'Hannity' on Biden's first 100 days

This is a rush transcript from "Hannity," May 19, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


SEAN HANNITY, FOX NEWS HOST:  What an introduction. All right, Tucker. 

Thank you. 

And welcome to HANNITY. 

Tonight, in just a moment, I'll have a special message. You're not going to 

want to miss this -- I promise you won't want to miss it -- for former 

President Barack Hussein Obama. That's straight ahead. 

But, first, after more than 100 days in office, one overreaching theme is 

dominating now sippy cup Joe's administration. And that theme is complete 

weakness -- weakness abroad, weakness at home, a weak commander-in-chief 

who believes that full scale appeasement, even, of our enemies will bring 

peace in our time. 

Now, Joe's cowardly response to the Russia's hack of the Colonial Pipeline, 

it is beyond embarrassing. It's also self-disruptive. And not only did 

Biden gave Vladimir a free pass on the Russians hacking the Colonial 

Pipeline, but then five days later, get this, Joe rewarded his pal, 

Vladimir, by removing Trump era sanctions on what was a key Russian 

pipeline that helps our allies in Germany and elsewhere in Europe. 

And not only is America First's strategy is gone, completely dead, energy 

independence is now gone. That's dead. 

But now, Joe is literally adopted, oh, Vladimir Putin and Russia first 

policies. And to make Putin and Russia rich again, closing down our 

pipeline, and giving a waiver to Vladimir Putin to build his. And it turns 

out, I guess, that the real Russian collusion, yeah, that would be leading 


Remember Obama -- tell Vladimir I'll have more flexibility after the 

election. Hillary Clinton paying for the dirty Russian disinformation 

dossier then used as the basis to spy on a presidential candidate and a 

president with premeditated fraud on a FISA court. 

And then don't forget, Hunter Biden's $3.5 million he got with a -- from a 

Russian oligarch, the first lady of Moscow. 

And now, Joe destroys in America high-paying career jobs in the energy 

sector by shutting down our pipeline with the stroke of a pen, ending our 

energy independence, allowing a waiver so Putin can build his pipeline to 

supply energy to our allies. 

Now, when it comes to Russia, Joe gave the green light, two thumbs up. Here 

we go, one of our biggest geopolitical foes who relies on oil and gas in 

Russia to fund all their proxy wars, all the nefarious activities they've 

been involved in, including sabotaging America at every chance. And it's 

even worse than that, because now, the same can also be said about sippy 

cup Joe and Iran, as Joe is working hard again to lift sanctions against 

the mullahs in Iran, you know, that want to wipe Israel, wipe America off 

the face of the planet.

Remember, the last time, they gave $150 billion in, let's see, cash and 

other currency on the tarmac to mullahs in Iran. So, the question is why 

would Mr. Sippy Cup, warm milky, bedtime story Joe be so willing to lift 

sanctions on Russian oil and Iranian oil, all while limiting American oil, 

destroying American jobs, American energy independence right here at home? 

Well, we can answer with one word: Joe appeasement, two words. Appeasement 

is the main word. Appeasement for our enemies abroad, appeasement for Joe's 

radical base here at home. 

Now, we're watching this play out in Israel. First, Biden reinstated 

American funding to the Palestinians with no strings attached. Donald Trump 

had cut it off. Soon after, Hamas, well, they began launching thousands of 

Iranian-supplied rockets right into Israeli cities. Now, Joe apparently 

wants Israel to stop defending itself with a unilateral ceasefire. 

What would he do if those rockets were being fired into American cities? In 

other words, that word, one word, appeasement. 

Now, meanwhile, back here at home, Joe is also appeasing his radical anti-

Semitic base. One example, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, obsessively hitting 

Israel, and of course, the Jewish people who live there. She once retweeted 

a statement calling for Israel's elimination. 

Earlier this year, she held a fundraiser with a notorious anti-Semite who 

once referred to Jews as satanic. She also openly complained about the 

Biden's administration decision to appoint a Jewish secretary of state. 

Tlaib apparently worried that Blinken, the secretary of state, would be too 

pro-Israel because he's Jewish. 

Worst of all, Tlaib once talked about -- I don't know how this happened, 

her calming feeling she gets when she thinks about the Holocaust. Now, the 

statement goes on to explain it in more context. But never once did she 

mention the millions of Jewish people that were slaughtered in the 


Take a listen.


REP. RASHIDA TLAIB (D-MI):  Well, there's a kind of a calming feeling I 

always tell folks when I think of the Holocaust and the tragedy of the 

Holocaust, and the fact that it was my ancestors, Palestinians, who lost 

their land and some lost their lives, their livelihood, human dignity, 

their existence in many ways have been wiped out, in some people's past. I 

mean, just all of it. It was in the name of trying to create a safe haven 

for Jews post the Holocaust. 

I love the fact it was my ancestors that provided that, right, in many 

ways. But they did it in a way that took their human dignity away, right? 

And it was forced on them. 


HANNITY:  Clearly, Tlaib is a maniac. She's an anti-Semite, spends most of 

her time obsessing over the state of Israel. She should not be in any 

elected office frankly ever. 

Yesterday, she meets Biden on the tarmac in Michigan, according to numerous 

reports, chewing him out for him supporting our closest ally, only 

democracy in the region in the Middle East and their right to defend itself 

the way we would defend ourselves. Remember, the same woman who had to be 

forcibly removed from a Trump rally back in 2015, this is not a rationale 

peace-loving individual. 

But Biden -- gives her ten minutes on the tarmac, refuses to condemn the 

anti-Semites in his party. Same goes for Pelosi, same goes for Schumer. And 

it's clear now more than ever, the radical Green New Deal, socialist Squad, 

they now rule the Democratic Party along with Bolshevik Bernie who 

honeymooned in the former Soviet Union, praised Castro and Daniel Ortega 

and Chavez. 

Its leaders cower before this radical Squad. The president even, he praised 

on Tlaib after -- just hours after that encounter on the tarmac. Perhaps he 

was intimidated. 

Joe Biden is beyond anything else weak and he's spineless, clearly afraid 

of the radical Squad. And pretty much does everything that they say. 

What else did you expect from a guy that can be blown over three times so 

they tell us from a gust of wind?

And today, during a rare appearance outside the White House, Biden 

embarrassed himself again in a speech that was frankly, yeah, painful to 

watch. Take a look. 


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I brought with me a former 

academy grad who now serves as my Coast Guard Mil Aide, Lieutenant 

Commander  Jayna -- I'm going to embarrass here -- Jayna McCarron of the 

class of 2007. 


HANNITY:  Well, the name -- you know, we're endowed by the -- the thing. 

You know, the thing. Endowed by our Creator, God, the creator of 

everything, Joe. 

Unfortunately, it got worse. At one point, Biden attempted to deliver a 

joke. Got his words mixed up. 

And after nobody laughed, well, Joey came very angry. He wanted a sippy 

cup. Take a look. 


BIDEN:  I can only assume that you will enjoy educating your family about 

how the Coast Guard is, quote, the hard nucleus around the Navy forms in 

times of war.

You are a quiet -- you're a really dull class. 


I mean, come on, man. Is the sun getting to you? I would think you'd have 

an opportunity when I say that about the Navy to clap. But being here 

together -- 


But all kidding aside, being here together is a victory in and of itself. 


HANNITY:  We did get the signature "come on, man." Now we know why his team 

orders him not to take questions. 

And true to form, Biden's attempt at a joke was not an original. But unlike 

Joe, President Ronald Reagan, well, about the same age as Joe at that time 

in his presidency, he could actually deliver a punch line for comparison. 

Let's just take a look at President Reagan and Biden back-to-back. We'll 

let you decide if you see a difference. 


RONALD REAGAN, FORMER PRESIDENT:  My Coast Guard aides have been excellent. 

One of them taught me that -- and I quote -- the coast guard is that hard 

nucleus about which the Navy forms in times of war. 


BIDEN:  I can only assume that you will enjoy educating your family about 

how the Coast Guard is, quote, the hard nucleus around the Navy forms in 

times of war. 

You are a quiet -- you're a really dull class. 


I mean, come on, man. 


HANNITY:  Come on, man. You're a dull president that can barely string a 

few sentences together. 

Piece of advice, Joey, stop insulting our soldiers when they don't laugh at 

your terrible jokes. You might remember this. 


BIDEN:  And I want you to know not withstanding who you may hear about me, 

I have incredibly good judgment. One, I married Jill. Two, I appointed 

Johnson to the academy. I want you to know that. 


Thank you all. It must be slow here, man.


HANNITY:  That guy looks better than that guy today. 

Anyway, I have another piece of advice, Joey, step telling jokes. You're 

not funny. You never will be and you're as bad as most of the lame late 

night shows on television now. 

Also, you might want to invest in some golf lessons if you're going to 

play. Look at your screen there. Watch that very closely.

Biden struggles on the golf course. In that case, the ball went backwards. 

I don't have time to play a lot of golf. I played a few rounds in my day, 

but I never hit it backwards. Hit it out, hit it left, hit it right, 

they're never backwards. 

More seriously, Joe is also reportedly having trouble with Vice President 

Kamala Harris, a new book is out claiming that doctor -- the first lady, 

Jill Biden, said that Harris can go bleep herself after that debate when 

Harris called out Biden's history of racism in the first Democratic debate. 

As a matter of fact, she went silent after that. Don't worry. We'll carry 

the torch and remind people for you, Kamala. 

Now, meanwhile, Vice President Harris, she's getting criticized for hiding 

her tremendous wealth behind a family trust. This article on foxnews.com

quote, the trust assets are not reportable, effectively obscuring some of 

the vice president's holding from public view. 

This clearly violates the hollow ethics pledge that she and Joe made in the 

campaign trail. But remember, rules don't apply to Democrats. Only 

Republicans get charged with lying to Congress. 

They're the only ones lucky enough to get 28 guys in tactical gear, guns 

drawn, predawn raids, frogmen in the backyards. CNN cameras there, exactly 

at the right moment, to capture the event. Only they get in trouble for 

process crimes like lying to Congress. Not Democrats.

For example, Democrats, they're obsessed with something they call, well, 

institutional racism. We hear it all the time.

Look what's happening in Chicago. Mayor Lori Lightfoot -- I kind of call 

her a lightweight considering she doesn't seem to have any interest in 

stopping the violence, 46 people shot this past weekend in Chicago. 

By the way, quick exam, quiz. Do you know the names of any of them? 

Anyway, she now instituted a policy banning white people. They're not 

allowed to interview her, only people of color. The mayor's office will now 

only grand one-on-one interviews with black or brown reporters because 

Lightfoot believes there are too many white people working for the city's 

news outlets. 

Not only is this official policy, obviously racist, but the major -- well, 

wouldn't be the mayor's time be better served looking for ways to stop the 

shootings, every weekend in her city? Yeah, again, nearly 50 people this 

weekend shot. 

Anyway, Mayor Lightweight is more concerned about the amount of white 

people working, where, at "The Chicago Tribune", at a local TV station, 

this is really pathetic and sad. 

To react to it, we'll bring, FOX News contributor, Leo 2.0 Terrell, and 

nationally where's your hat? Nationally syndicated radio host Larry 1.0 who 

never changed. 

Where is that, Leo, where is the hat? It's a signature. 

LEO TERRELL, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  I'm in Washington, D.C. I left the hat 

at home. I'm in Washington. I'm right next door to you. 

HANNITY:  No, you're not next door to me, and no, there's no excuse for not 

bringing the hat. There's no excuse that you didn't make Larry his hat as 

you promised. 

All right. Larry, start with you tonight. How is it possible -- I thought -

- I think everybody agrees racism is abhorrent, it is evil, it is ignorant. 

Discrimination is abhorrent. It is wrong. It is evil. We want to become 

that more perfect union. We made plenty of strides. We have plenty more to 


The question is, if you want to end discrimination, is this 

institutionalizing discrimination? 


an absurd thing that the mayor is asking. And it's all designed to divert 

attention from the problems in the city. The city's finances are in the 

toilet. They're unfunded pension liability contribution is one of the 

largest growing items on their budget. 

You got violent crime up year to year, homicide is up year to year. The 

city is a third black, a third white, and a third Hispanic. Yet, between 70 

and 80 percent of the homicides are black on black, and the majority of 

those are unsolved. 

The school system is horrific. Thirty-nine percent of Chicago public 

schools teachers with school age kids put their own kids in private school. 

They're four times higher than the national average. 

So, the mayor has problems to deal with, and I think yelling and demanding 

that a reporter be a certain kind of race is one of the least of her 

concerns. All designed to divert attention from the disaster that is known 

as Chicago. 


TERRELL:  Let me be very clear. I've been waiting all day for this. Lori 

Lightfoot is a racist, not a covert racist, an overt racist. The reason why 

she gets away with it is because she is black and she got that D in front 

of her name. 

You want to know what systemic racism is? When the mayor of a city 

institutes a policy, this is systemic racism, but she gets away with it. 

Rashida Tlaib is anti-Semitic, but because she got a D in front of her 

name, and people out there listening, we got to stop this, because this 

race card is being used exclusively by Democrats because they are 

minorities, you've got Joe Biden afraid to challenge Tlaib. They put Kamala 

Harris who basically called him a racist because she's black? She gets a 


Lori Lightfoot, I want everybody to hear this, is a racist regardless of 

her color. And she is implementing systemic racism in the city of Chicago. 

Sue her. 

HANNITY:  Well, Larry, we'll give you the last word. 

ELDER:  And, Sean, this hostility towards Israel began with the Obama 

administration. Let's remember, Obama criticized the so-called building of 

settlements. One of Obama's top aides referred to Bibi Netanyahu as chicken 

bleep. And a Democrat king maker is one of the leading anti-Semites in this 

nation, his name is Reverend Al Sharpton. 

And all of these candidates, including Joe Biden, kissed his ring in order 

to get their nomination and to run for president. So they've got serious 

problem with anti-Semitism, hostility towards Israel within the Democratic 

Party. It's going to inure to the benefit of Republicans when more Jews 

realize this and more Jewish donors stop donating so much money to the 

Democratic Party. 

HANNITY:  Thank you, Leo. Thank you, Larry. 

Joining us with more, FOX News contributor Dan Bongino, FOX News 

correspondent at large, Geraldo Rivera. 

Geraldo, your reaction to that policy. And more broadly, to Biden's 

weakness abroad. Biden -- what Biden is going to lecture Israel? When 

Israel had thousands of rockets fired into their cities to destroy the 

people of Israel with a stated charter that says and calls for the 

destruction of Israel? You don't support that, Geraldo, do you? 


shocking and outrageous of what is happening in Israel, the fact that 

Palestinians are being killed at the rate of 15 or 20 times the death toll 

among the Israelis, including children, is absolutely -- 


HANNITY:  Geraldo, Geraldo, let me stop you. Whoa, whoa. How about they 

stop the -- how about -- 

RIVERA:  -- the collapse of their buildings. 

HANNITY:  How about the terrorist organization Hamas stop firing those 

rockets from hospitals and schools and heavily -- densely populated areas -

RIVERA:  Why don't we -- 


HANNITY:  No, no, because they're the ones that fired first. If American 

city got hurt, it would be all -- America all hands on deck. And if 

innocent people die, you blame the people that start the war. 

RIVERA:  Dozens of Palestinian children dead. There are dozens of 

Palestinian children dead.


HANNITY:  And whose fault is that? Whose fault is that? 

RIVERA:  With ammunition provided to Israel by the United States without 

even a demand for a ceasefire. 

HANNITY:  Geraldo, whose fault is that? 

RIVERA:  I demand a ceasefire. I demand -- 


HANNITY:  I demand that Israel win the war. Israel needs to win the war 

against terrorism. 


RIVERA:  By killing all the Palestinians? Let's kill them all. Kill all the 


HANNITY:  Dan Bongino? Dan?

DAN BONGINO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Geraldo, you do this every time, this 

is garbage. And I'm really -- I'm really getting sick of it. 

You play this emotional game with the audience and use your position of 

responsibility to put out misinformation -- 


RIVERA:  Stop attacking me, punk. Address the issue. Do you have the guts 

to address the issue -- 


RIVERA:  This is not about me. You didn't come here to attack me. You came 

here to talk about the issue-- 


BONGINO:  You're using of position of authority here to say things that are 


RIVERA:  I'm sick of you, Bongino. I'm sick of you. You're a punk. You're 



HANNITY:  Geraldo, let him talk. Geraldo, let him talk. 

BONGINO:  You're an uncontrolled lunatic because you can't go on the air -- 

RIVERA:  I'm an out of control lunatic? 


BONGINO:  Will you calm down? Yes, you really need to calm down -- 

RIVERA:  I'm a ten-time Emmy winner with deep experience in the Middle 


HANNITY:  Guys -- 


RIVERA:  Have you been there? I covered every war since 1973. 


BONGINO:  Sean, I want to make my point when he stops talking. When he 

stops talking, I do have a point -- 

RIVERA:  If your point is about me, I'm not going to stop. If your point is 

going to be about me, I'm not going to stop.


BONGINO:  Geraldo Rivera does not understand that Hamas doesn't believe in 

Israel's right to exist. Hamas wants the Jews dead. 

What does he do? The same thing with the police issue, he makes this an 

emotional thing and he says the Palestinian children. Of course, we care 

about Palestinian children. 


RIVERA:  Yeah, I haven't heard you say it. I haven't heard you say it.

BONGINO:  We incentivize the terror group Hamas to not fire rockets 

indiscriminately into Israel and it would stop immediately. Your debate -- 

you're so misinformed on this. It's pathetic. It's a blood thirsty savage -


HANNITY:  Let me calm the waters here. Let me -- guys, let me calm the 

water. Geraldo, let me calm the waters here. 

Geraldo, who started this war? Who started firing the rockets? And whose is 

firing -- 


RIVERA:  You want to go back to 1948? 1967? 1973? 

HANNITY:  You want to go back to the '48, the '67, '73 war -- yes, I've 

been to Israel. I've been to -- you know what? I've been to the border with 


RIVERA:  I've covered every war since 1973 until 2012. I was there when 

they put Iron Dome missile system in.


HANNITY:  Kids can't play in an outdoor playground because they can't get 

in a bunker. They played in indoor bunker playgrounds. I've seen the 

rockets, 10,000 in one city in ten years. 

Here's my question though -- 

RIVERA:  A Palestinian life is exactly equal to an Israeli life or American 



HANNITY:  Let me get me question in. Who do you blame for firing the 

rockets first? Who do you blame for firing it from densely populated areas 

and hospitals and schools? 

RIVERA:  This started -- this current chapter of this ongoing violence 

started when Israeli cops raided the Aqsa mosque in the old city of 


BONGINO:  Oh, get out of here. You're just lying.


RIVERA:  It is one of the most sacred places in the most -- 

BONGINO:  You don't know what you're talking about. 

RIVERA:  Listen to this guy. This guy doesn't -- have you ever been? Have 

you been at war? Have you been at war at all? 


HANNITY:  I've been there many times. I'm showing video of me there. 

BONGINO:  But you haven't either. That's the interesting thing. 

HANNITY:  I have been there multiple times. That tunnel right there, that 

was filled with Israeli and American money and cement. 

That's -- that cement was meant for hospitals and schools, guys. That 

cement right there, 60 feet underground tunnels so that these terrorists 

can sneak in the dark of the night and kill Israelis. 

RIVERA:  Why don't you ever show the dead Palestinian children? Why don't 

you ever show the video of the deal Palestinian -- 


HANNITY:  If I ever stepped foot in Gaza, I'll be dead. 

RIVERA:  They don't count, they don't exist.

BONGINO:  Geraldo, you don't even understand the history. This is 



RIVERA:  The Palestinian children are being killed and they don't exist. 

BONGINO:  Geraldo, you don't understand your own history. Geraldo, who 

controlled that Palestinian area from '48 to `68? The Jordanians.


RIVERA:  Ceasefire now. Ceasefire. No American weapons used to kill 

children. Stop it. 

BONGINO:  Ceasefire so they can kill more Jews? Are you nuts? 

RIVERA:  I demand a ceasefire. 

HANNITY:  All right. We'll leave it there.

BONGINO:  Demand -- right, so they can rearm and kill more Jews. This is 



HANNITY:  All right, all right, all right. Enough. Mediaite has their 

headline. We'll move on. 

All right. Coming up, special message from me to Barack Obama that I 

promise you don't want to miss. But, first, Biden, the left continue to 

push their dangerous America last agenda. And the latest much more with Ted 

Cruz, he's next straight ahead.


HANNITY:  All right. Here to respond to Joe Biden's appeasement abroad, 

Texas Senator Ted Cruz. 

Energy is very important in Texas. So with the stroke of a pen, high paying 

career jobs wiped out. With the stroke of a pen, energy independence is 

wiped out. 

And then Joe Biden gives a waiver to Russia and Vladimir Putin to build a 

pipeline to supply energy and get rich to our Western European allies and 


Now, Senator, maybe you can help sort that out. I didn't graduate from 

Harvard. You did. 

SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Well, Sean, sadly, I can't shed a lot of light on 

it. It's absolutely crazy what Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are doing. 

On day one in office, Joe Biden shut down the Keystone pipeline. He 

destroyed 11,000 jobs, high-paying jobs, including 8,000 union jobs. 

Then Biden sat by and allowed Russian hackers to hack the Colonial 

Pipelines, producing gas lines up and down the Eastern Seaboard. He did 

nothing to defend it. He sat by while they paid a ransom to hackers. 

And now, his reward to Russia for Russian hackers shutting down a major 

infrastructure pipeline in the Eastern Seaboard, is today he signed a 

waiver basically greenlighting the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, a pipeline from 

Russia to Germany. 

Congress has twice passed bipartisan sanctions to stop this pipeline. I 

authored those sanctions. We stopped it. For a year, it was shut down. It 

was a piece of metal at the bottom of the ocean. Putin began rebuilding the 

pipeline right after Biden was elected. Today, he issued a waiver. 

And basically what Joe Biden has decided is pipelines in America, bad. Jobs 

in America, bad. Pipelines in Russia, good. Jobs in Russia, good. 

And this is exactly backward. It is asinine. And four months into it, Joe 

Biden is crawling in bed with Putin and Russia and the enemies of America. 

It doesn't make any sense. 

HANNITY:  And then you got Russia now aligned with China providing arms to 

Iran so that they can ship them to Yemen so that the proxy war can continue 

in the Middle East there as well. 

Let me get to the issue of Iran because we got some problems there, too. He 

wants to get along with the mullahs in Iran again. As we know that they are 

number one, world sponsor of terrorism. 

And what is it with this idea that Joe Biden is going to lecture Prime 

Minister Netanyahu from doing the right thing, which is defending his 

country that is under attack and assault by a group whose charter calls for 

the destruction of Israel? 

CRUZ:  Sean, you're exactly right. What Biden and Kamala Harris are 

pursuing is exactly backwards. Our friends and allies, the people we should 

be standing alongside with, he's alienating, undermining, insulting, 

lecturing and attacking. Our enemies, the people who want to kill us, he's 

sending money to, supporting, praising and kissing their rear ends. 

So whether that is Russia and Biden signing off on the Putin pipeline, 

whether that is China and Biden nominating pro-China cabinet nominees who 

are unwilling to stand up to Chinese aggression, or whether it's Iran and 

Biden wanting to send billions of dollars to the Ayatollah Khamenei who 

chants "death to America".

You know, if you think about it, Sean, nine months ago, in the Middle East, 

we had peace flowering everywhere. We had the Abraham Accords. I was at the 

White House for the signing of the Abraham Accords. Incredible victories 

that President Trump had won by standing strongly and unequivocally with 


Joe Biden came in and in just four months, he's frittered all of that away. 

He's undermined Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu. He sent over 100 

million to the Palestinian Authority, the P.A., which is in bed with Hamas. 

Hamas, the terrorists that are firing the rockets you're showing right now, 

they fired over 4,000 rockets into Israel. 

And every one of those rockets might as well have Joe Biden's name written 

on the side of it, because it is his weakness, his appeasement, his moral 

relativism and ambiguity, his lack of backbone to stand up and stand with 

Israel that is causing this war in the Middle East. 

Let me tell you, Sean, what he ought to do, he ought to stand up and say 

rather than lecturing Netanyahu, rather than being arrogant and attacking 

our friends, he ought to say America stands unequivocally with Israel, 

period, the end.

The Hamas terrorists need to stop right now. Israel has an absolute right 

to defend itself. If Hamas terrorists attack Israel, they will be -- they 

will be dealt with and they will be killed. 

And he needs to right now replenish Israel's Iron Dome missiles. They're 

firing missiles to intercept these Hamas rockets. They fired thousands of 

Iron Dome missiles. 

But, you know, Instead, Joe Biden is appeasing -- 


HANNITY:  OK, but then, Senator -- 

CRUZ:  -- AOC and Tlaib and the radical left. 

HANNITY:  All right. It's clear to me and it's inexplicable to me, neither 

Biden, nor Pelosi, nor Schumer condemn the Squad, and virulent anti-

Semitism that has existed among some of the members that we've chronicled 

in detail on this program. 

My question now is, okay, with the instability created in the Middle East, 

the new unholy alliance Russia, China and Iran fighting the proxy war, 

eliminating energy independence here at home, the price of oil is already 

going up, knocking out high-paying career energy jobs for people in your 

state of Texas and elsewhere. 

CRUZ:  Yeah, yeah.

HANNITY:  Okay. What is the net result? We hurt our national security and 

we pay more for everything we buy in every store coupled with inflation. 

And also we pay more for gas to fill up our tanks, more for heating, more 

for cooling our homes. Who wins here? 

CRUZ:  The bad guys and enemies of America. This has been the most 

disastrous first four months of any presidency in history. 

Joe Biden has handed the Democratic Party over to the radical left, to 

Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders and AOC. 

We've got a border crisis, of an absolutely unsecured border and over 2 

million projected to come here illegally this year. 

We have a gas crisis of gas lines and skyrocketing energy prices. 

We're on the verge of an inflation crisis as the inflation numbers are 

rising up and up and up, and we got war in the Middle East. 

We're four months in. It's a little terrifying to think what's going to 

happen in the next four months. All of these are failures of the Biden 

administration. I've got to tell you what this -- this is a reprise of the 

1970s. You and I are both old enough to remember the 1970s. 

Joe Biden is Jimmy Carter 2.0. Kamala Harris is Walter Mondale, and the 

disasters they're producing are failing at home, economically, domestically 

and abroad. And we got to stop it. 

We need to stand with Israel, stand with our friend, and I'm leading the 

fight to do exactly that. And I'm headed to Israel very shortly to stand 

with Israel and ensure that they have what they need to defend themselves. 

HANNITY:  It's only one sentence. Even Joe can probably do it and not mess 

it up. 

Senator, thank you for being with us.

When we come back, more COVID hypocrisy from the left as they continue to 

contradict themselves. It's never-ending. A bombshell report from 

Congressman Devin Nunes that's set to be released about the origins of the 

coronavirus. That, Dr. Nicole Saphier and a special message I have to 

Barack Obama. 


HANNITY:  All right. Now, Dr. Doom and Gloom, flip-flop Fauci caught in yet 

another act of COVID hypocrisy, saying the quiet part out loud yesterday, 

admitting that him wearing a mask after he was vaccinated wasn't based on 

science but for show. 

Now, because remember, Fauci told Senator Rand Paul back in March that mask 

weren't theater, and last year was telling they shouldn't be wearing a mask 

at all. Take a look. 


SEN. RAND PAUL (R-KY): Isn't it just theater? 


No, it's not.

PAUL:  You got the vaccine and you're wearing two masks. Isn't that 


FAUCI:  No, it's not. Here we go again with the theater. Let's get down to 

the facts.

Let me just state for the record that masks are not theater.

I'm more comfortable people seeing me indoors without a mask. I mean, 

before the CDC made the recommendation change, I didn't want to look like I 

was giving mixed signals. 

Now in the United States, people should not be walking around with masks. 

One mask is good. Two masks are better. 

A year or two from now during certain seasonal periods when you have 

respiratory borne issue that's like the flu, people might actually elect to 

wear masks. 


HANNITY:  So Dr. Fauci said masks aren't for show, but then you admitted 

you wore one for show. Look, it's time for someone else -- I've had it. I 

tried to defend you in the beginning. Give up everybody, you know, some 

allowance that nobody understood, mistakes were going to be made. 

But we now reached the point that, you know what? We need someone else in 

charge of COVID response. Considering most of it has been handled thanks to 

Trump, Dr. Fauci's credibility has now completely collapsed. Fauci flip-

flopping on every major issue all throughout the pandemic and he's shown 

himself to be political -- masks, and ventilators, the risk of transmission 

outside, the threshold needed for herd immunity, school reopenings and so 

much more. 

All we get are mixed signal after mixed signal. And that has created, not 

from conservatives, but from the flipping and flopping and flailing and, of 

course, mixed messaging, what they call vaccine hesitancy. Joe Biden played 

a big part in that, too.

We know now the CDC wasn't following science. They were taking dictation 

from the teacher's union who wields massive power inside the Democratic 

Party, said it time and time again. Can't politicize science, nor vaccines. 

Warp Speed, Donald Trump, it worked. We got three of them. We got 

therapeutics, like Regeneron and others and still mixed messages.

I am very pro-science, very pro-vaccine. We can't have politics infecting 

important medical decisions that affecting our ability to get back to 

normal and affecting our ability to learn everything we can about the virus 

including its origins. 

Last year, you may recall the mob and the media, anybody that dared talk 

about or question the wet market theory or the idea that somehow this was 

made in a Wuhan lab, you're a conspiracy theorist. Well, there's now 

growing evidence, a body of evidence showing and supporting the Wuhan lab 

leak theory. 

A report from Devin Nunes and the Republicans on the House Intel Committee 

finds there's significant circumstantial evidence that the coronavirus may 

have originated from the Wuhan Institute of Virology. 

Joining us with reaction, Congressman Devin Nunes and Dr. Nicole Saphier. 

Congressman, start with you. Tell us about what you found.

REP. DEVIN NUNES (R-CA): What we've been doing is we've been investigating 

for the last year. And we put together all of the open source reporting 

that we could find, and it begins to tell a very clear picture of 

overwhelming evidence, multiple reporters across multiple countries that 

talk about the origins of this virus. And all signs point to the lab. 

That's all we have to go on because our intelligence community once again 

has failed us. We're not sure that we even got all the information, and 

we're getting mixed signals from the Biden administration. 

You may recall, Sean, that Donald Trump was very clear, Secretary Pompeo, 

Director Ratcliffe, they were saying the same types of things that I'm 

saying that everything points to the lab. Yet despite spending tens of 

billions of dollars a year on the most -- supposedly the most capable 

apparatus on the planet, we still don't -- we still can't get to the bottom 

of it. 

So, look, we compiled this report. I think it's clear. We've laid out 25 

clear questions to the administration. If they answer `em, we might begin 

to get to the bottom of where this virus originated from.

HANNITY:  Let me get to you, Dr. Saphier.

I tried to give Dr. Fauci the benefit of the doubt. Tried to understand 

that -- I felt people were trying to do their best. But they've never been 

this wrong on this many -- on these profound level on so many issues. At 

this point, I think we need new people. Thoughts? 

DR. NICOLE SAPHIER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR:  Well, Sean, I can tell you that, 

you know, adding to what Congressman Nunes is saying, I did a lot of 

research for the origin of the virus for my forthcoming book. And I can 

tell you that any time that I was asking questions about the origin, I was 

immediately cancelled as anti-science and having that contrarian opinion to 

what was the popular thought right now being put forth by Dr. Fauci when he 

said that there was no evidence of anything other than just the natural 

evolution of this virus. 

But that's been the problem with this pandemic all along is the suppression 

of contrarian thought. When Dr. Fauci answered that question saying that he 

was continuing to wear a mask because he didn't want to send mixed messages 

after -- before the CDC updated their guidance, my question is why not? 

Dr. Fauci, at this point, has enough influence on the CDC, on the American 

people and on the president. The reason he's been in his role so long is 

because he's an excellent bystander. He refuses to push back about the FDA 

-- to the FDA when they're dragging their feet. He doesn't push back to the 

CDC when they're not following science. That is extremely frustrating. 

And when you see him arguing with Senator Rand Paul -- 


SAPHIER:  -- about the efficacy of the vaccines, you know, Senator Rand 

Paul said I've recovered from COVID-19. I'm protected. 

But Dr. Fauci says he only feels safe being out again because he's fully 

vaccinated, despite the fact that all evidence shows that natural immunity 

is providing the same protection from severe COVID-19 reinfection as 


Why aren't those questions being answered? 

Unfortunately, we're continued to be suppressed. Any form of contrarian 

thought that goes against what Dr. Fauci and the CDC says.

HANNITY:  All right. Let me go back to what I thought was the biggest 

indicator that China knew. Devin Nunes, okay, China had a travel ban. 

Couldn't fly out of Wuhan province, anywhere else in China, couldn't travel 

from anywhere in China to Wuhan province. But you could travel from Wuhan 

to the rest of the world. 

Doesn't that seem to you like they knew how bad it was and didn't care 

about anybody but themselves? 

NUNES:  But, Sean, also the Chinese communist party put out through their 

propaganda machine that this originated from some Chinese dude that ate an 

animal in a wet market. But there's no evidence of that other than what 

they told us.

Now, I also should note, let's remember to go back in history here. 

Remember when the virus was spreading, remember where Nancy Pelosi was. She 

was in Chinatown in San Francisco, telling people to come out, and that all 

Republicans and Donald Trump, that we were -- they were all racists, racist 

against the Chinese people. 

The reality was, they built a narrative. I think what you're seeing is, 

just like we saw in the Russia hoax, they're continuing to build out 

narratives. The deep state people here, the intelligence apparatus, they 

follow suit and they just refused to actually look at the real origins of 

this virus. 

HANNITY: Fascinating, too. Thank you. We're going to watch this report 


Dr. Saphier, thank you. Congressman, thank you. 

When I come back -- when we come back, my special message for former 

President Obama. You don't want to miss it. 


HANNITY:  All right. A new book is out. It's called "battle for the soul." 

Barack Obama quoted saying Donald Trump is a mad man, a racist, a sexist 

pig, an effing lunatic, and a corrupt mother-effer during his candidacy and 


So, tonight, we have a special message for Barack. 

First off, I never thought that we'd ever have a president that started his 

entire political career in the home of not one, but two unrepentant 

domestic terrorists whose group, the Weather Underground, bombed the NYPD 

police headquarters, the State Department, the U.S. Capitol, and more. 

And don't forget, by the way, one of his domestic terrorist pals, Bill 

Ayers, he was quoted in "The New York Times", of all days, 9/11/2001, that 

morning saying he wish they did more. I don't regret setting bombs. 

Obama, they were your friends. That's sick. 

I never thought we would have a president that sat in the pews of a radical 

pastor for 20-plus years who the Sunday after 9/11 said, no, no, no, not 

God bless America. G.D. American and America's chickens coming home to 


Take a look. 


REV. JEREMIAH WRIGHT: No, no, not God bless America. God damn America. 

It's in the bible. 

Now, we are indignant because of the stuff we have done overseas, they're 

now brought back into our own front yards. America's chickens are coming 

home to roost. 


HANNITY:  I never thought, Barack, that we'd have a president that brought 

black liberation theology and bought into that. I never thought we would 

elect a president that hid for his entire presidency his relationship with 

that radical, racist, anti-Semite from the Nation of Islam, Louis 


They hid that picture from America for nine years. What a disgrace. 

Or a president that recounted Reverend Wright's sermon, white folks greed 

runs the world in need. Here's Barack saying it. 


BARACK OBAMA, FORMER PRESIDENT:  It is this world, a world where cruise 

ships throw away more food in a day than most residents of Port-au-Prince 

see in a year, where white folks' greed runs a world in need, apartheid in 

one hemisphere, apathy in another hemisphere.


HANNITY:  I never thought we'd elected a disciple of radical Saul Alinsky 

or a president bragging about doing drugs with his chum gang and said that 

he even tried drugs enthusiastically. Great message for kids.


OBAMA:  I spent the last two years of high school in a daze, locking away 

the questions that life seemed insistent on posing. I kept playing 

basketball, attended classes sparingly, drank beer heavily and tried drugs 

enthusiastically. I discovered that it didn't make any difference whether 

you smoked reefer in a white classmate's sparkling new van, or in the dorm 

room with some brother you'd met down at the gym, or on the beach with a 

couple of Hawaiian kids who had dropped out of school and now spent most of 

their time looking for an excuse to brawl. 


HANNITY:  And you lied. Millions of Americans lost their doctors, their 

plans and we're paying about 200 percent more. Your presidency was a 


More HANNITY after this. 


HANNITY:  All right. Pretty interesting that promise, keep your doctor, 

keep your plan, the average family saves $2,500 per family per year. No, 

none of it is true. 

All right. That's all the time, though, we have left this evening. We hope 

you will set your DVR. We hope you'll never miss an episode. We love that 

you join us. You make this show possible. 

And in the meantime, let not your hearts be troubled. Laura Ingraham takes 

it away now with the news you need to hear -- Laura.

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