'Hannity' on bail reform, Biden's approval

This is a rush transcript of "Hannity" on November 22, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.


And tonight, coming up, a major announcement at the end of the show. But, first, we begin with this weekend's terrible news. Waukesha, Wisconsin, is now reeling only one day after a violent career criminal plowed his SUV into a Christmas parade killing five and injuring dozens more, including multiple children.

Yesterday at around 4:30 p.m., 39-year-old, quote, aspiring rapper Darrell Brooks was allegedly fleeing the scene of a domestic dispute when he drove his red Ford SUV past police barriers at a high rate of speed and onto a parade route ultimately hitting more than 40 men, women and children. Only 48 hours earlier, Brooks posted a one thousand dollar cash bond and was released from jail after assaulting the mother of his children and -- get this -- attempting to run her over with his car.

Defund, dismantle the police, no bail, low bail -- how is all of this working out for the country? That's right. He tried to run over his ex- girlfriend got out of jail after posting a mere one thousand dollars.

Now, this, despite a lengthy rap sheet filled with violent crimes going back decades. Look at your screen, 1999, aggravated battery and gun charges. 2000, more gun charges and resisting arrest. 2002, 2003, 2005, more resisting arrest charges and drug charges. 2010, strangulation domestic abuse. 2010 through 2020, several more resisting arrest charges, drug charges, more gun charges, another domestic abuse charge, several paternity warrants. And that's all in the one state of Wisconsin.

In Nevada, Brooks is a registered sex offender where he was convicted of statutory rape after getting a 15-year-old girl pregnant. He is currently wanted in the state for bail violations. So make no mistakes, Darrell Brooks was a menace and has been for a long time to society.

But according to Judge Michelle Havas, well, a one thousand dollar bond, that's all that was needed for him to get out yet again after decades of a criminal life. She failed to protect her community and now five innocent people are dead many others injured.

Keep in mind, Wisconsin is one of many states where far-left activists and politicians have been flirting with these so-called bail reform laws like no bail in New York City. Certain offenders are released from jail without a penny in bail the results have been nothing but catastrophic.

Violent crime, nonviolent crime is surging. Over the summer, one man was arrested for robbing four banks and was released after posting no bail each time then he goes to rob another bank and then two more banks.

And last week, an ex-con who once tried to murder an NYPD officer was arrested again for attacking another NYPD officer, only to be quickly released from jail after posting, you got it, zero dollars for bail. Yesterday, a man was shot by a stray bullet in Yankee Stadium. The shot was fired from somewhere outside the stadium and on Sunday, a 32-year-old was stabbed to death on a subway train near Penn Station in New York.

Now, police are calling it an unprovoked attack they're still searching for the suspect pictured right there.

And meanwhile in San Francisco, well, theft and shoplifting have essentially been decriminalized and local businesses are now being destroyed one after another because of looting on a mass scale.

Now, many retail locations in San Francisco, they are closing early. Some are closing locations all together. In Illinois, where cash bail was recently abolished, we have more looting there. This is the inside of a high-end clothing store where a group of criminals they just walked in they helped themselves took just about everything that they wanted.

In Philadelphia, a pregnant woman was murdered on the way back from her baby shower. Also in Philly, an Uber driver, he fought back against two armed robbers he killed one. This is serious. Lives and livelihoods are ruined when law and order breaks down. This is now your new modern new green deal Democratic socialist party.

This is why we have laws and this is why we need police to uphold these laws, law and order, safety and security. Lawlessness never begins and ends with shoplifting or petty theft. It only gets worse and worse and worse until someone will enforce the law. Many on the left are ready and willing to jeopardize you and your family's safety and security so they can tell everyone how wonderful they are for freeing people from prison and defunding and dismantling police and getting rid of bail.

That by the way would include Kamala Harris who supported that bail fund, you might remember for the violent rioters in 2020, that would be Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez who wrote a letter threatening federal action if anyone is held on bail that she deems excessive. That means Congresswoman Tlaib who recently signed on to a plan to release everyone in the U.S. from prison and I mean everyone. Take a look.


REP. RASHIDA TLAIB (D-MI): I think that everyone's like, oh my God, we're going to just release everybody. That's not -- yeah, but did you see how many people are mentally ill that are in prison right now?

JONATHAN SWAN, AXIOS: No, I know but the act that you endorsed actually says release everyone in 10 years.

TLAIB: But in 10 years, but think about it. Who we're releasing --

SWAN: But they were like, human traffickers, child sex --

TLAIB: Oh, I know.

SWAN: So, do you mean that you don't actually support that?


SWAN: Your vision there is still whatever proportion they are, small proportion, who do need to be behind bars.

TLAIB: Yeah, again, I would have to look at every case individually and figure that all out. I can't just say that.


HANNITY: How about we release them and maybe they can live with Congresswoman Tlaib?

Apparently, she hasn't given the plan much thought. Of course anyone that supports zero bail, abolishing, dismantling defunding the police isn't really thinking about the consequences now, are they?

They're not thinking about the law abiding American citizens businesses who will be impacted by their insanity. As always, they only care about their own twisted political narrative and come next November, you, we, the American people need to send a message to them at the ballot box and it's simple, if you don't have law and order, and you don't keep every American safe and secure, you cannot pursue happiness. It's that basic and that fundamental. We'll have more on this in a moment.

First, our own Matt Finn, he's on the ground in Waukesha, Wisconsin, with the very latest details from yesterday's horrific massacre -- Matt.

MATT FINN, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Sean, this is the parade route right behind me. Right now, it's calm and quiet. But yesterday, this place was packed with people who came down here to celebrate a Christmas parade and imagine some of those people ended up watching their loved ones being hit and killed right in front of them.

Police now say five people are dead. They age and range from 51 to 82 years old, including 79 year old Virginia Sorensen. In all, 18 children ages 3 to 16 were taken to the hospital, six are still in critical condition. Just days before Thanksgiving, tonight, these children are clinging to life.

Police say they'll file five first degree murder charges against 39-year- old Darrell E. Brooks Jr., the alleged driver. He has an extensive criminal history. Court documents reveal Brooks just posted one thousand dollars bail on charges that he intentionally ran over the mother of his child with his vehicle.

He also has an active warrant in the state of Nevada for failing to obey sex offender laws. A short while ago there was a prayer vigil here in downtown. We'll keep you updated on the status of the victim, Sean.

HANNITY: All right. Matt Finn, thank you.

Joining us now is former Trump White House chief of staff Reince Priebus, FOX News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett.

At what point, Reince, do we start holding the judges responsible? For example, I look at Joe Biden, he picks and chooses which laws he wants enforced. He aids and abets law breaking at the border. We have sanctuary cities and sanctuary states. They're not following the law of the land either. At what point do we hold the people accountable that are aiding and abetting the law breaking or those that support these no bail dismantle and defund the police efforts.

At what point do we hold them accountable?

REINCE PRIEBUS, FORMER WHITE HOUSE CHIEF OF STAFF: Well, it's what's boiling over I think in this country, Sean. You know, I'm a Wisconsin guy, talked to a lot of my friends that some of which were at the parade route. I had a good friend that I talked to this afternoon that really barely escaped this maniac that came down as we all know now the center of this beautiful place. It's like the Norman Rockwell parade in Wisconsin, almost 60 years in the making. There's a long stretch that this parade route takes and as we all know what this guy did was out of control.

I mean, your monologue laid it out. This -- we have an America right now that has had it with this woke mob that is telling us what to think, what not to think. You know, sitting here, we have to wear race goggles for everything that we see in this country and now we've got judges that are letting these guys out for almost no money.

The one thing that you did miss -- the only thing that you may have missed in the monologue is that this guy not only posted a thousand dollars bail after he ran over his girlfriend, he shot at his nephew. But a few months before that he posted $500 in bail, just a few months ago before that, for obstructing a police officer for battery and all kinds of other things.

Look, the American people in this last election, even in places like Seattle elected an anti-progressive law and order person that said I'm not for this defunding the police, Eric Adams in New York, the Minneapolis police defund effort flipped upside down. And this is because the Democrats in this country like everything else that they're doing now have gone way too far. They went too far on the border, they've gone too far on this vaccine, they've gone too far on race and now look at they're going too far on crime.

We've had the highest murder rate increase in this country since 1905 and the American people have had it. We've got a president of White House who in 2020, the headline was Biden in "The New York Times" that Biden is walking a fine line in his defunding the police rhetoric. Sixty-two percent of the American people believe the Democrat Party doesn't -- is out of touch and doesn't represent them. They pretend to be the party of the people -- most people in this country -- over 60 percent don't know what planet they're living on. People have had it, Sean.

HANNITY: You know -- and this is why I keep saying. You have this January 6 committee. Okay, they're going to look into that. I've been outspoken about it. Greg Jarrett you know that.

Where's Liz Cheney investigating and creating a committee to look into the riots that Democrats and the mob and the media refer to as peaceful protests that killed dozens of Americans, hurt thousands of cops, resulted in billions of dollars in damages between arson and looting and not a single investigation and all this videotape identifying the people that committed these crimes is never being used and they're not prosecuting them.

They only want to go -- they only like the one riot that I guess impacted Washington. All riots are wrong and they have all this evidence and they're not arresting anybody.

GREGG JARRETT, FOX NEWS LEGAL ANALYST: Well, that would be crime and punishment but the woke crowd these days wants crime without punishment. Look at every major city in America that is run by blue politicians and you will find criminals terrorizing communities, because the liberals and the progressives and the radical Democrats have worked, Sean, assiduously over the last several years to do several things, to defund police, to dismantle the prison system, to cancel jail and to abolish bail.

And this is the new woke enlightenment where criminals are the victims and victims are the criminals. And if you dare exercise your Second Amendment or the common right of self-defense, then you are the one who is going to be charged. You're going to be vilified and the media will convict you in the court of public opinion.

It's not just Wisconsin. I mean, it is San Francisco, where I used to live for a decade, used to be the cleanest, safest, most beautiful city has now devolved into a hell hole of disgusting, indiscriminate violence. And you played some of the videotape.

HANNITY: Okay, and the thing is -- this when you have sanctuary city and sanctuary state status, you're ostensibly aiding and abetting law breaking. When you don't enforce the laws at the border, you're aiding and abetting law breaking.

Now, in some instances, people commit acts of violence against other innocent people. Why aren't the people that aid and abet held accountable as well? I'll ask the legal question first to Reince and then to you, Gregg?

PRIEBUS: Well, they should be, Sean. But we have leaders in this country that are campaigning in cities like San Francisco and Los Angeles and they're counting on voters in those places to agree with them that they're not going to enforce these laws and people many people somehow or another agree with this insanity enough that these types of movements take hold in places like California.

Look, California led the way. I mean, Gregg mentioned San Francisco. I mean, the three strikes law was for violent felonies in this country was led in California. Now, you talk about three strikes law in this country people say, well, that's racist. Well, guess what? We've gone now completely the opposite direction and now the inmates are running the asylum.

And Gregg put it best in his answer. But -- but look, the horrible part about this is that people are afraid. People are afraid for their life. They're afraid for their safety. They're concerned about their jobs. I mean, this thing's spreading through the economy.

But the good news is at least in spite of these tragedies, I think people are waking up that law and order makes sense, defunding the police is stupid, having a secure border is the right -- is the right policy. So it's causing America to refocus on the things that we all basically agree with.

These are issues in this country and the Democrat Party's been taken over by the by the maniacs in their party, which is terrible I think for the country. But they're going to pay a huge price which I think is better for everyone to get an education very quickly and wake up.

HANNITY: Think -- look at this video we're looking at here, Gregg. I mean, criminals are emboldened to break store windows or just walk right in with a large group of people and take whatever the hell they want and walk out and there are no consequences whatsoever. Stores can't survive being robbed like that.

And then you've got the more violent side of things. Look at this guy's rap sheet that goes back decades, and this guy never spent the significant period of time that he needed to spend in jail for the crimes that we know that he was convicted of and committed.

How do you get out on a thousand dollars bail when you try to run over your wife the week before? He's out within days, a thousand dollar bond. That's nothing.

At some point here -- go ahead.

JARRETT: You have liberal DA's and liberal judges in these cities. I mean, look at this guy. He's got a rap sheet of charges that's 50 pages long. Those are arrests charges and convictions, and these are violent crimes, Sean.

Vicious beatings, domestic abuse, sex abuse, even strangulation. And as you pointed out just a few weeks ago, he was accused of running over a woman with the same SUV. This is a guy who should never have been walking the streets.

And the obvious answer is you've either got incredibly inept, incompetent, stupid district attorneys or more likely you've got a bunch of liberal DA's in places for example like George Gascon in Los Angeles who has now issued an order that that you are not to oppose probation hearings and parole hearings out in California. And in San Francisco, Chesa Boudin whose parents were murderers and he has spent most of his time trying successfully to get his dad out of prison.

I mean, this is a guy who condones this kind of violence, looting, arson and he's a guy who sends a very clear message that I'm going to look after you criminals but I'm going to go after you innocent civilians.

HANNITY: Politically, when Terry McAuliffe made his comments about parents and school, it had a pretty big impact, I would imagine between inflation, the high cost of energy, more COVID deaths under Biden this year than last year under Trump. Wide open borders, energy now dependent, begging OPEC for energy, the disaster of Afghanistan, and not enforcing the laws and keeping Americans safe and secure. I have a funny feeling this is boomeranging right back on the Democrats.

Finally, I think people are getting the message.

Last word, Reince.

PRIEBUS: Well, you're right. Virginia was a parental revolt, a revolt of being told to sit up and shut up and sit down. You don't have an opinion.

There is nothing in this country that's going well under President Biden. But most importantly, if people don't feel safe, if they don't feel like we have a secure border, they're not going to keep these people in office much longer. And obviously, I think that the next election isn't going to be as much about the economy, although it's super important people are upset --


HANNITY: That's going to be important.

PRIEBUS: We're going to be in for a cultural war as well in this country and it's going to be -- and we're -- the Democrats are not going to be in good shape.

HANNITY: All right. Thank you both for being with us.

When we come back, a very passionate Mark Levin will break down the breakdown of law and order in America. And later, a big announcement about this show, straight ahead.

Stay with us.


HANNITY: All right. It's no secret the mob, the media rushed to judgment again and got almost all of the facts wrong about Kyle Rittenhouse and while many of their lives were debunked during the trial and by the way a lot before the trial, some mob members are still having trouble letting go. They can't help themselves.

They're wrong, let's see on, every major case -- oh like Trump Russia collusion with Russia that never happened. We have Ferguson, Missouri. We have Freddie Gray, Baltimore, Maryland, Cambridge police, UVA, Duke Lacrosse and on and on and on. They get it wrong all the time and they're having a hard time letting this one go. Take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Three people got shot. Two people were murdered. To me it's murder, I'm sorry.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The video show him running each time and turning around which they said legally speaking --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Except that he ran -- that he came there to --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Agree, that's what I'm saying you shouldn't have --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's a problem.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't believe in open carry.


HANNITY: I have a question for the -- for the ladies of "The View". Now, if somebody takes a loaded gun and points it right at your head, what are you going to do? If somebody chases -- a mob chases you and gets you on the ground and they have a foot about to stomp on your face and push your face into the pavement, what are you going to do? Or if somebody uses a skateboard as a weapon to attack you, what are you going to do there?

Joining us now, 10 weeks in a row, number one on "The New York Times" list, "American Marxism." He is the host of "Life, Liberty and Levin", is nationally syndicated radio host. There's a reason I call him the great one.

Mark Levin, a lot of ground here. Dying to get your thoughts.

MARK LEVIN, FOX NEWS HOST, "LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN": First of all, why do we care what they say on "The View"? They have a collective IQ of negative 17. They're like a bunch of yentas who sit around and who really cares what they think. I certainly don't.

Part of the problem is you asked earlier the breakdown in law and order. The breakdown of law and order has been institutionalized by the Democrat Party and their media. It's been institutionalized by them. And the media is so racist now, we don't have a free press. We have a tyrannical press.

All you have to do is spend a couple hours watching MSLSD or CNN, what I call the constipated news network, and you'll see it. It's very, very quick. They talk about white justice, systems set up for white people. That's Joy Reid and her limited brain capacity.

Then there's another one in there, Tiffany I think her name is. She's trying to outdo Joy Reid. But this is a company MSNBC that's owned by Comcast.

I just want everybody to know that out there they own NBC and Comcast and AT&T, well, they own CNN. So these huge corporations, these corporatists, they think they're buying silence by siding with these Marxists, these kooks, these radicals.

And in fact, what's happening is the media in this country, they're destroying this country. Rittenhouse case involved three white men, all felons, that's the commonality. One white teenager, Rittenhouse, a white judge, white prosecutors and white defense counsel, and somehow it was racist. That's pretty sick. Waukesha, you have another felon. So, the three people shot in the Rittenhouse case were all felons.

The individual who mowed down innocent human beings the other night, he's another felon. Who is it that seeks the felon vote? Who is it that seeks to have felons as part of their base? Who is it -- Bernie Sanders -- who said that he thinks people still serving time should vote, whether they're on death row, or the rapist or whatever? So this is -- this is part of the Democrat Party base.

That's why their media jump out front and always defend the felons against earnest Americans, and the Democrat Party campaigned for that vote in the Democrat Party and their surrogates and the media they confuse vigilantism with good Samaritanism.

Kyle Rittenhouse was a Good Samaritan. He wasn't a vigilante. Everybody knows what a vigilante is. But here's what the racist media on MSNBC and CNN did not report -- that is the slaughter that takes place in our cities, largely black on black crime, largely young black men killing young black men. It never passes their lips in this white dominated society. It's an amazing thing.

CRT, white dominated society, but we have a real problem of the kind of mayhem and slaughter that's taking place in our cities. Here is CBS local in Chicago, over 30 shootings and six killed.

So let me do something for a few minutes, Sean, that's a little unusual but you will not hear on self-righteous MSNBC or CNN and haven't. At least six people have died from gun violence in the city of Chicago as of Saturday night. The fatal shooting of the weekend a man was shot and killed another was wounded in West Angle, a 35-year-old man was found inside the residence with a gunshot wound to his hip, and a 45-year-old was also found in a parked vehicle outside with gunshot wounds to the chest and head.

The 35-year-old victim was transported to the Chicago fire department by that department to Christ hospital was initially listed in good condition. The 45-year-old victim was transported to Advocate Christ Medical Center where he was pronounced dead.

In another deadly incident, a 22-year-old man was shot in the head Saturday afternoon the victim was standing on the corner, minding his own business, when an unknown person walked up and shot him in the head. The victim was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital in critical condition and then died.

Police also said a 47-year-old man was shot in a drive-by around 2:00 p.m. on Saturday. He stood on a sidewalk. He suffered a gunshot wound to the lower right abdomen. He was taken to the Stroger Hospital and was pronounced dead. It's all in Chicago.

Sunday, a 19-year-old man was shot in the head in the -- let's see -- your South Shore neighborhood. The victim identified as was pronounced dead at the scene. A 14-year-old boy was killed in a shooting in the city's Roseland neighborhood, police say he was -- he was near a sidewalk.

These are all innocent people being slaughtered in our big cities -- there's only Chicago but we're worried you see about vigilantes. You see like Kyle Rittenhouse who defended himself, shot three felons and then another felon is out driving -- driving and yes trying to kill people at a parade.

A 16-year-old boy suffered a gunshot wound -- I'm not done -- on Saturday. Police said the victim was walking, walking. When he heard shots and felt pain, the victim was transported to the Stroger hospital.

A 33-year-old man was shot during a robbery. Police said the victim was outside when he was shot at multiple times by an unidentified male offender who fled the scene. He was shot in the head and in the arm.

Let's see, 27-year-old man suffered a gunshot wound in the back of the head in a Roseland neighborhood Saturday morning. The victim was transported to the Advocate Christ Medical Center in critical condition. A man was shot following a verbal altercation early Saturday morning in the Belmont Heights Neighborhood.

And you know what I've only just gotten started, America. Here's some more. Here's some more. Here's some more.

I just want to know why on MSLSD and the constipated news network, why they claim to be so concerned and that they don't cover any of this? if I hadn't read this what I just read to you would not be on any national television program not one.

Why aren't people concerned about felons roaming around? Why aren't they concerned about Joy Reid says the whites are concerned about property rights, you know, because that's what the nation was founded on? Maybe next time she negotiates her contract, she can remember that because she seems to be into property too.

But all that said, it's not that. It's not about a white dominant society. It's not about corrupt judges or corrupt police or corrupt juries. It's about a culture in decline and the culture in decline is led by the racist media in this country, which appears by these giant corporations, whether it's Comcast, AT&T, whether it's Bezos over the Washington compost or whatever it is, they cannot hire enough reprobates, malcontents and miscreants who hate this country, who undermine this nation, who do not care for law enforcement because when they go home, they're not going into these communities.

It's like professional sports. They run around with stuff on their sneakers and on their shirts and they think they're revolutionaries. Meanwhile, they support communist China they won't say a damn thing about the Uyghurs being slaughtered, the Christians being rounded up, the Tibetans being killed. But they'll talk about slavery that occurred 150, 200 years ago.

We can talk about that but what about modern day humanity and so forth? No, no, no. The people on TV, they go home. You know, people need to know when you go to the studio, you're trying to make a king or a queen with makeup and all the rest. They go home. Everything's fine.

Then, they show up for the revolution in front of the camera then they go back home to their to their nice neighborhoods and so forth and so -- I'm just saying this, the greatest threat we face in this country right now is the American media and the Democrat party who are at war with our culture, at war with our society, at a war with our constitutional system. That's it.

HANNITY: Mark, I got a question. I have a question before you say that's it, I'm done.

One question.

LEVIN: Too late.

HANNITY: Legal remedy in a case like this, I had Nicholas Sandmann -- you know what they did to that kid for wearing a MAGA hat at a pro-life rally, and they lied about him and he's now already settled with media organizations. Does Kyle Rittenhouse have a case against all these people in the media that lied about him called them a white supremacist? Does he have a case against Joe Biden for example?

LEVIN: All right. Let's take Biden first.

Based on the Bill Clinton case, the Paula Jones case, he absolutely does have a case against Joe Biden. There is no presidential immunity because he wasn't president. He was a private citizen and the Supreme Court ruled on that, yes, you can bring a civil case against somebody who becomes president of the United States based on what they've done prior to that time so he would have a case against Joe Biden, even though he's a public figure.

Look, even though the Supreme Court has rewritten the First Amendment in a way that protects, reprobates in public office, you can still overcome it. If somebody makes a definitive statement that you are a white supremacist, and they have no evidence whatsoever, and they had no evidence at the time, despite all the levels the courts have put in place, that is a strong case.

I saw this Tiffany and I don't know her last name on MSNBC, even after the trial, she talked about Kyle being a something like a young, white supremacist murderer. That is a great case to bring against somebody like her as far as I am concerned.

We're not talking about defending a free press here. This press isn't free, it's tyrannical. This press is supporting activities and supporting movements that are destructive of this country what I call this American Marxist movement.

If you're going to go on TV and be a bigot, a racist, a homophobe and you're going to do it night after night after night, as far as I'm concerned -- yes.

And I'll tell you something one other thing, they are destroying or trying to destroy the character of anybody who doesn't agree with them. So in other words, you can be black, you can be brown, you can be red or whatever it is, if you don't join in this Marxist revolution that they're pushing or this critical race theory or the degrowth movement they call climate change, you don't believe in the redistribution of wealth from the people who produce it to the people who don't from the private sector, this massive monopoly of a government we have, they start characterizing you. And they use racism.

There was a study done by a guy at the Heritage Foundation about a year ago. It's in my book. And he points out that the use of white supremacy and the use of racism and so forth by the media, by "The New York Times," it was up twelve hundred percent, by "The Washington Post," it was fifteen hundred percent.

HANNITY: Hey, Mark --

LEVIN: And when they talk about white racists, they're not talking about the Klan or the neo-Nazi, they're talking about all white people, and including people of color who love this society and love this country.

And not only that, they have an anti-Semite problem too in the media. Look how they protect Tlaib and Omar and AOC. And so, I think we need to start focusing on companies like Comcast and AT&T and others, we need to start going to their shareholder meetings. We need to start demanding that they - -

HANNITY: Mark, I got to roll --

LEVIN: -- the news or they report opinion, but out without all these racist bastards who go on television whether they're tenured professors or something else who go on TV and are lighting fuses all over the place for which they take no responsibility and no consequence. That's it again.

HANNITY: All right.

LEVIN: That's it.

HANNITY: I actually did that at the Patriot Awards in your honor. Great one, Mark Levin, thank you.

All right. Meanwhile, back at the White House, another week is already bringing a lot of bad news for Joe Biden. A new CBS News/YouGov poll released yesterday shows Joe once again underwater, 56 percent disapproval rating, full majority of CBS poll respondents. They disapprove of the way Biden is handling pretty much every single issue facing the country.

The economy, immigration, foreign policy, of course, inflation. And don't forget just last week, Quinnipiac, they had Joe Biden at a meager 36 percent approval. And while buyer's remorse for Biden sweeps the nation, he doesn't seem to know or care because according to Jen Psaki, Biden fully intends to run for reelection in 2024. He doesn't look strong enough to even make it through the next three years. Good luck with that.

Anyway, whether he's running again or not, it's clear tonight, Joe Biden is everything we've been telling you he is since the election, since before the election. A weak, frail, cognitive mess whose incompetence and policies and radicalism are destroying the country.

Here with reaction, former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, former White House Press Secretary Ari Fleischer.

Ari, start with you. Thirty-six percent, 28 percent, and the White House looks like they want to blame Kamala more than Joe. Okay, they both are awful. Their policies are awful, and unless they change and adopt Trump's policies, I don't see them fixing any of the problems, they're causing.

ARI FLEISCHER, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: No, and they're not going to change, Sean, because they they're just dead set on running down a progressive agenda and that's been the fatal flaw of the Biden presidency. If he had run as actual moderate and governed as a moderate, Joe Biden be a lot more popular than he is today. If he had cut bipartisan deals with Joe Manchin leading the charge on one side and Republicans on the other side, it'd be a very different presidency in a different America.

But he sold out to the redistribute everything progressive woke left, and he's thrown himself into bed with them it's not going to end well for him. It's not going to end well for the country.

HANNITY: Let's see what Joe Manchin does Governor Huckabee, but I will tell you, you know, Mitch McConnell said for two months, every Republican said they weren't going to help on the debt ceiling and they did they caved. And then you had Republicans helping with the infrastructure bill.

What I'd like to know is will Republicans they have not been involved invited into this process at all, why should they lift a finger to help in any way?

MIKE HUCKABEE, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, they shouldn't lift a finger to help. They don't have to do anything. They just need to stand back. I'm sure that the announcement that Joe Biden is planning on running for reelection in 2024, don't you know that really revved up the Democrats? I mean I can't imagine how excited they are.

I mean, the truth is the poll numbers you just read from CBS, it reveals to us that the turkey is having a better week than Joe Biden is right now and the turkey is going to have a really bad Thursday, but (INAUDIBLE) then Joe.

HANNITY: Especially my turkeys because I dumped it right in a Masterbuilt Butterball turkey fryer and that's I guess the best way to be cooked because it's the most delicious.

The question is Bill Clinton had enough sense to turn to change course, Ari. With this radical group of socialists this new Democratic socialist party, there's no room for any course correction here. There's not going to be a era of big government is over. They're not going to now secure the borders. They're not going to go to energy independence.

They're not going to cut taxes, they're going to raise them and they're going to keep spending. There's no way out that I see short of basically becoming Donald Trump.

FLEISCHER: And this is why I say this is the fatal flaw of the Biden years because instead of being something the country actually could have supported like he said in his inaugural address that his whole soul was for unity. He hasn't governed that way has he he's governed as if his whole soul was for progressivism and liberalism, and that's what's taking Joe Biden down. The American people aren't there. The American people aren't liberal. They're certainly not progressive or woke.

But a faction of his party is and he's decided to put that faction first. That's the problem with the Biden years.

HANNITY: I got a kick out of it governor that both Kamala Harris and then the next day, Joe Biden they got rid of the communications director. Okay, that's like firing the coach when the team's not doing well, or maybe they didn't really sign the best players.

My question is, what is -- why are they governing so hard left? What has changed? Where is the Joe Lieberman, Scoop Jackson party of old? Where are -- where are those moderate Democrats? You can -- you can mention Manchin, you can mention Sinema, but they're just not as crazy as the crazy that seems to dominate the entire party.

HUCKABEE: The Democrats have lost touch with reality. They live in their bubble. They're funded almost solely by Hollywood, Silicon Valley and Wall Street, and the lobbyist community of Washington. They're all leaning to the left.

But the ideological heart of the Democrat Party is now Bernie Sanders. He really is president, I don't know if people fully understand that.

HANNITY: I don't know if Bernie --


HUCKABEE: He just doesn't have to show up.

HANNITY: Well, look, Joe didn't know we were going to pay 450 grand to illegal immigrants that didn't respect our laws borders and sovereignty. He said, you got to stop he said to our own Peter Doocy, you know, that stop talking about this craziness and then he started defending it.

So I don't know what's worse, that he didn't know and then he decided to adopt it? Yeah, last word.

HUCKABEE: John, there is a reason that he really likes ice cream because he never has to worry about getting a brain freeze. He eats it fast.


HANNITY: You know, your daughter is going to be a better governor than you, but she's definitely not going to be a better stand-up comic, I'm going to tell you that.

But anyway, I appreciate both of you being with us.

Up next, shocking new report about zero experience Hunter Biden and a deal he made with the Chinese. Here's a question, are the Bidens compromised by both China and Russia? We'll check in with Clay Travis and Jason Chaffetz. They'll react and a big announcement about this show, straight ahead.


HANNITY: Another day, another shocking report about zero experience Hunter Biden and, of course, the Biden family syndicate. "New York Times" reporting that our Hunter Biden linked investment firm helped the Chinese company purchase a cobalt mine from an American business. Now, that's the metal that is essential for the manufacturing of batteries and electric vehicles. Talk about American last policies, that's about it.

Now, a "Times" source says Hunter didn't directly profit from the deal. Are we really to believe he worked for free? I don't believe that, because he's charging an awful lot of money for his paint by numbers uh portraits of a crack addict.

Here with reaction, Outkick founder, co-host of the Clay Travis, Buck Sexton show, as well as FOX News contributor Jason Chaffetz.

I don't believe he did it for free he and the bigger issue that we needed answer to is Joe Biden is allowing Vladimir Putin to build up an army on the border with Ukraine. It looks like military action is imminent. And Joe Biden is allowing China to fly their fighter jets over Taiwan airspace every day and talk about reunification. My argument is that the Biden's a compromise because they because Hunter got money from both countries -- Jason?

JASON CHAFFETZ, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: That's absolutely right, Sean. I guess I'll go ahead and take that one. It's absolutely right.

Look, the smartest person on the planet according to Joe Biden is Hunter Biden. It happens to be his son. His son has had deals in Ukraine. His son has deals in China, he has taken millions of dollars uh from the former mayor of Moscow's wife and he tried to do deals with some very influential people in Mexico.

You know what's missing from that list? Doing deals the better the United States of America, he hasn't done that and now he's got this ridiculous deal with himself and the White House to say, hey, I'm going to go out and sell this art for $450,000 a pop, even though the United States Senate the year before said that's how the Russians launder money.

So, given all of that, there needs to be a special prosecutor. Republicans better get their act together, Sean, because every single Republican in the House and the Senate should be signing on to a letter demanding from the attorney general that we have to have a special prosecutor. It's what Democrats did to Trump and what Republicans are just whimpish on. They're going to go into the second half of the ball game, 2022, and they're going to say we're winning and they're not going to want to do anything bold because they think they're winning and they're going to let this guy get away for free.

HANNITY: Clay, let's get your take.

CLAY TRAVIS, OUTKICK FOUNDER: Oh, Sean, look, everything that Hunter Biden is doing is what they all said at "The New York Times" and CNN and MSNBC and "The Washington Post" that was happening with the Trump kids. Can you imagine if any of these stories, imagine if Don Jr. had decided to get into painting and start to sell paintings for $500,000 to Russian oligarchs? Can you imagine if anybody in the Trump family had decided, you know, what let's make sure that we're working to get a multi-billion dollar deal through for Chairman Xi and everybody in China, can you imagine the relationships there?

Everything that the mainstream media told you was happening with the Trump kids is actually occurring with hunter Biden and it's as if nobody wants to acknowledge all of it. Oh, by the way, we know Joe Biden himself was involved in all these deals. It's shameful. It's pathetic, and once more, everything they accuse Trump of doing, Joe Biden and his family, they've actually done it, Sean.

HANNITY: Yeah, let's see, we got $3.5 million from a Russian oligarch, we got the $1.5 billion deal with the Bank of China, we got a hundred thousand dollar shopping spree with the Chinese national. Joe Biden doesn't take on China, doesn't take on Russia. I would say that needs an investigation.

TRAVIS: It's amazing.

HANNITY: All right. Clay, thank you. Jason, thank you.

When we come back, an announcement about tomorrow night's show, straight ahead.


HANNITY: All right. Unfortunately, that's all the time we have for tonight. Quick programming note, tomorrow night, please join us 9:00 p.m. Eastern. The 45th president of the United States on camera, Donald J. Trump will join us for the full hour. We'll get his thoughts on Joe Biden, his performance and we will talk about a lot more. Set your DVR so you'll never miss an episode.

In the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. Laura Ingraham is standing by with a great show as usual.

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