'Hannity' on Biden's failures

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on February 2, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: We are out of time. Unfortunately, we'll be back tomorrow.

Sean Hannity right now.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: You know, it is so wrong that these kids are not being taught to read, to write, to do math, science, computers, it is a tragedy. We are failing on a spectacular level as you pointed out. How about focusing on that and saving these kids' lives so they have a good future and a good job down the line?

Tucker, thank you.

All right. Welcome to HANNITY.

Tonight, the tide is officially turning. The freedom movement is growing. Farmers are now joining.

This is an amazing scene unfolding with truckers in Canada and the U.S. demanding to end every and all mandates. This as a major new study from Johns Hopkins University just determined lockdowns were extremely ineffective. In fact, they were harmful and any future measures should be rejected out of hand. Wait until you hear this report coming up.

And big news from the media mob as some are now finally starting to understand the evils of censorship and cancel culture. Now, we're going to call them on their hypocrisy. Oh, you're going to love the hypocrisy.

I have a message for Whoopi Goldberg. I have a message tonight for Joe Rogan. I have a message for the truckers in the U.S. and Canada and the prime minister of Canada.

But, first, we begin tonight with fake news CNN. In nine years as the network's president, Jeff Zucker transformed CNN from a boring left-of- center news outlet to a still boring, totally, completely, utterly dishonest, lying, anti-Trump, FOX-obsessed arm of the Democratic Party. Now, Zucker's out. Bye-bye.

Anyway, in a statement, he claims his resignation is because of a consensual relationship with another executive that he did not properly disclose.

Okay, let me be blunt. I'm sorry. I'm not buying that for one second. Now, mark my words, the real story will come out one day and probably sooner than later to me. This statement like so many other things, a fake news CNN, it's total B.S. or total B Schiff, Adam Schiff.

Anyway, this statement, like so many other things are fake news CNN, it's just not -- it's not real. Zucker's relationship, okay, the whole world of media knew about this for years. It was not a secret.

People from all across multiple networks, they have been talking about it for years. And remember, mean girl Katie Couric wrote all about it in her book published last year. So when Jeff Zucker's personal stenographer Humpty the Dumpty tweeted that CNN was stunned, Humpty was obviously lying. And as a final act of dear deep obedience as Zucker's stenographer, Humpty Dumpty has been spewing pro Zucker propaganda all day.

Now, we'll likely know a lot more in the days ahead but his girlfriend at CNN and it should again as it pointed out, it was a consensual relationship between them -- well, she formally served, this is where it gets interesting, as the communications director for -- that's right -- former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo several years ago. Now, it gets more interesting.

Andrew's brother, former CNN host Chris Cuomo, is according to numerous sources I have -- I have sources everywhere -- they are preparing a lawsuit related to his own dismissal. And by the way, preservation notices have already been sent. Now, it would appear that the Cuomos know a lot about Jeff Zucker and the unethical practices and the double standards taking place at the so-called facts first network.

Now, my best guess is Jeff Zucker -- I bet he's completely in the loop as it relates to Chris and Andrew Cuomo. And to what extent, time will tell. My prediction is, Chris Cuomo is going to get his full contract paid out. They said they fired him for cause. And my other bet is he'll likely get a lot more money before all of this is said and done.

But the problem is, look at poor Humpty Dumpty, he seems very, very nervous. Take a look.


BRIAN STELTER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The Chris Cuomo reference, Cuomo was fired in December and he is not going out quietly. He was fired and there were reports that he wasn't going to get paid the millions of dollars that were going to be on the remainder of his contract. So as a source said to me earlier today, he was trying to burn the place down. He was going to court trying to burn the place down and claiming that he had incriminating information about Zucker and Gollust.

So if that's the case, if this is a domino effect that begins with Andrew Cuomo, going down the governor's office, and then Chris Cuomo being fired from CNN and then Jeff Zucker losing his job at CNN, that is a remarkable domino effect, a chain of events.


HANNITY: Now, it's official. Jeff Zucker's stenographer, that guy, Humpty Dumpty, is now in a boat without a rudder. What's Humpty going to do?

Humpty, guess what, kissing Jeff Zucker's ass like you've been doing for years it's not going to advance your pathetic failing career anymore. Now, his very generous meal ticket is now gone, and now, Humpty Dumpty may be close behind.

Look at this from "The Daily Mail", insiders are calling for Humpty -- that's Brian Stelter -- to be fired after failing to report Zucker's, quote, open secret affair. Remember, Stelter is a so-called chief media correspondent for fake news CNN, and let -- you know, he never seems to notice when his dear leader or anyone on his network is doing something wrong. In fact, one source actually just referred to as Jeff Zucker's water boy if you read the piece. You call yourself a journalist, right, Humpty? Pretty pathetic.

Now, of course, we wish Humpty Dumpty well. We don't call for firings, but I'd be prepared for one.

Now, journalists of fake news CNN, MSDNC, every other left-wing network, we don't call for these people to be fired. We don't call for censorship, I never have. I'm never going to we don't call for boycotts either. I've explained why many times.

If you don't like what CNN is putting out there on the channel, don't watch it. Change the channel. Please watch us. It's that simple. In fact, most Americans already on their own have changed the channel because almost nobody watches fake news CNN. I think the ratings are lower now than nine years ago when Zucker took over.

Now, their few remaining viewers are probably stuck in an airport if you want to know the truth. That's the great thing about freedom and individualism. And this is important because some of you get mad at me that I don't call for firings and boycotts and cancellations, you get to make the decision based on what's right for you. You don't need to control what your neighbor is watching or what they're eating or what they're celebrating or what they're wearing. You know, when people get mad at me because I don't support cancer culture, boycotts and firings, you know, now you know why.

And it's a simple answer, it's one word. It's Mel Gibson in "Braveheart" -- freedom. Freedom to decide what to watch. Freedom to listen to what you want to listen to. Freedom to eat what you want, maybe too much. Freedom to eat healthy. Freedom to drink.

Freedom to -- you know, you get to decide on for example the vaccine. Take it seriously, do your research is my advice. Talk to your doctor. It could be a matter of life and death. But ultimately, freedom lets you decide that.

This brings us now to Whoopi Goldberg. Now, she said the Holocaust was about evil and man's inhumanity to men. Well, on that point, she was right. It's hard for good people to imagine such horrific evil. Six million-plus Jewish people were slaughtered murdered by Hitler and the Nazis. I wrote a whole book "Deliver Us From Evil", and also, it was about an evil plan about a master race.

On the latter, she was wrong. I am and always will be -- if you're a long time watcher a viewer of this show and listening to my radio program -- there's no stronger ally. I'm one of the biggest allies of Israel and one of their biggest supporters in the country.

Whoopi Goldberg rightly apologized. Now, she's facing a widespread backlash. She's got a two-week suspension.

So, Whoopi, if you're watching, if you hear about this, my unsolicited advice -- you don't have to listen to me -- whatever you do, don't quit, because I personally believe having known her, she's -- Whoopi's like a peace, love and happiness person. Live and let live. I know because I met her.

But I believe her apology is sincere. Now, I might be wrong. Time may prove me wrong. Time will tell, and I bet a lot of money that she will never say anything like this again. So why are so many people out there, you know, unwilling to give a second chance? Why not let the audience of "The View" - - it's not me -- to -- why do you let them decide, if they want to watch or not?

When you're in the middle of a firestorm, my advice would be, you just got to hold on, be strong, keep moving, and if you want to leave -- leave on your terms and certainly not in two weeks. Never bow down to an angry mob, you said something wrong you apologize now you have an opportunity, hopefully, ABC will bring you back in two weeks to get it right and then get on with your career.

Welcome to the world, by the way, that we at FOX and we conservatives on talk radio live every day. That's our world, because tens of millions of dollars are spent trying to get us fired, boycotted and canceled every single day. It's been 33 years of my life living with this, and we have always been consistent about opposing this.

Now, unfortunately, many in the media mob, they're only all of a sudden now that it's impacting them, now, they're starting to see the light. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to know who is so frail over at ABC or who is so frail out there that they can't understand when somebody makes a mistake, apologizes for the mistake and takes all the corrective actions that could be taken for that mistake, and then they're still suspended for two weeks.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is something that is just going to like start getting ridiculous. I mean, if would be Goldberg is cancelled, that would be -- that would be the -- I mean, that would be the end of this all. This canceled culture is getting so out of hand.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm on this show every night and I say things that I regret all the time and sometimes it comes out of my mouth and I want -- and I want to pull it back, right? And I think as long as we can learn from that and if the apology is sincere, I think we should allow people to move on and not so called cancel them.


HANNITY: You know, I'd like to believe that they mean what they're saying, but I don't believe them. Watch what happens the next time a conservative is under fire.

Keep in mind, Morning Joe, you know, the hosts over there called for a boycott of the Trump White House and White House aides. Remember Mika also boycotted Soul Cycle, Equinox because the owner held a fundraiser for Donald Trump. Fake news CNN Don lemon encouraged the Biden White House to stop taking questions from FOX News reporters, people like Peter Doocy. You know, Joe Scarborough blasting Spotify for not doing enough to censor and silence Joe Rogan, all right?

Which brings me to Joe Rogan, who I also have a message for. I don't know him personally. Joe, whatever you do, do not back down. No more apologies, you are acting in good faith, you're giving your opinion, you have a show, you told your audience what you did that helped you get over COVID, thank God you're alive. I'm glad it worked.

You interviewed the doctor that was at the top of his game and helped create the mRNA technology that led the way to the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. You were right to interview him and being inquisitive is a good thing, not a bad thing.

And thankfully right now, the only artist pulling their music from Spotify to protest Rogan are a bunch of old washed up former hippies, oh, and Mary Trump, pulling her podcast. I'm sure her dozens of listeners are so upset and disappointed.

Now, sadly, those on the left, they don't really believe in free speech. They don't believe in the bill of rights. They want government and big tech to control what you do, what you say, how you think. And in other words, they want to force your compliance, don't let them.

Here with reaction, FOX News contributors Joe Concha and Miranda Devine.

Joe, we'll give you first crack at this. I got it in full disclosure -- I don't know if you want me to say this, but the stenographer line was -- well, let's just say it got your gold star seal of approval. Is that fair? You go further with it if you want.

JOE CONCHA, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, that is basically the scuttlebutt within the industry, as far as the chief media correspondent for CNN --

HANNITY: You're struggling, Joe. Just tell the truth. Just tell everybody. It was your idea and I said, can I steal that? You said, yeah, don't -- but don't give me attribution. That was years ago.

CONCHA: Wow, well, yeah -- well, I guess that was years ago. Look, it's very easy to see. Jeff Zucker, when he was president of CNN, I was on one time I can tell you, years ago and I got off the air, and I got an email from him telling me how wrong I was about XYZ, and I was thinking, hey, I wasn't an employee of the network, I was just a guest, and he was saying to me, a guest, and he's the president of a network, what -- why my opinion was wrong. And I found that to be so telling.

And then when you speak to people there and I was on the network fairly often, basically, what you would be told was that okay everything that you see on the chief media correspondent show on Sunday is basically co-written by Zucker, right, and he would -- and that's why it's so focused on FOX. It's go after the competitor. It's Burger King going after McDonald's. It's Pepsi going after Coke, and that's why the show has become so myopic at this point.

But, you know, it's funny with this whole thing with Zucker at this point, because here you have -- you know, the chief media correspondent also saying that, wow, nobody knew about this. No, I am pretty sure that my mother-in-law knew about that relationship between Zucker and his chief marketing officer who happened to work for Andrew Cuomo, right?


CONCHA: -- in the industry. Yes.

HANNITY: Years ago, I got a tape. Somebody wanted -- I'm not about hurting children and families. That's not who I am.

And you know what? And I just said, no, thanks, I'm not interested. That's his family and I want to respect kids because they get hurt in all of this.

Let me go to Miranda on this question. Emma Joe Morris, our mutual friend, and you did an amazing job exposing to the world Hunter Biden's laptop, but it was censored all over social media by big tech at a moment where it really mattered. You've written "The Laptop From Hell", all that's in there. You guys were right.

So you've experienced this censorship yourself.

MIRANDA DEVINE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Absolutely, and particularly, now, we're talking about Jeff Zucker. Project Veritas actually had a bootleg recording of a news conference just after our story broke in last October, three weeks before the election, and there's Jeff Zucker telling his people at CNN, we are not following "The New York Post" story, just ignore it.

That guy put his thumb on the scale at CNN in the most egregious fashion and this wasn't news. He really corrupted CNN and the result was this plummeting of ratings. And so, it's no coincidence that, you know, right at the time when new owners are coming in, it's very convenient to get rid of Jeff Zucker. I'm sure there's a million reasons you could get rid of Jeff Zucker.

I mean, the main reason is because he did a terrible job and ran that network into the ground, and I think that your stenographer friend, the mini me of Jeff Zucker, Brian Stelter, I mean, it is amazing how the cancellers will become the cancelled. I'm not sure that he's going to hang on that long at CNN because he lived basically as Jeff Zucker's puppet.

And, you also see with Whoopi Goldberg -- again, this is somebody who you're very compassionate and empathetic and good for you for doing that. But I just look at -- Karen Johnson is her real name, and I think to myself, she was at the forefront of calling for Joe Rogan to be turned into an un-person, to be cancelled. And now, she's getting a taste of her own medicine.

So let's hope that this humbles her and makes her realize that the left's full-on crusade to crush any opposing views is going to end up crushing them as well.

HANNITY: All right. Miranda Devine and Joe Concha, as always, we thank you.

Now, we turn to the White House where Joe Biden is most definitely fast asleep, missing another HANNITY. How wrong is that? There's something really wrong.

Anyway, during a rare public appearance, Joe didn't look so well today. Here is the first lady gently guiding the ever weak and frail Joey away from the podium. Now, if I had to make like a caption for that video, what would it be? Okay, come on, Joey. Let's go home now and I'll even give you some chocolate ice cream. As Joe struggles -- you know, to get ready for the State of the Union. That'll take months.

After his recent multi-trillion dollar spending spree, our federal debt is at a whopping $30 trillion for the first time ever. We're stealing from our kids and grandkids.

One payroll provider, ADP, now reporting over 300,000 private sector jobs were lost in January alone.

Here with reaction is former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, along with former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows.

Mark, what a difference a year makes, doesn't it?

MARK MEADOWS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, what a difference a year makes and really what a difference leadership makes. When you look at Donald Trump in the White House, we were celebrating -- even them in the midst of COVID, we were celebrating unbelievable job growth, we didn't have to deal with inflation. And yet what we see here is we're just wanting someone to lead.

And quite frankly, what we're getting is a whole lot of deflection, a whole lot of blame and you mentioned the job numbers. Jen Psaki has been forecasting this for several days now, and what do they do, they blame it on the virus that Joe Biden said he was going to defeat within a month or two of coming in the office.

That plan didn't work well. Sadly, the American people are paying the price.


Let's get your take, Governor Huckabee. You know, a lot of these problems I say were all preventable from the mistreatment of COVID, to the borders, to energy, to the economy to inflation. You know, now, we've got you know one crisis overseas after another.

All of them can be solved but that would mean Joe Biden has to implement Donald Trump's policies, but it's never going to happen. So, we got three years of hell ahead of us?

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think we do. I think that's the real challenge, is that there's going to be three more years.

By the way, Sean, I almost call the fire department tonight because you are on fire. I've not seen you so spot on in such a long time. I mean, it's just -- I've been sitting back and just saying, wow, somebody lit him up tonight.

But I think when you look at what's happening --

HANNITY: Thank you.

HUCKABEE: -- the trouble -- yeah, well, Joe Biden's problem is that he had a tableful of solutions that he inherited from President Trump. He didn't like President Trump, but Trump handed him a secure border, energy independence, a strong recovering economy, a vaccine, a plan to move forward and stop the lockdowns. And Joe reversed every single thing of it.

And as a result, his numbers now make a toilet look like a comfortable place to live.

HANNITY: I can't come up with a line like that.

Mark Meadows, if you want to try and top that, you can.

MEADOWS: Let me -- let me just say, the governor is exactly right. It's a five alarm fire tonight. But guess where there needs to be a five alarm fire? At 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, they should say all hands on deck. They had exactly as he said, they had everything given to him and yet what they've done is they followed it up with policy that's just not working.

HANNITY: I can't believe, Governor, we ran out of tests after Christmas for COVID. How do you run out of the test going into the third year of a pandemic? How do you run out of life-saving monoclonal antibodies? How do you not warp speed the antivirals that every doctor seems to agree on are extremely effective of keeping people especially with breakthrough cases out of hospitals and keeping them alive?

How is that possible? How do you screw up that bad?

HUCKABEE: Well, I think it's because there's an arrogance that permeates the White House. They don't think that they have done anything wrong. When you get out and celebrate how we got out of Afghanistan, you've got some real issues in terms of just self-awareness.

So the reason that they got in so much trouble with things like the test is because they didn't order them. The big question is, why didn't they order them? Who didn't order them? Then there's a lot of questions left to be answered, but I think you saw the real answer -- Jill Biden leading Joe away, not romantically, but because otherwise, I'm not sure he knew how to get out of that room.

HANNITY: I think you're right. By the way, I don't know what your background is, but it looks like you're in like a Vegas bar , Governor Huckabee. I can't even -- I can't -- I can't tell what it is.

Anyway, thank you both for being with us.

Oh, you don't want to miss my message to American truckers, Canadian truckers and the prime minister of Canada. That's straight ahead.

And a new study shows, unsurprisingly, guess what, those lockdowns did almost nothing to help with COVID. Dr. Oz will join us.

Also, Herschel Walker, he'll give us an update on his run for the Senate in Georgia and much more, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Forget Joe Rogan. I want to talk about COVID misinformation and failure. Well, that would be Anthony Fauci.

A new study from Johns Hopkins finds the draconian lockdowns had little or no public health effect, zero, and only reduced the COVID mortality rate by 0.2 percent. That's it.

The study concluded this: While the meta-analysis concludes lockdowns have had little to no public health effects, they have imposed enormous economic and social costs where they've been adopted. In consequence, lockdown policies are ill-founded and should be rejected as a pandemic policy instrument -- especially when going forward.

All right. The liberals going to admit what they want. You don't think Fauci is a flip-flopper? Take a look at Ron DeSantis, his new ad. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A major flip-flop.

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: People should not be walking around with masks.

Masks work.

Fully vaccinated, you are protected, and you do not need to wear a mask.

If you are vaccinated, you should still wear a mask.

You should really be very careful before you bring the children back.

The default position should be to try as best as possible to keep the children in school.

Right now, at this moment, there is no need to change anything you are doing on a day-by-day basis.

I would like to see a dramatic diminution of the personal interaction that we see.

So, let me clarify that because there was a little bit of a misunderstanding.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, he's running for the Republican nomination for the Senate in the great state of Pennsylvania, Dr. Oz is with us.

You know, I wish everyone would get off Joe Rogan's back. He consulted with his doctor when he got COVID. He told his audience, okay, we threw everything at it, monoclonals, HCQ, ivermectin -- I've never seen a study on ivermectin, but I have seen them on HCQ, and monoclonals are the gold standard.

Okay, then he interviewed Robert Malone who helped create the mRNA technology so we could build out a Pfizer, Moderna virus, and somehow he's evil.

The biggest misinformer is Fauci, Dr. Oz, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt for a long time. I was wrong to do that.

DR. MEHMET OZ (R), CANDIDATE FOR U.S. SENATE IN PENNSYLVANIA: Well, I got to say, I went to bat for Joe Rogan as soon as I saw the stories. But let's talk about the study and why it proves that Fauci and other cowardly leaders were just following each other.

One size fits all medicine, it doesn't work. You and I talked about this at the very beginning of the pandemic. We got viciously attacked from all quarters, especially about our discussions about school closures not working, based on what we were observing already in Europe.

Well, guess what, this paper shows school closures don't work, business closures don't help, domestic travel bans don't work. Limiting gatherings don't work. Kids under 10 have no increased transmission risk compared to just being at home where they just play with their friends.

Governments selfishly compete each other in order to avoid blame. That flip-flopping video is right on target. And here's the deal, people actually respond to a clear and present danger outside their door, they take precautions, regardless of what the government's telling you.

The reason I'm running for Senate, Sean, is to fight for people's freedom to claw back what was taken from us. We're barnstorming all across Pennsylvania. You see the video on DrOz.com, people are passionate about being free again.

Those truckers just tip of the iceberg. Everyone is up in arms.

HANNITY: And by the way, I got slighted by "The New York Times", I should have sued them and I may still actually. I want to watch the Palin case very closely and the Project Veritas case.

But literally, I remember saying to you maybe you don't want to come on my show anymore because they were accusing me basically if, oh, if my mom listens to Hannity, she'll be dead. I'm like, okay, we were on the phone in all hours of the night and you said no way, because you wanted to work with what we had and we had nothing at that time and we were trying -- you were trying desperately to find something to help save lives.

OZ: But you're marching the battle with the weapons you have, we didn't have many in the very beginning. But we did develop them and the biggest failure of all is -- is that we just stopped with the vaccine. Thank goodness for President Trump's Operation Warp Speed. If it wasn't for that, we wouldn't be able to give the world a gift as China was giving the world COVID.

But the pathology in Washington was to respond to every threat with vaccine. We don't have any treatments. We don't have pills. You and I just this week, here two years later, it's deja vu all over again, up late at night trying to find antibody cocktails for desperately ill folks.

I mean, my goodness, it's like trading arms to get a vial of a treatment that we should have had plenty of.

HANNITY: And you like these antivirals. We'll talk about it next time.

By the way, you did save somebody's life or you helped somebody out with what was having a medical emergency over the weekend. I tweeted out, maybe "The Philly Inquirer" will start calling you doctor again after all you've had, what, 4,000 heart surgeries, you went to medical school, did a residency and an internship. I think you deserve to be called Dr. Oz. That's my take.

Any word from them?

OZ: Well, you're very kind.


OZ: They haven't responded. They did tweet out that I helped this gentleman.

HANNITY: Oh gee, how nice of them. But they didn't call you a doctor.

Anyway, now we appreciate it, Dr. Oz.

Check out this new ad. We'll stay on the issue of the Senate. This important election, midterm year. This is a new ad from Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker. I'm supporting Oz and I'm supporting Walker.



HERSCHEL WALKER (R), CANDIDATE FOR U.S. SENATE IN GEORGIA: I want everyone to know I am a praying man. I grew up in a praying family. I've been around a long time, I've been knocked down so many times, but God has always gotten me back up.

You agree with me or not, I love the state of Georgia. I love the people of Georgia. Right now, we got a problem and God ain't looking for politicians, he's looking for warriors right now.

That's the reason I decided to run and so when I get to Washington, I can tell you what you want to see someone fight, I can fight.


HANNITY: Here to react to that more, Georgia Senate candidate Herschel Walker is with us.

I love that ad because I know you and I've known you for years and that really is you. It captured you. I want people that are going to fight, Herschel. I want people to do exactly what you're promising the people of Georgia you're going to do. Explain what you want to do.

WALKER: Well, you know, what I want to do is let the people know that they can put some integrity back into our elected officials by electing me to go to Washington, and I want them to know if they've looked at my numbers, they can see that I'm fighting and I will continue to fight. And I encourage them to join Team Herschel and fight with me. Go to teamherschel.com, fight with me, because it's not over yet. This is the beginning, and like I said, I'm training right now, but I'll tell you what I'm getting ready, my team is getting ready and we're not giving up.

HANNITY: When you talk about training, what do you -- obviously, going from one career to another career and being a first-time candidate is hard. When you talk about training, what does that mean? And is there any analogy say to your football years?

WALKER: Well, what did that mean, Sean, is I'm going around the state of Georgia, having all these listening sessions, listening to the people because that's what really counts. What counts is having the people to tell me what they feel, what they think is going on in this country, and then raising money. You know, you got to raise money.

My opponent is raising a lot of money. There's no doubt I've done well in the fundraising but I got to do even better. So that's why I encourage people to join Team Herschel and I said, guys, I'm not giving up.

You know, I love my freedom. I love my guns. I love my kids. You know, kids, they don't want you to go to school. You just talked about it.

All this government overreach, we got to stop it. We got to stop it. We got to stop it right now and I've told people the bucks will stop with Herschel Walker because I'm not giving up.

HANNITY: All right. Two things I see that need to happen in almost every city in America. They've -- we've got to have law and order, so people are safe and secure and they can pursue happiness. And we need a good educational system.

Can you help Georgians achieve those two goals?

WALKER: There's no doubt I can help Georgia achieve those two goals. And I think a lot of other people want to help as well. As I've been going around the state, talking to these listening sessions, I found out that a lot of people want those things as well.

Right now, people want public safeties on the street. They want to be able to leave their home and know that they can go to the mall without being harmed. They want their kids to have a good education.

For my good friend Tim Scott, he said education is an equalizer, and that's 100 percent true. And education is an equalizer and every kid in America deserve the right to have a good education and I want to fight to give them that education.

HANNITY: Yeah. All right. Herschel Walker, we're going to follow your campaign. We wish you the best. Team Herschel, I hope people check out your positions. We appreciate you being with us.

All right. Coming up, far left actor Susan Sarandon takes a shot -- takes a swipe at cops the same day that -- yeah, that NYPD officer was laid to rest.

Plus, some schools are implementing a Black Lives Matter curriculum for a week. We'll tell you about that and my message to American Canadian truckers and the prime minister of Canada, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Again today, New York City streets were packed with police officers today as the funeral for fallen Officer Wilbert Mora was held at St. Patrick's Cathedral. Now, Mora was with Officer Jason Rivera. They were both killed last month while responding to a domestic dispute in New York and Harlem.

Unfortunately, it's a tragedy that has become all too common all across major Democratic-run cities that refuse to take violent crime seriously. Why don't we prosecute the people that rioted in the summer of 2020? That'd be a good start.

Far left Hollywood hypocrites -- well, at least one of them, is standing on the side of the criminals. Actress Susan Sarandon retweeted a message comparing cops at the funeral for the fallen officers to fascist. Disgusting but sadly not surprising.

Tomorrow, Biden is slated to meet with New York City Mayor Eric Adams. By the way, since he's been in office, crime is up 38 percent. They're going to discuss crime. And we'll bring you a full report.

I wonder if Joe will talk about the issue of redirecting funds away or what Kamala Harris praising the LAPD for cutting funding.

Also tonight, more evidence of how far left indoctrination is taken over America's schools as schools across the country are now implementing something referred to as a BLM week of action, which calls for disruption of Western nuclear family, and it gets worse as parents groups now are coming forward claiming that the BLM weak curriculum even teaches students that everyone gets to pick their own gender as well in addition to other activities that seek to divide students along racial lines.

Here with reaction, Leo 2.0 Terrell.

You know at the end of Tucker's show, we have talked about it before. We know Kim Klacik has talked about it before. You know, you have all these public high schools in Baltimore, we pay -- they get the second highest amount of funding per capita per student than any other country in the industrialized world with the worst results.

And now, we're going to let Black Lives Matter, the group that chanted what do we want, dead cops, when do we want it, now, that we're going to have a whole week celebrating them?

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, let me first of all, before I get to Black Lives Matter, I got plenty of that. Let me just mention the comments you made about the officer who lost his life.

You know, Joe Biden is coming to New York tomorrow. He should have been in New York today. Him and Jen Psaki should have been in the front row of St. Patrick Cathedral.

She wants to know what soft of crime is, she should have been shaking the hands of every officer and asking them. Joe Biden has an obligation, Sean, to identify these soft prosecutors by first and last name. The honeymoon period for Eric Adams is over.

Start calling out Alvin Bragg. Start calling out George Gascon. Do that immediately.

And Jen Psaki goes, get out of her Eiffel tower and walk down the streets of New York and talk to those officers.

With regards to Black Lives Matter, let me be very clear, Black Lives Matter is trying to hijack Black History Month.

Who do they represent? Who's the leader of Black Lives Matter? They're trying to destroy the heritage of black history month. Frederick Douglass, Jackie Robinson, Dr. King -- none of these people are part of Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter is an extremist organization that does not represent 99.9 percent of Black Americans. They're trying to take over Black History Month. I say no, and I say to you, you can't find a leader in the black community who would support Black Lives Matter, because they don't represent the community.

HANNITY: You know, that was a powerful monologue and I wonder if Joe will address his comments, yes, I will redirect funds away from police? Or is he going to address Kamala Harris praising the LAPD when they cut their budget, or tweeting out the bail fund after the police precinct was burned to the ground? Think those issues will come up? You think the media will ask them? That's right, he is not allowed to answer.

TERRELL: No, Sean, here's a disconnect. You hear Jen Psaki everyday talk about federal funding -- look, local police, law enforcement is a local matter and what Joe Biden won't do, what he cannot do, what he is prohibited from doing is calling out these D.A.s by first and last name. He's being coached to stay away from targeting these prosecutors.

Soft on crime, that's why we have these two fallen officers who had memorial services. Joe Biden needs to know that.

HANNITY: All right, Leo 2.0 Terrell, on fire tonight. Thank you.

When we come back, I will explain why I'm supporting the freedom convoy in Canada, truckers here in the U.S., and those who are standing up for freedom. And I have a message to the prime minister of Canada, straight ahead.


HANNITY: A message tonight, more developments in the campaign against vaccine coercion and one-size-fits-all medicine. A new freedom convoy of truckers is now setting its sights on a convoy here in the U.S., set to depart this month. And the support for truckers, it is growing by the second.

Just take a look at your screen as we are now seeing Canadian farmers, the police have barricades, they are writing around in their tractors, joining with the truckers as supporters lined the road. I mean, more people, more money, more food given to these guys, it is inspiring. By the way, all peaceful, really peaceful, not like the phony peaceful riots of 2020.

According to local reports, several tow truck companies are refusing requests to try to tow away members of the blockade as momentum for this freedom convoy is growing. As we have shown you on this program, Canadian truckers, now farmers are taking a stand for freedom, human dignity and autonomy and for liberty, and to make the medical decisions that they believe is best for them and their families.

It's pretty inspirational. It's a fight for freedom. It's powerful.

Their message, it's pretty simple. No more failed mandates, no more hysterical counterproductive, draconian restrictions, Johns Hopkins, and no more needless, divisive attacks against essential workers or anyone else from that matter.

Here's one trucker laying out exactly what is at stake in all the support that is pouring out for him and what it means to him.


CANADIAN TRUCKER: The kids do have a bag with a cookie in it for the truckers. They attached a note with it with their artwork on there. Sorry, I'm getting a little emotional again.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Trucker, it is really awesome that you are standing up for human rights. I am only 11 so I don't know much, but I believe what is happening is wrong and I know you can do it. Sincerely, Kate.

And she's got a cookie in a baggie for a trucker. This is absolutely amazing and this is why we're doing it.


HANNITY: Those calls for freedom, those calls for respect and decency and dignity for one another, they are enraging the left.

Here's more of the truckers in their own words. Take a listen.


CANADIAN TRUCKER: We are fighting for freedom for all Canadians, Canada wide, we want to end every mandate for every Canadian.

CANADIAN TRUCKER: I plan to join in the festivities here and you try to bring peace to these guys.

CANADIAN: Our leadership should be here, they should be talking to us directly and we should be solving this nation and opening things up, and yet they are not here.


CANADIAN TRUCKER: We are fighting for freedom. We're going to keep fighting, Trudeau. You have nothing on us, Trudeau. We're going to win! We're going to win. Freedom, freedom, freedom!

CANADIAN: Everybody here is so supportive, it's good to know that, but I'm not going anywhere until we get something done.


HANNITY: To the left, anyone that stands for freedom, liberty instantly becomes the enemy, especially far left failed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau who is now resorting to the predictable, baseless smear attack and tactics, instead of seriously addressing truckers' concerns.

This is what he tweeted, quote: Today in the House, members of parliament unanimously condemned the anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, anti-Black racism, homophobia, transphobia we have seen on display in Ottawa on the past number of days. Together, let's keep working to make Canada more inclusive.

I haven't seen any of this. If anyone is doing that they are not the majority. Most people are trying to send you a message.

I have a message for you, prime minister. You are a disgrace come in terms of being an excuse for a leader, but demonizing hardworking truckers, anyone else who doesn't surrender to your point of view, one-size-fits-all medicine, this is how you lead when you are supposed to be a public service -- a servant.

It's the complete embodiment of the failed far left rule, never ending pandemic power grabs and the censorship that the left is now targeting the convoy more directly, as GoFundMe has frozen the page for the truckers, but they have already amassed nearly $10 million because people support them.

Instead of lecturing these guys that are pivotal to the supply chain and literally bring everything to every store that every consumer buys and wants and needs and desires, why don't you get your ass out of your office and why don't you go to Ottawa, why don't you sit down with the truckers and listen to them, and start being a public servant instead of a public lecturer.

You know, the same people that jumped on COVID grenades every day like the hospital workers, the farmers farmed, the packers packed, the truckers trucked and guest what, they kept states like New York alive. They don't deserve to be treated like second-class citizens. They don't need to be told to fall in line and surrender to your cult of vaccines and one-size- fits-all medicine.

Most of them already got COVID because they were working because they were essential workers. You know, nurses and hospital workers, they were diving on COVID grenades every day and they worked in a Petri dish of COVID every day. They were the heroes of the pandemic. Now you're going to destroy their livelihood?

Get your ass out of your house and go visit the truckers and hear them out, and then you should start listening to them, because they make more sense than you do.

All right. We've got have to take a break. We'll come back.

More HANNITY next.


HANNITY: All right. Shocking video out of Jersey tonight. Take a look at your screen, another road rage incident, a furious driver tried multiple times to pass the truck in front of him. Lost control of the vehicle, slammed into a cliff, rolling over, going airborne and totaling the car.

"The Daily Mail" reporting that the driver of the Honda Accord is somehow okay, thankfully survived the incident that could have been prevented.

All right. That is all the time we have. Please set your DVR. Never miss an episode.

In the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. Laura Ingraham, what's going on?

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