's ridiculous. The real reason is they are losing money.


ELDER: Sean, the reason that people like Dave Chappelle are finally starting to criticize the woke culture, it's called self-preservation. They know damn well they are next. Chappelle's humor is quite edgy. He has a skit called Meet the N-word, a white family has a last name, the N-word. It's very funny.

But in today's woke culture, you can't get away with. Bill Maher has been increasingly critical of the woke culture for the same reason, self- preservation. This is a man who used a C-word in a standup to refer to Sarah Palin. He's called Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin two bimbos. He called Sarah Palin's son Twig who got Downs syndrome retarded.

He knows that damn well if this woke culture gets out of hand, people like Bill Maher and Dave Chappelle, they are next.

And regarding NBC refuses to carry the Golden Globes, I've got two words to say, Al Sharpton, one of the nation's most incendiary anti-Semites, who has a show on MSNBC, and they're giving us lectures about race relations. It's a joke, a joke.

HANNITY: All right. Leo, Larry, good to see you both.

All right. We're going to respond to Jimmy Kimmel's attacks on a guest on this program Caitlyn Jenner. If you want to start the fight up again, Jimmy, I'm all in -- straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Far left, low-rated late night host Jimmy Kimmel is spewing more hatred and more rage, saying, quote, is it transphobic to call a trans person an ignorant a-hole? In response to our interview with Caitlyn Jenner talking about the real problem of homelessness.

Jimmy, what is with all the anger and all the cheap shots? Yeah, if you haven't noticed, homeless people all over your state.

And, by the way, don't you have anything better to do, maybe actually trying to be funny or boost your dismal ratings, because we're absolutely crushing you by like 70 percent in total viewers, Jimmy. So, that's this quarter.

Jimmy, here's my advice. Don't talk about my show anymore. But since you did, let's remind people, take a trip down memory lane. You want to talk about ignorant a--h---s. This is you dressed as Karl Malone.

And check this out. This is you, an ignorant a--h---, when you had a cucumber in your pants during the man show.

And maybe your bosses at Disney can talk you out of your bad behavior. You talk about my show, I'll hit you back 50 times harder. Ball's in your court.

Laura Ingraham, take it away.

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