This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on November 1, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Yeah, that's a real southern accent there, Tucker. I mean, he's really got Ron DeSantis on the ropes. I'm sure Ron and Rubio were scared to death.
Anyway, thank you, Tucker.
Welcome to HANNITY.
We begin with a FOX News alert. In a huge win for election integrity, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court they have now officially barred, undated and misstated absentee ballots from being counted.
In other words, shocking, they're accordance with state law, they're going to follow the law, a great step forward in preventing fraud and abuse and good news for the critical upcoming in a huge win for election integrity. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court, they have now officially barred undated and misstated absentee ballots from being counted. In other words, shocking, they're accordance with state law, they're going to follow the law, a great step forward in preventing fraud and abuse and good news for the critical upcoming election in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
One week from tonight, it will be election night right here in America and the critical midterms, you got it, are seven days away and we begin with good news tonight for the GOP, along with an important warning to all voters across the country, that's coming.
But first, the good news. In a shock to many Democrats, General Don Bolduc has now taken a one-point lead over the incumbent Maggie Hassan in New Hampshire's Senate race. This would be a huge Republican pickup.
Now, General Bolduc, by the way, two Purple Hearts, five Bronze Stars. He and Governor Sununu will be on the show together on Thursday night.
In the state of Washington, Republican Tiffany Smiley is now in a dead heat, it's an even race with Patty Murray, according to Trafalgar, and another poll that just broke moments ago.
And in Michigan's governor's race, get this, Tudor Dixon, she will join us in a moment, she has now taken a lead over Gretchen Whitmer.
Out in Arizona, Kari Lake is up big. Blake Masters is in a statistical tie with Mark Kelly. However, we have big news up from Arizona tonight in what is a huge boost for Blake Masters. The third party libertarian candidate just dropped out of the race and he endorsed Blake Masters for the Senate.
Polls had the libertarian candidate Marc Victor polling at six points. In other words that's another six anti-Mark Kelly points likely to go to Blake Masters or at least a majority of them and that now heavily favors Blake Masters for a pickup with Republicans in Arizona.
Meanwhile, we have more good news in Pennsylvania. Dr. Oz is up following Fetterman's disastrous debate deform performance. But if you're in Pennsylvania, you need to be careful. Democrats are now dumping tens and tens and tens of millions of dollars in one smear ad after another on Dr. Oz in this last week of the campaign. They are desperate to get that guy in the hoodie, the guy that never worked a day in his life, the trust fund brat that wants legalized heroin injection sites paid for by taxpayers, no restrictions on abortion, a moratorium on fracking, wants to release convicted murderers.
Anyway, that race shouldn't be close, but it is. So pay attention in Pennsylvania.
Herschel Walker continues to outpoll radical Raphael Warnock in Georgia. That race also remains close.
And perhaps the biggest political news comes out of the deep, deep blue state of New York where Republican Lee Zeldin is now officially taken the lead in a brand new poll by Trafalgar. That's Robert Cahaly's group.
Now, Lee Zeldin will be here as he's campaigning with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. That's straight ahead. And now, the numbers are really -- both of them will join us. Now, the numbers are really encouraging.
But let me be clear and let me pause right here. These races are very, very close. Most of them are within two points. So make no mistake, it doesn't matter if your preferred candidate is in the lead. If your preferred candidate is behind. If your preferred candidate is in a dead heat tie, anything can happen.
Don't think for a second this is a slam dunk. In other words, every voter needs to do their part, take nothing for granted and don't forget what is at stake here. You have a record 40-year high of inflation, which could have been prevented and by the way you have the highest gas prices and diesel prices we've ever paid in our entire history.
We have wide open borders, almost four and a half million illegal immigrants under Joe Biden. We have crime way up in small towns and big cities all across the country. We have woke education versus classical education winning out in way too many cities and towns, and by the way, all caused by the liberal Democrats and the radical socialist agenda.
They control the House. They control the Senate. They control the White House. They spend trillions on this green new energy, their pet projects. They have stifled all American domestic production of oil and gas, the lifeblood of our economy.
They would rather beg countries that hate our guts like Saudi Arabia, OPEC nations, Venezuela, Iran and Russia, then produce these things domestically. They have raised prices dramatically as a result on everything you buy in every store you go to. They are the people that kept your kids out of school and your business is shut down.
They opened up our borders like never before. They released violent felons from prison. They dismantle police departments and they don't want bail laws in many of these cities and states.
They do not deserve your vote and I'll take it a step further. They deserve to be fired. One week from tonight, you have the power to fire them, I don't. You do, collectively we do.
In fact, with Democrats in charge, the suffering will only get worse and needless to say Democrats cannot run on their record. Instead, Joe Biden, you know now in this last-ditch effort -- well, let's lie to senior citizens and scare them to death with lies about Republicans. They want to take away your Social Security and Medicare and cut it.
Okay. Not a single Republican has ever said it. No Republican supports it. It's never going to happen and this is desperation on display. Take a look.
JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: A senator from Florida going after Medicare and Social Security -- I tell you what, I know where, as they say in the Southern, doesn't know where y'all been, goddamn more.
Every year, every single year, it should be in the chopping block, along with veterans benefits and everything else in federal budget. If congress doesn't vote affirmatively to keep it, it goes away, gone.
You've been paying to Social Security your whole life. You earned it. Now, these guys want to take it away. Who in the hell do they think they are? Excuse my language.
HANNITY: Who in the hell do you think you are, Joey, lying to the American people? That is a lie. Obama's been spreading the lie. Every Democrat's been spreading the lie.
There's not a single Republican or conservative that is advocating cutting veterans benefits, cutting Social Security or cutting Medicare. So Joe appears to be malfunctioning yet again. And I'm sure, by the way, Marco Rubio and Ron DeSantis are shaking in their boots because Joe is down in Florida because that's probably the only place they want to send them because they know they have no chance of winning there.
Now, I think there's a rocking chair by the way somewhere in Delaware on the beach with Joe Biden's name on it. But if you think that's bad, just listen to his lies about inflation, transitory inflation. Inflation is now almost over. We have zero inflation no we've had nothing but nine straight months of a 40-year record high of inflation, thanks to his energy and economic policies. Take a look.
BIDEN: And they talk about inflation. You know, we're dealing with it -- but hold for a second. Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq and the impact on oil and what Russia is doing. I mean, excuse me, the war in Ukraine and I think Iraq because that's where my son died, yeah, because he died.
HANNITY: Wow. War in Iraq, none of that was true. Russia did not cause America's inflation crisis and Biden's son did not die in Iraq. He has said it over and over again, it's not true.
It's no wonder that we you know within a week we're going to go to a pivotal election, Democrats are once again, they are trying to hide the leader of their party, he is not mentally fit to represent the party in any way. As UVA professor, leaning Democrat, Larry Sabato, stated, quote: To the extent that Biden is less visible and maybe even invisible, it's a plus for Democrats. Out of sight, out of mind.
Now, that's why Joe is in Florida Democrats election prospects there are pretty much next to zero. And in Maryland, where Democrats will probably win every major race without a contest, and, of course, in contrast, we have former President Obama, he is pounding the campaign trail very, very angry Obama out there, in multiple key states that actually matter, yelling screaming and lying at every single stop.
He was in Georgia for a rally with, oh, that's right, he was there with his fellow Jeremiah Wright lover and Louis Farrakhan supporter, Raphael Warnock. Warnock, a big supporter of critical race theory, a proponent of defund and dismantle and no bail movement. Warnock also praising Fidel Castro. That's the trifecta.
Jeremiah Wright, Louis Farrakhan, and Fidel Castro, and he demanded by the way that America repent for its whiteness. Obama then traveled to Michigan where he praised on governor Whitmer for keeping kids out of school for years and with some of the worst lockdown rules in the country and the former president also campaigned there in Wisconsin for Mandela Barnes and Barnes, of course, wants to cut the prison population in half.
Oh, that's a brilliant move. He wants to end cash bail, defund the police and praise the 2020 riots, 574 of them that Congress never investigated but apparently, that's all perfectly fine with Barack Obama. He supports all of it.
Next up is Nevada, for Biden's rubber stamp, Christine Cortez Masto. Then on to Arizona for the cowardly Katie Hobbs, perhaps, well, the worst candidate in the country.
And finally to Pennsylvania for the socialist trust fund brat who never worked a day in his life in a hoodie, John Fetterman. Now, this guy is the radical of all radicals, lifelong opponent of fracking, he wants a moratorium, obsessed with letting convicted first-degree murderers out of prison, wants to open up the prison population and release at least a third to half.
He wants Pennsylvania to be a sanctuary state. He wants you taxpayers in Pennsylvania, he wants your money to fund safe heroin injection sites. I'm sure you're very happy about that. At some point soon, Obama might also want to take a special trip to New York.
And by the way, in Pennsylvania, when Obama gets there, don't forget that he referred to you as bitter Americans that cling to your god, bibles, guns and religion. You might want to come to New York also Kathy Hochul, she's not doing particularly well, and we have much more on that race coming up as Lee Zeldin will join us. He's been on the campaign trail with Governor Ron DeSantis.
But, first, here now with reaction, former speaker of the House, FOX News contributor Newt Gingrich.
You know, I love when you're right and I have to -- I have to identify that you are ahead of the curve. You have very confidently been saying for some time now that this is going to be a wave election. If these polls pan out, and I'm urging people not to trust them. I'm urging people to keep that sense of urgency and resolve. But if it pans out, you'll be right again, and I'll have to say Newt was right again.
NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Now, look, I mean, first of all, your key point is everybody who's watching has to go vote and they have to get their friends their relatives everyone they know to go vote. If that happens, if we get that kind of a turnout, we're going to win a historic election, maybe the biggest Republican victory since 1920 over a hundred years ago. But that's going to happen only if the American people turn up and vote.
Now all the indicators in the last few days are that in fact, I mean, if you looked at the recent Gallup poll material, for example, where people are just totally disgusted with Biden and with the Democrats who feel deeply that the country's on the wrong track, the Gallup said they had the worst data for an off-year election since they began taking that kind of a survey in terms of the incumbent Democratic Party.
But I think your point's exactly right, everybody has to turn out and vote. If they do, I think we're going to see a remarkable repudiation of a set of policies that are frankly a disaster. I mean, it -- I could not have dreamed when you and I talked about this two years ago, I could not have dreamed how bad they'd be. I couldn't dream how dumb they would be, and I couldn't have dreamed how radical and how weird they would be.
All those things have come home and now I think it's all going to cave in. And the reason you're seeing people like Obama be so angry is they don't have any facts on their side, all they've got left is raw emotion because on every single major issue, they're now losing and I think as that sinks in over the next seven days, it's just going to lead to a tsunami of historic proportions.
HANNITY: So I did make a prediction at the beginning of this election year and I think I've been proven right, that Democrats will run on three things, one, January 6th and they hate Donald Trump. Okay, that is fizzled out.
And they would run on the Dobbs decision, that seems to have now backfired on them because most of these radical candidates, we have discovered, support no restrictions on abortion and would allow women to have an abortion, oh, 10 minutes before they're due to deliver a baby which would be infanticide. The next thing is the old historical playbook, which is Republicans, a racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, et cetera, and by the way, they want to cut your Social Security, Medicare and veterans benefits, none of which is true. That seems to be the last ditch effort and that's their final message in the in the last week of the campaign. Will that work?
Well, look, I mean, first of all, the objective reality is people go to the grocery store. You can't run enough ads for Democrats to convince people they're not paying a lot more money. They go to the gas station. You can't pay for enough ads to convince them they aren't paying a lot more money.
In the Northeast, one of the reasons Bolduc is going to win is that we have a diesel fuel shortage which relates directly to a heating oil shortage. The prices are going to be out of sight. People are going to be furious.
I have somebody who works with me who says that that Alan Silken (ph), he said his wife's mad every Sunday. She goes to the grocery store. By the time she gets home, the prices are so high, she's just furious.
I think these things are about real life. And then you go home, you turn on the evening news, you find out how many muggings, how many killings, how many rapes. You look at this weekend in Chicago, how can you possibly be comfortable?
And finally you have all these illegal immigrants, one of whom it turns out attacked Paul Pelosi. I mean, let's be clear about this, the national media didn't want to start with that headline. But the truth is, it was an illegal immigrant who should not have been here who attacked Paul Pelosi. Now in the --
HANNITY: Sanctuary city.
GINGRICH: -- in our prayers. We certainly hope he recovers, in this -- in the sanctuary.
HANNITY: By the way, I want Paul Pelosi to be safe, but I want every American to be safe. And defund, dismantle, no bail has created more crime, more murder, more violent crimes than we have seen in decades. And the facts and the evidence speak for itself.
GINGRICH: That's right. And then, the Pew poll people just reported that 82 percent of African Americans list crime as their biggest issue. Now, I don't know whether that's going to mean they break for Republicans because the Republicans are pro-police and anti-criminal. Will they stick with the Democrats out of old loyalty?
But when you start getting numbers like that, one of the great advantages that Dr. Oz has is that in Philadelphia, 70 percent of the voters say that crime is their biggest issue and, of course, Fetterman is pro-criminal, anti-police, wanted to release murderers and all these things are coming together.
And frankly, in terms of this racist, xenophobic stuff, how do you attack for example Herschel Walker for not being sensitive about race? I mean, it's absurd.
And Kevin McCarthy has done a brilliant job on the House side, they have more minority candidates more women candidates than ever and more veteran candidates than ever in history and it's pretty hard to describe this new Republican Party as the way the Democrats would like to describe it. The Democrats are becoming a very narrow party of graduate school-educated radicals and in the process they're alienating Latinos, Asian Americans, working class whites.
And by the way, among women, after Dobbs, there's been a 26 percent shift, 26 points from Democrat to Republican in the last month. That's an astonishing number.
HANNITY: Last question, predictions. One week from tomorrow will be the morning after election night in America. What will be the net result in your opinion?
GINGRICH: You will be happy. How about that?
HANNITY: Okay, that's a fair answer.
GINGRICH: My personal, my personal, my personal guess is, being conservative, plus two to plus seven in the Senate, plus 20 to plus 50 in the House, maybe a little more than 50. Most likely House number is plus 44.
HANNITY: Wow. Okay. Newt Gingrich, thank you.
We have a great show. Coming up, you -- when we come back, you won't believe the latest spin that Biden is trying to put on his economic crisis. Senator Ted Cruz will weigh in.
Later, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis out campaigning with Lee Zeldin. They both join us live.
And could the deep blue state of New York actually elect a Republican governor? Because Lee Zeldin, the Republican candidate, is now ahead in a brand new poll.
And guess what? Tudor Dixon is beating Gretchen Whitmer in the latest poll of Michigan. Tudor Dixon checks in tonight as well, straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. We're going to get to Lee Zeldin being up in New York and campaigning with Ron DeSantis. They will both join us.
Also, we'll check in with Senator Ted Cruz on a 17-state tour.
Now, we turn first to the state of Alaska where Republican Kelly Tshibaka now is in a neck and neck race with failed incumbent Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski. Now, pay close attention, this gets complicated. Alaska conducts their elections through something called rank choice voting, where voters can actually rank the candidates by preference. It is a heavily flawed system and frankly it was reportedly implemented to help Lisa Murkowski, the liberal.
Now, take a look at your screen. A sample ballot you have, here's how it works. If a candidate receives over 50 percent in the first round of voting, the election is over. If not, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated then the second choice votes for the eliminated candidate go to the other candidates.
This process continues until two candidate rates are left and the one with the most votes wins.
Like I said, it's confusing, it's confounding, it's flawed, it's unfair and I believe implemented to try and help Murkowski. But regardless, Kelly Tshibaka now continues to gain more and more momentum in the race, is exposing Murkowski's awful record in the Senate, like for example voting for the second Trump impeachment, voting against Justice Kavanaugh, voting against moving forward with the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, voting with Joe Biden a whopping 67 percent of the time.
She sadly is backed by Mitch McConnell, the minority leader, but she's basically a Democrat that will only vote for McConnell as leader. She will not stand up to Biden's agenda. She's supporting Biden's agenda as she has already shown us.
Now, the sad part of this now gets into Mitch McConnell territory. He took nine million dollars years that could go to New Hampshire and Don Bolduc, General Bolduc, he took that money away from him and money away from people like Blake Masters in Arizona. Why?
To help elect basically a Biden Democrat, only because Lisa Murkowski will vote to keep Mitch McConnell in power. This is nine million dollars wasted, Republican against Republican, that should be up to the people of Alaska and the people of Alaska alone. And this frankly, this one act of Mitch McConnell, abusing donated money like this should end his reign as leader in the Senate. Kelly Tshibaka is the only real conservative in the race.
Joining me now, Alaska Senate candidate Kelly Tshibaka.
I've looked at the polls, it's neck and neck. Okay, there were four candidates, three Republicans and one Democrat. My understanding is one of the Republicans dropped out, so it's you, Lisa Murkowski and a Democrat that I believe got six percent. Is that correct?
KELLY TSHIBAKA (R), ALASKA SENATE CANDIDATE: That's absolutely correct, Sean, and you summarized the race perfectly.
HANNITY: Okay. So let's go through the rank voting system because I believe -- unfortunately, I mean, I have to study this to get it straight myself. The people of Alaska have to take their first and second selection really seriously, don't they?
TSHIBAKA: Yes, they do. So, this is the Murkowski voting system. You're correct in your instinct that it was her allies and campaign staff who put this system in place because she did not have any chance of keeping her Senate seat under a typical election model. All parties have to run against each other in the primary, the four top candidates regardless of party move forward.
She would have lost her seat in a party primary. She's been censured by the Republican Party and removed from membership. I am the endorsed candidate. They actually did that before I ever entered the race.
That's how badly she's known as a Democrat in Alaska. So now you're correct --
HANNITY: So, the bottom line is this --
TSHIBAKA: -- the Democrats are lining up behind her.
HANNITY: it looks as of now the polls I've seen show that you and Lisa Murkowski are basically tied, and you have a Democrat that will draw maybe six percent of the vote. Now, okay, so that person will be out of the race. Then, it'll be second choice voting.
If they're voting for a Democrat and the choice is you as a conservative or liberal Lisa Murkowski, the Democrats will then tip the balance of power in Alaska and vote for Lisa Murkowski and that gives her the advantage. Am I wrong in that analysis?
TSHIBAKA: No, you're correct. That's when the race becomes a tie breaker 50-50. So, on round one, I'm leading her by nine points, or double digits. It's in round two when those Democrat votes roll up the second place votes, that it becomes a nail biter, close to 50-50. It'll depend on voter turnout.
But our team has been knocking thousands of doors. I myself have knocked thousands across the state. We just hit 23 communities and get out the vote rallies, my husband and I the last two weeks. I'm confident that we're doing the groundwork here in a grassroots movement to get out the vote.
And in Alaska, 2,300 votes is one percent. So it does not take much to tip the scales.
HANNITY: So I would say to every Republican in the state of Alaska that this system is flawed, this system is fundamentally unfair, and if in fact you don't get 50 percent in the first round of voting which I urge people to vote for you at first in the first round, if you don't, then likely Democrats will then flip to the Biden supporting Murkowski and work our way back into the Senate with Mitch McConnell's money and they've got a little quid pro quo going because she's going to promise Mitch McConnell she'll vote for him for leader but then she'll vote with Biden 67 percent of the time. That is -- that is a disgrace for the people of Alaska.
TSHIBAKA: Yeah. She wears the jersey of the establishment. We know that she's pulling for Pelosi in our house race. We've got four candidates she's backing and campaigning with the one who's going to choose Nancy Pelosi as our speaker of the House. That's not good for Alaska.
She wears the jersey of Biden and Pelosi and McConnell, they flooded our state with millions of dollars in dark money, more than both Murkowski and I've spent combined in our respective campaigns when McConnell announced he was going to do this, she said, Mitch, you've always been there for me, I'll be there for you.
We want to make this into an ad to let Alaskans know so you can donate online at because you're absolutely right, Sean, she's not standing up for Alaskan. She's standing up for the establishment. This is what the word swamp was created for. Career politicians like Lisa Murkowski who care more about themselves than they do about their constituents.
HANNITY: This is the most corrupt system in the country right now and she's not even supporting Sarah Palin who's on the ballot in the congressional race.
My advice, if you're in Alaska, I hope they vote for you, Kelly Tshibaka, and what Mitch McConnell and Lisa Murkowski are doing is nothing short of disgusting swamp, sewer style tactics, and it's pretty disgraceful. Thank you. We're wishing you a lot of luck in seven days, one week from tonight.
All right. We do have other breaking news tonight, out of Michigan, where a new Insider Advantage poll shows that Michigan Republican gubernatorial candidate Tudor Dixon is now ahead of failed far left incumbent Gretchen Whitmer. This race is neck and neck absolutely winnable for Republicans and Tudor Dixon now has all the momentum, especially after the debate they just had. Remember, Whitmer is as radical as it gets in terms of being a governor.
Throughout the last two years, she went all in on COVID lockdowns, she put sick COVID patients into nursing homes, doubled down on lawlessness and far left lunacy every step of the way. And to the voters of the great state of Michigan, do not let Whitmer destroy your way of life any more than she already has and cause anyone more damage. The stakes couldn't be higher for Michigan.
And, by the way, Tudor Dixon joins us now.
I believe the debate --I watched the entire debate. I think -- it is a tutorial for in -- for challenging candidates how to take on incumbents because you had every aspect of her failed record down pat, and you never let her get away with lying. You challenged her every step of the way.
TUDOR DIXON (R), MICHIGAN GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: We were really blessed because Gretchen Whitmer did agree to a debate. I know so many gubernatorial candidates that can't get the Democrat to debate and they probably are not going to now that they've seen Gretchen Whitmer debate because they did see her show the people of Michigan who she really is. She lied about how long she shut down the schools. We caught her in a couple different lies.
You're right about the draconian lockdowns we've had in the state. But the people of Michigan, even what you were talking about at the beginning of the show, with going out and finding out how much it is to buy groceries, the cost of gasoline, she has not helped the people of Michigan with these issues at all. So, now, she's bringing out Barack Obama, they're at the point where if you're bringing out Barack Obama, you're trying to get the base out still.
That's where she is, but she's bringing in the big guns, they've got a lot of money. They've got a war chest. We need people to go to so that Michigan can be free again and we can bring back the American dream to our state.
HANNITY: All right. So this now is a race where you've now taken a slight lead and for the people of Michigan, I just hope they realize that the days of Gretchen Whitmer can be over, but it's all up to them.
Tudor Dixon, great job in the debate. Thanks for being with us. Thanks for the update.
All right. When we come back, this is big news tonight, New York Republican gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin leading in a brand new poll. He will join us next, along with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.
Also, we'll check in with Senator Ted Cruz. He's been on a 17-state barnstorming across the country bus tour, and he'll join straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. Tonight, a major political shocker in the state of New York, the deep blue state of New York. GOP gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin is now leading according to a brand new Trafalgar poll, millions of voters in the Empire State believe that the incumbent Democrat Kathy Hochul is out of touch and for good reason. Take a look.
GOV. KATHY HOCHUL (D), NEW YORK: Reverend Al, these are master manipulators. They have this conspiracy going all across America to try and convince people that in Democratic states are not as safe. Well guess what? They're also not only election deniers, they're data deniers.
HANNITY: Oh, okay, all deniers all that crime, it's all denial. Well, New York City just recorded a 34 increase governor in overall crime since 2020. Robbery is up 38 percent. Burglary is up 32 percent. Assault up 18 percent. Carjacking is up over 200 percent.
And last year, New York recorded the most murders in a decade and the most shootings in 15 years. Meanwhile, the fentanyl crisis in the state of New York is totally out of control and Kathy Hochul's opponent, Lee Zeldin, was attacked by a guy with a knife. Thank God he acted quickly in that -- at that moment and had help, had a campaign event. Also, an apparent gang shooting in front of Lee Zeldin's Long Island home.
So, Governor Hochul, open your eyes. Take off your tinfoil hat, head down to the streets and the subways in New York and see for yourself. And by the way, if it's so safe, I'm sure you won't need your security with you. Kathy Hochul seems not to care about the crime, because she only cares about herself and her adherence to the insanity of defund, dismantle and New York's insane no bail laws.
All right, joining us now with more, New York gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin, along with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who's been out campaigning, who's out on Long Island this weekend.
By the way, before I get to Lee Zeldin, Governor DeSantis, I got to tell you, you might be hurting your great state of Florida because a lot of the migration to Florida is coming from New York. And if Lee Zeldin did a good job as governor, I'm thinking that might keep people in New York and that's going to be bad for the people of Florida. That's less income for your state. Are you sure you really want to support this guy?
GOV. RON DESANTIS (R), FLORIDA: Well, Sean, you know, I've had so many people move from New York and just -- they are so frustrated with the poor governance up there. And look, Florida's great. You know, we're a great spot for a lot of people, but I want all our states to do well.
And the fact of the matter is, from crime to fiscal mismanagement, to COVID restrictions, New York has gotten it wrong. Lee Zeldin will get it right and I think that that'll be better for our country if he's elected governor.
HANNITY: And I know you've been on the campaign trail with them and up in Long Island, my neck of the woods, this past weekend. Lee Zeldin, I don't know if those are people behind you because I don't see faces, all I see are Lee Zeldin signs. Oh, there we go, we actually have real faces there.
You know, I spoke to you when you first got into this race and you asked me what I thought. I said it's possible but it's probably really difficult. Here you are now on the precipice. You're leading in this poll, it's a very tight race. It's the bluest of blue states.
Will you shock the entire country one week from tonight?
We definitely will, Sean, and we're here right now on Staten Island, great crowds here.
ZELDIN: When Governor DeSantis came up, it was on 24 hours notice. We had over 7,000 RSVPs. It was amazing. We're so grateful that Governor DeSantis had come up.
The support that we're getting around the state, we have all the momentum on our side, all the energy on our side, we have the issues on our side. People are done with Kathy Hochul, and this is Republicans, Democrats and independents all together as New Yorkers to be able to save this state.
So I remember that conversation with you early on in this campaign. We stuck with the issues. We want secure streets. We want to make life in New York more affordable. We want to protect freedom. We want to improve the quality of our kids education, and because we've stayed, disciplined, focused on the issues.
And Kathy Hochul's been trying to, you know, follow distractions and tell people, there's nothing to see here, there's no crime going on. What I'm trying to talk about, locking up criminals, she's saying, I don't understand why this is so important to you, as you pointed out from last week's debate.
We feel it. We just got to keep working hard. Everyone out there needs to get out and vote, vote, vote.
HANNITY: Obviously, she's not looking at the statistics. You know, when you compare New York and Florida, you have an amazing statistic.
I know, Governor DeSantis, the population now of Florida is higher than New York, but you work with half the budget of New York state and not only half the budget you don't have a state income tax. In New York, it's 10 percent. If you live in New York City, it's another three and a half percent. If you add that to the federal income tax, that's 53 cents out of every dollar you're given to government and that's before sales tax taxes, high property taxes et cetera.
How do you do it with so much less and so with less taxes as well in Florida?
DESANTIS: Well, it's interesting because the people that moved from New York, they will tell me, hey, your roads are better here. Your infrastructure is better here. Your services are better and we just finished third and fourth respectively for fourth grade reading and fourth grade math. I think New York was in the 30s. So our K-12 is performing better.
Look, I think the issue is right now in New York state, there's nobody who's an advocate for the taxpayer. Basically, the taxpayers are treated disrespectfully. The politicians divvy all this up. I think they give it to a lot of special interests.
So, Lee Zeldin as governor will mean that the people of New York actually have somebody looking out for taxpayers for a change.
And all we do in Florida, we just respect taxpayers. You know, we want no income tax of course, tax lightly, spend reasonably. We do meet all the big priorities, but we are absolutely going to respect the taxpayers.
Lee will do that in New York and it'll make a big, big difference, not just for individuals but for businesses.
HANNITY: You know, Lee's Zeldin, I look at New York's tax rates. I mean, but more importantly, New Yorkers are really suffering under Biden inflation. Gas prices now over four dollars a gallon and going higher every day. We now have a real problem in terms of the illegal immigrant population now moving to New York in big numbers. That's part of the problem. That's a big issue.
Law and order, safety and security for people and one thing that New York is dealing with more than say Florida is woke education versus classical education.
Will you be able to deal with all of those issues, especially if you're dealing with a liberal legislature in Albany?
ZELDIN: We have to. And right out of the gate, we are going to declare what -- shouldn't even require declaration -- but parents have a fundamental right to control the upbringing of their child. They don't relinquish that right by sending their kids off to school. It is important that our kids are going to school for a quality education and you know, as Governor DeSantis was just pointing out, the gaps are actually even wider when you look at Black students, Hispanic students and low-income students.
You look at the fourth grade reading and math down in Florida, compared to the Black students, Hispanic students, low-income students up in New York, and New York spends two and a half times more per pupil than Governor DeSantis is doing down in Florida. So we have to look at outcomes.
And by the way, one other thing is that we have to make the diploma worth more. Some kids aren't going to go off to college. Getting their hands on equipment, networking with trades, that technical education, people need to understand that that diploma is a ticket to a good paying job.
So, yeah, it's about education policy as well. New York has fallen behind every kid regardless of race, ethnicity, wealth, zip code, deserves act access to a quality education. When we're spending two and a half times as much as Florida, you should be getting darn good better outcomes than what we're seeing right now.
HANNITY: So you've had President Trump supporting you, you have Ron DeSantis campaigning with you, you had Glenn Youngkin campaigning with you, are you surprised that this has garnered as much national attention as it has in New York and that when this poll came out, that you're up in this race and how winnable it is?
When you break down the math, you've got a city like New York with a very high concentration of people in a very small geographic area, but then the rest of New York state, Long Island is now red, upstate New York is now red, what percentage of the Democratic vote were Democrats outnumber Republicans in New York City, 9-1, what percentage of that vote do you think you can get or do you think you need to get in order to actually win the race.
We're now cracking into the low 20s. That is a good place. We look at it geographically.
In New York City, we can't get less than 20 percent or we can't win. But if you get more than 35 percent, then it starts to become really difficult to lose. And I'll tell you, I'm seeing it on Staten Island.
LEE: -- Brighton Beach, Middle Village --
HANNITY: What did Curtis Sliwa get?
LEE: Curtis got about 29 percent, Curtis got about 29 percent and --
HANNITY: So, you're right there.
LEE: And we're -- we are now polling in the 30s. Some of the polls have been coming out are showing us mid to high 30s. There are Democrats who feel like the party has gone too far left. Democrats who might register Democrat because they want their vote to matter, voting for the most normal person if there is a normal person in a primary, there are Democrats who want safe streets. They oppose congestion pricing. They oppose COVID vaccine mandates.
There's a reason why New Yorkers are heading down to Florida. They see that Governor DeSantis down in Florida respects freedom. He's reversed the tax on wallets, on safety. He is someone who is just welcoming businesses individuals and family to have an American dream down there and unfortunately, everyone's gone.
And the bad news for Governor DeSantis is that he's about to lose his best real estate agent. She's going to be fired one week from today and I want to bring these people back in Florida. Hopefully, Ron DeSantis can send us a few before next week?
HANNITY: I told you. Governor DeSantis, you may regret this decision in the end.
Governor, I know you're really nervous, you and Senator Rubio have got to be scared to death because Joe Biden was down campaigning against you in Florida today, and I'm sure that really upset you.
DESANTIS: I think it's an in-kind contribution to my campaign, and I just want to make the offer publicly. We will underwrite him to stay in Florida for the rest of the campaign. Joe wants to stay. It'll be on our dime and we'd love for the people Florida to be reminded that the Democrats in this state are with Biden 100 percent of the time.
HANNITY: This will be the political shocker a week from tonight if you win this race. Lee Zeldin now in a lead in the latest poll up in New York. Thank you for being with us.
Governor DeSantis, thank you.
All right. When we come back, Senator Ted Cruz will join us to explain what is at stake one week from tonight as he has been all around the country, campaigning for candidates for governor, for senator and much more, straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. One week from tonight, it is election night in America, the most critical and crucial midterm elections in our lifetime.
Here now is the author of "Justice Corrupted", Texas Senator Ted Cruz.
Senator, great to have you back.
If Lee Zeldin wins in New York and Tudor Dixon in Michigan, and Tiffany Smiley in the state of Washington, I say those are the three biggest wins.
But as I look at the Senate right now, tonight, and where we stand, we could be at a much higher number than we thought we'd be -- that would be possible at the beginning of this campaign year.
SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Yeah, no, I think that's right. I think we're going to have an election next week that is historic. In the House -- I think we'll win control of both houses of Congress.
In the House, I think we're going to have a majority that could be 30 or 40 or 50 seats. We are winning seat seats right now that are d+8, d+10, d+12. Those are not seats that are typically competitive. The Democrats are spending a lot of money in districts that are d+20 because they're at risk in some of those seats, in bright blue seats.
If you look at the Senate, I think we're going to take the majority. I think we're likely to be at 53 or 54 Republicans. We could be higher.
I think we're very likely to win Nevada. I think Adam Laxalt is a great candidate there. I think he's going to win.
I think we're very likely to win Georgia. I was campaigning with Herschel Walker just a few days ago. I've campaigned repeatedly with Adam Laxalt. Both of those I think are going to win.
I think we've got a great shot at Arizona with Blake Masters. I think we have a great shot in New Hampshire with General Bolduc. Those two have been vastly outspent, and I wish that the party was spending more to defend those candidates.
And I think we're going to hold onto all of our valuable seats. I think Dr. Oz is likely to win in Pennsylvania. I think J.D. Vance is going to win in Missouri. I think Eric Schmitt are going to win -- J.D. Vance in Ohio, Eric Schmitt in Missouri, yeah.
Look, I mean, I -- when -- I've spent the last month on a nationwide, 17- state bus tour. I've been campaigning on the road with virtually all of these guys. And the energy, the enthusiasm -- people are ready to change the path were on, and I think they're going to shock the predictions.
I agree with you, Lee Zeldin has a real shot of winning in New York, and I think Tudor Dixon has a real shot in Michigan.
HANNITY: Add that, Tiffany Smiley in the state of Washington, can you believe that one?
CRUZ: Look, Tiffany Smiley is a fantastic candidate. Washington state is a tough state, but the polling has that as a three or four-point race. And, you know, you look at Washington state --
HANNITY: Actually, it has now a one-point race. Yeah.
CRUZ: So much better.
HANNITY: It's almost dead-even.
All right. Great job by the way on the road, Senator. You've been, what, 17 states. You're still doing more campaigning. We appreciate your taking the time as always to be with us.
We'll take a quick break. We'll come back. More HANNITY right after this, straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for joining us. Thank you for making the show possible. Please set your DVR so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of HANNITY.
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In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, Laura Ingraham, "INGRAHAM ANGLE", great show, and those costumes were the greatest costumes in the history of kids. It was great. I love them. It was awesome.
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