Hanging On

The latest from the Political Grapevine:

Hanging On

It's been almost two months since John Kerry's defeat, but a small group of supporters hasn't given up. The Coalition Against Election Fraud, made up of about a half dozen Kerry backers, plans to spend an hour each day in front of his Boston home to persuade him to fight what they say was a fixed election.

The Boston Globe reports that Kerry wasn't home to take notice of the first demonstration, but that hasn't stopped the chief organizer who says, "who knows? Maybe we'll overturn the election."

Price for Pushers

Convicted drug dealers in Tennessee may also be charged with tax evasion unless they buy special stamps to pay duties on their illegal substances.

The so-called "crack tax," which takes effect on January 1, taxes everything from marijuana and cocaine to moonshine. If a drug dealer hasn't already paid the tax by buying special stamps the government can seize his property to pay the debt.

Tennessee officials admit they don't expect many drug dealers to buy the stamps.

Prison Too Pernicious

The liberal 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in San Francisco has ruled that a twice-convicted rapist legally held beyond his scheduled release date for treatment can sue over his jail conditions because "purgatory cannot be worse than hell."

Oscar Jones, who was jailed under California's Sexually Violent Predator Act sued the county claiming he was strip searched and blocked from practicing his religion during that period. The ninth circuit ruled Jones should not have been subjected to conditions any worse than those at a hospital and has allowed his lawsuit to proceed.

Giggles of Terror

And a school in Washington, Pennsylvania has suspended a student under new terrorism rules. According to the Washington Observer-Reporter the 10-year-old girl was passing notes back and forth with a girlfriend and drew a picture of a tombstone with the friend's name on it. The girls began giggling and were caught.

The student was suspended for a day under the school's anti-terror rule which prohibits "threats to commit violence — communicated with the intent to terrorize another."

— FOX News' Michael Levine contributed to this report