This is a rush transcript from “Hannity” October 28, 2020. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
Tonight, damning new details continue to emerge surrounding Joe Biden's family corruption scandals. Documents, text, emails, eyewitness accounts are now painting what is a very corrupt and a very ugly picture and, of course, it is well-documented the fact that Biden's son, zero experience Hunter, his brother Jim received millions and millions of dollars from sketchy foreign nationals cashing in on then Vice President Biden and that would be Ukrainian oligarchs, Russian oligarchs, Kazakh oligarchs, Chinese nationals, Bank of China, you name it, they were making money and all to buy influence.
And now, thanks to what are troves of new evidence that is becoming increasingly clear, Joe Biden himself played a critical role in the sketchy payouts, offering special access in exchange for sweetheart business deals, millions for his family.
And according to a former by Biden business partner, Tony Bobulinski, Joe Biden not only knew about the pay-for-play schemes but was a integral part of the process.
And it's important to point out that, so far, no one has directly refuted Mr. Bobulinski's claims, not Joe Biden, not Hunter Biden, not Jim Biden.
This is what happened when Jim Biden was asked if he had any response to all the corruption allegations leveled against him and his family.
Let's take a look.
REPORTER: Mr. Biden, hi. Do you care to answer some questions?
REPORTER: Just wondering why did you involve Joe Biden in your China deal?
Why did you and Hunter Biden want Joe Biden to meet with Tony B?
BIDEN: What are you talking about?
REPORTER: Are you Mr. Jim Biden? I wanted to ask you about the China deal.
BIDEN: Would you please stop bothering me?
REPORTER: You don't want to comment, sir?
BIDEN: I don't want to comment on anything to you.
HANNITY: The money, the wire transfers, it's all chronicled now -- a serious scandal, national security, diplomatic implications on a massive scale.
You wouldn't know it though if you watch fake news CNN or MSDNC, or you got your news from anyone in the media mob. They didn't cover Tucker's hour- long interview with Mr. Bobulinski. They're not investigating his claims.
They're not verifying the evidence.
They are completely and totally ignoring all of it, which is in and of itself a scandal. By the way, as they ignored the Johnson and the Grassley report, you know about the oligarchs, about the wire transfers, Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, China -- it's like an outright censorship of all of this by big tech companies, Twitter, Facebook, the media mob.
And tonight, it is more obvious than ever that very powerful forces -- the media mob, 99 percent, big tech companies, almost all of them. the Democratic socialist party, the establishment Never Trumpers, weak establishment Republicans and the deep state now are all aligned against this president and his reelection.
Now, the only thing that can stop that from happening is you the American people. And with at least battleground states now in play, President Trump is taking nothing and nobody for granted. The president is traveling the country at a rapid pace.
Earlier today, he had two massive rallies in Arizona. Tomorrow, he will be in Florida, he will be in North Carolina.
And in six days, let me tell you one thing that nobody is telling you.
Anybody that is out there making predictions, they don't know what the hell they're talking about. Nobody has a crystal ball and by the way, don't believe anyone that is telling you they know how this election will turn out, or Donald Trump only has a five percent chance.
You know what? That is an effort to deflate conservative and Republican votes. Your vote, if you believe this, is critical and everybody takes it seriously. Yes, you can shock the world again and the media mob will have to utter the words, choke on them, "we can now project that Donald J. Trump has been reelected the 45th president of the United States."
That can happen. That is your power. You get to decide. You are the ultimate jury. and by the way, you are the only thing that is standing in the way of the single most radical extreme socialist agenda and what would be an administration in American history.
Joe Biden may be at the top of the Democratic ticket, but let's be honest here, he's not exactly steering the ship. He is weak, he is frail, he is cognitively struggling, he can barely get his words together. He seems totally at times completely out of it like a half a corpse that's being manipulated by the radical socialists that are in charge.
And there's geriatric Joe long for the ride. In fact, today was a big day for Joe Biden. This morning, he was driven to a local polling site near his home in Wilmington, Delaware, where he voted early delivered a couple of remarks and spent the rest of the afternoon hiding again in his basement bunker, resting comfortably.
Here we are six days until an all-important presidential election, Joe Biden took the day off again. He's not holding rallies. He's not visiting battleground states.
You know, Barack Obama is doing more campaigning for Joe Biden and Joe Biden's doing for Joe Biden. Instead, you got Kamala Harris. She was out on the campaign trail -- rarely for her too.
And today, while he was taking his nap time in Delaware, she was in the state of Arizona hosting a few events, with tiny little baby crowds. Very few people.
At this point, even Joe Biden himself is stating the obvious. Take a look.
JOE BIDEN (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: My name is Joe Biden, I'm Jill Biden's husband, and I'm Kamala's running mate.
You all think I'm kidding, don't you?
HANNITY: Now, when they tell you who they are, believe them. Senator Harris is clearly in charge. Her record is to the left of Bolshevik Bernie Sanders.
And according to the nonpartisan study, she was ranked the most liberal senator in 2019. That's right, to the left of Bernie, a devout socialist.
She co-sponsored the Green New Deal.
She also called for a ban on fracking, and fossil fuels. She wants to put a ban on plastic straws. She would like to limit the amount of red meat that Americans are allowed to consume.
And she is in favor of Medicare-for-All. She co-sponsored that including taxpayer-funded health insurance for illegal immigrants. And by the way, she is against private health insurance plans.
She supports, of course, packing the court. She promised to confiscate guns via executive order, bypassing, usurping the power of the legislative branch of government.
These are radical beliefs out of the mainstream, but that is your new Democratic socialist party.
And pay attention because if some of the polls are right, most people don't think Joe Biden can even finish a first term, watch Kamala Harris more carefully. For example, Joe Biden's own website praises the Green New Deal as the crucial framework for battling climate change.
Yesterday, Biden's own climate czar, Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, had this to say about the increasingly radical Democratic Party. Take a look.
REP. ALEXANDRIA OCASIO-CORTEZ (D-NY): Despite millions if not billions of dollars of fossil fuel money and lobbying and media campaigns to smear the Green New Deal, a majority of people still believe in this country that a Green New Deal is the right way forward.
HANNITY: Now, the main goal the green new deal is to put the oil and the gas industry, energy industry out of business. That means millions and millions of high-paying career jobs in the energy sector will be eliminated. Our economy will be devastated especially in places like Pennsylvania and Ohio and New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas.
And, of course, to accomplish this radical agenda, Democrats could need to seize control of the U.S. Supreme Court, and during the Democratic primary, even Kamala Harris said that the Democrats should be willing to pack the courts. That would be the biggest power grab in 150 years in this country.
Multiple, high-profile Democrats are all threatening to do that or it's on the table, including Rahm "Dead Fish" Emanuel. Take a look.
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Minority Leader Schumer is saying Republicans will regret her confirmation. Do you think they will?
RAHM EMANUEL, FORMER CHICAGO MAYOR: Yes. Well, let me say, yes, I do think the Republicans will regret, and regret not only what they did here but what they did in Merrick Garland at the end of 2016. They've twice now bent the rules and cracked them and broken them to uh basically seize power in the Supreme Court and politicize the Supreme Court.
HANNITY: And he's lying as usual because 29 times in history during election years, well, 29 presidents all made a nomination to the Supreme Court.
And, by the way, it's not Rahm alone. Following the confirmation of Justice Amy Coney Barrett, by the way, you'd be hard-pressed to find any Democrat who isn't threatening to pack the courts. Take a look.
SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY), SENATE MINORITY LEADER: And the next time the American people give Democrats a majority in this chamber, you will have forfeited the right to tell us how to run that majority. My colleagues may regret this for a lot longer than they think.
SEN. CHRIS COONS (D-DE): How do we rebalance our courts? Yes, the two Supreme Court cases that have been stolen where these processes that are just wildly hypocritical have been used to jam through partisan nominees.
But we've got to look at our federal courts as a whole, Rachel.
REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: Should we expand the court? Well, let's take a look and see. But not -- and that relates to the nine district courts, maybe we need more district courts as well.
HANNITY: This election matters, believe them. Democrats will pack the courts so their radical agenda will be left totally and completely unchecked. There will be nothing to stop them from stripping away your rights and nationalizing major sectors of the economy, confiscating private property, eliminating the Second Amendment.
And, of course, Joe and kamala if they get their way, there will be immediate amnesty for millions maybe up to 15 million illegal immigrants, and you the American people they're telling you this, will be forced to pay for the health insurance and other government benefits for anybody that crosses our borders illegally.
All right. Here with more from the site of the president's rally in Arizona, Hannity election correspondent, he has the best job in television we even pay him to go follow the president and hang out with all the great people at these rallies, Lawrence Jones.
LJ, you got a good job. That's all I can say.
Good evening, Sean.
We are just six days out, six days out from what some call the most important election of our lifetime. So let's look at the candidates. Joe Biden spent the morning voting early. He then gave some brief remarks.
Then he decided to answer two questions and tonight, he's back at home and he decided to do a Zoom with Oprah.
The president of the United States after doing three massive rallies yesterday hosted another two today in Arizona, zeroing in on 47 years of what he calls failure of Joe Biden. That's in politics, 47 years in politics, Sean.
But when I talked to his supporters today the number one issue on their mind was immigration. How it impacts them. Will Joe Biden get rid of the wall?
Take a look.
JONES: This day, one of the main issues is immigration and how illegal immigration impacts this state. What's going to happen if Joe Biden is elected?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, wow, from what I've heard is that he is interested in opening up the borders.
JONES: Do you believe he's open borders?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think he'll open him again.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If that wall goes, it's just going to be a flood of illegal immigrants coming in.
JONES: Everyone I talk to, they talk about immigration, open borders in Arizona, and they're afraid if Joe Biden is elected, that it's going to be more and more of the same. It's not going to be legal immigration.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, he doesn't care about anything except enriching himself, a lot of politicians do. That's why no one might likes Mr. T because he -- he stopped all that.
JONES: What happens if Joe Biden is elected?
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's trouble, big trouble.
JONES: What type of trouble?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, there's going to be trouble in the streets, right, because everything's going to go crazy.
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If Joe Biden gets in, it'll be open borders. It'll be anybody all come in, it'll be a big free for all.
JONES: Should Americans be concerned?
UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, yeah, if you love this country.
JONES: Sean, as you know, it is heated in Arizona, and I'm not just talking about the hot weather, it is a heated race, a swing state in Arizona, not just for the president, but also in the Senate race.
Republican Senator Martha McSally is facing Mark Kelly. They're in a dead heat right now, Sean, and we're still waiting to see how that's going to go.
From my understanding, Sean, it has been 74 million votes that have already been casted in this election, and that's the national election, Sean. We've got to wait and see six days out.
HANNITY: Hey, all those Senate races matter. Joni Ernst, Martha McSally, Corey Gardner, Mitch McConnell, Lindsey Graham, you got Tillis in North Carolina. You got Alabama. I mean, we have a lot of -- Perdue in Georgia.
All of -- that would be a check and a balance also.
When you meet people, they read the polls, they hear the media, they know the media is in the tank for all things Biden and the Democratic Party -- are they listening to the things that they're saying, oh this is a runaway election, Joe Biden's going to win? Because nobody knows, Lawrence, I wish I could tell you for sure how this is going to end in six days, I don't know, but neither do they.
JONES: Sean, it's interesting because, you know, with all the polls pointing toward Joe Biden, you would think there would be some fear among the president's supporters. They have zero fear and they keep pointing to 2016. They said that everyone doubted them, they said that everybody harassed him and said they were dumb for voting for the president and that he would never win, that he would destroy the Republican Party. But the president won.
And they're holding on to that same hope that they had in 2016, Sean, no doubt on their mind.
HANNITY: Yeah, all right, LJ, thank you, Lawrence Jones.
Joining us now, author of "Liberal Privilege", Donald Trump Jr.
All right. So your whole family's been crisscrossing the country. I have no idea what state you're in tonight. Where are you tonight?
DONALD TRUMP JR., AUTHOR, "LIBERAL PRIVILEGE": I'm in Florida. We just finished an incredible rally, about 3,000 people in Vero Beach. It was just awesome.
So, a lot of energy, Sean, a lot of energy on the ground.
HANNITY: What about the son of the president gets a big crowd too? I mean, I -- maybe that's a harbinger of things to come.
Look, I see a lot of similarities --
TRUMP JR.: I'd like to think so. I --
HANNITY: Oh, really? Are you announcing now?
TRUMP JR.: I when I asked the crowd initially, they go, you guys realized
-- no, no, no, I'm just saying, you know, I wanted to make sure that the crowd knew that it wasn't for senior. It was for junior, I just wanted to check because I didn't want to get sued for fraud, you know? It was a little different for us.
HANNITY: Well, your dad would probably point out that his crowds are a little bit bigger, which by the way does point to a phenomenon. I've been doing this for 33 years on radio.
TRUMP JR.: It really does.
HANNITY: Twenty-five years on TV at the FOX News Channel.
TRUMP JR.: It really does.
HANNITY: I've never seen anything like this ever.
TRUMP JR.: No, it's amazing. I mean, I see it every day. I see it in all of the towns. I mean, I'm doing three, four, five rallies a day, all over the states.
I mean, I had 2,500 people show up the other day in the middle of the Upper Peninsula in Michigan. They filled up an airport hangar, Sean, and they had to have 1,500 people that sat outside in degree freezing rain to listen to me speak and, you know, to talk about a president who's willing to fight for them, who's going to bat against the deep state, who's going to bat against the establishment.
And when you compare and contrast that to Joe Biden's half a century of failure, where literally not one of these people can name a single one of Joe Biden's accomplishments because there are none, it's just amazing.
And so, these guys are excited. They're excited to vote. They're excited to fight for their country, for their freedoms, and if you've been watching as we all have for the last 10 days, you know, it's not just the Second Amendment that's at risk this election. It's our First Amendment.
I mean, between big tech and mainstream media and the social media masters
-- I mean, they're trying to eliminate freedom of speech. They're attacking the freedom of the press. They're doing whatever they can to manipulate an election, and it feels much more like communist China here than it does America.
With the Democrats in control, it would only get so much worse.
HANNITY: They're telling us they will pack the Supreme Court. They are telling us, D.C., Puerto Rico statehood. They want four more Democratic senators so they're in the majority in perpetuity. Amnesty, 50 million people, something of great value I assume, they would expect people to be loyal to their party if they grant them such a gift as that.
You look at all -- ending the legislative filibuster.
I don't know if people fully comprehend, this has never been proposed.
They're literally telling America elect us and we will make this one-party rule throughout the whole country, with really very little to zero chance Republicans ever get back in.
TRUMP JR.: I mean, I think that's their end game. I mean, you see that.
They don't -- they are the people that are acting like the dictators. They are the people that are totalitarian. They are the people that are shutting down the speech of those that they don't like. They are the people burning books in the streets, looting, rioting in inner cities all over the country.
I mean, those are the Biden voters. That is the Democrat Party today, and that's what I think people across America have to recognize, Sean. This isn't your grandparents' Democrat Party anymore. It's not your parents'
Democrat Party.
This Democrat Party is a socialist, Marxist party. They don't represent hard-working Americans anymore. They don't care if they shut down your business, your livelihood forever.
Guess what? We'll put you on a government program. You'll be a Democrat voter for life.
This election is about freedom versus tyranny, capitalism versus socialism and communism. They're not even pretending that it's not anymore. They're welcoming that kind of analogy which should scare all of us a lot.
HANNITY: I think you're absolutely right.
All right. Well, three thousand, you're getting close to your dad. I mean, when you get to 35,000, you know he'll start looking over his shoulder saying -- all right, what's going on with Don Jr.?
Anyway, have fun on the campaign trail six days to go.
When we come back, Senator Ted Cruz laid in to Jack Dorsey of Twitter today for Twitter's blatant bias against conservatives. Wait till you see the tape. The big tech giants, media mob, deep state, all in for the Biden campaign. Newt Gingrich will break it all down as we continue, six days -- don't believe the media, don't trust the polls. You will make the ultimate choice.
HANNITY: All right. Now, big tech titans were on Capitol Hill today facing a grilling from senators on their bias and censorship and their suppression of conservative voices and those tactics that are essentially, by the way, a giant, in-kind contribution to all things Democratic socialist party and Joe Biden.
Here's a small sample of Republicans pressing @jack from Twitter, the CEO.
Take a look.
SEN. TED CRUZ (R-TX): Twitter takes the view, you can censor "The New York Post", you can censor "Politico", presumably, you can censor "The New York Times" or any other media outlet. Mr. Dorsey, who the hell elected you and put you in charge of what the media are allowed to report and what the American people are allowed to hear, and why do you persist in behaving as a Democratic super PAC silencing views to the contrary of your political beliefs?
JACK DORSEY, TWITTER CEO: We're not doing that, and this is why I opened this hearing with calls for more transparency. We realized we need to earn trust more.
SEN. RON JOHNSON (R-WI): You know, the question was, does Twitter have the ability to influence the elections, you said no. Do you still stand by that that answer?
DORSEY: Twitter is a company, no. No.
JOHNSON: You don't think you have the ability by moderation policies, by Senator Lee and I would call it censoring, you know, what you do to "New York Post". You don't think that censorship, that moderation policies, you don't think that influences the elections by withholding what I believe is true information for American public? You don't think that interferes in elections?
HANNITY: Let's be clear, big tech and the media mob, they're making massive donations to the Biden campaign, the Democratic Party, basically just an extension of Joe Biden's press office, outright censoring of stories because they're bad for Biden and it's that simple.
Remember, these very same companies are overwhelmingly staffed by Democrats and people are policy a wired analysis found that roughly 95 percent of contributions by six and -- by employees of the big -- six of the big tech firms have gone to Joe Biden, shocker. Big tech and the media mob are all in for the ever weak, frail, cognitively challenged, half a corpse Joe Biden.
They amplify fake stories about President Trump like the dirty dossier and Russia collusion. They did that for years. They never suppressed that. But they suppressed true ones like the corrupt Biden business bureau, and the new revelations by Tony Bobulinski, for example, about how Joe Biden was deeply involved in his son's dealings with China.
We need bold action, bold reform, certainly, we need to take away their liability protection. Now, in a new letter to Congress, the DOJ is supporting changes to what is called Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, in an effort to hold big tech more accountable for the censorship that they're involved in, and it's only one of many reasons that this election is more important than ever before.
Here with reaction, the author of "Trump and the American Future", FOX News contributor, Newt Gingrich.
It is incalculable to me, Mr. Speaker, how much this -- if we could -- if we could somehow put a monetary value on the suppression of conservative ideas and the promotion of Joe Biden's agenda. I mean, I -- probably is in the trillions of dollars.
NEWT GINGRICH, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Well, it's certainly an unbelievable impact and to have somebody like that of Twitter just blatantly lie to the Congress, which he did today, and I was delighted to see Ted Cruz take him call him out on it.
These people have crossed a line. They have no right to censor what people want to put on there if, in fact, they're going to remain a common carrier.
And I think one step may be to allow people like "The New York Post", the oldest newspaper the United States, fourth largest newspaper of United States, that have the right to sue them for economic damages every time they get censored.
And you'd pretty rapidly find these guys backing off and deciding that maybe they don't want to try to render censorship.
But I find it very chilling that Facebook now has 12 Chinese communists working for them in Seattle, applying the algorithms of censorship which are so common in China.
And I mean, I think that is something that somebody needs to really go straight at Zuckerman, and say you know what, what are you doing, and how can you have these people here?
GINGRICH: This is clearly going to require profound change by the Congress and the president.
HANNITY: Let me go back to where you were around this time in 2016, because you and I were on the same page. We both believe strongly, Donald Trump absolutely could shock the world and win the election. We saw a momentum that we'd never previously seen, I would argue that this time, it's even bigger. All the polls said he was never going to win, the odds were low, you and I were out there saying, no, he can win this.
As I look very closely at Florida, as I look at Georgia, as I look at North Carolina, as I look at Ohio and Iowa and Arizona, Nevada, and then, of course, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and I would even add Minnesota, I see that Donald J. Trump absolutely has a chance to shock the world again, maybe, I believe he has a greater chance this time than last time. I know the polls don't show that, your thoughts?
GINGRICH: Well, first, I think you're right, he has a better likelihood than he did at this stage in 2016 when he was clearly behind in closing rapidly.
The people I trust the most, the pollsters have been the most accurate over the last five or six years who seem to understand the dynamics of the age of Trump, I saw today the first Electoral College map that made sense to me, and it showed Trump at 326 electoral votes plus, and I think that that's probably about right. I think the left is going to be terribly shocked and I actually think, Sean, it comes down to something which is psychological not ideological.
In the end, as you watch these two candidates campaigning, I think it's coming down to sort of a bunny rabbit hiding in a basement protected by the news media and a bear who is wandering around on the stage courageously without fear.
And if you think the world's dangerous, whether the dangers are riots in Philadelphia or the dangers of the Chinese communists, you probably want to have a bear that's strong enough to defend you not a bunny rabbit that has to be protected by the news media.
HANNITY: I think a bunny rabbit is pretty charitable.
GINGRICH: Well, I think every day that Biden hides and Trump goes out and campaigns, the psychological message being driven to the American people is really deeper than just ideology or partisanship, it says one guy has the guts the willingness the toughness to actually be out here taking on things, including COVID. The other guy is hiding, frightened, hoping the news media will save him because he can't possibly save himself.
And I think that that sinks in and I think that's why you're seeing in virtually every poll that I trust, you're seeing a steady drift towards Trump and away from undecided and away from being sort of leaning towards Biden but not sold.
GINGRICH: And I think you know my personal bet is, it's going to lead to a surprising majority for Trump.
HANNITY: Are you talking about the Trafalgar Group and Robert Cahaly, you're talking about Insider Advantage and Matt Towery, you're talking about Rasmussen Reports that has Trump overall up again by a point today, multiple polls now, very close, but have Trump up in Pennsylvania and in Michigan.
I'm not saying any of this is in the bag. I -- I think it's tipping in the balance. It's going to be up to the American people and they better take it seriously, because I think this power grab the Democrats are telegraphing is real.
You have the last 30 seconds.
GINGRICH: Sure. Look, it all comes down to voting, I would urge everybody watching us, make sure every person you know votes, because what counts isn't polls, it isn't TV coverage, what counts is how many people go out there and cast a ballot, and I'm confident if everyone who's for Trump will go and vote, he is going to win a stunning victory and the left is going to be shaken to its very roots.
HANNITY: It just -- that would be worth the price of admission, the mob choking on the announcement we can now project Donald J. Trump re-elected 45th president.
GINGRICH: That's right.
HANNITY: That would be worth -- I can't even put a money value on how much that would be worth.
All right.
GINGRICH: But what do you think about, we say that night, bye-bye, bunny, and hello, bear, and it all works.
HANNITY: All right. Newt Gingrich, thank you.
Coming up, Philly on edge again tonight after last night's rioting that went on, and we've got a live report from the ground.
Also, the president reacts to the chaos in Pennsylvania, promises law and order and safety and security. Leo Terrell 2.0, Dan Bongino, straight ahead.
HANNITY: All right. A curfew is now in effect for the city of Philadelphia after more lawlessness, looting, violent unrest, following the fatal police shooting Monday of a man who was charging officers, wielding a knife.
Now, look at this footage from the past two nights. Stores ransacked, severely damaged, completely destroyed, as people are seen running out of businesses with clothing and electronics, and let's see, major appliances, and television sets.
And joining us on the ground in Philly is Aisha Hasnie is with us.
Aisha, what's it looking like tonight?
AISHA HASNIE, FOX NEWS CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Sean. We are about 40 minutes into this curfew here in Philadelphia. And for the most part, it's not being enforced because we are seeing plenty people out and about, walking around, checking things out, and driving around.
Let's take a look around west Philadelphia here. This is the main drag, 52nd and Market here. And what you're looking at is a pretty heavy police presence. This is about 100 police officers at this intersection. They got riot gear ready too go. The batons, the shields, the helmets, and they are here ready to prevent any riots or looting that might happen because this area as you remember, Sean, was ripped apart by looters on Monday.
We're talking about local, minority owned businesses, just ransacked and destroyed. And keep in mind, this is Walter Wallace's neighborhood. So, it's really hard to understand why these people, these looters are attacking their own.
Now, we have seen violent clashes with police. More than 30 cops injured in the last two days. The governor, as you know, has called out the Army National Guard. They are supposed to arrive sometime Friday or Saturday.
Hundreds of soldiers getting ready to be deployed to help the local police here to protect property and to prevent any looting from happening. They will provide assistance with that because, really, the police here, Sean, have been the target of a lot of violence.
As of right now, nothing like what we have seen in the last two days. We were hearing gunfire erupting nonstop last night. Right now, it's just a wait-and-see game of what's going to happen now in place -- Sean.
HANNITY: All right. Aisha, thank you.
Now, the lawlessness that you see playing out on city streets is what I call a preview of coming attractions of what is going to be showing up at your front door, In six days, if Biden and Biden supporters get their way and implement their radical agenda, President Trump, he has doubled down his commitment for law and order and safety and security for every American.
Listen to him earlier in Arizona. .Take a look.
DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Last night, the city of Philadelphia was ransacked by violent mobs and Biden-supported people.
These were all Biden-supported people. And he wouldn't even call them out this morning.
They said, please call them out, he doesn't want to get involved because he doesn't want to lose the radical left.
Stores were looted, police cars were burned and dozens of officers -- great officers were injured.
Biden and Harris stand up and they stand with the rioters and the vandals.
I stand with the heroes of law enforcement.
HANNITY: Here with reaction, FOX News contributor Dan Bongino, along with civil rights attorney, Larry Elder.
We already know where Kamala Harris is, Dan Bongino. She supports defunding the police. Joe, re-allocating, police become the enemy, said nothing about the lawlessness at the DNC this summer.
Let's re-imagine the police department. There is only one answer, and that is, you need law and order for people to pursue happiness. You need a good educational system so kids can climb the ladder to success, right?
DAN BONGINO, FOX NEWS CONTRIBUTOR: Yes, you don't need -- you don't need to reimagine what your cities will look like with this approach like this.
You can just imagine it by going on social media right now and watching these cities burn, all -- all by the way led by Democrats. All! Do we need to repeat that for the liberals at home? Led by liberal Democrats.
Sean, I was a police officer with the NYPD in the Rudy Giuliani era. And the approach to crowd control and civil unrest was quite simple. If you broke the law, you went to jail.
I know that's tough for the liberals watching. I know this is like a big moment for you. This just, like holy crap, break the law and go to jail, yes, that's how this works.
Now, listen, to be clear, when civil unrest breaks out, you're not going to get everyone. You're not going to get every looter, but a looter figures out there's a 10 percent chance he can go to chain, Sean, this is a crazy.
And the liberals are going to have tough time with this, there's less likely a chance he's going to loot.
If a looter figures out there's zero chance he's going to go in jail, he's more likely to loot. I know this is really difficult, but maybe this big city mayors wake up and start sending people to jail soon, and this stuff will stop.
HANNITY: I don't think at all. I mean, I think Joe Biden doesn't have the courage, the wisdom, I don't think he's tough enough to make a decision to restore law and order. He didn't have a willingness to talk about it all summer long, Leo 2.0.
LEO TERRELL, CIVIL RIGHTS ATTORNEY: I'll tell you right now, I want to be very clear, because it really bothers me. This is not about George Floyd any longer.
This -- George Floyd has been used by criminals. These were people who commit a crime and the man who was shot, he had a knife. He had a knife.
And these officers have to defend themselves.
What you are seeing out there, if there is a reason to vote for Donald Trump, you need to vote for Donald Trump because of what's going on in Philadelphia, because if you want law and order, because this is happening in every Democratic city. And more importantly, what you see out there, those criminals, those rioters, what Dan said is correct.
Those are Democrats. Those are Democrats. And what amazes is why is Joe Biden and Kamala Harris supporting these criminals? You know why? Because they made a deal with the devil. They have made a deal with Antifa. They have made a deal with Black Lives Matter.
And whenever a black man or a black woman is killed, justified, it doesn't make a difference. Rioting, criminal activity, it's okay if you are a Democrat. This is crazy.
George Floyd's name is being misused for criminals to go out and create chaos. It's crazy.
HANNITY: Let me -- let me re-rack this and I want to play with the sound up. And, Dan, explain to people what police training says, because -- look, you and I both trained in martial arts. I have been doing it nearly eight years of my life now. And --
HANNITY: I've said this on air and people say this is a dumb statement.
But close range, I would rather be dealing with a fire arm than a blade. If somebody knows how to use a blade, it's that more dangerous.
But police officers are trained, what, 20 feet away, that a blade is a lethal weapon, correct? Let's roll the tape.
BONGINO: Yeah, and, Sean, there's a reason --
HANNITY: You have watched it many times. I see the police backing up, backing up, moving around, trying to avoid a confrontation.
BONGINO: Yes, Sean --
HANNITY: How do you assess the decision that they have to make in the moment?
BONGINO: Well, there's a couple reason this is justified. Not good. A man died. This is a tragedy.
We're not talking about good or bad. We're talking about bad and worse outcomes. Let me be crystal clear, a man died here.
Now, having said that, 21 feet, when someone is acting with a bladed weapon and you are reacting, 21 feet is generally how far away you need to react in time to protect yourself. If you watch the video taught in every police academy across the country called surviving edge weapons, you'll see that
21 feet is your safe zone. He was well within that.
HANNITY: It's always sad.
TERRELL: It's sad. It was justified shooting, it was sad, but it was justified.
HANNITY: Up next, good signs for Republicans in the state of Michigan tonight. Ambassador Nikki Haley, John James, who's running a fantastic campaign for Senate, will join us next.
HANNITY: All right. So the polls in the critical state of Michigan are showing a very tight contest as Republican optimism appears to be growing by the day, while Democrats seem to be increasingly nervous. President Obama now will be headed with Joe Biden on the campaign trail to Michigan on Saturday.
Meanwhile, Republican Senate candidate John James, he is running a very close neck and neck race with the Democratic incumbent Gary Peters in the state.
Here with more is former U.S. ambassador to the U.N., former governor of South Carolina, Nikki Haley, and Michigan Senate candidate, John James.
I've always said, Mr. James, that I thought you're a rock star and I believe this is the year. How close is it? What do you see for your race what's happening on the ground in Michigan for you and the president?
JOHN JAMES (R), MICHIGAN SENATE CANDIDATE: Well, I'm not a star, I'm just a servant. I do everything I can to bring glory to God in everything I do and put Jesus' teachings through -- of love and to action, everything we're doing.
And people in the state of Michigan --
HANNITY: See, that answer makes you a star. You could have taken all the credit and you didn't. Good for you.
JAMES: Well, I appreciate that, but it's about what I can do for the people of state of Michigan who've been so disappointed by an ineffective career politician in Gary Peters, who doesn't show up for work and continues to vote partisan party line.
This could be the 51st seat to protect our constitutional republic and I need your help.
HANNITY: You know, Nikki, one of the things that scares me is the power grab Democrats are saying they will be involved in. I'm not sure if that -- if people fully understand court packing. I'm not sure if they really understand, you know, four new Democratic senators, or the impact of amnesty on the -- on politics for the future.
NIKKI HALEY, FORMER AMBASSADOR TO THE UNITED NATIONS: You know, Sean, I mean there's a lot at stake. I mean whether it's, you know, a conservative or court versus court packing, whether it's law and order versus riots and defunding the police, as we see in Philadelphia. You know, whether it's education given in the hands of parents versus education by bureaucrats, whether it's foreign policy that's strong or it's foreign policy where you buy friends with foreign aid, or whether it's free enterprise versus socialism, there's a lot at stake.
But let me tell you, we are campaigning here in Michigan, everybody's excited. Everybody's talking about John James. This is going to be a fun election here in Michigan because they get it.
They get his energy. They get new ideas. They get the fact that this is a guy who's signed the front of a paycheck, not the back of a paycheck, and he's going to make a difference in Washington.
And so, I think he's a rock star. I think everybody that sees him he's a rock -- knows he's a rock star, and I'm excited about what he's going to do. He is going to rock Chuck Schumer's world.
HANNITY: Yeah, and by the way, you just promise me you can't go Ben Sasse on me when you get there, OK, because he went a little bit nuts.
What do you see as the difference the biggest issues, Mr. James, in terms of -- you know, what these -- what these two campaigns for president are about?
JAMES: Well, the biggest issues is who's for the people of the state of Michigan, who is for our constitutional rights and our moral values? Right now, I'd ask America, who do you trust with your First Amendment rights?
Who do you trust with your Second Amendment rights? Who do you trust with your freedom?
I've always been taught that when your opponents tell you that they're going to do something, you better believe them. When they tell you that they are going to shut down oil and energy independence, you better believe them. When they tell you they're going to bring forth the Green New Deal that would decimate the automotive industry, you better believe them. When they tell you that they're going to abolish the Electoral College that would shut out Midwestern states from having a voice in the presidential election, you better believe them.
And my opponent was just endorsed by AOC because he's going to be less than a speed bump on the leftist rollercoaster over to the -- to the left extreme.
We need to make sure that we have the truth and that we maintain our Republican majority in the United States Senate to protect our Constitution.
HANNITY: Well, let me tell you -- this is absolutely a winnable race and President Trump won by 10,700 votes in 2016. Important, everyone go vote.
More HANNITY next.
HANNITY: And, unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. We are now less than one week as of tomorrow, five days from the most important election in modern history.
We hope you'll set your DVR and never miss an episode of HANNITY.
And let not your heart be troubled. Why? Because Laura Ingraham has been killing it right after this show, and she's got another great show tonight.
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