Hannity: Democrats have turned SCOTUS process into a sham

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," September 27, 2018. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Great show today.

By the way, this just breaking, Bob Corker tweeted out that he is a "yes" for Judge Kavanaugh and Jeff Flake saying its tough decision. And then, of course, we have Susan Collins and Lisa Murkowski, and we're going to be watching very closely.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST, TUCKER CARLSON TONIGHT: It will be hard to vote against him I think.

HANNITY: Good show tonight.

CARLSON: Thanks.

HANNITY: Thank you for letting me use your studio. Love it.

All right. Welcome to "Hannity".

We are broadcasting live. We're in the swamp, Washington, D.C., our nation's capital, where the future of this very country in so many different ways is at stake tonight. And the Senate is now on the verge of what will be a historic vote.

And for all of you good, honest, hardworking taxpayers that do all the hard work every day and raise your kids and love God, faith, family and country, there's lot under attack. We're going to break it all down for you.

And you know what? Unable to stop this man's nomination based on merit for the past two weeks, we have watched, we have now witnessed people in this country, that elected officials and Democrats attempting to literally destroy the character, the career, the life of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. They have tried to utterly ruin what it turns out to be a good man.

No due process, no presumption of innocence and literally no corroboration at all. And shamefully they are using in almost four decades old sexual misconduct allegation as a political ploy, and they are demanding that a man with what is an impeccable 40 year track record prove his innocence from charges featuring again, no corroboration, no location, no date, all because Brett Kavanaugh is appointed by Donald Trump and has a more conservative judicial philosophy.

And Democrats now, by the way, as we speak, sadly, it's a sad night, criminalizing ideology. And if they successfully block this nomination, nobody is safe from these types of smears. Senator Lindsey Graham who had a powerful moment at today's hearing will join us.

But first, it is time for our D.C. breaking news -- there is so much of it -- opening monologue.


HANNITY: So, today, after weeks of being smeared by Democrats, called evil, accused of rape and gang rape, being compared to Bill Cosby, after weeks of vile death threats against his family, after weeks of being demonized all over television and most major newspapers, well, today, Brett Kavanaugh finally had a chance under oath to clear his good name. Dramatic testimony today, powerful testimony.

Watch this.


JUDGE BRETT KAVANAUGH, SUPREME COURT JUSTICE NOMINEE: This confirmation process has become a national disgrace. The Constitution gives the Senate an important role in the confirmation process, but you have replaced advice and consent with search and destroy. Since my nomination in July, there's been a frenzy on the left to come up with something, anything, to block my confirmation.

Shortly after I was nominated, the Democratic Senate leader said he would quote oppose me with everything he's got. A Democratic senator on this committee publicly referred to me as evil, given comments like those. Is it any surprise that people have been willing to do anything, to make any physical threat against my family, to send any violent email to my wife, to make any kind of allegation against me and against my friends, to blow me up and take me down?

You sowed the wind. For decades to come, I fear that the whole country will reap the whirlwind.


HANNITY: Judge Kavanaugh also had this to say about the process, and his family and what they have been forced to endure again with zero corroboration, no presumption of innocence and no due process. Watch this.


KAVANAUGH: The behavior of several of the Democratic members of this committee in my hearing a few weeks ago was an embarrassment, but at least it was just a good old-fashioned attempt at Borking. Those efforts didn't work. When I did at least okay enough at those hearings and it looks like I might actually get confirmed, a new tactic was needed. Some of you were lying in wait and had it ready.

This first allegation was held in secret for weeks by a Democratic member of this committee and by staff. It would be needed only if you couldn't take me out on the merits. When it was needed, this allegation was unleashed and publicly deployed over Dr. Ford's wishes.

This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit, fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups.

This is a circus. The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades.


HANNITY: After those powerful remarks, Judge Kavanaugh addressed his accuser, Professor Christine Ford.

Take a look at this emotional moment from earlier today.


KAVANAUGH: I have never done this to her or anyone. That's not who I am, it's not who I was. I am innocent of this charge.

I intend no ill will to Dr. Ford and her family.

The other night, Ashley and my daughter Liza said their prayers and, little Liza all of 10 years old -- said to Ashley, we should pray for the woman. That's a lot of wisdom from a 10-year-old.


HANNITY: We are that on my radio show with a lot of people around me, guys and girls, they all were crying. Ten-year-old, little girl, powerful moment, and she's absolutely right.

But let's take a moment to review the charges from Professor Ford, where allegations were made in July to a Democratic member of Congress. She claims that those claims come back 36 years, nearly four decades, and I've been saying, she deserved to be heard from the very beginning. These allegations are serious, they were taken seriously by the president, by the Senate, and by everybody, except, and I'll explain.

But she doesn't remember a date, day of the week, location, how she got to or from the party where the alleged crime took place. All of the witnesses that Professor Ford listed to corroborate her claims, they all denied what she is alleging, all four in sworn statements under penalty of felony.

Let me repeat, all witnesses have given sworn statements under the penalty of felony, that means you could go to jail, to the Democrats. What that means is that this has been investigated. The people that there were have already spoken. And it includes Professor Ford's friend, her name, Leland Keyser.

Her attorney released a statement, it reads, quote: Simply put, Ms. Keyser does know Mr. Kavanaugh and has no recollection of ever being at a party or gathering where he was present with or without Dr. Ford.

Now, today, the Senate's independent prosecutor asked her about this irrefutable fact. Take a look.


RACHEL MITCHELL, PROSECUTOR: Are you aware that they say they have no memory or knowledge of such a party?


MITCHELL: Do you have any particular motives to ascribe to Leland?

FORD: I could take those one at a time. Leland has significant health challenges and I'm happy that she's focusing on herself and getting the health treatments that she needs. And she let me know that she needed her lawyer to take care of this for her, and she texted me right afterward with an apology, and good wishes and et cetera. So I'm glad she's taking care of herself.


HANNITY: That today's testimony from Professor Ford actually raised more questions than it answered, including this moment about Ford's recent polygraph test. Let's take a look at this.


MITCHELL: Why was that location chosen for the polygraph?

FORD: I had left my grandmother's funeral at Fort Lincoln Cemetery that day and I was on a tight schedule to get a plane to Manchester, New Hampshire, so he was willing to come to me which is appreciated.

MITCHELL: So he administered a polygraph on the day that you attended your grandmother's funeral?

FORD: Yes, correct. It might have been the next day. I spent the night in the hotel. Not sure of the exact day.

MITCHELL: Did you pay for the polygraph yourself?

FORD: I don't -- I don't think so.

MITCHELL: OK. Do you know who did pay for the polygraph?

FORD: Not yet, no.

MITCHELL: I believe you said it hasn't been paid for yet, is that correct?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me put an end to this misery. Her lawyers have paid for her polygraph.

MITCHELL: As is routine.


MITCHELL: Is it your understanding that someone else is going to assist you with some of these fees including the cost for your polygraph?

FORD: I'm aware that there have been several GoFundMe sites that I haven't had a chance to figure out how to manage those, because I've never had one.


HANNTY: Just to recap, Professor Ford doesn't remember when the incident in question happened. She doesn't remember where the incident happened. She has given inconsistent answers about this important detail. She doesn't remember exactly who attended the party in question.

She has given inconsistent answers about this detail. She doesn't remember how she got to the alleged party. She doesn't remember how she got back from the party and not one person corroborates her story.

We also learned today she doesn't remember if she handed "The Washington Post" therapy notes just a few weeks ago. Now, in minutes -- just minutes ago, "The Wall Street Journal" editorial board fully endorsed the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh and also moments ago, we learned that Senator Mitch McConnell announced the Senate Judicial Committee, the Senate Judiciary Committee, will, in fact, in the morning, they are moving forward, he said.

And moments ago, Senator Bob Corker of Tennessee announced on Twitter that he will vote yes on Brett Kavanaugh.

But none of these matter seemingly to people on the other side. It shouldn't be about Democrat/Republican, liberal/conservative at all. They wanted and stated from the beginning, they wanted to ruin Judge Brett Kavanaugh, and over unsubstantiated, uncorroborated claims from nearly four decades ago.

For the left at this point, it's not about sexual misconduct. Otherwise they would be talking about Keith Ellison. They would have had more harsh statements about Bill Clinton.

This has not been about protecting victims or finding the truth even. To them, from day one, Chuck Schumer leading the way, this has all been political. It is a sad day for the country, what we had to witness today.

The worst part of this is, Senator Dianne Feinstein knew about these claims since July. She knew about these charges when she actually met with Kavanaugh in private. She knew about these claims when she questioned him during his public hearing several weeks ago.

And when she met privately with Brett Kavanaugh, she had already been recommending attorneys to Professor Ford. Only after Brett Kavanaugh's nomination looked imminent did Dianne Feinstein and Democrats announce Ford's allegations. This has been a disgraceful display of politics at its worst.

Is reelection more important than another person's life here? Did anyone hear the pain in Brett Kavanaugh's voice today?

And, by the way, I would argue too, Professor Ford to come up as Susan Collins has said it, nobody has been served well here. She wished to remain anonymous. The story got leaked. Her name got leaked.

And without any corroboration or evidence, then you have politicians smearing Kavanaugh again and again on national TV. And this is just a small sampling.

Take a look.


REP. ADAM SCHIFF, D—CALIF.: The Senate shouldn't simply rely on hearing two conflicting accounts and decide -- well, we are okay with not knowing. We are okay with the fact that we might be putting someone who committed attempted rape on the Supreme Court of the United States.

SEN. KAMALA HARRIS, D—CALIF.: I believe her. Listen, first of all, anybody who comes forward at this point to be prepared to testify in the United States Senate against someone who is being nominated to one of the most powerful positions in the United States government, that takes an extraordinary amount of courage.

SEN. MAIZE HIRONO, D—HI.: Not only do women, like Dr. Ford who bravely comes forward, need to be heard but they need to be believed. They need to be believed.

I just want to say to the men of this country: just shut up and step up. Do the right thing.

SEN. RICHARD BLUMENTHAL, D—CONN.: Let me just right at the outset, I believe Dr. Ford. I believe the survivor here. There's every reason to believe her. She has come forward courageously and bravely.

SEN. KIRSTEN GILLIBRAND, D—N.Y.: I believe her. I stand with her. And --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you hope she shows up on Monday? Do you hope that she testifies?

GILLIBRAND: I don't think she should be bullied into this scenario, where it's a he said/she said. It's a sham hearing. And I don't think she should participate in it.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER, D—NY, MINORITY LEADER: I believe Professor Ford. I think she is credible. And I think when the investigation is finished and when she testifies and Judge Kavanaugh testifies, I think a majority of senators will find her credible.


HANNITY: And the smears continued during the hearing. And today, Democrats ramping up their favorite new talking point, we must have an FBI investigation.

Now, this is, of course, all a political stall tactic. They want delay, delay, delay. The hope we get to the midterms. They hope they win and they hope they stop Donald Trump from fulfilling a campaign promise and constitutional obligation.

Watch the echo chamber and on the other side of this, I will explain why this is phony, and they know it. Take a look.


KAVANAUGH: The behavior of several Democratic embers of this committee a few weeks ago at my hearing was an embarrassment, but at least it was just an old-fashioned attempts at Borking. Those efforts didn't work. When I did at least okay enough at the hearings that it look like I might actually get confirmed, a new tactic was needed. Some of you were lying in wait, and had it ready.

This first allegation was held in secret for weeks by a Democratic member of this committee and by staff. It would be needed only if you couldn't take me out on the merits. When it was needed, this allegation was unleashed and publicly deployed over Dr. Ford's wishes.

This whole two-week effort has been a calculated and orchestrated political hit. Fueled with apparent pent-up anger about President Trump and the 2016 election, fear that has been unfairly stoked about my judicial record, revenge on behalf of the Clintons, and millions of dollars in money from outside left-wing opposition groups. This is a circus.

The consequences will extend long past my nomination. The consequences will be with us for decades.


HANNITY: An FBI investigation does not make conclusions, they all knew this. It would interview everybody that has already been interviewed and a report would then be issued. That's it.

The Democrats know it. In 1991, then Senator Joe Biden suggested that these FBI investigations are actually useless, his words, and they all agreed back then. Take a look.


THEN-SENATOR JOE BIDEN, D—DEL.: The next person that refers to an FBI report as being worth anything obviously doesn't understand anything. FBI explicitly does not in this or any other case reach a conclusion. Period. Period.

So, judge, there's no reason why you should know this. The reason why we cannot rely on the FBI report, you wouldn't like it if we did, because it is inconclusive. They say he said, she said and they said, period.

So, when people waive an FBI report before you, understand, they do not. They do not. They do not reach conclusions. They do not make, as my friend points out more adequately, they do not make recommendations.


HANNITY: Remember, all witnesses, all in this case gave sworn statements under the threat of felony. Democrats have turned this important process into a political sham. They have turned advice and consent into destroy, malign. They can't care whose life is destroyed in this process, obviously they don't.

Did they not see what went on today, to Judge Kavanaugh? The impact on him and his family? The women making these allegations as they withheld them for all these weeks?

They just want Kavanaugh stopped at all costs. Today, no one seems to put this in better perspective than Senator Lindsey Graham, what was a powerful moment when he took on the Democrats.

Take a look.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM, R—S.C.: What you want to do is destroy this guy's life, hold his seat open and hope you win in 2020 -- you said that, not me. You've got nothing to apologize for.

When you see Sotomayor and Kagan, tell them that Lindsey said hello, because I voted for them. I would never do to them what you've done to this guy.

This is the most unethical sham since I've been in politics.

I cannot imagine what you and your family have gone through.

Boy, you all want power, God, I hope you never get it. I hope the American people can see through this sham, that you knew about it and you held it. You had no intention of protecting Dr. Ford. None. She's as much of a victim as you are.

God, I hate to say that because these have been my friends, but let me tell you, when it comes to this, you are looking for a fair process? You came to the wrong town at the wrong time, my friend.

To my Republican colleagues, if you vote no, you are legitimizing the most despicable thing I have seen in my time in politics.


HANNITY: Senator Graham will join us in studio in just a moment.

And after those passionate remarks, Senator Orrin Hatch called these proceedings worse than any other confirmation proceedings in history, including those of Judge Bork and Judge Thomas.

Let's watch this.


SEN. ORRIN HATCH, R—UTAH: The circus atmosphere that has been created since my Democratic colleagues first leaked Dr. Ford's allegations to the media two weeks ago, after sitting on them for six weeks, I might add, has brought us the worst in our politics. It certainly has brought us no closer to the truth.

Anonymous letters with no name and no return address are now being treated as national news. Porn star lawyers with facially implausible claims are driving the new cycle.

I hate to say this, but this is worse than Robert Bork and I didn't think it could get worse than that. This is worse than Clarence Thomas and I didn't think it could get worse than that. This is a national disgrace, the way you are being treated.


HANNITY: This is sadly the Democratic playbook. I warn people every single two years, every four years on my radio show and right here on this show, Republicans, be prepared to be demonized, racist, sexist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic, Islamophobic, you want dirty air and water, you want to kill children and there will be some Paul Ryan lookalike throwing your grandmother over the cliff because Republicans want granny to die.

And it's the same now with Supreme Court nominees, same predictable behavior. We've now come to expect this.

This has to change, this country deserves better. The people of this country deserve better. These people in D.C., and this swamp, they are supposed to serve us, you, we, the people. It's not about a Republican, Democrat, liberal or conservative here. This is pure human decency that was in play today.

They destroyed this man and his family. They bludgeoned him, all for the sake of power. There was zero presumption of innocence here or due process.

Now, the Democratic Party, every two, four years, every time we have a nomination to the Supreme Court, we know what to expect, the party of slander, besmirchments, smears, character assassination, the party of no due process, no presumption of innocence, the party that rushes to judgment. Look at all the high profile cases rushed to judgment -- the Duke lacrosse case, the Cambridge police acted stupidly, Ferguson, Missouri, Baltimore, Maryland, Richard Jewell, Trayvon Martin.

Is this the party that is going to decide the fate of this country? Because in 40 days, that same party wants you to go out and vote for them. Look at your screen.

You see these Republican senators? These are the people who will decide the fate of the Kavanaugh nomination right there. Those are the people that will decide if we still have due process in this country.

If these principles exist in this country, if we still have laws predicated on the Constitution, let them know how to vote. Call them. Tell them what's at stake. Let them know what you felt today watching these hearings, and if you are in one of the states where Donald Trump won, West Virginia, Joe Manchin, North Dakota, Heidi Heitkamp, Indiana, Joe Donnelly, you're a senators up for reelection. If they don't confirm Judge Kavanaugh and they go along with the smear campaign, if they go ahead and do that, are you going to vote for them?

There is a lot in the next few days, weeks and months that we're going to decide and we have a lot to get to in the course of this program tonight. I just want to say, what we are looking at here tonight, what we are looking at, you get to hold them accountable for your decisions. Never has a Supreme Court nomination been more important.

This country is at a tipping point. Inalienable rights of Americans will continue or we are never going to be able to go back. Our Constitution, all these core principles hang in the balance tonight and we have one party that is throwing all of this to the wind and adopted smear, slander, personal politics and destruction.

Unless good senators find a backbone and stick up for these core fundamental rights of every human being, like we've been talking about, due process, justice, law, order. Democrats take down Judge Kavanaugh, a man with impeccable service and 40-year track record, they can take down anybody, any conservative, any politician for any reason on any allegation with zero proof, ever.

The Senate cannot let this happen. They cannot reward this behavior.

Joining us now, South Carolina Senator Lindsey Graham.

Senator, good to see you. Thank you. I've known you a long time.

GRAHAM: Yes, 20 years.

HANNITY: As it was happening, I was live on my radio show, and when I had my next break, I don't think you ever had a more powerful moment in your career. I have known you a long time.

GRAHAM: Thank you.

Well, I just told the truth. This is not about finding the truth between Dr. Ford and Brett Kavanaugh. This is about delaying the hearing to get past the midterms, I hope they pick up the Senate and denying the seat to be filled by Donald Trump.

It's not about the FBI. If you really wanted to know what the FBI thought about this, you would come forward when you first know about it.

It's certainly not about protecting Dr. Ford. The one thing I learned beyond any doubt today, any doubt, is they never intended to protect Dr. Ford.

And everything I believed I knew about Brett Kavanaugh, I am now more convinced than ever that he didn't do it. That he is the right guy to be on the court. That Ms. Ford has got a problem and destroying Judge Kavanaugh's life won't fix her problem.

And if we legitimize this, God help us all because both sides can do this to my friends on the other side. I would never have done this to one of your nominees. You should be ashamed.

HANNITY: You voted for people that I know you did not share their judicial philosophy.

GRAHAM: I would never have picked up.

It used to be if you are qualified, elections matter. Here's the big picture is, elections don't matter to them. They only matter when they win.

Now, when we win, when Donald Trump wins, there are no rules. There are no boundaries. President Trump today, I hope you understand why he picked Brett Kavanaugh. Not only is he incredibly qualified judge, an incredibly decent man, he and his wife are the parents of the year.

If they are going to give an award for parenting, I'd give to Ashley and Brett based on what their girl -- his daughter said about who to pray for. So I'm honored to help him. If I helped him today, it's one of the highlights of my career.

And to my Republican colleagues, if this guy goes down, then we don't deserve to stay in power, because it's not about power to me. It is about the process. It is honoring elections.

To my Democratic friends -- Joe Manchin, I liked him a lot. Joe, you can't figure this out? Trump won by 40 points. Do you really believe that Brett Kavanaugh is a serial rapist? Do you believe any of this garbage?

And I'm sorry that Dr. Ford went through this, she shouldn't have had to go through it, but I am convinced beyond any shadow of a doubt that Brett Kavanaugh is not the man that they are trying to make him and this is all political.

So, Joe, I hope you'll step up. Heidi, I hope like you a lot. Joe Donnelly, great guy. Why can't you talk about whether or not we met the burden here?

If he had to prove he was innocent, he did it for me, but he didn't have to.

HANNITY: Let me ask you -- Republicans met in conference tonight in the Senate.


HANNITY: Bring us inside the meeting as much as you are able to share.

GRAHAM: That went well. I think everybody was blown away by Brett.

Can you imagine doing what he did today?


GRAHAM: Your life is ripped apart. You've had a 32-hour meeting. You met with every senator. They've known about this for weeks and they spring it on you at the end.

Then it goes to where Avenatti comes out and says that you're a serial rapist, you drug women.

HANNITY: Gang rape and boys lining the halls and --

GRAHAM: And your whole life is just absolutely destroyed.

I think Republicans today felt like Brett Kavanaugh not only met the test, passed the test, that this is political. And I will be brokenhearted if the Senate rejects this good man.

HANNITY: Bob Corker said yes.

GRAHAM: Good for Bob.

HANNITY: Jeff Flake off-camera said this is a tough one.


GRAHAM: Well, I would say to -- I would say, Jeff, it is tough because I don't know what happened to Dr. Ford but I've been a lawyer all my life, I use to do this for a living. Jeff, you could get a warrant. She can't tell you where it happened or what happened, it's not he said, she said, it's she said and they said.

All people named said it didn't happened.

HANNITY: All four.

GRAHAM: And you can't get the date and the time. And my God, he went through a counter of 1982, this is the most squared away guy that I've ever met my life.

I was just honored to be in his presence. If, again, I've never seen anybody command a room like he did. I've never seen anybody more sincere and I've never seen anybody more used and abused than Dr. Ford was by the Democrats.

HANNITY: Let me ask you, it seems -- Jeff Flake, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and I've actually been quoting Susan Collins because she is the one that rightly pointed out from the beginning, this has been unfair to both sides here. And she's right. She's been right about that.

GRAHAM: Yes. Well, what I would tell Susan is that, if you are the way they say Brett is, you wouldn't have the life Brett has lived. You wouldn't have 65 women coming forward, you wouldn't have six FBI investigations that found nothing, you wouldn't be in this profile of a job. He's been in the highest levels of government, a target for 26 years.

He found out about it after the hearing was over, they knew about it and they sat on it, there is no corroboration. And the Avenatti thing tells you all they need to know about where they are headed with him. If they delay this, there will be more coming and he doesn't deserve it. It's time to vote.

HANNITY: The Senate judiciary committee will meet tomorrow morning.


HANNITY: Walk us through the process. The full Senate will vote we expect, what, Tuesday?

GRAHAM: Yes, we will vote tomorrow in committee. I will go through why I believe he is qualified and capable and I will tell you without hesitation what I think has happened here in the confirmation process.

If this is the new norm, God help us all. I hope he will get reported out of committee along a party line vote. I hope Jeff can get there.

I would just stress again, that this man has led an incredible life and everything they are saying about him is made up and it comes out of the left field. And it's not corroborated. Please don't take away everything he has done. He's number one in his class, ever since he's done anything.

And I think we're going to get him confirmed, and if we go to the floor on the Senate, we're going to pick up some Democrats. Let me tell you this. If you live in these Trump states and you can't figure this out, good luck to you.

HANNITY: Le t me ask you one last question. As you look at the emotion of today, and all that happened, -- my best friend from third grade, his name is John Gomez and he called me yesterday. He said Hannity, you always say every two or four years, Republicans are racist and sexist and my whole list as he calls late.


HANNITY: And he goes, I think I understand a little more now why you always do it, because when you say these horrible things, and now we have gotten used to it, we expect it, you know, it's like my father was killed all over again. Elect Republicans and black churches will burn our or crosses will burn. Or Republicans don't want to count African-Americans in the census, Al Gore said. This has to stop, senator.

GRAHAM: Those are political arguments that we can handle and people obviously don't buy in--


HANNITY: That's smearing, though.

GRAHAM: This is destroying somebody.


GRAHAM: I would hope and pray that I never get this desperate as a political person to destroy somebody. This was a wholesale effort to take a good man and ruin his life and it backfired on him.

This is not about political arguments, this is not about what they will do or we will do, this is about the fact that they were willing to set a man up and destroy his life.

HANNITY: It was hard to watch.

GRAHAM: It was really hard to watch and when he talked about his daughter -- let's pray for the lady, too. This is a good man, please vote for him.

HANNITY: You know, senator I think the reason your moment was so powerful is it was raw, and real and unplanned.

GRAHAM: It was totally, totally real.


HANNITY: I think you reflected the views of many Americans.

GRAHAM: You know what got me was, why won't you agree to the FBI investigation, what do you have to hide? These are the same people that sat on the information that made it impossible for us to do an investigation because they wouldn't help us.

They knew it for weeks, planned what they are doing intentionally, and I am convinced to out at Dr. Ford for the political moment that we saw today and it blew up in their face. And I hope America understands that if this is the new way of doing business, we are going in the wrong direction. We have a chance to turn it around beginning tomorrow at 9.30 a.m.

HANNITY: And in 40 days the American people get their chance.


HANNITY: Senator, thank you so much for being with us. I appreciate it. All right. For the latest on how Capitol Hill is reacting to the hearings, we go to Ed Henry. Ed?


Breaking tonight as you just noted a moment ago, Republican Bob Corker he was sitting on the fence he just announced that he is a yes for Judge Brett Kavanaugh's nomination to the Supreme Court.

We are also learning that the Senate judiciary committee will meet tomorrow at 9.30 a.m. Eastern Time, expecting to vote. Then they hope to get it to the Senate floor and that's going to be the real fight it could come as early as Tuesday.

Now after several hours of testimony by Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh, these are still uncorroborated charges so lawmakers in both parties are basically unmoved. Some Democrats have imposed -- opposed since the night Kavanaugh was nominated and many Republicans say, as you just heard from Lindsey Graham, this was character assassination and there are several holes to Dr. Ford story. So this is going to come down to a handful of votes.

Look at these folks right here. Republican Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Jeff Flake, plus Democrat Joe Manchin. Maybe a couple of other Democrats from red states. The four lawmakers you see there, they met tonight behind closed doors for 30 minutes to think about what exactly they are going to do next. They are keeping their cards close for now.

Democratic Chris Coons tonight called for a one week delay in the proceedings, perhaps hoping to get momentum for a new FBI investigation that does not seem likely to happen.

Republican John Cornyn, meanwhile, said the longer Republicans wait to vote, there will just be more unverified allegations thrown at Kavanaugh. Cornyn declaring that this idea that the judge is guilty until proven innocent is like a police state. Watch.


SEN. JOHN CORNYN, R—TEXAS: It's time to vote. The longer the nomination remains open, we know that more and more of these careless anonymous and uncorroborated allegations will be made. Unfortunately, that's part of the search and destroy process, that frankly, I think is an embarrassment to the Senate.

That is sort of the lingering core concern here is about his credibility. He's worked very hard to put forward the aspects of his life that are admirable that it require boy narrative, but I think it's undeniable that there is a whole series of incidents and events in his life that also set that frat boy image.


HENRY: Republicans have only 51 votes in the Senate so they can only afford to lose one Republican. If they lose two, Kavanaugh could go down unless they get Joe Manchin or other Democrats on board, Sean. That's why we showed on the screen a moment ago, they're on the fence, they are key to all of this, Sean.

HANNITY: By the way, Senator Jerry Moran now say yes, that's just breaking just seconds ago. That is very good.

All right. When they come back, we've got so much more reaction, a lot of more -- a lot more breaking news. We're going to break down where senators are coming out, they seem to be coming out by the minute. Bob Corker a yes, and we'll have the latest vote count when we get back.

We'll check in with Matt Schlapp, Sara Carter, Carrie Severino. And later, a glaring example of huge liberal hypocrisy, Juanita Broaddrick will join us in studio. Where were these people then? Straight ahead.


HANNITY: We are live in Washington, D.C., and Kristin Fisher has the very latest on how lawmakers now at this hour reacting to today's blockbuster hearings. We are getting more information by the minute. What are you hearing, Kristin?

KRISTIN FISHER, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Yes. And also more information from the White House, Sean. President Trump said that he was riveted by this hearing. He watched almost all of it from the White House but he waited until after it was over to weigh in.

And just minutes after the committee adjourned he tweeted out his support for the nominee and his disdain for the way that Democrats on the judiciary committee had treated him.

He said on Twitter, quote, "Judge Kavanaugh showed America exactly why I nominated him. His testimony was powerful, honest and riveting. The Democrats search and destroy strategy is disgraceful and this process has been a total sham, an effort to delay, distract and resist. The Senate must vote."

Now there was a lot of concern within the West Wing that Judge Kavanaugh hadn't been forceful enough in his interview on Fox early this week. Clearly today he did not have that problem.

It's also clear that the White House was very pleased with Senator Lindsey Graham's performance. Both Kellyanne Conway and Sarah Sanders tweeted about it. During the hearing, the White House press secretary said, quote, "Lindsey Graham has more decency and courage than every Democratic member of the committee combined. God bless him."

And you know, Sean, that was -- that was a real turning point, so was Kavanaugh's opening statement after what many in the West Wing considered to be somewhat of a shaky start because even they, some of them at least, conceded that Dr. Ford did appeared to be credible. But by and large, Sean, President Trump very pleased with Judge Kavanaugh's performance today.

HANNITY: All right, Kristin Fisher, thank you in Washington.

Here with reaction for Judicial Crisis Network, Carrie Severino, chairman of the American Conservative Union, longtime friend of Judge Kavanaugh, Matt Schlapp, Fox News contributor, Sara Carter.

I don't know about all of you. Everybody that I know that watch this today, so many people said it was hard and painful. They cried. It was to watch, it was -- it was -- you saw they destroyed this man's family allegation flying around everywhere. No corroboration on any of them.

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Sean, it was riveting because I think the American people saw for the first time, really saw what was happening to this man, what was happening to Judge Kavanaugh and his family.

And for the first time I think we all realized as a nation, it's not that we are dismissing Dr. Ford. It's not that we are dismissing that maybe something did happen to her. But we're a system based on justice, you are innocent until proven guilty and there was no evidence other than he said, she said corroborating what happened and what Dr. Ford alleged happened to her.

And I think at that point, when we hear this man cry out and say, look at what you have done to my family. Look at what you've done to our nation. Is this what we're going to do to each other? I think at that point the country took a step back and people were swayed by Kavanaugh.

HANNITY: I really thought Lindsey Graham became the leader of the U.S. Senate today.

MATT SCHLAPP, CHAIRMAN, CONSERVATIVE UNION: Yes. I have to tell you, I've had my differences with him but I gave him a bear hug.


HANNITY: By the way--

SCHLAPP: I gave him a bear hug. You know, we kept saying as we were shouting at the TV today was like, let Lindsey -- let Lindsey speak. He understands the moment, Sean, we are in a very unique moment. We are in a moment where we could get five votes on the Supreme Court for a constitutional order.

We can actually have a Senate majority that follows through on promises and we could still hold onto this House majority. It all comes down to this very basic thing, to our supporters out there, our grassroots supporters believe it.

When we say we are going to do things like confirm from that list, that tweet from our president, that tweet from our president. Most presidents would have's throne this guy to the side of the first side of all this controversy. He stuck with him and I'm proud of him.

HANNITY: Carrie?

CARRIE SEVERINO, POLICY DIRECTOR, JUDICIAL CRISIS NETWORK: Yes. I think a lot of people say, again, very, very emotional and compelling testimony from Dr. Ford, but then Judge Kavanaugh as well, you saw that.

It looks like, you know, maybe she was, as I think Kavanaugh himself said, she may have very well have experienced real sexual assault sometime in her life, but all of the facts are piling up, go to the point that he isn't the one who did it.

You have all the people who she said were there, who testified and said, I don't think this party happened. I was at this party. I don't over -- even her good friend, her lifelong friend who supports her in general but says I don't think I even know Brett Kavanaugh. I don't think I was at this party.

So when you get past, you know, trying to sort out the memories over the 30 years, there aren't any corroborating facts. That didn't change, in fact even some of the facts in the story shifted. What you really could see though, is the pain they had both been put through. All of that is the Senate Democrats.

I think so many things came out that showed it's on their shoulders. They seem to have been manipulating this whole process, holding back the allegations.

HANNITY: That was the worst part.

SEVERINO: Yes. Even some--


SCHLAPP: An orchestrated attack. An orchestrated attack. Look, there's no way, I've been in politics a long time. There is no way you have a charge of one day, followed 12 or 18 hours by another attack, and then another accusation.

HANNITY: This was a 40-year career with not a single allegation in 40 years. And in the 11th and a half half-hour here than they come flying in. It's sort of like, where does he go to get his good name back?

SCHLAPP: I will tell you where he goes. I'll tell you where he goes.


SCHLAPP: That, what he did today connect to the American people.


SCHLAPP: It was raw, it was real. It was--


HANNITY: Both are real.

SCHLAPP: Because we're split 50/50. And we just have to realize this. The Supreme Court battles are going to be blue versus red. I hate it. That's where we are. We got to make sure our people to understand what Brett told most of the fair minded Americans out there said we're better than this.


HANNITY: And a fair minded Democrat. Is Joe Manchin, Heidi Heitkamp, Joe Donnelly, where are they?

CARTER: Yes. Where are they? But one thing we do know for sure, Sean, the American people now see what we are up against. And they look at the Democrats and they are going to look at this and they are going to say this is a sham, this is a disgrace, you run to people through the mud and they're not going to put up with it anymore. They're going to--


HANNITY: This is why -- last word, Carrie, I make a big deal over every two to four years. Racist, sexist, I run through my list, because it's got to stop.

SCHLAPP: It's got to stop.

SEVERINO: Yes. No, we can't let uncorroborated smears ruin a good man's reputation and life of public service so I think they are right to move on to a vote.

HANNITY: Will he get confirmed?




HANNITY: All right. We'll see. When we come back, Juanita Broaddrick on the left's shameful double standard when it comes to sexual misconduct allegations. She along with Gregg Jarrett are coming up, next. Busy news night, stay with us.


HANNITY: For more on what we called selective moral outrage on this program, we bring in Juanita Broaddrick. Remember, she told the story about Bill Clinton and rape back in the 70s. Also with us, the author of the number one of the New York Times bestseller, "The Russia Hoax," Fox News legal analyst, Gregg Jarrett.

Juanita, I did the second interview with you, and even through this last election, a lot of the people we are hearing from now, they were silent.


HANNITY: They never wanted -- they didn't want an FBI investigation for you that I remember.

BROADDRICK: No. Senator Feinstein, and Senator Durbin and Senator Schumer wanted nothing to do with my case. All Democrats refused to read my deposition with the independent counsel. They wouldn't touch it.

HANNITY: They never once reached out to you?


HANNITY: These people that are still there, the ones acting, you know, the ones that are so supportive of the allegations?

BROADDRICK: Exactly. Exactly. No, they never reached out to me.

HANNITY: When this happened to you, because I know because I've interviewed it, it was 30 minutes later you told the woman you are with and your lip was three times its normal size?

BROADDRICK: Right, and bleeding. Yes, the woman came back to the room and found me when I didn't show up for the seminar and of course, I told her immediately, look at the condition I was in. My clothes were torn, my lip was huge, and I was devastated.

HANNITY: And afraid.

BROADDRICK: Goodness, yes.

HANNITY: And nobody -- the Democrats, the same people that were acting so indignant, nothing?

BROADDRICK: No, absolutely nothing.

HANNITY: Gregg Jarrett, from a legal standpoint, the FBI has also said that this is not within their jurisdiction. We played Joe Biden.


HANNITY: This was a talking point for delay today, wasn't it?

JARRETT: That's right. By law the FBI is not allowed to investigate a nonfederal crime. They can only do background checks, and as Biden pointed out, they simply take witness statements, they don't judge guilt or innocence or the credibility of particular witnesses. So, it was an utter canard over and over again today call for Kavanaugh to ask for an FBI investigation.

HANNITY: Juanita, you were here today and even during 2016, you felt compelled to speak up about the double standard.


HANNITY: What do you say to those Democrats that, clearly, this is about politics and not about what's right?

BROADDRICK: Well, I clearly think if Senator Feinstein and Senator Durbin had known that I was outside, I think they should have walked out and apologize to me for what they did to me in 1999, completely turning their backs on me.

HANNITY: And Kathleen and Paula--


HANNITY: -- and Jennifer, who was called a liar.

BROADDRICK: Exactly, yes.

HANNITY: I've known you a long time now.


HANNITY: God bless you. Good to see you again.

BROADDRICK: Yes, thank you so much.

HANNITY: Sadly we have to talk about a double standard.

BROADDRICK: I know. I know, here we go again. Yes.

HANNITY: When we come back, there is some breaking news. Ed Henry will have a live report right here in Washington, as we continue.


HANNITY: We go back from Washington where with Ed Henry with the very latest on Judge Kavanaugh's fate. Ed, we are hearing a lot of movement now, a lot of people making decisions after today.

HENRY: Sean, that's right.


HENRU: Breaking news, Republicans coming home, you've announce that some of them Bob Corker. But new at the end of the hour now, there may be some Democrats moving towards voting for Kavanaugh.

A reporter from the liberal Atlantic magazine just tweeted a few moments ago that a source close to Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia is saying, "short of new definitive evidence of an assault in the next few days, Manchin is likely a yes vote on Kavanaugh."

The surest sign he did well today, the judge, may be that some on the left seem to be very agitated tonight with even more attacks. Someone on Capitol Hill just posted on Wikipedia the home addresses of several Republican senators including Lindsey Graham, who you had on a few minutes ago.

It's an ugly practice known as doctoring so protesters can try and threaten then. Then there is former Hillary Clinton spokesman Brian Fallon, he just called the judge an attempted rapist and threatening to impeach if he wins.

Quote, "If Senate GOP ignores Dr. Blasey Ford, tries to muscle and attempted racist -- rapist on the Supreme Court they will pay dearly this November. Senators up in 2020 will feel intense heat for next two years. Kavanaugh will not serve for life."

That is a threat tonight from someone on the left, Sean.

HANNITY: It's getting really sick, sad. We saw the impact of out today. Ed, thank you.

This show will always be fair and balanced. Thank you for being with us. We have a lot more tomorrow. Let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham is one studio over. Laura?

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