'Hannity' on Fauci and Biden's 'failures'

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity" on December 2, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: All right. Thank you. And more on Alec Baldwin crying a lot tonight. Tucker, thank you.

Welcome to HANNITY.

At this hour, we are tracking multiple breaking stories, yes, including Alec Baldwin's interview it just ended. He admittedly shot two people on a movie set killing one. He claims he never pulled the trigger and he cried an awful lot. Take a look.


ALEC BALDWIN, ACTOR: She was someone who was loved by everyone who worked with and liked by everyone who worked with and admired -- I'm sorry.


HANNITY: We'll have more on this straight ahead.

First, our count continues, sadly.

ANNOUNCER: Americans held hostage, behind enemy lines, day 110.

HANNITY: I know the media has turned the page. Joe Biden's turned the page. We will never turn the page. It's 110 days since Joe Biden abandoned, Americans in Afghanistan, military families, green card holders, our Afghan allies. It's 123 days since he promised he'd leave nobody behind.

Joe Biden lied to every American. Joe, you can still go rescue the Americans, the green cardholders, the military families that you abandoned. The ones you promised you wouldn't abandon.

Back home, Joe was barely able to form a cogent sentence. Today, during what can be only described as another rambling, bumbling, mumbling speech about COVID-19. The very frail looking Joe Biden struggled to speak at all and seemingly coughing up an entire lung in the process. Take a look.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Without cutting corners on -- for safety, to get such vaccines renewed -- reviewed and renewed -- reviewed and approved if they're needed. And then get your booster shot when you're -- when you're eligible. Excuse me, we don't yet believe -- excuse me -- that additional measures will be needed.

I was just told. It's a question I got to ask. I've been meaning to ask for a long time, whether or not, not just it increases the -- the resistance to the variant that is being dealt with, but it also is -- it is stronger. It not only just raises the total but it's a stronger, makes things more powerful in terms of resisting.


HANNITY: This is not funny. That's supposed to be the leader of the free world. He's clearly not well.

Yesterday, during another concerning moment, Joe Biden flat out lied about an important trip to Israel during the Six Day War. One problem we'll tell you about, but first watch this.


BIDEN: I was saying to a couple of younger members of my staff before I came over, but the many times I've been to Israel, I said, not all of a sudden, I realized, god, you're getting old, Biden. I have known every -- every prime minister well since Golda Meir including Golda Meir.

And during, the Six Day War, I had an opportunity to -- she invited me to come over because I was going to be the liaison between she and the Egyptians about the Suez and so on and so forth.


HANNITY: One big problem, none of that happened. Joe wasn't there. He wasn't even in the Senate. Instead at the time, he was getting really bad grades in law school.

But don't worry in between the lies, the bumbling, mumbling confusion and weakness, Joe Biden has COVID-19, he's got it all figured out -- earlier today announcing that the federal mass mandate on trains planes will be extended to the spring of 2022, also encouraging every American to wear a mask at all times indoors, before sauntering off stage mask-free.

Take a look.


BIDEN: And we are extending the requirement both internationally and domestically to wear masks for travel on aircraft, trains, public transportation through the winter months. Thank you for your patience and listening to me. Thank you.



HANNITY: And then make to make matters worse, Joe is now reportedly considering a vaccine mandate for domestic travel, but still preferential treatment exists for illegal immigrants that continues. No COVID testing, no vaccine mandates, and yes, free travel courtesy of you the taxpayer, to the state of their choice where illegal immigrants will receive free room and board and shelter and health care and free education.

This as Biden's current vaccine mandates are getting held up in court. But Joe doesn't care. He does whatever the flip-flopping Dr. Fauci tells him to do. He follows him blindly. It's almost as if an unelected, dishonest, life-long bureaucrat is now running the country. It's that bad. Take a look.


BIDEN: Continuing to give me advice on uh developments as they occur. I've seen more of Dr. Fauci that I have my wife -- we kid each other. But they look, who's president? Fauci. But all kidding aside, I sincerely mean it.


HANNITY: This is not good for our country. Dr. Fauci should not have any role in our federal government. He needs to be fired, needed to be fired a long time ago. He also needs to be investigated for lying to Congress. Fauci got literally every single solitary thing on COVID wrong. Everything, from the beginning. February 2020, he said that risk of COVID in the U.S. is minuscule. Yeah, he was wrong.

A few weeks later, he encouraged Americans to travel on cruise ships, saying no reason not to go. Once again, dead wrong, after nearly all of his models, projections, they were all wrong. And remember, two weeks to slow the spread, he was wrong again.

And let's not forget about his ever evolving positions on masks. First, it was, masks don't work. You know maybe, maybe stop a little bit. But it doesn't work. And it was one masks, then it was two masks, then it was mask indoors, not outdoors. Then it was vax or mask, then it was vax and mask, now, it's vax, mask, and booster and probably ten more boosters after that.

Now, first no vaccine mandate. Now, we support mandates. No one on earth has been more inconsistent on COVID-19 than America's so-called top expert Anthony flip-flop Fauci and it gets worse. Fauci also misled everyone in the country on the origins of COVID-19. Maybe that's because under his direction, it was his NIH that was funding the dangerous gain of function research at that Wuhan Institute of Virology prior to the outbreak. In fact, on October the 20th, his own NIH admitted that they funded a study at the Wuhan lab where, quote, spike proteins were tested from naturally occurring bat coronavirus -- coronaviruses circulating in China to see if they were capable of binding to a human being. That is by its very definition gain of function research. You paid for it.

But on May 11th, Fauci testified the NIH was not ever involved in funding gain of function research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology, not ever not at all. Dr. Fauci is a liar.

Now, who knows whether or not Anthony Fauci will ever get prosecuted. That only seems to happen to conservatives, or people that know Donald Trump, let alone even investigated for lying to Congress. Don't hold your breath.

But make no mistake, Anthony Fauci has to go. He needs to be fired today. He is dishonest, incompetent and he speculates widely and he's wrong often. And he spends more time as a political pundit on TV than an actual doctor, and more than anything he seems to love the limelight.

According to the conspiracy theorists at MSDNC, half the country no longer trusts Dr. Fauci because they want the pandemic to continue. What? What -- name one person that wants this Adam Schiff show to continue? take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If people follow Fauci, there's a likelihood of a chance that COVID will go away. And if COVID goes away, it's bad right now for Republicans. It's just the math on this, the political math on this is not hard to figure out.



HANNITY: High limit is just a completely unhinged idiot even for the network that features you know the tinfoil hat wearing Rachel Maddow who's going to get $30 million according to reports for one show a week. And Democratic operative Chucky Todd, he'll never be Tim Russert.

But let me be clear, I would not wish COVID on my worst enemy. I want everybody, whether you agree with me politically or not, if you're a liberal Democrat, if you're part of the progressive caucus, you hate me, you want me off the air, please be careful. I want you to live.

Make no mistake, every conservative that I know wants life to return to normal. No more lockdowns, no more draconian measures, no mandates, no masks, no lectures, no scolding. We're sick of it.

Now, here's a news flash for MSDNC: Americans don't like Anthony Fauci because he's horrible at his job and he's wrong constantly and the bar changes every hour of every day. If Biden really cared about reaching all Americans, he would replace Fauci with someone less toxic. That appears not to be happening.

Joe Biden is not a uniter. He's a cognitively struggling mess of a Democratic socialist Marxist from Delaware who is in way over his head and everybody knows it. So, now, he does whatever his far left advisers tell him to do.

Joining us now with reaction, Arkansas gubernatorial candidate Sarah Sanders, along with former White House chief of staff Reince Priebus.

Reince, we start with you tonight.

You -- you know, all that was made in the year 2020 and I've been playing Joe Biden, well, 220,000 Americans die, that person shouldn't be president. Well, 355,000 people have died under his watch since he's inaugurated and that's more people that died in all of 2020.

So, by his own definition, should he go?

REINCE PRIEBUS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, he based his entire campaign, Sean, on the idea that he was going to resolve this entire COVID crisis and Trump didn't know what he was doing. His poll numbers are in the tank because he promised to solve COVID and he didn't. You know, we -- I would put so much money behind an ad with that clip of Biden saying that Fauci is the president. He's lost all credibility.

And it comes down to this -- Fauci is not the president. These doctors are there to supposedly advise the president. It's up to the president to lead. But here's the problem, Biden's base is nuts and they want all of us to be nuts, and they want us to lock down our lives with no information, lock down our kids lives at no information, the doctor that we're talking about -- I know people have been watching this today -- the doctor in South Africa that found this omicron variant has gone off on, in particular the U.K., about the fact that they're basing all of these quarantines on information that doesn't say that this Omicron violent variant is dangerous.

And her exact quote was, after saying that, she said no one here in South Africa is known to have been hospitalized with the Omicron variant nor is anyone here believed to have fallen severely ill with it. So, this guy has mismanaged everything.

HANNITY: You know, Sarah, it's sort of like follow the science but only when it's convenient. But it really was -- you know, we got to remember too and put this in perspective. Joe Biden was handed three vaccines, monoclonal antibodies as therapy. He only mentioned that once, and that was fairly recently because their fixation is one size fits all medicine, regardless of maybe rare conditions, regardless of natural immunity. And studies like the one in Israel that show that it was times more effective with the delta variant, it still needs to be peer-reviewed.

So all this was handed to him but and yet we have more dead Americans since Joe Biden's been inaugurated than we did in 2020. That speaks volumes to me.

SARAH SANDERS (R), ARKANSAS GUBERNATORIAL CANDIDATE: This is yet another failure by the Biden administration. Joe Biden may think it's funny to joke about Fauci being president and abdicating his power to him, to an unelected, lifelong bureaucrat, but there's nothing funny at all about it. The only person that might be able to screw things up more than Joe Biden is probably Dr. Fauci, and it is absolutely ridiculous, the mandates, the rules, the shutdowns. It's all about power and control concentrated in the hands of a few elites who frankly think they know more than the rest of us.

It's absolutely un-American and we have to have strong conservative leaders across this country standing up, pushing back, making sure we're defending our freedom and keeping this madness from continuing.

HANNITY: You know, Reince, I look at this and look at what Donald Trump did for New York in its worst moments. They weren't prepared. They didn't buy the ventilators their own health department recommended. He provided every ventilator, built 3,000-bed hospital, sent in a Navy hospital ship. It -- both these places, he even manned them, all the PPE, and they remained 80 percent empty. Why would they leave them empty these beds?

PRIEBUS: And not to mention the fact that he locked on the border and under this President Biden, you've got over 200,000 people a month that's pouring over the border and at the same time, you have Biden toying with the idea of a seven-day quarantine for domestic travel, which is going to further tank the economy. It's just an amazing decision that they're making to not care about the border, but to -- but then lock down Americans for traveling domestically over a virus that the doctor herself said --


HANNITY: Preferential treatment.

PRIEBUS: -- freaking out.

HANNITY: And then if illegal immigrants broke the law and they got separated had family separation, Joe wants to give him 450 grand. You can't make it up.

Sarah, thank you. Reince Priebus, thank you.

Now, tonight with Biden, failing on every level, Democrats are desperately searching for a win earlier today, what's known as the DCCC tweeted out this image with the caption "Thank you, Joe Biden".

If you look closely at this hilariously misleading pathetic graph, it shows gas prices have decreased a whopping two cents a gallon over the last week. Now, keep in mind, gas prices in reality are 42 percent up since Joe Biden took office. But those of you that fill up your gas tank already know that, and you know, you're paying a lot more to heat your home, and you're paying a lot more for everything you buy. But according to the DCCC, mission accomplished.

Meanwhile, pure chaos from the office of the vice president. In the past two weeks, two top advisors now have resigned, as reports continue to emerge about the toxic work environment created by Kamala Harris and her chief of staff. Vice President Harris doesn't have a care in the world because today she got behind the wheel of a large bus and started to sing. I'm not making it up.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The wheels on the bus go round and round.


HANNITY: The wheels of the bus go round and round. Better than the laughing.

Here with reaction, someone who served in the Senate with Kamala Harris, Florida Senator Marco Rubio.

You know, Trafalgar, Robert Cahaly, had a poll yesterday. Biden at 36 percent, the last poll on Kamala, 28 percent. Can you think of a single thing they're doing, this administration that you would define as successful, Senator?

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R-FL): Well, I mean, you know -- I mean, I was chuckling as I come on the air just seeing that image of the bus thing. I mean, it's almost sort of embarrassing (ph). You think about these guys are sitting in Beijing and China looking at us and saying, you know -- I mean, the United States, we're going to do very much. I mean, they're in the hands of people that are going to destroy it. We won't have to do anything.

And it's just -- it's an embarrassment really. And on issue after issue, and you -- as you came on the air, you were talking about the COVID restrictions and the things you're talking about, can you imagine, for example, them imposing a domestic vaccine requirement at airports? By the way, I mean, they would just be -- the whole country I think at that, they'd lose everybody on that.

Look, I'm vaccinated, I think I'm speaking out of turn, I believe most of the people on the air with you have been vaccinated. I think people should be. But you can't force people to do something they don't want.

And in fact, I know that there are some people out there that now don't want to get the booster because they're forcing them to do that sort of thing. It's counterproductive. That's the reality. They've messed up on every front.

COVID today continues to be --

HANNITY: Well, people don't know what to believe anymore, Senator, because they've been --

RUBIO: Yeah.

HANNITY: Every day, the bar changes. Every day, the rules changed. Every day, you know, the science, quote, changes. So, it's not really rooted in science.

I want to ask you about China and the unwillingness of Joe Biden to take on China, because you are willing to take on China. You did -- you stated it very emphatically today. You know, we know what's happening with Taiwan. We see the fighter jets flying in Taiwan airspace. We hear the talk of reunification, which is really the takeover of China.

But you took it a step further as it relates to the defense bill. Explain.

RUBIO: Well, first of all, we've been doing it for a while. Now, China has actually sanctioned me twice, and they've issued a travel ban against me, which is fine. I've had to cancel my vacation to Beijing.

HANNITY: It's a badge of honor, Senator.

RUBIO: Yeah, I know.

But here's the thing, okay, in China, we know, the world knows for a fact that in the Xinjiang province, they have factories filled with Uyghur Muslims who are working as slaves, they are forced to work there. And I'm going to tell you, Sean, all of us, every single one of us, is buying and has bought things that have been made by that that slave labor.

And I have a bill that basically says if you sell a product that's made in Xinjiang, you either have to prove it wasn't made by slaves or you can't import it into the United States. It passed unanimously out of the Senate. I'm trying to get it on this defense bill, and the Democrats are saying, well, there's a procedural problem with it.

There's no procedural problem with it. The problem is they don't want to pass it. The White House is against it. John Kerry is against it, and major American corporations are against it because they're making a lot of money with the free labor coming out of the Xinjiang province.

HANNITY: No, you're right on principle. The years -- it's going to be 2022, Senator. I agree completely.

Your Governor Ron DeSantis and you and Rick Scott have all taken a strong stance against mandates and lockdowns and draconian measures with COVID. Joe Biden only mentioned monoclonal antibodies once. In Florida, the governor set up the centers once we started having breakthrough cases with Delta.

RUBIO: Right.

HANNITY: And then Joe Biden rations it and, what, is punishing the people of Florida? Are you kidding me?

RUBIO: Yeah. No, that's exactly why he did it.

And I'm going to tell you something there. We don't know how many thousands of people did not wind up in a hospital because they got that treatment. And you go today, those centers are still up and functioning. I personally know people, including people that were vaccinated that went in and got it.

And it -- and it's -- I mean, it's one those treatments are highly effective, and I think -- and these are including people that were vaccinated that got sick. So it was a great move by Governor DeSantis in Florida and frankly I think tells us a lot about the Biden administration when they try to punish Florida by trying to ration it and keep it away from Florida.

HANNITY: All right. Senator, we appreciate you being with us. Senator Marco Rubio, thank you.

And coming up, later tonight, right here on Hannity.



BALDWIN: I'm sorry.


HANNITY: A TV Alec Baldwin emotional breakdown about the fatal shooting on the movie set "Rust". We're going to play the tape and his controversial remarks.

First, Joe Biden has lied repeatedly about the cost of a socialist spending plan. We have the real numbers. Senator Lindsey Graham will break it down and much more, as we continue.


HANNITY: So as inflation surges, gas prices, heating and cooling of your home prices surge, everything you buy at every store you go to is going through the roof, the supply chain struggles, continue to all drag down the economy. What is the Democratic socialist party's answer, oh, let's spend trillions more on their reckless, far left, you know, socialist, Marxist utopia agenda, and mortgage you and your children's future to try and turn their far left fantasies into a reality, because remember, Democrats have continued to lie about what this Build Back Better Bolshevik plan really cost.

For example, oh, Penn's Wharton School actually estimates -- hardly members of the right wing conspiracy -- the plan cost closer to $4.5 trillion, not what they're telling you, $1.7 trillion. And the well-respected Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget says the plan could actually cost upwards of $4.8 trillion.

Now, why the disparity, you might ask yourself. Well, it's because of the - - well, let's say creative math the Democrats are feeding you. It's based on a number of arbitrary so-called sunset provisions that in reality will all be extended, every one of them, far past their current proposed expiration dates.

Let me translate. It's an accounting trick leftist socialist used to lie to you.

Here to react to all of tonight's big breaking news, Senator Lindsey Graham.

My understand is that your chamber, the Senate, just passed a continuing resolution on the debt ceiling. Did any Republican cave this time?

SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): No, this wasn't the debt ceiling. This was just keep the government funded to February 18th. We haven't addressed the debt ceiling yet, and I will predict that not one Republican will vote to raise the debt ceiling. The Democratic Party --


HANNITY: Senator, I don't mean to interrupt you.

GRAHAM: -- spending by themselves.

HANNITY: But the Republican Party said they wouldn't do it in September. Up until the last two days, and then Mitch and other 10 Republicans caved like a cheap suit..

GRAHAM: Yeah, yeah, I don't think it's going to happen again for a lot of reasons and keep this tape and see if I'm wrong. But, yeah. So, tonight, it was about funding the government.

But you're the only guy in the whole town talking about the fraud that's the Build Back Better bill. This is a complete fraud. This bill doesn't cost $1.6 trillion over 10 years. It costs $4.7 trillion or $4.8 trillion, depending on who you believe, Penn Wharton or the bipartisan budget group. It doesn't add $367 billion to the debt over years. It adds $2.7 trillion. How can that be?

The programs in this bill are being -- are budget gimmicks. We expand child tax credits. We pay for free pre-K and community college. But under the bill, these programs go away after two years.

I will be in the NBA before these programs go away. These programs are never going away and when you look at these programs for a 10-year period, the cost of the bill over doubles and the effect on the deficit is almost tenfold.

And I hope Joe Manchin who's been talking about budget gimmicks will respond appropriately.

Next Friday, I've been told by the Congressional Budget Office, I'm the ranking Republican on the Budget Committee, they will analyze this bill assuming that the new programs do not sunset, which is reality. They will give me a cost estimate if the programs stay in effect which they will and it's going to blow the doors off of Washington and if we pass this bill, God help America.

HANNITY: Okay, now, Joe Manchin from West Virginia has been saying, hey, wait a minute, I want to see the numbers here. Now, we've got numbers from Wharton Penn and we have numbers from the Committee for Responsible Federal Budget. They say $4.8 trillion, not $1.7 trillion. Wharton is saying nearly $4.5 trillion.

How is it those numbers can be so far off?

And you are the ranking member of the Budget Committee, my understanding is you're insisting the CBO, the, quote, gold standard as the Democrats say, supposedly nonpartisan, that they will score this bill using -- you know, removing any of these ridiculous presumption of a sunset provision.

GRAHAM: Well, Sean, you're a smart guy, you got a smart audience. How many people believe listening to me tonight that once the federal government starts paying for pre-kindergarten and community college that will stop paying two years from now?

Ronald Reagan said, the closest thing to immortality on earth is a government program. This is a budget gimmick. No Democrat wants these programs to end. They put a sunset on them to lower the cost to hoodwink the American public.

Joe Manchin has been concerned about these budget gimmicks.

So, Joe, I'm going to get the CBO, the gold standard to score the bill without budget gimmicks, and here's what I think is going to show -- two to two and a half times the cost, over $4.5 trillion in cost, not $1.7 trillion.

In terms of the deficit which you care about and I care about, it's not $367 billion over 10 years. It's going to be $2.7 trillion to $2.8 trillion over years.

This bill is a complete fraud and I intend to expose it next Friday, a week from -- a week from tomorrow and hopefully the CBO will live up to the commitment they made to me, to score the bill without budget gimmicks.

HANNITY: All right. So what are the odds -- I mean, I assume -- I think you're friends with Joe Manchin if I'm not mistaken.


HANNITY: I've gotten along with him over the years. I don't agree with him on everything, but we certainly agree on energy.

Energy is pivotal to his state of West Virginia. I know he doesn't like Biden's energy policies. But he also is conservative in the sense that he sees the danger of the debt and the deficit here.

GRAHAM: Yes. So, here's what I think -- Joe Manchin is a good guy. He's a Democrat but he's a West Virginia Democrat. He has said that he's concerned about inflation.

If this bill becomes law, Build Back Better, it will destroy energy production in this country because the green new deal components of this bill make it harder to produce oil and gas. The 17 programs that are sunsetted actually never go away.

And if you're worried about inflation, the last thing you want to do is add $2.7 trillion to the federal deficit and $4.5 trillion to $4.7 trillion on new government which will pour gasoline on inflation.

So, Joe has said he's worried about budget gimmicks and here's what I hope to be able to prove a week from tomorrow, that this bill is full of budget gimmicks and when you take out the budget gimmicks, the true cost of this bill is way over what they say it is. That the entire concept to Build Back Better is a fraud with the budget gimmicks, and I'm going to expose the fraud.

HANNITY: All right. Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, we're going to be watching closely.

Republicans -- any Republican that helps these Democrats, they've kept you out of the entire budgetary process. They have the House, the Senate, and they got the White House. Don't help them ruin the country any more than they are.

Well, also tonight, an unhinged cabal of far left students descended on the Arizona State campus this week to protest the acquittal of Kyle Rittenhouse who had previously taken only online classes at ASU. But thankfully, there were also common sense students there to counter protest who stood up for Kyle's right to self-defense and his right to live a healthy normal life. Some of these same students do need to be reminded he was found not guilty by a jury of his peers. Take a look.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't know if you like murderers on your campus but I personally don't.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm marching because I believe in the American right to self-defense.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The American justice system does not acquit morality. They are not the objective morality in America. They are not, nowhere. They are founded on genocide and child slavery. Their morality is based in white centrism.



HANNITY: I think it's safe to say that most of these young leftists on their college campus probably didn't even watch the trial, they're not familiar with the facts of the case or how even the legal system in this country works. Take a bow. The public educational system has failed many of our kids.

Now, of course, the left-wing extremism doesn't stop there as the national arms of Black Lives Matter is now calling for a month-long, quote, boycott of white companies to end white supremacist capitalism.

Here with reaction is Larry Elder.

Let's start with BLM first.

LARRY ELDER, NATIONALLY SYNDICATED RADIO HOSTT: Well, Sean, isn't it hypocritical? BLM as you know was founded by trained Marxists, yet they have no problem taking in millions of dollars from profit-seeking corporations. One of the founders, Patrice Cullors, owns about three or four houses out here in California and, of course, the principle of Marxism is that you should disavow private property.

And this business about white corporations, what is a white corporation? Is that a corporation that has a white CEO? What about the millions of black people that have investments in publicly held corporations, either directly owning stocks or indirectly through mutual funds? Should they be hurt for their investments because of this ridiculous boycott?

And why, by the way, is it only one month? What is that going to do now, the capitalism is over after one month?

The whole thing, of course, is a fraud.

But I want to say something about the Kyle Rittenhouse situation. Your friend and mine, Sean, Bill Ayers enjoyed a long career as an educator at University of Illinois after bragging that he only wished he tried harder to blow up police stations, an unrepentant terrorist. And if students pushed back, I never heard it.

A few years ago, the president of Iran, the largest sponsor of terrorism in the world was invited and spoke at Columbia. The students did not push back as hard as they are pushing back on Kyle Rittenhouse -- and Kyle Rittenhouse, as you pointed out, was found not guilty of murder as was Angela Davis, Angela Davis, the communist who makes a living going around the world speaking for money at colleges, and kids don't push back on this person that was found guilty of homicide.

It's a complete double standard. The man was found not guilty.

Sean, O.J. Simpson did everything but leaves his business card at the crime scene, after butchering two human beings, and he gets better treatment in society, goes to restaurants, plays golf, without the kind of pushback that Kyle Rittenhouse is getting. The whole thing is just absurd.

HANNITY: You wrote a piece about the Rittenhouse verdict entitled the Kyle Rittenhouse case send in the clouds, and you know, you said it was hard to keep track of all the insanity and the falsehoods recklessly peddled by the media and politicians. We even saw KKK, white supremacist at ASU, what we just showed you.

My question is, you're also a lawyer, Larry Elder. Is there a lawsuit here that would be successful?

ELDER: Oh, absolutely, and the list of the -- of the people that are going to be sued gets longer and longer every day. All of these entities at ASU are very likely going to be sued. They refer to him as a white supremacist there is zero evidence that this man is the white supremacist. He even supports the Black Lives Matter movement.

So this guy is going to be in court for a long time suing a lot of people who've defamed him, not least of whom of course is the president of the United States, Joe Biden, who implied that he was a white supremacist when he put out a post saying when is Donald Trump going to denounce white supremacy, which by the way Donald Trump did repeatedly, and had a picture of Kyle Rittenhouse right next to that -- to that statement.

So, Joe Biden is going to be sued, a bunch of media entities are going to be sued. ASU is going to be sued. The students that put together this protest are going to be sued.

And again, there's such hypocrisy. It's not a problem for Angela Davis to speak at universities when she's been accused of homicide and was found not guilty.

And by the way, in the case of the jury in Rittenhouse, there were whites and one person of color, the same racial composition in the jury of that of the three men accused of murdering Ahmaud Arbery and they found those three men guilty and the same racial composition was in the Rittenhouse case. But Rittenhouse is an example of white supremacy but the jury that found these three men guilty and then in the death of Ahmaud Arbery I guess that's okay. Such hypocrisy. It's hard to keep track of it, Sean.

HANNTY: No, it is. But let me go back to this full boycott of white owned businesses by Black Lives Matter.

Now I made a distinction there were people that after George Floyd were protesting. I think they had the best of intentions and I was stated unequivocally that a guy in handcuffs, that's saying, please, sir, I can't breathe, and he has an officer's knee on his neck, the most vulnerable part of the human anatomy. He was not a threat at that moment and there are far better techniques that would gain the compliance that they're seeking.

So, I guess I asked the question, you know, as I -- as I look at Black Lives Matter, the group itself, they're the ones that said, "what do we want, dead cops, when we want it, now", and "pigs in a blanket, fry them like bacon". I'm trying to understand why people don't distance themselves when they take these obviously anti-police, even pro-violence and now anti -- very racist, if you will, positions?

ELDER: Well, you know, and this whole anti-police systemic racism stuff is causing cops to pull back. And that's why you're seeing crime soaring in our American cities. Chicago is on track for more homicides in that city since 1996 and the bulk of the victims are black people. Where is Black Lives Matter? Where is Black Lives Matter in Baltimore and St. Louis where the homicide rate is three times higher than that of Chicago?


HANNITY: Chicago --

ELDER: Yeah, 90 percent of the victims are black people? Where are they? Where are they when all of these black people are being slaughtered by often other black people? Almost all the homicide victim in this country are black?

HANNITY: From 2009, we've been scrolling names that you'll never hear on this program of minorities shot and killed every single weekend. Nobody seems to care. Only when it's political convenient.

Larry, good to have you back. Thank you for being with us.

And up next right here tonight on"HANNITY.



BALDWIN: I'm sorry.


HANNITY: Alec Baldwin breaks down emotionally as he speaks about the tragic fatal shooting on the movie set back in October. Do you believe this explanation? It gets a little bizarre. We'll tell you about it next.


HANNITY: An extremely emotional Alec Baldwin speaking out tonight telling his side of the story, what happened on the set of the movie shooting "Rust", and the fatal shooting of cinematographer Halyna Hutchins. Take a look.


BALDWIN: She was someone who was loved by everyone who worked with, and liked by everyone who worked with and admired --


BALDWIN: I'm sorry.


HANNITY: Later in the interview, Baldwin went into great detail telling Georgie Stephanopoulos his version of the secrets of events. Take a look.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS ANCHOR: So you have this Colt 45. You just pulled --

BALDWIN: The hammer as far back as I could without cocking the actual --

STEPHANOPOULOS: And you're holding on to the hammer?

BALDWIN: I'm holding that -- I'm just showing how about that, does that work? Do you see that? Do you see that? He said -- she goes, yeah, that's good. I let go of the hammer, bang, the gun goes.

Everyone is horrified. They're shocked. It's loud. They don't have their earplugs in. No one was -- the gun was supposed to be empty. I was told I was handed an empty gun or if there were cosmetic grounds, nothing with a charge at all, a flash round, nothing.

She goes down. I thought to myself, did she faint? The notion that there was a live round in that gun did not dawn on me until probably 45 minutes to an hour later.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, FOX News contributor Leo 2.0 Terrell, the co- host of the Clay Travis Buck Sexton show, Outkick founder, Clay Travis.

Let's look at it from a legal standpoint, Leo, and that is guns don't fire themselves. He's admitting he cocked the hammer. Now, if you start cocking the hammer and you don't click it in and you can discharge that firearm. Does he have the responsibility himself to check to see if that weapon is loaded with live ammunition?

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, and I want to be very clear as a lawyer -- let me tell you. This interview was a preempted strike. They know there's going to be charges coming down. They don't know who's going to be charged.

No one should believe that he gave that interview without being consulted by his lawyers. No one should believe that that wasn't rehearsed. I want to see the raw footage. If this interview was being done strictly to basically influence the jury pool and to get his version out there. Now, he's committed to this version, so you can expect this over and over again.

This is a strategy by his lawyers. Let's not be fooled by this. It was a very sad situation, but the call of your question he has a responsibility and his attorneys know that, Sean, and they see something coming down with the investigation the first of next year.

HANNITY: Now, Clay, if you agree with Leo and that this was a legal strategy and every I was dotted and T was crossed in terms of what Alec Baldwin said tonight, I guess you'd have to add to that, he's also an actor.

I've done one film --


HANNITY: -- Sam Sorbo, numerous takes. I played myself, and on cue without fail every single solitary take. It was a scene in which she cried and it was believable.

And honestly, I -- I couldn't -- I could not do that. I wouldn't have I can't cry in real life anyway but you get the point.

In other words, so if Leo's right and you -- now do we have to ask the question, was this rehearsed? Did he act? Is it real? I mean, it comes off as somewhat sincere to me.

TRAVIS: Well, yeah, these are all really good questions, Sean. I think Leo's right too and this is -- you know, me kind of analyzing this from a legal perspective as well having done some criminal law in my career. I had the same reaction as Leo. They're not going to tell this story unless they are committed that it is going to remain 100 percent consistent throughout now.

And to me, there's a couple of questions that really come into play here. One, the DA's going to have to decide whether or not to bring charges and who to bring charges against, because there was negligence. There's no way that when you look at the facts in this situation, somehow that gun was loaded, whether or not Alec Baldwin pulled the trigger or not, I would think there would be cameras something to reflect what might have actually happened there. It seems unlikely the gun discharged without some sort of ability or action that he undertook.

That doesn't mean that he's criminally culpable. I'm sure he's going to be sued in every civil court imaginable with as many different accounts as you can imagine. But what is going to happen here? There's negligence. Was it civil negligence or was it criminal negligence? Because that's the difference between let's say a manslaughter charge and Alec Baldwin and other people involved in this case being hit probably with a verdict in the tens of millions of dollars.

And you're right, Sean, and I'm sure Leo thinks about this too, you're talking about one of -- whatever you think about Alec Baldwin, he's one of the great actors of his generation. So if he can cry on command when things actually aren't real, I'm sure that he can also master this for a jury, for a judge, for a prosecutor for everybody out there that he would be talking to and be imminently believable, whether or not it's true.

HANNITY: Leo he said -- George Clooney said you have protocols, you check the gun every time. Stephanopoulos asked if he felt guilt. He said, no, someone is responsible for what happened but I know it's not me. If I thought I was responsible I probably would have killed myself.

Is George Clooney right?

TERRELL: I'll tell you right now, Clooney is right to the fact that Baldwin had a responsibility. But what you just read and what you just stated, Baldwin has no problem throwing everybody else under the bus. He knows he's going to be questioned under oath, either as Clay says civilly, criminally or at a deposition. And what you just heard is his text.

I want to see the raw footage. I want to see the interview between the tiers, before and after the tier. I want to see if there's laughter. So district attorney, sheriff department, get the raw footage of that interview because that's edited down.

Hey, listen, a horrible situation but he did not do this interview without being coached by lawyers. I stayed 30 years on it, lawyers were involved.

HANNITY: Clay, I didn't know you're a lawyer, and then here you are now you're selling "let's go Brandon" t-shirts, what happened?

TRAVIS: I mean, I've fallen off the wagon in a big way, Sean. My law school classmates call me on it every day. Here's the other thing by the way --

HANNITY: I got to run, though.

TRAVIS: -- can you imagine what Baldwin would have done if Trump had been accused of this? It's crazy.

HANNITY: More HANNITY right after this. Thank you both.


HANNITY: All right. That is all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for being with us. You make this show possible and we'll never thank you enough.

Please set your DVR so you never miss an episode.

In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, Laura Ingraham's next.

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