'Hannity' on Biden's polls, Hillary Clinton

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on December 8, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: By the way, good for Mark Meadow, I agree, Tucker, and thank you.

And welcome to HANNITY.

Tonight, we're tracking multiple stories including news surrounding Hillary Clinton sadly kind of pathetically she's once again foisting herself into the public spotlight now openly fantasizing about her presidency that never happened. Wait until you hear these really, really pathetic remarks coming up.

Also, is the media mob trying to cancel Dr. Oz? I mean, literally, cancel Dr. Oz. That's straight ahead.

And tonight, sad news, our 50-foot FOX News Christmas tree was destroyed early this morning by a suspected arsonist. He apparently scaled the tree, ignited a massive fire, endangering hundreds of people in and around our FOX News headquarters.

Crime in New York City under Comrade de Blasio is so out of control. This is what you get with a billion dollar cut to the NYPD. And now, by the way, he could be out on bail -- as out on bail as early as tomorrow, thanks to, of course, New York state's generous bail reform laws where there's no bail. We'll have a full report tonight.

And first, we can somebody please remind Joe Biden, pretty please with sugar on top, that our fellow citizens are still trapped in Afghanistan. Joe has not even mentioned these Americans not one time in over a hundred days.

ANNOUNCER: Americans held hostage behind enemy lines day 116.

HANNITY: Day 116, 129 days since Joe promised he would not do this, abandoning our fellow American citizens and turning his back on them and green card holders and military families. And by the way, our Afghan allies on top of it.

And tonight, either Joe Biden doesn't care, doesn't remember. After all, well, he has good days and mostly bad days and, unfortunately, today was another real struggle for this declining president. Take a look.



Now, he's a county executive in Jackson County, resident in the business to -- as well. You know, I mean, this guy's done it all.

Look --


Look as -- as man said -- we're in a situation where we've known that our infrastructure had problems for a long, long time.

Under the leadership of mayors like, you know, our mayor here.

This is the United States of America for God's sake.


HANNITY: This is not funny anymore. That's the guy supposedly standing firm against Putin and President Xi, Putin yesterday? That's the guy who is now tasked with keeping America safe defending our interests around the world?

Joe Biden can barely complete a coherent sentence. His cognitive state seems to be now deteriorating daily.

And here's a question: does anyone in the Biden White House anybody do they care at all how bad this is for him personally? Do they care how bad this is for this country? Do they care how dangerous it is for this country and for the entire world?

How long is everyone in the White House going to pretend that he's not a cognitive mess which we all know he is?

And get this, today, the pathetic week Joe Biden accidentally actually revealed his strategy to deal with the hostile actor Vladimir Putin and his hostile regime and his hostile activity. And the way is to accommodate them, pretty much kiss their ass in any way possible.


BIDEN: We hope by Friday, we're going to be able to say and announce to you that we're having meetings at a higher level not just with us but with at least four of our major NATO allies and Russia to discuss the future of Russia's concerns relative to NATO writ large and whether or not we can work out any accommodations as it relates to bringing down the temperature along the eastern front.


HANNITY: Joe, you're the president. You're not a concierge at a five-star hotel. You don't need to accommodate Vladimir Putin.

And I need to say this if you're an American in Ukraine and somehow you hear my voice get out now if you have loved ones there my advice is get them the hell out of there as quickly as possible.

Now, given what happened in Afghanistan, I have no faith and neither should anyone else that Joe will prevent chaos and carnage in Eastern Europe. Our enemies, our allies all know that Joe Biden is in a severe cognitive decline and is in way over his head the American people also now know and realize that Joe Biden is not fit for this job.

According to a poll published in "The Boston Herald" yesterday, only 22 percent of Americans now support any Biden reelection. And get this, Kamala Harris, she's polling even lower at 12 percent. A Rasmussen poll shows that half of all likely voters have a very unfavorable opinion of Kamala. Meanwhile, "The Wall Street Journal" poll reveals a massive -point swing among Hispanic American voters who are now evenly split in a head-to-head rematch between Trump and Biden.

The same poll shows a majority of voters are pessimistic about Biden's leadership, the economy, a variety of other issues.

In other words, Biden is one of the worst performing presidents of all time and it's getting worse. Where do we get Friday's numbers? Where do we get that CBO scoring that doesn't include the sunset provisions that Democrats want? In other words, the fake accounting where do we get Friday's inflation numbers?

I would imagine we stay at a 31-year high. Don't worry, the administration knows just how to right the ship. They decided what we really need is a rebranding campaign and to beg the media to sell our build back better nonsense for us.

And by the way, now, big signs with the slogan building a better America. That will follow Joe Biden all over the country as he touts his many great achievements I can't name one but whatever they are.

The Biden administration laughably believing their poll numbers are so low because what the messaging is bad? What, they need the Madison Avenue campaign to somehow if they did -- if they just message it better messengered it better, they do better?

These numbers are so low because their policies are that bad, it's that simple. Their execution is even worse. Their agenda is even more destructive their great Green New Deal socialist Marxist ideas are insane, and their leader Joe is cognitively declining by the day. And the results are palpable.

In 2020, we warned everyone that Joe Biden was not competent in any way, I honestly wish we were wrong. Sadly, it might be even worse than we thought.

And his radical staff has now hell-bent on ramming his socialist agenda if he even knows what it is. The Bernie-Biden manifesto through Congress.

Here's an idea, let's talk to the Republican leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell. He said for months, two months, that Republicans would not help the Democrats raise the debt ceiling and he did just that and now he's doing it again.

Mitch McConnell needs to stop bailing the Democrats out. Mitch McConnell is breaking his word. Mitch McConnell is lying to every Republican and he's scheming with Pelosi and Schumer behind the scenes and he is giving them a lifeline when they totally completely have kept Republicans out of the budgetary process.

He gifted them with more time to raise the debt ceiling after two months of saying he wouldn't, giving them a window to pass Build Back Better socialism. He promised he'd never do it again and guess what? Mitch McConnell, well, now ready to capitulate one more time. He just needs nine other senators to help him.

Lindsey Graham tonight was furious. Take a look.


SEN. LINDSEY GRAHAM (R-SC): To the leadership of both sides I like you. Senator McConnell has been a great Republican leader, minority leader, majority leader. But this is a moment where I want to be on the record to say I don't like this. What we've done is allow the House of Representative to change a Senate rule. No matter what the subject matter, that's not a good idea.

We set in place a process that allows our Democratic colleagues to raise the debt ceiling without using reconciliation, the budget process.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, FOX News contributor Ari Fleischer, along with former Massachusetts Senator Scott Brown.

Ari, you know, it's interesting. Lindsey Graham in that speech was right. He said, if you make a promise like Mitch McConnell made and then you go against your promise, you're betraying the American people, you're betraying their base, and it helped create Donald Trump in the first place and I agree with Lindsey Graham on those comments.

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, I think what Senator McConnell would respond to you is that he made a promise that he would make the Democrats alone vote to raise the debt limit and that is in essence what he's done, and we don't want a nation to default. But Lindsey Graham is also making a very good point, Sean. Historically, we've always raised the debt limit through reconciliation.

HANNITY: Ari, I love you, they're creating a one-time new rule to make this happen. Now --

FLEISCHER: That was my second point that I was making there. We have traditionally raised the debt limit as a part of reconciliation. But it also shows, Sean, there's a more fundamental issue the debt limit is meaningless.

There is no limit on the debt. We just have a choice between default and keep spending, and no one has ever gone after the spending program, Sean.

Nobody talks about Medicare or Social Security or meaningfully cutting spending. Nobody in either party really. So the debt limit is obscure. It is just an excuse to get into last-minute brinksmanship over default. It serves no practical purpose anymore. It never limits the debt.

HANNITY: Well, in reality, the government never shuts down either. You know, not -- essential services continue, Social Security checks go out, the military stays working. We don't -- we don't shut down the government and then a bunch of government employees get a vacation and then they get voted back pay. That's what almost always happens.

Scott Brown, this is why Mitch McConnell in my view shouldn't be the majority leader for Republicans anymore. He's -- he breaks his word except for judges, he's not been very good about keeping promises. He represents to me the quintessential swamp creature that makes backroom deals with Schumer and Pelosi, bails out Democrats and he had no business bailing them out. It only buys them more time to push socialism on the country.

SCOTT BROWN (R), FORMER U.S. SENATOR: Well, Sean, that's why you know we have 50/50. He's you know between a rock and a hard place respectfully. When I was there, it's a $9 trillion national debt. It's up to almost $30 trillion, either just spending, spending, spending.

And you -- and Ari just said, there's no one there looking at it. Well, respectfully, the late Senator Coburn had a book like this of all the stuff we could have gotten rid of, the duplication, triplication, the waste, the fraud, the abuse. Yeah, we -- our country is a financial mess right now.

The stock market is doing great if you're one of those wonderful people that can afford to be in the stock market, that's great. But if you look at home heating oil, food prices, inflation, the pocketbook and wallet issues.

You know, this country is hurting and the Biden administration, their policies are just out of control. The socialist agenda is taking away individual rights and freedoms, taking away our ability to compete on a worldwide basis, raising taxes on our mom-and-pop businesses and small and medium-sized businesses, it's just a recipe for disaster.

HANNITY: Yeah, and, Ari, the worst part about this is you know all Republicans need to do is sit down and shut up and do nothing. The Democrats are imploding. Every poll shows nobody is happy with Biden's job. There's no job approval rating worth looking at for Joe Biden. Kamala Harris is worse, the same with Speaker Pelosi.

They're basically handing over the house and Senate to the Republicans if the Republicans would just get out of the way and let them implode and that's what makes us so infuriating.

FLEISCHER: Yeah, I agree with you and they're on their way to implosion but we should not take down the debt of the United States and default as part of that implosion. So there's a little different element when you're dealing the debt limit.

HANNITY: Ari, they have the House, the Senate and the White House. They did not allow Republicans to have a say on the budget.

FLEISCHER: But they're going to pass a debt limit increase with Democrat votes only. No Republicans are going to vote to increase the debt limit whether it was --

HANNITY: Because of a one-time new rule -- a one-time new rule that Mitch gave them. That's a lifeline.

FLEISCHER: Yeah and I think you can oppose that, Sean. That's my point about. I think Mitch would say he honored his promise to make sure that only Democrats voted for it, but traditionally it always has been done on reconciliation. Lindsey Graham makes a good point there.

But when it comes to standing out of the way and letting the Democrats implode, I want to go back to the way you began this, with Putin and with Russia and Ukraine. Because it occurred to me, Sean, it doesn't really matter what Joe Biden said in the summit meeting with Vladimir Putin reading off of index cards, the Russians have a dossier on Joe Biden and the dossier shows that Joe Biden will cut run and retreat on every important matter when it comes to foreign policy.

We saw it in Afghanistan. We saw when he opposed the rescue mission to take out Osama bin Laden. We saw on Iraq where he supported the war in and as soon as it got bad, he cut and ran. He opposed the original Persian Gulf War, and he wanted to divide Iraq into three pieces.

His judgment on everything military foreign policy for his entire career has been a one of weakness and cut run and retreat. Putin knows that. So it doesn't matter what Biden says on the South Lawn of the White House, it's his track record. It's the dossier that the Russians know about Biden that invites weakness and that's why if they invade, they're going to know it's because they're dealing with a weak American president.

HANNITY: And you're dealing with one other thing and that is a compromise Biden family syndicate. They've got a dossier on Hunter too. I guarantee it.

Scott Brown, I would argue Putin is -- he's not amassing 175,000 troops on the border with Ukraine without the intention of going in there and I would argue right after the Olympics, the winter Olympics in China, you can watch China take over Taiwan as they have been shown to be so aggressive in their efforts to, quote, reunify, meaning take over Taiwan.

BROWN: Yes, Sean, you're absolutely right. I mean, after Afghanistan and that debacle and, you know, we lost all credibility when it comes to foreign policy. And Ari and Secretary Gates are right, he's been wrong on every major foreign policy decision. And what happened with Russia after the Olympics, they went into Ukraine and Georgia and then you have obviously what's happening right with China after the Olympics. They're going to go in with Taiwan.

The problem is that there's a complete lack of respect now after President Trump. And by the way, your viewers may not know that President Trump single-handedly put on the most draconian sanctions against Russia, the so- called Russian collusion, draconian sanctions that can only be removed by Congress. And to think we've already taken military options off the table and we allowed the pipeline that Russia is promoting, giving them that lifeline in their economy because as you remember when oil was very low, their economy was about to crash.

We can still make economic hits and make them hurt and feel the pain for doing what they're doing but we need to have a strong president and respectfully I feel badly for our country. It's not this Biden-Harris administration. It just isn't, and we have a choice in a few months and about a year to make a difference.

HANNITY: All right. Scott Brown, Ari Fleischer, good to see you both.

Now, breaking earlier today, former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows is now suing, thankfully, the January 6 Commission, calling the subpoenas, quote, overly broad and unduly burdensome. As of yesterday, Mark Meadows is no longer cooperating with this partisan, predetermined witch hunt in any way.

Here with more is the author of "Do What You Said You Would Do" -- by the way, Mitch McConnell, get a copy of this book and read it. Ranking member of the important House Judiciary Committee, Jim Jordan, who was not allowed to participate in the January 6 Commission, along with former Trump White House chief of staff Reince Priebus.

Once you were taken off and Jim Banks was taken off the committee, and Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, the two biggest, you know, let's purge the Republican Party of all things Trump were put on your place, I realize this is a predetermined outcome.


HANNITY: Mark Meadows tried to cooperate, they don't want to hear it.

JORDAN: No, you're exactly right, Sean. This is a total political committee.

Understand this, the national security adviser, the White House counsel and the chief of staff are the three individuals with the highest level of executive privilege with the president of the United States, and I would argue of those three, the one who has the closest relationship is Mark Meadow, the chief of staff. And he was still willing to work with this committee to answer the questions he's permitted to answer but they said no, no, no. We want you to answer every single question we ask and violate that that fundamental privilege that has always existed in our country.

That shows you how partisan. This is no different than Adam Schiff's anonymous whistleblower doing depositions and impeachment proceedings in the bunker in the basement of the Capitol. It's the same kind of effort, and it's clear for everyone to see.

Mark Meadows is a good man who was willing to do the right thing but this committee said no. We want you to answer everything and he was forced to take this action. I think the reason they're doing it all is because they're afraid they're going after Mark, they're going after President Trump because they know President Trump is going to run again in 2024 and he's going to win. They're trying to do anything to stop that.

HANNITY: I agree with that analysis completely. There's a predetermined outcome. I think people like Liz Cheney, the -- you know, why isn't Liz Cheney looking into the 500-plus riots that took place in cities all across the country in 2020, dozens of Americans, Reince Priebus, killed, thousands of cops injured, billions of dollars in property damage, arson and looting, not a word.

They kicked Jim Jordan off the committee, Jim Banks off the committee. They put Trump haters on there like Liz Cheney who has one mission. She has now aligned herself with the people that called her father a war criminal, a murderer and a crook, and now supports the weakest foreign policy in American history, just to purge the party of Trump.

Any part of that wrong?

REINCE PRIEBUS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: No. I mean, the reality is, is that the January 6 Committee is a show. A lot of these congressional investigatory committees are just a show, and I think people forget the U.S. attorney in the District of Columbia by the name of Mike Sherwin already investigated all of this. The Department of Justice, U.S. attorney has looked at all of it.

Remember, the "60 Minutes" interview that he did several months ago. This has already been done. This is a show for the American people.

But here's the deal -- no one's buying into it. These are not issues that are registering with the American people. I mean, Kamala Harris, you said earlier, is like 12 percent approval, Biden's at 38 percent approval.

And I'll tell you what, when this -- when the administration first started, it was Kamala Harris who was hiding from Biden. Now, Biden is hiding from Kamala Harris. In 2024, what's going to happen is an AOC approved candidate is going to come along. They're going to fire up the left side.

Biden has appeased the left in this -- in this -- in this country. He's appeased our enemies abroad and I'm telling you what's going to happen is that Democrats are going to become even more insane in 2024. But we're going to clean their clocks and hopefully this is all going to come to an end.

HANNTY: And, Reince, there's not one thing he can point to that they're successful at. Give me the one area where they're successful.

PRIEBUS: Well, I mean, getting horrible poll numbers. I mean, Winston Churchill had a great quote. He said that -- he said that an appeaser is a person who feeds a crocodile hoping that it'll eat him last. That's what -- that is what Joe Biden is doing. He appeased AOC in the beginning, he appeased her on the border, appeased her on Keystone, appeased her trillions of dollars given away.

Now, he's appeasing Putin. He's appeasing China. He's a appeased Putin on the Nord system. It's all this guy's about, is appeasement and weakness and all the things that we've been talking about.

It's sad for the country, that's the problem with all this. Politically, we're getting --

HANNITY: Sad for the country and it's sad for the world.

PRIEBUS: But it's sad for the country, it's not -- it's not a way to win. This is not a good way to win. This is a bad way to win for America. And it's not good.

HANNITY: Look, Afghanistan's been a disaster. He doesn't know what to do with Putin. He doesn't know what to do with China. He lifted sanctions on Iran. Then we got border chaos, more people dead of COVID in 2021 than 2020, Jim Jordan.

We lost energy independence. He's begging OPEC and Russia to produce more energy. All of this combined, inflation at a 31-year high and getting worse.

JORDAN: Yeah. Sean, Americans want safe cities, affordable gas and freedom. Instead, Democrats have given us record crime, record inflation and Dr. Fauci. And now, because their record is so bad, they are going to violate a fundamental principle trying to violate a fundamental principle getting the chief of staff to come violate executive privilege and answer every one of their questions because that's the only thing they got to talk about.

They cannot talk about any other issue. So let's go after President Trump, his chief of staff, because we know he's going to run again in 2024, and we know he's going to win. So we got to do something. That is their playbook, but it's not going to work.

HANNITY: All right. Reince Peters and Jim Jordan, thank you.

Straight ahead, last night, an arsonist carried out an attack against this news channel and -- well, they burned down our Christmas tree, a very dangerous situation. We'll bring you the latest.

And also, surging crime all across America. By the way, you can thank liberal Democrats for this. Their no-bail laws, they're defunding, dismantling the police. This is what you get.

Judge Jeanine, Geraldo Rivera, next.


HANNITY: Now, late last night, into the early morning, the 50-foot tall Christmas tree right here at FOX Square in New York City was lit on fire, in an apparent arson attack. The suspect was spotted climbing the tree, setting it ablaze, before being captured by police. Look at that. And thankfully, no one was injured.

The FDNY, NYPD quickly arrived on the scene. We do thank them for their swift response, keeping everyone at FOX News headquarters in New York safe.

Tomorrow night, there will be another tree lighting ceremony that you don't want to miss.

Now, the 45-year-old suspect believed to be homeless has a long rap sheet, what a shocker, including a previous arrest for drug possession and while he's facing a slew of charges including arson legal experts are warning that because these crimes don't qualify for bail, he'll be back out on the street in a matter of hours.

And get this -- "The New York Times" describes the arson as, oh let's see, a tree catching on fire. No, it didn't catch on fire. It actually was put on fire. Unfortunately, it's one of many examples of just how weak far-left crime policies are leaving so many cities, less safe less secure all over the country. We're also learning that a homeless man in New York who now charged with severely beating another man last year was released on zero bail, and now has allegedly beaten two other women and has been released yet again.

And meanwhile, out in San Francisco, not to be outdone, a woman who's been charged a hundred and twenty times for alleged shoplifting has been arrested once again and, of course, in the city of Chicago you got mayor lightweight is blaming everyone but herself for the city's continued crime surge there, actually blaming the retailers for not doing enough to secure their stores. It's your fault, these smashing grabs are happening.


MAYOR LORI LIGHTFOOT (D), CHICAGO, IL: I'm disappointed that they're not doing more to take safety and make it a priority. For example, we still have retailers that won't institute plans like having security officers in their stores, making sure that they've got cameras that are actually operational, locking up their merchandise at night, chaining high-end bags, these purses seem to be something that is attracting a lot of attention on these organized retail theft units.


HANNITY: All right. Here with reaction, the host of "Justice," Judge Jeanine Pirro, along with FOX News correspondent at large, Geraldo Rivera.

Judge, let me start with you. Okay, first of all, it didn't just go on fire. Somebody put it on fire. But this is now happening all across the country. This is not -- you don't -- you don't have to go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton to figure this out.

Let's see, you defund the police in New York City by a billion dollars, you dismantle the police in other cities, you have no-bail laws like in New York state and other places, this is the natural consequence of that stupidity. It is utter stupidity and predictable and also preventable.

JEANINE PIRRO, FOX NEWS HOST, "JUSTICE": You know, Geraldo, what is amazing about all this is that you start your show every night with hostages in a foreign country, well, I'm here --


HANNITY: That's not Geraldo. That's the Sean part.

PIRRO: -- now hostage.

HANNITY: You said Geraldo, no worries.

PIRRO: But it's yeah, yeah, yeah, Sean, that that we have hostages in the United States.


PIRRO: And we -- we are -- no, but I'm being serious guys, come on. There is a hostage situation going on in this country when we have a revolving door of justice, when we have a revolving door where people who are mentally ill are being let out, American citizens are being victimized time and time again by a criminal justice system that doesn't recognize the crime that hits victims like a thunderbolt.

And this mayor in -- Mayor Lightfoot in Chicago, when she says literally the purses are attracting a lot of organized retail theft crime, is she saying that the purses are really responsible for the crime and not the criminals? I mean, this is all out of whack.

And until we get these bail laws reframed so the people with bail bench warrants and arrest warrants are kept in jail or people who are bail jumpers like the individual on the Christmas day parade -- in that Christmas parade, until those people are kept in jail, we're all going to be victimized.

HANNITY: And by the way, and you worked many, many years on behalf of victims rights, when you're a DA, Judge.

Geraldo, you know, there is the mental illness component. I mean, you famously exposed how despicable some of those facilities are. I think we can make exceptions for people that are mentally ill, but if you just let them back out on the street, you're going to get the same result.

RIVERA: The mentally ill are people who have been denied all kinds of services. The institutions that held the mentally ill as opposed to the developmentally disabled were also closed, but there were no services given to these mentally ill.

But I don't want to forgive this guy just yet. This Craig Tamanaha, an Asian guy apparently, 49 years old, with at least three priors in New York, three more priors in Texas reportedly. I mean, this guy is really off the deep end.

What his motive was, we don't know. Did he intend to kill people? Did he intend to hurt people? If the wind was blowing, if you -- if you show that -- the smoke shot again of the tree, you see the wind was blowing from the west, blowing the flames away from the building.

What if the wind was blowing the other direction toward our headquarters? It could have started a fire that really imperiled many, many people. This was a wretched act of civic malice.

This guy polluted the holiday spirit. He frightened New Yorkers and visitors alike. Everybody should be outraged.

Now, what you do with him now? I mean, he's charged with criminal mischief, arson, reckless endangerment, criminal trespass, disorderly conduct. Most are misdemeanors, true, but the arson charge could be a felony depending on intent for instance, did he use an accelerant? Under New York law, if you use like kerosene or gasoline, that makes the crime more serious. Were lives in danger?

I think that this time, they may have this creep. The least of his problems is homelessness. He's a junkie. He's an attention seeker, according to his dad. He exposed himself at the Ghislaine Maxwell trial, according to "The New York Post". He took his pants down and showed his privates to some female reporters.

I mean this guy is really off the deep end, but I cannot believe that even with the liberal policies in Manhattan County, in New York county, that Cy Vance, the district attorney, will allow this guy back on the street where he will be a peril to the other residents of this town and to himself as well, Sean.

HANNITY: Judge, last word.

PIRRO: Why can't you believe that? Geraldo, why can't you believe it? I mean, there are people out now who are being raped in subways, who are being assaulted while they're walking down the street. Women are being assaulted with their -- assaulted with their babies, why can't you believe this?

This is the nature of law enforcement in the United States now with Soros- funded prosecutors. They don't believe in taking care of the victims. They only believe in the criminal.

And this is that -- thank God this didn't involve any human injury. But at the same time, everyone who walks outside anymore is subject to some kind of violent crime. And until we get the liberal progressive leftists out of office, until we change that ridiculous so-called bail reform law, we're going to continue to have this kind of problem. And that guy is horrible as he is ruining Christmas, the peace, the tranquility and the happiness we got from that tree, there are people in hospitals people have been shot and stabbed and beaten and brutalized, and they let them out. People run over by cars driven by criminals, and this isn't about mental illness. As far as I know, it's about evil. It's about good versus evil, period.

HANNITY: And there's a lot of evil that's getting away with a lot of crime. Thank you both.

When we come back, in a bizarre stunt, Hillary Clinton decided to read what was her 2016 victory speech to her, you know, master class subscribers. She became quite emotional. She had a Alec Baldwin moment. We'll play it, next.


HANNITY: All right. Hillary Clinton is finding even more bizarre ways to be in the spotlight. Tonight, teaming up with the group of master class to teach what she is calling, quote, the power of resilience and in the class Clinton read what she says is her 2016 would-be victory speech. It's been over five years since her crushing loss to Donald Trump, but Hillary still can't move on.

Take a look.


HILLARY CLINTON, FORMER SECRETARY OF STATE: I dream of going up to her and sitting down next to her, taking her in my arms and saying, look at me, listen to me. You will survive you will have a good family of your own and three children and as hard as it might be to imagine, your daughter will grow up and become the president of the United States.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now that is powerful.


HANNITY: Not really. Of course, those baffling remarks immediately prompted predictable mockery across social media. One Twitter user writing, quote, she'll be teaching you how to wipe a email server with a cloth. Another, quote, is this a master class on avoiding Wisconsin, peddling collusion, hoaxes, paying Russians to meddle in our elections, deleting emails or being a sore loser.

And Hillary, does your speech mention anything about 18 USC 793? That's the Espionage Act. Does it mention anything about the leading subpoenaed emails or paying for the dirty Russian Steele dossier that was used to spy on your opponent Donald Trump?

Here with reaction, author of the bestseller "Laptop from Hell," FOX News contributor Miranda Devine, along with FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett.

I don't even know, Miranda, what to make of that, except -- you know, I'm for a little less crying on television now, of late. Between her and Baldwin, I can't take it.

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I mean, it's quite hilarious and what's most hilarious is that she's built this as some sort of master class, I think that people are supposed to pay for. And it just looks like a master class in self-pity and delusion or maybe a master class in how to lose an election. That speech is just shocking.

And you know, you have to note that she's you know very emotional about this loss from five years ago but she wasn't as emotional. She was quite callous actually when she was testifying about Benghazi. So I just look at those tears and they leave me cold. I normally feel a little sorry for people who are overcome by emotion but not in this case because it's so self-engrossed.

HANNITY: What's your take, Greg Jarrett? I mean, I don't even know what to say about this. The fact that we now know Steele lied. It was an unverifiable -- of ironically Russian dirty dossier, used to spy on her political opponent and that transition team and a president and she got away with it and she used it to distract from the email scandal, the server, you know, like that she wiped clean and had her devices busted up with hammers.

You did it, Miranda did it, I did it, we go to jail. She does it -- nothing.

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Yeah, Hillary could teach a master class in cluelessness. I had the misfortune of watching all of it. It was pathetic and embarrassing and actually nauseating.

I kept thinking, what kind of a person does this? Well, a person who yearns for relevance to be sure, but an embittered person who refuses to accept personal responsibility for her own failure. She lost because she ran a hideous campaign with unpopular policies and came across as unlikable. And yet, she's obsessed with blaming others. She wrote an entire book blaming everybody else but herself.

You know people like this, Sean, you know can't stand defeat. They can't stand criticism. She seems like a classic case of narcissistic personality disorder, this overwrought sense of entitlement, an exaggerated sense of self-importance, and no sense of self-awareness.

But on top of it, as you point out, scandal in malfeasance follows her everywhere she goes. Miranda's right, she didn't give a damn about the murdered Americans in Benghazi. She said what difference does it make? She invented and financed and disseminated the Russia hoax and lied about it.

She insisted she did nothing wrong in her email scandal and lied about that and her so-called charity. Well, that's a quid pro quo personal enrichment scheme.

So, you know, Hillary Clinton sow the seeds of her own demise. When she looks in the mirror, there's no reflection there. She's like the picture of Dorian Gray who sold her soul and destroyed herself.

HANNITY: Oh, pretty amazing stuff. Anyway, Gregg Jarrett and Miranda Devine, thank you both.

Straight ahead, BLM backing Jussie Smollett and his hoax as the jury begins the liberations. I have a pretty good idea where I think this is headed. Leo 2.0 Terrell and LJ, Lawrence Jones, are next, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, jury began deliberation today in the Jussie Smollett trial where prosecutors say the actor staged a hate crime hoax in a bizarre effort to gain leverage in salary negotiations on the show "Empire". And despite the overwhelming evidence and testimony pointing to Smollett's lies about being targeted by Trump and MAGA supporters in Chicago, Black Lives Matter is still in his corner saying that the police cannot be trusted. Of course, the extremism inside the Democratic Party doesn't stop there, as Vice President Harris met with a radical activist this week in Washington who once said, quote, F white women.

Here with reaction Leo 2.0 Terrell, along with "FOX and Friends" reporter and occasionally a HANNITY reporter, started as a HANNITY reporter, was stolen by "FOX and Friends," former friend and co-worker, LJ. Sorry, I'm just telling the truth. I don't hold back.

LJ, if anyone ever said anything in reverse that's called racism and it's gotten away with. The evidence to me in this case has been fairly overwhelming against Jussie Smollett, that, you know, he -- the day before he goes through a trial run, we got the text messages or the direct messages on Instagram, whatever you call those things, back and forth between the people involved in this. I think the evidence was pretty overwhelming.


LAWRENCE JONES, ENTERPRISE REPORTER FOR "FOX & FRIENDS": Yeah, it's pretty overwhelming but, Sean, I think -- look, there's obviously the wrong doing that that he did. But there's something really demented that you have a guy that costs resource. I mean, people were shot just in Chicago over the weekend, nine people dead.

Then you have a hundred and thirty thousand dollars that were that was paid for the detectives, two dozen just for their overtime. So they dedicated the entire police force based on a lie. Meanwhile, people are being gunned down day and day in Chicago and they have no resources going that way.

HANNITY: You make a great point and, LJ, as you know since 2009, on this program, I have scrolled the names that people never hear of the people shot the people shot and killed in Chicago on a weekly basis. Nobody ever hears their names. You covered a case for us a little girl shot in and on Fourth of July on her grandma's front lawn. That little girl.

Leo, you're a lawyer. You've watched the evidence. Where's this verdict headed?

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it should be Jussie Smollett is as guilty as sin. He's guilty. He's hoping for one juror to invalidate the jury's verdict and make it a mistrial.

But let me simply say this: Black Lives Matter nonsense is nonsense. They carry no weight, and you cannot trust the police. You cannot trust black police officers, black chief police, you can't trust the police.

That race card has left the station years ago. You got diversity in all these Democratic cities with black mayors, black police chief, black officer. Black Lives Matter has no credibility and what they're doing right now is further trying to distract what the issue here.

Jussie Smollett lied to the American public, a black man lied about being attacked. And what black lives will do is throw him a lifeline -- well, I got news for you, he's going to sink, because that jury should do the right thing. Find him guilty.

HANNITY: You know, Lawrence --

JONES: The bottom line, Sean, is we tested their theory for two years. We got rid of the police. They put -- they were hands off and now there's crime all across the country. I mean, we predicted this when I was doing your correspondent work on this show for three years. We talked about the liberal cities in crisis.

You know, if there's injustice and where it existed, we've covered that as well. But the fact is they want to get all the cops off the street and now you got people lighting up Christmas trees, you got shootings that happen in Philly, Chicago, Baltimore, every city that we have covered that are run by progressives so we've tried their plan of action and it's just not working.

HANNITY: And, Leo, what about you know this meeting with an activist who says F white women with Vice President Harris.

TERRELL: Yeah, let me be -- let me be very -- let me be very clear: I don't understand how the Democratic Party have a problem with white Americans. And for them, for Kamala Harris to basically sanction the conduct of a woman who say F white women, that is ridiculous. I just can't understand this hatred towards white Americans within the Democratic Party. It's just completely illogical and it's crazy.

Kamala Harris should apologize for her conduct in associating with that woman.

HANNITY: What happened to judging people by the content of their character or colorblind society?

Thank you both.

Coming up, the left is coming after Dr. Oz, they want to cancel him. We'll tell you how and why, straight ahead.


HANNITY: The media mob out for Pennsylvania Senate candidate Dr. Oz tonight with some news sites, apparently refusing -- refusing now to call him doctor despite 4,000 heart surgeries and him being a doctor.

But remember how differently the mob covered it when talking about First Lady Jill Biden. She has a doctorate in education. Dr. Jill Biden, watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A doctorate is about greatness. He clearly does not consider Jill Biden great enough to call her doctor by default.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is it's not just about sexism for Jill Biden. It's a very personal thing for her, and a very active part of her life.

KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Let's be clear about it, she worked hard. She raised her kids. She went to school. She went to night school. She got degrees. She earned everything she has.

That's the American way. That's the American spirit.


HANNITY: Yeah. Dr. Oz went to medical school four years, four thousand heart surgeries. Yeah, he deserves to be called doctor.

All right. Please set your DVR, never miss an episode. That's all the time we have left..

Let not your heart be troubled, Laura Ingraham, hello.

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