'Hannity' on Biden's failure to deliver key campaign promises

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," January 17, 2022. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

TUCKER CARLSON, FOX NEWS HOST: You can get it for free.

Sean Hannity takes over right now. We will see you tomorrow night. Hey, Sean.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: You know, without Novak Djokovic in the Australian Open, it is not even worth watching.

CARLSON: Well, exactly.

HANNITY: Honestly, I'm not a boycotter, as you know, but I -- it's ridiculous. Tucker --

CARLSON: I'm with you, man.

HANNITY: Thank you.

CARLSON: Thank you, Sean.

Welcome to this special edition of HANNITY.

After historically bad week capping off a historically bad year, Joe Biden's presidency is now on the ropes. Things are going so poorly that even as one-time protectors, the media mob, they're now beginning to take note.

Look at this headline from fake news CNN, you can't make it up. Quote: Is Biden's presidency doomed?

Meanwhile, one article from "Axios" titled: Biden's epic failures. It details the litany of Biden-caused disasters both here at home and abroad. According to the article, quote: It's rare for a president to be at odds with Republicans, with moderate Democrats, and liberal Democrats all at the same time. But that's where Biden finds himself.

In other words, nobody likes you Joe. Poor Joey, nobody. Nobody thinks he's competent either. Even MSDNC's top Democrat Chucky Todd blasting Biden for failing to change the tone in the country, bring people together after a speech last week.

Former President Trump in Arizona, this is funny, he said that Biden was more destructive than five presidents combined.

Now, a new CBS poll shows that 50 percent of Americans are frustrated with Biden's presidency, only 25 percent are satisfied. You know, it takes an awful lot of failure to get 75 percent of the country not loving what you're doing and fully 50 percent of the country frustrated at what you are doing. Look at this graph from Gallup. In just one year, Biden managed to flip America's party identification average -- look at this -- a nine-point Democratic advantage to a five-point GOP advantage, the best numbers for the Republican Party since 1995.

Donald Trump runs again, just needs one bumper sticker, maybe a few rallies and all needs to say is, miss me yet? Anyway, and when they won in 1995, that was when the Republicans had been in exile out of power for years.

Now, one reason for Joe's difficulties, he rarely works a full week, even a full day. It's clear he's not up to the job because of his cognitive decline that is getting worse. He is weak, he is frail. On most days, he doesn't even start work until around 10:00 a.m., typically calls a lid between 1:00 and 4:00 in the afternoon. He averages less than one public event a day.

And, of course, you'll almost never see the leader of the free world working at the White House on a weekend. He's almost always in Delaware presumably taking lots of naps. In fact, during his first year, Biden spent more than a quarter of his time in Delaware.

Now, during the week of Christmas, remember, when COVID-19 was surging to record highs, we didn't have tests available, therapeutics ran out, antivirals hadn't been manufactured, Joe was nowhere to be found. And today, while most Americans were celebrating the amazing life of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Joe Biden, MIA again. He was once again enjoying a three- day weekend in Delaware and could not be bothered. They need to really rest him this week because we're going to get a presser out of him and he had fewer press conferences than the last six presidents, anyway, in his first year.

We did however hear from Vice President Kamala Harris. She used today's holiday to trash Americans, calling them complicit, because the Democrats so-called voting rights bill is now pretty much DOA. Take a look.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Last week, the president and I visited Atlanta to deliver a message, it is time for the United States Senate to do its job, a landmark bill as we all know sits before the United States Senate, the Freedom to Vote John R. Lewis Act. As Dr. King said, the only normalcy he would accept is the normalcy that recognizes the dignity and worth of all God's children. Today, we must not be complacent or complicit.


HANNITY: Working with praising Joe Biden, wasn't that long ago Kamala Harris was ripping Joe Biden of shreds, accusing him of being complicit during a primary debate? Perhaps she forgot her own words. We'll remind her.


HARRIS: To hear you talk about the reputations of two United States senators who built their reputations and career on the segregation of race in this country, and it was not only that but you also worked with them to oppose busing. And you know, there was a little girl in California who was part of the second class to integrate her public schools and she was bused to school every day. And that little girl was me.



Now, she was talking about when Joe partnered with the former Klansman Robert KKK Byrd to stop the integration of public schools. You see Joe even said publicly he didn't want public schools to become -- oh what was the word -- racial jungles. That's right, his words.

Of course, Kamala Harris isn't the only Democrat to shamefully exploit race to push a political agenda. It's used every election. It used every two years, every four years, every election cycle, Democrats accuse their political enemies, same playbook.

They're racist. They're sexist. They're homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic, now transphobic. They want dirty air, water, and they want to take us back to the days of Jim Crow. And, of course, they want to throw grandma and grandpa in a wheelchair off a cliff.

Today, Nancy Pelosi said MLK, Thomas Jefferson, George Washington and Abe Lincoln would all have tears in their eyes if they knew Republicans and two Democrats for preserving the filibuster. You can't make it up. Take a look.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: If you really truly want to honor Dr. King, don't dishonor him by using a congressional custom as an excuse for protecting our democracy. He has a monument on the Mall, along with Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, all of them with tears in their eyes for the departure from our democracy that is happening right now, unless the truth is acknowledged and this legislation is passed.


HANNITY: Now, if you think Nancy Pelosi's theatrics were over the top, many other top Democrats, they were worse. Some openly accusing their fellow Democrats -- that would be Kyrsten Sinema, Joe Manchin, now, they're calling the fellow Democrats racist and bigoted. Take a look.


ELIE MYSTAL, JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT, THE NATION: People like Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema, these are the white people that Martin Luther King Jr. warned us about.

SEN. RAPHAEL WARNOCK (D-GA): I submit that members of the Senate regardless of their party no longer have to ask what we would have done then, we're doing whatever we would have done then right now. This is a moral moment. This is a 1965 moment.

REP. MAXINE WATERS (D-CA): They have sent this signal. They have been very clear about it. They don't care about minorities. They don't care about blacks. They don't care about people in their own districts where they're going to deny their voting rights and undermine their voting rights.

REP. SHEILA JACKSON LEE (D-TX): I know Robert Byrd, the former senator, the late senator, I know what he did in the latter part of his life. Yes, he was a member of the Ku Klux Klan, but in the latter part of his life, he changed. So what I would say to you is that it is hurting people. The filibuster is hurting people.


HANNITY: Not to be outdone, Hillary Clinton now trying desperately to regain relevancy inserted herself into the conversation, using an MLK quote to trash Sinema and Manchin. I had hoped that white moderates would understand that law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice, and that when they fail in this purpose, they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress.

By the way, Hillary, where were you in the summer 2020? We could have used your help.

Anyway, quite a turnaround from the woman that once referenced African- Americans as super predators. Hillary is so desperate to be relevant, kind of sad.

Recently, Democratic strategist James Carville -- I actually know James, like James, have debated James, he's not a dumb guy. Anyway, he had advice for his fellow liberals, quote: you Democrats, my fellow Democrats, you whine too much. Quit being a whiny party, that's an understatement.

Unfortunately, I seriously doubt they will take his advice and here now with reaction is the brand new host of the 7:00 p.m. hour, very proud of him -- our friend, co-host of "The Five", Jesse Watters, along with FOX News contributor Leo 2.0 Terrell. So far, has not made the cut for Jesse's first week, but I'm lobbying hard for you, Leo. I'm on my way.

It's going to be Hannity, Leo 2.0 on Wednesday, not the first show. We don't wait for the first show.

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: No, first date, first date, first day, or a lawsuit -- lawsuit.

HANNITY: No, first week -- first week is good enough.

JESSE WATTERS, CO-HOST OF "THE FIVE": He's making demands.

TERREL: Your first day.

HANNITY: Just accept it. It's his world, we live in it.

TERRELL: It's an injunction, lawsuit.

HANNITY: All right. Let's start, Leo. You know, a part of this, if -- if Democrats didn't use this playbook so often, I might be offended. I might take it seriously.

But it just rolls off me like water off a duck's back because they use it all the time.

TERRELL: Well, I'll tell you right now, look, the Democrats have lied to people of color for 50 years. Let me just give you two areas where they lied -- schools and crime.

Look at the Democratic cities, and they have played the race card for over 50 years. They're in 1965 time warp.

I've said this, Sean, for the last year and a half, I want to be clear. There is no systemic racism in this country. Dr. King eliminated that with the Voting Rights Act, the Civil Rights Act, and the Fair Housing Act. But the Democrats will keep reinventing the race card.

You know what it is now? It's critical race theory. But if you look at the polls, it's not just Joe Biden is shrinking in the polls, he's losing black support and Hispanic support, because people of color, all colors, they have woke. They're awake. They know they don't drink the Democratic Kool- Aid anymore.

And that's why you see the Democrats in trouble and very, very desperate.

HANNITY: You know, Jesse, forget the playbook for a second here. Let's look at other issues. We have in Democratic blue states, blue cities, we have crime wave after crime wave, a result of no bail laws, a result of -- get rid of the cops, defund, dismantle. And I look at that. If you can't keep law and order and people safe and secure so they can pursue happiness.

You look at the school systems, they're destroying our children. We spend more per capita on education per student with the worst results. Now, we're going to trust them to take over every other aspect of our life, the same people that bankrupted Social Security, the ones that said keep your doctor, plan and save money, those people. Why do people trust a party that has lied and failed again and again?

WATTERS: Well, they don't. The American people have turned on the Democratic Party because the Democratic Party has turned on the American people.

We want to be focused on inflation and the economy, not windmills and mail- in ballots. And now that the Biden agenda has stalled out, the Democratic Party is turning on themselves. Many Democrats, especially black Democrats, feel like they delivered the nomination to Joe Biden but Biden hasn't delivered anything to them. So they're trying to nuke through their entire wish list and they're fragging moderate Democrats with vicious racial slander who don't want to go along with their destructive power grab.

As you saw, crooked is getting in the trenches, which tells me she's going to make a run in 2024. Nancy Pelosi so bewildered, she's invoking the Founding Fathers in a good way to shame her fellow Democrats. And I don't think the shame game or the race --

HANNITY: Let me ask the question this way --


WATTERS: -- with Manchin and Sinema at all.

HANNITY: Why do these blue states -- again, they can't provide simple law and order, safety and security, or a good education for our kids? Keep it simple, everything about Obamacare was a lie. Keep it simple.

But they keep getting elected in these same states and cities. Why?

WATTERS: Well, they have a machine in these blue cities, Sean, you know how that works. It's overwhelming.

Go ahead 2.0.

TERRELL: Thank you very much.

They have -- they have -- they have created a dependency. They have created a lie saying that there is a half of this country that is racist, white supremacist. They misguided the whole country on that terrorist attack lasts -- over the weekend.

Why? Because they want to focus on white supremacy. They don't want to focus on what's going on overseas with terrorism and the context of what's going on in this country, borderless country. They want to keep that white supremacy card played and they're trying to point the finger at everyone else but themselves.

The Democrats are the racist organization. The party of racism.

HANNITY: Jesse, we'll give you the last word.

WATTERS: Well, Biden has a pivotal news conference on Wednesday. I don't think it's physically possible for him to do anything to turn this around, it's like me trying to dunk a basketball. I just can't do it.

The scandals in his administration are gobbling up huge chunks of people's paychecks. It's getting people fired. It's delaying flights. It's making the streets less safe. It's literally hurting people.

It's not like, oh, Benghazi, IRS, Whitewater, people sit back on their couch and they follow it on the TV and they watch the media spin.

The media can't spin their way out of this. The Democrats can't spin their way out of this. He is an impossible hole right now and like I said, he is physically incapable of getting himself out.

HANNITY: All right. Jesse Watters again, congratulations on your new show, 7:00 p.m. here on FOX. Leo 2.0 Terrell, we always love having you.

Here with more is the great senator from the great state of Louisiana, John Kennedy is with us.

Senator, so we got a president right now -- Joe Biden's approval index is minus 31, with Rasmussen. Donald Trump's worst with minus 26. Quinnipiac has him at 33 percent.

You see the vaccine mandate, Supreme Court didn't go along with it. We're watching disaster at our borders.

We're watching a 40-year high in inflation, the worst economic conditions. A dollar is worth seven cents, fully less than it was, maybe 10 cents less than just a year ago. Energy prices are up a buck 50 a gallon. We'll spend another thousand dollars to heat our homes this winter.

Everything we buy in every store we go to cost more, and I don't think Putin and I don't think President Xi and I don't think the ayatollahs really respect Joe Biden or fear him one bit.

SEN. JOHN KENNEDY (R-LA): Well, two points, Sean. Number one, the Biden administration's effort to get rid of the 60-vote threshold in the United States Senate is not about a Senate that doesn't work. It's about a woke agenda that doesn't sell.

Getting rid of the 60-vote threshold in the Senate and my judgment would be like giving whiskey and car keys to a teenage boy.

Point two, the Biden administration has mismanaged COVID, it has mismanaged inflation, it has mismanaged the border, and it has mismanaged foreign policy, all in one year. If the aliens landed tomorrow and said, take me to your leader, it would be embarrassing.

Now, President Biden is trying to change the subject by talking about race, and he is mismanaging that. America is not perfect. Americans know that, but they also know that that we are good.

Black lives have mattered to most Americans for a long time. That's why we passed civil rights laws in 1866, 1871, 1875, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1990, 1991. That's why we elected an African-American president twice. That's why we have over ten thousand elected public officials in this country who happen to be black.

And President Biden is wrong to say that tens of millions of Americans are racist because they don't support his woke agenda. The truth is most Americans don't think that much about race. They think about character. They understand that that souls have no color.

Most Americans understand that to a bear, we all taste like chicken. And I'm very proud of the racial progress that we've made in America, and President Biden should be too.

And I feel very strongly about this issue. If you'd like to go to my website, JohnKennedy.com, John Kennedy.com. I've got an article on there that I think is very interesting, and while you're there, if you want to help me with my reelection, I'm up in nine months. I'd appreciate it if you care to.

HANNITY: Well, we need people like you in the Senate. I will -- unless, you want -- unless it hurts you, then, of course, I won't endorse you. But part of my job as a member of the press and a talk show host is I give opinion and I'm straight up who I support and don't support, and you've done a great job for the people Louisiana, Senator, and I mean that.

The question now is this: if we don't win back the House, and hopefully the House and the Senate, then this radical agenda, you know, does happen. Without Sinema and Manchin, all -- this power grab would have gone through. They'll end the filibuster, then we'd know they'd pack the courts, then we'd know they'd bring in, you know, new Green Deal socialism.

We know they want D.C. statehood immediately, and every other power, and they want -- they don't want voter ID, and it's okay in New York City for illegal immigrants to vote in municipal election.

So, I would -- I have a genuine fear if we lose. I don't think that will happen but I fear it.

KENNEDY: Well, I trust the American people, and the American people may be poorer since the Biden administration took over, but they're not stupid. And I think that most of them are sitting there thinking, you know, Republicans aren't perfect but the other side's now crazy. And I don't think they support President Biden's radical woke agenda, and I think they're going to speak very loudly this November, just as they spoke in New Jersey and in Virginia.

HANNITY: If not, I'm going to have to head down to New Orleans and drink a lot of those hurricanes that -- that probably is the worst drink to it's probably the worst drink to have short of a Long Island iced tea where I'm from. They're both not the best drinks to drink.

But we appreciate you being with us, Senator.

KENNEDY: You're welcome anytime, Sean.

HANNITY: Thank you. Appreciate it.

Straight ahead, shocking images from the American border, American border agents taking fire from Mexico. Sara Carter has the video, the details, and the FBI says that in fact Jewish people were not targeted during an attack on a synagogue. Really? We have a report.

And later, after being called a moron by Fauci, Mr. Flip-flopper, Senator Marshall released Fauci's financial records and the results -- well, wait until you hear about his connections to China, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Now, more big breaking news from the southern border tonight, as our own investigative reporter Sara Carter is on the ground in Texas, speaking with border agents about gunfire, coming into the U.S. from Mexico.

And here to explain, Sara Carter herself.

Sara, that's pretty scary because we know the gang violence, the cartel violence on the border within Mexico has been a disaster. Now, it's crossing the border?

SARA CARTER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Absolutely, Sean. it's actually been escalating as the cartels on the Mexican side of the border are fighting for territory. And why are they fighting for that territory? Well, federal law enforcement officials and border patrol agents who are working that side of the border say it's because their hands are tied behind their backs, and the drug cartels and the human traffickers realize and know that the Biden administration is going to do very little to stop them.

I want you to take a listen to Chris Cabrera. He's with the National Border Patrol Council in the Rio Grande Valley where this incident took place after New Year's. Take a listen.


CARTER: Talk a little bit about the most recent shooting incident where some border patrol agents, line agents were actually fired on.

CHRIS CABRERA, NATIONAL BORDER PATROL COUNCIL VICE PRESIDENT: Yeah, you know a couple weeks ago we had some agents that were trying to apprehend somebody down by the river, and shots were fired from across the river from the Mexican side onto the U.S. side, struck one of our vehicles three times. And the agents were able to get out of there with the apprehended individuals that they had in custody and get them out of there safely.

CARTER: I mean, are you surprised that nobody was actually struck?

CABRERA: Yeah, you know, very, very surprised. I mean, obviously, they hit the vehicle. I think it's a big target but not that big especially from that distance, so a fairly accurate shooting and they're very lucky -- our agents are very lucky that they came out of that unscathed.

But it is -- it is coming to a point where, you know, somebody's going to get hurt and I think what people are starting to see on the Mexican side is the federal government is not really serious about protecting this border and they know that that we lack teeth. So they're going to continue to escalate until something happens.

CARTER: What happens if a border patrol agent gets killed in the line of duty because it's so out of control?

CABRERA: Well, you know, hopefully, we don't -- we don't see that. It's happened before and I fear that if we continue to go down this path, it's something that we may see sooner rather than later.


CARTER: Sean, they're very concerned. And as of this weekend, I was talking to sources in Guatemala who have informed me that over a thousand people on Saturday night have crossed the border. In fact those migrants who crossed the border had escalated violence with Guatemalan officials, tossing glass bottles and rocks at Guatemalan law enforcement, as well as their military. And they are heading towards our U.S. southern border.

And border patrol agents say there is one incident after another, and it's only a matter of time before somebody gets seriously injured.

HANNITY: All right. Sara Carter, thank you.

Now, the FBI is under fire tonight for yet another massive failure, rushing to judgment after an official said this weekend's Texas synagogue hostage crisis was, quote, not specifically related to the Jewish community. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We've been working closely with secure community network and the Jewish Federation and I want to continue to do that, and we will continue to do that throughout the country. We do believe from our engagement with this subject that he was singularly focused on one issue and it was not specifically related to the Jewish community, but we're continuing to work to find motive, and we will continue on that path.


HANNITY: Now, those comments are completely divorced from reality, as we are now learning that the suspect took four hostages at the congregation at Beth Israel near Fort Worth, reportedly demanded the release of an alleged al-Qaeda operative who is imprisoned in Texas on charges of trying to kill American service members in Afghanistan.

The suspect was killed after an 11-hour standoff. The survivors are recounting the harrowing moments, including a rabbi that threw a chair at the gunman to help bring everyone to safety.

But the FBI's conduct prompted scorn from the Jewish community, I would argue rightly so. One Jewish leader telling FOX News, quote, trying to separate Jews from the idea that Jews were targeted on their holy day at their house of worship is a mistake, and it's insulting and disappointing.

Here with reaction, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, along with human rights lawyer Brooke Goldstein.

Brooke, I'll start with you. I know you know a lot about this. Preet Bharara is a former U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, probably one of the most prestigious in the country. And he prosecuted this woman Siddiqui, which is the motivation behind this Texas synagogue hostage taker, and was quoted to say, you know -- that she was quoted as saying, I want to kill as many F-ing Americans as I can, and other anti-Semitic things and had been radicalized after 9/11.

So, how do you possibly make that statement with the FBI knowing the facts are on the record? This person got 86 years in jail.

BROOKE GOLDSTEIN, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF THE LAWFARE PROJECT: Yeah, absolutely, Sean. Thank you for having me on this issue.

I first want to say that the Jewish community is incredibly grateful to the FBI and to the Texas SWAT team for ending this hostage situation without any innocents dead. But I will say that I'm equally troubled by the cover- up that is happening right now as to the truth of the matter, because the truth is an inconvenient one, and that is that the Jewish community is a minority community that has been targeted with violence and that Jew hatred is systemic and on the rise and that Islamist terrorism, not Islamophobia, but Islamist terrorism remains a very real threat to the national security of this country.

And the reason why the FBI and the mainstream media now that is taking advantage of this very poorly worded statement is engaging in these, you know, mental acrobatics to deny the truth is because we have been victimized by a coordinated bullying campaign by hate groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations that you know well, to slander anyone as Islamophobic and to bully them into being silent about the threat of Islamist terrorism and the Jew hatred that really is inseparable with that threat.

HANNITY: I have a hard time in this woke era, Mike Huckabee, and we don't rush to judgment. I'm looking at the comments of the -- of the lead prosecutor in this case, in the southern district of New York.

Again, this guy was motivated by this very virulent anti-Semitic woman, who made anti-Semitic comments even during the trial and at other times, and I'm just trying to understand why they would rush out there and say something that they on the surface would know likely is not true..

I do applaud them for what they did. It takes great courage to put your life on the line the way these FBI agents did, but I'm not talking about the agents that went into the synagogue to save lives and the other law enforcement, talking about specifically the comments that are made afterwards when all common sense is pointing at the fact that that this guy was motivated by virulent anti-Semitism.

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: I don't want to take anything away from the FBI agents who helped end the crisis. But let's give credit where credit is due, the real hero here was that young rabbi who literally put his life on the line --

HANNITY: Agreed.

HUCKABEE: -- and took action throwing the chair in order to give those other parishioners an opportunity to get out. He very well could have died because that shooter could have decided, okay, he has allowed them to get away, he's not going to get away.

He's a hero. He really is.

And, Sean, I've got a question maybe I'd love to ask the FBI -- how are we going to expect to keep America hating anti-Semitic terrorists out of our synagogues when we can't even keep him out of Congress?

And a lot of this behavior is justified by people who sit in Congress today and that is a tragedy.

HANNITY: And that is -- by the way, the big unanswered question is, as the law requires Donald Trump did call up troops and no, they were not utilized when the chain of command went to the mayor of D.C. and went to Nancy Pelosi, but that's for another day.

Brooke, you mentioned something that is now true and well-documented and that is the rise of anti-Semitism around the world. To me, it's getting chilling and frightening and I'm especially concerned about the Biden administration, you know, taking its foot off the gas when it comes to pressuring Iran and easing sanctions on Iran.

I don't know -- I -- if you marry radical Islam with weapons of mass destruction, I don't like the outcome or the potential outcome.

GOLDSTEIN: Right, and you know, it sort of exactly follows what I was saying before in the sense that Americans are now being bullied and duped into thinking that this whole theologically motivated terrorism stemming from Islamist terrorists is not a threat, and Iran being the number one state sponsor of terrorism is very much a threat, not just to Israel, not just the Jewish community, but to America and to a peaceful world.

And when you have groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations who on the one hand are lobbying for the release of Lady al-Qaeda and also at the same time telling their Muslim communities that Zionists are the enemy and synagogues are the enemy, they are parroting that radical language coming out of Pakistan, they're parroting the radical language coming out of Iran, and we're facing a very real problem that we need to be able to talk about freely and openly without being slandered.

HANNITY: And, Mike Huckabee, we'll give you the last word. When you couple that with our open borders and Joe Biden aiding and abetting law-breaking and there's -- and even preferential treatment, no COVID tests, no mandates. You get a free ticket to the state of your choice, and we have people from over 150 countries identified crossing that border. That's pretty scary.

HUCKABEE: It is pretty scary. The one thing that we can be grateful for is they didn't blame this on climate change or some group of right-wing people.

I want to make sure you understand, when I was talking about America hating anti-Semites, I'm talking about people who are elected to Congress, not people who show up to protest. That's what worries me, is that we have people who aid and abet this attitude and behavior, and we need to be rec - - just very, very clear that there are people who hate the Jewish people.

And this is wrong and it's dangerous and we need to stand with Jewish people across the world especially here in our own United States. They're our friends, there are brothers and sisters and they are under attack from these crazy radicals from across the world.

HANNITY: You know, and they're even threatening to attack this country, the Iranian mullahs. Pay close attention. I said that this year, I worry about Putin on the Ukrainian border. China after the Olympics, I think they will try to take Taiwan. And the Iranians -- you know, God knows what they're up to.

Thank you both. Brooke, thank you. Mike, thank you.

More developments surrounding Dr. Doom and Gloom, flip-flop Fauci. Kansas Senator, Dr. Roger Marshall published Fauci's unredacted financial record, which -- get this -- aren't available on the searchable database of the U.S. Office of Government Ethics website. So, it appears Fauci was being misleading during this exchange last week. Take a look.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NIAID: My financial disclosures are public knowledge and have been so you are getting amazingly wrong information.

SEN. ROGER MARSHALL (R-KS): So I cannot find them -- our office cannot find them. Where would they be at their public knowledge? Where?

FAUCI: It is totally accessible to you if you want it.

MARSHALL: For the public? Is it accessible?

FAUCI: To the public, to the public.

MARSHALL: Right, we look forward to our view --

FAUCI: You are totally incorrect.

MARSHALL: We look forward to reviewing it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEAMEL: Senator Marshall, Dr. Fauci, has answered you to his public information and he's happy to give it to you if you would ask.

Senator Moran?

FAUCI: What a moron. Jesus Christ.


HANNITY: Oh, really, well, the great Dr. Fauci.

Anyways, it turns out, Fauci's records can be requested from the NIH, but they are not searchable database like everybody else. And, of course, Fauci isn't the only one under fire for his never-ending failures as former President Trump had this to say about Joe Biden's broken COVID promises over the weekend.

Remember he said I'm going to shut down the virus. Yeah, we have the highest number of cases. We had more deaths in 2021. Great job, Joey. Take a look.


DONALD TRUMP, FORMER PRESIDENT: And it's a very sad thing. The streets of the Democrat-run cities are drenched in blood with record-high murders and drug deals and human trafficking. There are four times more COVID cases. Remember, I'm going to get rid of COVID. I'm going to get rid of COVID.

Four times more cases than ever before. Today, the hospital set a record, brand new record.


HANNITY: Here with reaction, Kansas senator, Dr. Roger Marshall.

Dr. Marshall, turns out you are correct and it turns out that there's some interesting developments in those records. We know he was less than honest, thanks to "The Intercept", thanks to the NIH's own materials, and thanks to the emails we have from Dr. Fauci, that, in fact, he knew more about the Wuhan virology lab than he led on and the origins of the virus, and NIH money went to that that Wuhan virology lab.

What did we learn about his investments?

MARSHALL: Yeah, Sean, I think we're over the target. You know, based upon Dr. Fauci's defensive posture and just visibly shaking during that.

This weekend, we were able to prove that Dr. Fauci was wrong, that he lied to Congress, he lied to the American people about the public accessibility of his finances. But now we know why. Dr. Fauci and his spouse made almost $2 million during 2020.

So, during 2020, you recall, if you were a bartender or a barber, you couldn't make a living. But Dr. Fauci managed to squeak together almost $2 million, and as you know, and you alluded to earlier in your show, a significant amount of these investments are investments in China and Hong Kong.

So, we're over the target. We're drilling down and you bought up -- you know, another great issue on Dr. Fauci funding viral gain of function and hope to get to talk with you about that someday as well.

HANNITY: Did he or did he not have investments in China, Senator?

MARSHALL: Yes, yes, he did. He had significant investments in China through one of his mutual funds.

HANNITY: Did he or did he not lie to Rand Paul and a Senate committee under oath, punishable up to five years in jail on the issue of gain of function research? Did he have knowledge of that? And did, in fact, NIH money go to the Eco Alliance that, in fact, funded that?

MARSHALL: You know, absolutely, and he lied again when I asked him about gain of function.

Dr. Fauci is the cash cow and the head cheerleader for viral gain of function, going back to at least 2014 when President Obama's administration put a moratorium on it. Dr. Fauci continued to fund viral gain of function in North Carolina with Dr. Shi (ph) to build a protein spike that took a SARS virus and allowed it to stick to human lung cells like glue.

And then in '18 and '19, 2018 and '19, continued to fund the Wuhan lab via the Eco Health System to develop the furin cleavage site which allows that virus to dump its guts into the cell. So, yes, yes and yes.

HANNITY: Last question, isn't Dr. Fauci one of the highest paid government officials on -- in the United States government? Kind of close to the president, right?

MARSHALL: So, he's making more money than the president. According to "Forbes", Fauci, Dr. Fauci's making some $420,000, a net worth of over $10 million.

And again, somehow, despite the economy being shut down, he and his wife made almost $2 million in 2020.

HANNITY: All right. Good work. I think he owes you an apology, Senator, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Thank you for being with us.

All right. Coming up violence in liberal cities spiraling out of control. Two innocent women brutally murdered in unprovoked attacks in New York, Los Angeles. We'll check in with Congressman Byron Daniels, Pam Bondi. They're next as we continue.


HANNITY: Now, yet another senseless tragedy tonight. Twenty-four-year-old UCLA grad student, her name is Brianna Kupfer. She was fatally stabbed while working at a Los Angeles furniture store in a random daytime attack. The suspect is believed to be homeless. No known motive for the attack.

Sadly, it is only the latest tragedy in a city that refuses to take the issue of violent crime seriously. It's happening coast to coast. Democratic-run cities, they are almost all becoming less safe, less secure, more dangerous, no law, no order.

In New York, a 40-year-old woman Saturday pushed to her death in front of a subway train at the time square station. This is happening more and more as well. The suspect, a 61-year-old homeless man, has been charged with murder, has a long criminal history, including a robbery conviction.

Ask yourself, why are violent criminals being coddled in almost all are blue major cities? How many more of these stories do we have to cover before Democrats start taking the issue seriously? By the way, in case you're keeping count, 29 people were shot in Chicago this weekend.

Here with reaction, former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, along with Florida Congressman Byron Donalds is with us.

Byron, you know, Kamala Harris -- she praised the LAPD when they started cutting and defunding that department. They cut a billion dollars from the police in New York City.

How's this defund, dismantle and no bail law madness working out for the country?

REP. BYRON DONALDS (R-FL): It's been an absolute disaster for our country, because if you can't keep criminals off the street, you're not going to have safe streets. This isn't really hard. This is simple stuff.

But they have an agenda. Their agenda is very simple, is to ignore the law in order to support their own interests. But these cities are less safe. Kids can't go to school, people can't go to work without having to look over their shoulder.

You can't have a thriving economy, you can't have a thriving society if you're not keeping people safe. The Democrats are wrong on this. They've been wrong on this. The polling has shown they're wrong on this, and it has to stop, and it starts with these liberal D.A.'s who do not want to prosecute people that the police actually arrest.

HANNITY: Yeah. Pam, I look at this. Then, I look at Kamala Harris. She supports a bail fund after they burn a precinct to the ground. She says they're not going to stop in the summer of 2020, they shouldn't stop, they're not going to stop, we're not going to stop, you better take note and beware they're not stopping.

Okay, then she praises the LAPD, you know, defunding part of the police there. Is there a causal effect of relationship here? Affect?

PAM BONDI, FORMER FLORIDA ATTORNEY GENERAL: Well, of course, you're not going to see any police officers supporting Kamala Harris nor Joe Biden, and she used to be an attorney general, which is actually very sad in the state of California that that would happen. You know, of all days, Sean, Martin Luther King abhorred the type of violence that we're seeing in these metropolitan cities. What's the common denominator?

They're all Democrat-run cities. Oregon, the ones in California, New York. It's not happening in the state where Byron and I live, is it? Florida is a safe state because we respect our men and women in blue. We respect law enforcement. We want to see them on the streets to keep us safe.

And that's not what's happening in these liberal cities, at least in New York. Now, you have a mayor, he's saying that he is pro-law enforcement still, and that he's going to add men and women of law enforcement to help protect, New Yorkers, but you know, he says it's perception. It is perception because you need to put many, many more men and women of law enforcement in the subways, on the streets in New York, to do everything he can.

And I think the problem he's going to have is Alvin Bragg, that district attorney in New York who's Soros-funded liberal woke district attorney who's letting people out of jail left and right not protecting New Yorkers.

HANNITY: Byron, we'll give you the last word.

DONALDS: Look, I think that Pam is exactly right, and I think it's a bigger thing than that. Look, you have these Democrats running around today talking about voting rights, but if you violated federal election law, you can file a federal course of action and win.

But they're talking about voting rights. Meanwhile, they won't even keep cities safe. It's outrageous and it's bad for all of our people who live in these cities. Not just Democrats or Republicans.

HANNITY: Well, I appreciate you both being with us.

You know, this young woman, she's doing everything right. She's working. She's going to grad school. She has a dream. She wants to be a designer.

And people celebrate defunding the police and it's not working, and they don't say, you know what, maybe we -- maybe that's a bad idea.

Thank you both.

When we continue, more HANNITY right after this.


HANNITY: Sadly, unfortunately, that is all the time we have left this evening. As always, you make this show possible. Thank you for being with us.

And remember, we hope you set your DVR so you never miss an episode. We don't know how, ask Laura Ingraham.

In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled because Laura Ingraham will tell you how and give you the other news of the day, coming up next.

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