Hannity: Biden is 'spewing outright lies' about state voting laws

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," April 5, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST: Congratulations. I think, is there a show? Greg, 45 seconds? He did great. It was the best 45 seconds ever.

Congratulations to Greg. We'll all be watching.

Thank you, Tucker.

Welcome to this breaking news edition of HANNITY.

Tonight, CBSN News, "60 Minutes" caught red-handed spreading outrageous lies about the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, but even Democrats now, they are out there defending him and debunking CBS's lies. We will break it all down.

And we have zero -- a brand new tape, by the way, of zero experience Hunter. He's now giving interviews and giving the most bizarre, baffling, confused answers to avoid admitting ownership of the hard drive from hell. Ric Grenell will react to that.

And, of course, the border catastrophe caused by Joe Biden, the one that they put a gag order on the media on and Border Patrol on. Yeah, it's getting worse tonight. We'll have exclusive reporting from our own Lara Logan.

But, first, tonight, the endless hate, rage, hysteria, misinformation from Joe Biden, the media mob, Democrats, big tech, the woke corporate cowards, it's now hitting, if you can believe it new levels of derangement and psychosis because the outright lies that are being spewed about Georgia's new voting law and proposals in Texas, it exposes, just how corrupt just how bitterly partisan our major institutions are and how they become.

They're like, well, Pravda, pure state-run propaganda outlets and they are less interested in truth than ever before. So here on this program, we're going to do the job the mob and the media will never do and we will separate back from fiction for you and lay out what the law is and what it is not, and we will expose how abusively biased the media is, the double standards are, the misinformation campaign being waged against election integrity. Oh, yeah, and Delaware's voting laws far more restrictive than the new Georgia law.

We begin where Joe Biden began his lies. This bill does not end voting hours early, Joe, if you're awake, I doubt it. In fact, it creates more early voting, more days to vote, more flexibility to vote and adds another Saturday to vote and even keeps the precious ballot drop boxes that Democrats love.

Here's South Carolina Senator Tim Scott pushing back against all of the left's election lies. Take a look.


SEN. TIM SCOTT (R-SC): How can you have a legitimate conversation about something so sacred as a voting? How can you distort the facts so terribly that you're willing -- you're willing to bring -- to bring back the concept of a poll tax or the concept of Jim Crow? You only do that when you have nothing to stand on.

Don't weaponize race in a powerful and destructive way when so many people fought and died so that I could be your senator, so I can stand here and have a conversation with you.


HANNITY: And furthermore, instead of having two standards, two-tiered signature verification system, the bill in Georgia actually strengthens the absentee ballot process so we have the same standard for every ballot in the state of Georgia in person voting, absentee voting. And yes you're allowed to bring food and water when you vote and yes election workers can hand it out also just not partisan organizations within 150 feet from the voting booth.

The new law also requires a voter ID or any state issued id or Social Security number to even get an absentee ballot, which is simple common sense. Should, of course, be a requirement for the preservation of the sanctity of the ballot and to ensure that Georgians and Americans have faith in their election process and that they in, the end, will have confidence in its results.

And you know what else? You know think about what you need to show an ID for. Let's say you want to go visit Joe at the White House. You want to go to visit go to the White House, you need a picture ID. You want to go to the U.S. Capitol, visit the people's house, meet your congressman or congresswoman, yeah, you need a picture ID. Go to the Democratic National Convention, get on an airplane, buy a house, apply for a mortgage, buy alcohol, buy cigarettes even, buy my famous jewel pods like here.

Or if you want to apply for food stamps, apply for a job, apply for welfare programs. If you want to apply for Medicare or Medicaid, apply for unemployment. If you want to drive, buy or rent a car, purchase a gun, adopt a pet, rent a hotel room, pick up a prescription at your drugstore, donate blood, purchase some cold and allergy medicines like, oh, Allegra-D, and on and on and on.

And furthermore, voter ID is overwhelmingly popular. Look at this poll from the "A.P.". It found a whopping percent of you the American people, you approve requiring photo IDs to vote.

But Joe Biden, the Democrats, they don't want you to know these facts. Sadly, he got caught once again playing the race card, dividing this country, is fueling nothing but vicious, divisive racial rhetoric about Jim Crow and voter suppression with zero evidence and no facts behind it.

And Biden's lies are so bad that even "The Washington Post" is calling him out for his lies. He got four Pinocchios for his claims about voter suppression.

Now, this is the same Biden, you know, the one that said we're going to put you all back in chains and you can't go to a 7-Eleven or Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent, or what he said about President Obama. For the first time, you got an African-American that's clean, articulate and bright. Man, that's storybook.

And earlier today, our own Peter Doocy pressed circle back Jen Paki on the issue. Let's take a look.


PETER DOOCY, FOX NEWS WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: He said the law would end voting at 5:00 when working people are just getting off, and he said it would end voting hours early so working people can't have their vote after their shift is over. But "The Washington Post" gave that claim four Pinocchios because that part of the law gives counties the option to extend voting hours.

And so I'm just curious if the president is going to change the way that he's talking.

JEN PSAKI, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Well, fundamentally, the president doesn't believe it should be made harder to vote. He believes it should be easier.

DOOCY: But the thing he said has been determined by election law experts to be not true. So I'm just curious if he's going to stop saying it.

PSAKI: Well, again, I think we can -- the fact checkers will also tell you that this bill does not make it easier for people across the state of Georgia to vote and that's where he has concerns.


HANNITY: Circle back propaganda Psaki -- he got caught red-handed, Joe got caught red-handed. They're lying.

And get this, the irony, George's voting law is far, far, far less restrictive than Joe's beloved home state of Delaware. For example, Delaware has no in-person early voting. Georgia has 17 days of in-person early voting. Delaware requires specific excuses if you want to vote absentee. In Georgia, anyone can vote absentee.

In Delaware, there are no ballot drop boxes and Georgia drop boxes are still available under the new law and one box per county is required by the new law. And by the way, it's the same Joe Biden, remember he's the guy lying about Jim Crow 2.0? That's the same Joe Biden who is worried about our schools if they became integrated becoming, quote, racial jungles. That's when he partnered with the former Klansmen to stop that from happening.

Joe Biden, the same person that worked with Robert KKK Byrd preventing the integration of schools and calling out black youth as predators on our streets, and said if you don't vote for him, you ain't black.

Now, where was the outrage from all these pathetic woke corporations like Major League Baseball, Delta Airlines, American Airlines, Coca-Cola, on all of this? Now, 200, apparently, corporations, you want to get involved in this game? Get ready because it'll happen.

Why the hell did any of these companies get involved in the first place with no knowledge? But give Joe Biden a total pass in terms of his history. And why do they want to amplify lies about what this law is and is not, and use it as another excuse to lie smear and besmirch conservatives? Did any of these companies actually read the law? I doubt it.

And by the way, do they have any idea what it actually does? I doubt that too. Did they just surrender to the mob of the woke extremists and cancel culture? Because they are a bunch of corporate cowards who would rather demonize you, we, the American people, and spew lies and get yelled at by loud liberals on Twitter.

And I have a specific message for the Commissioner Rob Manfred of the MLB. Well, why are you going to bat against what is better voter integrity in Georgia than Delaware, Joe's state, or New York, Schumer's state? Why are you taking the all-star game out of Atlanta which is going to cost Georgia and specifically Fulton County, Cobb County Democrats, yeah, a hundred million dollars in revenue? Are you really that spineless? Are you really that stupid?

Because the league apparently has no problem well, MLB, they do business in China and we're learning tonight that MLB is bolstering its ties with one of China's largest tech companies which is backed by, yep, CCP, and actually crack down on an NBA executive back in 2019 who supported the pro- democracy movement in Hong Kong.

And, by the way, can you pick up will call tickets for a baseball game, sporting event, concert if you don't have a picture ID? No, you cannot.

Senator Marco Rubio had this strong message for the commissioner, saying in a statement, quote: I'm under no illusion that Major League Baseball will sacrifice business revenue on behalf of its alleged corporate values. Similarly, I'm under no illusion that you intend to resign as a member from Augusta National Golf Club. To do so would require a personal sacrifice as opposed to the woke corporate virtue signaling of moving the all-star game from Atlanta.

And why is Joe Biden not being held accountable for his role in starting and fueling the entire fire? Peter Doocy asked circle back Jen Psaki to explain that. Take a look.


DOOCY: I know that you've made the point that he did not dictate the league move the all-star game out of Georgia. But he likes to say, the words of a president matter, he said he would strongly support if players didn't believe wanted to do that and they did it. So does he think that the PGA should move the Masters tournament that begins this week out of Georgia?

DOOCY: I'm not here to call for anyone on behalf of the president or the vice president or anyone to take steps in reaction to the law in Georgia. The president was asked a direct question and the context of the question was also around the league meeting to discuss this exact issue and he answered the question.


HANNITY: Joe in favor of boycotting the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing?

Let's be clear, there's nothing controversial about the Georgia law. There's nothing controversial about wanting free and fair elections. There's definitely nothing controversial about showing an ID to vote unless of course you want to cheat.

So why have major corporations chosen to sell out and surrender to the Democrats lies a misinformation campaign? Are these companies now, will they be as principled and outspoken against those '22 Winter Olympics in Beijing? Are they going to be sponsoring those Olympics in China? And will Joe ask the Olympics be to be moved to another country?

It's bad business. It's pathetic virtue signaling it's a massive hypocrisy and double standard and we will continue to expose it here on this program.

Here with reaction, Republican congressman from Georgia, Doug Collins. FOX News contributor, civil rights attorney, Leo 2.0 Terrell.

Sir, Doug, we'll start with you.

This is Georgia. I don't know, I've read the law in Delaware, Joe's home state. I read the new law in Georgia, and, boy, it seems like Georgia is far more liberal, if you will, in allowing voting and encouraging voting for everybody. I don't see those same things in Joe's home state, do you?

DOUG COLLINS, FORMER GEORGIA CONGRESSMAN: No, I don't, but I think it did show something and now we know what Stacey Abrams has been doing in her spare time besides raising a lot of money and scaring people in voter suppression here in Georgia and all over, she's writing talking points for Joe Biden, because she was the one that started this Jim Crow 2.0, which is a disgrace to call what is going on down here anything, resembling what happened in real time to people in the in the discrimination that happened under Jim Crow.

What this does is strengthen and allow more people to vote. What we've seen down here, Sean, and you've been down here. You work down here.

What we've seen since we implemented voter ID over the past 10 years, over the past four cycles, minority participation in Georgia has improved. It's gotten better by double digits. More minorities have participated in our elections over the past few cycles than ever before.

But yet, you have people like Senator Raphael Warnock and Stacey Abrams and others claiming voter suppression mainly in Democratic counties. That's the funny part about this whole thing, but what they're doing is they're actually practicing voter suppression because they're making everybody believe that it's hard to vote.

And the truism is, it's not hard to vote. You just got to want to vote, and Georgia's law strengthens that and makes it secure.

HANNITY: Leo, here you got Joe Biden, a guy that stood side by side with a Klansman while in the U.S. Senate to stop the integration of schools, didn't want schools becoming racial jungles, his words, not Robert Byrd's words.

My question is he's comparing this to Jim Crow. You've examined the law and you've been a civil rights attorney for decades. You tell me, which state has better laws and is Joe, does he now have a moral obligation, does Major League Baseball have an obligation, does corporate America have an obligation to pull out of the 2022 Beijing Olympics?

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, let me just tell you right now -- 30 years of being a civil rights attorney, Joe Biden from the Oval Office have lied to the American public. Sean, they have weaponized the term Jim Crow.

I want people to know this as a civil rights attorney -- Joe Biden has lied to the American public. Jim Crow does not exist in Georgia. Jim Crow does not exist anywhere in this country.

You don't have Bull Connor. You don't have German shepherd dogs chasing people in the streets.

And what Joe Biden has done, he has devalued the civil rights movement by calling the Georgia law which is much more expansive than Delaware, which is much more expansive than New York, calling the Georgia law Jim Crow on steroids. They have weaponized it.

I want Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams to know one thing, I'm a black guy. I got a voter ID. I got a driver's license. It's not hard for minorities to get a photo ID because you want election integrity, Joe Biden.

So what they're doing, Sean, is they're playing the race card and using the race card and weaponizing Jim Crow, it scares people.

And I'll use a page from Donald Trump's playbook. We have to fight back. We have to call Joe Biden and Stacey Abrams for what they are, liars.

See this -- see this ID card, it's easy. All you do, you walk up and get one in Georgia, if you don't have one, they'll give you one.

So, Joe Biden owes this nation an apology for devaluing those people who really went through hell during the civil rights movement in the '50s and '60s.

HANNITY: Doug Collins, are you thinking about a run for governor or the Senate in Georgia?

COLLINS: Yes, we are. We're looking at it and we're getting close to that.

And especially after the last few days, when you have a senator who comes out and says what he said about this law and misplaying it, lying as Leo just said. When you're looking at that and then you act surprised when the Major League Baseball pulls out the all-star game, when you act surprised that people are doing this when you're the one costing jobs, Stacey Abrams, Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff are disasters for Georgia because they buy into this lie that that people are too ignorant to know how to vote.

Leo hit it perfectly. It is easier to vote. You can get the ID, you can go do that.

So, yes, we're looking at what we can do down here and we're going to continue to fight because this is wrong. I'm tired of my state being used by a senator who doesn't understand he's supposed to fight for us. And when it's the truth, it's easy to fight for us, Raphael Warnock, quit spreading the lies.

HANNITY: Doug Collins, Leo Terrell, thank you both.

Now, ask yourself, why are Democrats spewing nonstop lies about the Georgia law? Could it be they're looking for more reason to abolish the filibuster, jam their actual assault on voter integrity with HR and SR-1, which would mean a federal takeover of our elections? It's unconstitutional. It would mean no voter ID anywhere in the country, more massive mail-in voting, felons voting, more ballot harvesting, create a perfect storm of election chaos. Nobody will ever have confidence in any results.

This is at the same time Republicans are standing strong, standing with their base and standing up to the media mob and just like Florida Governor Ron DeSantis last night, now totally smeared with a totally false out of context purposely so dishonest hit piece by the hard-hitting news magazine "60 Minutes" of left-wing propaganda.

Now, get this -- they completely edited out his answer about vaccine distribution in Florida to push what are false claims about a plate of pay scheme with the grocery store that helped inoculate the people in Florida. Here's the fake news that aired on CBS last night. Take a look.


REPORTER: Publix as, you know, donated a hundred thousand dollars to your campaign and then you rewarded them with the exclusive rights to distribute the vaccination in Palm Beach.

GOV. RON DESANTIS (R), FLORIDA: So, first of all, what you're saying is wrong.

REPORTER: How is that not pay to play?

DESANTIS: That's a fake narrative. I met with the county mayor. I met with the administrator. I met with all the folks at Palm Beach County, and I said, here are some of the options. We can do more drive-thru sites. We can give more to hospitals. We can do the Publix. And they said we think that would be the easiest thing for our residents.

REPORTER: But Melissa McKinlay, the county commissioner in the Glades, told us the governor never met with her about the Publix deal.

The criticism is that it's pay to play governor.

DESANTIS: It's wrong, it's wrong. It's a fake narrative. I just disabused you of the narrative and you don't care about the facts because obviously, I laid it out for you in a way that is irrefutable. And so it's clearly not.

REPORTER: Isn't there -- the nearest Publix to the Glades is 30 miles away.

DESANTIS: You're wrong, you're wrong, you're wrong.


HANNITY: CBS caught red-handed deceptively editing what DeSantis actually said in that exchange back in march where he explained in great specificity and detail on why Publix was picked as a vaccine distribution point for its proximity to many elderly residents and its efficiency in delivering vaccines. It had nothing to do with political donations which, by the way, Publix is a huge grocery chain. It gives money to Republicans and to Democrats.

So, CBS took a two-minute statement from the governor, reduced it down to a mere seconds and then took out all of the parts where DeSantis shreds the fake news narrative.

Now, Publix fired back in a statement, calling the hit piece false and offensive. Furthermore, the director of the Florida Division of Emergency Management, a Democrat, also slammed the report, explaining that Publix was recommended by the Florida Department of Health as other pharmacies were not ready to begin the vaccine rollout.

And it gets even worse for "60 Minutes", the Democratic mayor, not Republican, the Democratic mayor of Palm Beach County, David Kerner, says "60 Minutes" reporting is not just based on bad information but that it is intentionally false and Kerner points out minutes refused what he offered to get the Democratic mayor's exculpatory statement that contradicted entirely that "60 Minutes" hit piece based on lies.

And, of course, is anyone surprised that the totally corrupt partisan media mob would smear the best Republican governor in the country instead of -- oh I don't know -- covering the massive scandals surrounding New York Governor Cuomo or Murphy or, I don't know let's see Whitmer or what happened to Newsom out in California.

Anyway, that March 25th order that killed all those nursing home patients and his team in New York's efforts to cover it all up to protect his image, to protect his multi-million dollar book deal, avoid scrutiny from federal investigators, "60 Minutes", CBS if they had any integrity at all would issue a full complete retraction and apology for their smear against Governor DeSantis. If they have any interest in covering any actual corruption and actual scandal -- well, they should head up to Albany, New York, and start asking some tough questions there. But don't hold your breath.

Also developing tonight, Senate parliamentarian ruled today that Democrats can use budget reconciliation to bypass a GOP filibuster on their massive spending plans, opening up the possibility that Biden's so-called non- infrastructure infrastructure package could be passed by a simple majority, a complete total power grab.

Now, the good news is the pushback against the failed political establishment in both parties is intensifying. For example, new poll, incumbent Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski trailing primary challenger Kelly Thsibaka by 15 points, following Murkowski's vote in January to convict former President Trump, and the unconstitutional impeachment sham.

Here with reaction to all of it, former speaker of the House, FOX News contributor, Newt Gingrich.

You know, you've dealt with -- you weren't even speaker and they you became the Gingrich that stole Christmas.

NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, look, I think you just have to accept that the news media, most of it, is going to be on the left, they're going to be very vicious to Republicans. As DeSantis continues to emerge as one of the best governors in the country, he'll get more of this treatment.

But the American public's pretty smart and they see through all that when "Time" had me as scrooge with tiny Tim's broken crutch on the cover of "Time", what that actually signaled to our voters was, oh, Gingrich is for welfare reform. So that part doesn't bother me.

I think the most troubling thing -- and I'm doing two podcasts at Gingrich 360, one tomorrow and then -- or one on Wednesday, one on Thursday, about this whole Georgia situation.

The one on Thursday really grew out of our research and I came to realize that Joe Biden has a history -- going back at least to the Bork nomination under Ronald Reagan -- of smearing and lying and going after people in vicious personal ways. Again with Clarence Thomas in the Bush administration, and now, of course, with this most recent thing, where -- when you're a liberal Democrat and "The Washington Post" gives you four Pinocchios because you lied so thoroughly and then two nights later he goes on ESPN and he lies again.

And it's really an amazing story about sort of a lynch mob attitude trying to attack Georgia when, in fact, the Georgia bill is more open, more reforms longer voting hours. The things set about are just plain lies.

For example, you wouldn't be able to give people water that's just not true. The bill says that the poll officials can you give you water --

HANNITY: All right. Here's my question, though.

GINGRICH: -- but you can't have other campaigners do it. So, I think this has been --


HANNITY: They want HR-1. They want no voter ID and no signature verification and everybody gets to registered immediately, and more mail-in ballots not being checked. If that happens, what happens to voting?

GINGRICH: Well, look, first of all, I always describe HR-1 as the corrupt politicians act. It is -- and if you measure HR-1 against the Georgia bill, you'll find that on every specific item, the American people favor the Georgia bill over HR-1 because HR-1 is a power grab by left-wing Democrats that says, we don't have to know who you are, we don't have to prove you have a right to vote, you could be an illegal immigrant, you're going to be somebody who's voted five times, we're willing to have people like the Service Employees Union go into nursing homes, pick up all the ballots and then they decide which ballots they're going to vote.

I mean, HR-1 is a nightmare of political corruption, dishonesty, and a stolen election.

HANNITY: Mr. Speaker, thank you for being with us. It's chilling if it got passed.

Directly ahead, Hunter Biden. Big book tour, you won't believe what he's saying about his infamous laptop. Ric Grenell and Dana Loesch.

And later, shocking developments in the murder of that D.C. Uber Eats driver. You are going to want to stay tuned for how little people involved in that case of murder will be punished.


HANNITY: All right, so it is a newly released memoir and subsequent book tours, zero experience Hunter Biden is making a number of stunning admissions and bombshell claims. When discussing his drug addiction, he says he was so desperate at times that he may have smoked parmesan cheese while digging through the carpet looking for crack cocaine that may have dropped.

And despite the obvious conflicts of interest, he says it was not a mistake to take the lucrative seat on the board of the Ukrainian company Burisma, despite his father's position as the Obama administrator's lead on Ukrainian policy at the time. Remember, he had zero experience in Ukraine, zero experience in energy, gas, oil, none whatsoever.

And while there, it's plenty of evidence implying the contrary. Hunter claims he never gave Joe any money from his corrupt business dealings. Now, zero experience Hunter is also under federal investigation for a number of financial dealings which began with the FBI seizure of his laptop, from a computer repair shop owner, a guy by the name that we have interviewed, John Paul Mac Isaac.

But when questioned about the laptop during the interview with CBS, Hunter gave a number of excuses denying any knowledge or of any memory of it. Really? Take a look.


INTERVIEWER: Is that laptop yours?

HUNTER BIDEN, SON OF JOE BIDEN: You don't need a laptop. You've got a book. It's all in the book. I don't know. I truly --

INTERVIEWER: You don't know.

BIDEN: The serious answer is that I truly do not know the answer to that.

INTERVIEWER: Did you leave a laptop with a repairman in Wilmington?

BIDEN: Not that I remember, not that I remember, no. No. Whether or not somebody has my laptop, whether or not it was, I was hacked, whether or not there exists a laptop at all, I truly don't know.

INTERVIEWER: Are you missing a laptop?

BIDEN: Not that I know of. Read the book and you will realize that I wasn't keeping tabs on possessions very well for about a four year period of time.


HANNITY: Tonight, a statement from John Paul's attorney provided to show asserts that Hunter was lying when he claims he didn't drop off the laptop, saying he himself signed a work order for its repair.

Here with reaction, former acting director of national intelligence, Ric Grenell, and radio talk show host, nationally syndicated, Dana Loesch.

I have been briefed on my sources that I will always protect, Ric Grenell, being a member of the press. I have been briefed by not one, but two specific people that have direct knowledge of seeing the laptop and both have confirmed that if it ever comes out, Hunter Biden might be spending many years in jail for photos, pictures, and other things of, let's say sensitive and illegal nature.

RIC GRENELL, FORMER ACTING DIRECTOR OF NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE: Look, I thought the interview from CBS was atrocious. Here, he is spinning. He is lying to them. There is no follow-up question.

Where is the question that we have seen the photographic evidence? It's all over the Internet. Where is the pushback to say we have seen the text messages?

But, Sean, this is a game in Washington that the rest of us outside of Washington see and are sick and tired of watching. Hunter Biden, I want to read this to you. He said, not one serious journalist could ever come to the conclusion that I did anything wrong.

Now, this is the game that they play. He pretends like nobody has fingered him for any wrongdoing. But yet, we know that he lied on his gun application. We know that. These are facts.

And yet no reporter pushes back on him in Washington, D.C. It's this game of circle and we've got to come to the end of this. Somebody's got to push back in Washington and hold Hunter Biden to account. We know he's lying.

HANNITY: Dana, I assume you probably have heard what I've heard as it relates to what else is on that laptop. Now, if it was anybody with the last name Trump, we know what -- we would have seen it all by now. Would we not have?

DANA LOESCH, RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: No, I think you're right on that, Sean. Absolutely.

Yeah, if the last name was Trump on this, my gosh, there is more here to condemn Hunter Biden and at least invite response from the administration more so than there ever was with the witch hunt that was the Russian collusion.

I mean, lying on the 44-73, you and I would be sitting in a jail cell pain a five-year fine with a 10-year sentence, Sean, and you know that. Rick would, too. We would all be sitting in jail if we did what he did.

He was an addict. He was an addict when he was filling out the form. He was an addict when he -- apparently, his gun, Hallie Biden stole his gun and deposited it, and this very nice gourmet grocery store right across the street from the school, which is according to apparently a current law in that state, considered a class B misdemeanor for the manner in which it was deposited.

But, Sean, the bigger thing is this is right and privilege. My gosh, for all of the discussion on white privilege or privilege, period, there is no privilege, Sean, like progressive privilege. There's no privilege like that Biden privilege. You can snort parmesan cheese out of your shag carpet and lose a computer and sign a drop slip for it, and still be taken seriously when you say, I don't know, that may have been mine.

You can lie on a 44-73 and yet you can still then come out with a book right after your dad gets into the White House and go on a rehabilitation tour for your public image. It's a Biden privilege.

HANNITY: All right, you've got Russian oligarchs, you got Burisma, you got Kazakhstan oligarchs, and you got, let's see, $1.5 billion deal with the Bank of China.

Ric Grenell, exit question, are you considering a run for governor in the great state of California?

GRENELL: Look, I want to wait and see until we have an actual recall election. I'm not sure we are going to get there not because of the signatures but because of the games that Democrats are playing. Once that is final, then we'll take a look at it.

HANNITY: Take a look at it, is that a "yes"?

Dana, wouldn't you like to see Ric run?

LOESCH: I would. I would like to see Ric run, and if California doesn't work out for him, Texas is open. The same.


HANNITY: Ric, you're going to get drafted one way or the other, you know? Once you're in, you can't get out.

Anyway, thank you both.

All right, Dr. Fauci finally asked about the border and, of course, the biggest super-spreader event this country has ever seen. We have investigative report, Lara Logan, Steven Miller are next.

Later, prosecutors considering a plea deal in the infamous murder of that Uber Eats driver in D.C. You won't believe the sentence the two girls are expected to get. That guy ended up dead, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Kamala Harris taken a page out of Joe Biden's playbook or maybe too busy doing Joe's job because it has now been 12 days since Joe put her in charge of the border crisis of his making, and she's yet to hold a press conference about it or even be briefed on it.

And meanwhile, the ever so perfect Dr. Fauci who a year ago was saying we don't need to wear a mask, the mask doesn't work, he was happy to opine on every subject during the Trump presidency, was wrong on most, if not all of his predictions. He had a truly strange response to Senator Lindsey Graham's request, that he'd take a trip to the border to witness firsthand the cramped conditions inside of Biden's cages for kids -- you know, the biggest super-spreader event of all time.

Take a look.


DR. ANTHONY FAUCI, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF ALLERGY AND INFECTIOUS DISEASES: Lindsey Graham, who I like. You know, he has a good person. I've dealt with him very, very well over the years, you know, equating me with things that have to do at the border.

I mean, I have nothing to do with the border. Obviously, it is a very difficult situation at the border. We all know that. The administration is trying as best as they can to alleviate that situation.

I mean, having me down at the border, that's really not what I do. You know what I do. I develop vaccines. I develop countermeasures.

I mean, having me at the border, I don't know why just say I should be at the border anymore than someone who has experience in those types of things.


HANNITY: How about the border crisis being the number one COVID super- spreader event of all time, may be telling Joe about the importance to mitigate this.

Here with reaction, FOX Nation host, Lara Logan, former adviser to President Trump, Stephen Miller.

Stephen, let's start with you. And, okay, we see the images. There is the great Dr. Fauci who clearly was politically against Donald Trump. He has no interest in going down there to protect those kids, more importantly protect those kids that are being sent to other states?

STEPHEN MILLER, FORMER ADVISER TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: What is happening on the border right now, Sean, is the single greatest epidemiological disaster in this country. You have ten emergency shelters that are open right now. Children are packed together, not even remotely socially distance.

And of course they are not vaccinated. Of course they are not masked. You have people showing up in masks, in large groups that are getting each other's sick, that are getting community sick, that are getting border agents sick? This is a public health catastrophe.

HANNITY: Lara Logan, you have done phenomenal investigating at the border as a relates to the cartels, human traffickers, drug traffickers, the gangs, the extortion of these human traffickers. What is your latest investigation showing?

LARA LOGAN, FOX NATION HOST: Well, Sean, the most troubling thing that I am hearing is that while this border is wide open, there are people coming from Cuba, from Russia, from Haiti, from Yemen, from Syria, from countries where the government has a nexus with terrorism, and nobody is talking about this.

What we're doing is we are having an argument about what you are actually seeing with your eyes and hearing about is real or not real, whether it is a crisis or not a crisis, whether it was created by Joe Biden's administration or not created by them, instead of having a conversation about this very significant national security implications of having such a wide open border.

And since you've been discussing COVID, what about the fact that the federal government have not been operational or functional since COVID began.

There are a number of personnel in very important agencies like the Department of Homeland Security and the Department of Defense, with strategic responsibilities, both offensive and defensive, who have security personnel who operate at the top secret level who have been at home. They have been sent home and they have been sitting there for going on a year, some of them.

And they are just phoning it in once a week most of the time. You can't do it top-secret security job when you are phoning it in from home. So, what is happening to our national security? What is happening with regards to terrorists crossing the border?

They will tell you that there have not been any terrorist attacks. So, that's not entirely sure. And also, there are people in terror watches that have been stopped, and at least one known very significant terrorist from Yemen.

So, you know, as long as we keep having an argument about what is real and what is not real, which is kind of like an insane asylum, we are not really talking about the things that matter and why this was planned by the administration, and why they wanted such a mass influx over the border. You can't be concerned about COVID and have an open border like this. Those two things are mutually exclusive.

HANNITY: There is no ambiguity about the facts that it's an unmitigated disaster and Lara Logan will be doing a special report for us throughout the week.

Thank you both, Steve Miller, Lara Logan.

When we come back, two teen girls in the D.C. accused of carjacking, killing an Uber Eats driver in D.C. Yeah, apparently, reports tonight, prosecutors are considering offering a shocking plea deal. Gregg Jarrett, Larry Elder have the details, next.


HANNITY: Tonight, more disturbing developments on the brazen D.C. carjacking, you know, the one that killed a 66-year-old by the name of Muhammad Anwar. He's an Uber Eats driver, immigrant from Pakistan.

Now, D.C. prosecutors reportedly planning on offering the 13 and 15-year- old suspects a plea deal that will allow them to be convicted as juveniles, which would mean they can't be jailed past the age of 21. And despite the charge of a felony murder, carjacking, armed robbery, the two could be released far earlier if they are deemed, quote, "rehabilitated."

Here with reaction, FOX News legal analyst, Gregg Jarrett, nationally syndicated radio talk show host, Larry Elder.

Larry, you've got to be kidding me.

LARRY ELDER, NATIONALLY SYNDICATED RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Well, Sean, if you look at the D.C. laws, it is awfully difficult to see what kind of latitude the prosecution even had. If you're a 13-year-old, even if you kill somebody, you cannot be prosecuted as an adult. If you are a 15-year- old, you can only be prosecuted as an adult if the judge allows it. And the judge will only allow it if there is, quote, no prospect of rehabilitation at the juvenile court level.

The real outrage in my opinion is the degree to which the D.C. mayor minimized this and called it a crime of opportunity and posted ways that people can avoid having their cars back (ph) for crying out loud. And CNN referred to this as an accident.

And, finally, Sean, one wonders whether or not the 15-year-old would have got this soft deal, the 15-year-old had been a male instead of a female. But I don't think the prosecutor had a whole lot of latitude right here unfortunately because of the way the laws written.

HANNITY: Gregg, your analysis of this.

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Well, this is tragic. And if you look at all of the videotapes of the killing of Muhammad Anwar, it is horrifying. This is clearly a felony murder and a carjacking and armed robbery. And yet, you know, they'll be out in a couple of years.

Look, this is a microcosm of a larger problem across the nation, particularly in Washington, D.C., where the local government joined the woke protester crowd and defunded police. They cut it by $15 million.

They are essentially sending a very clear message: criminals, you are the good guys. Citizens, you're the bad guys. And the result here is that homicide in D.C. has gone up tremendously. Seen violent crimes skyrocket.

Carjackings like this one right there on your screen. This is out of control in the first three months of last year, where there were 22. This year, same time frame, more than 100.

And so, you know, this is the inexorable result of a defund police movement. And you've got a tone deaf mayor and a city council that really frankly could care less because they want to be woke.

HANNITY: And how do you define rehabilitated, Larry Elder?

ELDER: You tell me. I have no idea.

But to follow up on Gregg's point, crime in Washington, D.C., Sean, has been minimized for years. I recall one time, the former mayor of Washington, D.C., Marion Berry, was talking about crime in the nation's capital. He said something to the effect of crime out here is not all that bad, quote, except for the killings, end of quote.

HANNITY: You can't even make that up.

ELDER: You can't make that up.

HANNITY: I just can't imagine that, you know, this family, you know, you are seeing a murder on TV. That's his living, and I'm sure he wasn't getting paid a lot of money being an Uber Eats driver, but he's working, working hard, and that car was everything, a lifeline for his family.

All right, thank you both.

When we come back, tonight's villain of the day, once again, one of CNN's big news anti-Trump personalities. I actually bet that you can guess who it is. We'll reveal right after this.


HANNITY: All right. Yesterday, fake news, CNN's Humpty-Dumpty ironically named unreliable liberal sources. Well, Jim Acosta's special request for President Biden's so-called infrastructure bill, his special request. Take a look.


JIM ACOSTA, CNN REPORTER: As far as I'm concerned, can we just have a damn high-speed train in this country? I mean, can I please get from New York to Washington without problems on the Acela? And can I get on the Wi-Fi, by the way, when I ride the train and not have that be a problem?


HANNITY: Can I get on the Wi-Fi and let the taxpayers pay for it.

Well, Jim, let's take a look at what it would cause to give you a comfy, Wi-Fi-filled ride to D.C. that we subsidize already. According to researchers at George Mason University, that high-speed train you love would cost roughly $37 billion with an annual operating cost of $570 million. Sadly, it would be the craziest part of the left's most recent social shopping list. Sorry. Pay for your on Wi-Fi.

All right. Please set your DVR so you never miss an episode. We'll never be the mob, the media. We'll always be independent, fair, balanced, give you the news that the mob never will.

Let not your hearts be troubled. Pete Hegseth in for Laura tonight. Pete, how are you?


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