'Hannity' on Biden's failures, Dr. Oz's Omicron response

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," December 20, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: We're out of time tonight. We'll be back, 8:00 p.m. See you tomorrow.

TAMMY BRUCE, FOX NEWS HOST: Tucker, thank you very much, once again leading the way.

And welcome, everyone, to HANNITY. I'm Tammy Bruce, in for Sean.

And tonight, the Biden presidency is in tatters. COVID-19, the border, the economy, foreign policy. Over and over again, Joe Biden promised the world and then failed to deliver.

Now, Joe's signature piece of legislation, the socialist Build Back Better bill has officially imploded. Over the weekend, Democrat Joe Manchin announced that he was a firm no on the $5 trillion spending proposal, imagine being saved by a Democrat. Naturally, the news was met with gasps in horror by the so-called journalists in the media mob.

Watch this.


JONATHAN KARL, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Some breaking news, Senator Manchin has just said that he is a firm no on this legislation. So, let me ask you, Rachel, I want to put you on the spot, but you had been saying for some time, you thought it was a matter of if, I mean, not a matter of if but when this legislation passed. What do you think now?

Yeah, I mean I think it's time to reassess that prognosis. Clearly, they've got a big problem here on a number of issues.


BRUCE: Yeah, boy, they were surprised. Now, the last straw for Manchin apparently, he was unhappy with the incivility directed at him from the Biden administration. Now, true to form, the White House released a deranged rambling statement accusing Manchin of betrayal. They demanded that he explain his decision to the, quote, millions of children whose lives will be forever ruined without Build Back Better, boy.

Other top Democrats rush to the nearest camera to vilify Manchin and promote their well-informed opinions about what the people of West Virginia really want. Take a look.


REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): We all knew that Senator Manchin couldn't be trusted. You know, the excuses that he just made I think are complete (EXPLETIVE DELETED). It is really disheartening to hear him say that he has been trying to get there for the people of West Virginia because that's a complete lie.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT): We've been dealing with Mr. Manchin for month after month after month. But if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of West Virginia and America, let him vote no in front of the whole world.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): This idea that we're going to refit it to Joe Manchin's liking, the bill has already been retrofitted to Joe Manchin's liking. Let's make that extremely clear.


BRUCE: Well, all the people who Americans don't want anything from are angry. The right people are upset.

Now, earlier today, Jen Psaki struck a similar tone, seething with rage she snapped at reporters even and stormed out of the room. Take a look.


REPORTER: Might we hear directly from the president about what happened yesterday?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think you will hear from him on how we're going to get the agenda done.

REPORTER: Will he take questions, though?

PSAKI: He takes questions multiple times a week. So it depends on what you ask. Depends on what you ask.


BRUCE: Depends on what you ask.

Of course, it's a legitimate question. Joe Biden has been missing an action since Build Back Better imploded. There were zero public events today, just one pre-recorded video announcing Biden's new dog. Look at the doggy, everybody. Look at the doggy.

And it is a cute dog. I mean, how can we not?

But maybe Joe was sulking or maybe he has no idea what's going on. It's still year one of the Biden White House and it is not going well. Joe Biden might very well be the worst president in modern American history.

Joining us now with more, the author of "Beyond Biden", yes, please make it so, FOX News contributor and former House speaker, Newt Gingrich.

Mr. Speaker, I have to say that new puppy might in fact be just the one success that Joe Biden's going to experience this year. Both of us have seen a lot. All of this is still shocking. What is your take considering the events of the last 48 hours here with this implosion?

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you know, I think the left ought to relax and accept the fact that Joe Manchin has been telling him for about six months now that he's not going to accept the kind of big government socialist bill they want. At the same time I think everybody who's conservative ought to relax and accept the fact that this is the most dangerous and destructive presidency since Buchanan, which led to the civil war.

Buchanan was amazingly bad. The truth is the Biden administration is going to end up being extraordinarily bad and very dangerous. If you look at China, Russia, Iran, terrorism, North Korea, you look at the border that's totally uncontrolled, you look at the inflation rate, you look at our extraordinarily stupid and self-destructive energy policies, this is an administration that is in its destructive capabilities far and away the most dangerous we've had in about 160 years.

BRUCE: You know, we all have disagreements with presidents, even those that we've supported. We have -- we're surprised by things. We're disappointed by things, but this combination of events is almost as though it's willful that that anyone not in a coma sees the danger that you describe. It's just common sense. It's why we see the polls that we see.

Can you having been in all of these offices, can you explain why you think this is happening is there what the intention is at this stage for the American people.

GINGRICH: Sure, doing two different things. First of all, I think you have to assume that if you are a big government socialist, whether you're Bernie Sanders or AOC or Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, you live in a fantasy world. You don't understand any of the things that are actually happening. They all seem kind of strange to you.

Why can't Putin be nice? Why can't the inflation rate go away?

BRUCE: Right.

GINGRICH: Why can't we have green energy at a reasonable price? So I think from that standpoint you're dealing with people who are just out of touch with reality. B

But there's one piece of this that I might tell me that I'm fascinated by. White House staffs very often forget that they didn't win an election. That's the president. The White House staff is staff.

BRUCE: Right.

GINGRICH: And the attitude they have towards Joe Manchin is going to alienate senators and House members unbelievably because these White House staffers think they're more important than the people who were selected by the American people to come to Washington and make decisions. It's a very bad formula for the Biden administration.

BRUCE: Yeah and especially they are acting as though they're the president and that's the other problem is that if they are actually -- they may actually be -- if they thought the bureaucracy was going to be able to run the country, and it's also I have to say with the people who are upset over what happened.

Ilhan Omar, AOC, there is a malevolence toward this country, that we are racist, homophobic, it started with Hillary. There's a real resentment and then, of course, with Trump, right, they are embarrassed by the fact that Trump was right, that Trump was successful. They are enraged at that.

It's almost as though they do want to punish us. Is that -- is that a bridge too far?

GINGRICH: No, look, I think you have to start with the notion that these are people who need therapy.

BRUCE: Right.

GINGRICH: Their level of anger is so -- I'm serious.

BRUCE: It's, of course.

GINGRICH: We keep trying to deal with this as though it's -- as though it's a political problem.

BRUCE: Right.

GINGRICH: It's not a political problem. It's a mental health problem. These people are crazy. They -- you know, people like AOC are so out of touch with reality that you can't have a political conversation with them because you're not on the same planet.

I mean, they're on planet fantasy left where they -- I always tell people, these are folks who saw the lion king and thought it was a documentary. They think lions and zebras dance and sing together. They're shocked to discover that terrorists want to kill you, murderers want to murder you, rapists want to rape you.

It doesn't fit their vision because that's not the Disney movie they went to.


GINGRICH: And I think they then look at a guy like Joe Manchin and they go, wow, I mean he clearly must be some kind of Neanderthal, he believes in balancing the budget, no inflation, limited government. I mean what kind of guy is that?

BRUCE: You know, he's still a liberal. We have to remember the left has gone so far to the right, it's redefining the center. But really, we're going to look back at this and see mental illness masquerading as political operations, as political theory.

GINGRICH: That's right.

BRUCE: And that's the mistake and it's a perfect for you to bring it up so directly and clearly.

Once again, Newt Gingrich, thank you very much. Great stuff. I appreciate it.

Now, tonight, just when you think the Biden administration couldn't get any worse, Kamala Harris finds a way. Watch this.


CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD, HOST: I want to know who's the real president of this country is. Is Biden -- is it Joe Biden or Joe Manchin?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's Symone. I'm so sorry, Charlamagne. We have to wrap.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: Can you hear, Vice President?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, I'm sorry. We've got to wrap. I'm sorry to interrupt.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: They're acting like they can't hear me.


CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: So who's the real -- who's the real president of this country, is it Joe Manchin or Joe Biden, Madam Vice President?

HARRIS: Come on, Charlemagne. Come one.


HARRIS: It's Joe Biden.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: I can't tell sometimes.

HARRIS: No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. It's Joe Biden and don't start talking like a Republican about asking whether or not he's president.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: Do you think Joe Manchin is a problem?

HARRIS: And it's Joe Bi -- and it's Joe Bi -- and it's Joe Biden and I'm vice president and my name is Kamala Harris.



Here now with reaction, boy, there's going to be a lot, former senior counselor to President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, along with FOX News contributor Ari Fleischer.

Kellyanne, when you're in a position where you are sound like a seven-year- old insisting that who you are and what you do for a living, you know you've already lost. I don't ever recall President Trump needing to remind someone who the president was when he was doing his work. This is an extraordinary display, isn't it, about the nature of the problem with the White House.

First, the effort to stop the conversation which is in itself remarkable, and then this implosion because he is asking who is the president and he didn't bring her up. I think that was one of her issues.

KELLYANNE CONWAY, FORMER COUNSELOR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: Tammy, Ari, I think the least valuable player of the first year of the Biden White House has been Kamala Harris. This was another fruitless exercise. She doesn't do anything well that we can see. The things they put her in charge of seem to bear no fruit in any -- in any way we see no solutions, no results, no action.

In fact, Congressman Henry Cuellar who represents a border district said I'm done dealing with her. She has the title but she doesn't seem to want to do the work. I mean, that's a real indictment.

And by the way, most of the negative words said about Kamala Harris these days don't come from Republicans. They come from inside the House. We've had scathing article after article of people who work with her quitting and leaking to the press that she doesn't want to do the work.

I want to point out to your audience one important thing, take a look at Kamala Harris's public schedule every weekend, there's nothing on it. And it's very clear that her private schedule doesn't have her hold up with briefing books or being, you know, tested one-on-one in mock interviews so that the next time she goes and represents the United States of America in one of these softball interviews, she can actually say something that is meaningful and consequential to the rest of us.

Now, Joe Biden's weekend schedule we see what he's doing. He has -- he moonlights in this weekend gig as the mayor of Wilmington, governor of Delaware. We don't know what she does. And so, when they do let her come out, work on the border, border czar, we give her some Russian term when we just watch people coming across.

Fentanyl is now the number one killer of 18 to 44 year olds in this country, and I'm damn mad about it because we worked our tails off on that in the -- in the Trump White House. Melania Trump and Donald Trump worked on that issue together to great effect. She doesn't even touch it. I never even hear her say the word.

And so, it would be fun to sort of oh mock the vice president. She can't do it. But these are serious times.

And when people say -- well, the vice president doesn't matter. Maybe this one doesn't, but the vice president does matter. This country is thirsting for leadership. She's got a approval rating that she has earned that is not racism and sexism that's eyesight and hearing they're watching interviews like that and they're scratching their heads.

BRUCE: Yes, this is -- these are all unforced errors. Ari, this is brought on without exception from her own behavior. Any -- anybody who's in the realm of caring about politics with what's going on in the country -- you know, where -- I'm excited to talk about these things. I'm excited to talk to you about them, to hear what other people are thinking.

And with preparation to figure out what's going on, when you see what's happening. And yet she is completely divorced from all of that, what is your take on what must be happening in her office, and why she thinks this is -- maybe she feels this is the road to the presidency, or it's been promised to her?

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first, let me address something that Kellyanne said because it's wrong. She said that Joe Biden asked us if he's the man the mayor of Wilmington. Wilmington is actually a medium-sized city and it's too big for Joe Biden. I think he acts more like he's the mayor of Rehoboth, which is a small little beach town where he has a house and spends most of his weekends. It's a better fit.

But as for Kamala Harris -- look, I think two things went wrong one thing I will say she did do right and I'll come to that but the two things that were wrong with one of her Press Secretary Simone Sanders jumped in and tried to pretend that Kamala Harris couldn't hear the question and saw that that was awful so she had to protect her boss, and she couldn't hear the question. So it was it was a phony dry effort by a press secretary to stop her boss from having to take a tough question.

The second thing was what's Kamala Harris saying, my name is Kamala Harris. I just don't get that. I mean, as -- we know that. What did that advance? So it was even when she makes an argumentative good case for her boss, she blew blows it by saying that.

But I will say this she was articulate to a point and not giggly as she defended her boss, and that is the job of the vice president. It is to stand up for the president to say the president is in charge and she took that on with some level of emotion and some level of strength. I think is the most strong I've ever seen Kamala Harris, which isn't saying a lot.

But I do credit her for fighting for her boss and standing up for him and making the case, yes, he is the president but you know you're never winning when you get asked that question.

BRUCE: Well, that's it and I think that, Kellyanne, I wasn't really joking when I said that she was perhaps more upset that she didn't figure into the equation of Charlemagne Tha God's question.

She -- in other words, it's like the question should be who's the president her or him, and I think that that's important. And remembering too, it is the international dynamic -- these bad actors around the world who are watching this like we're watching this. And the danger that comes up, that is presented because of her behavior is a reflection of American leadership. That does extraordinary damage.

And we should probably remind everybody, Tammy and Ari, that if Charlemagne the God sounds familiar to them it's because he was the interviewer in May of to whom Joe Biden said if you can't figure out if you're for me or Donald Trump then you ain't black, to which the Joe Biden had to apologize to the black community and many others for that horrible comment.

But I think in this case she actually proved that she can tell the truth because that has been in question here and there she told the truth when she said this week in her weekend in her media tour that they weren't prepared for the delta variant or the variant, no kidding, lady. So thanks for telling the truth on that and then they sent Anthony Fauci out to clean it up the next day. Well, we were prepared you know these things and we're going to wear masks forever.

So, she actually -- when she does go off the talking points to the extent there are any, she actually tells -- she says things that they don't want her to say. But you're absolutely right, if Kamala Harris has a approval rating among the Americans she represents, it's a historically low I know we're look we look at her as we look at Kamala Harris as a historic figure, you bet she is. She's a historically disapproved vice president in modern times. If we look at her that way in this country, including independence now where her support has cratered, what do the leaders of Iran and China and Russia and other bad act what do they think is going on?

So there nobody's afraid or she doesn't even take the traditional vice presidential trips to represent the country about I think she's been on two and one was to Guatemala where the president there said I hear, I read in the papers. She's in charge of the border, but I've only talked to her one time.

BRUCE: Extraordinary. Yeah. This is -- next year, we're going to find out exactly what our enemies think of this administration. I don't think it's going to be very good. Thank you both for joining me tonight. Lots going on.

Now, coming up, last year, it was Biden's dark winter. This year, it's the winter of illness and death. But don't worry, Joe finally has a plan, a song from the Jonas Brothers. We will explain.

And later, former President Donald Trump is suing New York Attorney General Letitia James. Trump's lawyer joins us live.

Stay with us as HANNITY continues.


BRUCE: Now, tonight, the Biden COVID response failures are as obvious and undeniable as ever, as the president continues to spin in circles issuing conflicting guidance, fueling more panic and trying to divide Americans just in time for Christmas. For example, the White House is under fire tonight for issuing this doomsday message about Americans who are unvaccinated. Take a look at this.


JEFF ZIENTS, WHITE HOUSE COVID COORDINATOR: We are intent on not letting omicron disrupt work in school for the vaccinated. We've done the right thing and we will get through this. For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.


BRUCE: Wow, merry Christmas, you're all going to die. Why -- are you starting to feel the unity yet you guys?

And remember, nearly every major public health official in the country suggested that vaccines stopped transmission, but here we are, more ever- changing proclamations, more mixed messages and more outright incompetence. And what is the Biden team strategy? To bring in more Hollywood court jesters to tell you to get boosted. Look at this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bing Bong, are you vaccinated?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, yo, who's the president, man? Who's the president?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who's the president?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you want to tell Joe Biden right now?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What's up, baby? Take me out dinner.




BRUCE: Yeah, that seems to be the question of the year, isn't it? Who's the president?

Here for reaction, Pennsylvania Senate candidate, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Dr. Oz, thank you very much for joining me.

You know, we have that coming out of the White House, that video, with the Jonas brothers and we have really catastrophes, natural disasters. We've got terrorist attacks like in Waukesha. We've got the Kentucky tornadoes. We've got the border is open.

Kellyanne Conway mentioned and we've all been noticing this that from the ages 18 to 45, fentanyl is the leading cause of death. It is an extraordinary unfolding of catastrophes here at home and we're not even really started yet.

What is your take on what the American people are facing and what we can do about it?

DR. MEHMET OZ (R), CANDIDATE FOR U.S. SENATE IN PA: Well, we need leadership. But let's just start with omicron since that's where you started it's contagious, not surprising we have a contagious variant, nor is it surprising that when it gets cold outside, we get surging virus numbers.

What is surprising is how unprepared that by the administration is. Basically, they're given the vaccines developed under President Trump during Operation Warp Speed. So where's the leadership?

There are no home kits, I tried to buy one yesterday, couldn't find them anywhere. The person in Pennsylvania, the pharmacist laughed at me, because there's not anywhere. Inadequate testing capacity. Where are the approved pills, the treatment for the actual virus?

Instead, we get these reflexive one-size-fits-all mandates. These are authoritarian rules, let me speak as a doctor to this issue, that are not based on science all the time. In fact, at this point, it's the government's fault for not knowing what the medical impact of these decisions is, the deaths of despair, including those fentanyl deaths that Kellyanne mentioned. You know, they're actually higher in number than the number of people under age who have died of COVID.

I mean, it is a catastrophe. So we get rules that limit our freedom but we don't know where we're heading. We need to empower people.

If you go to doctoroz.com, you'll see how we're empowering people across Pennsylvania. They have great ideas. They want government get out of their way to stop scaring them into submission.

These are not sheeple. These are human beings. They need leadership.

I think the best leadership we got, President Trump got his vaccine booster and then he told everyone about it. That'll get people boosted.

BRUCE: Now, and also, I mean, when we look at it, this is one of the benefits of having President Trump not from years ago but president just before Biden and the American people realize that leadership does matter as you've noted. That decisions can be made, but in -- but in a way, there's - - there are decisions being made here. It seems like they want the worst case scenario.

These are adult people who've been in government, sometimes like Biden for half a century. They know that it takes depth to be leaders, that they have got to deal with a variety of issues, but they're sticking with this one narrative that requires Americans to be afraid and for Americans to submit. Other issues as you mentioned, the pills that Pfizer has, the nature of dealing with getting people up and out of drug addiction, that frees people from government control, doesn't it?

OZ: Not only is it freedom from government control, it gives them dignity, gives them purpose. A lot of this manifests the fact that people won't even leave their homes because they're scared of going to work. They're not able to serve each other and if you get paid while you serve it's called having a job, you actually feel proud about that. Instead, you sit at home, you're scared, your world gets smaller, you start taking drugs or you commit suicide or other tragic things happen. We're seeing divorces increase. These are penalties that existed people have predicted they'd be there we've talked about it on this channel and yet they get ignored because of this myopic perspective that it's all about a single approach.

Every doctor knows, you take as many different approaches to an illness as possible because that is not one size fits all. That's simple thinking.

BRUCE: And also you know we've got this framework here of Americans we talked about mental health, with Newt Gingrich. But we're looking at, yes, sobriety, mental health issues, people still once again delaying basic checkups. Now, this seems to be like the never ending cycle and people think that it is all politics.

Now, we know omicron is here. People are still dealing with delta. Do you think like others do that we need to just accept it being here and focus on treatments at this point?

OZ: I think that's -- yeah, it's gotten pretty clear. I mean, initially, people were hoping for herd immunity where you'd have so many people either vaccinated or have contracted the virus or they had natural immunity that the virus wouldn't spread. That's not how this virus is. That's why we still have the influenza virus every year.

I think this virus is here to stay. Let's get past the virus, let's focus on saving lives in other different ways. And also it brings joy to people. It's the holiday season.


OZ: I want folks celebrating with their families feeling uplifted and heading into the New Year realizing we're Americans, we can do anything we want.

When I travel the state, Tammy, I hear that refrain over and over again.

BRUCE: Excellent.

OZ: Let us be ourselves. Let's get back to normal.

BRUCE: Yeah, the American people, this is what's so good. It's the good news about this, Dr. Oz, is that the American people are not buying uh this attempt to gaslight us into perpetual depression and perpetual retreat. So thank you very much for highlighting that. I appreciate it. Thanks for joining me and merry Christmas, sir.

Now, Joe Biden has broken essentially every major campaign COVID promise. Remember, he campaigned on having a plan to shut down the virus. Back in May, he said vaxxed or masked, remember that? That turned out to be a lie.

And he told Americans that they would only have to wear masks for the first days of his presidency, you remember that. But, of course, that was also a lie.

And resident village troll, tiny tyrant flip-flopper Fauci is doubling down on stupid, now proclaiming that we will be wearing masks on planes forever. Take a look.


KARL: Are we going to get to the point where we won't have to wear masks on airplanes?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: I don't think so. I think when you're dealing with a closed space, even though the filtration is good, that you want to go that extra step when you have people -- you know, you get a flight from Washington to San Francisco. It's a well over a five-hour flight, even though you have a good filtration system, I still believe that masks are a prudent thing to do and we should be doing it.


BRUCE: Yeah, that guy's a menace really.

But the never-ending panic doesn't stop there. Far left D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is declaring a state of emergency not for rising crime or homelessness but for COVID, and imposing yet another mass mandate and even a booster shop mandate for D.C. government workers.

Here for a reaction, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, along with former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, and author of "For Such A Time As This", "Outnumbered" co-host Kayleigh McEnany.

I appreciate so much with this being the holiday week that you're taking time to be here with me. Clearly, though, the bad guys don't stop, so we won't either.

Governor, let me start with you. We have politics now in everything. What you heard Fauci say is even contradicted by airline CEOs. We know flights have not been anywhere super spreaders. Thousands of flights every day for at least the last year, you don't hear about super spreaders on planes and yet there's got to be this control they ask for. It's almost now like a PTSD situation.

As a -- as a former governor and as a cultural critic, what is your take on the impact on the American people with this constant haranguing and control.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think you said it quite well, Tammy. We don't have a super spreader event, when you get on an airplane. I'm on plane several days every single week of my life and I'm telling you the mask is a menace.

Now, I will begin to think that maybe Dr. Fauci ought to wear, not one, not two, not three but ten masks so we can't hear him anymore. I'm sick of it. I'm tired of hearing him always think that the world can be completely renewed by just wearing a bunch of masks, it's becoming so disgusting.

The fact is we've been vaccinated. We've had boosters. We've been careful. We've washed our hands until they've bled, and there comes a point at which Americans are saying enough.

BRUCE: Yeah.

HUCKABEE: We're going to take some risk. We're going to live our lives, and we're going to not find ourselves curled up in a fetal position under our Christmas tree all by ourselves. Tell Fauci to just go home and be quiet. We're tired of it.

BRUCE: You know, Kayleigh, one of the things that I've been thrilled about is the fact that the American people have not collapsed. That we listen to this, we take things seriously, we care about our lives and our children's lives. You know, they're going to school boards, right? We're speaking up.

But it's very exciting as we think as we move into the into the Christmas season is that the average person in fact is not putting up with it, but we are taking care of ourselves still. I find that inspirational.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, FOX NEWS ANALYST: So true. And tackle on Governor Huckabee's comments, look, I worked with Dr. Fauci. This man wants mandates, he wants masks, et cetera, et cetera, on and on.

Remember, he told us, Tammy, no mask that you know and he admitted he said no mask because he wanted to save them for healthcare workers. So there was a little bit of deception there.

And then it went to one mask then it went to two masks. Then it's now apparently mini mask forevermore on planes.

But for Dr. Fauci, wearing a mask in perpetuity on a plane means that his television bookings happen in perpetuity forever more.

BRUCE: Great points.

MCENANY: So, there's a little bit of egotism at the heart of all these mandates. And I will say this, I was always very suspicious when the liberal polling, Tammy, told us that mandates were popular, that people wanted vaccine mandates. But now that they've been implemented, the polling tells us no one wants vaccine mandates.

So the American people at the heart of their spirit is freedom and personal choice. I chose to get the vaccine but that's not everyone's choice. We have personal choice and freedom in this country, and we celebrate that and the polling now bears out Americans want freedom.

BRUCE: Yeah, I think that's an excellent point.

Pam, you know, we have this environment. We remember President Trump. I think we enjoy him presently. I think we can expect to hear from him and enjoy him in the future.

But his point also always was and why I admired him so much, was that this was about, you know, loving the country, doing things to set people free, Trump time on the vaccines, facing down the enemies, dealing with it in the most efficient way we possibly can, but the American people were the ones that were the focus to elevate. Here, it's the opposite. It's the government looking at us to keep us down. That is a major shift.

And the American people maybe it's because of the four years of Donald Trump are remembering, wait, this doesn't have to be this way. Do you think it has this kind of a lasting impact?

PAM BONDI, FORMER FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Oh, I think the Americans are -- American people are seeing it. They've seen it since Afghanistan started, Tammy. They've seen it throughout the Biden presidency and Donald Trump's policies continue to remain strong for all Americans in their minds that they have to come back to our country. We have to get his policies back and that's so important.

You know, President Trump got the vaccine and he said it was his choice though. It's his choice. It's not about big brother, big government, power and control and that's what the Democrats are all about.

And it's really a shame for our country what's been happening. You know, Dr. Fauci, I guess he's never had a two-year-old on a plane trying to make him wear a mask saying that. In March of 2020, you know, Kayleigh said March of 2020 on "60 Minutes", cloth masks don't matter, they don't make a difference. He will do anything that needs to be said to be done to get himself on TV, just like Kayleigh said.

You know, Florida doesn't listen to Dr. Fauci, thank goodness.

BRUCE: Yeah, and I think that we've seen here that the country other than perhaps New York and California and the United -- and London perhaps have moved on. They've -- it's a reminder about the core of this security of this country, the patriotism of the country, the country the part of the country that has kept the world safe for now 200 years is keeping the country safe, but we must remember that, especially during this time of years, as families are getting together they actually I think want us to be miserable and due to the work of the three of you as an example and as at the work of President Trump that continues.

And all Americans who just want to be able to live their lives I think we're heading in that's the best Christmas gift I think that we can all ask for.

Thank you all very much for joining me, Mike Huckabee, Pam Bondi and Kayleigh McEnany.

Now, shifting gears to more breaking news tonight, former President Trump, speaking of which, is suing New York Attorney General Letitia James in an effort to halt the latest Trump witch hunt into his businesses. Now, the suit argues that the probe which has gone on for over two years is a violation of the former president's constitutional rights and laying out how the investigation is designed to advance political goals instead of having a legitimate investigatory purpose.

And the New York attorney general she's revealed herself to be a far-left activist disguised as an objective prosecutor. Look at this.


LETITIA JAMES (D), NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL: We'll never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president, when our fundamental rights are at stake. I believe that the president of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Will you use him for us?

JAMES: Oh we're going to definitely sue him. We're going to be a real pain in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED). He's going to know my name personally.


BRUCE: Well, here to break it all down, I think those videos make certain things clear here, is Donald Trump's attorney Alina Habba.

Ms. Habba, thank you very much for being with me. I appreciate it.

You know, this, I found this to be a very important especially the timing. Americans have now realized that while we level on order that there are some prosecutors and the justice system is not always fair. We saw that played out with the Rittenhouse case. We've seen it play out with the Jussie Smollett case. We're looking -- Americans are looking at situations that seem like they shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Can you explain a bit more on this being a constitutional issue and what makes the attorney general of New York a particular problem in this regard?

ALINA HABBA, ATTORNEY FOR FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP: Absolutely. Thank you for having me, Tammy.

You know, it's pretty clean and cut, the attorney general is supposed to be an impartial person that took an oath that is supposed to bring justice. She is supposed to be focused on taking criminals to justice. That is not Donald Trump. He is an honest person.

It is no different than, like you mentioned, Rittenhouse and anybody else that has a different opinion. You can't -- you can't scrutinize somebody. It's called viewpoint discrimination. It's unconstitutional. The country doesn't allow it and Letitia James has to be stopped.

BRUCE: Well, she -- I recall, you know, that people have been doing a lot of interviews. She always did a lot of interviews. She's -- she runs for office. She has to get -- raise money. She has to get elected.

Part of the foundation of what she was doing it seemed like, well, like many people who feel that attacking Donald Trump is going to help move them along the political framework. But it was always perplexing to me about how you could declare someone guilty of something and that then you would investigate them. It's almost as if you've decided that someone is guilty and then you find the manner in which you can implement that.

Is this part of the problem that your filing addresses?

HABBA: A hundred percent and it's not just about Letitia James. It is about all attorney generals that are corrupt and unfortunately and fortunately, Donald Trump is fighting the fight not just for himself --

BRUCE: I think we may --

HABBA: -- is pushing --

BRUCE: OK, we'll continue. We lost you for one second there, keep going.

HABBA: Okay. She's basically putting her political animus, her vendetta against an individual and Donald Trump's going to fight for everyone. That is put in this position. The man, you know, the news likes to pretend that he's trying to avoid it. This has been two years. There have been over eight million documents produced and she just keeps doing a fishing expedition to try and find something, and there's nothing there. I have some news for you, there's nothing there.

BRUCE: You know, as we hear this, and I want to thank you for joining me tonight, we have to reflect on how many investigations there were about Donald Trump, you know, the Russia dossier, the Mueller investigation, all of which has of course exonerated him and it'll be interesting to see. Good luck to you. This is an argument that has to be made.

HABBA: Thank you.

BRUCE: And the justice system, of course, we know needs some serious reform. Once again, Donald Trump's in the front of it.

Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate it.

Now, coming up, as Biden's border crisis lingers, a potential terrorist from Saudi Arabia was just apprehended in the -- at the southern border. We'll bring you all those details, straight ahead.

Plus, with violent crime plaguing the city of Chicago, one pastor is taking a stand on his own roof. He's going to join us next. Stay with us.


BRUCE: Now, big breaking news on the southern border tonight, as a potential terrorist from Saudi Arabia with ties to Yemen was caught trying to cross the southern border in Arizona last week. Here with the latest is FOX News correspondent Bill Melugin.


BILL MELUGIN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Tammy, good evening to you.

Border Patrol says they've arrested a potential terrorist at our southern border. Take a look at these photos here out of border patrol's Yuma sector. That's where they say they arrested this 21-year-old Saudi man on Thursday after he crossed illegally from Mexico. Now, Border Patrol says this man has ties to subjects of interest in Yemen and as you can see he was wearing what appears to be an EMS jacket. We looked it up and it actually belongs to the Central Oneida County volunteer ambulance corps.

If you're wondering, they're based in Upstate New York. We called them and their chief told us they have no idea who this man is. They have no affiliation with him, and they don't know how he got his hands on one of their jackets, given that they are in New York and this happened in Arizona. Those are the only details that have been released at this point.

However, critics of President Biden's immigration policies have long warned that the border is open to threats like this. Thankfully in this case, Border Patrol was able to nab this potential terrorist suspect as they've described it. We'll send it back to you.


BRUCE: Well, that's extraordinary. Bill, thank you very much.

And, of course, he happened to get caught. The question is, what don't we know? That's the question.

So, now, from the border to COVID, to rising crime in Democrat-run cities. The Biden-Harris Democrat agenda is failing everyone on every front. For example, just now look at the city of Chicago, where Mayor Lori Lightfoot today delivered an address about the chaos and crime taking over the city. And just this weekend, nearly two dozen were shot and four killed two dozen you guys in yet another weekend of senseless violence.

And gun violence is exploding. According to new findings, at least three neighborhoods have seen at least a 100 percent spike in shootings since 2019, and one Chicago pastor is fed up, and is embarking on a 100-day rooftop vigil to raise funds to build a community center in an effort to curb the violence.

Here to explain is that man, Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks.

May I call you Pastor Corey? That be all right?


BRUCE: Thank you, sir.

BROOKS: That's fine. Thank you.

BRUCE: You know, let me -- we go through so much every day in this country. You are in Chicago. It's been discussed forever about the violence and the destruction that's happening to real people, real people's lives. Your stand now is to raise money because of a community center that you want to build. Tell everyone what it is you're trying to accomplish there.

BROOKS: So I'm staying on this roof for 100 days, from November 20th to February 28th to bring attention and awareness of the violence that we're dealing with in Chicago every single day. I'm staying in this tent right behind me, right on this block where they call it O Block. "The Sun-Times", "Chicago Sun-Times" wrote an article that this was the most dangerous block in the city of Chicago and we decided we want to change the O and O Block to Opportunity Block.

So we're trying to build a community center to do something about it, that we believe will help transform this community and transform a lot of lives.

BRUCE: Yes, sir. Chicago is a great American city. It is a big American city. It has all kinds of money. And here you are in the heart of winter, you've made this commitment, I'm going to be like your mom. I'm going to say to you, get out of the freaking cold, because I'm worried because we need men like you. And you're in a city that could build a community center, if they wanted to.

What is going on there that you feel that you have to do this?

BROOKS: Well, one of the things is I just decided I'm not going to wait on government. I realize that if you wait on government, sometimes you're going to be waiting forever. We're not expecting Superman to come in here and save us. I want to take responsibility for my neighborhood. I want to be accountable for what goes on here.

So I want to do everything I can to make sure that we build this center, and I don't want to wait on the government to help me build it. I'm asking people from across America and people here in Chicago to help me do something about it because something needs to be done. It's a sense of urgency, especially when you have 57 kids who have been shot and killed in Chicago who haven't even graduated from high school yet.

BRUCE: That's horrible and yet your situation seems to be what many Americans are moving toward which is remind -- but we're the sovereign, we are ultimately responsible for our home, our family, our community, our own faith.


BRUCE: And to act on that, that the government seems to want you to wait and that it's a -- that you're kind of a dangerous man if you take things into your own hands. But this is the kind of thing that can that would help save lives every day.

BROOKS: Absolutely. This is exactly the type of thing that will help save lives. If all of us in America would start taking responsibility and not waiting on the government to come in and solve our issues, then we could do something about every single problem that we're faced with. One of the reasons why I love being an American is because we are always resilient, we're always tough and we're always smart when it comes to solving problems.

And so, that's why I'm on this roof in Chicago. That's why I'm going to be here for the next 100 days, until we can solve this problem that we're dealing with in this community.

BRUCE: You know, we always think about someone like you should run for office but then I think that that would dilute your power in a certain sense right. I mean, this is what we always ask. Your response -- you've been getting a very good response to this, haven't you?

BROOKS: Yes. You know, I thank FOX for the platform that they give me every morning. I'm on FOX News and I thank you for the opportunity and I'm going to be on this show probably every night this week and so I'm really grateful for that.

BRUCE: Excellent.

BROOKS: But it's a cause -- but it's because of Americans and helping us to do what we're doing that we're able to do uh what we think is going to be possible and let's build this center.

BRUCE: Well, God bless you and he already has.

BROOKS: Bless you.

BRUCE: And Projecthood.org. Project, is that correct?


BRUCE: Projecthood.org. Good luck, but luck favors the prepared. Thank you, sir, very much.

BROOKS: Thank you.

BRUCE: More HANNITY -- boy, what a fabulous man. More HANNITY after this break. Stay with us.


BRUCE: Welcome back, everyone, to HANNITY.

Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for joining us now.

Before we go, make sure you check out my program, "Get Tammy Bruce". Look, I'm wearing the same jacket, streaming right now on FOX Nation. And you can find me on locals at tammybruce.locals.com. That's where all my social media work is.

I want to thank the entire team here. Alissa, Drew, Ben, Stephanie, Andrew, Alyssa. I'll be back hosting HANNITY on Thursday.

Jason Chaffetz is in tonight for Laura Ingraham.


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TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: We're out of time tonight. We'll be back, 8:00 p.m. See you tomorrow.

TAMMY BRUCE, FOX NEWS HOST: Tucker, thank you very much, once again leading the way.

And welcome, everyone, to HANNITY. I'm Tammy Bruce, in for Sean.

And tonight, the Biden presidency is in tatters. COVID-19, the border, the economy, foreign policy. Over and over again, Joe Biden promised the world and then failed to deliver.

Now, Joe's signature piece of legislation, the socialist Build Back Better bill has officially imploded. Over the weekend, Democrat Joe Manchin announced that he was a firm no on the $5 trillion spending proposal, imagine being saved by a Democrat. Naturally, the news was met with gasps in horror by the so-called journalists in the media mob.

Watch this.


JONATHAN KARL, ABC NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Some breaking news, Senator Manchin has just said that he is a firm no on this legislation. So, let me ask you, Rachel, I want to put you on the spot, but you had been saying for some time, you thought it was a matter of if, I mean, not a matter of if but when this legislation passed. What do you think now?

Yeah, I mean I think it's time to reassess that prognosis. Clearly, they've got a big problem here on a number of issues.


BRUCE: Yeah, boy, they were surprised. Now, the last straw for Manchin apparently, he was unhappy with the incivility directed at him from the Biden administration. Now, true to form, the White House released a deranged rambling statement accusing Manchin of betrayal. They demanded that he explain his decision to the, quote, millions of children whose lives will be forever ruined without Build Back Better, boy.

Other top Democrats rush to the nearest camera to vilify Manchin and promote their well-informed opinions about what the people of West Virginia really want. Take a look.


REP. ILHAN OMAR (D-MN): We all knew that Senator Manchin couldn't be trusted. You know, the excuses that he just made I think are complete (EXPLETIVE DELETED). It is really disheartening to hear him say that he has been trying to get there for the people of West Virginia because that's a complete lie.

SEN. BERNIE SANDERS (I-VT): We've been dealing with Mr. Manchin for month after month after month. But if he doesn't have the courage to do the right thing for the working families of West Virginia and America, let him vote no in front of the whole world.

REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): This idea that we're going to refit it to Joe Manchin's liking, the bill has already been retrofitted to Joe Manchin's liking. Let's make that extremely clear.


BRUCE: Well, all the people who Americans don't want anything from are angry. The right people are upset.

Now, earlier today, Jen Psaki struck a similar tone, seething with rage she snapped at reporters even and stormed out of the room. Take a look.


REPORTER: Might we hear directly from the president about what happened yesterday?

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: I think you will hear from him on how we're going to get the agenda done.

REPORTER: Will he take questions, though?

PSAKI: He takes questions multiple times a week. So it depends on what you ask. Depends on what you ask.


BRUCE: Depends on what you ask.

Of course, it's a legitimate question. Joe Biden has been missing an action since Build Back Better imploded. There were zero public events today, just one pre-recorded video announcing Biden's new dog. Look at the doggy, everybody. Look at the doggy.

And it is a cute dog. I mean, how can we not?

But maybe Joe was sulking or maybe he has no idea what's going on. It's still year one of the Biden White House and it is not going well. Joe Biden might very well be the worst president in modern American history.

Joining us now with more, the author of "Beyond Biden", yes, please make it so, FOX News contributor and former House speaker, Newt Gingrich.

Mr. Speaker, I have to say that new puppy might in fact be just the one success that Joe Biden's going to experience this year. Both of us have seen a lot. All of this is still shocking. What is your take considering the events of the last 48 hours here with this implosion?

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, you know, I think the left ought to relax and accept the fact that Joe Manchin has been telling him for about six months now that he's not going to accept the kind of big government socialist bill they want. At the same time I think everybody who's conservative ought to relax and accept the fact that this is the most dangerous and destructive presidency since Buchanan, which led to the civil war.

Buchanan was amazingly bad. The truth is the Biden administration is going to end up being extraordinarily bad and very dangerous. If you look at China, Russia, Iran, terrorism, North Korea, you look at the border that's totally uncontrolled, you look at the inflation rate, you look at our extraordinarily stupid and self-destructive energy policies, this is an administration that is in its destructive capabilities far and away the most dangerous we've had in about 160 years.

BRUCE: You know, we all have disagreements with presidents, even those that we've supported. We have -- we're surprised by things. We're disappointed by things, but this combination of events is almost as though it's willful that that anyone not in a coma sees the danger that you describe. It's just common sense. It's why we see the polls that we see.

Can you having been in all of these offices, can you explain why you think this is happening is there what the intention is at this stage for the American people.

GINGRICH: Sure, doing two different things. First of all, I think you have to assume that if you are a big government socialist, whether you're Bernie Sanders or AOC or Joe Biden or Kamala Harris, you live in a fantasy world. You don't understand any of the things that are actually happening. They all seem kind of strange to you.

Why can't Putin be nice? Why can't the inflation rate go away?

BRUCE: Right.

GINGRICH: Why can't we have green energy at a reasonable price? So I think from that standpoint you're dealing with people who are just out of touch with reality. B

But there's one piece of this that I might tell me that I'm fascinated by. White House staffs very often forget that they didn't win an election. That's the president. The White House staff is staff.

BRUCE: Right.

GINGRICH: And the attitude they have towards Joe Manchin is going to alienate senators and House members unbelievably because these White House staffers think they're more important than the people who were selected by the American people to come to Washington and make decisions. It's a very bad formula for the Biden administration.

BRUCE: Yeah and especially they are acting as though they're the president and that's the other problem is that if they are actually -- they may actually be -- if they thought the bureaucracy was going to be able to run the country, and it's also I have to say with the people who are upset over what happened.

Ilhan Omar, AOC, there is a malevolence toward this country, that we are racist, homophobic, it started with Hillary. There's a real resentment and then, of course, with Trump, right, they are embarrassed by the fact that Trump was right, that Trump was successful. They are enraged at that.

It's almost as though they do want to punish us. Is that -- is that a bridge too far?

GINGRICH: No, look, I think you have to start with the notion that these are people who need therapy.

BRUCE: Right.

GINGRICH: Their level of anger is so -- I'm serious.

BRUCE: It's, of course.

GINGRICH: We keep trying to deal with this as though it's -- as though it's a political problem.

BRUCE: Right.

GINGRICH: It's not a political problem. It's a mental health problem. These people are crazy. They -- you know, people like AOC are so out of touch with reality that you can't have a political conversation with them because you're not on the same planet.

I mean, they're on planet fantasy left where they -- I always tell people, these are folks who saw the lion king and thought it was a documentary. They think lions and zebras dance and sing together. They're shocked to discover that terrorists want to kill you, murderers want to murder you, rapists want to rape you.

It doesn't fit their vision because that's not the Disney movie they went to.


GINGRICH: And I think they then look at a guy like Joe Manchin and they go, wow, I mean he clearly must be some kind of Neanderthal, he believes in balancing the budget, no inflation, limited government. I mean what kind of guy is that?

BRUCE: You know, he's still a liberal. We have to remember the left has gone so far to the right, it's redefining the center. But really, we're going to look back at this and see mental illness masquerading as political operations, as political theory.

GINGRICH: That's right.

BRUCE: And that's the mistake and it's a perfect for you to bring it up so directly and clearly.

Once again, Newt Gingrich, thank you very much. Great stuff. I appreciate it.

Now, tonight, just when you think the Biden administration couldn't get any worse, Kamala Harris finds a way. Watch this.


CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD, HOST: I want to know who's the real president of this country is. Is Biden -- is it Joe Biden or Joe Manchin?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's Symone. I'm so sorry, Charlamagne. We have to wrap.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: Can you hear, Vice President?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So, I'm sorry. We've got to wrap. I'm sorry to interrupt.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: They're acting like they can't hear me.


CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: So who's the real -- who's the real president of this country, is it Joe Manchin or Joe Biden, Madam Vice President?

HARRIS: Come on, Charlemagne. Come one.


HARRIS: It's Joe Biden.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: I can't tell sometimes.

HARRIS: No, no, no, no. No, no, no, no. It's Joe Biden and don't start talking like a Republican about asking whether or not he's president.

CHARLAMAGNE THA GOD: Do you think Joe Manchin is a problem?

HARRIS: And it's Joe Bi -- and it's Joe Bi -- and it's Joe Biden and I'm vice president and my name is Kamala Harris.



Here now with reaction, boy, there's going to be a lot, former senior counselor to President Trump, Kellyanne Conway, along with FOX News contributor Ari Fleischer.

Kellyanne, when you're in a position where you are sound like a seven-year- old insisting that who you are and what you do for a living, you know you've already lost. I don't ever recall President Trump needing to remind someone who the president was when he was doing his work. This is an extraordinary display, isn't it, about the nature of the problem with the White House.

First, the effort to stop the conversation which is in itself remarkable, and then this implosion because he is asking who is the president and he didn't bring her up. I think that was one of her issues.

KELLYANNE CONWAY, FORMER COUNSELOR TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: Tammy, Ari, I think the least valuable player of the first year of the Biden White House has been Kamala Harris. This was another fruitless exercise. She doesn't do anything well that we can see. The things they put her in charge of seem to bear no fruit in any -- in any way we see no solutions, no results, no action.

In fact, Congressman Henry Cuellar who represents a border district said I'm done dealing with her. She has the title but she doesn't seem to want to do the work. I mean, that's a real indictment.

And by the way, most of the negative words said about Kamala Harris these days don't come from Republicans. They come from inside the House. We've had scathing article after article of people who work with her quitting and leaking to the press that she doesn't want to do the work.

I want to point out to your audience one important thing, take a look at Kamala Harris's public schedule every weekend, there's nothing on it. And it's very clear that her private schedule doesn't have her hold up with briefing books or being, you know, tested one-on-one in mock interviews so that the next time she goes and represents the United States of America in one of these softball interviews, she can actually say something that is meaningful and consequential to the rest of us.

Now, Joe Biden's weekend schedule we see what he's doing. He has -- he moonlights in this weekend gig as the mayor of Wilmington, governor of Delaware. We don't know what she does. And so, when they do let her come out, work on the border, border czar, we give her some Russian term when we just watch people coming across.

Fentanyl is now the number one killer of 18 to 44 year olds in this country, and I'm damn mad about it because we worked our tails off on that in the -- in the Trump White House. Melania Trump and Donald Trump worked on that issue together to great effect. She doesn't even touch it. I never even hear her say the word.

And so, it would be fun to sort of oh mock the vice president. She can't do it. But these are serious times.

And when people say -- well, the vice president doesn't matter. Maybe this one doesn't, but the vice president does matter. This country is thirsting for leadership. She's got a approval rating that she has earned that is not racism and sexism that's eyesight and hearing they're watching interviews like that and they're scratching their heads.

BRUCE: Yes, this is -- these are all unforced errors. Ari, this is brought on without exception from her own behavior. Any -- anybody who's in the realm of caring about politics with what's going on in the country -- you know, where -- I'm excited to talk about these things. I'm excited to talk to you about them, to hear what other people are thinking.

And with preparation to figure out what's going on, when you see what's happening. And yet she is completely divorced from all of that, what is your take on what must be happening in her office, and why she thinks this is -- maybe she feels this is the road to the presidency, or it's been promised to her?

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, first, let me address something that Kellyanne said because it's wrong. She said that Joe Biden asked us if he's the man the mayor of Wilmington. Wilmington is actually a medium-sized city and it's too big for Joe Biden. I think he acts more like he's the mayor of Rehoboth, which is a small little beach town where he has a house and spends most of his weekends. It's a better fit.

But as for Kamala Harris -- look, I think two things went wrong one thing I will say she did do right and I'll come to that but the two things that were wrong with one of her Press Secretary Simone Sanders jumped in and tried to pretend that Kamala Harris couldn't hear the question and saw that that was awful so she had to protect her boss, and she couldn't hear the question. So it was it was a phony dry effort by a press secretary to stop her boss from having to take a tough question.

The second thing was what's Kamala Harris saying, my name is Kamala Harris. I just don't get that. I mean, as -- we know that. What did that advance? So it was even when she makes an argumentative good case for her boss, she blew blows it by saying that.

But I will say this she was articulate to a point and not giggly as she defended her boss, and that is the job of the vice president. It is to stand up for the president to say the president is in charge and she took that on with some level of emotion and some level of strength. I think is the most strong I've ever seen Kamala Harris, which isn't saying a lot.

But I do credit her for fighting for her boss and standing up for him and making the case, yes, he is the president but you know you're never winning when you get asked that question.

BRUCE: Well, that's it and I think that, Kellyanne, I wasn't really joking when I said that she was perhaps more upset that she didn't figure into the equation of Charlemagne Tha God's question.

She -- in other words, it's like the question should be who's the president her or him, and I think that that's important. And remembering too, it is the international dynamic -- these bad actors around the world who are watching this like we're watching this. And the danger that comes up, that is presented because of her behavior is a reflection of American leadership. That does extraordinary damage.

And we should probably remind everybody, Tammy and Ari, that if Charlemagne the God sounds familiar to them it's because he was the interviewer in May of to whom Joe Biden said if you can't figure out if you're for me or Donald Trump then you ain't black, to which the Joe Biden had to apologize to the black community and many others for that horrible comment.

But I think in this case she actually proved that she can tell the truth because that has been in question here and there she told the truth when she said this week in her weekend in her media tour that they weren't prepared for the delta variant or the variant, no kidding, lady. So thanks for telling the truth on that and then they sent Anthony Fauci out to clean it up the next day. Well, we were prepared you know these things and we're going to wear masks forever.

So, she actually -- when she does go off the talking points to the extent there are any, she actually tells -- she says things that they don't want her to say. But you're absolutely right, if Kamala Harris has a approval rating among the Americans she represents, it's a historically low I know we're look we look at her as we look at Kamala Harris as a historic figure, you bet she is. She's a historically disapproved vice president in modern times. If we look at her that way in this country, including independence now where her support has cratered, what do the leaders of Iran and China and Russia and other bad act what do they think is going on?

So there nobody's afraid or she doesn't even take the traditional vice presidential trips to represent the country about I think she's been on two and one was to Guatemala where the president there said I hear, I read in the papers. She's in charge of the border, but I've only talked to her one time.

BRUCE: Extraordinary. Yeah. This is -- next year, we're going to find out exactly what our enemies think of this administration. I don't think it's going to be very good. Thank you both for joining me tonight. Lots going on.

Now, coming up, last year, it was Biden's dark winter. This year, it's the winter of illness and death. But don't worry, Joe finally has a plan, a song from the Jonas Brothers. We will explain.

And later, former President Donald Trump is suing New York Attorney General Letitia James. Trump's lawyer joins us live.

Stay with us as HANNITY continues.


BRUCE: Now, tonight, the Biden COVID response failures are as obvious and undeniable as ever, as the president continues to spin in circles issuing conflicting guidance, fueling more panic and trying to divide Americans just in time for Christmas. For example, the White House is under fire tonight for issuing this doomsday message about Americans who are unvaccinated. Take a look at this.


JEFF ZIENTS, WHITE HOUSE COVID COORDINATOR: We are intent on not letting omicron disrupt work in school for the vaccinated. We've done the right thing and we will get through this. For the unvaccinated, you're looking at a winter of severe illness and death for yourselves, your families and the hospitals you may soon overwhelm.


BRUCE: Wow, merry Christmas, you're all going to die. Why -- are you starting to feel the unity yet you guys?

And remember, nearly every major public health official in the country suggested that vaccines stopped transmission, but here we are, more ever- changing proclamations, more mixed messages and more outright incompetence. And what is the Biden team strategy? To bring in more Hollywood court jesters to tell you to get boosted. Look at this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bing Bong, are you vaccinated?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, yo, who's the president, man? Who's the president?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who's the president?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you want to tell Joe Biden right now?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What's up, baby? Take me out dinner.




BRUCE: Yeah, that seems to be the question of the year, isn't it? Who's the president?

Here for reaction, Pennsylvania Senate candidate, Dr. Mehmet Oz.

Dr. Oz, thank you very much for joining me.

You know, we have that coming out of the White House, that video, with the Jonas brothers and we have really catastrophes, natural disasters. We've got terrorist attacks like in Waukesha. We've got the Kentucky tornadoes. We've got the border is open.

Kellyanne Conway mentioned and we've all been noticing this that from the ages 18 to 45, fentanyl is the leading cause of death. It is an extraordinary unfolding of catastrophes here at home and we're not even really started yet.

What is your take on what the American people are facing and what we can do about it?

DR. MEHMET OZ (R), CANDIDATE FOR U.S. SENATE IN PA: Well, we need leadership. But let's just start with omicron since that's where you started it's contagious, not surprising we have a contagious variant, nor is it surprising that when it gets cold outside, we get surging virus numbers.

What is surprising is how unprepared that by the administration is. Basically, they're given the vaccines developed under President Trump during Operation Warp Speed. So where's the leadership?

There are no home kits, I tried to buy one yesterday, couldn't find them anywhere. The person in Pennsylvania, the pharmacist laughed at me, because there's not anywhere. Inadequate testing capacity. Where are the approved pills, the treatment for the actual virus?

Instead, we get these reflexive one-size-fits-all mandates. These are authoritarian rules, let me speak as a doctor to this issue, that are not based on science all the time. In fact, at this point, it's the government's fault for not knowing what the medical impact of these decisions is, the deaths of despair, including those fentanyl deaths that Kellyanne mentioned. You know, they're actually higher in number than the number of people under age who have died of COVID.

I mean, it is a catastrophe. So we get rules that limit our freedom but we don't know where we're heading. We need to empower people.

If you go to doctoroz.com, you'll see how we're empowering people across Pennsylvania. They have great ideas. They want government get out of their way to stop scaring them into submission.

These are not sheeple. These are human beings. They need leadership.

I think the best leadership we got, President Trump got his vaccine booster and then he told everyone about it. That'll get people boosted.

BRUCE: Now, and also, I mean, when we look at it, this is one of the benefits of having President Trump not from years ago but president just before Biden and the American people realize that leadership does matter as you've noted. That decisions can be made, but in -- but in a way, there's - - there are decisions being made here. It seems like they want the worst case scenario.

These are adult people who've been in government, sometimes like Biden for half a century. They know that it takes depth to be leaders, that they have got to deal with a variety of issues, but they're sticking with this one narrative that requires Americans to be afraid and for Americans to submit. Other issues as you mentioned, the pills that Pfizer has, the nature of dealing with getting people up and out of drug addiction, that frees people from government control, doesn't it?

OZ: Not only is it freedom from government control, it gives them dignity, gives them purpose. A lot of this manifests the fact that people won't even leave their homes because they're scared of going to work. They're not able to serve each other and if you get paid while you serve it's called having a job, you actually feel proud about that. Instead, you sit at home, you're scared, your world gets smaller, you start taking drugs or you commit suicide or other tragic things happen. We're seeing divorces increase. These are penalties that existed people have predicted they'd be there we've talked about it on this channel and yet they get ignored because of this myopic perspective that it's all about a single approach.

Every doctor knows, you take as many different approaches to an illness as possible because that is not one size fits all. That's simple thinking.

BRUCE: And also you know we've got this framework here of Americans we talked about mental health, with Newt Gingrich. But we're looking at, yes, sobriety, mental health issues, people still once again delaying basic checkups. Now, this seems to be like the never ending cycle and people think that it is all politics.

Now, we know omicron is here. People are still dealing with delta. Do you think like others do that we need to just accept it being here and focus on treatments at this point?

OZ: I think that's -- yeah, it's gotten pretty clear. I mean, initially, people were hoping for herd immunity where you'd have so many people either vaccinated or have contracted the virus or they had natural immunity that the virus wouldn't spread. That's not how this virus is. That's why we still have the influenza virus every year.

I think this virus is here to stay. Let's get past the virus, let's focus on saving lives in other different ways. And also it brings joy to people. It's the holiday season.


OZ: I want folks celebrating with their families feeling uplifted and heading into the New Year realizing we're Americans, we can do anything we want.

When I travel the state, Tammy, I hear that refrain over and over again.

BRUCE: Excellent.

OZ: Let us be ourselves. Let's get back to normal.

BRUCE: Yeah, the American people, this is what's so good. It's the good news about this, Dr. Oz, is that the American people are not buying uh this attempt to gaslight us into perpetual depression and perpetual retreat. So thank you very much for highlighting that. I appreciate it. Thanks for joining me and merry Christmas, sir.

Now, Joe Biden has broken essentially every major campaign COVID promise. Remember, he campaigned on having a plan to shut down the virus. Back in May, he said vaxxed or masked, remember that? That turned out to be a lie.

And he told Americans that they would only have to wear masks for the first days of his presidency, you remember that. But, of course, that was also a lie.

And resident village troll, tiny tyrant flip-flopper Fauci is doubling down on stupid, now proclaiming that we will be wearing masks on planes forever. Take a look.


KARL: Are we going to get to the point where we won't have to wear masks on airplanes?

DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: I don't think so. I think when you're dealing with a closed space, even though the filtration is good, that you want to go that extra step when you have people -- you know, you get a flight from Washington to San Francisco. It's a well over a five-hour flight, even though you have a good filtration system, I still believe that masks are a prudent thing to do and we should be doing it.


BRUCE: Yeah, that guy's a menace really.

But the never-ending panic doesn't stop there. Far left D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser is declaring a state of emergency not for rising crime or homelessness but for COVID, and imposing yet another mass mandate and even a booster shop mandate for D.C. government workers.

Here for a reaction, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, along with former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, and author of "For Such A Time As This", "Outnumbered" co-host Kayleigh McEnany.

I appreciate so much with this being the holiday week that you're taking time to be here with me. Clearly, though, the bad guys don't stop, so we won't either.

Governor, let me start with you. We have politics now in everything. What you heard Fauci say is even contradicted by airline CEOs. We know flights have not been anywhere super spreaders. Thousands of flights every day for at least the last year, you don't hear about super spreaders on planes and yet there's got to be this control they ask for. It's almost now like a PTSD situation.

As a -- as a former governor and as a cultural critic, what is your take on the impact on the American people with this constant haranguing and control.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I think you said it quite well, Tammy. We don't have a super spreader event, when you get on an airplane. I'm on plane several days every single week of my life and I'm telling you the mask is a menace.

Now, I will begin to think that maybe Dr. Fauci ought to wear, not one, not two, not three but ten masks so we can't hear him anymore. I'm sick of it. I'm tired of hearing him always think that the world can be completely renewed by just wearing a bunch of masks, it's becoming so disgusting.

The fact is we've been vaccinated. We've had boosters. We've been careful. We've washed our hands until they've bled, and there comes a point at which Americans are saying enough.

BRUCE: Yeah.

HUCKABEE: We're going to take some risk. We're going to live our lives, and we're going to not find ourselves curled up in a fetal position under our Christmas tree all by ourselves. Tell Fauci to just go home and be quiet. We're tired of it.

BRUCE: You know, Kayleigh, one of the things that I've been thrilled about is the fact that the American people have not collapsed. That we listen to this, we take things seriously, we care about our lives and our children's lives. You know, they're going to school boards, right? We're speaking up.

But it's very exciting as we think as we move into the into the Christmas season is that the average person in fact is not putting up with it, but we are taking care of ourselves still. I find that inspirational.

KAYLEIGH MCENANY, FOX NEWS ANALYST: So true. And tackle on Governor Huckabee's comments, look, I worked with Dr. Fauci. This man wants mandates, he wants masks, et cetera, et cetera, on and on.

Remember, he told us, Tammy, no mask that you know and he admitted he said no mask because he wanted to save them for healthcare workers. So there was a little bit of deception there.

And then it went to one mask then it went to two masks. Then it's now apparently mini mask forevermore on planes.

But for Dr. Fauci, wearing a mask in perpetuity on a plane means that his television bookings happen in perpetuity forever more.

BRUCE: Great points.

MCENANY: So, there's a little bit of egotism at the heart of all these mandates. And I will say this, I was always very suspicious when the liberal polling, Tammy, told us that mandates were popular, that people wanted vaccine mandates. But now that they've been implemented, the polling tells us no one wants vaccine mandates.

So the American people at the heart of their spirit is freedom and personal choice. I chose to get the vaccine but that's not everyone's choice. We have personal choice and freedom in this country, and we celebrate that and the polling now bears out Americans want freedom.

BRUCE: Yeah, I think that's an excellent point.

Pam, you know, we have this environment. We remember President Trump. I think we enjoy him presently. I think we can expect to hear from him and enjoy him in the future.

But his point also always was and why I admired him so much, was that this was about, you know, loving the country, doing things to set people free, Trump time on the vaccines, facing down the enemies, dealing with it in the most efficient way we possibly can, but the American people were the ones that were the focus to elevate. Here, it's the opposite. It's the government looking at us to keep us down. That is a major shift.

And the American people maybe it's because of the four years of Donald Trump are remembering, wait, this doesn't have to be this way. Do you think it has this kind of a lasting impact?

PAM BONDI, FORMER FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Oh, I think the Americans are -- American people are seeing it. They've seen it since Afghanistan started, Tammy. They've seen it throughout the Biden presidency and Donald Trump's policies continue to remain strong for all Americans in their minds that they have to come back to our country. We have to get his policies back and that's so important.

You know, President Trump got the vaccine and he said it was his choice though. It's his choice. It's not about big brother, big government, power and control and that's what the Democrats are all about.

And it's really a shame for our country what's been happening. You know, Dr. Fauci, I guess he's never had a two-year-old on a plane trying to make him wear a mask saying that. In March of 2020, you know, Kayleigh said March of 2020 on "60 Minutes", cloth masks don't matter, they don't make a difference. He will do anything that needs to be said to be done to get himself on TV, just like Kayleigh said.

You know, Florida doesn't listen to Dr. Fauci, thank goodness.

BRUCE: Yeah, and I think that we've seen here that the country other than perhaps New York and California and the United -- and London perhaps have moved on. They've -- it's a reminder about the core of this security of this country, the patriotism of the country, the country the part of the country that has kept the world safe for now 200 years is keeping the country safe, but we must remember that, especially during this time of years, as families are getting together they actually I think want us to be miserable and due to the work of the three of you as an example and as at the work of President Trump that continues.

And all Americans who just want to be able to live their lives I think we're heading in that's the best Christmas gift I think that we can all ask for.

Thank you all very much for joining me, Mike Huckabee, Pam Bondi and Kayleigh McEnany.

Now, shifting gears to more breaking news tonight, former President Trump, speaking of which, is suing New York Attorney General Letitia James in an effort to halt the latest Trump witch hunt into his businesses. Now, the suit argues that the probe which has gone on for over two years is a violation of the former president's constitutional rights and laying out how the investigation is designed to advance political goals instead of having a legitimate investigatory purpose.

And the New York attorney general she's revealed herself to be a far-left activist disguised as an objective prosecutor. Look at this.


LETITIA JAMES (D), NEW YORK ATTORNEY GENERAL: We'll never be afraid to challenge this illegitimate president, when our fundamental rights are at stake. I believe that the president of these United States can be indicted for criminal offenses.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Will you use him for us?

JAMES: Oh we're going to definitely sue him. We're going to be a real pain in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED). He's going to know my name personally.


BRUCE: Well, here to break it all down, I think those videos make certain things clear here, is Donald Trump's attorney Alina Habba.

Ms. Habba, thank you very much for being with me. I appreciate it.

You know, this, I found this to be a very important especially the timing. Americans have now realized that while we level on order that there are some prosecutors and the justice system is not always fair. We saw that played out with the Rittenhouse case. We've seen it play out with the Jussie Smollett case. We're looking -- Americans are looking at situations that seem like they shouldn't have happened in the first place.

Can you explain a bit more on this being a constitutional issue and what makes the attorney general of New York a particular problem in this regard?

ALINA HABBA, ATTORNEY FOR FORMER PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP: Absolutely. Thank you for having me, Tammy.

You know, it's pretty clean and cut, the attorney general is supposed to be an impartial person that took an oath that is supposed to bring justice. She is supposed to be focused on taking criminals to justice. That is not Donald Trump. He is an honest person.

It is no different than, like you mentioned, Rittenhouse and anybody else that has a different opinion. You can't -- you can't scrutinize somebody. It's called viewpoint discrimination. It's unconstitutional. The country doesn't allow it and Letitia James has to be stopped.

BRUCE: Well, she -- I recall, you know, that people have been doing a lot of interviews. She always did a lot of interviews. She's -- she runs for office. She has to get -- raise money. She has to get elected.

Part of the foundation of what she was doing it seemed like, well, like many people who feel that attacking Donald Trump is going to help move them along the political framework. But it was always perplexing to me about how you could declare someone guilty of something and that then you would investigate them. It's almost as if you've decided that someone is guilty and then you find the manner in which you can implement that.

Is this part of the problem that your filing addresses?

HABBA: A hundred percent and it's not just about Letitia James. It is about all attorney generals that are corrupt and unfortunately and fortunately, Donald Trump is fighting the fight not just for himself --

BRUCE: I think we may --

HABBA: -- is pushing --

BRUCE: OK, we'll continue. We lost you for one second there, keep going.

HABBA: Okay. She's basically putting her political animus, her vendetta against an individual and Donald Trump's going to fight for everyone. That is put in this position. The man, you know, the news likes to pretend that he's trying to avoid it. This has been two years. There have been over eight million documents produced and she just keeps doing a fishing expedition to try and find something, and there's nothing there. I have some news for you, there's nothing there.

BRUCE: You know, as we hear this, and I want to thank you for joining me tonight, we have to reflect on how many investigations there were about Donald Trump, you know, the Russia dossier, the Mueller investigation, all of which has of course exonerated him and it'll be interesting to see. Good luck to you. This is an argument that has to be made.

HABBA: Thank you.

BRUCE: And the justice system, of course, we know needs some serious reform. Once again, Donald Trump's in the front of it.

Thank you, ma'am. I appreciate it.

Now, coming up, as Biden's border crisis lingers, a potential terrorist from Saudi Arabia was just apprehended in the -- at the southern border. We'll bring you all those details, straight ahead.

Plus, with violent crime plaguing the city of Chicago, one pastor is taking a stand on his own roof. He's going to join us next. Stay with us.


BRUCE: Now, big breaking news on the southern border tonight, as a potential terrorist from Saudi Arabia with ties to Yemen was caught trying to cross the southern border in Arizona last week. Here with the latest is FOX News correspondent Bill Melugin.


BILL MELUGIN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Tammy, good evening to you.

Border Patrol says they've arrested a potential terrorist at our southern border. Take a look at these photos here out of border patrol's Yuma sector. That's where they say they arrested this 21-year-old Saudi man on Thursday after he crossed illegally from Mexico. Now, Border Patrol says this man has ties to subjects of interest in Yemen and as you can see he was wearing what appears to be an EMS jacket. We looked it up and it actually belongs to the Central Oneida County volunteer ambulance corps.

If you're wondering, they're based in Upstate New York. We called them and their chief told us they have no idea who this man is. They have no affiliation with him, and they don't know how he got his hands on one of their jackets, given that they are in New York and this happened in Arizona. Those are the only details that have been released at this point.

However, critics of President Biden's immigration policies have long warned that the border is open to threats like this. Thankfully in this case, Border Patrol was able to nab this potential terrorist suspect as they've described it. We'll send it back to you.


BRUCE: Well, that's extraordinary. Bill, thank you very much.

And, of course, he happened to get caught. The question is, what don't we know? That's the question.

So, now, from the border to COVID, to rising crime in Democrat-run cities. The Biden-Harris Democrat agenda is failing everyone on every front. For example, just now look at the city of Chicago, where Mayor Lori Lightfoot today delivered an address about the chaos and crime taking over the city. And just this weekend, nearly two dozen were shot and four killed two dozen you guys in yet another weekend of senseless violence.

And gun violence is exploding. According to new findings, at least three neighborhoods have seen at least a 100 percent spike in shootings since 2019, and one Chicago pastor is fed up, and is embarking on a 100-day rooftop vigil to raise funds to build a community center in an effort to curb the violence.

Here to explain is that man, Chicago Pastor Corey Brooks.

May I call you Pastor Corey? That be all right?


BRUCE: Thank you, sir.

BROOKS: That's fine. Thank you.

BRUCE: You know, let me -- we go through so much every day in this country. You are in Chicago. It's been discussed forever about the violence and the destruction that's happening to real people, real people's lives. Your stand now is to raise money because of a community center that you want to build. Tell everyone what it is you're trying to accomplish there.

BROOKS: So I'm staying on this roof for 100 days, from November 20th to February 28th to bring attention and awareness of the violence that we're dealing with in Chicago every single day. I'm staying in this tent right behind me, right on this block where they call it O Block. "The Sun-Times", "Chicago Sun-Times" wrote an article that this was the most dangerous block in the city of Chicago and we decided we want to change the O and O Block to Opportunity Block.

So we're trying to build a community center to do something about it, that we believe will help transform this community and transform a lot of lives.

BRUCE: Yes, sir. Chicago is a great American city. It is a big American city. It has all kinds of money. And here you are in the heart of winter, you've made this commitment, I'm going to be like your mom. I'm going to say to you, get out of the freaking cold, because I'm worried because we need men like you. And you're in a city that could build a community center, if they wanted to.

What is going on there that you feel that you have to do this?

BROOKS: Well, one of the things is I just decided I'm not going to wait on government. I realize that if you wait on government, sometimes you're going to be waiting forever. We're not expecting Superman to come in here and save us. I want to take responsibility for my neighborhood. I want to be accountable for what goes on here.

So I want to do everything I can to make sure that we build this center, and I don't want to wait on the government to help me build it. I'm asking people from across America and people here in Chicago to help me do something about it because something needs to be done. It's a sense of urgency, especially when you have 57 kids who have been shot and killed in Chicago who haven't even graduated from high school yet.

BRUCE: That's horrible and yet your situation seems to be what many Americans are moving toward which is remind -- but we're the sovereign, we are ultimately responsible for our home, our family, our community, our own faith.


BRUCE: And to act on that, that the government seems to want you to wait and that it's a -- that you're kind of a dangerous man if you take things into your own hands. But this is the kind of thing that can that would help save lives every day.

BROOKS: Absolutely. This is exactly the type of thing that will help save lives. If all of us in America would start taking responsibility and not waiting on the government to come in and solve our issues, then we could do something about every single problem that we're faced with. One of the reasons why I love being an American is because we are always resilient, we're always tough and we're always smart when it comes to solving problems.

And so, that's why I'm on this roof in Chicago. That's why I'm going to be here for the next 100 days, until we can solve this problem that we're dealing with in this community.

BRUCE: You know, we always think about someone like you should run for office but then I think that that would dilute your power in a certain sense right. I mean, this is what we always ask. Your response -- you've been getting a very good response to this, haven't you?

BROOKS: Yes. You know, I thank FOX for the platform that they give me every morning. I'm on FOX News and I thank you for the opportunity and I'm going to be on this show probably every night this week and so I'm really grateful for that.

BRUCE: Excellent.

BROOKS: But it's a cause -- but it's because of Americans and helping us to do what we're doing that we're able to do uh what we think is going to be possible and let's build this center.

BRUCE: Well, God bless you and he already has.

BROOKS: Bless you.

BRUCE: And Projecthood.org. Project, is that correct?


BRUCE: Projecthood.org. Good luck, but luck favors the prepared. Thank you, sir, very much.

BROOKS: Thank you.

BRUCE: More HANNITY -- boy, what a fabulous man. More HANNITY after this break. Stay with us.


BRUCE: Welcome back, everyone, to HANNITY.

Unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, thank you for joining us now.

Before we go, make sure you check out my program, "Get Tammy Bruce". Look, I'm wearing the same jacket, streaming right now on FOX Nation. And you can find me on locals at tammybruce.locals.com. That's where all my social media work is.

I want to thank the entire team here. Alissa, Drew, Ben, Stephanie, Andrew, Alyssa. I'll be back hosting HANNITY on Thursday.

Jason Chaffetz is in tonight for Laura Ingraham.


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