'Guttfeld' on media fallout after Kyle Rittenhouse verdict

This is a rush transcript of "Gutfeld" on November 22, 2021. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST (on camera): Happy Monday, everyone.

So, the Rittenhouse trial might have lasted a few weeks, but like Brian Stelter's hair, the fallout was immediate. Which is good for shows like mine because I can just press cruise control and let the morons speak for themselves.

Seriously, this script could have been written by the producers of Full House, only the show would have been called full --


CHRIS HAYES, HOST, ALL IN WITH CHRIS HAYES, MSNBC: Kyle Rittenhouse was just 17- years-old when he drove across state lines.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's driving across state lines.

AREVA MARTIN, LEGAL ANALYST, CNN: He crosses state line.

ELIE HONIG, SENIOR LEGAL ANALYST, CNN: He crosses a state line.


DON LEMON, HOST, CNN: -- who crossed state lines.

CHRIS CUOMO, ANCHOR, CNN: Came across state lines.

AL SHARPTON, HOST, MSNBC: This guy came over state lines.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Provocatively, drove across state lines.


GUTFELD: Gee, it almost makes you wonder that they want you to think he drove across state lines. I had no idea. But it's amazing. One simple fact can be distorted and no producer has taken the time to correct it. They're too busy trying to adjust the meds for Joy Reid and spotting Chris Cuomo on his bench.

Meanwhile, Eric Swalwell didn't drive across state lines. But what did the fabricating fart bag do with state secrets? When he did the bang, bang with the Fang, Fang.

That whole story stinks to high heaven, partly because Swalwell just had cabbage for dinner.

All right, I'll stop.

But, of course, Kyle Rittenhouse did not -- did not take a gun across state lines. You think a party that has a reputation of stealing elections would know where state lines are drawn.

But good liars know that correcting the lie makes people stop trusting you. And the lies now come from everywhere.


JALEN ROSE, ANALYST, ESPN: Here is the thing. The Black Lives Matter protests was actually taking place because Jacob Blake was shot and killed by police officers.


GUTFELD: No, that didn't happen. But there is nobody better to go to you for honest news than a former point guard from the NBA. That's like you asking me how to dunk a basketball.

But if you spout political nonsense like that, you might get banned on Twitter and Facebook. But here, they get a shoe contract from Nike.

All sorts of vacuous celebs weighing in with naive tweets, it's great. Here is Reese Witherspoon, repeating the same inaccuracies. They all love a good script, whether it's from a writer or a pharmacist.

Yes, politicians like Capitol fat pants Jerrold Nadler, calling on the DOJ to review the verdict. Walking corps, Bill de Blasio fans the flames in his own city with a criminally insane tweets.

But I guess when folks are worse off under your policies, sewing racial division is the best distraction. Then, there's the hypothetical question, what if Rittenhouse were black?


CUOMO: You know, you're going to have people saying if he was black, this would be different, right? Because we're dealing with systemic injustice right now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He has a privilege of whiteness. Please understand that if Kyle Rittenhouse was black, today's outcome would have been different.

SHARPTON: If a black person had got an A.R.-15 and went to a city where someone was being harmed, if we'd gone to Brunswick, Georgia, with A.R.-15, as some here to protect all young black (INAUDIBLE) and in the killing two people, we would have gone to jail.


GUTFELD: So, their best argument that Rittenhouse should have been convicted is speculation about a hypothetical event that didn't happen. Their implication, those who defend a white Rittenhouse wouldn't defend a black version of Rittenhouse. It's mind reading, but above all, it's stupid.

A black man Andrew Coffee IV was acquitted of attempted murder charges last week after 12 Jurors found he had reason to believe he was being attacked during a SWAT team raid.

And there is no mass outrage from conservatives over that because as long as you view this through the prism of self-defense, there is no racial angle. With Kyle, all the attackers were white. And I'm thinking actual white supremacist, rarely support an unjustified shooting of white people. And if Rittenhouse were black, those defending Rittenhouse would not only defend him, they might elect him to office.

But the people who bring up the so-called Black Rittenhouse would smear him if he indeed existed. Black Rittenhouse would now be the face of white supremacy.

Just like Larry Elder who is black. Remember a white person in a gorilla mask attacked him and the media barely noticed. There was Condoleezza Rice and then Winsome Sears, who posed with a gun, and is black, but as a white supremacist for being elected as a Republican.

Nothing says you have a grip on the race issue like calling black people white. There is confused as a guy and assless leather chaps at a sports bar. Was I embarrass? The bars have the same names.

But what -- but that's what happens when you rely on one prism to look at life. Race, it takes all the real thinking off the table. I mean, if Kyle Rittenhouse were black, it wouldn't be you who disowned him, it would be the left because they're operating solely on lines of race and race must adhere to a specific ideology. And so, the meltdowns get worse.


TIFFANY CROSS, HOST MSNBC: I find these people disgusting, Elie, I'm disgusted at what I'm seeing. It's not just this trial, as other trials. But this, in particular, the fact that white supremacist roam the halls of Congress freely, and celebrate this little murderous white supremacist.

JOY REID, NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT, MSNBC: This country was built on the idea that white men had a particular kind of freedom and a particular kind of citizenship that only they have. That gives, you know, from the slave catchers on, the right to inflict violence.

ELIE MYSTAL, JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT, THE NATION'S: There is a pole of permissiveness towards white violence.


GUTFELD: Now, I'd said a social worker to check on all these people, but maybe medicine is racist too. Of course, CNN reports is nothing more frightening in America than an angry white man.

The writer, a racist, states, "A vision of white masculinity allows some white men to feel as if they can rule and brutalized without consequence."

So, does that vision include the white guys who are trying to kill Rittenhouse? I doubt that. But if that's true, why do they still have white men working and running CNN? Shouldn't they step down those racists?

Meanwhile, a Virginia University Chemistry Department says the Rittenhouse acquittal hampers the progress of science. I guess it could if someone tries to defend themselves from attackers with a Bunsen burner.

But the -- but the people who Rittenhouse killed in self-defense, how did that hurt science? Were they trying to split heads or split atoms? The University of Massachusetts hosted segregated processing spaces after the verdict, because to solve their deliberate racial division, they want more racial division. It's not just for their admission standards anymore. You see how one filter creates this idiocy. Race.

How long before we see a math problem on a test that asked, how many times do 10 white supremacist go into 50 black peaceful protests? And it can never be done in reverse. I wonder what the angry white male has to say.


TOM SHILLUE, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Oh, hey, sorry. I didn't hear the question. I've had these earplugs in my ears for three days, so I wouldn't lose my sanity. These babies work.


GUTFELD: But how does the angry black male feel?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sir, as you know, these are very serious crimes. We have fingerprint evidence, we have motive -- everything we need to place you at the scene of the crime.

TYRUS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: A white supremacist did it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, no. The victim was beaten with a championship belt. We have it on camera.

TYRUS: A champion white supremacist did it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, no. I don't know how to put this lightly but your DNA was found everywhere.



GUTFELD: Bilingual. So, we know why this is happening. We see how life works effectively through filters on incentives, reciprocity, responsibility, self-defense, and family.

Like a good wedding photographer or a good porn director, we can view every issue from different angles. But if all you see is race, then, you can't see anything else coming. All you see is just what's fuming in your narrative corrupted brain. Which is why MSNBC and others are melting like a popsicle being eaten in a tanning bed.


Let's welcome tonight's guests. Let's hope she'll go easier on me than she did on Kamala. Former Democratic Congresswoman and presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard.

Even Pete Hegseth, they see has too many kids. Fox's contributor and co- author of the new book, All American Christmas, Sean Duffy.

Her marriage is like a UFO sighting. Shocking, strange, and might not even be real. Fox News contributor Kat Timpf.

And he shoots pool with a telephone pole. My massive psychic and the NWA World Television Champion, Tyrus.

Tulsi, welcome to the show. We're all fans of yours.


GUTFELD: Everything -- because you were the number one person we wanted on, of course behind Sean Duffy.



GUTFELD: What do you make of --


GABBARD: Is that, because you're a white supremacist, Greg?

GUTFELD: I -- how did you know?

TYRUS: Thank you, I mean --

GABBARD: There was something going on here.

GUTFELD: Yes, exactly.

TYRUS: I'm insane after six years.

GUTFELD: I use Tyrus as a cover.

TYRUS: (INAUDIBLE). Still not big enough.

GABBARD: In more ways than one.

GUTFELD: Yes, he done. I was going to say in more ways than one.

TYRUS: I would have punched you.

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true. She would -- yes, yes. That's true. What do you make of the response, the media response to this whole thing?

GABBARD: Look, I think that from the beginning, we're seeing this thing play out where evidence clearly doesn't matter, of facts doesn't matter. Hearing all of these comments being made, they're grossly inaccurate. And it just shows how politicized this whole thing was from the beginning. And unfortunately, how dangerous this path is, if you follow it down its course.


GABBARD: Where every white person is a white supremacist is essentially the message that they're sending. Whether you realize it or not. And so, therefore, if you look at our judicial system, you look at jury trials. Does this mean that we don't allow White people on juries anymore? Because they can't be impartial? Because they're all white supremacist?

GUTFELD: I would like that.


GABBARD: But then, if so, they're saying, OK, we got to get rid of the whole system, reform the whole system.



GABBARD: OK, so if you get rid of all the juries, then what?


GABBARD: So, then you -- then you have one person who's making a decision about the fate of someone's life and their future? How does that stand up to the ideals of a democratic society? It doesn't.


GABBARD: It starts to buckle and fall apart very quickly.

GUTFELD: It is the -- it's the overarching criticism of a lot of progressive leftism is that they don't think of what to replace it with when they're tearing it down.

GABBARD: Exactly. And so, what we have now is like, well, what would you like Sean? What would be a good replacement for what we have?

DUFFY: I was -- I think, a little more riot kitchens coming into towns, you know, 1000s of people coming in across state lines and burning cities.


DUFFY: This is what's outrageous, Greg, that again, these people conversion the city, they burn the city. Robert Cobb, 70-year-old guy was beat to crap as he's trying to protect the building, right?


DUFFY: With a fire extinguisher?

And all of a sudden Kyle Rittenhouse is the bad guy? How about the guys that are burning the city, looting the city? And again, that the liberals don't look at that, and they go we need to tear it down for something else.

To Tulsi's point, what else is there? And again, I disagree with Tulsi, in the sense that, if you're a white conservative, you're a white supremacist, if you're a white liberal, you are, you know, multi (INAUDIBLE)

GUTFELD: I'm not -- I don't disagree. I don't agree anymore. I think now, the white liberal is also part of the whites -- because they say it's inherent in you. It doesn't matter.

And if -- and if you don't admit it as a white liberal, then you're a white supremacist. If you're a white liberal and admitted, then you're on the step towards the healing process. But we're all guilty.

DUFFY: All, all --

GUTFELD: Especially you, because how many kids you have?

DUFFY: Like nine.

GABBARD: Like nine.

GUTFELD: That's a -- that's a white supremacist army.

DUFFY: Oh, is not.

GUTFELD: And then, you'll be --

DUFFY: No! No way.

GUTFELD: Your wife is Cuban, right?

DUFFY: A Mexican.

GUTFELD: You might wife is Mexican?

DUFFY: I'm the only one who's -- who is -- who is condemned in my house.

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.

DUFFY: You're all going to free pass.

GUTFELD: All right.

GABBARD: But to your point, though, Sean, that if you disagree with their position, regardless of the color of your skin, you're also white supremacist.

DUFFY: Right.

GUTFELD: There you go. That would -- black Republicans are white supremacist.

What do you think the whole theory though like, It's -- you got -- you have different filters to look at different things. If you only have one filter, whether it's like gender, you're not going to be able to predict how the world works. And if it -- if it says race, you're going to be wrong, at least, 90 percent of the time.

TIMPF: I think that's part of it. I also think that people don't pay that close attention. You know, we get paid to read things a lot of people don't.

DUFFY: True.

TIMPF: And if you just kind of listen to vibes -- I think a lot of people get their news from like headlines and vibes.


TIMPF: And if you --


GUTFELD: Oh, I like that title.

TIMPF: If you listen to the vibe of the story, you would probably think he shot and killed three black civil rights leaders. Like --

GUTFELD: Yes, that's true. Yes, yes.

TIMPF: You would think that.


TIMPF: And so, then, maybe you would be so upset that, you know, you see that he's acquitted because you think he shot and killed three black civil rights leaders and not defended himself against, you know, real gems like, you know, a serial domestic abuser and a literal pedophile

GUTFELD: That's pedophile.

TIMPF: People don't know that.

GUTFELD: Yes. And you know, it's -- Tyrus, there were protests, protests after the verdict. And they said, it's unimportant whether this guy was a pedophile or a serial abuser, because they were there to protect blacks. Just like, do you want that to protect you?

TIMPF: Were they?

TYRUS: No! Sir, stay over here. Three pedophiles coming right now -- everything.

What's coming to get us? Grizzly bears?


TYRUS: Let's go with the bears.

GUTFELD: Oh, yes.

TYRUS: I don't want the bears.

You know, we're missing the whole point. Because unfortunately, for Kyle, his -- the rest of his life, he's going to be looking over his shoulder.


TYRUS: And here is the thing. He was acquitted by his peers, and we live in a society now where like that doesn't matter anymore if it didn't go your way. But he is being used, everyone's interview with him, he's either a white supremacist or he's the next intern at the White House.

But what however you want to look at, the messages this. He did -- he -- whether it was self-defense, wherever you argue at the course of self- defense, so that's what I'm going with.

He added some people's lives. They had families, they have friends, they have people around this country who feel a certain kind of way. The rest we see O.J. situation, right? Where it didn't matter. He was acquitted. They said he was guilty.

This young man, the rest of his life is always got to be looking over his shoulder. So, why everyone's politicizing him right now? They're not telling him what -- or someone needs to really tell him, when this media circus is over. Restart, go somewhere new.


TYRUS: And sleep light.

GUTFELD: Yes. I do need somebody to --




TYRUS: No. New.

GUTFELD: I mean, I do have -- you know the chiropractor?



GUTFELD: It still he gets the bad back thing.

TYRUS: I'll tell you in Spanish, no.

GUTFELD: All right. On that note, up next, is the city by the bay perfect for a smash and grab getaway?


GUTFELD: They blocked the roads, they took off with loads. So, why wait for an earthquake when crooks can just take, take, and take? Yes, in the lands of syringes and poo, they stole everything in plain view.

Several high-end San Francisco area stores were looted this weekend. Roughly 25 cars pulled up at south of Nordstrom's before about 80 people ran and grab some merch and fled.

Only a few have been arrested. The previous night, a bunch of thieves ransack retailers in San Frans' Union Square, including Louis Vuitton, Burberry, Bloomingdale's, and Yves Saint Laurent.

I give them credit for having great taste. They wouldn't be caught dead at a nearby old navy. A crap -- of course, crap like this has become more common ever since shoplifting charges of 950 bucks or less, were lower to misdemeanors in 2014.

But God forbid, you go into a restaurant without wearing a mask, then, they call the firing squad. But some good news. San Francisco's most prolific shoplifter was finally charged after stealing 40 grand's worth of stuff from the same Target store over the course of 120 visits. They put her picture on the wall and she stole that too.

But you know what? Kudos to her for always reusing her own bag. Her arrest only happened after Target demanded the district attorney launch an investigation. California's D.A.'s work less than Mayor Pete.

And if you think that's nuts, check out her interview with local media after her last shoplifting spree.


ANNOUNCER: Tonight, on the Chess News Network.

JOE DEVITO, WRITER AND COMEDIAN: David Brooks with the Chess News Network. We're hoping to run into the recently crowned most prolific shoplifter in San Francisco.

Here she is -- here she is. Champ, champ, how did you do it? How do you feel more than $40,000 worth of merch in the same target?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, thank you. Thank you. You know, I just took at one store at a time, and every day, I stole 110 percent.

DEVITO: Fantastic. Any shout out?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I'd like to thank the D.A. of San Francisco for being totally useless. And the defense at Target, those guys for minding their own damn biz and clearing a path for me. And my mom, for raising a blight on society. Hi, mom.

DEVITO: And what's next for you?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, I'm going to Disneyland.

DVITO: For the rides?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, I'm going to steal more --

Hey, is that a Nordstrom?

DEVITO: A true parasite. And what better way to kick off this week of Thanksgiving. Back to you, Brang.


GUTFELD: Thank you.

Sean, what worries me is that this is a pretty effective tool. I mean, they got away with it. They took a lot of stuff. And it's like, I feel like it's going to be happening again and again until we figure it out -- until we regain how we do policing.

DUFFY: So, this Target shopper, 120 times in one year, that's twice a week.


DUFFY: Right? 40 grand worth of stuff. And the D.A. doesn't do anything. But the D.A. -- so, the Liberals are electing these liberal D.A.s, right? So, the D.A. in San Francisco, Chesa Boudin, his parents were part of the Weather Underground, truly domestic terrorists.

And Bill Ayers a domestic terrorists raised him. And all the people in San Francisco are like, listen, we love your like light on crime philosophy, until they get crime everywhere in their community.

And you see grocery stores and other stores leaving the city, so you can't shop anywhere. So, I think now the voters does recall here. The voters are going to go, hell no.



DUFFY: We're back to law and order, enough of the -- you know, pro-crime prosecutors.

GUTFELD: I don't know, Tulsi, what do you -- do you think that -- that's the kind -- I mean, you're seeing with Walnut Creek. OK, Nordstrom went to that --that's -- that are not -- that's like liberal blue state, but it's also rich.


GUTFELD: So, when it starts coming to their, their house, will they change their minds? Will they --


GABBARD: Well, I think that's what they're seeing in that community.


GABBARD: There is -- people are hiring private security in their communities and their neighborhoods, not walking down the street anymore, thinking they've got a drive to go, you know, quarter mile down the road.

And even worse than all of the shoplifting and the looting is that this D.A. is not charging domestic violence offenders at the same rate or at the rate that they should be charged, and it's leading to people getting hurt. And in one specific case, the loss of a child's life at the hands of his father, the abuser.

And, you know, the D.A. gave some lame excuse about why I didn't think that I could -- I had the power to charge this crime because the spouse didn't want to, and that's actually no.

If you're a domestic violence abuser, this is a crime against the state, and the state has the authority and the power and must hold these abusers accountable, and this D.A. is failing to do it.

GUTFELD: Well, that's far worse than shoplifting. That's for sure.


GUTFELD: You know? What do you think, Tyrus? Since what -- it's your store -- it's your store this happens --


TYRUS: It's my store?

GUTFELD: It's my -- yes, it's your store.

TYRUS: Oh, we're not going to talk because I'd be in jail for homicide.

Price check, this bitch no arms. And all because I had to think of something. I mean, you let me follow that. Thanks, Greg Gutfeld.


TYRUS: Nice, nice try, but I'm still quick. They run the dinner bell, and now we're seeing organized crime.


TYRUS: That mob, they plan that on Facebook.


TYRUS: That was -- they planned it together.


TIMPF: I was take from an event planning perspective, it's pretty impressive.

TYRUS: They formed -- yes, Kat, let -- they put it together, they planned it out, they did it, they're effective. It's now capitalism, they steal it, they flip it.



TYRUS: So, what are they doing now? It's like a pyramid scheme. They're each going to go out and get five new members.


TYRUS: And it's not going to stop. And your optimism, I always love that about you. But Democrats never admit when they're wrong. They never own anything, and they never fire each other.

So, this is the new world that we're living in. And as lines are drawn, you're going to see more vigilantes, you're going to see more people are going enough, because you've took away our police department, you've watered down our laws, and you've embolden the worst of our society.

GUTFELD: You know, Kat, I noticed walking by your office today, you have a lot of interesting new fragrances.


GUTFELD: So, I mean, you must have got them somehow on a deal of some kind.

TIMPF: I wasn't there, and nobody saw me there.

GUTFELD: No, I'm not --

TYRUS: A lot of Perseus.

GUTFELD: A lot of Perseus, though

TYRUS: A lot of Perseus.

TIMPF: Nobody saw me there. Yes, it is -- It is kind -- it is kind of impressive that they were able to pull this off, and I don't see why they wouldn't do it again.


TIMPF: Because it worked so well. And I didn't even think of it as a multi- level marketing thing.

TYRUS: Yes, I mean --

TIMPF: That they're going to recruit new people? That's easier than beach body, you don't have to buy any product.


GUTFELD: What's beach body?

TIMPF: It's like, you know, it's like all the multi-level marketing things like, you're a new mom, that's what they target.

TYRUS: OK. I'm a new mom.

TIMPF: You're a new mom. You want to be a CEO, you want to be a boss babe.


TIMPF: but you don't have time for a nine to five.

TYRUS: All of that.

TIMPF: There you go.

GABBARD: Exactly.

GUTFELD: So, it's like, you want -- you want -- you want cheap. You want expensive goods at cheap prices, be a looter.

TIMPF: I'm just saying. I think that it's going to be a big hit with new moms. Yes.


TYRUS: Because you can get looters under you.


TYRUS: And then you become a loot boss.



TYRUS: And then, you don't have to go to the stores, you just point them out.


TYRUS: And the good news is, you can just go to the same store over and over again.

So, literally, you can have little communities and just build up your little -- you know, scheme. Eventually, you get a whole crime wave, and then you get invited to the big table in the private jet. Is really work --


TIMPF: In the cruise.

TYRUS: And you can end up being mayor.


TIMPF: Not that I -- not that I condone any of it.

GUTFELD: No, you don't -- you don't. And on that well, thanks for giving everybody ideas.

Up next, the Democrats abandon their base by shoving vaccines in their face.



GREG GUTFELD, FOX NEWS CHANNEL HOST: Dems tell the working class do as you're told or you're out on your ass. A new opinion piece in the Wall Street Journal owned by our parent company, relief factor, argues that the left has betrayed the working class on COVID mandates.

The op-ed points out for years the Dems champion workers issues like pay vacation, minimum wage, unemployment insurance and overtime, not to mention the job creation program for Hunter Biden. Them ask why -- so why do so many Democratic politicians promote vaccine mandates that cause working people to lose their jobs? It's a good question, expect to be kicked off Twitter for that. Even unions are abandoning their members who don't get the shot.

We haven't seen unions care this much about shots since they killed Jimmy Hoffa. Kat doesn't even know what that means. And as one teacher who's on unpaid leave for not getting vax pointed out: I've always thought the Dems would be sympathetic to the working class.

Now, it seems like conservatives are the only ones investigating the safety of the vaccines. Meanwhile, Disney World has paused forcing employees to get the jab after Governor DeSantis signed into law legislation restricting vaccine mandates. But a spokesman says more than 90 percent of Disney cast members have already been vaccinated, including of course, Goofy, against rabies.

And Mickey Mouse against the Hantavirus. And of course, Cinderella against athlete's foot. You shouldn't be, you shouldn't be trying on other people's shoes, you idiot. Tulsi, I think, I know how you feel about vaccine mandates.

But that doesn't feel like there is a, there is an opportunity for the working classes to move somewhere else than where they are in terms of -- like, it hasn't COVID, the COVID mandate kind of expose this kind of elitist divide between the depth between -- the Nancy Pelosi of the world and the people that come and do her hedges.

TULIS GABBARD, FORMER UNITED STATES REPRESENTATIVE: Yes, we've seen so many examples of that. But I think the thing that to me is most insulting about this is there's no respect for people to make their own choices for themselves. Treat people like they're stupid, you don't know what's good for you, big brother, big government knows what's best for you. Just shut up and take the shot and, you know, give people respect. That's a highly personal decision. Give people options. If people choose not to get the shot, whether it's the government or your employer, say hey, OK, let's test you for natural immunity. See if you've got the antibodies.


GABBARD: Let's give you the option. Wear an N-95 masks. There are options available to people so that they can make their own choices.

GUTFELD: Yes, it's so true that it seems to me Kat, like the whole idea of natural immunity, they don't even have an answer for it.

KAT TIMPF, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: They don't like talking about it.

GUTFELD: you know, they don't like talking about it. And it's, it's more it's more effective than getting the shot. I wish that I'd gotten COVID.

TIMPF: Oh, yes. Well, sorry to hear that. You did not get COVID.

GUTFELD: Maybe I did, maybe --

TYRUS, FOX NEWS CHANNEL CONTRIBUTOR: Kat, pause. Edit, it's Tyrus, cut that one.

GUTFELD: No, no, no, it's true because then it would have natural immunity and then I could be, I could be talking about my neck Feel immunity and throw it in your face.

TIMPF: Oh, really, because I just found out that I got COVID in between shots like a month ago and I didn't know I had it, and I haven't talked about it until just now.

GUTFELD: Really?


GUTFELD: Oh, wow! They say that I don't, my doctor says I don't need a booster now because I have like a little bit of antibodies that show that I had it when my husband did, which we do sleep in the same room so it's not shocking.

TYRUS: In the marital bed?

GUTFELD: No, it's a twin.

TIMPF: Don't call it that.

GUTFELD: It's a twin bed just like the Brady Bunch.

TYRUS: People get, people get married, Gutfeld, and they consummate, and they share marital bed.


GUTFELD: So gross.

TYRUS: You didn't need it, I didn't need to say that, did I?

TIMPF: No, you didn't.

TYRUS: It's like inferred when you get married, chances are it's going to be a good night.

TIMPF: I've never had sex.


GABBARD: Where do we go from here.

TYRUS: You're uncomfortable? You have more kids than me and Pete combined.

GUTFELD: Wait, wait, he's only had sex nine times. He's only had sex nine times. It just so -- a matter of fact, that is always 100 percent.

TYRUS: You know what, when I said it two weeks ago was hilarious, now seems cheap --

GUTFELD: But you said it: you had four.

TYRUS: Four. Yes, four. Thanks for knowing me, six years in. What's my kid's name? Tyrus kid. What color are they? That's difficult. That's difficult because I'm all over --

GUTFELD: Let me ask a kid angle, Disney, thoughts.

TYRUS: I hate parks.


TYRUS: Rollercoasters aren't made for me, so --

GABBARD: What about your kids?

TYRUS: The baby mamas can I just pay for -- but here's the thing, like they taken away everything. Let's not remember, the people that they're attacking are the ones who were putting ski masks and duct tape and running in and taking care of us.


TYRUS: Putting their own life with no supplies. We had no supplies. And they still went in there and there was fire in the water. Now, we got a pretty good understanding of it. And there's even, this is crazy, Kat, back me up. There's a plan. If you're not vaccinated, you got to be tested every week. The testing every week is annoying, so maybe eventually get you tired of it, and you get vaccinated but they're -- everyone's happy. No, because you everything else the progressives have tried has failed miserably all they have left is the vaccine war.

GUTFELD: Yes, and you know what the vaccine war Sean is? It's like the one that began to stand it's like the drug war. If we don't have if we don't say what the end is, it will never end. You can't declare victory, right, so don't go on forever. That's what happened Afghanistan entered the drug war. Nobody says OK, we won and they stopped -- this is going to go on forever.

DUFFY: They'll be jabbing us forever. First of all, can I say I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard for President. I mean, this is the Democrat common-sense, right?

GUTFELD: Right. Right.

DUFFY: Give -- let people have personal freedom and --


DUFFY: Here's my frustration. So, I had COVID, my wife had it horrible. I was not so bad. I took hydroxychloroquine -- a doctor gave it to me. But the problem is that people who've been vaccinated, like Kat, they get COVID.


DUFFY: They spread COVID.

TIMPF: I got it in between shots. And I tested negative every single time that I got tested.

GUTFELD: Your entire life is between shots.

TYRUS: A jerk would say.

TIMPF: That's really funny, that's really funny. I'm an alcoholic. How do you think of that? I've never heard you say that before?

GUTFELD: I'm just pleased with myself.

DUFFY: That was good.

GUTFELD: I interrupted you and then we got to go. I spit on myself.

TIMPF: We'll it's really important. You need to interrupt to call me an alcoholic.

TYRUS: Her blood alcohol level fought off COVID. I don't know if that's true but I feel it's --

GUTFELD: (INAUDIBLE) gotten a COVID infected and then the COVID back got actually really drunk.

DUFFY: The thing is we're not protecting.

TIMPF: Because I'm an alcoholic.

DUFFY: We're not protecting anybody else when we get the shot because everybody's getting it and spreading it, so why don't why are we continuing with the charade?

TIMPF: (INAUDIBLE) a second.

DUFFY: Let's go, hey, do you have a natural immunity?


DUFFY: If you want to get the shot is protecting you from getting sick and dying but protecting nobody else.


DUFFY: Be honest.

GUTFELD: All right, we got to move on. Coming up, as we prepare to show our gratitude, one network shows a rotten attitude.


GUTFELD: Want some anti-American slams with your candied yams? MSNBC reheats genocide and slavery to ruin your turkey and grave-ry. That was good. MSNBC never shy about (BLEEP) American people. It aired a segment over the weekend to enlighten us on the true meaning of Thanksgiving -- in short, condemning the holiday as a celebration of white supremacy and violence.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The mythology of Thanksgiving closely mirrors the mythology of America. White settlers come to a strange land in good faith, bringing something of great value that enriches the people who are already here. The truth, of course, Thanksgiving is much different. They brought nothing of value, but they got fed, they got schooled. Instead of bringing stuffing and biscuits, those settlers brought genocide and violence.


GUTFELD: He seems fun. Let me guess, that genocide and violence is still on the menu?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That genocide and violence is still on the menu, and state sponsored violence against Native and Black Americans is commonplace, and violent private white supremacy is celebrated and subsidized. That is the reality of Thanksgiving. Many of us are still waiting for white Americans to bring some value, still waiting for white America to match the mythology of Thanksgiving.


GUTFELD: Fortunately, in the spirit of the holiday, he ended the video telling us what he was thankful for. Just kidding, he rattled off illicit demands like the world's most whiny Bond villain.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Many of us are still waiting for white Americans to bring some value, reparations for two and a half billion acres of stolen native land. Reparations for 246 years of stolen labor. Reparations for stealing native children, then and only then we can all be equally thankful. Peace.


GUTFELD: Peace. That was the best part, peace. But that's MSNBC for you, they'd rather flip you the bird than serve you one. Tyrus, thoughts?

TYRUS: You short, ugly, evil, little man? Much love, my brother. I mean, he -- his, his passion was there.


TYRUS: It's just, it goes back to the same thing. He got to read the whole book.


TYRUS: Before you come out. When you just read the back or an excerpt or something you saw on Twitter in the morning?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, yes.

TYRUS: And decided to go after? Thanksgiving. Yes, the white people showed up and no one told him that winter was (BLEEP). The Native Americans instead of make -- I'm sure they made some jokes while they froze it first, then they introduced him to corn and Turkey and good things and helped him out and trades were made and et cetera. And yes, it looks like once they learn how to eat and figure out the land, the white people went a little crazy and kind of took things over.

But last time I checked, that's how what happens when they people take over lands. You think Russia when the boss (INAUDIBLE) like, oh, just come on in and we're going to win. How long you want your lease for, Sir? How long is -- that's what the ugliness of history. It's not pretty. Men do horrible things to other men. And they take over lands and they take countries. You can complain about it.

I'm sure he's still furious because he was double parked outside when it was going down, when the Mayflower pulled up and he had to wait four hours before the thing went down. You weren't there you are no way affected by it. Just the fact that you're sitting there on T.V. saying that (BLEEP) shows how far we've come. Because if I was sitting next to him at some point, I'd be like, bro --

GUTFELD: Thoughts, Tulsi?

GABBARD: I mean, this is really a day that's about being grateful.


GABBARD: And you know, I know and studies have shown like, when you're grateful, you're happier.


GABBARD: And so, when people talk about Thanksgiving and they hate Thanksgiving and they hate being grateful it's because they like being angry they want other people to be angry when really this is a time yes on Thanksgiving but every day. You know, I -- before I go to bed I thank God, thank God for all the good things in my life and the bad things that I can learn and grow from thank God for life. You know, I can walk, I can talk I can do things, and, and, and being able to make that a daily practice is something that will make all of us as a society much happier.

GUTFELD: That was very -- I also thank before I go to bed, but it's usually edibles that I thank. Sean, thoughts?

DUFFY: Yes, listen, I think we're -- the basis is that we're thankful that they survived for the winter, right? And they're thankful for freedom. And I know a lot of immigrants and their -- that they love Thanksgiving because we celebrate this history. We celebrate freedom, we celebrate liberty, and to think that you crap on it here is I find to be outrageous and -- right?

GUTFELD: Yes, MSNBC has gone really weird. I mean, they've always been left wing, but now they're just going like full bore. Like they're just full- bore grad student, angry grad student from Brown. Just like, what -- they've got an audience of one, Kat. It's not you.

TIMPF: I don't know. I mean, I don't think about the pilgrims.

TYRUS: Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

TIMPF: I don't, I also don't use it as an opportunity for self-reflection. I'm just like, day off, yes, way to go.

TYRUS: I'm very thankful for the football game.

TIMPF: I mean, am I supposed to be thinking about the Pilgrims?

GUTFELD: When you were a kid, remember you had to take your hand.

TIMPF: I don't remember being a kid.

GUTFELD: Yes. They take your hand and they make -- that's how you make a turkey?

TYRUS: I still do that. Again --

TIMPF: Again, you're not thinking about the Pilgrims when you're doing that either.

GUTFELD: Just need them on hand. And how much pleasure it's given me. I'm thankful. Thank you. Happy hands-giving. All right, up next. This holiday season, there's stuff in your face something you'll embrace.


GUTFELD: Are Americans, the GOAT, when it comes to holiday bloat? Yes, when it comes to pack it on holiday chub, Americans say join the club. According to a new survey, Americans say they expect to gain eight pounds during the holidays. And most don't even care. Eight pounds is a significant increase or what Stelter calls Tuesday. Two in three people say they deserve extra treats due to the pandemic, and I tend to agree although Treats is the name for my Brazilian pool boy. Kat, you don't eat, how much weight do you expect to gain?

TIMPF: I eat sometimes.


TIMPF: I don't expect to -- like, when I'm hungry.


TIMPF: I just have a lot of anxiety and not always concise doesn't make me eat blah, blah, blah, whatever, I can talk about this to my therapist later. I don't -- probably won't gain any way or maybe I will, I don't know. Would it be great if I gained a ton?

GUTFELD: Oh, then you came back huge?

TIMPF: If I came back when I was like 70 pounds heavier?

GUTFELD: That'd be amazing.

TIMPF: Is that possible?

GUTFELD: I don't know, let's try it out.

TIMPF: All right. I'm in.

GUTFELD: Where are we going with this, Tyrus.

TYRUS: I don't know. I wasn't going to hop on this train. But you called my name. Listen, I will start fasting probably tomorrow to get ready for the big day.


TYRUS: It's a first world problem. I don't deny that. But uh, yes, I will be a gluttonous pig. I'll actually eat, rest, watch football fall asleep on a couch, someone touched the remote and be like, hey, I'm watching that. And they be like, you were snoring. I wasn't, I was watching that. And then it'll be seconds, and then another nap, another football game. And then, I'll be, hey, where's pie? And then you know, you know then about midnight? It's -- should we make sandwiches now? Like my God, man? No.


TYRUS: So, that's my plan. But I'm getting older. It's not as easy. That first nap sometimes is eight hours.

GUTFELD: Yes. I sleep through a lot of things, including when I'm eating, you know that it wipes -- my problem with, with this whole holiday, it wipes out an entire year of good health practices. Like, if you dropped 10 pounds, like two pounds a month or something, then it comes back.

GABBARD: Very quickly, but much faster than it is when you have to have to exercise. That's why, you know, I mean, obviously it's easier said than done. It's like, I'm going to be very balanced. I'm going to eat a little bit. Make sure I continue to exercise through the holidays. But when you have leftovers day after day, after day and family and it gets hard.

GUTFELD: Yes, I ate like -- I had a pie, I had a pie take, taken. Sean, I had a pie I had a pie taken. It was half a pie, half a cake. That's what I ate before this show. Smeared a little on my chest.

TYRUS: Like Vicks rub?

GUTFELD: Yes, yes, those are for my Instagram followers.

DUFFY: So, I eat all day, like so, you know, I pulled the dad thing. So, we're cooking, and I'm eating as we're going and then like, I ate so much. I have to lay on the floor and I'll watch football, but I can't move because, like, my stomach.


DUFFY: Right. It's like, you lay there and you kind of roll back and forth you've grown and grunt but I do about five, six pounds.

GUTFELD: Yes, really?


TYRUS: I learned that white people had (INAUDIBLE) too. I thought that was just a thing. Apparently, it goes around, that damn Turkey gets everybody.

GABBARD: We used that in Hawaii too, people say you don't eat until you're fully tired.

GUTFELD: Yes, there you go. I think we learned a lot.

GABBARD: I could not recommend it.

GUTFELD: Yes. All right, kids. Don't go away. We'll be right back.


GUTFELD: We are out of time. Thank you, Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, Congressman Sean Duffy, Kat, Tyrus, our studio audience. "FOX NEWS @ NIGHT" with evil Shannon Bream is next. I'm Oprah and I love you, America.

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